Quick Start Bundle MicroPLC SmartPanel S7S

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Quick start – Bundle

MICRO PLC – smartPanel – SPEED7 Studio

December 18 Page 1 of 19
© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
Table of contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1.1 About this document .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.2 Application Example .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.3 Process & Instrumentation Diagram .................................................................................................. 4
1.1.4 Target systems .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1.5 MICRO PLC ....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.6 smartPanel ......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1.7 SPEED7 Studio ................................................................................................................................. 8
2 Quick Start .................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Software set-up .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.1 Minimum requirements ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 Software Dependencies ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.3 Licensing .......................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Downloading the project to the target systems................................................................................ 11
2.2.1 Importing the Project into SPEED7 Studio ...................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Linking the PLC and HMI projects in SPEED7 Studio ..................................................................... 11
2.3 Preparing the devices for download and transferring the project .................................................... 12
2.3.1 MICRO PLC Configuration .............................................................................................................. 12
2.3.2 Downloading the project to the MICRO PLC ................................................................................... 15
2.3.3 smartPanel Configuration ................................................................................................................ 16
2.3.4 Downloading the project to the smartPanel ..................................................................................... 18

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
Table of figures

Figure 1-1 – P&ID Diagram of the system ......................................................................................................... 4

Figure 1-2 – P&ID Diagram of the filling operation ............................................................................................ 5
Figure 1-3 – P&ID Diagram of the washing operation ....................................................................................... 5
Figure 1-4 – System MICRO overview .............................................................................................................. 6
Figure 1-5 – S7 Instructions exectution – MICRO vs Others ............................................................................ 7
Figure 1-6 – smartPanels 4.3“, 7“, 10“ ............................................................................................................... 7
Figure 1-7 – SPEED7 Studio Features .............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 2-1 – SPEED7 Studio dependencies ..................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2-2 – SPEED7 Studio activation dialog ................................................................................................ 10
Figure 2-3 – Importing a project into SPEED7 Studio ..................................................................................... 11
Figure 2-4 – Linking the PLC and HMI projects together ................................................................................ 11
Figure 2-5 – IP Configuration of the computer’s network interface ................................................................. 12
Figure 2-6 – SPEED7 Studio – Device properties – Communication tab ....................................................... 12
Figure 2-7 – Communication tab in detail ........................................................................................................ 13
Figure 2-8 – Accessible Partners .................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2-9 – Accessible partners – Assigning a new IP address .................................................................... 15
Figure 2-10 – Downloading the project to the MICRO PLC ............................................................................ 15
Figure 2-11 – Transfer dialog .......................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2-12 – Startup Manager ....................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2-13 – Starting Movicon Uploadserver ................................................................................................. 17
Figure 2-14 – smartPanel desktop .................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 2-15 – smartPanel control panel .......................................................................................................... 18
Figure 2-16 – smartPanel IP adress configuration .......................................................................................... 18
Figure 2-17 – Opening theVIPA Movicon Editor via SPEED7 Studio ............................................................. 18
Figure 2-18- VIPA Movicon Editor – Project Transfering ................................................................................ 19

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
1 Introduction

1.1.1 About this document

This document is a reference guide for setting up an application based on a MICRO PLC coupled
with a smartPanel HMI, containing relevant information about the devices and software necessary
for its realization, and the necessary steps to reproduce and run the example project.

1.1.2 Application Example

The application example is based on a water filtering and supplying system, able to pump filtered
water to a storage tank and identify when it is time to stop the supplying, and execute a wash cycle
to prevent a flow blockage caused by the buildup of particles in the filter.

In this example project, the application’s logic is not extensively covered; however, some
programing examples are present in other to demonstrate general functionalities of the targeted

1.1.3 Process & Instrumentation Diagram

The system consists of a pump, solenoid vales which direct the water flow depending on the
operation mode, a filter, pressure transducers measuring the pressure at the entry and exit points of
the filter, and a tank storing the filtered water for later use and washing operation.

Figure 1-1 – P&ID Diagram of the system

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
The example system works on two distinct modes of operation:

1 – Filling mode: Water is drawn from a water supply, pumped through a filter and then into a tank,
where it is stored for later use. During this process, particles get trapped in the filter, creating a flow
resistance (measured by the pressure difference in the entry and exit points of the filter, acquired by
PT1 and PT2) which after a critical value triggers the washing operation.

Figure 1-2 – P&ID Diagram of the filling operation

1 – Washing mode: On this mode, the system now draws filtered water from the storage tank, and
pumps it back through the filter, carrying away the particles that settled in the filter into the waste
drain pipe.

Figure 1-3 – P&ID Diagram of the washing operation

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
1.1.4 Target systems
This project is not restricted to, but was realized for the following devices and software:
 7” smartPanel
 SPEED7 Studio Basic, version 1.8 service pack 3 or higher
 VIPA Movicon editor (integrated in SPEED7 Studio versions Basic and Pro)


The MICRO PLC is a S7-instruction controller, with the form factor of a compact PLC but with the
performance of a modular PLC.

It comes with a fully retentive 64KB available for the PLC program, and with the following
integrated I/Os and communication interfaces:
 16 Digital inputs
 12 Digital outputs
 Analog inputs (0 – 10 V)
 Active Ethernet port (switch) for Modbus TCP, S7 Ethernet and PROFINET communication.

This controller can also be expanded with up to 8 modules and an extra interface for serial
communication (MPI and PROFIBUS slave). Additionally, its 64KB can be expanded to 128KB via a
VSC card

Figure 1-4 – System MICRO overview

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
Contrary to other S7 controllers in its category, the MICRO’s processor is able to run S7 instruction
natively, making it light years faster than its rivals, which must first convert (interpret) the
instructions to a different instruction set which their processors can understand.

Figure 1-5 – S7 Instructions exectution – MICRO vs Others

1.1.6 smartPanel
The smartPanels are designed for medium-sized application and are up to the date of creation of
this document, our fastest Movicon HMI, being surpassed only by our Panel PC line.

The example project was made with a 7” smartPanel in mind, other sizes may be used but the
project pages will require a manual scaling in the editor, in order for the screens to be shown as
they were intended to.

Figure 1-6 – smartPanels 4.3“, 7“, 10“

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
1.1.7 SPEED7 Studio
SPEED7 Studio is our engineering tool for the MICRO PLC and SLIO systems.

In the Basic and Pro versions, a license for the VIPA Movicon editor is included, enabling the
development of HMI applications for our Movicon panels and the tag-database synchronization
between PLC and HMI, reducing the overhead time when developing an integrated PLC+HMI

Figure 1-7 – SPEED7 Studio Features

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
2 Quick Start
This section describes how to set up and run the example project in the target systems.

2.1 Software set-up

The software package (SPEED7 Studio & VIPA Movicon Editor) is distributed in both digital
download and physical media.

For downloading the software and respective updates, please visit:


2.1.1 Minimum requirements

For a smooth operation, please ensure the machine in which the software will be run, fulfil the
following requirements:
 Processor: Intel© Pentium© 4 or AMD Athlon© 64
 Operating system: Microsoft© Windows 7© or Windows 8© or Windows 10©
 Working memory: At least 2 GB RAM
 Hard disk space: At least 12 GB (installation on portable flash memories not possible)

2.1.2 Software Dependencies

SPEED7 Studio will install the following additional packages during the installation process:

 SPEED7 Studio Framework – SPEED7 Studio Environment

 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.52 – Code Library
 Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1 – Project Database
 WinPcap – Low level network control

Figure 2-1 – SPEED7 Studio dependencies

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
2.1.3 Licensing
SPEED7 Studio may be used for 30 days in trial mode, after this period has passed, a valid license
will be necessary in order to continue using the software.

If no license is activated, an activation dialogue will open each time SPEED7 Studio is initialized:

Figure 2-2 – SPEED7 Studio activation dialog

In order to activate a SPEED7 Studio license, internet connection will be necessary.

If the installation target has internet connection, the activation may be conducted by directly
entering a valid license-key and personal information in the activation dialog and clicking on the
“Activate” button.

If the installation target does not have an internet connection, the activation will need to be
intermediated by a machine connected to the internet. This process is described in the SPEED7
Studio documentation in the “Installation and activation of SPEED7 Studio” section.

The licensing of the VIPA Movicon Editor is dependent on the activation of SPEED7 Studio.
In the absence of a valid Basic or Pro license for SPEED7 Studio, the VIPA Movicon Editor will run
in DEMO mode.

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
2.2 Downloading the project to the target systems

2.2.1 Importing the Project into SPEED7 Studio

With SPEED7 Studio open, go on “File-->Import project”, and select the Example_1.vpp file
included in the “Bundle Project” package.

Figure 2-3 – Importing a project into SPEED7 Studio

When the software finishes the importing task, click on “Done” and wait for the project to load.

2.2.2 Linking the PLC and HMI projects in SPEED7 Studio

The HMI project is not stored in the same .vpp file as the PLC project, linking the project is however
easily done, by right clicking on “HMI Movicon project” in SPEED7 Studio’s Project tree:

Figure 2-4 – Linking the PLC and HMI projects together

Click on search to define the path, and select the “MoviconProject.movprj” file under the “MoviconProject”

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
2.3 Preparing the devices for download and transferring the project
In order to download the projects to the MICRO PLC and smartPanel, these devices must be
configured with the assigned IP addresses being used in the project:
MicroPLC smartPanel
IP address: IP address:
Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

The address for the network interface of the computer must be set in the same IP family as the
MICRO PLC and smartPanel. The exact parameters used when creating this example were:
IP address: Subnet mask:

Figure 2-5 – IP Configuration of the computer’s network interface

2.3.1 MICRO PLC Configuration

To configure the interface between SPEED7 Studio and the MICRO PLC, open the “Device
properties” window and select the “Communication” tab.

Figure 2-6 – SPEED7 Studio – Device properties – Communication tab

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
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Figure 2-7 – Communication tab in detail

In the section “Properties of Ethernet interface”, at “PC interface” select the interface which the
MICRO PLC is connected to.

In the section “Communication settings”, be sure to select “Ethernet Interface” at “Active PC

interface” and click on “Accessible Partners”:

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
Figure 2-8 – Accessible Partners

On the “Accessible partners” window, the software scans the nodes connected to the selected
network interface card. Upon finding a PLC through the network, it is possible to configure its
communication address.

To begin a network scan, click on “Search”.

By default, a new PLC will have the IP address assigned to it.
To configure a new address, select the found device, and set the address parameters on the
“Change communication settings” section.

Set the parameters as described in the beginning of section 2.3 – Preparing the devices for

Click on “Set”, to apply the changes to the controller, and close the window when the process is

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
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Figure 2-9 – Accessible partners – Assigning a new IP address

2.3.2 Downloading the project to the MICRO PLC

Upon configuring the PC/PLC interface and assigning the address to the MICRO PLC as described,
right click on the MICRO PLC section on the “Project tree”, and click on “Transfer all” to download
the hardware configuration and program blocks into the controller:

Figure 2-10 – Downloading the project to the MICRO PLC

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
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The “Transfer device” dialog will be shown on the screen. Select the entry with the previously
assigned IP address ( and click on “Transfer”.

Figure 2-11 – Transfer dialog

2.3.3 smartPanel Configuration

After the panel is initialized, the “Startup manager” will be displayed on the panel’s screen.
Bottom down on the screen, there will be a countdown to initiate the HMI application.

Touching the “Main” button, will bring the Panel’s settings window:

Figure 2-12 – Startup Manager

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
Click on „Autostart“ and check the “Movicon TCP Upload Server” box, then confirm then start the upload
server by clicking on “Start Uploadserver now”.
The TCP upload server will be used in the next section, when transferring the project to the panel.

Figure 2-13 – Starting Movicon Uploadserver

Then click on “Back” and exit the startup manager to be redirected into windows.

To set the IP address of the panel, go to “StartSettingsControl Panel”:

Figure 2-14 – smartPanel desktop

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© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.
On the control panel, double click on „Network and Dial-up Connections“:

Figure 2-15 – smartPanel control panel

Figure 2-16 – smartPanel IP adress configuration

Set the parameters as described in the beginning of section 2.3 – Preparing the devices for
download, and click on “OK” when it is done.

2.3.4 Downloading the project to the smartPanel

There project may be transferred to the smartPanel via an USB-disk, TCP server, active sync or via FTP
server. In this document, only the transfer via TCP server will be covered.
To transfer the project using the TCP server, open the VIPA Movicon editor by right clicking on “HMI Movicon
project” on SPEED7 Studio’s Project tree, and click on “Movicon Open project”

Figure 2-17 – Opening theVIPA Movicon Editor via SPEED7 Studio

Then on the VIPA Movicon Editor, click on “MoviconProject” and then on “Upload Project” on the Commands
section, under “Plugin Type”, select TCP, and fill the fields as described below:

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Server: (Adress set according to section 2.3.3 – smartPanel Configuration)
User Name: No need to fill
Password: No need to fill
Upload Path: Data path for the storage of the project.
If the path chosen is not under, the project will be stored in the RAM memory and will be gone after the panel
is switched off.

Figure 2-18- VIPA Movicon Editor – Project Transfering

On the smartPanel, go to the upload path and execute the file “MoviconProject.movprj” to run the project.

December 18 Page 19 of 19
© VIPA GmbH, Ohmstrasse 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
All information is subject to change, changes and errors excepted.

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