News Gathering - 22the Truth About Teachers On Wheels 22 - Spring 2017

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Sexual assault victims come forward #metoo

Katherine Gurgenian | Staff Writer “I stand with my sisters,” twitter
user @KevinBoseman tweeted. “And #MeToo.
Many people fight tooth and nail to Just started therapy to deal with my abuse 33
enter the Hollywood scene, striving for years ago and an assault in college. #MeToo.”
fame and fortune. Once they achieve this, These events opened the gates
some feel like they’re on top of the world for other Hollywood workers speaking
or like they can do anything, includ- out on their own sexual assault experi-
ing sexual assault-and get away with it. ences caused by other Hollywood stars.
As many know, last month, “House of Cards” actor An-
Harvey Weinstein was accused by thony Rapp recently spoke out about
many Hollywood A-listers and work- how fellow actor Kevin Spacey sexual-
ers for sexually assaulting them. ly assaulted him when Spacey was 26
After the media blew up Weinstein’s sex- years old and Rapp was 14 years old.
ual assault cases, many men and women Donald Trump grabbed numerous
took to social media platforms to show that girls by the p*ssy and talked about wanting
they too have been victims of sexual assault. to screw his own daughter, Ivanka Trump.
It all started with a sim- Woody Allen sexually assaulted
ple tweet by actress and activ- his former adopted daughter many times.
ist Alyssa Milano on Oct. 15, 2017. Mike Tyson raped 18 year
“If you’ve been sexually harassed or assault- old Desiree Washington in 1991
ed write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet.” Bill Cosby has been accused of rape,
Immediately, people flood- drug facilitated sexual assault, sexual battery,
ed her tweet with stories of their child sexual abuse, and sexual misconduct.
own sexual assault experiences: Despite the large number of
“My dad’s friend, and no one be- sexual assaults that occur time and time
lieved me,” twitter user @durva20 tweeted. again in Hollywood, few do anything
“Me too,” twitter user and Ham- about them. The sexual assaulters are
ilton actor @JMunozActor tweeted. “I don’t still haled as amazing actors, sports play-
know if [it] means anything coming from a ers, politicians, and so on. It never stops.
gay man, but it’s happened. Multiple times.”
Photo from

Zingy for Candy The truth about teachers on wheels Jack Harrison | Staff Editor

Students get a taste of Zinger- With the large incoming class of

freshman this year, seven hour days and the in-

man’s gourmet chocolates troduction of IB classes, Huron’s enrollment

numbers are significantly higher than they
were in past years. Students have not signifi-
Micah Etchison | Staff Writer cantly been affected by this; however, it is a
different story for various teachers at Huron.
Due to more classes being offered
ean er and more teachers being hired without the
P tt addition of classrooms, several teachers have
Peanut Butter Bu ush to travel to different classrooms during the
Crush Cr day. To prevent teachers from having to move
Cashew Cow every hour, block schedules were arranged
What the which meant more teachers would move,
Fudge but they would not have to every hour. How-
ever, this meant even more teachers needed
Cashew Cow
to move. The idea of teachers moving class-
What the Fudge rooms is not something new to Huron, since
other teachers have done so in past years.
“During one of my first years
9th Grade Survey Results 10th Grade Survey Results of teaching I had to move between a class-
room (6216) in the building as well as
between two portables (8300 and 8400)
outside,” Spanish teacher Lisa Bares said.
Peanut “This moving between classrooms was very
Butter challenging because not only was I mov-
Crush ing between from inside to outside of the
building which doesn’t allow me to push
Peanut Butter
What the Crush
a cart around, but I was also moving to
Fudge What the different locations during passing time.”
Sharing classrooms has affect-
Fudge ed what activities teachers use to com-
Cashew Cow municate information to their students.
It also has begun to limit the amount of
Cashew Cow extra help to which students have access.
“The best activities in class are the
ones where students get to learn kinestheti-
11th Grade Survey Results 12th Grade Survey Results cally and require massive amounts of prepa-
ration to cut out papers, photocopy, and to
set up activities around the room etc. These
Zingerman’s candy company was students at Huron High School got to taste
are some activities I have had to cut from
imagined in 2002 by Charlie Frank and and vote on which Zingerman’s Candy they
enjoyed the best out of the three options: lessons, since setting them up twice in two
became a reality in 2009. The Candy com- different rooms is just too much of a burden.
pany thrived inside Zingerman’s Bakehouse We used to do this fun web-quest with com-
for several years it soon needed more space Candy #1: What the Fudge
Candy #2: Peanut Butter Crush puters, forget it, this year, because dragging
so they bought a space three doors down the cart around three times a day during
from the bakery in between Zingerman’s Candy #3: Cashew Cow
crowded passing periods is just another
Creamery and Coffee company. On Nov. 13, thing to raise my stress,” teacher *A said. Teacher Sara Badalamente decided it was time to ditch her cart and carry her supplies in a backpack.
“One major downfall of switching rooms is
that it makes it harder for me to effective- Lastly, a major consequence of teach- rooms. I get ideas but seeing them running
ly support my students. Since I am between ers moving is that the conditions of class- their classrooms that I never thought about
three different rooms, none of which feel rooms have worsened due to there not doing on my own (especially when sharing
like they are mine, many of my kids who being one teacher who can oversee what with an entirely unrelated content area).
seek after school help or are looking for is constantly taking place in a classroom. In addition, sharing rooms has opened my
me in the middle of the day can’t find me.” “In all three classrooms I am in, the eyes to the welcoming and caring teachers I
Having to move classrooms desks are littered with graffiti that no one work with who have created space on their
not only creates stress for this teach- cleans because the accountability of who boards and room in their cabinets to share.”
er, but as well for other teachers. wrote on the desks is impossible to track Katherine Bellows has been teach-
“As a teacher, it is very frustrating and (whereas last year each Friday I would buy ing for nine years, and, in her first year at
stressful to move between classrooms, teach- cleaning supplies and my seventh hour Huron, she is moving between classrooms
er B* said.” “Often teachers want to prep would clean the desks weekly)” teacher A for the first time in her career. Although
their room for certain activities, such as said. “I have a classroom with no trash can, she said it has been difficult teaching in five
group work or discussions, with a change of no tissues, no white-board markers, and different locations this year, she “thrives
desk arrangement, and, when you share, it’s no one who addresses these needs because on chaos” and enjoys teaching in different
much more difficult to do this. It’s also much it is split amongst multiple teachers, and environments. She further explained that
harder to offer student support as you move the question of who’s department or who principal Marcus Edmondson has worked
through the building, and students can’t should supply these items is undetermined.” hard to try to accommodate the needs
always find you, even with posted signs.” Although having to move of teachers and that her department has
Furthermore, having to share class- classrooms has been very diffi- done a sufficient job of meeting her needs.
rooms shortens the time teach- cult for teachers, there have been “Most teachers are very accommodat-
ers have to educate their students. some positives that have come about. ing when it comes to sharing, and Huron
“Sharing classrooms can bring a “Since being a visitor in many staff have been collaborating well this year
clash between teachers as we try to negotiate rooms, I have gotten to interact with stu- to ensure things work out. We’re all trying
how to share and arrange spaces (and this is dents beyond my classes in the minutes while to make the best of a very difficult situa-
complicated even more when four teachers I pack up,” teacher B said.” “I have gotten to tion! But really, if we don’t get more phys-
share a room), and it often means forgoing work with and communicate daily with col- ical space soon, teachers will continue to
class time rearranging (three minutes or more leagues in other departments whose names need to travel and the mental health of all
both beginning and end of class to resettle I previously only knew on email threads. involved will deteriorate, said teacher B.”
desks) or having to compromise to try to I have been inspired and inspired other
meet the needs of both classes,” said teacher B. teachers by seeing we each run our class- *Teachers requested to remain anonymous.

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