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AMOSSYS CONSULTING SERVICES – Global Reselling & Implementation Partners

AXIO LOGIC – JV Partners to Amossys Consulting Services



Welcome and thank you for opportunity to share licensing and pricing policy of eNlight360. eNlight360 is
cloud orchestration software that is widely used for auto scaling managing and monitoring virtual
infrastructure, IT asset management, device deployment, comprehensive monitoring and network
management in datacenters spread in different geo-locations. This document is techno commercial
proposal to invest in eNlight 360 product and its add-ons. For exact terms and conditions of product usage
rights, users should refer to the license certificate. This document is intended for users to help them in
investing in software products required for managing on premise cloud operations.

Software License Agreement:

With eNlight360 subscription-based licensing, client can manage any number of VMs with core based
eNlight360 license. Licensing method is paper license where customer gets license certificate for eNlight360
software. Under the perpetual license agreement customer can deploy one instance of eNlight360 software
in production environment. With one license copy customer is entitle to have one instance of eNlight360
running on single server in one production environment. If eNlight360 is deployed in ‘development’ or
‘quality assurance’ environment license is required. eNlight360 is multi systems environment as it has
capability to manage heterogeneous hypervisors however licensing is on per physical core numbers.
eNlight360 license is based on number of cores for cloud management & no. of devices for monitoring.

eNlight 360 features

Add- on
1. eNlight360 Licensing Details

eNlight 360° cloud solution comes with a full-blown hybrid cloud orchestration layer along with complete
NMS, EMS Suite that makes it the most unique offering in the market today. It’s a Next Generation Hybrid
Cloud orchestration software suite and can be setup in your own premises thus, giving you the security of
Private Cloud and scalability of Public Cloud.

It comes with following modules

2. eNlight 360 Data Center Management Suite

eNlight 360 is an all-in-one solution to manage all the aspects of data center. It is an automated system
designed to make data center management easy, efficient and quick. All the server logs and
consumption details can be viewed through a GUI interface. Now you can handle all aspects of server
management like trouble shooting, bandwidth consumption monitoring, OS installation and server
reboots with just a few clicks. Following are the five key modules of eNlight 360 DCM Suite.

A. Inventory Management:

• Auto discovery in eMagic enables faster deployment of devices in eMagic system. Once
auto discovery is done all the devices in given network are deployed in eMagic on a single
• The inventory management enables users to manage IT assets like server, its detailed parts
as RAM, CPU, HDD, Cards, Power Supply and so on.

B. Monitoring:
• eMagic provides detailed SNMP monitoring as well as socket monitoring. In SNMP
monitoring all SNMP supported monitoring functions like RAM, CPU, Disk, Network, and
load are monitored.
• Socket monitoring enables users to monitor the services like Web, email, FTP, SQL or any
other custom service.

C. IP Management:
• It provides all information regarding IP allocation – Subnet report, conflict in IP,
Blacklisted IP, and IP allocation report.
• IP SLA monitoring enables users to monitor latency to any IP address from eMagic
Network, and trace path gives the route to monitored IP.

D. NetFlow monitoring:
• NetFlow or SFlow enables users to have detailed monitoring of network traffic based on
standard protocols. Detailed reports and search functionality give complete information
of network traffic.
• Information of traffic based on protocol, ports, IP, Network, Conversation and application
is provided by NetFlow monitoring module.

E. Application & Database Server Monitoring:

Application & Database server monitoring

Database monitoring Capabilities

The Solution provides separate dashbords for DB server performance monitoring for MS-SQL,
My-SQL, Oracle etc.

Supports following parameter monitoring

i. MySQL

Provides graphical trend analysis & values for following parameters with proactive threshold-
based alerts to registered email ids & mobile nos. It provides real-time monitoring on following

• Connection Timeout
• Aborted Clients
• Aborted Connections
• Connections
• Thread Details
• Created Temp Disk tables
• Created Temp Tables
• Queries
• Open Tables
• Table Locks
• Data Traffic
• Key Read Hit
• Buffer Size
• Buffer Used
• Buffer Used Percentage
• Select Queries/Sec
• Update Queries/Sec
• Insert Queries/Sec
• Delete Queries/Sec
• InnoDB Buffer Pool Usage
• InnoDB Pages Read Req/Sec
• InnoDB Pages Write Req/Sec
• DB Availability

It also provides recommendations for better performance & optimization of DB server to DBA.

ii. MS-SQL

Query Performance:

• Top Queries by CPU

• Top Queries by I/O
• Top Waits by Waiting Tasks
• Top Slow Running Queries
• Most Frequently Executed Queries
• Most Blocked Queries
• Top Queries by Lowest Plan Reuse
• Cost of Missing Indexes

Provides graphical trend analysis & values for following parameters with proactive threshold-
based alerts to registered email ids & mobile nos.

• Total Server Memory

• SQL Cache Memory
• Optimizer Memory
• Lock Memory
• Connection Memory
• Target Server Memory
• Granted WorkSpace Memory
• Buffer Cache Hit Ratio
• Page Lookups/Sec
• Pages Read/Sec
• Page Writes
• Pages
• Page Life Expectancy (ms)
• User Connections
• Logins/Sec
• Logouts/Sec
• Cache Hit Ratio
• Cache Count
• Cache Pages
• Lock Requests/Sec
• Lock Wait/Sec
• Lock Timeout/Sec
• Full Scans/Sec
• Range Scans/Sec
• Probe Scans/Sec
• Work Files Created/Sec
• Work Tables Created/Sec
• Index Searches/Sec
• Latch Waits/Sec
• Average Latch Wait Time
• Batch Requests/Sec
• SQL Compilations/Sec
• SQL Recompilations/Sec
• Auto-Param Attempts/sec
• Failed Auto-Params/Sec
• Safe Auto-Params/Sec
• Unsafe Auto-Params/Sec
• Availability

iii. Oracle

Oracle monitoring should cover following parameters Tablespace Monitoring, Sessions –

Displays Live and waiting sessions, Jobs and Backup, SGA, Program Global Areas (PGA),
Processes monitoring.

It should provide graphical trend analysis & values for following parameters with proactive
threshold-based alerts to registered email ids & mobile nos.

I. Buffer Cache Size

II. Shared Pool Size
III. RedoLog Buffer Size
IV. Fixed Area Size
V. Java Pool size
VI. Large Pool Size
VII. Buffer Hit Ratio
VIII. Data Dictionary Hit Ratio
IX. Library Hit Ratio
X. Free Memory
XI. PGA freed back to OS
XII. Total freeable PGA
XIII. Maximum PGA allocated
XIV. Total PGA allocated
XV. Total PGA used
XVI. Cache Hit Percentage

JBoss, Apache Web Server, AD server & IIS Web Server monitoring is also available.
3. Cloud Orchestration Module:

3.1 infrastructure management:

The eNlight Cloud orchestration software sits in the middle of the IaaS module. It can be hooked up with
leading hypervisors from the backend and be managed via either the inbuilt dashboard or simple and
secure APIs. From a single eNlight web-based UI – the self-service portal, multiple zones can be managed.
A system administrator can login into a single Web UI and manage all the clusters present in each zone
which can geographically be at different locations. Each zone can have multiple hypervisors. These
hypervisors could be set up in server cluster or can be setup on single server.

3.2 eNlight 360 Dashboard

eNlight Cloud orchestration software comes with a Dashboard. It presents aggregated information of the
cloud. The three different graphs that are shown
in the dashboard depict the overall health of the
cloud. These graphs include Allocation
comparison graphs, Health status denoting
graphs and Quantity denoting table. Allocation
comparison graphs describes comparison
between, halted v/s running VM’s, used v/s
free RAM and used v/s free vCPU’s. Health
status denoting graphs denote general health
status of the cloud system. They show
comparison between minimum or maximum
resources required for the virtual machines in
the cloud v/s allocated and total resources
available in the cloud system. Quality denoting
table gives a quick view at the number of entities in the cloud system. This table basically shows the number
of Computes, Hosts, VMs and Zones.

A. Vertical Scaling: Vertical scaling is a patented (US 9176788) and unique feature of eNlight Cloud
orchestration software. eNlight automatically scales virtual machine resources on the fly. The
resources of a virtual machine are scaled between the minimum and maximum resources assigned
to it in proportion to load over it. This is done by an intelligent algorithm that monitors its resources
and scales them up or down accordingly. This helps in cutting down the cloud expenses while
providing consistent performance to users. This makes eNlight a cost effective and one of its kind
Cloud Orchestration software.
Currently providing scalability matrix for XenServer & it can be extended to other hypervisors
such as VMware, MS HyperV with respective compliances.

Scalability Matrix by OS Type

OS Type CPU Scalability RAM Scalability
Hypervisor Scale UP Scale DOWN Scale UP Scale DOWN
CentOS Yes Yes Yes Yes
RHEL Yes Yes Yes Yes
XenServer Ubuntu Yes Yes Yes Yes
SUSE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows Server No No Yes Yes

B. Hypervisor wise Technical Function Matrix of eNlight 360:

Functionality supported for different hypervisors as per following parameters. Currently providing for
Xen server. It can be extended to other hypervisors like VMware, MS HyperV & KVM with their
respective compliances by eNlight 360.

Function Description XenServer

Create virtual machine from disk template file (vmdk, vhd, img,
1 Create Yes
vhdx, ovf, xva)
2 Start Performs a Power on a virtual machine operation. Yes
Power off a virtual machine. This operation has two options,
3 Stop force power off and guest power off, this function only does force Yes
power off
Performs vm force reset operation, and the virtual machine is
4 Restart Yes
force restarted
Edits virtual machine configuration - RAM and CPU only.
5 Edit Yes
Additionally the Group and User details can also be edited
Deletes a VM. The vm is force powered off, its disks are deleted
6 Delete Yes
and finally the vm is deleted
7 Rename The name of a virtual machine is changed NA
A virtual machine is cloned, and then the clones VM is powered
8 Clone Yes
A virtual machine is copied to a storage location and then the
9 Copy Yes
newly copied VM is powered on
10 List List virtual machines for a group and user Yes
Provide console access to the VM. The console is provided
11 Console Yes
through 3rd party client like noVNC, FreeRDP or Guacamole
Disk files of a virtual machine are exported and provided via a
12 Export Yes
downloadable URL
This function imports virtual machines and changes to virtual
13 Auto discovery Yes
machine in the system
Resource This function processes virtual machine resource utilization and
14 Yes
Metering imports those details in the system
This function provides eNlight Auto Scaling - for automatic
15 Scaling Yes
resource allocation and de-allocation
Create additional disks for a VM. Raw unformated disks are
16 Create Yes
added to the VM, and these disks are "thin disks"
17 Delete Permanently Delete the virtual machine disk file Yes
List all the disk files of a virtual machine. Disks can also be listed
18 List Yes
via a Storage provisioned on the compute
19 Create Creates a snapshot of a virtual machine Yes
20 Revert Reverts a virtual machine to a snapshot taken in the past Yes
Deletes a virtual machine snapshot. All files related to the
21 Delete Yes
snapshot are deleted
22 List Lists all snapshots of a virtual machine Yes
23 Create Create a virtual Interface card for the VM Yes
24 Delete Deletes a virtual interface card of a VM Yes
List all the virtual interface cards of a VM. VIFs can also be listed
25 List Yes
via a VLAN provisioned on the compute
26 Create VLAN Creates VLAN on the compute connected to a physical adaptor NA
List Networks
27 Lists all the VLANs created on compute Yes
28 List Lists all the Storages created on the compute Yes

• Workflow: Being organized is great, and having a proper process helps manageability. With
workflow, you can create and manage access restrictions / approval rules that match your
organizational hierarchical structure. Set rules per user, to allow / deny / approve, any operation
executed in your cloud. Now your CIO will be extremely happy!
• Scheduling: Ever thought of automating your tasks while you're asleep in your bed at night. With
scheduling, schedule and automate any executable task in your cloud while you are in deep sleep.
You can, not only automate one task, but a whole job sequences that affects every alternate task.
Cloud operations automation in few clicks!
• Quota: Resources are better utilized when they can be distributed properly among consumers.
With quota management, you can set resources limits for every user in your cloud. This adds great
value to your cloud resource management. Giving you more control over your infrastructure.
Quota management and workflow give the management people the same virtual control as they
expect in reality.
• IP Management: eNlight 360° enables you to perform organization-wide IP management with
flexibility to have Pools like External Public, Internal Public, and Internal Private. It supports IP
accounting as well as auto assignment to Virtual Machines.


• SNMP: eNlight 360° is well versed with SNMP based monitoring which can monitor your Physical
& Virtual Infrastructure. Physical infrastructure not only limits to Servers but also includes
Network, Storages, UPS, Cameras and any other IT component.

• Alerts & Notifications: eNlight 360° is a highly scalable platform capable of collecting the
unstructured data from all the different make and models of IT Infrastructure assets, activities and
processes. Various types of monitoring possible through eNlight 360° such as Device Monitoring,
Storage Monitoring, Application Monitoring, Net flow Monitoring and Sys-log Monitoring.

• Application & DB monitoring: 225+ Parameters based monitoring for DB servers like Oracle, MY-
SQL & MS-SQL etc. along with applications like Jboss, Tomcat, AD and Exchange.

• Reports – Hypervisor wise reports, POD wise reports available.

7. eNlight 360˚ Commercials

After understanding your requirements, we are currently suggesting eNlight360 with following
modules. Final detailed techno-commercial proposal will be provided based on requirements
finalized post final discussions with the bank.

Following techno-commercials will be covered in mentioned modules.

Devices / Base Pricing

Software Modules
Quantity (in USD)
eNlight360 Inventory Management
Suite Server Monitoring
Perpetual IP Management
Total 300 devices
License Net flow monitoring
Application & Database Monitoring
Syslog Analyzer – event monitoring (SIEM)
Cloud Orchestration Module (Add On) Not Opted
Added One-time Remote Implementation cost ** + 2 days remote Training 8000

Total 56000/-

• On date of PO tax structure will be applicable. (GST) P.S – 18 % GST will be applied on the above
amount. GST code details can be provided on demand (Note: Taxes will be applicable as per
• Note: first year product support is included in price as default. Second year onwards, for
eNlight360 there will be 18% cost. (to be paid annually in advance).

8. Payment Terms:
• 50% License fees on the release of Purchase order and the remaining on completion of

• The bank will pay the Implementation fees of $ 8000 in advance at the release of Purchase order
which will trigger the implementation to be started by Amossys Consulting Services within one
week of receipt of the payment.
Other Terms and Conditions:

1. License key Delivery period – 30 days

2. Required network device access will be provided by client.
3. Servers / VMs required for setup, installation and hosting will be provided by client.
4. Any kind of data collection, data entry or data conversion is not part of this scope
5. Any kind of hardware or license procurement is not part of this scope
6. Configuration management not part of this scope
7. Any non-complying devices can’t be added for any monitoring.
8. Additional new feature development will be charged extra and it will be discussed mutually
without any commitment.
9. Remote support will be provided in 1st year for any issues in implementation. From second year
it will be chargeable as per AMC.
10. The above customization costs is for the mentioned reports only. Any additional customization
would cost extra.

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