The Art of The Heist

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Money & Business

ernment’s partner in the program. not as a national policy. ‘Be virtuous;

But Clapp of the National Environ- help us through this crisis.’ And once
mental Trust points out that if Washing- it’s through, let’s party on.”
ton had acted aggressively in 2001 to Harsh criticism, perhaps, and surely
raise fuel economy standards to 40 mpg the nation did not improve its energy se-
over the next decade—an ambitious goal curity markedly under prior adminis-
but possible with hybrid technology—the trations after the 1970s oil crises.
nation already would have saved 1.5 mil- “There’s a lot of rhetoric on the Hill
lion barrels of oil a day, the equivalent about reducing our dependence on un-
of the total amount produced in the Gulf stable parts of the world,” says Verras-
of Mexico and lost during the hurricanes. tro of csis. But in 2004, with strikes in
Clapp offers the 2001 comments of Nigeria, sabotage in Iraq, and political
Vice President Cheney that conserva- unrest in Venezuela, the largest sus-
tion “may be a sign of personal virtue, tained oil-supply disruption was due to
but it is not a sufficient basis, all by it- Hurricane Ivan. This year, no one doubts
self, for a sound, comprehensive ener- the biggest culprits will be Katrina and
gy policy” as a way to understand the Rita. “The problem is right here in our
nation’s present plight. The Bush ad- own backyard,” says Verrastro. l
ministration, Clapp says, is still “ap-
proaching it as a personal virtue and With Richard J. Newman

Stop Guzzling, Start Cashing In

ployees who buy hybrids
or alternative-fuel cars,
says Coley Malloy of the
outdoor wear company.
She used the money to
have her 1984 Mercedes
diesel station wagon retro-
fitted to run on vegetable
oil recycled from fast-food
joints. That cut her
monthly fuel bills from
$300 to about $70. “It is a
The popular and gas-saving Toyota Prius hybrid lot of work to get the oil
and maintain the car,” she

s soaring gas prices strain the warns coworkers. But whenever

budgets of commuters, a she drives by a gas-guzzling suv,
small but growing number of Malloy says, “I rev my engine and
employers are coming to the res- let them smell the tacos.”
cue. At least half a dozen compa- The benefit is also helping out
nies, including Google, Timber- managers at Hyperion. The Silicon
land, and Patagonia, are giving Valley software company has hand-
bonuses to workers who buy hy- ed out $5,000 grants to 75 workers By Ilana Ozernoy
brid or other gas-saving vehicles. who’ve bought cars that get at least

ou know the story: A nefarious
Initially offered to promote feel- 45 mpg. Hyperion is so happy with
art collector sends a band of ac-
good ideals like reducing pollu- the benefit that it has posted advice
robatic thieves dressed in black
tion, the benefit is now proving a for other companies on its website,
turtlenecks to steal a rare and
hot ticket because it is good for encouraging managers to offer the
priceless piece of art. They pull hun-
everybody’s pocketbook. Hybrids grants to their workers to help the
dreds of thousands of dollars in rap-
such as the Toyota Prius, which is environment and help themselves.
pelling equipment out of their back-
rated as getting 55 mpg, can slash The grants improve morale and
packs and perform death-defying stunts
commuters’ gas bills by more than have been a terrific recruiting tool
to retrieve the artwork from a museum
half. And employers say the bene- among hard-to-find techies, Hyper-
that has cutting-edge security (usually
fit reduces their human-resources ion spokesman Bob Schettino says:
involving laser beams). The cat burglars
costs by raising loyalty and easing “We have people who come to us
then deliver the stolen painting to the
recruiting. and say, ‘I really like what you guys
lair of their unscrupulous benefactor,
Fast-food fuel. Workers at Patago- are doing. I want to look at job op-
who hangs it in his private quarters and
nia are now more interested in the portunities at your company.’ ”
savors it in solitude (usually with a bot-
company’s offer of $2,000 to em- –Kim Clark
tle of French wine).
But the reality of art crime is a much



The Gardner Museum
left empty frames as
a reminder of thefts.

It’s not The Thomas Crown
Affair, but theft of artwork
is a big-bucks business
more banal—and tragic—tale. It is an un- stereo and may be just as easy to obtain. Munch Museum in Oslo in August
derground business driven by common “Petty thieves have come on to the fact 2004, they did so in broad daylight.
criminals and petty thieves who walk that stealing art is more profitable than Brandishing pistols, they yanked two of
into museums in broad daylight and conventional crime,” says fbi Special Munch’s most famous paintings—The
steal from churches and libraries and Agent Robert Wittman, who has been on Madonna and The Scream—right off the
people’s homes. Much of what is stolen the art beat for over 15 years. “An aver- walls in front of stunned museumgoers
is damaged or destroyed in the hands of age bank robbery is less than a thousand and security guards. The thieves walked
rough amateurs, and in the United dollars, and one Rembrandt is worth at out, shoved the paintings into the back
States only an estimated 5 percent is ever least a million, so one art theft is like a of a black Audi, and drove off. They are
recovered. The rest—stolen paintings thousand bank burglaries.” still at large.
and icons, looted antiquities, and rare Easy money. Stealing a painting, it The biggest art heist in America hap-
books—is a $4 billion to $6 billion in- seems, is sometimes easier than robbing pened in an equally prosaic fashion. Fif-
dustry estimated to be the third-largest a bank. Many museums have small se- teen years ago, two thieves masquerad-
black market in the world, after illegal curity budgets and spend more money ing as cops were ushered into the
drugs and illicit arms. on acquiring new art than on securing Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in
A stolen painting or first-edition base- it. Then there is the Catch-22 of putting Boston by a sleepy security guard on
ball card is worth only one tenth its value art on display: If the public has access night duty. The thieves quickly over-
on the street, but to a burglar, it still to the paintings, so do the thieves. When powered the museum’s two guards,
could be more valuable than a stolen two masked thieves sauntered into the handcuffed them, and spent the next



Money & Business

hour and a half plucking some of the Meanwhile, the ap- al property—$140 million
world’s most valuable artwork from the petite for art in America worth since 1999 alone,
walls. The stash of art they made off is only growing, making including an original
with—now estimated to be worth at least it the biggest consumer copy of the Bill of Rights,
$300 million—included Rembrandt’s market in the world for missing since 1865, and
only known seascape, The Storm on the stolen art, experts say. five Norman Rockwells
Sea of Galilee, an oil work by Jan Ver- “You have a lot more that were stolen in the
meer, five drawings by Degas, and a people who have money, 1970s. Wittman says he
bronze Chinese beaker, thought to have who want status, and often recovers items in
originated in 1200–1100 B.C. “All of this are looking to buy art,” sting operations or when
artwork is part of a cultural history,” says says Straus, throwing her he gets wind of an up-
Anne Hawley, director of the Gardner arms into the air. “We’re coming sale.
Museum. “When these materials are re- insatiable here! People Stolen art can pop up
moved, it’s as if Beethoven’s Fifth Sym- build bigger and bigger at thousands of auction
phony is removed. It’s more than a mon- houses. There isn’t even The Madonna houses, flea markets, and
Thieves stole a version
etary theft—it’s a cultural theft, which enough inventory to fill estate sales across Amer-
of this Munch work in
makes it so heinous.” The Gardner case the demand for art.” Oslo. Value: $15 million. ica. In an industry where
also remains unsolved. Straus says it is very business is often done
But while big heists of brand-name art difficult to sell a pur- anonymously, by private
make headlines, a steady trickle of valu- loined painting in a busi- contract or in backroom
able, albeit less famous, stolen col- ness that runs on reputation, because no dealings, the auction is the most public
legitimate art dealer or auc- and transparent forum, an unofficial sys-
tion house will want to trade tem of checks and balances. “Everything
in stolen property. The art of we’re going to sell is available online
art theft lies in the ability to [and] from time to time, people will call
convert stolen property into in and say, ‘Wait a minute! That’s my
hard currency. Though few property,’ ” says Jo Backer Laird, senior
good statistics from the crim- vice president and general counsel in
inal underworld are available, Christie’s New York office.
experts say that paintings, After the massive looting of archaeo-
which are easier to transfer in- logical sites in Iraq, the fbi expects
conspicuously across interna- stolen antiquities to soon flood the U.S.
tional borders than large sums marketplace. “People don’t even really
of money, are often used as know what’s being stolen,” says David
collateral in drug trades. Shillingford, who runs the Art Loss Reg-
No deals. Art thieves might ister’s New York office. “If something is
also try to claim a ransom on being dug out of the ground, you don’t
a painting, which in the short even know it was stolen because the
term costs the insurer a frac- first person to see it for 6,000 years is
View of Auvers-Sur-Oise tion of the cost of paying out a the thief.”
This Cézanne was taken from the University of
policy. But “art-napping” is a Partly in anticipation of an influx of
Oxford’s Ashmolean Museum. Value: $3 million.
practice insurance companies Iraqi artifacts, the fbi fielded an art
say they are loath to encourage. crime team last year (previously, art
“It’s the same as governments was lumped into the broad category of
lectibles makes up the bulk of the black who don’t negotiate with terrorists,” says property theft). Wittman shepherded
market: Civil War-era swords and Amer- Straus. “If you’re going to seven agents through a
icana, rare-edition books, B-list paint- negotiate with thieves, mini art school to teach
ings. The Art Loss Register, the world’s you’re going to encourage them “the difference be-
largest database of stolen cultural prop- more of the same.” tween a Rembrandt and
erty, lists over 160,000 paintings, sculp- The more likely sce- a Picasso.” Unlike the
tures, and other antiquities, adding nario is that a thief, hav- Italian carabinieri or the
10,000 to 15,000 new entries a year. ing realized that a stolen Spanish art theft squad,
(Among the items listed are the 13 items van Gogh is not so easy to which boasts hundreds
stolen from the Gardner Museum, some dispose of, will simply sit of art cops, Wittman re-
300 works by Marc Chagall, and over on the painting until he mains the fbi’s only full-
500 Picassos.) “My greatest regret is that thinks it is safe for it to time man on the job.
there isn’t a universal database,” says surface. “Thieves hold on “Whoever would have
Dorit Straus, a vice president at Chubb to it until they either find heard of a baseball card
Insurance Group and one of the Art Loss a seller or die,” says fbi going for $500,000?”
Register’s subscribers. “It’s very difficult agent Wittman. “Anytime The Storm asks Wittman, shaking
to match things up with their rightful I’ve ever seen paintings on the Sea of his head. “It’s become
owners, even if you have a good de- come back, it’s through Galilee treasure, get-rich-quick
Rembrandt’s seascape.
scription, even if you think art is unique. people trying to sell stuff. [And] as the value
Value: Unknown.
How many reclining nudes did Picasso them.” And Wittman has goes up, so does the
paint? There’s just no way.” recovered a lot of cultur- fraud.” l



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