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Dr. Meenakshi Khemka

Team Performance

Factors that affect team performance:

Clarity of the team’s goals in terms of

expectations and priorities;

How work is allocated to the team;

How the team is working (its priorities) in terms

of cohesion, ability to handle internal conflict
and pressure, relationships with other teams
Team Performance

Extent to which the team is capable of managing

itself – setting goals and priorities, monitoring
Quality of leadership – even self-managed
teams need a sense of direction;
Level of skill possessed by individual team
members (including multi-skilling);
Systems and resources support available
Need to have the necessary mix of skills and
abilities and to be mutually accountable for the
Team Competencies

Interpersonal understanding


Customer service orientation

Team Competencies

Teamwork and cooperation

Oral communication

Achievement orientation

Organizational commitment
Types of Teams

Organizational teams

Work teams

Project teams

Ad hoc teams

Team Performance Management

Team performance management activities follow

the same sequence as for individual PM:
agree objectives
formulate plans to achieve objectives
implement plans
monitor progress
review and assess achievement
redefine objectives and plans in the light of
Team Performance Review

The agenda for such meetings could be as

1. General feedback review:
 progress of the team as a whole
 problems encountered by the team that
have caused difficulties or hampered
 helps and hindrances to the operation of
the team
Team Performance Review

2. Work reviews:

 how well the team has functioned

 review of the individual contribution made

by each team member – peer review

 discussion of any new problems

encountered by individual team members
Team Performance Review

3. Group problem solving:

 analysis of reasons for any shortfalls or

other problems

 agreement of what needs to be done to

solve them and prevent their recurrence

Team Performance Review

4. Update objectives:

 review of new requirements, opportunities

or threats

 amendment and updating of objectives

and project plans

Peer Review

 Overall contribution to team performance

 Contribution to planning, monitoring and team
review activities
 Maintaining relationships with other team
members and internal/external customers
 Working flexibly (taking on different roles in the
team as necessary)
 Cooperation with other team members
Peer reviews can form part of a 360-degree
feedback process


13 Performance Management

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