Geomechanical Modeling Using Finite Elem

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International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27

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Geomechanical modeling using finite element method for prediction

of in-situ stress in Krishna–Godavari basin, India
Dip Kumar Singha, Rima Chatterjee n
Dept. of Applied Geophysics, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826004, India

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study provides quantitative rock mechanical properties and analyses of in-situ stress and pore
Received 12 June 2014 pressure in several oil/gas fields of East and West Godavari sub-basins. High pore pressure gradients
Received in revised form varying from 11.85 to 12.80 MPa/km exist within these oil/gas fields. Vertical stress (SV) gradients in the
1 October 2014
range 21.00 to 22.85 MPa/km are seen to exist. Minimum horizontal principal stress (Sh) magnitude is
Accepted 6 October 2014
found to vary from 64% to 76% of SV, while maximum horizontal principal stress (SH) magnitude is
observed to vary from 90% to 92% of SV within normally pressured to over-pressured sediments. The
Keywords: breakout derived SH orientation from two well varies from N141E to N22.51E in the Krishna–Godavari
Geomechanical modeling basin. Rock mechanical properties such as Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and unconfined compressive
Krishna–Godavari basin
strength have been estimated from logs of compressional and shear wave travel time. Two-dimensional
FMI log
(2D) stress modeling using finite element analysis has been carried out for some important oil/gas fields
Finite element modeling
In-situ stress situated within East and West Godavari sub-basins as a part of the current study. Regional SH orientation
has been used for application of stress at the model boundary. Discontinuities in the stress pattern which
can be associated with interfaces between weak and competent layers have been commonly observed
and especially where silici-clastic and volcanic inter-bedded sequences are encountered. The model
predicted stress orientations are verified with the Formation Micro Imager (FMI) log data of wells at the
above-mentioned sub-basins.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sufficiently accurate geomechanical model of the oil/gas fields

would allow us to address the many challenges that characterize
Geomechanical studies are of significant interest in the areas of basin studies and exploration, exploratory well drilling, appraisal
geological sciences and engineering. Accurate modeling of the drilling and development drilling that could necessitate drilling of
several geomechanical properties is crucial in order to safely and highly deviated wells, which cannot be planned without a geo-
efficiently drill a well in technically and economically challenging mechanical model of sufficient accuracy in place. Well engineering,
reservoirs [1–3]. Knowledge of the orientation and magnitude of assurance of wellbore stability during drilling, efficient well completion
the principal stresses along with pore pressure and fracture and delivery, initial testing and production profiles plans are heavily
pressure is essential for building comprehensive geomechanical dependent upon the availability of robust geomechanical models of
models. Directions of principal stress orientation hardly remain the sub surface, to start with. Even a reasonably accurate prediction of
stable over lengthy intervals, and can be often seen to be rotated in long-term response of a reservoir to pore pressure depletion would be
the presence of faults, salt diapirs, mountains or other complex impossible without valid geomechanical models of the sub surface
structures [4–8]. Subsurface sediments respond to applied stresses [10–13]. Geomechanical models of the sub surface do have great
through deformation, accompanied by changes of rock mechanical relevance and importance in the areas of basin studies and exploration
properties. Faulting, lithological changes and contrasts in rock as such models yield valuable insights into oil or gas reservoirs
mechanical properties within a geological formation can lead to presence in the subsurface and often provide huge synergies when
stress perturbations and produce local stresses that can signifi- integrated with models.
cantly deviate from the regional stress field [9]. A valid and Geomechanical reservoir models in present study attempt the
pre-drilling prediction of the local variations in stress magnitude
and orientation. This requires a numerical modeling approach that
n is capable of incorporating the specific geometry as well as the
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 91 326 2296658;
fax: þ91 326 2296563, þ 91 326 2296618. distribution in space of mechanical properties of the subsurface
E-mail address: (R. Chatterjee). reservoir [9]. Therefore for the purpose of effective geomechanical
1365-1609/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
16 D.K. Singha, R. Chatterjee / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27

modeling, we focus on (a) determination of the in-situ stress field, of Eocene age on land, a Miocene structure building fault in shallow
pore pressure gradient and fracture initiation pressure gradient of water near to the coastal area and a Pliocene structure building fault in
selected oil/gas fields located in the Krishna–Godavari (K–G) basin, deeper water [17]. The thickness of sediments varies from 3 km
(b) computation of mechanical properties such as Young’s mod- (Krishna graben) to over 7 km (Godavari offshore) and commercial
ulus, Poisson’s ratio and unconfined compressive strength from logs of hydrocarbon is found in the Permo-Triassic to Pliocene reservoirs.
compressional/shear wave velocities (Vp/Vs), (c) construction of finite Geological cross-sections such as, AA0 (56 km long) and BB0 (160 km
element model (FEM) which represents the subsurface geometry long) (Fig. 2) show the disposition of the sedimentary formations top
and deformation distribution, using the above well point data and basement across N–S and SW-NE directions respectively traver-
(d) quantitative assessment of model’s (response) sensitivity to sing the K–G basin. Subsidence in the south-Eastern part of the East
variation in material properties and boundary conditions and, Godavari sub-basin may contributes to the formation of a steep step-
finally (e) validation of stress orientation from breakout data of fault zone in early Paleocene Razole Formation (basalt). This fault zone
Formation Micro Imager (FMI) logs. is known as the Matsyapuri–Palakollu fault zone [14]. The AA0 section
shows the sediment deposition pattern from onshore to offshore.
Razole basalts are deposited at depth in the offshore areas but occur at
2. Study area shallower depth in on land.
The candidate wells chosen for the current study (and named
The K–G basin is a passive margin pericratonic basin situated as KM, KA and KR respectively) are located near producing gas
on the Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI) and encom- fields in the basin. Sedimentary formation penetrated in the
passes large areas both on land and offshore including those Suryaraopeta and Mahadevapatnam fields at the West Godavari
located in deep waters. The basin itself came into existence sub-basin include Raghavapuram Shale at the base, followed
following rifting along ECMI craton during early Mesozoic. Both by Tirupati Sandstone, Razole volcanics and Nimakuru Sandstone
on land part of the basin and its offshore host a large number of at the top, ranging in age from Early Cretaceous to Paleocene
structural traps that have been mapped and a large number of age [14]. Raghavapuram–Tirupati is the dominant petroleum
them has been established through drilling [14]. The basin was system in the West Godavarisub-basin [17]. The wells KG, KS and
created as a result of tensional basement tectonics and is char- KK are located between the Rangapuram gas field and Ravva oil
acterized by ENE-WSW to NE-SW trending horsts and sub-basins/ field at the East Godavari sub-basin and penetrate Vadaparru Shale
grabens overlying a rifted basement structure. K–G basin is at bottom followed by Matsyapuri Sandstone and Godavari Clay at
subdivided into three sub-basins namely; Krishna, West Godavari top, ranging in age from Eocene to Pleistocene. Gamma ray (GR),
and East Godavari which are separated by Bapatla and Tanuku resistivity (LLD), density (ρ) and sonic travel time (DT) logs have
horsts respectively (Fig. 1) [15,16]. It is characterized by a normal been used to identify the top of the formations encountered in
faulting tectonic regime. West Godavari sub-basin is further these wells. Multi well correlation through KG–KS–KK at the East
subdivided into the Gudivada, Bantumilli grabens separated by Godavari sub-basin (Fig. 3a) identifies the top of Matsyapuri
Kaza–Kaikalur horst. The Mandapeta graben and Kavitam–Drak- Sandstone Formation which overlies the Vadaparru Shale and
sharama high [14] are situated on either side of Tanuku horst in capped by Godavari clay. The Vadaparru–Ravva/Godavari clay
the East Godavari sub-basin. In addition to the basin margin fault, system is one of the relatively younger petroleum systems in
three more regional faults developed: Matsyapuri–Palakollu fault K–G Basin of Tertiary age which includes a narrow coastal strip of

Fig. 1. Illustrates location of six wells including two geological sections AA0 and BB0 in K–G basin [42]. Major oil/gas fields are shown near the six wells [14].
D.K. Singha, R. Chatterjee / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27 17

Fig. 2. Interpreted geological sections AA0 and BB0 across the K–G basin [42] BMP LST, Bhimanapalli limestone and PASP Fm., Pasarlapuri formation. The blocks H and L have
been referred for finite element model set-up.

Godavari graben and a large offshore area. Matsyapuri Sandstone maximum and minimum horizontal stresses [18]. For the case of a
Formation is the main commercial reservoir in these wells. vertical well (as in the present study) and for a normal faulted
Similarly multi well correlation through KM–KA–KR at the West stress regime, the first principal stress is considered to be vertical,
Godavari sub-basin (Fig. 3b) identifies the top of Raghavapuram corresponding to the weight of the overburden (SV), the second
Shale Formation underlying the Tirupati Sandstone. Raghava- principal or intermediate stress as well as the third principal
puram shale is the main source rock here. Alternating sand and stresses are referred to SH and Sh indicating the maximum and
silt within Raghavapuram shale forms the reservoir [17]. The sands minimum horizontal principal compressive stresses respectively
within Raghavapuram Shales are sealed by overlying and under- [19–21]. At shallower depths, it is the vertical stress that consti-
lying shales. Tirupati Sandstone reservoirs are capped by the tutes the major principal stress since at deeper levels, the tectonic
overlying Razole Formation. ones take this role and the vertical stress becomes the minor
principal component. The first principal stress i.e. vertical stress
(SV) is assumed to coincide with the vertical axis (z axis) of the
3. Determination of in-situ stress, pore pressure, fracture vertical well. The magnitudes of SV of six wells (KG, KS, KK, KR, KA
pressure and rock mechanical properties and KM) (Fig. 5) have been estimated by cumulative sum of rock
densities obtained from density logs (Fig. 3) from surface to the
In order to characterize the stresses in the main formations in depth of interest. Vertical stress is calculated using bulk density of
the East and West Godavari sub-basin, it is essential to determine the rock which is force per unit area applied by load of rock above
the orientation and magnitude of principal stresses. The procedure the point of measurement. The required equation given [18] is
for estimating in-situ stress, pore pressure, fracture pressure, rock Z Z
mechanical properties and their utilization in stress modeling is SV ðZÞ ¼ ρðzÞgdz ð1Þ
given in the flowchart diagram (Fig. 4). For purposes of geome- 0

chanical modeling, the in-situ stress, pore pressure, fracture where Z is the depth at point of measurement, ρ(z) is the bulk
pressure and rock mechanical properties such as Young’s modulus, density of the rock which is function of the depth, and g is the
Poisson’s ratio and unconfined compressive strength are to be acceleration of gravity.
obtained from well logs namely; density, sonic, Vp, Vs as described Using the magnitude of vertical stress data, computation of
in the flowchart. The inputs for construction of model geometry pore pressure (PP) and fracture pressures (FP) has been carried out
are well log correlation and geological section. The finite element using Eaton’s sonic [22] and Matthews–Kelly’s equations [23],
model predicted outputs are stress magnitude and orientation respectively. The PP can be calculated from the vertical stress data
including modeling error. The model predicted stress orientation is and can be validated with repeat formation tester (RFT) data.
further to be validated by stress orientation obtained from FMI logs. In normal compacted shale, compressional wave travel time is
observed decreasing with depth due to porosity decay. Following
3.1. Estimation of vertical stress, pore pressure and fracture pressure Eaton’s equation, the exponent is set to 3 for the K–G basin [24].
The normal compaction trend (NCT) against low permeable shale
The principal stresses occurring in the earth crust acting in the has been identified for each of the six wells for initial pore
mutually orthogonal directions are the vertical stress and the pressure prediction for each of the six wells. Pore pressure (PP)
18 D.K. Singha, R. Chatterjee / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27

Fig. 3. Showing the log correlations for three wells in (a) East and (b) West Godavari sub-basins. Log correlation displays the sedimentary formation with geological age.

has been calculated using Eaton’s [22] sonic equation, where Ph is the hydrostatic pressure, Δtpn is the compressional
 3 wave travel time in low permeable zone calculated from normal
Δt pn compaction trend for the six wells, and Δtp is the observed
PP ¼ SV –ðSV –P h Þ ð2Þ
Δt p compressional wave travel time. Hydrostatic pressure gradient is
D.K. Singha, R. Chatterjee / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27 19

Fig. 4. A flowchart diagram showing procedure for geomechanical modeling over the study area.

considered as 10 MPa/km for the six wells in this basin [8]. As a gives a rough estimate for the least principal stress. However, a
next step, predicted PP has been calibrated with the RFT data to consistent analysis of LOT throughout the study area of K–G basin
obtain the calibrated pore pressure distribution. The RFT is is lacking. Thus, we have plotted limited numbers of LOT values
operated by an electrically driven hydraulic system so that it can from these wells (Fig. 5) to improve the knowledge of Sh obtained
be set and retracted as often as necessary to pressure test up to from Eq. (4) as well as to verify the acceptable estimate of Sh
two fluid samples in a single trip in open hole [25]. Two sample magnitude.
chambers are available in the tool. The tool has two pre-test The magnitude of SH can be obtained from breakout interval in
chambers of 10 cm3 volume which are opened automatically after image or in dipmeter logs with prior information on Sh value and
the tool is set to withdraw formation fluid at two differing rates. rock strength [1]. Due to lack of hydro fracturing data for these
A strain gauge pressure transducer is located in the flowline to wells, it is not possible further to estimate or validate the
monitor the pressure during the test. Pressure drawdown during magnitude of SH with depth. Image log evaluation is preferred
this periods and the following build-up curves are recorded at the to constrain maximum horizontal stress (SH) at the breakout
surface and provide data for formation pressure. The predicted interval [32]. Breakouts are wellbore enlargements caused
pore pressures from Eq. (2) are found to be close to RFT data by stress-induced failure of a well occurring 1801 apart. Stress
acquired against specific depth levels in each of these six wells induced borehole breakouts observed on FMI logs are shear
(Fig. 5). The Predicted PP is validated by the RFT data as indicated failures of the borehole wall in response to horizontal compres-
in Fig. 5. sion. This failure occurs at the azimuth of Sh which is the azimuth
The fracture pressures (FP) have been determined from Mat- at which the circumferential compressive stress (Hoop Stress) is
thews–Kelly’s equation [23]: highest [10,33,34,35]. In vertical wells, breakouts occur at the
azimuth of Sh and have a consistent orientation within a given well
FP ¼ K i ðSv –PP Þ þ PP ð3Þ
or field. The magnitude of SH has been computed at the breakout
where Ki is the matrix stress coefficient, defined as the ratio Sh/SV. intervals such as: 1297–1310 m and 2800–2830 m from FMI log,
only for two wells; KS and KA at East and West Godavari sub-
3.2. Estimation of horizontal stress magnitude basins respectively (Fig. 6). Owing to non-availability of image or
dipmeter logs for the other wells falling under the study area, the
The minimum horizontal stress (Sh) magnitude is calculated magnitude of SH has not been computed for these wells.
from the vertical stress and pore pressure data for the above- The magnitude of SH at the breakout intervals has been
mentioned wells in this basin. The minimum horizontal stress computed from Sh, PP and unconfined compressive strength (C)
magnitude for the above-mentioned six wells has been calculated data using Eq. (5) where maximum circumferential compressive
from the following equation [26–28] and can be validated with the stress (hoop stress) is equal to C as [33]:
leak-off test (LOT) data.: 3SH –Sh –2PP  ΔP ¼ C ð5Þ
ðSv –PP Þν
Sh ¼ PP þ ð4Þ where ΔP is the difference between wellbore pressure and forma-
ð1  νÞ
tion fluid pressure.
where ν is Poisson’s ratio of the rock in the K–G basin, and ranges Traditionally, rock strengths are obtained directly from labora-
from 0.24 to 0.28 [29]. tory tests on core samples. But in absence of core samples, rock
In practice, another valuable source of Sh data is a LOT, which is strength parameter and elastic moduli can be obtained from
performed at selected depths [30] providing an approximate empirical relationship based on well log data. For determination
magnitude of least horizontal stress. A LOT is performed by of SH, the value of unconfined compressive strength (C) is to be
pressurizing the uncased section of a borehole until fracture open obtained from Matysapuri Sandstone and Raghavapuram Shale
and begin to take in fluid [31]. In a LOT, pressure is plotted as a formations in wells KS and KA at the breakout intervals, respec-
function of mud volume pumped into the hole. A deviation from tively. Previously we had reported laboratory test results on rock
linear trend in this plot indicates the onset of fracture opening and strength and elastic rock moduli from wells distributed mainly at
20 D.K. Singha, R. Chatterjee / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27

Fig. 5. Earth stress profiles for (a) well KG, (b) well KS, (c) well KK,(d) well KM, (e) well KA and (f) well KR. Lines 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 indicate hydrostatic pressure, high pore
pressure, minimum horizontal stress, fracture pressure and vertical stress. The star and triangle symbols represent the leak off test (LOT) and RFT pressure values.

the Kaza–Kaikalur horst, Bantumilli high, near Razole and Man- where E is Young’s modulus and Vsh is the volume of shale
dapeta oilfields including K–G offshore [36,37]. The rock strength computed from gamma ray log. The unconfined compressive
parameters for core samples of Raghavapuram Shale were not strength is therefore given by
tested previously. Few core samples of offshore wells were from
Matsyapuri Sandstone and Vadaparru Shale and the value of C C¼ ð8Þ
ranges from 16 to 45 MPa [36]. In order to compute C from well
logs, it is necessary to first compute bulk compressibility from
compressional wave travel time (Δtp) and shear wave travel time The value of C from Eq. (8) has been estimated as 30.93 MPa for
(Δts), and density (ρ). Bulk modulus (Cb) can be computed [38] as Matsyapuri Sand, and 62.20 MPa for Raghavapuram Shale, respec-
1000ρ tively, for the above-mentioned depth interval. The estimated SH as
Cb ¼ ð6Þ computed at the breakout intervals only for two wells is found to
½1=ðDt p Þ2 –4=3ðΔt s Þ2 
be 25.01 MPa in depth 1297–1311 m and 59.03 MPa at depth
and the cohesive strength (S0) can be computed as 2800–2830 m.
" # Fig. 5 displays the variation of Ph, PP, Sh, FP and SV with depth
10  6 E
S0 ¼ 0:025   ½0:008V sh þ 0:0045ð1–V sh Þ ð7Þ for six wells under the East and West Godavari sub-basins. Top of
overpressure zone (OPZ) has been identified for all these wells.
D.K. Singha, R. Chatterjee / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27 21

Fig. 6. FMI log indicating the breakout interval and SH direction for well KS ((a) and (b)) and for well KA ((c) and (d)) in the East and West Godavari sub-basins, respectively.

Table 1
Top of OPZ, in-situ stress, pore pressure, fracture pressure and stress ratio computed from six wells in K–G basin.

Wells Top of Sv Predicted PP gradient Predicted FP gradient (MPa/km) Sh gradient (MPa/km) Sh/Sv
OPZ gradient (MPa/km)
In Hydrostatic In In normal pressured In In normal pressured In In normal pressured
OPZ gradient OPZ sediment OPZ sediment OPZ sediment

KG 1919.16 21.00 12.80 10 18.85 17.47 15.80 14.16 0.76 0.68

KS 1431.46 21.10 12.30 10 18.75 17.40 15.47 14.08 0.72 0.66
KK 2424.00 21.80 12.32 10 19.00 17.80 15.60 14.40 0.71 0.65
KM 1650.00 22.37 12.18 10 19.42 18.05 16.04 14.75 0.72 0.66
KA 2280.00 22.85 12.30 10 19.78 18.30 16.20 14.79 0.70 0.64
KR 1870.00 21.80 11.85 10 18.90 17.89 15.61 14.52 0.72 0.67

The top of OPZ, the gradient of SV, the gradient of PP and FP of 3.3. Estimation of rock mechanical properties
these wells are listed in Table 1. The gradient of SV for these six
well is found to vary between 21.00 MPa/km in well KG and Mechanical properties of rocks vary significantly between
22.85 MPa/km in well KM. High PP gradient in Raghavapuram reservoirs and within a reservoir due to the wide variety of
Shale as observed from wells of West Godavari sub-basin varies material composition and intrinsic anisotropy exhibited by
from 11.85 MPa/km at well KR to 12.30 MPa/km at well KA. shales. Heterogeneous rock properties in terms of layering
Similarly, a high PP gradient is observed in Vadaparru Shale and and complex infrastructure of fault zones are typical phenom-
ranges from 12.30 MPa/km to 12.80 MPa/km from well KK to KG in ena in sedimentary basins. This section deals with the mea-
the East Godavari sub-basin. It is observed from this PP analysis surement of rock mechanical properties for only two wells; KK
that the Vadaparru Shale in East Godavari sub-basin and Ragha- and KA, from well logs. Estimation of rock mechanical proper-
vapuram Shale in West Godavari sub-basin are characterized by ties in the industry is associated with measurement of com-
high PP gradient. The gradient of PP varies in the overpressure pressional wave velocity (Vp) and shear wave velocity (Vs) at
zone (OPZ) from 11.85 to 12.80 MPa/km whereas the gradient of FP laboratory and from well logs [39]. The Vp/Vs and density log
ranges 18.75–19.78 MPa/km. It can also be inferred from Fig. 5 that data are available for selected depth intervals from two wells
the ratio of Sh/SV ranges from 0.64 to 0.68 at the normal pressured only. The rock mechanical parameters have been estimated for
sediment whereas it is increased and varies from 0.70 to 0.76 at depth intervals 1994–2577 m and 2800–2830 m for wells KK
the overpressured sediments. The stress ratio SH/SV varies from and KA, respectively.
0.90 at normal pressured sediment in well KS to 0.92 at over- The unconfined compressive strength (C), elastic moduli such
pressured sediment in well KA. This results also indicates that the as: Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (ν) have been
ratio of SH/SV increases with the increase of pore pressure gradient. estimated from Vp, Vs and density (ρ) log data using the equations
Therefore, in this normal faulted stress regime, we can assume the as follows [38,40]. The shear modulus (G) is computed as
magnitude of SH equal to the magnitude of SV in absence of image/
dipmeter log as well as hydro fracturing data. G ¼ ρV 2s ð9Þ
22 D.K. Singha, R. Chatterjee / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27

Fig. 7. Rock mechanical profiles for (a) well KS and (b) well KA in the East and West Godavari sub-basins.

Poisson’s ratio (ν) is given by as referred in Fig. 2 have been considered along with well log
2 correlations in Fig. 3 for setting up the simplified structural model.
½0:5ðV p =V s Þ –1
ν¼ ð10Þ Section AA0 of length 56 km parallel to N–S direction traverses
½ðV p =V s Þ2  1 near wells KG, KS and KK in the East Godavari sub-basin in the
and Young’s modulus (E) is computed as vicinity of Matsyapuri–Palakollu growth fault. The other section
(section BB0 ) of length 160 km striking SW-NE passes through
E ¼ 2Gð1 þ νÞ ð11Þ
wells KR, KA and KM, located in between Tanuku horst and
The values of C, ν and E have been calculated based on Eqs. (8), Bantumilli high. These aforementioned geological sections along
(10) and (11) only for Raghavpuram Shale from KA well and for with the well correlation information, and data sets of in-situ
Vadaparru Shale and Matsyapuri Sand from KK well, respectively. stress pore pressure and rock mechanical properties with respect
Fig. 7 illustrates the variation of C, E and ν with depth for these to sedimentary rocks exposed in the respective well sections, have
two wells. The variation of E and ν ranges from 27 to 31 GPa and been used to create the model set-up for the two sections; KG–KK
0.26 to 0.29 respectively in Raghavapuram Shale in well KA. The and KM–KR respectively in East and West Godavari sub-basins.
rock mechanical properties E and ν in well KK ranges from 6 to The model-section created on the section KG–KK is 15 km long, is
38 GPa and 0.18 to 0.40 in Matsyapuri Sandstone as well as from aligned along NE-SW, and has a depth of 3.5 km (Fig. 8). The other
6 to 26 GPa and 0.23 to 0.38 in Vadaparru Shale Formations. The model-section created on the section KM–KR, 14 km in length with
variations in E and ν for well KA are less as observed for a short depth coverage of 4.5 km and includes wells KM, KA and KR
depth interval (30 m) in Raghavapuram Shale in well KA compared (Fig. 9). The average of SH gradients from three wells (assuming,
to the variations in E and ν for well KK for a larger depth interval magnitude of SH ¼ magnitude of SV, refer Table 1 for SV) has been
(583 m). The large variations in E and ν account for the change of applied as load at the mid of layers occurring at left and right
lithology, mainly due to occurrence of sand, limestone, claystone, boundaries. Rock mechanical parameters associated with each the
shaly sand, siltstone, shale, shale/sand alteration and reservoirs in different layers, which have been estimated previously by [36] are
the Matsyapuri formation. Low value of ν (0.18 or less) indicates provided at Table 2, along with log data of wells; KK and KA in East
gas sands in the Matsyapuri formation. The low value of E (6 GPa) Godavari and West Godavari sub-basins respectively (Fig. 7). To
and high value of ν (0.38) are observed due to unconsolidated facilitate model developments, each layer in the models has been
sediments in Vadaparru Shale formation. The sand lenses in the assumed as homogeneous and isotropic. Direction of recent
Vadaparru Shale characterize with Y of 26 GPa and ν of 0.23. compression, more or less parallels the trend of coast as well as
Previous laboratory test results on core samples from this forma- to the horst/graben alignment. This coincidence is a good start for
tion showed variation from 15 to 42 GPa due to change of lithology modeling compression along KG–KK and KM–KR lines, respec-
at offshore well [36]. tively. Geomechanical modeling would bring out, the effect of
applied stress along regional SH direction towards NE-SW [29]
underlying the East and West Godavari sub-basins. Previous
4. Geomechanical modeling of stress using finite element publications on 2D models in the K–G basin show model deforma-
method tions along seismic lines transgressing this basin passing through
onshore to offshore. Model deformations are observed under the
4.1. Model set up application of compressive minimum stress along Sh direction
(NW-SE) at the offshore boundaries constraining the boundary
Two-dimensional (2D) geomechanical modeling entails deter- at the continental side [37]. The model deformation goes up to
mining the distribution of stresses in the reservoir and non- 3–4 km in the vertical direction, bearing in mind that the original
reservoir sections and hence the generalized geological sections vertical dimension of the model was 4–5 km. The deformations
D.K. Singha, R. Chatterjee / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27 23

Fig. 8. (a) 2-D model for KG–KK section in the East Godavari sub-basin. Five layers (digits 1 through 5) are identified in reference to Table 2, (b) von Mises stress for the
deformed 2-D FEM, and undeformed edge, (c) vector plot of SH for the KG–KK section, (d) vector plot of SH for block P and (e) vector plot of SH for block Q.

upto 3–4 km were not explained during 2D modeling because of for line KG–KK has been considered as consisting of five lithologic
the absence of log data and limited knowledge on geologic history layers with cumulative sedimentary column of 3.5 km length. The
of the study area. In 3D model for Mandapeta field, the stress lithology of layers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 is broadly defined as follows:
magnitudes, SV, and horizontal stresses were applied vertically and Layer 1 is claystone, layer 2 is dominantly sandstone and a part of
horizontally respectively and the model was constrained at the Matsyapuri sand stone reservoir development. Layer 3 is mostly
surfaces at one side parallel to the Sh direction [5]. The 3D model limestone dominated, layer 4 is a part of Vadaparru Shale which is
set-up for Mandapeta field indicated the stress modification a known source rock followed by layer 5 which is sand/shale
around normal fault and acceptable model deformation due to alteration. The 2-D model geometry has been constructed with
the model boundary conditions. Now here, the models represent length 15 km along NE-SW direction and depth 3.5 km. It is
the current geometry based on the geological section and well log divided by 10,246 numbers of 6-noded triangular elements con-
data. No deformation or movement is reported at the surface of sisting of 20,755 nodes. Loading, has been implemented, as
the study area in the tectonically passive K–G basin. Growth faults horizontal stresses (SH) are applied on the left side of the model
and subsidence are reported in the offshore sediments [14,17]. as 10.65 MPa at 500 m, 25.56 MPa at 1200 m, 36.21 MPa at
Hence, in both of these models along KG–KK and KM–KR lines, the 1700 m, 57.51 MPa, 2700 m and 69.22 MPa at 3250 m and stresses
upper surface is restricted from movement horizontally and applied on the right side of the model as 10.6 5 MPa at 500 m,
vertically (Figs. 8 and 9). Boundary conditions for these models 42.6 MPa at 2000 m and 68.16 MPa at 3200 m, respectively. The
are displayed in Figs. 8 and 9. This satisfies the implicit demand average associated pore pressure as applied is 2.5 MPa in Layer 1,
that the current geometry or structure is not allowed to deviate 10 MPa in Layer 2, 15 MPa in Layer 3, 31.7 MPa in Layer 4 and
too much from its initial geometry, because the model is con- 25 MPa in Layer 5. Since Layer 4 lies in the Vadaparru Shale, it is
structed on the basis of present day geometry. observed to have an elevated PP while the others are at normal
Based on the above, finite element models (FEMs) for the hydrostatic values.
horizontal and stratified sediments are generated and stress The generalized geological section across SW-NE in the West
perturbations with stress vector are calculated using ANSYS finite Godavari sub-basin (Fig. 2b) shows the six different formations
element software package. Boundary constraints are the other key within block L down to a depth of 4.5 km. Accordingly with the
elements of the model. These lead to bounds on the solution space help of well log correlation, the second model for KM–KR section
that play a crucial role in assuring robust and meaningful model of length 14 km with NE-SW direction has been divided into six six
solution to be generated by the process. Model predicted results stratified lithologic Layers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This model in ANSYS has
generally produce an error value at the edge due to boundary been divided with 10,712 numbers of six-noded triangular elements
conditions and model constraints. The geological section across consisting of 21,735 nodes. Layer 1 is considered as claystone overlying
N–S in the East Godavari sub-basin (Fig. 2a) is showing the five the sand layer 2. Layer 3 is a part of Razole volcanics (basaltic). This is a
different formations within block H down to a depth of 3.5 km. known regional cap rock that overlies the Tirupati sandstone reservoir
Accordingly with the help of well log correlation, the first model development. Tirupati Sand Formation represented by Layer 4 overlies
24 D.K. Singha, R. Chatterjee / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27

Fig. 9. (a) 2-D model for KM–KR section in the West Godavari sub-basin. Six layers (digits 1 through 6) are identified in reference to Table 2, (b) Von Mises stress for the
deformed 2-D FEM and undeformed edges, (c) vector plot of SH for the KR–KM section, (d) vector plot of SH for block R and (e) vector plot of SH for block S.

Table 2 55.85 MPa at 2500 m, respectively. The hydrostatic pressure applied

Mechanical rock properties employed in the 2-D FEM for KG–KK and KM–KR are as 1.5 MPa, 7.5 MPa, 11 MPa and 15 MPa in respect of Layers 1, 2,
sections in East and West Godavari sub-basins. 3 and 4 whereas abnormal PP of 36.33 MPa is applied in Layer 5. Layer
5 lying in Raghavapuram Shale in West Godavari sub-basin is
Line Layers Lithology Young Poisson’s Density
modulus ratio (g/cm3)
characterized by high PP gradient whereas other layers are at normal
(GPa) pressured condition. PP values are not applied at the basement
(Layer 6).
East Godavari 1 Clay stonea 15 0.18 1.96
KG–KK line 2 Sanda 12 0.34 2.25
3 Limestone dominateda 50 0.25 2.70
4 Shalea 35 0.23 2.40 4.2. Analysis and discussion of model result
5 Sand/Shale 13 0.35 2.47

West Godavari 1 Clay stonea 15 0.18 2.04

This study builds a model by analyzing geological sections of
KM–KR line 2 Sand 20 0.25 2.30 the upper crust (up to 3.5 to 4.5 km) and well log correlation
3 Basalta 70 0.25 2.76 considering unstressed state. In-situ stress magnitude and orien-
4 Compacted sanda 42 0.17 2.32 tations are not known spatially through the vertical section in this
5 Shale 30 0.28 2.50
initial geometry. To meet the objective for predicting the local
6 Basementa 80 0.25 2.74
variation of stress magnitude and orientation, the model deforma-
Material properties are assigned from previous studies [36]. tions is kept as minimum as possible with the application of
boundary conditions. Model deformation is restricted within
1.25 km from the edge of the vertical boundaries. The scale
Raghavpuram Shale (which is known to be source rock), and is of deformation goes up to 0.1 km in the vertical direction and
modeled as Layer 5 here. Basement has been considered as Layer 6. 0.8–1.25 km in the horizontal direction. The model deformation is
While the cumulative length of the sedimentary column is 3.9 km and practically negligible at the central section of the models. The
total depth considered in this model is 4.5 km. Horizontal stress response to variation of material properties and application of far-
loading has been implemented on either side and the applied stress field stress to these models show the distribution of stress
magnitudes are 16.75 MPa at 750 m, 30.15 MPa at 1350 m and trajectories of the present day geological model. Initial geometry
D.K. Singha, R. Chatterjee / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27 25

at the central part of this model remains unchanged through the Sandstone and Raghavapuram Shale. The estimated SH orientation
modeling. Therefore, the modeling results can be verified with the corroborates well with the northeastward movement of India. More-
present day stress orientations obtained from FMI log data. over, this result confirms the previous SH orientation predicted by four-
The numerical modeling results indicate the deformation of arm dipmeter log by [29].
sedimentary rocks under the above mentioned boundary condi-
tions. The von Mises stress (which is the equivalent stress
computed from the three principal stresses) is displayed for the 4.3. Stress error analysis
model along KG–KK in Fig. 8a. The value of von Mises stress ranges
from 4.3 to 31.6 MPa at the central part of the model. The reservoir The finite element analyses for the stress modeling are subject
sands are located at the Layer 2 which corresponds to Matsyapuri to several types of errors that can compromise the validity of
Sandstone Formation. The layer is showing equivalent stress results. The errors in any type of finite element modeling include
magnitude of 10–20 MPa (Fig. 8b). The Layer 3 is mainly comprised incorrect model set-up, incorrect assumptions and simplifications
of limestone and having high E value compared to the other layers. used in the model as well as insufficient mesh discretization. The
Due to material property contrast, stress concentration is more material properties like ρ, E and ν for each lithologic layer may be
(Fig. 8b–d) and stress magnitude at the Layer 3 is also high varying laterally and vertically within each layer. Due to lack of
compared to that of the other layers. Due to presence of high PP, well log, core and seismic data, it is not possible presently, to know
the von Mises stress in the Vadaparru Formation as the Layer 4 is the variation of material properties within each lithologic layer.
more than the Layer 5 but less than that of Layer 3. The stress Errors due to incorrect input of material properties have been
vector plots for these models under K–G basin illustrate the prevented using average material properties from well logs and
orientation of principal stress (SH) in the vertical plane. The literature survey, whereas load specifications are known from
models predict rotation of stress about horizontal axis at the density logs at particular depths. Boundary constraints have been
location of strong gradient in elastic properties. The stress vector applied to this model as predicted previously from regional stress
plot at Layer 2 shows variation of SH from N101E to N201E in orientation in K–G basin [29]. Further the model geometry has
Matsyapuri Sand and FMI log data for this interval also indicates been simplified using interpreted geological section and well logs
the SH orientation of N141E (Fig. 8c and d). The stress orientation is correlation for East and West Godavari sub-basins. The main
rotated from Layer 2 to Layer 3 by an amount of 201 due to contrast source of error in this finite element analysis arises due to
of material property. The SH orientation has been ascertained to insufficient mesh discretization of the model. The error due to
rotate at the interface between Layers 2 and 4 as well as between mesh discretization has been remedied by evaluating the quality
Layers 3 and 4. The SH orientation is N301E at the Layer 4 with a and adequacy of the mesh and by developing and utilizing criteria
variation of 5–101 at the interfaces. Stress rotation is observed in that characterize the accuracy of solution [41]. The stress contour
the high pressure zone of Layer 4. for each element in finite element mesh is approximated based on
Similarly the next model (Fig. 9a) is analyzed in term of stress the displacement of the nodes of the element. The stress contour
pattern and stress vector from FEM generated model. The value of will not necessarily be continuous from one element to the next.
von Mises stress displays value ranging from 1.3 to 15.3 MPa in the Consequently, the discontinuity of the stress contour from one
first two layers and then it increases gradually from Layer 3 to Layer element to another engenders a discretization error. The size of
5 varying from 8.5 to 30.2 MPa (Fig. 9b). In basement (defined as each element is to be reduced in such a way that error becomes
Layer 6), the magnitude of von Mises stress has attained very large close to zero. For each element the stress error at each node is
value compared to the stress magnitude at above layers. It is known approximated by the following equation:
that the local stress is perturbed at the interfaces between strong Stress error at node n of element i, {ΔSin} ¼{San}  {Sin}, where Sin
and weak layers. This hypothesis has been verified by observing a is the stress vector of node n of element i and San is the averaged
rotation of SH of about N201E in Layer 3 comprised of strong basaltic stress vector at node n. The stress error for these two models
rocks than the relatively weak Layers 2 and 4. The SH orientation is located at East and West Godavari sub-basins are displayed in
observed as N15–201E at Layer 4 in the Tirupati Sandstone which Fig. 10a and b, respectively. The stress error is ranging from
holds the reservoir in the wells under section KM–KR. The stress 0.123e  14 to 0.76e 04 MPa at the mid part of model to a
orientation at the Layer 5 in the high pressure zone is rotated maximum of 0.137e  03 MPa at the model boundary for line
from 7 to 151. The direction of the SH at Layer 5 especially in middle KG–KK at East Godavari sub-basin. The stress error plot for line
part of the model is varying from N221E to N301E. KM–KR at the West Godavari sub-basin is varying from 0.109e  15
The model predicted SH orientation has been validated with the to 0.234e  04 MPa at the mid part of the model with maximum
local stress orientation obtained from FMI log for one well in each of error at the model edges. Limestone dominated layer in the first
two models. Breakout intervals have been observed in Matsyapuri model and basalt as well as basement layers in second model have
Sandstone in well KS (KG–KK section) and in the Raghavapuram shown the stress error in the order of 10  4 MPa which is more
Shale in well KA (KM–KR section). The orientations of SH have been than the stress errors observed at the adjacent layers. The stress
displayed in rosette diagram at the breakout intervals for 1297– error increases at these layer interfaces due to high Young’s
1310 m and for 2800–2830 m in wells KS and KA respectively modulus values. The modeling output with less stress errors in
(Fig. 6b and d). The SH orientation is N141E for well KS and the East and West Godavari sub-basins may be considered as one
N22.51E for well KA at East and West Godavari sub-basins, respec- of the best possible solution for these geological situations
tively. The model predicted SH orientation at Layer 2 ranges from under study.
N101E to N201E in Matsyapuri Sand. FMI log data at well KS
indicating SH orientation of N141E supports the model predicted 4.4. Impact for the reservoirs
stress orientation at the East Godavari sub-basin. Similarly, the
direction of the model predicted SH orientation at Layer 5 under the Magnitudes and orientation of the model predicted stress in
KM–KR section in West Godavari sub-basin is varying from N221E reservoirs occurring in Tirupati Sandstone, Matsyapuri Sandstone
to N301E which is validated by breakout derived SH orientation from and Raghavapuram Shale Formations of six wells near to the oil/
KA well in the depth interval 2800–2830 m. Therefore model gas fields namely; Mahadevapatnam, Suryaraopeta, Razole and
predicted SH orientation provides the present day stress direction Rangapuram may be used for several aspects of hydrocarbon
in the reservoirs belonging to Matsyapuri Sandstone, Tirupati exploration like; well design, well location, production optimization,
26 D.K. Singha, R. Chatterjee / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27

Fig. 10. Stress error plot (a) for 2-D model for KG–KK section in the East Godavari sub-basin and (b) for 2-D model for KM–KR section in the West Godavari sub-basin.

designing fracture stimulation treatments, understanding and data actually observed, e.g. borehole breakouts. Changes in rock
controlling casing deformations. Model predicted stress data may mechanical properties have led to stress perturbations and pro-
be used for assessing caprock seal capacity (and therefore seal duce local stresses showing significant deviation from the regional
failure analysis) and determining stress dependent reservoir stress field. The local stress vectors of K–G basin are oriented sub-
properties such as permeability, porosity and compressibility. parallel and parallel with NE-SW in the direction which is the
In a high stress regime, the time bound changes in reservoir significant direction characterizing basinal horst graben morphol-
pressure can result in changes in total compressibility, voidage and ogy. Present day stress direction observed in two wells of K–G
permeability, having adverse impact on assurance of optimal basin corroborates the NNE movement of the Indian plate.
withdrawal during the life cycle of a producing field. The stress Although the rock mechanical properties of reservoir and stress
distribution data will allow robust forward modeling and realistic orientation have been addressed through two wells there is still a
reservoir simulation for timely intervention and a structured plan need for more laboratory and/or log data for a more realistic
of pressure maintenance and voidage compensation to yield spatial distribution rock mechanical properties under reservoir
maximum fruit. The information on in situ stress distribution conditions for which stress sensitivity is significant, as well as to
can be used for developing further insights into the drainage quantify model predicted variations with field data. A robust
pattern of the reservoir. model of rock mechanical properties distribution in three dimen-
sions in the sub-surface is the foundation of stress field distribu-
tion in the sub-surface. The current geomechanical reservoir
5. Conclusions model that has been calibrated against well data can be used for
stress predictions in the inter-well space and undrilled parts of the
The methodology presented above can be used to build reservoir.
geomechanical finite element models for various types of reser-
voirs ranging from field-scale models to smaller, highly detailed
submodels of specific geometry. Geomechanical parameters such Acknowledgement
as the in-situ stress, pore pressure, fracture pressure and mechan-
ical properties of rocks have been estimated from log data of East Authors express sincere gratitude to ONGC, India for providing
and West Godavari sub-basins. In-situ stress has significant impact the concern well data and geological information to carry out this
on reservoir properties and reservoir performance. This makes the scientific work. Authors are highly obliged to Mr. K. M. Sundaram,
modeling crucial for developing a comprehensive simulation of Former Executive Director, ONGC and Advisor, ONGC for careful
reservoir dynamics and plan necessary inputs for assurance of editing of the manuscript. The editing by Mr. Anshuman, ISM is
optimal withdrawal for maximizing the economic returns as the also thankfully acknowledged. Authors acknowledge the financial
fields are exploited. The in situ stresses predicted by the finite support from the Ministry of Earth Science through the R&D
element model have been calibrated against stress orientation project MoES /P.O./(Seismo)/1(138) 2011 dated 9.11.12.
D.K. Singha, R. Chatterjee / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 73 (2015) 15–27 27

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