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The table below shows the results of a 20-year study into why adults in the UK attend

arts events.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

The table illustrates the reasons the people in the UK attending art events based on the study for over
20 years. Overall, the main reason for them is to see specific performer or artist, and this figure is almost
unchanged over 20 years period.

Twenty years ago, the percentage of the people who were attending the art events mostly because they
want to see a specific performer or artist, was a staggering number of 58% of all the respondent. This
figure remained without much alteration and ended in 56% today. Although these changes look like a
decrease, in fact, the last figure increased from 10 years ago, at 55%.

There are two reasons why people attending art events that got an increase from 20 years ago. Those
are to accompanying children, start with only 9%, and increased up to 15% at ten years ago, and today
this figure even reaching 24%, becoming the second most significant reason why people goes to art
events. Similarly, the percentage of people who were attending arts related to work or business start as
the lowest figure at 20 years ago at 6% only, and increase slightly to 10% at ten years ago and ended up
at 11% today. This figure counted as the third most significant reason today.

In contrast, the percentage of people attending arts for particular occasion/celebration decrease along
time, decreased from 27% at 20 years ago to become 20 % at ten years ago, and shockingly plummeted
to just 9% today, as the lowest percentage of the reasons why people go to the event arts.

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