Big Data Poverty Final

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For Poverty Analysis

Jakarta, 2 December 2019 Elga Yulwardian

Introduction Elga Yulwardian
2017 - Ivosights – Co-founder & CEO
2016 - Sun Life – Vice President Digital Strategy
2015 - Orami – Vice President Marketing
2015 - Bata – Head of E-Commerce & Digital Marketing
2011 - Indosat – Head of Digital Media & Digital Activation
2011 - Smartfren – Market Engagement & Partnership Manager
2009 - DataPrint – Marketing & Digital Manager
2004 - BPS – Data Dissemination Staff

2016 Digital Transformation Advisor for some companies

2018 Mentor Some Startups Business, Mentor S2 NVI Prasetiya Mulya

2008 Melbourne University – Master Business & IT

2006 Prasetiya Mulya – MM, Marketing
2001 STIS – Computer Statistics
Digital Ecosystem

Big Data & DCX

Community &

Digital Media & IntelligentADS

1. Digital Evolution
2. Big Data Concept
3. Big Data For Poverty Analysis
4. Discussion
Digital Evolution
Audience Evolution
The future clients would be very different!
• 4th largest mobile market in the world
• SIM penetration of 131%
• 43% smartphone penetration
• “mobile-first” with 64.1 million users accessing Internet through mobile devices

Source: BPS,

Digital Evolution
Society 5.0
75 years

38 years

13 years

4 years

3.5 years

3 years
50 days
50 Million Users
35 days

19 days
Source: Various sources
Source: HBR March 2013, Larry Downes and Paul F. Nules
PESO Convergence Media
Channels Evolution

Source: Various source, modified

Big Data Concept
Big Data Utilization

What did Cambridge Analytica do?

Cambridge Analytica received user data from Aleksandr Kogan, who created an app called "thisisyourdigitallife" that ostensibly offered
personality predictions to users while calling itself a research tool for psychologists.
The app asked users to log in using their Facebook account. As part of the login process, it asked for access to users' Facebook profiles,
locations, what they liked on the service, and importantly, their friends' data as well.

The problem, Facebook says, is that Kogan then sent this user data to Cambridge Analytica without user permission, something that's
against the social network's rules.
Big Data In Business Mobilewalla is an example of DMP-DSP company.

DMP (Data Management Profile) is an engine that collect, store, analyze and
clustering multisource of data to be used for sharpening ads targeting.

DSP (Demand Side Platform) is an engine to serve advertisers (usually come with
RTB capability) that connect to hundred thousands of ad spots.
Big Data In Business
When an ad is showing on our Angry Birds game, they collect some data and combine those with other data from same device ID. Company like
Mobilewalla stores millions unique device ID along with its hundreds segmentations.
They gather billions activity records every months and keep updated and enriched the data based on the activities.
Currently Mobilewalla has 85 millions unique device ID Indonesia with rich segmentations.
Big Data - Definition
-- O’Reilly
Big data is data that exceeds the processing capacity of conventional database systems. The data is too
big, moves too fast, or doesn't fit the strictures of your database architectures. To gain value from this
data, you must choose an alternative way to process it.

-- Forrester
Big Data is the frontier of a firm's ability to store, process, and access (SPA) all the data it needs to
operate effectively, make decisions, reduce risks, and serve customers

-- Gartner
Big Data in general is defined as high volume, velocity and variety information assets that demand cost-
effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making

-- IBM
Big data is the data characterized by 3 attributes: volume, variety and velocity

-- Oracle
Big data is the data characterized by 4 key attributes: volume, variety, velocity and value
Big Data – Data Size



Big Data

Utah Governor Herbert on June 11, 2012 told the annual meeting of the National Governors' Association that the NSA's
1,500,000 square foot data center being built outside Salt Lake City will be the first facility to house a yottabyte of data
Big Data - Definition

Big Data - Definition

Big Data - Definition

Data Growth
Data Growth

“..from the dawn of civillization until 2003, humankind generated five exabites of data.
Now we produce five exabites every two days..and the pace is accelerating..”

Eric Schmidt
Executive Chairman of Google from 2001 to 2017
and Alphabet Inc. from 2015 to 2017

Data Growth

90% of today’s data has been created in just the last 2 years

Every day we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data or enough to fill 10 million
Blu-ray discs

40 zettabytes (40 trillion gigabytes) of data will be created by 2020, an

increase of 300 times from 2005, and the equivalent of 5,200 gigabytes of
data for every man, woman and child on Earth

Most companies in the US have over 100 terabytes (100,000 gigabytes) of

data stored
Big Data - Type
Big Data – Data Type

Big Data - Type
Big Data - Type

Big Data - Type
NoSQL encompasses a wide variety of different database technologies that were developed
in response to the demands presented in building modern applications, especially handling
big data with massive volumes of new, rapidly changing data types — structured, semi-
structured, unstructured and polymorphic data
Big Data – Data Processing
Big Data - Analytics

iBeacon is the name for Apple’s technology standard, which allows Mobile Apps (running
on both iOS and Android devices) to listen for signals from beacons in the physical world
and react accordingly. In essence, iBeacon technology allows Mobile Apps to understand
their position on a micro-local scale, and deliver hyper-contextual content to users based
on location. The underlying communication technology is Bluetooth Low Energy.
Big Data – Machine Generated Data

Source: IDC The Digital Universe in 2020

Big Data – Data IoT & AI
Big Data – Data IoT & AI


In 2012, 16,000 computers dedicated to mimicking some aspects of human brain activity had
successfully trained itself to recognize a cat based on 10 million digital images taken
from YouTube video
Data Source : IoT
Big Data – Data IoT & AI

iBeacon is the name for Apple’s technology standard, which allows Mobile Apps (running
on both iOS and Android devices) to listen for signals from beacons in the physical world
and react accordingly. In essence, iBeacon technology allows Mobile Apps to understand
their position on a micro-local scale, and deliver hyper-contextual content to users based
on location. The underlying communication technology is Bluetooth Low Energy.
Big Data In
Poverty Analysis
The Global Sustainable Development Goals

(2000-2015) (2015-2030)

Developing country focused


Social Social, Economic, and


Foreign Aid Domestic Investment, Private

Flows, and Aid

Official Statistics and Big Data, Citizen Generated

Administrative Data Data, Geospatial and Earth
Observation Data, Open Data, 42
and more
17 Goals, 169 Targets, 230 Indicators = Huge Data Needs
Big Data For

Big data for development is about turning imperfect, complex,

often unstructured data into actionable information.
Big Data For Development

Multi Source of Data

Source: David Somerville, based on a two pane version by Hugh McLeod

Multi-Dimension Poverty SDGs

Source: Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative

Big Data for Poverty Analysis
The 3Cs Concept

Big Data For Development

Source: WEF White Paper, “Big Data, Big Impact: New Possibilities for International Development
Big Data
for Poverty Analysis
The 3Cs Concept
Big Data for Poverty Analysis
The 3Cs Concept
Big Data for Poverty Analysis
The 3Cs Concept

Leidig M, Teeuw RM (2015) Quantifying and Mapping Global Data Poverty. PLOS ONE 10(11): e0142076.
Big Data
for Poverty Analysis
The 3Cs Concept
Big Data For Development

Sensativ adalah sebuah perusahaan sensor

dari Indonesia yang tengah megembangkan
sensor kesehatan untuk mendeteksi data
vital kesehatan seperti tekanan darah,
glukosa, debeberapa lainnya.

Sesativ dapat memperekuat deteksi

kesehatan pada pusat pelayanan kesehatan
dengan lebih terjangkau dan terkoneksi
menggunakan data internet.
Big Data For Development

Data from Twitter for July 2010 through October 2011 in Javanese/Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Big Data For Development
Big Data
for Poverty Analysis
The 3Cs Concept
Big Data For Development

Big Data For Development
Big Data For Development
CROM Digital Retail Company

CROM is a retail technology based company that bring the advantage of technology
to Traditional Stores’ daily business activities, by improving their supply chain
practices, growing their market coverage (adding routine customers purchase
behavior) and expanding their business model, to give them more opportunity to
compete and grow.

Supply chain Digital Commerce Ads & Analytics

a syste m by:
Business Model – Supply Chain

CROM deals with principals/big distributors by giving:

- An aggregate of demand per area
Farrmers Fisher
- Precision demand forecast
Principal/Producer Principal/Producer
- Data analytics
- Geo targeting promo

Traditional stores will be helped by having technology based

order/supply system, and POS app.
For CROM, the stores will be functioned as:
- The point of sales
Traditional Store Traditional Store Traditional Store - Source of demand data collection
- Customer analytics

Traditional Stores can proactively approaches close

households to be pursued to order in regular basis

Customers Household Group of Customers

A Country of Communities

Sport Fan Base Automotive School & University Alumni

Persib, Persija, Milanisti, MU Indonesia, Harley Davidson Indonesia, Nmax, Ninja, Every year, there are tens thousands students
etc are some example of football Fortuner, Pajero, etc. some of automotive graduated from their institutions, School and University
fanbase communities with hundred communities with hundred thousands of need to keep the engagement with them. Toward
thousands of loyal members. Are they loyal members. Are they have their own what? . Are they have their own digital ‘home’?
have their own digital ‘home’? digital ‘home’?

Local/Area Community
Komunitas Kelurahan/Desa, Karang Taruna,
Hundred millions Celeb Fan Base
A famous singer in Indonesia could
Pramuka, Ibu arisan, etc. We also manage some of potential members, have millions fans on their social
Kabupaten/Kota local comunities that enable media. They are potential to be
local leaders and government to communicate with grouped common interests! gathered into owned media
with the citizens.
Introducing: SocioTribes The Universe of Communities

SocioTribes is designed as SaaS (Software as a Service) platform that can be used by any
suitable communities as their owned media (white label, using their own url, their own
Community G application name. We expect to have thousands communities use SocioTribes with total
millions members.

Community F Community H

Community D
Community E Community I
CommD mobile app

Community Aggregator
CommC mobile app Community J
Core System
Integrated Community Platform
• dBase integration enable
• API integration enable
• Single Sign On

Community A Community B
CommA mobile app
CommB mobile app
Revenue Model

Advertising Fee per Transaction Survey/Research PPoB Affiliation

Thousands communities with Marketplace feature enable Community members as a A community is definitely a market E-Commerce affiliation would
certain interests could be community members to group of audience with for some products, Payment Point be a great earning opportunity
great channel for products’ transact each others. Fee per common interest would be online Bank (PPoB) is one of great for community platform, as the
advertising. transaction might applied as great targeted respondents for digital product that might fit with customer segmentation is
one of revenue model. a research or survey community. already there.

Corporate Community Management Training &
Platform SaaS & Certification
Management Community engagement is now
being an important strategy for many
SocioTribes as technology provider
corporation. SocioTribes as
for corporate community
community technology provider
development would charge the
could provide training & and
clients based on technology and its
community manager certification in
additional services
the future
Big Data for Us
Other Data
Geo location, are profile,
specific metrics data Social Data
Showing expression,
conversation, perception

Artificial Intelligence
Profile Data
Contactable information, social
and offline

Behavioral Data IoT

Behavioral information based on IntelligentADS
activities Internet of Things

Transactional Data
Commercial related activities
‘Inequality and poverty are about more than income
–they are also about information.’

--Sir Tim Berners-Lee

Thank You
Let’s discuss!

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