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Cambridge University Press

978-1-107-66433-3 - Click Start 7: Computer Science for Schools: Teacher’s

Manual: Second Edition
Anjna Virmani and Shalini Harisukh
More information


Click Start: Computer Science for Schools is a series of books for

classes 1–8. The second edition helps the students to understand and
further, update themselves with the fast changing field of information and
technology. Efforts have been made to sustain the interests of students
while retaining the pedagogic rigour of traditional learning. The activities
and exercises with multiple levels of challenges have been developed, both
to test the understanding of the topic and also extend this knowledge to
situations in everyday life.
The Teacher’s Manual consists of the Answer Key, Project Ideas and
Sample Test Papers. The Answer Key provides answers to the Exercises
given in the Student Book. Project Ideas promote individual learning as
well as teamwork and help the students develop an understanding of
importance of technology in our lives. Sample Test Papers can be used by
teachers for assessment work throughout the year. It improves learners’
study skills, and helps them to link theory with practice.
Today, our lives are driven by technology. Technology has changed the
way in which we perceive everything around us. It has changed the way
we work; carry out everyday chores and even the way we learn. Schools
and books are no longer the only channels to avail information; a vast
pool of information, data and knowledge is available at the click of the
mouse. More interestingly, with new advancements being made each day,
computer teaching also needs to be brought in sync.
The focus in teaching should be to promote ‘learning while doing’, that
is, the acquisition of knowledge and skills while doing things practically.
Teachers should be the facilitators of this process of active learning. They
should aim to equip the students with self-learning strategies than merely
providing them with information.
The author hopes that the teachers will be able to guide their students
through the course logically and purposefully, making best use of all
resources to achieve the stated learning objectives.

Anjna Virmani
Shalini Harisukh

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Lesson Name Contents Objectives Activities

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1. Network and • Computer network To make students • To give the full forms of given
Communications • Basic components of a network learn about abbreviations
Manual: Second Edition

• Types of network networking

• Network topology concepts and its
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• Types of transmission channels various types

2. MS Excel 2007 • Cell reference To give advanced • To create a list of grocery items,
Advanced • Sorting data knowledge of MS sort the list by price per kg and
Anjna Virmani and Shalini Harisukh

Features • Filtering data Excel 2007 and to save the file as ‘Items.xlsx’
• Conditional formatting make students learn • To prepare a list of commodities,
• Creating charts to sort data, import color code and sort and filter on the
• Importing data from another data, filter data, criterion
Excel Sheet/Word document creating charts, etc.

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3. World Wide • World Wide Web Learning about • Naming correct protocols
Web • Protocols on the Web WWW and
• Components of the Web understanding its
• How the Web works? components
• Web hosting and uses of WWW
4. QBASIC • FOR … NEXT To make students • To print the square of numbers from
Programming • DO WHILE ... LOOP learn more 1 to 10, the odd numbers from 20 to
Statements • DO UNTIL ... LOOP programming 1 using FOR … NEXT LOOP
• WHILE … WEND statements • To print multiples of 10 from 10 to
978-1-107-66433-3 - Click Start 7: Computer Science for Schools: Teacher’s

• EXIT command using QBASIC 100 using WHILE ... WEND

• To print the sum of 1 to 5 natural
numbers using DO WHILE ... LOOP
5. QBASIC – • Graphics in QBASIC To make students • T
 rying out commands to see an
Graphics and • Sound effects in QBASIC learn to use object in different colors
Sound graphics and sound • Using commands with different

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effects in QBASIC types of screens
6. Introduction to • HTML editor Introducing • To open a notepad to write down
Manual: Second Edition

HTML • HTML tags students to HTML the coding for creating a web page,
• HTML elements give it background color, color the
Cambridge University Press

• HTML tag attributes text, save it and open in Internet

• Structure of an HTML document explorer
• Important HTML tags
Anjna Virmani and Shalini Harisukh

7. Elementary • Heading tag <H> To make students • To create a web page with the
HTML – I • Paragraph tag <P> learn about heading ‘History behind the
• Line break tag <BR> various formatting invention of the wheel’, using
• No break tag <NOBR> tags in appropriate heading levels for
• Formatting tags HTML different topics and subtopics and

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• Horizontal rule tag <HR> using <P> tag and <br > tag
• Comment tag <Coment > • To find out the output of a given
• Inserting images codes in HTML
• Hyperlinks in HTML • To create a complete website on the
Seven Wonders of the World
8. Elementary • Creating lists in HTML To make students • To create an unordered list on My
HTML – II • Description lists understand the lists shopping list
• Nested lists used in HTML and • To create a nested list on Types of food
• Inserting tables how to create tables • To create a definition list on acids,
978-1-107-66433-3 - Click Start 7: Computer Science for Schools: Teacher’s

• Changing text type, color and bases and salt with examples
size in HTML • To create a table to specified
• Adjusting page margins instructions
• To change the font size and face of a
table created to given specifications
9. Creating Forms • Form tag <FORM> To learn about • To create a text box for Login name

in HTML • Interface elements used inside creating forms in and Password with the name L1
<FORM> tag a web page using and P1
HTML • To create a checkbox on Types of

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• To create a Radio Button on
months with a given range and
Manual: Second Edition

• To create a button to reset or
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submit a form
• To create a file upload option to
attach a word file
Anjna Virmani and Shalini Harisukh

• To create a text area on ‘About

• To create a scroll box where five
rows are visible and third name is
selected by default

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• To create a list box for ‘The games I
like to play’
10. Frames in • Frames To learn about • To create a website on Harry Potter
HTML • Frameset tag <FRAMESET> frames and frameset using different frames
• Frame tag <FRAME> in HTML
• Nested frameset
11. JavaScript • Importance of JavaScript To learn about • To display various messages
in HTML • Writing a JavaScript scripting languages following specific instructions
Documents • Using external JavaScript file and to make • Accepting first name and last name
978-1-107-66433-3 - Click Start 7: Computer Science for Schools: Teacher’s

• The object model in JavaScript JavaScripts for a from a user and displaying the full
• document.write ( ) method web page name
• JavaScript variables
• JavaScript operators • To accept a name and age from a
• Window methods user and to display the message
• parseInt( ) and parseFloat( ) accordingly

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12. Flash – • Tweening in Flash To make students • To create a motion tweening of a
Manual: Second Edition

Tweening and • Creating and integrating scenes understand flying bird and a moving train using
Publishing into a movie animations in the different layers
Cambridge University Press

• Publishing Flash movies form of tweening • To create a shape tweening of a

• Adding a Flash File in an HTML effects in a Flash lotus bud changing into a flower
document file • To make a movie of two scenes
Anjna Virmani and Shalini Harisukh

showing sunset and sunrise

13. Introduction to • Programming language To make students • To logically interpret the given
Programming • Generations of computer understand the codes
Concepts language programming
• Computer language translators concepts

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• Important terms and definitions
14. Introduction to • History of C++ Introducing • To write a C++ program
C++ • Compiling and debugging a C++ students to C++ • To find out the output of a given
program code
• C++ tokens
• Types of operators
15. Introduction to • Important features of Java Introducing • To find out the output of a Java
Java • Types of Java program students to Java program
Programming • OOPS in Java
978-1-107-66433-3 - Click Start 7: Computer Science for Schools: Teacher’s

Language • Integrated Development

• Writing program in Java
Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66433-3 - Click Start 7: Computer Science for Schools: Teacher’s
Manual: Second Edition
Anjna Virmani and Shalini Harisukh
More information

Answer Key
Chapter 1: Network and Communications
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Wireless 2. Wired and Wireless 3. Star
4. Server 5. LAN

C. Match the following.

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (e) 4. (b) 5. (a)

Chapter 2: MS Excel 2007 – Advanced Features

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Sorting 2. Cell reference 3. Importing
4. Filtering 5. Chart

B. State whether the following sentences are True or False.

1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True

C. Match the following.

1. b 2. d 3. e 4. c 5. a

Chapter 3: World Wide Web

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Internet 2. TCP/IP 3. Web Client
4. Internet Service 5. Website

B. Match the following:

1. e 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. c

C. Expand the following abbreviations:

1. IP – Internet Protocol
2. ISP – Internet Service Provider
3. HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
4. SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
5. TCP – Transmission Control Protocol

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66433-3 - Click Start 7: Computer Science for Schools: Teacher’s
Manual: Second Edition
Anjna Virmani and Shalini Harisukh
More information

6. W3C – World Wide Web Consortium

7. E-commerce – Electronic commerce
8. WWW – World Wide Web

Chapter 4: QBASIC – Programming Statements

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Iterational 2. LOOP Statement 3. DO...UNTIL

Hints to HOTS
C. Find out the errors in the following programs:
1. Let A=1
2. FOR X=10 TO 1 STEP –1
Next X

D. Give the output of the following progress:

1. 2.

Chapter 5: QBASIC – Graphics and Sound

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Text mode and graphics mode 2. 16
3. Sound 4. Square and Rectangle
5. Frequency, Duration


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66433-3 - Click Start 7: Computer Science for Schools: Teacher’s
Manual: Second Edition
Anjna Virmani and Shalini Harisukh
More information

B. Match the following:

1. e 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d

Hints to HOTS
C. What do the following commands do? Write an example of each. Can
these be used with the SCREEN mode 0?
1. BEEP – No 2. LINE – No
3. COLOR – Yes 4. SOUND – No
5. PSET – No 6. PAINT – No

Chapter 6: Introduction to HTML

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Hyper Text Markup Language 2. .html
3. Text 4. Container 5. HTML
C. Give the tag and the attributes of the following instructions.
1. <HTML> </HTML>
2. <BODY topmargin= “50”>
3. <HEAD> <TITLE> My Web page</TITLE></HEAD>
4. <BODY text=“purple”>
Chapter 7: Elementary HTML – I
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Heading tags 2. <IMG> 3. Internal Linking
4. Style tags 5. H1 to H6

Hints to HOTS
C. Write in a proper format the tag and the attributes used for the following
1. <HR color = “blue” width=“50%” align=“center”>
2. <BODY link=“orange” vlink=“purple”>
3. <H1> Cambridge University Press </H1>
4. <IMG src=“Myfriends.bmp” align=“left” height=“30%” width=“30%”>
5. <B><I> Friends Forever</I></B>
6. H<SUB>2</SUB>O


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66433-3 - Click Start 7: Computer Science for Schools: Teacher’s
Manual: Second Edition
Anjna Virmani and Shalini Harisukh
More information

Chapter 8: Elementary HTML – II

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. <UL> 2. Numbers 3. <DT>,<DD>
4. 1 5. FFFFFF

D. Give the full form and the attribute listing of the following tags:
1. <OL>: Ordered List
The attributes are start and type
2. <TR>: Table row
The attributes are Align, Valign, Bgcolor
3. <TH>: Table Heading
The attributes are Align, Valign, Colspan, Rowspan, Nowrap, Bgcolor
4. <TD>: Table Data
The attributes are Align, Valign, Colspan, Rowspan, Nowrap.
5. <UL>: Unordered List
The attributes are Type

Chapter 9: Creating Forms in HTML

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. <FORM> tag 2. Controls
3. <TEXTAREA> 4. Drop-down List Box or Scrolling lists
5. <INPUT type=“Password”>

C. How do you create the following elements in the HTML Form? Name
the tag with its attributes.
1. Text Box
<INPUT type=“text”>
The attributes are:
• Name : Assigns a name to a text box
• Maxlength : Defines the maximum number of characters that can
be accepted in a text box
• Size : Specifies the width of the text box
• Value : Displays the initial text in the text box
• Align : It aligns the text in the field. Valid entries are: Top,
Middle, Bottom, Left, Center, Right.


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-66433-3 - Click Start 7: Computer Science for Schools: Teacher’s
Manual: Second Edition
Anjna Virmani and Shalini Harisukh
More information

2. Password
It is similar to a text box with the same attributes. The only difference
is that when we enter the characters they are displayed in the form
of special characters.
3. Submit
The following are the attributes used for type=“Submit”
• Name : Assigns a name to a submit button
• Value : Displays the text on a submit button
4. Radio button
<INPUT type=“RADIO”>
The following are the attributes used for type=“Radio”
• Name : Assigns a name to a radio button
• Value : Specifies the value to be returned if that radio button
is checked
• Checked : Indicates if the radio button is pre-checked
5. Text box with multiple lines
The following are the attributes used for <TEXTAREA>
• Name : Assigns a name to the textarea
• Cols : Specifies the visible width of the text area
• Rows : Specifies the visible number of lines in the text area
• Readonly : Specifies the text area as read only
6. Scrolling list box
The following are the attributes used for <SELECT>
• Name : Specifies the name of the list box created
• Size : Specifies the number of options that are visible in the
scrolling list box. A list box is created by omitting
the size attribute.
• Multiple : Used with scrolling lists only which enables the user to
select multiple options from the scrolling list by holding
the Control key.


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