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The Dataloading standard defines both a Software Part format and the data loading protocol
for the ARINC 429 bus. ARINC 615 is built upon ARINC 603 and is (largely) backward
compatible. Example of ARINC 615 Loadable Software Part (LSP) (Figure 1 -).

Figure 1 - ARINC 615 LSP

Inside DISK00x contents, it may contain a config.ldr file among other LSP files (Figure 2 -). ARINC
615 LSP’s can renamed to any part number.

Figure 2 - DISK00x Contents

A standard that defines the structure of a Software Part and was created to define a Software
Part and Media Set for ARINC 615A. The ARINC 665 standard is not dependent on ARINC 615A
(it is used for many other types of loading protocols as well). However, the converse is not true.
ARINC 615A is dependent upon ARINC 665. An ARINC 665 media set contains one or more
ARINC 665 formatted Software Parts. Example of ARINC 665 (Figure 3 -).

Figure 3 - ARINC 665

ARINC 665 LSP cannot be renamed, the LSP part number and LRU name comes from the .LUH
The header file list
• The target hardware THW-ID and position (THW_ID_POS) of the Software Part.
• All of the files which belong to the Software Part. And for each file it indicates
• The part number of the file
• The CRC of the file
ARINC 615/665
ARINC 665 files may contain another Software Part format to provide a dual-part format.
ARINC 615 is the most common mix type. In this case, the LSP may contain both a config.ldr file
and .luh file, (Figure 4 -). ARINC 665/615 LSP’s cannot be renamed, the LSP part number and
LRU name comes from the .LUH file.

Figure 4 - ARINC 615/665

An ARINC 665 media sets contains .LUH, FILES.LUM and LOADS.LUM. It may optionally contain
o FILES.LUM lists the CRC and location of all of the files in the media set.
o LOADS.LUM lists all of the Software Parts in the media set
o BATCHES.LUM (optional) lists all of the Batch Files in the media set.

Note: A 665 MS part containing the Files.LUM and Loads.LUM outside the folder, (Figure 5 -).
The eADL does not support ARINC 665 MS per the example below, in this case, the Files.LUM
and Loads.LUM can be deleted before importing.
Figure 5 - ARINC 665 MS

Data Loader User Requirements (DLUR)

It is the term used for a type of Software Part which conforms to the proprietary Boeing D6-
55562 standard (Figure 6 -). DLUR LSP’s can’t be renamed.

Figure 6 - DLUR LSP

DLRU/615 Hybrid LSP’s can be re-named. (Figure 7 -).

Figure 7 - DLUR/615

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