Principles of Communication

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Presentation: English (7C’s of effective
Roll no: 41


The ability to communicate effectively with others is
considered a prize quality of successful people. So, in
order to compose an effective oral or written message,
you must follow certain principle. They are called 7C’s
because each of these principle starting with alphabet ‘C’

These are:
1. Clarity
2. Correctness
3. Conciseness
4. Courtesy
5. Concreteness
6. Consideration
7. completeness

CLARITY: Clarity is the soul of business message. It

means the accurate transfer of ideas from the sender’s
head to the receiver’s. Every message should be conveyed
in clear manner. Clarity comes through clear thinking. A
good message shows the idea directly and clearly. A
writer should not start a message unless he know how
(use of language) and (central idea) he want to say. A
message is written in simple and ordinary language is
always natural and appreciable. To achieve clarity, keep
in mind the following steps:
Use common and simple language.
Construct effective sentences and short paragraphs.
Use concrete words instead of abstract words.
 Avoid unnecessary information.

Language Experts says that writing is a difficult art. There
is no shortcut to good writing. It is learnt through
consistent practice and constant struggle. A message is
being communicated must be correct. Correctness refers
to correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. Through
mistakes are never international yet they spoil the
message. To achieve the correctness, follow these
Check accuracy of facts and figures.
Check mistakes in grammar, punctuation and
Check misspelled words.
 Use right level of language

Beauty of diction lines in its conciseness means brief and
complete. Be as brief as possible. But it must not so brief
as to be discourteous. Conciseness is a prerequisite to
effective business message. A concise message saves time
and expense for both sender and receiver. To achieve
conciseness, observe the following suggestions:
Remove wordy expression.
Avoid unnecessary information.
Include only relevant material.
Courtesy is the most important quality of business
message. ‘‘everyone gains where courtesy reigns’’ is an
old but wise saying. Courtesy means politeness. It is an
attitude that shows respect for others. It helps in building
goodwill. It is not enough to use polite expressions like
‘‘thanks, please, we appreciate and thanks’’ etc. but the
whole letter must be in a courteous tone. To achieve
courtesy, keep in mind the following points.
 Be sincere.
Use expressions that show respect.
Be thoughtful and appreciative from the receiver’s
point of view.
Avoid humour.
Avoid discriminatory language i.e. race, Colour,
gender, creed, etc.
Communicating concretely means being specific,
meaningful and clear. Vague and general messages result
in no response. It helps the receiver to understand the
exact idea. Concrete use of available facts and figures
adds to the authenticity of the message. To achieve the
concreteness, consider the following ways:
Use clear and image building words.
Use specific facts and figures.
Use active voice than passive voice.
Consideration is to put yourself in the place of the
receiver. It means preparing every message with the
message reader in mind. This mode of consideration is
called ‘‘your attitude’’. When you are truly considerate,
you try to show sincere regard for his interest and
benefits. To be considerate, the following points must be
kept in mind.
See your material from your reader’s point of view.
Focus on ‘you’ instead of ‘us’ e.g.1. You are
delighted to inform (we attitude) 2. you are glad to
know (your attitude)
Be sure about the benefits of the receiver.
Consider the needs and problems of the receiver.
Use optimistic and positive word.
A business message should be complete to bring the
required result. A complete message contains all the facts
required by the receiver. A receiver’s reaction to an
incomplete message shows negligence and carelessness
of the writers. For completeness follow these guidelines:
Remember five W’s (what, when, where, why, who)
and how.
Provide all necessary information.
Answer all the questions asked.
Include additional information is desirable.
To conclude, it can be said that awareness of these 7
C’s make us a complete and effective communicator

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