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Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow January-February 2016

A Magazine of Understanding January-February 2020

Are Here

The Quiet Rise of Authoritarianism 9 • Venezuela’s Crisis: When Will It End? 20

Lessons From My Double Lung Transplant 23 • Fixing Our Eyes on Eternity 28
CONTENTS January-February 2020

4 The 2020s Are Here:
Are You Ready?
Entering the 2020s, the world continues to spiral out
of control, and many wonder if we will ever see last-
ing peace. A lecture two decades ago from a Nobel
Peace Prize winner and a conversation with him after
pointed out some of what’s needed. We must all do
our part—but human effort alone is not enough.
Thankfully, rescue will come!

9 The Quiet Rise

of Authoritarianism
“The jungle is growing back,” warns a recent book. A
shocking study shows that authoritarianism is creep-

Photos, from top: Romolo Tavani/123RF; sergwsq/123RF; Victor Kubik Page 3: Wikimedia, New York Public Library Cover: Iryna Denysova/123RF
ing into more democracies than ever before. The
Bible reveals where this disturbing trend is leading.

14 Brexit From Babylon: The Future

of the Democratic Nation-State
A recent European news analyst commented that
both of the principal Anglo-Saxon countries—
the United Kingdom and the United States of
America—are in a state of chaos. Where will it
lead? he asked. It’s a good question as we turn
the page to 2020.

20 Venezuela’s Crisis:
When Will It End?
Venezuela was one of Latin America’s most pros-
perous countries until socialist leaders destroyed
its economy. Yet in one of the most heartbreaking
modern tragedies, there is still hope.

23 Spiritual Lessons From My

Double Lung Transplant
My life was saved by a double lung transplant.
This life-changing event led me to a much deeper
9 23
understanding of Christ’s sacrifice and God’s plan
for me and all mankind.
27 “Who Says I Can’t?”
18 Current Events and Trends
An inspiring story of struggle through serious
challenges serves as a poignant reminder to be An overview of events and conditions around the world
grateful and keep persevering with God’s help.
30 Letters From Our Readers
28 Fixing Our Eyes on Eternity Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts
How do we endure the challenges of this life?
By God enabling us to look beyond today to
31 Beyond Today Television Log
what lies ahead. A listing of stations and times for the Beyond Today TV program

2 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g

Can We Know Scott Ashley

the Future?
Managing editor

given to us by our Creator, His amazing book we know as

the Holy Bible.
umankind has long had a fascination with trying to know Mankind wants to know and understand the future, but
the future. In ancient times priests, prophets, shamans there’s really only one reliable source for that information—
and other self-styled seers amassed great power and pres- and that’s the Bible.
tige by claiming Somewhere between a fourth and a third of the Bible
the ability to discern what's to come. is prophecy—history written in advance. Many books of
The desire to understand the future hasn’t waned over the Bible are prophetic, describing the future. Many show
time. Considering the current state of the world as we how some prophecy has already been fulfilled, often in
begin a new decade, it’s no wonder people want to know intricate detail.
what the future holds. Many nations—and at times it Only in the Bible do we see the factual story of a God so
seems the whole world—lurch powerful that He not only can fore-
from crisis to crisis. Adding to the tell the future, but also has the power
unease are various other supposed to bring to pass what He has fore-
crises manufactured by politicians, told. And in the pages of the Bible
media personalities and other intel- He provides plenty of evidence that
ligentsia who, in their quest for He can and will do exactly that—
control over the lives of others, foretelling and directing the rise and
claim to know what’s best for the fall of rulers, nations and empires.
rest of us and don’t hesitate to tell Notice what He tells us in one of
us how to live. these prophetic books: “Remember
We certainly live in a world the things I have done in the past.
plagued with problems. It’s almost For I alone am God! I am God, and
impossible to keep up with the there is none like me. Only I can tell
number of wars and international you the future before it even happens.
conflicts afflicting the planet, with new clashes springing Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish
up almost weekly. Many nations are cursed with megalo- . . . I have said what I would do, and I will do it” (Isaiah 46:9-
maniacal leaders far more concerned with their own power 11, New Living Translation).
and prestige than with their suffering citizens. Just this He also says: “The Lord of Heaven’s Armies has sworn
morning I read of one recently deceased leader who was this oath: ‘It will all happen as I have planned. It will be as
found to have died with $10 million in his bank account, I have decided . . . I have a plan for the whole earth, a hand
plus at least eight cars and several palatial homes—all of judgment upon all the nations. The Lord of Heaven’s
accumulated while his country’s living standard plunged Armies has spoken—who can change his plans? When his
to one of the lowest on earth. hand is raised, who can stop him?’” (Isaiah 14:24-27, NLT).
I subscribe to several science, technology and military In the pages of the Bible, God really does show where
newsletters, and it’s frightening to see the steady stream our world is headed and, equally important, why. He
of high-tech weaponry under development promising explains why our world is in such a perilous condition, as
ever-more-efficient ways to kill ever-larger numbers of well as what He plans to do about it. Several articles in this
people in shorter amounts of time. issue discuss this in greater detail.
It’s ironic that one of the latest concerns of public In revealing what God has planned, the Bible is also a
health officials is the growing amount of pharmaceuti- message of great hope—hope far greater than anything
cal contaminants found in the drinking water of major promised by human leaders and would-be saviors. That’s
cities—one of the most common being antidepressants, why this magazine’s name is Beyond Today. We look for
flushed into water supplies from upstream sources. So if a brighter future beyond today's troubled world, a hope
you don’t have enough to worry about, your neighbor’s exceeding any human efforts and dreams.
anti-anxiety prescription drugs may be coming out of We hope you’ll join us on that journey to an awesome
your faucet into your drinking glass! future, and that you’ll continue learning more about
If all of this sounds like bad news to you, you’re right— what’s ahead through this issue and others to come!
it is. Such is the world we’ve built for ourselves by reject-
ing the knowledge found in the “instruction manual”

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 3

Are Here

Entering the 2020s, the world continues to spiral out of control, and many wonder
if we will ever see lasting peace. A lecture two decades ago from a Nobel Peace Prize
winner and a conversation with him after pointed out some of what’s needed. We must

all do our part—but human effort alone is not enough. Thankfully, rescue will come!
by Victor Kubik

ince 2020 is the start of a new decade, it naturally the history of the earth are just ahead. Stay with us.
draws curiosity about what the next 10 years
might be like. Will things stay the same? Or Jesus Christ’s prophecy of the end time
will the fragile muddle of hostile world politics, One of the best-known end-time prophecies in the Bible is
unstable economies and kaleidoscopic religions the “Olivet prophecy,” recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and
break down? If so, where will this leave us as we Luke 21. Just days before His death, Jesus took His follow-
ponder our own security and the direction of our own lives? ers up to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and told them about
What can you expect to see happening in world news in the the coming destruction of the city, including the beloved tem-
coming year and decade? ple: “And Jesus said to them, ‘Do you not see all these things?
The mission of Beyond Today magazine is to show from the Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon
Bible where human civilization is headed and where it will another, that shall not be thrown down’” (Matthew 24:2). The
end up. Beyond Today is “A Magazine of Understanding.” This Romans brought devastation about 40 years later in A.D. 70—
understanding is not only in knowing what is going on, but as a forerunner of far worse things yet to come.
recognizing why. After leaving the Temple Mount, Jesus and His disciples
Bible prophecy is more than a revelation of what’s ahead. It walked up the nearby Mount of Olives where they asked Him:
provides counsel on what we need to be thinking and doing as “What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the
coming events affect us. age?” (verse 3). Christ then listed a series of dire trends and events
The Bible explains the causes of the disturbing state of the that would have extended to long after the ancient destruction of
world we live in. It shows us that things will sadly get far worse. the temple and Jerusalem—conditions that would grow in fre-
And yet it gives hope that the world will indeed change, fore- quency and intensity as the end of the age approaches. This list-
telling an ending that is joyously triumphant! ing includes a number of things that have not yet happened.
With this overview we are able to consider the significance Jesus spoke first about religious imposters who would
of the major trends and conditions we observe in the world deceive many. He then listed wars and rumors of wars. This we
around us. are all too aware of as we watch our daily news. The dream of
This is our 25th year of publication, and the biggest events in world peace would seem ever more fleeting. Famine and disease

4 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
then follow. There would be worsening sorrow, betrayal and is continually being deconstructed and ridiculed. We have
more deception and then, near the very end, the worst time of trouble defining even something so simple as the difference
anguish and distress ever—a horrible time unparalleled in all between male and female. New deviant behaviors are being
of human history (verses 21-22). sanctioned. Our society prides itself by allowing and even
Yet the darkening period leading up to the end would also admiring taboo corruptions of marriage and sexuality and
be a time when the gospel is proliferated to the world: “And calling this “progress.”
this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as We live in what some have called the “post truth” age, with
a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (verse objective facts being less influential in shaping public opin-
14, emphasis added throughout). ion than appeals to emotion and personal belief. We have so
In the same discourse, Christ poignantly compares people’s many choices and channels that it’s easy to hear what we want,
state of mind before the world is plunged into the final chaos to cherry-picking data to suit whatever conclusion we desire.
that of Noah’s time: “But as the days of Noah were, so also will Therefore, what is looked on as truth is ever more relative, and
the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the can be customized to one’s personal conclusion and reality.
flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in Yet this is heavily driven by media influence. It’s no longer “we
report, you decide.” It’s becom-
ing more “we report and decide
As society ignores the underlying reality of our what you will think.”
existence and drifts farther from God and true It’s increasingly difficult to
reach minds warped by this
values, is it any wonder that relations between societal drift—those who strug-
gle to process absolute truth and
people and nations continue to fray and worsen? to whom timeless values are dis-
regarded. A similar drift and
marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark” (verses 37-38). abandonment of truth happened in Noah’s time. More and
As before, most people won’t realize the gravity of their more we are becoming a post-Christian society where belief
situation until it’s too late. in the God of the Bible is increasingly irrelevant. People just
do not want to be bothered with God.
A comparison to Noah’s day We live in an amazing age of discovery. But no matter how
Besides building the enormous ark, Noah was a preacher of many obvious proofs of God are highlighted through incredi-
righteousness (2 Peter 2:5), and throughout his highly visible ble discoveries in the world and universe around us, these are
120-year construction project, his ministry was one of warn- often just shrugged off. There are no exclamations of joy and
ing the world of its wickedness and destructive lifestyle. He praise to God in the media about the many wonders that are
pointed out that the ark and what it represented were for sav- continually being revealed.
ing lives—not just the various animal kinds but people who As society ignores the underlying reality of our existence
would turn to God. and drifts farther from God and true values, is it any wonder
Yet after a century of this mission, there was no evidence of that relations between people and nations continue to fray and
any change of heart or repentance—and, as a result, no human worsen? Of Noah’s day we are told, “The earth also was cor-
beings outside of Noah’s immediate family survived. Society’s rupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence” (Gen-
reaction was callous indifference to Noah’s warnings and esis 6:11). People failed to value their fellow human beings as
pleadings to take action. precious creations made by God in His image.
Notice how that society is summarized: “Then the Lord Sadly, many prophecies foretell that we will see our own
saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and world plunged into such corruption and violence—on a scale
that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil con- never before seen. Facing such dark times to come, we must
tinually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on consider the challenges of world conditions and ask: Is there
the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the Lord said, a pathway to peace?
‘I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the
earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, Meeting with F.W. de Klerk
for I am sorry that I have made them’” (Genesis 6:5-7). On the threshold of the new millennium starting in 2000,
Society in that day lost its conscience and discernment of I heard 1993 Nobel Peace Prize winner and Time magazine
values, decency and any relationship to God who had been “Man of the Year” F.W. de Klerk speak to the Indianapolis
talking to them through Noah. They were not redeemable after Economic Club, and I was able to talk with him afterwards.
more than a century of warning. As a society they could not go I would like to share some insights from him about his
on with all the unsustainable perversion that weakens and assessment of the state of the world then.
ultimately destroys a civilization. De Klerk, who was president of South Africa, is best known
Romolo Tavani/123RF

The same is becoming true now. for overseeing the 1990 release of Nelson Mandela from prison
Has society sunk so deeply into deviant thinking that it on Robin Island in Cape Town. Mandela and de Klerk then
cannot even recognize right and wrong? Are we losing the worked together to end the socioeconomic and political system
ability to relate to common decency and values governing, of apartheid, meaning “apartness,” which institutionalized racial
among other things, family, marriage and sex? Biblical truth segregation and discrimination in favor of the white minority.

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 5

Along with Mandela, de Klerk was partially successful in Changes in world politics in our time have been monumen-
stabilizing South Africa to where it could continue in relative tal. Who would have thought that the Soviet Union would
peace and economic prosperity. He said in his address that crumble as it did in 1991, only to rise again as a new Russia?
in 1989 the world was poised for the worst from South Africa. Who would have believed that impoverished China would
It could have easily become another Zimbabwe, in which the rise to become the second-largest economy in the world with
new revolutionary rulers ran the country into the ground a say in almost all affairs relating to our planet, from politics
economically and politically. to environment?
What happened in South Africa, by contrast, was a seem- Change is a reality to contend with as we consider making
ingly miraculous transition of power that enabled its popula- peace. Some changes have been beneficial, but others have not.
tion—only 14 percent white and a complex mixture of black De Klerk said it takes wise leadership to manage and lead that
peoples—to get along more reasonably. The courageous vision change. It requires overcoming natural resistance to change—
and work of de Klerk and Mandela and the cooperation of other letting go of clinging to what we’re used to.
South African leaders helped shape the destiny of their nation. Leaders must first face facts and ask what’s wrong. Constitu-
De Klerk’s unselfishness was obvious as he
passionately spoke about wanting to find a
way to bring coexistence to many different
“We have to work with the ideal that there
people who called South Africa home. South
Africa had only partially achieved such
is room and space for all of us on this earth
coexistence—or maybe more accurately a and need to be tolerant of one another.”
reprieve. But it was refreshing to see this posi-
tive example in the midst of so many abject —F. W. de Klerk Former President of South Africa
failures in government.
After his presentation, I spoke to Mr. de Klerk privately ents need a new vision presenting both the need to change and
about his insightful presentation. I told him I was a minister the existence of a way through which change can be achieved.
and was impressed by how the principles he expressed, if uni- Old dreams may fail to bring justice. De Klerk said that a
versally applied, would bring peace. leader must provide inspiration, an action plan and strategy.
In his address de Klerk reviewed the recent history of South He couldn’t be more on target. That is what Jesus Christ
Africa as it moved from apartheid to integration. He emphat- is going to accomplish in full at His return!
ically stated that having leading countries as the “big boys” De Klerk asserted that while the world of this new century
deciding the future of the world won’t work. Smaller nations has fewer borders, it has many more dangers. More commu-
must be part of the process. In determining what’s needed, you nication does not mean better understanding or behavior. In
must involve those who are most in need. fact, instant communication can produce impulsive, reckless,
While de Klerk took a secular view of geopolitics, we know rash reactions and responses. Some technologies have led to
that world tension will always be reality as long as human sophisticated international crimes.
beings are in charge. It will take God’s intervention to change De Klerk also commented on how what happens in remote
that (see Matthew 24:22). parts of the world affects us all, citing fluctuations in the
Still there is much value in what de Klerk brought out. Here Asian markets, financial instability in Russia and, at that time,
are other key observations from his speech. then-President Clinton’s scandals as causing negative uncer-
tainties that affected a stable banking system and markets in
Navigating change in an interconnected world South Africa.
Human civilization’s unprecedented growth and change He mentioned how South Africa had increasingly become
in little more than a century has eclipsed the progress of all embroiled in other nations’ problems, noting the conflict
of man’s previous history. The revolution we’re going through between the United States and Islamic fundamentalism and
in the world today can be likened to the vast transformation consequent terrorist retaliations in Kenya and Tanzania lead-
brought about earlier by the Industrial Revolution. ing to South Africa becoming a target of such retaliation when
Human flight was unknown until 1903. Now we’re used to a Cape Town restaurant was bombed.
traveling all over the earth and arriving at any destination we De Klerk spoke in detail of his vision to bring unity, com-
wish within a day or two. We’ve sent men to the moon and space- mon citizenship and “one man, one vote” to Africa and to
craft to the farthest reaches of our solar system and beyond. eliminate apartheid. He and the other South African leaders
It was not until the early 20th century that the first mass- had a choice of doing this gradually or as a quantum leap. They
produced automobiles came off the assembly line. Now, world- decided to take the leap and turned things around 180 degrees.
wide, there are 1 billion automobiles on our roads. The first The gradual route might have given the impression that they
transcontinental telegraph was sent in 1861. But look at tele- were changing only under pressure. He felt those outside of
communications now! The Internet is within the grasp of Africa at first thought they were bluffing, but credibility was
almost all people in the world, providing voice, text, photos built when words were turned into deeds.
and video. Facebook alone has nearly 2 billion accounts, and Dramatic change came through moving forward with the
there are far more Internet users in China than anywhere else release of Nelson Mandela and involvement of the broadest
on earth. This has opened up new possibilities and forged new number of leaders who then felt part of the process and forging
relationships and alliances. But are they all for the better? a vision and action plan.

6 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
given particular instructions about how to relate to Him and
each other, and that will have to be resolved.
The same God who created me created my South African,
Japanese, Ukrainian and Eastern European friends, as well as
all other fellow human beings. He has made us. We are not to
remake Him as we please.
The apostle Paul challenged the Greeks in Athens in his
famous address concerning “the Unknown God,” stating:
“Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to
think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, some-
thing shaped by art and man’s devising. Truly, these times of
ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men every-
where to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He
will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has
ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him
from the dead” (Acts 17:29-31).
The time will come when one God and one divine law will
be acknowledged.
The warning of the Doomsday Clock
F. W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela on May 10, 1994. Today’s world lives precariously under the figurative sword
of Damocles. Hanging over our heads by the thinnest of
Facing the problems of poverty and underdevelopment threads, it could come crashing down in a moment.
Economic disparity is a big reason for conflict. This dispar- World War II was brought to a grinding halt by the drop-
ity was already severe when F.W. de Klerk spoke to us, but it has ping of atomic bombs that wrought instant mass destruc-
regrettably widened even further since then. The poor of the tion on two Japanese cities. The newfound power to annihilate
world are looking to the well-off to meet their needs. Impov- large populations set off a race for nuclear supremacy.
erished nations look to the United States, the European Union Today, nearly 14,000 nuclear warheads are in the arsenals of
and the G8 industrialized countries for help with growth, just nine nations—the United States, Russia, the United King-
development and even peace. These nations have about 58 dom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea.
percent of the world’s total wealth at about $317 trillion. Over There is enough destructive capability in these weapons to
46 percent of the world’s nominal GDP is represented in these extinguish civilization on the earth many times over.
nations. Nuclear exchanges between, for example, the United States
I have done charity and ministry work in very poor coun- and Russia or India and Pakistan would bring apocalyptic
tries in Africa such as Malawi and Zambia. On my last visit consequences and deaths to multiple millions instantly. Tiny
to Malawi in 2019, a banner newspaper headline shouted, Israel holds a vast group of hostile nations in the Middle East
“Malawi Ranked Fourth Poorest” in the world. at bay by its nuclear arsenal, while rogue nations like North
A large percentage of the people there have virtually no Korea get publicity and play in the nuclear drama of our age.
income and eke out a living as subsistence farmers. Those who Two years after the instant nuclear destruction of Hiro-
have jobs may get paid $70 a month, which is considered good. shima and Nagasaki, the “Doomsday Clock” representing
A night watchman gets about $45. These are pathetically low the probability of a man-made global catastrophe was initi-
wages. Since I started doing work in Malawi back in 1996, the ated. The Doomsday Clock is maintained by the members of
population there has doubled to 18 million. In addition to being the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and symbolizes the threat
poor, the country is one of the most densely populated in Africa. to humanity from scientific and technical advances we cannot
We will not see an end to this growing problem before Christ’s fully control. Factors influencing the clock’s setting are nuclear
return. Until then, we can expect more conflict. risk and the state of the environment.
The clock’s original setting in 1947 was seven minutes to
Continued religious and ethnic strife midnight. It has been set backward and forward many times
De Klerk made another penetrating observation: “Ultimately since then. The most recent officially announced setting—two
the source of most conflict is religious, ethnic and cultural. We minutes to midnight—was made in January 2018 and remained
Juda Ngwneya/Reuters/Newscom

have to work with the ideal that there is room and space for all of unchanged in 2019 due to ongoing threats to human survival.
us on this earth and need to be tolerant of one another.” As we face the years to come, the threat of global cataclysm
Yet we must go beyond what de Klerk said here. remains very real. And indeed the Bible tells us that this is
While we need to be tolerant of one another, we also need what the world is headed toward.
to come to terms with who we as human beings are. This can-
not be solved by acknowledging a variety of gods and oppos- Divine intervention and a new world
ing religious creeds. It is not logical in the grander scheme that The good news, and the truth of what will happen to this
we each have our own God as we imagine him. The paramount world, is that mankind will not be annihilated. Again, in Mat-
truth is that humanity came from the same Creator who has thew 24, Jesus Christ spoke about what will occur just before

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 7

the boiling-over point of man’s catastrophic misrule: “For then His Spirit on all mankind. This wonderful day will come, as
there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the foretold by Isaiah and other prophets.
beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.
And unless those days were shortened [cut short from run- “Surely I am coming quickly”
ning their course], no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s Yet we do not need to wait for world cataclysm and the
sake [the sake of God’s chosen people, His repentant followers] righting of the world’s wrong’s at Christ’s return to have our
those days will be shortened” (verses 21-22). lives turned around. We can heed the warnings of Scripture,
Just as God promised Noah after the Flood to never again repent of our sins and put our trust in God today, seeking His
allow the wholesale destruction of humankind, He will inter- mercy and intervention in our lives now.
vene to save us from ourselves! In His Olivet prophecy, Jesus gave personal action steps for
This intervention was also foretold by the vision in Daniel those who will be spared the consequences of what will happen
2:34-44 of the wiping out of a statue representing a succession of in the dangerous times before He returns, just as happened in
major dominant empires over the course of history. At the end, the world of Noah leading up to the flood:
the statue is suddenly smashed and blown into dust after being “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed
struck by a stone “cut out without hands” that becomes a great down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life,
mountain that fills the earth and replaces this world’s govern- and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as
ments. This is no human-led kingdom, but the Kingdom of God. a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.
The biblical comparisons of
national governments to moun-
tains are numerous, but two that
When Christ returns, nations will no longer prey
most display a different nature on others for their people and resources as they
and priorities of future world
government are beautifully have for millennia. Rather, everything will change!
portrayed in Isaiah:
“Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the moun- Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted wor-
tain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the thy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand
mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:34-36).
shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, ‘Come, and let While delivering a sobering and detailed list of coming
us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of events here, Jesus also gives us advice we need to be careful to
Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.’ heed: Stay alert. Don’t live in denial by dulling your senses with
“For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the the cares of this life. Don’t be caught unaware.
Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and Likewise Christ outlined for us in Matthew 5 how we must
rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plow- live out our lives in a troubled world, exhibiting qualities of
shares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not meekness, mercy, purity of heart and becoming peacemakers.
lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any- We ought to be found “so doing,” as Matthew 24:45-46 clearly
more” (Isaiah 2:2-4). states: “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his
The second prophecy, found in Isaiah 25:7-9, adds to the master has set over his household, to give them their food at
wonderful hope presented in the first: “And He [the now- the proper time? [We are to be helping and serving others as
returned Messiah, Jesus Christ] will destroy on this mountain part of God’s family.] Blessed is that servant whom his master
the surface of the covering cast over all people, and the veil will find so doing when he comes” (English Standard Version).
that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death for- There’s no question we live in the most interesting of times.
ever, and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces; the While dangerous, they are exciting because of what will soon
rebuke of His people He will take away from all the earth; for take place. The ageless Bible tells us the whole story of man-
the Lord has spoken. And it will be said in that day: ‘Behold, kind from long before creation, from “before the foundation
this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us. of the world” (Ephesians 1:4), and points us to what lies yet
This is the Lord; we have waited for Him; we will be glad and ahead, the last verses of the Bible giving us all great hope: “He
rejoice in His salvation.’” who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming quickly.’
Nations will no longer prey on other nations for their people Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20).
and resources as this world’s empires have done for millennia. He’s coming soon. Are you ready?
Rather, everything will change.
And this change will not come through mere human inge- LEARN MORE
nuity and effort. For enduring genuine change to take place,
What does Bible prophecy reveal about
it will require outside help. All these realities will require the
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8 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
The Quiet Rise of
“The jungle is growing back,” warns a recent book. A shocking study shows that authoritarianism is creep-
ing into more democracies than ever before. The Bible reveals where this disturbing trend is leading.

by Justin Palm

n the background, behind the scenes of the day’s head- dent Mahmoud Abbas was voted into office in 2005 for a four-
lines, something bad is happening. Democracies around year term that was to end in 2009. But further elections were
the world are under attack by authoritarian tactics. An simply never held, so he remains in office more than a decade
unprecedented March 2019 study showed that a new later—even though two polls in early 2019 showed that 60 per-
“wave” of autocratization has been underway since 1994, cent or more of those under his rule wanted him to resign.
and that it is happening under our noses, in a more subtle and In Britain, people were so unhappy with the direction
deceptive way than ever before. of the European Union that they voted to leave in 2016. A
Author Robert Kagan warned in a recent book that “the majority of Britons no longer feel comfortable being part of
jungle” is growing back—referring to the brutal, dic-
tatorial, war-torn way of life that has filled most of
humanity’s history (The Jungle Grows Back: America “We have lived inside the bubble of
and Our Imperiled World, 2018).
In The New York Times, columnist David Brooks
the liberal world order so long that
called it “a dark spiral”: “China is cracking down on we have forgotten what that world . . .
democratic rights in Hong Kong. Russia launches
cyberattacks everywhere. Iran is destabilizing the really looks like . . . History is returning.”
Middle East. The era of great power rivalry is com-
ing back. We’re in a dark spiral. Americans take a dark view of a growing European superstate, with more and more control
human nature and withdraw from the world. Wolves like Putin handed over to Brussels.
and Xi fill the void and make bad things happen, confirming the Things are changing, and not for the better.
dark view and causing even more withdrawal” (June 13, 2019,
emphasis added throughout). Calm before the storm
In Egypt, a referendum was passed in the spring of 2019 that Since World War II, the last 75 years have been a time of rela-
extended President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s term and allowed tive peace. As David Brooks further writes: “Most of human his-
him to run for office in 2024 for another six years, until 2030. tory has been marked by war. Between 1500 and 1945, scarcely

In China, the National People’s Congress removed the two- a year went by without some great power fighting another
term limit on presidents in 2018, essentially allowing its leader great power. Then, in 1945 that stopped. The number of bat-
to be president for life. tlefield deaths has plummeted to the lowest levels in history.
In areas ruled by the Palestinian National Authority, Presi- The world has experienced the greatest reduction in poverty

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 9

in history, as well as the greatest spread of democracy and democracy as completely as possible.
freedom.” “They reach a chilling conclusion: This wave of ‘autocratiza-
Even the Cold War ended in the peaceful collapse of the tion,’ as they call it, has been building since 1994, long before
Soviet Union. most of us noticed. And the number of countries to have taken
Brooks then explains what made this possible: “Mostly it significant steps toward authoritarianism is not four or five but
was because the United States decided to lead a community 75” (“Our New Era of Authoritarianism’s Rise,” March 7, 2019).
of nations to create a democratic world order. That order con- In a graph from the report, a thick black line rising in the
sisted of institutions like NATO, the U.N. and the World Bank. mid-1990s shows the sharp increase in the number of countries
But it was also enforced by the pervasive presence of American going through autocratization.
power—military, economic and cultural power as well as
the magnetic power of the democratic idea, which inspired “Gradual” and “clandestine” shift
dissidents worldwide.” The authors of the study noted that this “unprecedented”
But today, Americans on the right and left are tired of main- trend is mainly hitting democracies. And they found that
taining this world order. The glue—America—is no longer democracies turn autocratic in three stages: (1) a democratic
holding things together. “Let someone else do it!” is an increas- recession occurs, (2) democratic breakdown and (3) autocratic
ingly common sentiment. The calm is giving way to the storm. consolidation. They also discovered that these shifts are subtle,
Bob Dylan once sang, “You know something is happening, with autocratic leaders changing their methods—becoming
but you don’t know what it is” (“Ballad of a Thin Man,” 1965). more deceptive, learning from past mistakes and borrowing
There’s a growing feeling that things have been too quiet for successful strategies from each other: “Ruling elites shy away
too long—that our era of relative peace won’t last. There is too from sudden, drastic moves to autocracy and instead mimic
much bad news—famine, disease, record numbers of displaced democratic institutions while gradually eroding their functions.
people, civil wars, religious confusion, extremism, mass shoot- This suggests we should heed the call of alarm issued by some
ings, zealotry and persecution, economic disparity, corruption scholars.”
and nuclear threats. It’s further explained that “regime change is typically
And it seems the news will get worse. gradual and slowly leading to hybridization into electoral
authoritarianism instead of sudden, dramatic transitions.”
“The third wave of autocratization” The authors point out that “contemporary autocrats have
The aforementioned landmark study that came out in March mastered the art of subverting electoral standards without
2019 was titled “A Third Wave of Autocratization Is Here: What breaking their democratic façade completely.”
Is New About It?” The authors, Swedish political scientists Anna In other words, today’s autocratic shifts are occurring
Luhrmann and Staffan Lindberg, warned that “an increasingly behind the scenes, one small step at a time. The study exposes
bleak picture is emerging on the global state of democracy.” these new tactics:
The New York Times’ newsletter The Interpreter stated this “Electoral autocrats secure their competitive advan-
after analyzing the study: tage through subtler tactics such as censoring and harassing
“A new academic study reveals that we are in the sixth the media, restricting civil society and political parties and
chapter of democracy’s global history: a third wave of demo- undermining the autonomy of election management bodies.
cratic decline—the largest such wave yet. Sure, you have prob- Aspiring autocrats learn from each other and are seemingly
ably heard of the four or five countries infamous for reverting borrowing tactics perceived to be less risky than abolishing
back to authoritarianism: Russia, Turkey, Venezuela, argu- multi-party elections altogether . . . The current wave of auto-
ably Hungary. And you probably think of this as a recent phe- cratization unfolds in a more clandestine and gradual fashion
nomenon, perhaps beginning with the 2008 financial crisis. than its historical precedents.”
But the political scientists [conducting this study] . . . analyze These 21st century autocrats typically grab power through
sophisticated, year-by-year data on the democratic health of “mostly legal means . . . Aspiring autocrats have clearly found
every country on earth, to try to understand the state of global a new set of tools to stay in power, and that news has spread.”

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10 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
trends and hope for the best. Or they reject the research, assert-
ing that progress is being made in the march of democracy.
What is really happening? And where is it leading?
The Bible shows that dark times are ahead for mankind, but
that they will culminate in the best news possible—the estab-
lishment of the Kingdom of God at Christ’s return. Yet before
looking at what prophecy reveals, let’s note more of what
Kagan has to say.
The jungle grows back
As earlier mentioned regarding Kagan’s book The Jun-
gle Grows Back, “the jungle” is the way things have been up
until the 19th and 20th centuries. For instance, during most of
human history, there were no democracies.
Kagan writes: “Today there are signs all around us that the
jungle is growing back. Where once many hoped that all the
nations and peoples of the world would converge on a common
Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Chinese President Xi Jinping. path of liberal democratic capitalistic development, we now
see authoritarianism surviving if not thriving. Today a Russian
dictator and European would-be dic-
“Contemporary autocrats have mastered the tators boast of their illiberalism, and a
art of subverting electoral standards without Chinese leader, wielding the absolute
power of a Mao, portrays his nation
breaking their democratic façade completely.” as a model for the world” (p. 10).
Later in the book, the author
This is not good news. And when we dig deeper into the observes: “The problem is that we have lived inside the bubble
trends, the picture grows even worse. of the liberal world order so long that we have forgotten what
that world ‘as it is’ really looks like . . . History is returning.
Once the dominoes start falling . . . Nations are reverting to old habits and traditions” (p. 105).
The New York Times analysis ended on a negative note: Kagan’s observations about Germany and Europe are espe-
“The authors are careful to avoid sounding too many cially interesting. He writes: “The environment in which Ger-
alarms, stressing that ‘panic is not warranted’ . . . But there is mans live has an impact on how they act. Our abnormal era
some real cause for concern here. We were stopped cold by this of peace and security has been the answer for seven decades;
paragraph in their study: a return to normal would be worrying.
“‘About a third of all autocratization episodes (N = 75) “Yet there is no avoiding the fact that the European envi-
started under a democratic dispensation. Almost all of the lat- ronment is deteriorating . . . For the past few decades Germany
ter (N = 60, 80%) led to the country turning into an autocracy. has lived in a set of circumstances that made trust on all sides
This should give us great pause about [the] spectre of the current possible—a healthy German democracy in a healthy demo-
third wave of autocratization. Very few episodes of autocratiza- cratic Europe undergirded by a reliable American security
tion starting in democracies have ever been stopped before coun- guarantee” (pp. 127-128).
tries become autocracies.’ Kagan then asks some sobering questions:
“In other words, any democracy that has backslid even “But what if Europe became less healthy and less democratic,
somewhat, during this present period in history, has had a more nationalistic and more fractured, less confident and less
four in five chance to keep backsliding all the way into author- trusting? . . . Would Germans be immune to such a radical
itarianism. Put another way, it’s rare for a democracy to back- change in their environs? If Europe returned to past patterns,
slide just a little. Once it starts, it usually doesn’t stop. That is could Germans avoid being dragged back with the rest? We
concerning.” may find out, because unfortunately Europe is showing signs of
Once the dominoes within democracies start falling, the returning to past patterns . . . For the first time since World War
chances are great that all the dominoes will eventually fall— II, a far-right nationalist party has risen to claim a significant
leaving behind a full autocratic government. position in German politics” (pp. 127-128, 132).
Author Robert Kagan warns about this domino effect, writ-
Sputnik/via Reuters/Newscom

ing that “when things start to go wrong, they can go very “Gradually and then suddenly”
wrong very quickly, that once a world order breaks down, the One final longer quote from the book shows how quickly
worst qualities of humanity emerge from under the rocks and authoritarian leaders can arise, seemingly out of nowhere:
run wild” (The Jungle Grows Back, p. 24). “A character in Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, asked how
These new findings paint a bleak picture for our world. Most he went bankrupt, responds, ‘Gradually and then suddenly.’
people probably do not even realize the full extent of this “third That is a fair description of how the world order collapsed
wave.” The drama of the day’s headlines usually drowns out before the two world wars, and of how it likely will collapse in
these bigger-picture trends. Other people simply ignore these our own time. Unfortunately, Americans have since forgotten

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 11

how quickly it can happen, how graver threats than we antic-

ipate can emerge to catch us physically and psychologically
“One would think it hard to have a 1930s mentality know-
ing what happened in the 1940s, but we continually comfort
ourselves that the horrors of seventy-five years ago cannot be
repeated. We see no Hitlers or Stalins on the horizon, no Nazi
Germany, no Imperial Japan, no Soviet Union.
“We believe that the leaders of today’s potential adversar-
ies, the Vladimir Putins and Xi Jinpings, are just run-of-the-
mill authoritarians who
only want a little respect
and their own fair share of Billions will be swept up in this coming authoritarian
the international pie. They
may be in it for the money
system that will bring tragic consequences but will be
or the glory, but they do destroyed by the triumphant, returning Jesus Christ.
not pose an existential
threat to our way of life. We forget, of course, that people in This is a shocking prophecy—and one for our time! Jesus
the 1930s felt the same way about Hitler and Stalin. said that conditions around the world would be so bad that no
“[Bulgarian political scientist] Ivan Krastev jokes that ‘the one would survive if God did not intervene. This is a strong
question is no longer whether it’s possible for Hitler to come indicator that today’s “third wave” is only the front edge of
back; it’s whether we’d even be able to recognize him.’ But it is conditions that will eventually grow much worse.
not a joke: we almost certainly will not recognize the Hitlers The apostle Paul also warned of these dark times in 2 Tim-
and Stalins in our midst until they have emerged as full-blown, othy 3:1-5. He said that “in the last days perilous times shall
unmanageable threats. come” and that people would be “proud,” “blasphemers,”
“There are always dangerous people out there, lacking only “unholy,” “fierce,” “traitors” and “highminded” (King James
the power and the opportunity to achieve their destiny. We Version). This certainly describes our world.
used to take the ever-present evil in man more seriously. In Numerous other Bible prophecies show that dark clouds
1973 the German social psychologist Erich Fromm wrote will gather at the end of man’s age. Political power will be cen-
about man’s inherent inclinations to ‘destructiveness’ and tralized in a few large regions of the world. Nations once at
‘cruelty,’ the ‘specifically human’ craving for ‘absolute control,’ odds will form critical alliances to survive the next world war.
the tendency to ‘malignant aggression’ . . . We are already seeing some of these alliances begin to form.
“Many people have evil in them, and many of those people Conditions will culminate in horrible world events—a World
harbor grand designs, mad or not, that they never have a chance War III!
even to try to fulfill. They are constrained by the powers and The book of Revelation paints a picture of power-hungry
forces around them, the ‘order’. . . The circumstances in which authoritarian governments in place at the end. It describes the
Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini rose to power—a world in which no ultimate authoritarian government—a world-ruling super-
nation was willing or able to sustain any kind of international power called “the Beast”—which will take control of vast
order—gave them ample opportunity to show what they were parts of the world. Revelation 17:12-14 shows that “10 kings”—
capable of” (pp. 143-145). national leaders—will for a short time hand over their power
Kagan concludes this section with a powerful warning of to the leader of this Beast system.
what could be coming: Revelation 13 also shows a dramatic picture of how the
“We wanted to believe that history was taking us away from entire world will buy into this coming powerful system: “All
the wars, tyranny, and destruction of the first half of the twen- the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the
tieth century, but history and human nature may be taking us dragon [Satan] which gave power unto the beast: and they
back toward them, absent some monumental effort on our part worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who
to prevent such regression. We have taken too much solace is able to make war with him? . . . And he opened his mouth in
from the fact that our opponents are not communists but are blasphemy against God . . . and power was given him over all
merely authoritarians” (pp. 145-146). kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon
the earth shall worship him” (Revelation 13:3-8, KJV).
Denis-Art/iStock/Getty Images Plus

A new dark ages Amazingly, billions of people will be swept up in this com-
Most do not realize that Jesus Christ foretold this “dark spi- ing authoritarian system—a system that will bring tragic con-
ral” or growing “jungle.” When His disciples asked Him what sequences and will eventually be destroyed by the triumphant,
would happen just before His second coming, He told them that all-powerful returning Jesus Christ. Only after this dark time
it would be the worst time in all human history. Notice: “For will the light finally break through with the coming Kingdom
then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the of God. As the saying goes, “It’s always darkest before the dawn.”
beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And
unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved”— The end of authoritarian governments
that is, all mankind would be wiped out (Matthew 24:21-22). At last, man’s track record of power-hungry authoritarian

12 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
regimes will be changed forever. The Kingdom of God, under

Check us out
Jesus Christ and His resurrected followers, will rule with
love and real concern for the affairs of all people. All of man’s
wrong and failed forms of government—including gridlocked

democracies—will be read about only in history books. Jesus
and His followers will rule with righteous authority.
Notice what Christ specifically said about authoritarian-
style governments. After the disciples James and John pre-
sumptuously asked Christ for top positions of authority in the
Kingdom, Jesus used this as a teaching opportunity. Christ
told His disciples, “You know that those who are considered
You’ll find much more helpful
rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones
exercise authority over them” (Mark 10:42).
biblical material on our
Christ knew that authoritarian governments have been a
common part of man’s history. He acknowledged that most of
website, including
the time the people’s “great ones” have been tyrannical. Most
of man’s history has been autocratic, not democratic.
Christ then explained what true leadership looks like: “Yet it
Beyond Today Television
shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great
among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires
to be first shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not
come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom
for many” (verses 43-45).
Christ’s message to His servants—including us today!—
is that we should focus on serving others. He led by example
when He sacrificed His life in service to mankind.
In the Kingdom of God, the rule of Christ and His follow-
ers will be one of love, of outgoing concern for others and for
providing people their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Bible Study Guides
It will be outflowing! Christ will not take from people but will
give, exercising proper loving authority. This Kingdom will be
unlike any other government before it; it will be based on the
way of give, not get.
How much longer?
It is impossible to know how long this “third wave” of
authoritarianism will last—if it will culminate in the horrific
final events of the end time or if it will give way to another mild
surge in democracy. But one thing is certain. Eventually, and
hopefully soon, all forms of autocratic governments will be Video Bible Study Series
gone. The righteous Kingdom of God will rule over all nations,
finally bringing about the peace, security and prosperity that
billions of people have longed for.
As we read today’s headlines and study the sobering trends,
remember the hope Christ offered when He said that when we
“see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is
near” (Luke 21:31).
This is the ultimate good news within today’s bad news. Each
day that passes brings us one step closer to God’s Kingdom!

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trends taking us? Is there a way for us to
know what lies ahead? Download or request Study Course and lots more!
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Time of the End? to learn the answers from
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B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 13

Brexit From Babylon:

The Future of the
Democratic Nation-State
A recent European news analyst commented that both of the principal Anglo-Saxon
countries—the United Kingdom and the United States of America—are in a state
of chaos. Where will it lead? he asked. It’s a good question as we turn the page to 2020.
by Darris McNeely

n obscure event in Great Britain recently caught my threatening a loss of standing among the nations and even fun-
attention and made me think about a certain Bible damental shifts diminishing their dominant role in the world.
scripture. Protests led by LGBTQ factions forced Events in coming months—Britain leaving the European
the mall housing the only UK restaurant of the Union (EU) and the 2020 presidential election in America—
American-based Chick-Fil-A chain to not renew the will have great impact on the future of both nations.
restaurant's lease. As this article goes to press, the British government still
Chick-Fil-A is owned by a family with deeply held religious seeks Britain's exit (or Brexit) from the EU more than three
convictions. Its stores close on Sunday. It refuses to endorse the years after a majority of the electorate declared the desire to
gay lifestyle. Until recently, it financially supported religious sever ties with the continental union the nation joined in 1973.
organizations that hold to the biblical teaching on marriage That decision led to the resignation of the prime minister who
between a man and a woman—though under pressure from called for the vote, David Cameron. His successor, Theresa
LGBTQ groups it seems to have recently dropped support for May, failed to reach a settlement that her Parliament could
some such organizations, including the Salvation Army and agree to and had to step down in 2019.
the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. The third prime minister to deal with this decision, Boris
The chain’s strong stance upholding traditional Christian Johnson, is fighting the same severe headwinds as his prede-
beliefs on sexuality has brought severe criticism in America. cessors. When he could not persuade Parliament to endorse his
Now the only Chick-Fil-A in the United Kingdom has closed, deal with the EU, the Oct. 31 deadline to leave was extended
a victim of the culture wars in the Western world. to Jan. 31, 2020. Those who want to leave the EU loudly cry out
that the will of the people is being ignored, while the “remain-
Nations sapped of their strength ers” predict economic catastrophe if the UK leaves the EU with-
Reading this news made me think about what God said out an agreed exit arrangement—commonly referred to as the
through the prophet Hosea. Speaking to the foremost tribe “no-deal Brexit.” It’s a generational breakdown in government
of the nation of Israel known as Ephraim and noting that no one could have predicted.
the nation suffered crippling social problems because it had
forsaken His law, God said this: A critical U.S. election
“The people of Israel mingle with godless foreigners, mak- Meanwhile, the United States government is locked in a
ing themselves as worthless as a half-baked cake! Worship- constitutional crisis that will likely create unintended conse-
ing foreign gods has sapped their strength, but they don’t even quences in its relations with other nations, both friend and foe.
know it. Their hair is gray, but they don’t realize they’re old The House of Representatives, now controlled by the Demo-
and weak. Their arrogance testifies against them, yet they don’t cratic Party, has begun discussions and inquiries on impeach-
return to the Lord their God or even try to find him” (Hosea ing President Donald Trump, who is of the Republican Party.
7:8-10, New Living Translation, 2015). An impeachment trial would require a vote of two-thirds of
Great Britain’s government is hopelessly gridlocked over the Republican-controlled Senate to remove the president from
Brexit, and on another cultural level the gender wars target a office. While this seems unlikely, some argue the Republican
food chain selling chicken sandwiches. National strength is leadership might use this circumstance to pressure the presi-
leaking at both ends, yet very few can connect the dots. dent to resign, hoping to secure a less divisive nominee for the
Two of the world’s leading powers, Great Britain and the next election. Others maintain that impeachment proceed-
United States, are experiencing political and cultural turmoil ings would backfire against the Democrats, helping President

14 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
The what and why of Brexit
Great Britain’s desire to pull out of the EU is a multilevel
First, there’s the fact that more than half the voters expressed
a desire to leave an economic and political union that includes
27 other European countries. Britain being one of the three larg-
est economies in this union makes its exit a big deal. The pre-
vailing sentiment among the British is a desire to retain their
sovereignty as a nation.
Increasingly the EU has become a supranational power whose
policies and laws override those of individual nations. Laws
regarding immigration, taxation and economic regulation have
been dictated to member nations from the increasingly powerful
centralized EU bureaucracy.
The EU goal of diminishing national borders has facil-
itated movement of people and goods among the member
states. While many other European nations have been more
accepting in this regard, the British began to push back on
Anti-Brexit marchers protest the latest Brexit deal in London.
this trend as they saw their unique culture and identity fad-
ing and reshaped by massive
Great Britain and the United States are experiencing immigration from other EU
countries—with the native
political and cultural turmoil threatening a loss population in effect having
no say in the matter.
of their standing among the nations of the world. Many lawmakers and vot-
ers expressed their view that
Trump’s chances in the next election. these trends had gone too far. Great Britain, in their minds,
In any case, what is clear is the deep political and cultural stands for something special in the world. Its national sover-
divide that has opened within the nation. The battle for its eignty, they reason, has to be maintained rather than gradually
future hasn’t been so raw and brutal in its language and impli- ceded to Europe.
cation since the bloody Civil War more than 150 years ago. This conviction is part of the historic fabric of a distinctly
Coming at a critical moment when the world is going British culture developed over more than a millennium among
through a shift of power alignments, the crisis that has envel- the inhabitants of the British Isles. The political, economic
oped both nations should make us ponder the question, Why and even religious culture here was different from what devel-
does this matter? oped on the European continent during the same period and
What difference does Great Britain’s departure from the represents another level of the story.
EU make in world affairs? What does the political and cultural In a new history of the United States, Land of Hope: An Invi-
turmoil surrounding an American president mean beyond the tation to the Great American Story, historian Wilfred McClay
visceral emotions stirred by his character and worldview? describes what England developed: “England itself, as an
It makes a difference because these two nations have played island nation that developed in comparative isolation from
a key role in the story of the gospel of God! other nations’ influences, devised institutions and customs
A central feature of the true gospel is the promises God that were very different from those on the European continent.
made to Abraham, the patriarch of a people known as Israel. It had a far weaker feudal tradition than its continental rivals,
These spiritual and physical promises are relevant to our world and a far stronger commitment to property rights. As in reli-
today and hold a key to understanding what is happening in gion, so in politics and society, the English way of doing things
Great Britain and America. was distinctive.
It’s no coincidence that these two nations have shaped the “The monarchies of early modern France and Spain embraced
world of the past 250 years and that America still dominates absolutism, which meant greater and greater centralization of
Amer Ghazzal/SOPA Images/Sipa/Newscom

the world scene. The God who said to Abraham, “I will make power in the hands of a single sovereign whose royal prerogatives
of you a great people” (Genesis 46:3) directs the destiny of were grounded in divine right. But the English followed a very
today’s nations. The role of the English-speaking peoples has, different route, creating a system in which the ruler was limited
according to His will, impacted the modern world with more by forces that divided and restrained his power” (2019, p. 22).
positive benefits than any other grouping of people in history. This system restricting the power of rulers was enshrined
What happens to them definitely does matter in today’s world. in 1215 when the English nobles forced King John to sign the
This little-known, yet critical, aspect of the gospel of salva- Magna Carta, an agreement limiting the power of the king and
tion is known to longtime readers of Beyond Today. Our study sharing it with the aristocracy.
guide The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy tells the Along with power sharing, the king had limited control of
story in greater detail. (Be sure to download or request your government at the local level—that was left to lesser officials.
free copy.) The Parliament, elected by the people, controlled fiscal policy

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 15

and had authority to levy taxes.

McClay explains that the king’s power was “limited by a gen-
erally held conviction that the people possessed certain funda-
mental rights that no monarch could challenge or violate. Such
rights were believed to be grounded in something more per-
manent than the wishes of rulers. They were seated deep in the
unique English tradition of common law, an approach to law
that relied on judicial precedents built up over many years by
generations of judges. Rights such as the right to trial by jury
or protection from unwarranted search and seizure were invi-
olable because they were enshrined in both law and custom,
liberties woven into the warp and woof of English historical Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson and U.S. President Donald Trump.
This distinctive English culture
stands in stark contrast to the Euro- Bible prophecy shows the world is headed
pean continental model that devel-
oped over the same period. Europe
toward an end-time global order destined to
developed a legal system based on
Roman civil law codified in the sixth
stun the world with its power and wealth, in
century by the Emperor Justinian. which there will be no America or Britain.
This civil law placed the power of the
state in the hand of the monarch—the Caesar (the Czar or end time. As we watch Brexit play out in our headlines, we are
Kaiser) or the king. watching one of the world’s leading nations try to extricate
The modern European Union has developed into a vast inter- itself from a Babylon-like system—and finding it extremely
twined bureaucratic “superstate” rooted in the Roman model. difficult. The fact is, Brexit is not an insignificant event in the
It’s in some sense a modern revival of the Roman imperial sys- course of world events. It has prophetic implications!
tem begun by Caesar Augustus 2,000 years ago. Great Britain
has decided to extricate itself from this system. Interestingly, And America?
it’s not the first time. Since the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president, there
In A.D. 410 the Roman Empire in the west was crumbling has been a constant state of crisis against the man and his
under the weight of its own corruption and pressure from policies. Under the slogan of “Make America Great Again,”
invading Germanic tribes. A revolt in Britain, which had been President Trump has sought to bring sweeping changes.
part of the empire for about four centuries, severed the coun- He has worked to renegotiate trade treaties that have been
try from Roman continental rule. A combination of distinct slanted against American interests and have instead given
religious, political and cultural views came together, similar economic advantages to others.
to what has happened today with Brexit. He has criticized NATO countries for not paying more of
In 410 there was a pro-European “remain” faction who the financial and military burden for the defense of Europe,
desired to remain under Roman power. A compromise was saying America is no longer going to bear the majority share
effected whereby the Emperor Honorius was petitioned, ask- of costs while its NATO partners fail to pay their agreed-on
ing for legal separation of the colony from the administrative portions.
power of Rome. The British were granted permission to sepa- He has pulled American troops from the Middle East,
rate. Nothing like this had ever happened. On June 25, 2016, which has shifted the balance of power in the region, causing
when Great Britain voted to leave the EU, we saw a repeat of even allies like the state of Israel to question how much they
the same process. The United Kingdom again seeks to leave a can count on America’s support against their enemies.
Continent-based power that increasingly resembles the ancient His policy of building a wall on America’s southern border
Roman system. to cut off illegal immigration (and drug smuggling) has infuri-
Revelation 17 and 18 describe in graphic prophetic terms ated progressive-minded policymakers in America and other
a global power called “Mystery, Babylon the Great”—a polit- world capitals.
ical, economic and religious union with roots going back to By trying to restrict immigration from nations that are
Stefan Rousseau/ZUMA Press/Newscom

Rome (both ancient Rome and the Holy Roman Empire of havens for Islamic terrorists, President Trump has managed
the Middle Ages) and ultimately back to the city of Babylon. to alienate not only the governing Washington establishment
It ruthlessly suppresses all opposition. It is, as it has been in and political opponents but a fair portion of international
times past, “drunk with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” It’s policymakers from every part of government and culture.
a power that “reigns over the kings of the earth” (Revelation The reason for such opposition to virtually anything Pres-
17:6, 18). ident Trump attempts to do should be understood by readers
From the story of history and Bible prophecy there is every of Beyond Today. It’s not just partisan politics and challenging
reason to believe today’s European-based economic power is personalities.
the forerunner of the final revival of Babylon and Rome proph- More of what’s fueling the antagonism is presented by a
esied to be a dominating transnational global power in the Hudson Institute senior fellow, John Fonte, in an August

16 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
2019 article at the American Greatness website titled “Who the West, the global governance project has been seriously chal-
Makes the Rules in a ‘Rules-Based’ Liberal Global Order?” lenged for the first time. It appears that the ‘arc of history’ has
Fonte describes transnational globalism as a utopian ideology been altered.”
derived from an age-long desire for the world to be ruled by Fonte concludes his piece saying, “On both fronts, exter-
one power, without individual sovereign nations. nally and internally, we are now involved in a conflict that will
In this globalist view, he explains, world peace, social justice determine, not simply the direction of politics, but the exis-
and economic equity can be achieved only through the benev- tence of the democratic nation-state in America, Britain, the
olent governance of all peoples by a global power that super- West, and throughout the world.”
sedes all national boundaries, ethnic diversities and religious
affiliation. National resurgence or continuing decline?
This is a dream growing out of the ideas of Aristotle and What do Brexit and current Trump administration policies
Plato in considering who should rule and on what basis. But it’s portend for the future?
actually older than the Greeks. Genesis 11 shows this focus at We cannot predict the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presiden-
work in the post-Flood world when mankind gathered at Babel tial election. Barring a dramatic reversal of the Brexit vote or
and began to form the first “transnational global world order.” incessant postponement, Great Britain will leave the European
God stopped it short by dividing the people through giving Union. And if America and Britain then create an even tighter
them different languages. trade union with the other major English-speaking nations
Fonte shows the plans for a new global order have been grow- (Canada, Australia and New Zealand), a potential trading bloc
ing within the ranks of American officials and policymakers greater than the EU could emerge. Together these five leading
for several decades. He notes both Democratic and Republi- nations of what some have termed the Anglosphere account
can officials in high positions of the State Department saying for $27.5 trillion in GDP compared to $15.9 for the EU. The
that “global governance meant nations would cede sovereign implications of such a potential trading bloc are consequential.
authority to supranational institutions in cases requiring global What this could mean for prophetic events is yet to be deter-
solutions to global problems” and that it “was time to ‘rethink’ mined. We have consistently chronicled in these pages the
[national] sovereignty” because “sovereignty is not only becom- immense value of the English-speaking nations in the modern
ing weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker” world. Their wealth is a blessing from the God of Abraham. He
(emphasis added throughout). will maintain it for a time according to His purpose and will.
This thinking permeates virtually all multinational institu- (Again, we tell this story in our free study guide The United
tions. The World Bank, United Nations, International Court of States and Britain in Bible Prophecy.)
Justice, World Trade Organization and International Monetary Bible prophecy shows the world is headed toward an end-
Fund are all led and staffed by people completely immersed in time transnational global order destined to stun the world
this ideology. with its power, wealth and influence. Centered in Europe, it
Fonte says, “The social base certainly includes the leadership will be the final revival of Rome and Babylon referred to earlier
of the European Union (which is a model for supranational (see our study guide The Final Superpower to learn more).
governance) and its administrators in the European Commis- All nations will “worship” this power for its promise to
sion, judges in the European Court of Justice, and other EU bring a utopian world order of peace, prosperity, and inclusive
officials.” Transnational global thinking drives the leaders of justice for all. Yet, although it will have a veneer of religion,
the World Economic Forum, who gather to confer each winter that veneer will hide tremendous evil that will be murderously
in Davos, Switzerland. opposed to true biblical Christianity.
Using the end of World War II as a benchmark, U.S. policy National lines will be strained and some may disappear in
has been moving inexorably toward this global order. Begin- a final effort to create a new world—a new global order with no
ning with the United Nations, international treaties and a America, Great Britain or any other sovereign state. The only
growing position solely because of its immense economic and thing that will not be tolerated will be opposition to this world
military power, America has become wedded to the developing state. Opposition to this world state and its aims will not be
global world. tolerated.
In 2016 President Barack Obama openly declared his admin- The world has not come to this point yet. God’s message of the
istration’s intent to push the United States into this system, gospel of salvation and His coming Kingdom can still be pro-
telling the United Nations: “We’ve bound our power to interna- claimed. You still have opportunity to understand today’s world
tional laws and institutions . . . I am convinced that in the long and to understand the true gospel of God, and to act on it!
run, giving up freedom of action—not our ability to protect
ourselves but binding ourselves to international rules over the LEARN MORE
long term—enhances our security.”
Why is the United States becoming so divided?
Fonte’s analysis shows the Trump administration’s efforts to
Why do we see so much growing hostility
roll back decades of policy movement toward the loss of Amer- toward biblical religion? Where is this leading?
ican sovereignty. He includes Great Britain’s reaction to the EU You need to know the answers! Download or
as the key to understanding what is called the “state of chaos” request our free study guide The United States
in the two Anglo-Saxon nations. and Britain in Bible Prophecy.
“With the Brexit referendum, the election of Donald Trump,
and the rise of conservative democratic nationalists throughout

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 17
& PROPHECY Current Events & Trends

Worldwide mass protests at historic level

ass protests are growing worse. An increasing rienced such a simultaneous outpouring of popular The piece closed with this summary: “Protest
amount of people are taking to the streets, anger on the streets” (“Why Are So Many Countries movements don’t reliably achieve rapid and transfor-
more than ever before. Witnessing Mass Protests?” Nov. 4, 2019). mative political change in the ways that they used to
Journalists Max Fisher and Amanda Taub break People are protesting for many reasons, but one . . . So while this may look like the era of people power,
down our “new era of global unrest” in The New York of the main ones is economics. Most people are just
Times’ newsletter The Interpreter: scraping by to make a living; when gas or food prices
“It’s not your imagination, and the last few months go up significantly, it has a big impact on their families’
are not an outlier: Mass protests are on the rise glob- bottom line. Other economic factors are tax hikes, cost
ally. They’ve been growing more common, year over of living increases or “unfair” laws or regulations.
year, since the end of World War II, now reaching With a shocking rise in authoritarianism, people
an unprecedented level of frequency . . . The world is increasingly see their freedoms as being under attack
changing in ways that make people likelier to seek from centralized, dictatorial governments.
sweeping political change by taking to the streets” But the findings also reveal that the protests are
(“The Global Protest Wave, Explained,” Oct. 25, 2019, not really working. The Interpreter piece refers to a
emphasis added). trend reversal that is bad news for anyone relying on

Photos, from left: D-Keine/iStock/Getty Images Plus; Rawpixel/iStock/Getty Images Plus; Reptile8488/E+/Getty Images Plus; theboone/E+/Getty Images Plus
The British newsmagazine The Economist also protests to bring change:
reported on the trend: “Only 20 years ago, 70 percent of protests demand-
“For anyone trying to follow protest movements ing systemic political change got it—a figure that
around the world it is hard to keep up. Large anti- had been growing steadily since the 1950s. In the
government demonstrations, some peaceful and mid-2000s, that trend suddenly reversed. Worldwide,
some not, have taken place in recent weeks in places protesters’ success rate has since plummeted to only it is maybe more accurate to describe it as an era of
on every continent: Algeria, Bolivia, Britain, Catalo- 30 percent, according to a study by Erica Chenoweth, angry frustration.”
nia, Chile, Ecuador, France, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, a Harvard University political scientist who called the The Bible reveals where all of this is ultimately
Hong Kong, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Lebanon and more. On decline ‘staggering.’ ‘Something has really shifted,’ Ms. headed. Amazing prophecies in the books of Daniel
November 1st Pakistan joined the ever-lengthening Chenoweth, who studies civil unrest, told us” (ibid.). and Revelation and Jesus Christ’s prophecy given on
roll as tens of thousands of protesters converged on the The authors give four reasons protests are not as the Mt. of Olives show that geopolitical trends of the
capital, Islamabad, to demand that the prime minister, successful as before: (1) democracy is on the decline; end time will culminate in large dictatorial power blocs
Imran Khan, stand down within 48 hours. (2) social media “makes protests likelier to start, likelier forming with unprecedented levels of control over the
“Probably not since the wave of ‘people power’ to balloon in size and likelier to fail”; (3) social polariza- masses. To learn more, read our free study guide The
movements swept Asian and east European countries tion is increasing; and (4) authoritarians are honing Book of Revelation Unveiled (Sources: The New York
in the late 1980s and early 1990s has the world expe- their craft. Times; The Economist).

Plague of brutal shootings continues The gunman killed two and injured three before
turning the gun on himself. Then just a few days

he apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy: “But know later “four men were killed and six others were
this, that in the last days perilous times will wounded at a home in Fresno, Calif., on Sunday
come: For men will be lovers of themselves, [Nov. 17] when suspects opened fire on a backyard
lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, football watch party” (“Fresno Shooting Leaves
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unlov- Four Partygoers Dead, Six Wounded,” The Wall
ing, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, Street Journal, Nov. 18, 2019).
brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, We hear about such things in the news and then
haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of go about our day because that’s just the way things
God, having a form of godliness but denying its are now. We ought to recognize that something is
power” (verses 1-5) very wrong with our society, and that something
The word “brutal” is perhaps easily overlooked needs to change. But rather than addressing the
in this long list of sinful attitudes and behavior. The real issue, this topic has been politicized, with
Greek word is also translated “savage.” blame misplaced.
The world we live in is becoming more brutal everyday. In the Western world The fact is, we live in a brutal world. That is the issue. The expansion of gun
people are obsessed with brutality. It’s a main focus of entertainment. We watch control laws that many call for will not solve this problem.
violent movies, play video games that simulate warfare and then come home More people will die whether guns are more regulated or not. The fact of the
to the evening news that recaps the local shootings that happened in the matter is that we live in an era that is becoming more savage. This is what was
last 24 hours. People have become increasingly comfortable with the brutality foretold in the pages of your Bible. This is what the world will look like until Jesus
around them. Christ returns to establish a Kingdom of true peace. Every day we pray for that
On Nov. 14 there was another school shooting, this one in Santa Clarita, Calif. Kingdom to come! (Source: The Wall Street Journal.)

18 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Study finds quality beats quantity in friendships
re you trying to collect as many friends as pos- networks, they tend to have contact with a wider circle Wandi Bruine de Bruin in a release by the American
sible in the hopes that you will be better con- of friends . . . While older adults may have generally Psychological Association. ‘But the research shows that
nected or have more meaningful relationships? fewer friends, they also tend to be closer with those older adults’ smaller networks didn’t undermine social
Or what about collecting as many Facebook “friends” friends and interact with them on a face-to-face basis satisfaction and well-being. In fact, older adults tend
as possible? A fascinating new study published in the to report better well-being than younger adults’” (Ben
journal Psychology and Aging shows that when it comes Renner, “For Older Adults, It’s the Quality of Friend-
to friendships for older adults, less may be more. The ships, Not Quantity, That Improves Well-Being,”
quality of your connections matters more than how, Nov. 16, 2019).
many you have. In other words, two really good friends The article concludes with further reason to focus
are better than 100 acquaintances. on connecting more deeply with those you already
An article about the study reports: “Researchers know instead of trying to seek out new friendships:
from the University of Leeds conclude that well-being “Only the reported number of close friendships was
is more closely related to how people feel about their found to be significantly associated with social sat-
friends than their overall number of friends. more frequently. According to researchers, when it isfaction and well-being . . . This positive association
“The study sought to compare the friendships comes to friendship-induced feelings of well-being, between close friends and well-being didn’t change in
and social circles of younger and older adults. Since that makes all the difference. different age groups, suggesting that close friendships
younger adults are more likely to connect with friends, “‘Stereotypes of aging tend to paint older adults in are important to overall well-being and social satisfac-
family members, and acquaintances using online social many cultures as sad and lonely,’ says lead author Dr. tion throughout one’s life.” (Source:

CDC director believes the post-antibiotic era is here

n Nov. 13, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a that there are more than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections in the United
troubling new report about antibiotic-resistant bacteria titled “Antibiotic States each year, killing more than 35,000 people.
Resistant Threats in the United States, 2019.” The report includes a plan for more stringent controls of antibiotic use to hold
The foreword, by CDC Director Robert Redfield, is especially urgent about not out against the ongoing problem. Redfield states, “These actions are protecting us
only the future danger of antibiotic-resistant infections, but the present reality today and will continue to protect us, our families, and our nation from a threat that
revealed by the study. “Stop referring to a coming post-antibiotic era—it’s already will never stop” (emphasis added). There is little hope in this vision of the future. At
here,” Redfield writes. He points out that “antibiotic resistance has been found best Redfield sees a never-ending fight for survival against devastating, merciless
in every U.S. state and in and unseen enemies.
every country across the Thankfully, the Bible describes a future when our all-powerful God will take
globe. There is no safe control and put an end to human suffering. That does not mean simply stepping
place from antibiotic in to instantly heal every disease. Rather, it starts by establishing a never-ending
resistance.” Kingdom under which mankind will learn the right way to live and be blessed
Penicillin was the abundantly.
first modern antibiotic, As humanity finally learns to obey its Creator, God will eradicate disease from
discovered by Alexander the earth, fulfilling in even greater measure the words spoken to ancient Israel:
Fleming in 1928. Put into “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His
medical use beginning in sight . . . I will put none of the diseases on you [that defiance of God had brought
1942, its efficacy against on others] . . . For I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26).
bacterial infections was an Ultimately, God’s plan is to transform the world—all who will obey and submit
unprecedented triumph of to Him—into a new creation, where “there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor
science and even hailed as a modern miracle. But as Redfield laments: “You and crying” (Revelation 21:4). The “microscopic enemy” Redfield refers to—antibiotic-
I are living in a time when some miracle drugs no longer perform miracles and resistant bacterial infection—is just one of the many agents of death, which Paul
families are being ripped apart by a microscopic enemy.” described as the “last enemy that will be destroyed” (1 Corinthians 15:26). That
Today several types of resistant bacteria are not affected by even the most wonderful future with no need for antibiotics will be the true “post-antibiotic era”!
cutting-edge antibiotics the medical community can muster. The report estimated (Source:

How can you make sense of the news?

So much is happening in the world, and so quickly. Where are today’s dramatic and dangerous
trends taking us? What does Bible prophecy reveal about our future? You’re probably very con-
cerned with the direction the world is heading. So are we. That’s one reason we produce the
Beyond Today daily TV commentaries—to help you understand the news in the light of Bible
prophecy. These eye-opening presentations offer you a perspective so badly needed in our
confused world—the perspective of God’s Word. Visit us at!

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 19

Venezuela’s Crisis

In one of the most heartbreaking modern tragedies, there is still hope.
by Justin Palm

t seems hope has left Venezuela. Hungry children cry A comprehensive 2016 article in The Atlantic by Venezuelan
themselves to sleep at night. With no food at home, kids authors Moises Naim and Francisco Toro shines light on what
turn to the streets. Swept up in gangs, they trade the safety happened:
of home for knife scars on their bellies. Stripped of their “What our country is going through is monstrously unique:
humanity, Venezuelans have been reduced to digging It’s nothing less than the collapse of a large, wealthy, seemingly
through dumpsters for food. modern, seemingly democratic nation just a few hours’ flight
Parents lose their little ones to malnutrition. Cut-out paper from the United States. In the last two years Venezuela has
wings are often placed over white baby coffins where parents experienced the kind of implosion that hardly ever occurs in a
slowly, painfully, tragically hold their babies for the last time middle-income country like it outside of war.
before burying them. One tiny baby, Kleiver Enrique Hernan- “Mortality rates are skyrocketing; one public service after
dez, died from severe malnutrition just three months after another is collapsing; triple-digit inflation has left more than
birth. His small, lifeless body lay in a white coffin during a 70 percent of the population in poverty; an unmanageable
wake at the family’s house, underneath a colorful sign that crime wave keeps people locked indoors at night; shoppers have
had just celebrated his arrival with “Welcome Kleiver Enrique, to stand in line for hours to buy food; babies die in large num-
I love you so much.” bers for lack of simple, inexpensive medicines and equipment
Venezuelans can no longer earn a living due to hyperinfla- in hospitals, as do the elderly and those suffering from chronic
tion. There is little food, fuel, medicine or access to jobs. And illnesses” (“Venezuela Is Falling Apart,” May 12, 2016).
something else that is running out is hope. Venezuelans have The country’s rapid descent is not like a plane crash or train
been robbed of their future by governmental mismanagement wreck or car accident. These kinds of tragedies happen rel-
and corruption. atively frequently. But an oil-rich, modern, beautiful coun-
Where is the light at the end of the tunnel? try like Venezuela collapsing in just a handful of years? It just
In just a few short years, the country has become a told-you- doesn’t happen.
so example used by advocates of freedom and capitalism to The authors related some of how the unthinkable came
show the failings of socialism. Yet while socialism is certainly about:
greatly to blame for Venezuela’s fall and it’s right to point it “The real culprit is chavismo, the ruling philosophy named
out, we must not forget the untold masses who are suffering— for Chavez and carried forward by Maduro, and its truly
millions of people who just want to eat and live. breathtaking propensity for mismanagement (the government
The Venezuelan crisis is not a mere philosophical argument plowed state money arbitrarily into foolish investments); insti-
for the 9-year-old girl scouring trash bags for breakfast. tutional destruction (as Chavez and then Maduro became more
The collapse is a human problem—a mankind problem. authoritarian and crippled the country’s democratic institu-
tions); nonsense policy-making (like price and currency con-
Start of the slide trols); and plain thievery (as corruption has proliferated among
Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world. So how unaccountable officials and their friends and families) . . .
did a once-prosperous modern nation fall so quickly? “There are many theories about the deeper forces that have
The economic collapse started with the nation’s social- destroyed Venezuela’s economy, torn apart its society and dev-
ist leader Hugo Chavez. But it took on new depths under his astated its institutions, but their result is ultimately a human
handpicked successor Nicolas Maduro. tragedy representing one of the most severe humanitarian

20 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
crises facing the Western hemisphere.”
Food shortages have become so severe that reports have
come out of people breaking into zoos to kill and eat the ani-
mals. Power blackouts are part of life in many areas of the
nation. There’s a widespread lack of medical equipment, and
disease is on the rise. Crime is skyrocketing, with Caracas now
the murder capital of the world.
The littlest victims
A Venezuelan child plays inside his family’s house built of interwoven
The greatest tragedy in Venezuela is the suffering of its chil- reeds covered with mud. Extreme poverty is exploding in the country.
dren. The New York Times spent five months in 2017 investigat-
ing how Venezuela’s economic crisis has affected the nation’s homeland. A Wall Street Journal article described it as “the
little ones. What they saw shocked them: largest migration crisis in modern Latin American history”
“Hunger has stalked Venezuela for years. Now, it is killing (Kejal Vyas, “The Perilous Road Out of Venezuela,” Oct. 3,
the nation’s children at an alarming rate, doctors in the coun- 2019). And every day, thousands of citizens are adding to
try’s public hospitals say . . . Riots and protests over the lack of this number.
affordable food, excruciating long lines for basic provisions, The article tells the story of a young Venezuelan woman who
soldiers posted outside bakeries and angry crowds ransack- recently left the country with her boyfriend, the two of them
ing grocery stores have rattled cities, providing a telling, public having worked as nurses for a health clinic in eastern Caracas:
display of the depths of the crisis. “‘My grandparents used to tell me, “Don’t go,”’ said Ms. Loyo.
“But deaths from malnutrition have remained a closely ‘Now they say, “Flee as fast as you can.”’
guarded secret by the Venezuelan government. In a five-month “The day before the bus trip, Mr. Morales [her boyfriend]
investigation by The New York Times, doctors at 21 public hos- went to the cemetery with a rag and a bottle of soapy water and
pitals in 17 states across the country said that their emergency washed the headstone over the grave of his teenage brother,
rooms were being overwhelmed by children with severe mal- Jhonny, who had been shot dead by gangsters four years ago.
nutrition—a condition they had rarely encountered before the “He swept away fallen leaves with a worn-out broom and
economic crisis began . . .” (Meredith Kohut and Isayen Her- laid down a fistful of marigolds. A short walk away, he tidied
rera, “As Venezuela Collapses, Children Are Dying of Hunger,” the graves of two cousins, both victims of police shootings.
Dec. 17, 2017). ‘Everything around me just screams: Get out of here!’ he said.”
The journalists also exposed how government officials have Some shocking migration projections follow: “The Brook-
hidden the truth: ings Institution estimates the number of Venezuelan migrants
“The Venezuelan government has tried to cover up the extent could double to eight million in the next two years, far more
of the crisis by enforcing a near-total blackout of health statis- than the six million who fled war-ravaged Syria. Per capita,
tics, and by creating a culture in which doctors are often afraid Venezuelan migrants have seen less than 2% of the interna-
to register cases and deaths that may be associated with the gov- tional aid that has been committed for Syrian refugees” (ibid.).
Photos, from left: Natanael Alfredo Nemanita Ginting/123RF; Jimmy Villalta/VWPics/Newscom

ernment’s failures. But the statistics that have come out are stag-
gering. In the Ministry of Health’s 2015 annual report, the No end in sight?
mortality rate for children under 4 weeks old had increased a Since the beginning of Venezuela’s slide, its people have
hundredfold, from 0.02 percent in 2012 to just over 2 percent.” taken to the streets in protest. Out of these protest movements,
After the government’s health ministry had not released one man, Juan Guaido, has risen up as the opposition leader.
even one report about infant mortality rates, a link suddenly On Jan. 23, 2019, he boldly declared himself the nation’s
appeared on their website in April 2017. It revealed that 11,446 rightful president:
children under the age of 1 died in 2016. “The young politician stood before thousands of protesters
The nation’s healthcare system has been hit hard with an in Caracas and swore himself in as interim president—a move
estimated 43,000 medical professionals leaving Venezuela. that was immediately greeted by the US and Canadian gov-
And for infants in hospital emergency rooms, baby formula is ernments. Guaido first signalled that he was willing to mount
hard to find. a serious challenge to the country’s president in early Janu-
Sadly, since 2017, the situation has not improved. A Feb- ary [2019] when Nicolas Maduro, began his second term of
ruary 2019 article titled “Venezuela Voices: ‘We Are Starving office following elections last summer [2018] that were widely
Here’” described the country as being “on the brink”: “Gro- denounced as fraudulent . . .
cery shelves lie empty as food becomes increasingly scarce and “Guaido, just six days into his post, told the world he was
expensive. People are fleeing the country at record rates, flood- ready to assume the presidency until free and fair elections
ing neighboring countries. Inflation is set to reach 10 million could be held—provided he had the vital support of the mil-
percent in 2019” (Ana Vanessa Herrero and Megan Specia, The itary” (Joe Daniels and Mariana Zuniga, “Venezuela: Who Is
New York Times, Feb. 1, 2019). Juan Guaido, the Man Who Declared Himself President?”
The Guardian, Jan. 23, 2019).
Massive exodus of those finding a way to leave After President Maduro refused to step down, Mr. Guaido
This hopeless situation has caused 4 million Venezuelans— led a military uprising in April that failed. Despite the setback,
4 million!—to make the heartbreaking decision to flee their the opposition has continued to pressure Maduro to leave

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 21

office, and Guaido has been recognized by more than 50 other where can we look to find hope for the future?
governments as Venezuela’s acting president.
The United States and other countries have been increasing Coming end to misery
political pressure on Venezuela, but so far it appears to have The Bible reveals God’s master plan for mankind. It shows
had little effect. Maduro is now targeting his military to con- us that a better day for humanity is coming—through the
solidate power and crackdown on dissent: arrival of the Kingdom of God. This divine government will
“There are now 217 active and retired officers being held be ushered in at the second coming of Jesus Christ (see Daniel
in Venezuelan jails, including 12 generals, according to the 2:35, 44-45).
Coalition for Human Rights and Democracy, a Caracas-based With the ultimate fulfillment of the Kingdom of God on
nonprofit that represents several of the men. The coalition earth, after Jesus Christ has put down all enemies and submit-
has documented 250 cases of torture committed by Venezu- ted all to God the Father, the constant tears of today’s hungry
elan security forces against military officers, their relatives and hopeless will be a thing of the past. Notice this inspiring
and opposition activists since 2017” (Anatoly Kurmanaev and prophecy from the end of the Bible:
Isayen Herrera, “Venezuela’s Maduro Cracks Down on His “And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the
Own Military in Bid to Retain Power,” The New York Times, tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them,
Aug. 13, 2019). and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them
and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their
“The spectacle of collapse” eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There
No one knows what exactly will happen in Venezuela in the shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away”
coming years, but it’s hard to imagine how it can continue get- (Revelation 21:3-4).
ting worse without it reaching some kind of breaking point. Today we are still living in the times of the “former things.”
A final quote from the story in The Atlantic cuts to the heart But soon a new day is coming when the newborn baby will
of the matter. Is Venezuela another example of socialism’s fail- no longer have his or her life snuffed out so early. The days
ings? Yes. But it is so much more than that. Above all, it is a of failed governments will be over, replaced by a perfect gov-
humanitarian tragedy that should leave all of us looking for- ernment by God that is truly for the benefit of the people.
ward to better days with some hope still left in our hearts. In the midst of a tragedy like Venezuela, there is still hope
The Venezuelan authors of the piece reflect: “The happy, for a better world!
hopeful stage of Venezuela’s experiment with Chavez’s 21st-
century socialism is a fading memory. What’s been left is a vis- LEARN MORE
ibly failing state that still leans hard on left-wing rhetoric in How will a new world come about in which
a doomed bid to maintain some shred of legitimacy. A coun- horrors such as those experienced in Ven-
try that used to attract fellow travelers and admirers in serious ezuela will no longer plague us? God’s Word,
numbers now holds fascination for rubberneckers: stunned the Bible, reveals the answers! Download or
outsiders enthralled by the spectacle of collapse. To the Vene- request our study guide The Gospel of the
zuelans who live its consequences day after day, the spectacle Kingdom. A free copy is waiting for you!
is considerably less amusing.”
In the midst of such great and totally unnecessary tragedy,

What Is “Socialism”? “‘Socialism’ is a political term applied to

an economic system in which property is
socialism,’ which involves individual market
exchanges organized by collective planning.

W hile countries use different kinds of

socialism as a political system, the
word “socialism” is used in a general sense
held in common and not individually, and
relationships are governed by a political hier-
archy. Common ownership doesn’t mean
“People often confuse ‘socialism’ with
the concept of ‘communism.’ While the two
ideologies share much in common (in fact,
to refer to governments imposing more decisions are made collectively, however. communism encompasses socialism), the
and more control over their citizens by leg- Instead, individuals in positions of authority primary difference between the two is that
islating expensive non-essential  programs. make decisions in the name of the collective ‘socialism’ applies to economic systems,
Think welfare programs, social services, etc. group. Regardless of the picture painted of whereas ‘communism’ applies to both eco-
“Essential” government activities are those socialism by its proponents, it ultimately nomic and political systems.
that provide safety for the citizens—protec- removes group decision making in favor of “Another difference between social-
tion from dangers from within (crime) and the choices of one all-important individual. ism and communism is that communists
from without (attacks and invasion). Most “Socialism originally involved the replace- directly oppose the concept of capitalism,
modern nations are operating with a com- ment of private property with a market an economic system in which production is
bination of personal freedom and socialism. exchange, but history has proven this ineffec- controlled by private interests. Socialists, on
A helpful and thorough definition of tive. Socialism cannot prevent people from the other hand, believe socialism can exist
socialism, and how it differs from commu- competing for what is scarce. [Venezuela is a within a capitalist society” (,
nism, comes from Marcus Hawkins in his prime example of this.] Socialism, as we know Jan. 28, 2019).
article “A Definition of Socialism”: it today, most commonly refers to ‘market —Don Hooser

22 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g

Spiritual Lessons From

My Double Lung Transplant
My life was saved by a double lung transplant. This life-changing event led me to a

much deeper understanding of Christ’s sacrifice and God’s plan for me and all mankind.
by Cathy Botha

was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF) when I was 12 diligence and enthusiasm for God’s Word. When I saw others
years old. CF is a progressive genetic disease that pri- so full of zeal for God, I felt inadequate. I was just barely going
marily affects the lungs. There is no cure. Average life through the motions. I also knew I was out of time, with
expectancy is 37 years. Medication and health manage- possibly just one year left to live.
ment practices can prolong and improve quality of life, I was dying.
but once the patient reaches end-stage lung disease, double At one extremely low point of spiritual discouragement, I
lung transplant becomes the only option. knelt and prayed a simple but urgent prayer—that God would
I reached this stage in 2015, following years of gradual give me more understanding and change my heart completely
deterioration and irreversible lung damage. Eventually I was to be more like Him. According to Philippians 1:6, “He who
in and out of the hospital every few weeks battling severe, has begun a good work in you will complete it.” I had no idea
recurrent pneumonias. While at home, my daily routine at how God could finish a good work in me when my body was
times involved up to six intravenous infusions, two to three essentially finished. I knew I had not finished my race (as the
hours of nebulizing and two hours of chest physiotherapy apostle Paul had in 2 Timothy 4:7), but there was no more race
(treatments to assist clearing the lungs). I slept with the help left in me.
of supplemental oxygen, and used it intermittently to relieve Other than God’s miraculous instant healing, my only
incredible fatigue.
The “burden of treatment” is
a medical term describing the
Other than God’s miraculous instant healing, my only
time and commitment involved
in doing everything necessary
chance to live rested on the slim possibility of finding
to stay alive. This burden often a donor. Most patients die before they find one.
destroys every vestige of the
patients’ quality of life, and eventually it was consuming me. chance to live rested on the slim possibility of finding a donor.
My circumstances also meant that I had to continue to work, The average waiting period is 11⁄2 years, during which time
albeit not effectively. Ironically, I felt suffocated by the medical most patients die.
regimen that was keeping me alive. Three weeks after my prayer, I received amazing news—
the most unexpected and improbable thing to happen. This
An urgent prayer colossal life-changing and life-saving event has led me to
I was barely holding my life together. And my spiritual life examine the similarities between my physical salvation
was suffering. If I tried to read the Bible, I would just doze and my spiritual salvation, along with God’s plan for all
off. Concentration became increasingly difficult. I listened mankind.
to sermons but usually had to rewind them to hear the parts
where I had fallen asleep. I would doze off during church “The call”
services, and because of travel and church commitments, In the donor world, potential recipients are on a waiting list,
the Sabbath, meant to be a day of rest, was one of the most sometimes literally waiting by the phone for what is known as
exhausting. “the call.” When an organ becomes available, and the medical
I felt increasingly frustrated about my lack of spiritual team is finally ready, a designated person makes a critical call to

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 23

the recipient. There is no prior warning that “the call” is coming.

The recipient is told that the surgery is their choice—he or
she is under no obligation to accept. It is a simple phone call
that offers incredible opportunity and considerable risk.
I was asked, “Are you ready and willing?” Some patients do
not take the offer. They may feel the disease is manageable and
are too frightened to risk death or other problems. Or they
may not be emotionally prepared. Some accept it and go on to
live significantly better lives. Some refuse it and ultimately die.
Some accept it and still die.
Many people never get “the call” at all, but if they do, they
are given a choice. Once the decision has been made, they
must submit to the process.
I thought of the spiritual parallels of God’s calling process.
I was reminded of 2 Timothy 1:9, which tells us that God “has
saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our
works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was
given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.”
I also thought of 2 Peter 1:10: “Therefore, brethren, be all the
more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing
you; for as long as you practice these things [that is, elements Cathy and her husband Vivien Botha in 2018, after her lung transplant.
of good character listed in preceding verses], you will never
stumble” (New American Standard Bible). God the Father and Jesus Christ.
Christ actually chose to die for me. He was more innocent
Life-giving death than any human being who has ever lived. Yet He suffered
The story of Christ’s sacrifice is repeated so often in the horribly for my near-worthless life. I think of Romans 5:7-
Christian world that it can too easily become depersonalized. 9: “For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet perhaps
The phrases we hear regarding His death become sadly com- for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God
monplace. He suffered and died so that I may live. I understood demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were
that, but did I really? I may even have allowed myself to think still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now
that because Christ knew He would die, He was better prepared been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath
to deal with it. Yet the Gospels show that even Jesus experienced through Him.”
deep emotions facing suffering and death.
He told His disciples before He was handed over in betrayal: A parent’s sacrifice
“‘My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here I often think about my donor’s parents and the incredible
and watch.’ He went a little farther, and fell on the ground, and gift they gave me at their time of unspeakable grief. They
prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him” donated his lungs to save me, and other organs to other
(Mark 14:34-35). desperate patients. I imagine them having to watch their son
Only through my transplant experience could I truly begin die and making the choice to turn off his life support. And
to understand the reality of receiving His death in my place and then, willingly and generously, through the fog of their own
God’s plan in a visceral way. I have come to better appreciate pain and suffering, they offered others a life-giving gift. This
Christ’s humanness, and what He gave up for me to receive the was a mindful decision, not an impulsive reaction to their
opportunity of an eternal and vastly better life. own suffering.
After my operation, I found out my donor was a little child. I owe my donor family my physical life. But far greater
Nothing could have prepared me for this news. His life ended than that, I know that through God’s plan of salvation, I have
abruptly, leaving his loving parents devastated. He had a full gained an elder Brother and an eternal Father. Only through
life ahead of him—he was healthy and full of promise. He did the planned sacrifice and impossible-to-fathom death of
not deserve to die, and his precious life certainly was not an Christ do I have the prospect of being grafted into the eternal
equal trade for mine. My body was aged, tired, beaten up. My family of God. “For this reason I bow my knees to the Father
life was full of wasted opportunities and failures. Surely his of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in
little life was filled with so much more light and hope. Yet he heaven and earth is named” (Ephesians 3:14-15).
died, and I was saved. I understand he was not sacrificed for Hebrews 2:10 summarizes this process: “For it was fitting
me, but it was his death that enabled me to live on. And not for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things,
only do I live, I have a far better quality of life. in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their
When I think about Christ and my young donor, and the salvation perfect through sufferings.”
ripple effects their deaths have had on my life, I am overcome
“Without blemish”
Victor Kubik

with emotion. Each one’s gift helps me understand the other.

The comparisons between these two sacrifices have compelled As with all transplants, the days and hours preceding are
me into a deeper, more gratitude-based relationship with critical. The donor’s organs must be healthy and a suitable

24 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
match for the recipient. Many donors are rejected due to done in the body, according to what he has done, whether
infections or organ damage. The batteries of critical tests and good or bad.”
the analysis take 24 to 48 hours. Recipients are oblivious to How will I answer?
this behind-the-scenes work. They are usually mired in the In Romans 12:1 Paul urges, “I beseech you therefore,
daily struggle for survival, totally unaware that somewhere, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies
usually far removed from their reality, a plan to save their life a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your
is being meticulously worked out. reasonable service.” To be a living sacrifice for Him, I need to
This plan can succeed only if the donor’s organs are healthy. do what He would do. I need to allow Christ to really live in
Despite the mockery of justice in the judicial proceedings and through me.
Jesus went through, He was nonetheless found to be morally I have this hope that when I finally get to meet my ultimate
spotless by the human authorities of the time, Pilate even Savior, Jesus Christ will be able to say to me, “Well done, good
pronouncing Him a “just Person” (Matthew 27:24). But more and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things,
importantly, God’s assessment is found in 1 Peter 1:18-19: I will make you ruler over many things: Enter into the joy of
“You were not redeemed with corruptible things . . . but with your lord” (Matthew 25:23).
the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and
without spot.” Lifelong commitment to discipline
Similarly, after all the medical scrutiny, my donor’s organs Concerning life after a successful transplant, organ
were found to be physically perfect. rejection is a real and ongoing threat for all survivors. I must
live a disciplined life—being mindful of what I eat, carefully
Christ living in me avoiding specific foods and certain situations, taking extra
I now have a redeemed-from-certain-death life. Yet I carry precautions to prevent infections, being diligent to take my
medications and undergoing
regular medical testing and
Someday my young donor will be reunited with follow-ups. People are surprised
his family, my struggling friends will breathe easy, to hear that I must take
immunosuppressive drugs for
and all humanity will have the opportunity to the rest of my life.
Receiving donor lungs is not
experience love, health and peace in God’s family. a once-off life-saving event.
I am saved in an ongoing way
around in my body the lungs of a child that I’ve never physi- principally by taking the anti-rejection drugs without fail,
cally met. His lungs work to keep me healthy—breathing for every single day. Daily disciplined actions and obedience to a
me as mine no longer could. He has made me a better version regimen are keeping me alive. And the same applies to one’s
of myself than ever before. This is something that, when I try spiritual life.
to think about it, my mind refuses to engage. It’s too hard to Compared to my previous “burden of treatment,” which
contemplate. The apostle Paul, in 2 Corinthians 4:10, notes included many grueling hours each day just to be able to
that he was “always carrying about in the body the dying of breathe, “My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” (Matthew
the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus may also be manifested 11:30).
in our body.” These lungs live on in me—giving me so many Paul says in Ephesians 4:1, “As a prisoner for the Lord, I
unexpected opportunities. urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received”
I know I will meet my young donor one day when God resur- (New International Version). I realize that both my physical
rects all people to give them an opportunity for salvation. I and spiritual salvation are not totally secure. I must do my
can only imagine how humbling this meeting will be for me. best to maintain them and give myself the best possible
I wonder if he will like me, the person I’ve become. Would he opportunity to endure.
approve of things I’ve done with his gift of life—of my speech, I also find it spiritually significant that organ rejection
my empathy, my marriage, my family, of how I treat others? occurs when the recipient’s body overcomes the medication
How would my life choices and attitudes stack up to what he and rejects the new lungs—not the other way around. My
would have done with his extra time if it had not been cut short? body will try to attack and destroy the new life-giving lungs if
This meeting applies with greater magnitude to my spiritual it has a chance. The Bible reveals that “the mind-set of the flesh
life. The real question is, What am I doing with my life? Am is hostile to God” (Romans 8:7, Christian Standard Bible).
I allowing old habits to continue, old ways of thinking and Only by accessing and stirring up God’s Holy Spirit, which is
behaving? Do I reflect the life of Christ in me? Am I being given to us at baptism, can we practice what Paul refers to in
submissive to His will and in tune with His Holy Spirit to help Romans 8:13: “For if you live according to [the old, corrupt
move my life forward in His direction? nature of] the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to
He and his parents will ask me what I did with my extra death the misdeeds of the body, you will live” (NIV).
time. God will ask me. I think of 2 Corinthians 5:9-10:
“Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, Hope for all
to be well pleasing to Him. For we must all appear before the Reflecting back on the days immediately following my
judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things transplant, I remember lying in the Intensive Care Unit

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 25

Cathy Botha wears one of the

pieces of physiotherapy equip-
ment she had to use every day to
treat her disease. She often spent

Behind many hours in various treatments

just to be able to breathe during
the difficult months before her

Beyond life-saving transplant.

ho’s behind the Beyond Today
magazine and television pro-
gram? Beyond Today is pro-
vided by people from all walks of life,
from all over the world, as enabled by
God. We share a common goal—to
proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of
God and to teach
all nations to obey
everything Christ
commanded (Mat- (ICU). I became acutely aware of As valiant as mankind’s efforts are
other patients and their families in to bring healing, peace and prosperity,
thew 24:14; 28:19-20).
the cubicles around me. We were they will always fall short of God’s
We are dedicated
all surrounded by numerous drips, perfect plan. One Man, Jesus Christ,
to proclaiming the drains, beeping machines—mankind’s died for all those people in that ICU
same message valiant efforts to prolong life. The where I was and for everyone else
Jesus Christ brought—the wonderful ICU is a place of protracted suffering as well. He died that they might live
good news of the coming Kingdom of and extreme grief, of unending again, and live better.
God (Matthew 4:23; Mark 1:14-15; Luke perseverance by medical staff to save The ancient patriarch Job expressed
4:43; 8:1). That message truly is good lives. It is a place of pain, confusion, this hope through his great suffering:
news—the answer to all the problems fear, hope and joy—emotions jumbled “I know that my Redeemer lives, and
that have long plagued humankind. up together, experienced all at the He shall stand at last on the earth” (Job
Through this magazine, our TV pro- same time. 19:25). I now better understand Job’s
gram and dozens of helpful free study My lung transplant involved all words. In that hospital ward, the true
of these for myself and my family. hope and longing for God’s perfect,
guides, we show the biblical answers to
Although it entailed extreme discom- peaceful and joyful Kingdom dawned
the dilemmas that have defied human fort, I received a new opportunity on me more forcefully than I could
solution and threaten our survival. We for life. Conversely, my young donor have ever imagined before. There was
are committed to taking that message died, and his family experienced hope for all those despairing people
to the entire world, sharing the truth of utter devastation. One life passed, but moving in and out of that ICU, even
God’s purpose as taught by Jesus Christ another was preserved. though they did not know it.
and His apostles. Since my transplant, I have exper- Someday my young donor will be
The United Church of God has con- ienced a wonderful quality of life. But reunited with his family. Someday my
gregations and ministers around the when I look at old friends still battling struggling friends will breathe easy.
world. In these congregations believers to breathe—their days a painful Someday all human beings who have
assemble to be instructed from the struggle against despair—it appears ever lived will have the opportunity to
unfair. I know that but for the grace experience love, health and peace in
Scriptures and to fellowship. For loca-
of God go I. And I feel so incredibly God’s family. Someday soon Revela-
tions and times of services nearest you, blessed to understand that unlike this tion 21:4 will become a reality: “God
contact us at the appropriate address on physical life today, hope and salvation will wipe away every tear from their
page 39. Visitors are always welcome. are not ultimately offered to only a eyes; there shall be no more death, nor
For additional information, visit our website: select few. In the great plan God is sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no
working out, everyone will have the more pain, for the former things have opportunity for a wonderful future
without end.
passed away.”
God speed that day!

26 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
“Who Says I Can’t?!”
An inspiring story of struggle through serious challenges serves as a
poignant reminder to be grateful and keep persevering with God’s help.

by Janet Treadway

s I combed my hair, brushed my teeth and walked Again, are we grateful for what God has given us? Do we
to my car, it was a different sort of day. I was more use it to be the best we can be for Him and for others, as Rob-
appreciative of being able to do these simple things ert Mendez has tried to do? What an inspiration this man is to
because of something I’d just watched. others—including me.
As I got into my car, placed the key in When Jesus Christ returns, He will begin the pro-
the ignition and drove to work, the feeling con- cess of bringing healing to the whole world. But
tinued. Then also as I parked my car, got out in the meantime, there are those like Robert
and walked into work. who, though facing hardship, set an amaz-
As I type this on my keyboard, I am ing example of gratitude while pushing
so much more aware of my 10 fingers themselves to be all they can be.
and my ability to sit here and do this. These examples humble us and
Again, it’s a different sort of day.  teach us valuable lessons. Here are two
So often we take for granted the lessons I take from Mendez’s story.
wondrous body God has given us. He First, be grateful for what God
designed it to work so perfectly at has given you and to those who have
our will. Are we grateful for this mir- helped you.
acle? Do we use it for His glory? And second, live your life to be the
There are people who do not have best you can be with what God has given
the same level of blessing many of us you, so you can help and inspire others!
do in terms of fully functional bodies—a The opposite is mentioned in Romans
fact brought home to me in a powerful way 1:21, which describes the corrupt world of
through a documentary I just watched about a this age, and the fruit of an ungrateful heart: “For
young man named Robert Mendez.
Robert was born May 9, 1988, without arms
Let’s never take for granted the miracu-
Photos, from left: courtesy Cathy Botha, Chris Pizzello/​Invision/​AP/​Shutterstock

or legs, the result of a condition known as Tetra–

Amelia, a rare congenital disorder that prevents
the formation of limbs during embryonic devel-
lous body God has given us! And let us
opment. Now 31, he has lived his entire life with- always ask God for help where we lack.
out arms and legs. He is mobile thanks to the chair
he controls with his head and neck. It has given him a life although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God
otherwise inaccessible. nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and
It was humbling to see this program. Watching him move their foolish hearts were darkened.”
around on the floor as a child—such a happy child even—and We should always be giving God thanks for the things He
then grow into the man he is today, I just sat there and cried. has given us, and use them for His glory, and for the inspira-
This young man did not let his disabilities stop him from being tion and encouragement of others.
all he could be! Mendez went on to become a remarkable high Start your day with such gratitude and purpose along with
school football coach in America. His favorite phrase to the young a “can do” approach to life. Don’t use the words “I can’t”—for
men he coaches and his motto in his life is, “Who says I can’t?!” with God’s help, “all things are possible” (Mark 10:27).
Mendez accepted the Jimmy V Award for Perseverance Robert Mendez did not let his shortcomings stop him, but
at the 2019 ESPYs (Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly with gratitude and resolve, he rose above his challenges to
Award). In his acceptance speech, he was grateful, thanking inspire and help others. He certainly inspired me.
his parents and also giving glory to God. He further stressed Let’s never take for granted the miraculous body God has
the importance of focusing on what you can do instead of what given us! And let us always ask God for help where we lack or
you can’t. (You can find his speech on YouTube by searching face challenges.
for the name of the award.) “Who says I can’t?” Let it not be us. For with God, we can.

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 27
AND YOU Follow Me...

Fixing Our Eyes on Eternity

How do we endure the challenges of this life?
By God enabling us to look beyond today to what lies ahead.

by Robin Webber

n the evening of Jesus’ betrayal, hours before Victor Frankl, a concentration camp survivor, wrote a land-
He would be brutally scourged and mercilessly mark work in 1946 titled Man’s Search for Meaning. It relates
crucified, He huddled with His followers and his firsthand observations on life and death molded by per-
encouraged them by saying, “Let not your sonal experience at the Auschwitz death camp during World
heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe War II. He carefully considered why some captives survived
also in Me” (John 14:1). while others died. He pondered why some with good health,
Later that evening, even though He knew what was about to intelligence and survival skills didn’t make it while others who
occur, He amplified His message of hope beyond the moment lacked these attributes endured and lived.
by proclaiming: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me He concluded that the single most significant factor for sur-
you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but vival was people envisioning a future for themselves, holding
be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). on to a conviction that they had a mission to perform, some
How could He say that then? As some might remark today: important work yet to do.
“Was He on something? C’mon!” And yet on the next after- Frankl’s analysis was long before crystallized in God’s admo-
noon as He was dying while horrifically nailed to a piece of nition in Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no vision, the peo-
wood, He was able to declare, “Father, into Your hands I com- ple perish” (KJV). The 19th-century U.S. Supreme Court justice
mit My spirit” (Luke 23:46). How could this be? How could Oliver Wendell Holmes further developed and broadened this
assured peace be His? Is there truly a cure for human despair? concept in stating, “What lies behind us and what lies before us
Is there hope beyond the moment? are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
Let’s consider what we’re told in Hebrews 12: “Let us run Sadly, but humanly, even people called to serve the living God
with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to can at times travel through life like the living dead. How then
Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake do we live in the light of eternity and see beyond the moment in
of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregard- a darkened and cluttered world of time and space?
ing its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the
throne of God” (verses 1-2, New Living Translation). Seeing by God’s Spirit
It’s here that we discover two keys to moving beyond our Remarkably, God empowers us to look to the future He has
humanly troubling moments to glorify God and bless other in store for us. Notice the apostle Paul’s emphasis on the gift-
people: 1) we keep our eyes fixed on Christ, and 2) we keep the edness of the spiritual lens afforded us in stating: “But as it is
same focus and develop the same inner joy He had by looking written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into
beyond our human moments. We might say we need to keep the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those
the eyes of our heart fixed on eternity. This is vital to living by who love Him.’ But God has revealed them to us through His
Christ’s example in heeding His invitation of “Follow Me.” Spirit” (1 Corinthians 2:9-10). So it comes through the Holy
But how do we do this? Spirit, which we receive following repentance and baptism
(Acts 2:38).
Survival based on vision Seeing the wonderful life to come is much more than ulti-
While none of us is likely bearing the weight of a literal mately realizing it as a final destination. Rather, it’s a way of
cross, inwardly it can sure feel that way. Some of us right now traveling, here and now, with gifted spiritual vision fixed on
are bearing heavy challenges, and making it through seems all God and fixed on eternity. And yet, perhaps we didn’t realize
uphill—such as living with a threatening disease, the loss of a that such eyes granting such vision are part of our spiritually
loved one, a child who won’t respond to our love, the loss of a converted existence in Christ today. Perhaps we have placed
cherished job, a business deal gone bad, a marriage gone sour, them in storage due to being overwhelmed by the stuff of life.
a friend who continually disappoints us and, yes, a God who But consider for just a moment the upside of what God has
for the moment seems far away. How do we move beyond our placed inside us through His Spirit—vision to discern con-
current dilemmas? sequences ahead of time, and freedom from “the urgency of

28 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
as the Lord says, “be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm
Continuing in 2 Corinthians 4, Paul then moves through
a series of contrasting elements to bring us to sharp focus in
stating, “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment,
is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of
glory . . .” (verse 17). Have you ever talked to anyone (name
one!) who thought their individual troubles or challenges of
this world were only light or momentary? They’ve probably
been more along the lines of “Oh no, this is off the charts!”
And yet Paul says the weight to measure everything in light of
is not the present moment but the boundless realm of eternity.
He then provides one final lens of contrast by assuring us
that God’s purpose is being accomplished in us “while we do
not look at the things which are seen, but the things which are
not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the
things which are not seen are eternal.” Oh yes, the vision thing
again! Our hearts need eyes!
Eyes on loan!
Facing the horror of crucifixion, Jesus said, ”In the world So, a question: What
you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have over- side of the ledger are
we on? Light or heavy?
come the world.” Is there really hope in a world of despair? Momentary or end-
less? Visible or unseen?
now” that allows us to properly prioritize our life in surrender Trapped in time and space or focusing on eternity? We can’t
to God’s will. always choose what comes our way, but we can choose how to
Let’s take a closer look and truly see how these new eyes can respond to it by what pair of eyes we select. Once God gives
more fully serve God and bless those around us. us the gift of these eyes, He expects us to hold on to them and
use them—now and always. They’re not ours to stow away, give
This life in proper perspective away or lose. For they are God’s eyes given on loan to us—the
We only live a certain number of days as human beings on same eyes used by Jesus when He endured the cross for the joy
this earth. God does promise that His faithful followers will He looked forward to.
have eternal life (1 John 5:11-13). But for now, we’re locked The great equalizer that frames our calling from God through
into beginnings and endings, clocks, schedules and deadlines. Jesus Christ is that, like Jesus, before we bear a crown (2 Timo-
Our human reality is that our days are numbered for each of thy 4:8) we must bear a cross (Luke 14:27). Jesus was always bru-
us, and each of us has a different number, and we don’t know tally honest as to what the invitation of “Follow Me” entailed.
when our number is up. Yet, with this said, most of us live as He never said it would be easy, but He did say it would be worth
if our number goes on forever. Younger people think they are it. It must be. After all, He suffered and died that we might be
immortal, and older people think of “old age” as being 15 years with Him in God’s Kingdom.
older than whatever age they happen to be at the time. Next time in this column we’ll explore what eternity will be
The psalmist proscribes this kind of math: “So teach us to like through the revelatory words of the ascended and exalted
number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm Christ. He now waits in heaven to fulfill His promise to those
90:12). The focus is not on what is behind, but on what lies who accept the great invitation of “Follow Me,” assuring us,
ahead. This will affect how we use time—how much time we “I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am,
waste, our priorities and how often we say yes or no to matters there you may also be” (John 14:3).
that are not worthy of our total life’s devotions. Perhaps that’s May we all continue to look eagerly to that future, the won-
why God inspired Paul to further teach us to number our days derful joy set before us, to endure the trials of today, as Jesus
and nudge our hearts by telling us, in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, set the example for us.
to look beyond the self-reflecting mirrors of our current strug-
gles and see our future with God in His Kingdom with the new LEARN MORE
eyes God has given us. To those willing to surrender to Him, God
Paul writes here, “Therefore we do not lose heart . . .” offers astounding promises—including the
(verse 16). Why? Spiritual heart failure can affect even con- gift of His Holy Spirit. How can we receive

verted Christians—even you! He continues, “. . . Even though it? And what can it do for us? Download or
our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being request your free copy of Transforming Your
renewed day by day” (same verse). Yes, God is steadily and lov- Life: The Process of Conversion to learn more!
ingly at work. We are not alone! Paul is systematically leading
us to the greatest spiritual outcome in a Christian’s life—to,

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • January-February 2020 29

“The Problem With Evolution and the Return of God” hear the truth. I’ve searched for years. Thank you!
From the Internet
There appears to be a lot of promotion of intelligent design in
books, TV shows, movies, etc. Unfortunately in many of them, the I was so excited to find your website. I was looking at another site
designers are proposed to be an advanced alien race. I don’t know and all of a sudden I saw your site with free study guides. I am getting 
how this will fit in with the great deception, if it fits in at all. With them for my pastor for Pastor Appreciation Month next month. I will
genetic manipulation the future will prove to be extremely intense be keeping some for myself also. I can’t wait to get them. Thank you.
as well as interesting. From the Internet
From the Internet
“‘The Problem Is . . .’: 5 Tips On How to Avoid Negative Once again may I take this opportunity to thank you for helping
Thinking and Be More Positive” me grow spiritually through the study guides you sent to me. They
have opened my eyes to the gospel, which were previously closed.
This is a very good article. It is something I won’t read once but
I am very grateful.
several times. There are a lot of things that could have helped me
Reader in Kenya
but I failed to do because of negative thinking, only to realize years
later that I was wrong. I became a changed believer many years ago. God started work-
From the Internet ing with me, and after leaving the “church” I started studying online
Happy to receive teachings by myself and found your site. I quickly started ordering all of your
study guides, which I cherish, and also I took the Bible Study Course,
I have been a lapsed Christian for more than a decade. Lately I have
which helped me see the gospel in a different light. The truth was so
been responding to the promptings of my conscience after watch-
amazingly different from what I had been raised up in. Thank you for
ing numerous Beyond Today programs on YouTube. I marvel at the
taking the time to respond and show the true love of our Messiah by
honesty and the sincerity of the hosts. I find their words—and the
your response.  
Word of God, which they quote—personally confronting, extremely
From the Internet
moving and motivational toward giving a personal response to God.
To cut to the chase, I would like a person-to-person talk with one of I just want to thank you for all that you do. I had ordered some
your ministers. I shall look forward to your reply. Thank you sincerely. materials from your ministry to help me with my relationship with
Viewer in Australia the Lord Jesus Christ and to understand Bible prophecy. Thank you
so much also for Beyond Today magazine.  Enclosed is a donation.
I found your study aid The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
Thank you again and God bless you and your ministry.
to be of great interest because I have been seeing connections
Subscriber in Canada
between America and Israel that goes all the way back to the Pil-
grims. I also have always wondered if America is referred to in the “How can I become a member?”
Bible. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this book. I would like to know how to be a member of your church. I
From the Internet would like to receive study materials by mail if possible. I await your
I have been a regular visitor to your website for the last several
Reader in Havana, Cuba
months. I am so incredibly happy to have found a church that
preaches the absolute truth of the Bible. I didn’t actually believe Do you have a small assembly near me? I tried your search for a
there was anything like that which actually existed. I can only say congregation but couldn’t find one. I’m hoping you have people
that I was led to your website by the Lord because of my hunger to around me, subscribers to your magazine, to get together with for a
Bible study. Of all the churches in this town, I haven’t found one that
Visit Beyond Today on Facebook! worships on Saturday. I pray you have others around here. 
From the Internet
Are you on Facebook? If so, visit our
Beyond Today magazine page. See We are so glad to hear you’re interested in becoming part of our
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Today magazine Facebook fan! you and offer our support in other ways.
I really enjoy Beyond Today magazine. It For all those looking for a congregation, you can find a list at
gives a good understanding of the Bible congregations .
and highlights information not given
in mainstream Christian faiths. I highly
recommend this magazine to all.
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– K.T., Facebook fan
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30 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g

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“We have been the recipients of the

choicest bounties of heaven . . . We have
grown in numbers, wealth and power as
no other nation has ever grown. But we
have forgotten God . . . We have become
. . . too proud to pray to the God that
made us.”
—Abraham Lincoln

What’s Ahead for the

United States?
Is the world’s most powerful nation—the United States of The publishers of Beyond Today have produced an
America—overlooked in Bible prophecy? Why would relative- astounding, eye-opening study guide, The United States
ly small powers like Egypt, Syria and Lebanon be mentioned and Britain in Bible Prophecy. This publication takes you on
in prophecies of the end time but not the United States? a remarkable journey through history and Bible prophecy to
What about other major English-speaking reveal an incredible story with sobering implications for the
nations such as the United Kingdom, major English-speaking nations.
Canada and Australia?
You can’t afford to be without this priceless information!
In fact, many prophecies do mention these
This study guide is yours free when you contact any
nations. But, without a proper understand-
of our offices listed on page 31 or visit our website at
ing of history and the Scrip­tures, few can
identify these countries and discover what
lies ahead for them. Request your free copy today!

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