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WhiteSwan Consulting Group

An IIT Start-up Company Working Towards Better Worldliness

Changing Lives

Emotional Intelligence
Every day, emotions shape the path of our lives and influence our decision-making. Our emotional
actions and reactions affect every aspect of who we are and how we live. Having control over our
emotions enables us to pursue and achieve our goals.

Emotional Intelligence usually known as EI, is the ability of a person to control, perceive and
influence your emotions and the emotions of other people around you. It is the ability to monitor
our own and others feelings and emotions.

The ability based model see emotions as information that helps navigate the social environments.
This Model says that individuals have different abilities to process emotional information and to
relate emotional processing to cognition. This model defines that EI have 4 types of abilities:

•It is the ability to perceive your own emotions and the ability to detect
Perceiving emotions emotions, voices and pictures of others.

•It is the ability to make different cognitive activities, like problem

Using emotions solving and thinking.

Understanding •It involves how to comprehend emotion languge and distinguish

complicated relationships between emotions.

•It is how to control and manage emotions in ourselves and others. So

Managing emotions you can manage even negative emotions and achieve your goals.


Identify reasons Emotional Intelligence is important in the workplace.

Apply the LISTEN process in a work environment.
Identify different types of intelligence.
Apply the LISTEN process in a team setting.
Use the LISTEN process to integrate yourself with a new group of employees.

How Smart Are Your Emotions?

"Anyone can become angry—that is easy. But to be angry with

the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the
right purpose, and in the right way—this is not easy."
- Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics
WhiteSwan Consulting Group

An IIT Start-up Company Working Towards Better Worldliness

Changing Lives

Emotional Intelligence and You

Identify reasons Emotional Intelligence is important in the workplace.

Identify strengths of Emotionally Intelligent team leaders and managers.
Apply the LISTEN process in a work environment.

Emotional Intelligence and Teams

Identify different types of intelligence.

Identify ways to solve internal problems.
Apply the LISTEN process in a team setting.

Emotional Intelligence and Employees

Identify different management styles.

Identify pitfalls of management.
Identify steps of the LISTEN process.
Use the LISTEN process to integrate yourself with a new group of employees.
Identify ways to create employee loyalty.
WhiteSwan Consulting Group

An IIT Start-up Company Working Towards Better Worldliness

Changing Lives

The Emotional Goleman Model

Goleman introduced his own model with his book "Working with Emotional Intelligence
(1998) and he said that EI, is the most important ability for success in the workplace.

Goleman’s Model:

Self Awareness-
which is the ability to Self Management-
understand your own The ability to control
emotions and how your own emotions
they impact following and adapt to different
your own feelings and circumstances.

Social Awareness-
which is the ability to
Management- is the
understand, react and
ability to inspire and
sense other people
influence or develop
emotion and
other people and
comprehend different
manage conflicts.
social networks.

Goleman states that there are some emotional competencies that we all have, we are born
with a common emotional intelligence but its not a talent, its something that can be develop
and learned to achieve our highest performance.

Emotional Intelligence is a very important ability that we should all develop to achieve our
goals and have a more happy relationship. Talent and IQ is not enough to be successful, now
we understand that emotional intelligence has a vital role in people who become successful.

Role of emotional Intelligence in Business

Many organizations are recognizing the important role of emotional intelligence in business.
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand ones emotions and inspire, influence and
understand other people’s emotions.

The more self aware you are the more you control you actions and is no different in business.
In business you have to deal with social teams, friends, high profile people, leaders, a boss
and more. The best way to be effective in taking quick and effective decisions is to use our
emotional intelligence.
WhiteSwan Consulting Group

An IIT Start-up Company Working Towards Better Worldliness

Changing Lives

We are born with EI but it’s not a talent that just a few have, you can develop it and learn it
that is great news. As we know, it has been proven that most successful people in business
are not much different than anybody else, they dont have better IQs or more talents, they just
have a very sharp emotional intelligence that help them deal with people every day and take
very good decisions.

The great news if you have a business is that you can learn emotional intelligence or you can
give a course to your team or employees. One of the persons who recently made popular the
term emotional intelligence is Daniel Goleman he developed his own model, you can find his
books and study them.

Now, how can we use emotional intelligence in business?

In business we have to deal with pressure and conflicts constantly, if we lack of self
awareness we are going to get angry, react and take improper decisions, but if we can deal
with pressure and look inside us and understand the different opinions that your team is
sharing and what are their emotions, you will control the flow and take the right decisions
without falling in to conflict.

For example, sometimes very little things will cause team conflicts that will delay a project
because no one can agree. What happens is that somebody might disagree with you, if can
explain you reasons correctly you will be ok, but if you completely deny his opinion or just
shut him up, he will most likely feel hurt of his proud and start a big discussion on the
different opinions.

However if you explain your decision and you try to understand him and explain why you
think his opinion is not completely accurate or how you can take some of his points and
integrate them in the project, you will have more success and deal with differences very
quickly, thus getting projects done more quickly and effectively.

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