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Name: Sana Ahmed.

Bs: s-s 2nd

Id no: Ndu-f18-1087.
Subject: Contemporary security studies.
Research topic: The 50 years’ war Arab Israel.
Presented to: Ma’am Rubina Waseem
Date: 25-04-19

Historical context

Role of reginol powers Role of global powers Current situation

Basically the 50 year war is fought on the “HOLY LAND” between Jews and Muslims both think
that they are the real rightful owners of that land. This place is sacred for both Muslims and Jews
due to religious ideologies. Great Britain rule the Palestine for three decades. After the World War
2 refugees from recent prosecution Germany, Austria and Poland was sent there. The Arabs was
fearful that they might become minority after some time. The UN committee the partition of
Palestine into two halves for Jews and Arabs. The UN committee agrees upon partition when the
British was pulled out. But the Arabs was not agree on the partition the Arabs leadership ensure if
the partition of their land was done they could reverse the situation by force. According to one of
the Arab speaker he said “If the Jews wanted to take the Palestine w’allah they will through them
into Mediterranean”. Still the British dictator ship was there.

Historical context:
After the end of World War 2 victims of German army and safe they were targeted by the Jewish army from
Hitler was send to the Arabs land called Palestine Jamal the windows of houses Arabs were yelling on
Hossain said that 500 rifles easily take over TAL-Aviv .As
the committee send down in Palestine in the Ship arrived
the place called Hiphen. Loaded with Jewish holocaust
survivor landed on the boarder of Palestine illegally a fair
battle was fought between them causalities were high on
both side immigrants were forced to send back but the Jews
were expecting that they might be welcomed in Arabs state
but also they were not provided by shelter/home. The UN
committee agreed they recommended the Palestine
partition. The partition of Arab was not just. Arabs were
outrage thousands of bloodshed and local conflicts took
place because it was clear that resolution was passed in
favor of Jews. There was a feeling of anger, hatred an
aggression protest started in Palestine Arabs hit the Jews
and Jews hit them back

 First confrontation between Jews and

Arabs (Abdul qadir al Hosseini)

In Jerusalem the Arab car hit the Jewish embassy army 132 killed, 43 wounded and 6 troops were
having the bomb inside the car 7 were killed and more escaped commander of army gave order to troops
than 100 were injured house to house attack brutality of Jewish army
was on peak before entering into someone’s
 Role of Arab leadership house they first threw the grenade inside the
An Arab leader Abdul-Qadir-AL-Hosseini raise up house due to this small bomb attack several
for the right of Arab sacred land he wanted Jews to people died one of the army general said “it was
keep them away from Arab land under his difficult impossible to attack army without
command they gathered and start hitting the Jewish hurting their families it was painful and I’m sorry
army keeping the Jewish army supplied with for that but we had no choice”. After battle they
logistics and food was the first priority of Jewish had capture 14 prisoners then they lined them up
army Arabs start attacking them so it was difficult in the same position and punish them after this
for them to protect their convoy’s they tried to the crew came out from the houses and start
protect them but they fail they had huge number of yelling on army Bastards” 110 Arabs were killed
causalities wastage of products and damage. Then some died due to fight rest of the Arabs went to
the Jews trying to capture the village near Palestine where they gather under the command
Jerusalem and wanted local people to exile from of Dr khalidi and he release the press report in
that place the they capture the Palestinian castle it which he wrote that “most of the Muslims were
was there that the leader Abdul qadir was killed. In killed, murder and raped by Jewish army”
response of Arabs counter attack Jewish wiped Jews never allowed them back. Arab radio passed
them out a famous village “Daira-e-Yassin” were on a false ignoring the witnesses so, the Arab
invaded by Jews this increases more hostility army came to free Palestine .In a month over 3.5
between Jews and Arabs. The villagers were not million people of Palestine leave their houses
British then take stand on adversities to wash fight a war in battle field even he don’t know how
their hands from this mess. Arabs were forced to to use logistics. The boys were very pleased to
live the life of refugees know about war they have no idea that how much
problems they are going to face in battle filed.
Then the Arab population of 40 million are then
going to vanish the half million Jews population
it would seems that Jewish state is going to finish
in some days

 Accepting Israel as a state American and

Yugoslavia role
 Global Power role
At UN Jews announced their plans to setup the
government In Israel with co-operation of UN
representative Jewish desired to seek political The Egyptian army attack Israel from the South
support from outside the US leader stand against and heading towards the main Jewish center Tel
this argument of accepting Israel as a state then Aviv Arabs, Jordan army took the west bank and
they send another leader to convince America the city of Jerusalem, Syria move towards Nazareth
sectary of state John Marshal totally opposed the while Lebanon attack from North. Israel is
idea but the president Truman surprised everyone fighting the war of their survival they had no
with his strong support Marshal knows that tanks no guns or no aircrafts but when they were
unstoppable war was breakout in result of this provided with weapon the balance of power
unnecessary support of Israel. The Arabs decided occurs and this change the map of war these
prediction of war was come true 5 Arab state weapons are provided by Yugoslavia that turn
were mobilize towards boarder. For Jews of Israel into offensive mood and they surround the
Palestine this is critical moment for newly born Egypt .In Cairo 23 July 1952 army took over the
state at the same time the role of UN ended and control of Egypt his new leader put the end of the
they declared the independent state. After 200 feudal system after the war with Israel they want
years of exile Jewish people got their state. peace talks but talking to Israel is worst Kamal
Abdul Nasir was thrown or even killed In Paris
Muslim declarance of war
while talking to the Israel there is radical
Armies of Iran, Egypt and Lebanon invaded escalation between both of the countries Egypt
under the command of “KING Farooq” head of said that Israel is cancer for the Arab state
the Arab largest Army the king had no idea to
 Role of Regional powers
 Jordan boarder clash the Egyptian close the traits that lead to a war,
israel decided to mobilise their army Us want
Musa sherid believe that they can enhance the security to open the striats that was only option to stop
through diplomacy but his minister of Defence believe the war (…..) After that when the king Hosseini
on military means on july 1954 that they were quiting join the conflict they sign the “Mutual defence
their military force from Suez Canal the fact british agreement’’ put his army under the Nasir
army was there to play the role of buffer it reduces the command so the Israel Face war from three
chance of egyptian attack Kamal Abdul Nasir turn to fronts from jordan in east syria from north and
the soviet block for the military economically Egypt from south it never happens before so all
assistance now the conflict become the part of “COLD the mens from 15 to 18 were transcripted to join
WAR” they get the new tanks, armour , bombers and amry. The General choose tomorrow of 5 june
propeller aircraft from USSR. Only few days later the to attack 180 aircraft took-off from Eygpt they
president Kamal nationalise the Suez Canal while reach the egypt air base in an un-exceptable
britain and france want the canal back at any cost and direction first the Israel destroy the runway to
the france was secretly decideing to get control over prevent themselve from an air attack jordan
the canal and to help israel france invaded Egypt with spotted the israel aircraft was heading towards
the help of Israel with in the week they capture the Eygpt all the airforce was destroyed there is
Egptian desert Britain and france trying to retake the situation of panic in army they have no aircraft
suez canal till the international pressure force them to for the counter attack Eygpt amry has 3 times
widthdraw their actions then for 10 years ther were greater air crafts then Israel but all in vein their
peace under the flag of United Nation. condition was terrible after the artillery attack
 6-days war: Israel was conducting attack from air as well as
War begin when the syrian people open the fire from ground when war was being israel trying
on the Israeli farmer while he is working in the to communicate with the king of Jordan Israel
fields Israel attack them back with aircraft and did not plan to take jerusalem or west bank they
helicopters. May 1965 the leaders of soviet sent telegram to America but 5June 1967 Israel
union took the step that would change the map frequently capture the west bank and Gollan
of middle east it all begins with the false report heights from Syria .Israel enterd the old city of
of soviets intelligence Egypt president Kamal Jerusalem after the fight Jordan and egypt faces
Abdul Nasir was the hero of Arab World he the heavy losses then Israel turn his attention
sent his army chief what israeli was doing on towards Gollan heights Israeli airforce through
syrian boarder and he found nothing just the everything what they had boms, Rocekts etc
soviets spread the false news and soviets whole war was sparked by false soviets report
diplomates spread the alarm in the whole now the Israel was actually attacking syria
region even the soviet diplomate went to the soviets made it clear that they were interveing
Israeli PM house and he said that your trops very clearly to go for the help of Arabs without
were massing towards North boarder of syria, any single casuality that seems to be impossible
america was going to jump in veitnam war . On because they dnt want to show their identity but
may 1967 Egypt order the headquaters to expel
the UN forces from suez boarder they want to
get the Strait of tiran back this blockade would
lead to a war because this lead to the strait of
Aqaba that was the only root of israel to trade
from the back door it never happens destroy the airbuses and ave the message to the
world that they are not limited inside the Jordan
four days later king hossein declaer war agaist
PLO that day was poised that arab was fighting

From syria israel capture GOLAN from Jordan

west bank and Jerusalem anfd from Eygpt Gaza
(Yasir Arafat)
and sinal but for the peace they decided to give
Arabs on 17-sep arteillry start bombing on their
back the Golan heights and Sinal desert to
bases on the third day of fighting syrian
Eygpt Soviets and America was going to sign
responded with the attack on Jordan with
peace treaty but Arabs were not agreed upon
providing them tanks one of the Syrian General
any treaty they dnt want to accept Israel 1970-
said “ our purpose was to protect palestinians it
1982 war will breakout again at suez canal the
was limited intervention to protect them” .In
Eygpytain launch the war and Israel fought
meantime many of the king forces destroy the
back there is no talk of peace inside the jordan
syrian tanks but the pressure on king was
they are shaping there army to push them
increasing day by day so he needed some
backand establish palestine state
external help Israel is on of the best option to
Then the Yasir arafat who become the leader
do that but jordan want America to help them
of resistance group called Fatah; these guriella
.America suggest them the closet state that was
fighters had a support of Jordan army
Israel due to its location it was close to Jordan
21 March 1968 Israeli attack on Jordan army
as compare to America resources can deploy
wanted to teach them lesson 29 died in battle
easily General HOD Israel air commander sent
Eygpt declear their victory after 1967 war
the air fleet and gave them instruction make
arafat was choose to lead the small group then
sure that they dnt hear you or see you coming
the jordanian regime saw the group of yasir as
make that attack that syrian army turn back abd
a threat on Sep 1970 in sigular operation yasir
they did it syrian tanks go back
group PlO’’ hi-jacked the passenger aircraf
Syrian General said that “ we were fighting an
which were four in number the plan landed on
allie Jordan was our allie we cant attack them
theold strip of world war 2 they just want world
by using tanks or jets” the Jordanian army was
attaention the army of Jordan want them back
just focus on kicking the Yasir and his group
they call them for neggosiations with the
out of Jordan Yasir is hiding somewhere in
hijackers they agre on point army keep the
Capital the Arab world gathered together fot an
passengers they keep the airbuses hijackers
emergency meeting in Cairo under the In 1981 Ariel Sharron become the defebce
supervision of nasir they decided to send minister of Israel minister held meeting with
deligation to Jordan that stop hitting the christans of Lebanon and they had plan to
palestinians President Sudan “NUMERING” execute palestinians from lebanon but the
went to king hosseini the Arab leaders were fail christans wanted Isreal to attack o Lebanon
to convice hosseini then the meeting in Cairo Areil sharron was not in favour of that he said
decided that PLO fighters should leave Jordan thata they could only help but they could not
on this statement both Yaisr and hosseini invade on Arab capital
agreed the homeless freedom fighters leave the 6 months later Lebanon gave them reason to
Jordan and went to lebanon where they re- attack on them 3 june 1982 Israeli embassdor
grouped and start fighting against Israel. In was killed in lodon shoot by palestinian Israeli
April 1975 civil war was broke out in lebanon forces move rapidly and cross the boarder of
and arafat alliend himself with muslims and Lebanon move towards lebanon capital Arafat
then christans raise the salogan “SAY NO TO fight back muslim suffers a lot even the muslim
PLO” they said to palestinians if they want to of Lebanon want Arafat to leave them after all
stay in lebanon stay qiute in lebanon Arafat these situation Arafat was convinced to leave
ignor the warning they start attacking on Israel the Lebanon he took the hard decision and
inter terrorist activites are now shifted from 15000 palestinians were expelled to Lebanon
Jordan Isreal boarder to Lebanon Israel boarder then the Arafat was moved towards Tunis
the hostile condition increase between Lebanon
and Israel boarder Jordanian boarder was quite  Conclusion:
now they were fighting on lebnies boarder First according to my own opinion the land of
Isarel was surronded by hostile muslim state Palestine was captured by Brithis they are not
needing badly an allie on the other side when the lawful owner of Palestine that they made
th civil war broke out in Lebanon between the decision who is gonn’a live there
Muslims and Christans they needed help Brithis was responsible for the unstopable war
desparately 40 thousand died every single day in Arab continent because no one want
on both side they needed weapon from Israel intervention in his own land secondly, they sent
the jews to Arab land which simply give raise
the hatred in local people due to clash in
religon ideolgy and history they cant live
together if British want to save the holocaust
survivor British must send them to any jewish
state if they were the victims then how they
stand up in front of Arabs and start fighting
them without any support and weapons so, one
wrong decision of British lead to 50 years war
still jews and muslims were attacking on each
other this can only be sort out when the Jews
stop brutal killings of Muslims

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