Hanuman Dasa - Devotee Approaching Death

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How should a devotee approach death – Bhakti Vaibhav SB Chapter’s 9 – 13: Essay by Hanumān dāsa

How a devotee should approach death? - Open book essay

Srimad Bhagavatam is a living experiential literature that presents this teaching of how one should approach
death. Beginning from Parikshit Maharaj, then Bhismadeva and many other personalities. My humble
endeavour is to present this essay relating to the section of Bhismadeva's passing away from this mortal world.

Death is not an end

In the Bhagavad-Gita 2.27, the Gita acharya, Lord Krishna says, every living entity born in the material world has
to undergo the 4 miseries of this world, which is birth, old age, disease and death. These are nothing but the 4
progressions of a material body. A devotee realizes that death is an experience of losing one's current physical
identity to move on to another, either physical, subtle or spiritual. It is almost like a lengthy sleep where the
experiencer does not wake up inside the same body but will do so in his next which is awarded by material
nature based on by results of this karma.

Approaching death

Although in the Vedic scriptures there are many prescriptions to approach death, such as time, place,
circumstances, ones consciousness, how the soul should exit the body and so on. In the Bhagavad Gita 8.5,
anta-kāle ca mām eva, Krishna declares the ultimate goal one can achieve at death is to attain his nature which
ultimately guarantees deathlessness. Which is just like a student studies the whole year and undertakes a final
exam, this exam determines what he may achieve. And if the student passes this exam, he never has to take it
again in his life. So in a way Death is an opportunity to move towards deathlessness if leveraged correctly by
diligent preparation throughout life.

Krishna in the Gita says Yam yam vapi smaran bhavan, whatever once state of consciousness is, that he will
attain in his next life. It is clear that a sincere seeker would want to exit this material quagmire and reach his
constitutional position of serving Krishna and his devotees eternally.

Again Krishna says tasmāt sarveṣu kāleṣu mām anusmara yudhya ca, those who remember Lord Krishna always
by mayy arpita mano buddhir – devoting one’s mind and intelligence to Krishna favourably, one will attain me
without fail - mam evaishyasi asamshayah. However if a devotee does not work towards preparing for his
consciousness for the ultimate end, one may not reap the full benefit of this human form of life and may have
to take birth again which is a very risky proposition.

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How should a devotee approach death – Bhakti Vaibhav SB Chapter’s 9 – 13: Essay by Hanumān dāsa

Remembrance of Krishna, as a second nature

Usually living entities fear death since this incident culminates ones licence to enjoy this material creation in the
current context. The general population mostly see death as very negative experience which should not be
talked or discussed about. But interestingly the highest of the vedic literatures such as Bhagavad Gita and
Srimad-Bhagavatam teach us in detail about the process of death and how great personalities prepared their
whole life and approached it for their benefit. The scriptures declare that the best way to die is to remember
Krishna at the time the soul exits the body. But to remember Krishna at the time of leaving the body, one
should have practiced to remember him all the time so much so that it is should have become his second

Life as preparation for death

The scriptures also declare that death is not a pleasant experience and is very painful. At that time of crisis, it is
very difficult to focus on something that is esoteric. But if a devotee has practiced to remember Krishna during
his lifetime very meticulously to such an extent that it is second nature, he may at the time of death be allowed
to remember Krishna by the will of Krishna himself.

Because of the sincere endeavour of the devotee, Lord Krishna may facilitate the passing away in such a way
that the devotee can remember Krishna or Krishna's devotees favourably.

A meticulous devotee knows that sincere endeavour to remember Krishna at all times place and circumstances
is the perfection of life. Although King Parikshit had seven days and he knew about it, not everyone is fortunate
like that and not everyone will have the substance to be able to know their expiry date without getting
disturbed. Hence a devotee must every morning think that he may die today at a given time of the day and do
everything in his capacity to be prepared for that hour of the day. Every day, minute and every experience
counts to add to our subtle consciousness which will be replayed at the time of death. An urgency of thought is
required to filter useless thoughts, if one is in this mood of urgency, then he is always ready in the
remembrance of Krishna. Serious adherence to the regulative principles and taking the instructions of the
spiritual master as ones heart and soul, may attract the mercy of Krishna.

Lesson from Bhishma Deva's departure

Bhishma deva was a pure devotee of Krishna and his pure desire to leave the body while witnessing Krishna was
fulfilled by the Lord. One needs to have the resolve of Bhisma deva to be able to perfect his life at the time of
death. This episode is a quintessence of the instructions of the scriptures. Bhishmadeva while witnessing
Krishna was feeling as if he will see Krishna for the last time. Even at this juncture, he speaks to Krishna about

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How should a devotee approach death – Bhakti Vaibhav SB Chapter’s 9 – 13: Essay by Hanumān dāsa

the Gopis which pleases the Lord very much. Hence this is a very important lesson to imbibe to be able to have
the consciousness to please the Lord at all times.

Vaishnava seva

A devotee's only purpose is actually to give pleasure to Krishna. His every activity must please Krishna the most.
Even if a devotee does not become perfect at it, if he sincerely endeavours to please Krishna, this endeavour
will eventually attract Krishna. Krishna gets pleased when one serves Krishna's devotees with full heart. The
service attitude of serving vaishnavas will eventually attract the mercy of Guru and Krishna.

Nama Japa and Nama Sankirtan

In the Mahabharata it is said that Bhishma Deva chanted the Vishnu Sahastranama as instruction to Yudhistira
Maharaj. This important lesson we learn that it the name of the Hari alone that can save us from this material
quagmire. Krishna says in BG 12.7 tesam aham samuddharta, mrtyu-samsara-sagarat, for devotees in Kali Yuga,
we can perceive Krishna by his name, hence a devotee serious in this path of Bhakti, makes sincere attempts to
chant without offenses. If the devotee can remember Krishna's name at the time of death then it will be a very
successful departure indeed. This can only be possible if one has practiced to remember the name all through
his life.

Death as an opportunity to See Krishna face to face

A thorough practitioner of Bhakti sees death as an opportunity to see Krishna face to face and prepares his
whole life for this event. He will not be dejected about the event but he will be eager to meet Krishna. A
devotee feels safe just as a kitten feels in the mouth of his mother cat. Death for such a devotee then becomes
only a passing phase from Impermanence towards Deathlessness.

END OF Essay

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