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Note : Two copies of the completed application form should be sent.

All entries should be typewritten.
Programme of Study (tick as appropriate )

Postgraduate Diploma MScEng MSc

Full Name ( use capital letters ) Mr //Ms/ Mrs / Miss

Surname : Other Names :

Date of Birth Citizenship : National ID No. : Sex: Male/Female


Address , Telephone No., and Fax No. :

Home Address : Office Address :

Tel. No. : Tel. No. :

E-mail : E-mail :
Fax No. : Fax No. :

Preferred mailing address : Home Office

(tick as appropriate )

Employment History
Organization Period Designation Nature of work
( from – to )

Academic Qualification obtained

University / Institution Degree / Diploma with subjects Year Grade / Class

Have you previously attended the University of Peradeniya ? Yes No

If YES give Registration No. and the name /s of the Programme /s of study.
Research Publications and Experience : (use additional sheets if necessary )

Other Qualifications :
(Fellowships , Scholarships , Awards , Membership in professional bodies etc. )

Are you currently registered for another Degree / Diploma at this or any other Universities ?

Yes No

If YES give details :

How will you finance your Postgraduate studies ?

Self Sponsored

If sponsored, by whom ?

Any other Relevant Information ( Use additional sheets if necessary )

Document to be sent along with the application.

a. Two letters of recommendation. At least one should be from the applicant’s teacher at the University. (Letters of
recommendation are considered confidential)
b. Degree/Diploma/Professional membership certificate/s (Photostat copy/copies)
c. Birth certificate (Photostat copy)
d. Letter of consent from the employer (if funded by the employer)
e. Three self addressed envelops (22x10 cm)
f. Four copies of passport-size colour photograph of yourself
Declaration of the Applicant
I have instructed the Registrar of the ………………………………… University / Institute to send my academic transcript direct to the
office of the Assistant Registrar of the Faculty of Engineering , University of Peradeniya.
I certify that all of the information provided above is correct and I agree to abide by and be subject to the regulations of the University if
this application is accepted.

…………………………….. ……………………………………
Date Signature of the Applicant
Perfected application in duplicate with the supporting documents to be sent under registered post to Assistant Registrar, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, before 30th August, 2013. Please indicate “PG/Geotechnical Engineering and
Engineering Geology” on the top left hand corner of the envelop.

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