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Self Driving Cloud.

User Guide
Version 2.2

Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of
ZeroStack, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

Table of Contents
ZeroStack User Guide .............................................................................................................. 1
Version 2.2...........................................................................................................................................................1
1. Organization of the ZeroStack Cloud ......................................................................... 5
1.1. Regions and Availability Zones .......................................................................................................5
1.2. Business Units ........................................................................................................................................7
1.3. Projects .....................................................................................................................................................7
2. Accessing the ZeroStack Cloud.................................................................................... 9
2.1. User Interface .........................................................................................................................................9
2.2. OpenStack API .................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3. OpenStack Command Line Interface (CLI) ............................................................................... 11
3. Preparing to Create a VM........................................................................................... 12
3.2. Creating a Private Network ............................................................................................................ 12
3.3. Creating Security Groups ................................................................................................................ 15
3.4. Creating Key Pairs.............................................................................................................................. 16
3.5. Importing Images .............................................................................................................................. 19
4. Creating a VM .............................................................................................................. 22
4.1. Using a Placement Policy................................................................................................................ 22
4.2. Selecting an Availability Zone (AZ) ............................................................................................. 22
4.3. Adding Tags (Optional) ................................................................................................................... 22
4.4. Selecting the Source Image for the VM .................................................................................... 23
4.5. Using a Placement Group ............................................................................................................... 24
4.6. Selecting Image Flavors for Creating the VM ......................................................................... 25
4.7. Creating VM with Advanced Config ........................................................................................... 26
4.8. Choosing a Volume .......................................................................................................................... 26
4.9. Setting the Private and Floating IPs ........................................................................................... 29
4.10. Adding Security Groups .................................................................................................................. 30
4.11. Setting Passwordless SSH............................................................................................................... 31
4.12. Injecting Boot Scripts ....................................................................................................................... 31
4.13. Reviewing and Creating a VM ...................................................................................................... 32
5. Creating Your Own Image .......................................................................................... 33
5.1. Create an Image from a VM .......................................................................................................... 33
5.2. Upload Your Own Image ................................................................................................................ 34
6. Using the Object Store ............................................................................................... 38


Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

6.1. Downloading Access Key and Secret Keys............................................................................... 38

6.2. Using the Object Store CLI ............................................................................................................. 39
7. Using the Z-App Store ................................................................................................ 40
7.1. Importing Existing Templates ....................................................................................................... 40
7.2. Cloning and Editing Templates .................................................................................................... 42
7.3. Creating Your Own Templates...................................................................................................... 44
7.4. Deploying the App ............................................................................................................................ 45
8. VM Migration from External Cloud (VMware and AWS) ........................................ 48
8.1. Create External Cloud Provider .................................................................................................... 48
8.2. Migrate VMs from AWS or VMware ........................................................................................... 50
8.3. Migrate VMs to AWS........................................................................................................................ 54
9. Capacity Planning and Monitoring ........................................................................... 59
9.1. Capacity Planning .............................................................................................................................. 59
9.2. Monitoring and Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 61
9.3. Setting up Event Notifications ...................................................................................................... 62
10. Business Unit Quotas .................................................................................................. 64
11. External Storage Pools ............................................................................................... 66
11.1. Configuring external storage ........................................................................................................ 66
11.2. Creating volumes using external storage ................................................................................. 67
12. Backup & Restore ....................................................................................................... 69
12.1. Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................ 69
12.2. Taking Backups ................................................................................................................................... 71
12.3. Restoring Backups ............................................................................................................................. 73
13. Configuring a LDAP Server ........................................................................................ 75
14. Multiple Region Support ............................................................................................ 78
14.1. Sign Into a Region ............................................................................................................................. 78
14.2. Sign Into Multiple Regions ............................................................................................................ 78
14.3. Saving User Profiles .......................................................................................................................... 81
14.4. Switching Between Regions and Profiles.................................................................................. 83
15. Rolling Upgrades......................................................................................................... 84
15.1. Upgrade Process ................................................................................................................................ 84
15.2. Things to Consider ............................................................................................................................ 85
16. Showback for IT .......................................................................................................... 86
16.1. Introduction to Showback .............................................................................................................. 86


Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

16.2. Cost Trends and Drivers .................................................................................................................. 86

16.3. Cost Reporting.................................................................................................................................... 87
16.4. Granular Rate Configuration ......................................................................................................... 92
17. Creating a Windows Image from an ISO file ............................................................ 94
16.1 Logging into the temporary installer VM ................................................................................... 95
17.2. Final Image Conversion .................................................................................................................101


Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

1. Organization of the ZeroStack Cloud

The ZeroStack Cloud platform starts with its physical architecture. A customer can chose one or more
ZeroStack hyper-converged hardware (known as zBlocks) or bring their own hardware that meet
minimum ZeroStack specs. These servers are installed in a single rack, sharing the same network and
power system. For the sake of convenience, we will use the zBlock terminology in the rest of this

1.1. Regions and Availability Zones

The ZeroStack Cloud platform can be hosted in multiple locations worldwide. These locations are
composed of regions and availability zones. Each region is a separate geographic area and has isolated
locations knows as availability zones. The ZeroStack Cloud platform provides you the ability to place
resources and data in multiple locations.
One or more zBlocks constitute an availability zone (AZ). An AZ represents a fault domain, and zBlocks
that are connected to the same power and networking infrastructure should typically be in the same
AZ. For example, a rack could be an AZ, or multiple adjacent racks could be in the same AZ.

There are several other considerations when defining what constitutes an AZ. In some enterprises, the
infrastructure architect can create an AZ. The placement of workloads to this AZ are controlled via
placement policies described in later sections.


Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

One or more AZs constitutes a region. A region defines the scope of a cloud service. Users have to
choose the region in which they want to create VMs, volumes, snapshots, networks, projects, and so
Depending on the size, a region can map to a single physical data center in a particular geographical


Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

1.2. Business Units

The logical organization of a ZeroStack cloud starts with business units (BU). A BU maps to a
department or organization within the enterprise. Each BU can be associated with an AD/LDAP domain
or an OU. LDAP users can be added to the domain as members or administrators of the BU.

1.3. Projects
Projects are associated with a Business Unit. Each business unit can have multiple projects.


Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2


Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

2. Accessing the ZeroStack Cloud

After your admin has setup the ZeroStack Cloud, you can access it through the User Interface sign in
page or through the OpenStack APIs.

2.1. User Interface

To sign in to your ZeroStack private cloud, go to, enter your customer ID,
business unit, username, and password, then click Sign In. The main page of the interface opens, as
shown below. To return to this page, click the cloud icon ( ) in the left sidebar.


Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

2.2. OpenStack API

ZeroStack provides API access to the underlying OpenStack services such as compute, storage,
imaging, networking etc running on the ZeroStack platform. For information on the OpenStack API’s
supported and running on the system, click the Projects icon ( ) in the left sidebar and select the API
tab (Note you have to click on a specific project to see these tabs). The URLs listed are RESTful cloud
service API endpoints for this project. You can access API documentation at



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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2.3. OpenStack Command Line Interface (CLI)

In addition to the API’s, you can also use the OpenStack Command Line Interface (CLI) to access/run
OpenStack services. To do so, download the RC file and certificate on the destination host machine
where you want to run the CLI. Instructions on downloading and using the CLI library can be found at



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

3. Preparing to Create a VM
Before creating a VM, the following preparatory steps required:
1. You need a first create a private network that the VM will use to communicate with other VM’s.
You can create your own internal subnets and share them with other projects if needed.
Optionally, you can create routers to connect to external networks or other private networks
within the cluster.
2. You then need to create security groups that act like VM-level firewalls where you can define
rules that open a given port and protocol to access the VM instance. As part of security group
definition, you need to define a key pair which are the SSH credentials that are injected into the
instance when it is launched.
3. Finally, you will need to import an VM image that will be used to launch the instance.
These steps are described in more detail in the following pages:

3.2. Creating a Private Network

You can create a private network to isolate workloads within your project for your project. An internal
network is shared with other projects in the same business unit.
1. Sign in to the business unit.
2. Click a project to open it.
3. Select Networking.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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4. Verify that the Networks tab is selected, and then click Create Network.

5. Enter a network name.

6. To create a default network, check the Default Network checkbox.
Each network must have at least one subnet. Create a subnet by adding details in the format
shown in the example below:
o IP Range: -
You can choose a subset of the IP range available.
o Gateway IP:
o DNS:,
If you do not supply a DNS address, these are chosen by default.
o DHCP: enabled (checked)
7. (Optional) Create a router by selecting the Create Router to connect with external network
checkbox. Provide a router name and select a gateway.
8. To create a shared internal network, check the Share with other projects box.
9. Click Create to create the network.
10. (Optional) Routers can connect private networks to external networks, and they can also connect
private networks. To connect two private networks, select the Routers tab, and then click Create



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

11. Type a router name, select a gateway, and then add an interface. Click Create.

12. Select the Network Topology tab to review your new network.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

3.3. Creating Security Groups

Security groups act as VM-level firewalls. A security group consists of rules that open a given port and
protocol. For instance, port 8080 could be opened for ingress and egress for HTTP, while port 22 could
be opened for SSH access. The system is secure by default in that all ports that are not open are
considered closed.
ZeroStack UI allows you to quickly select the most popular security groups for a project as well as
open new port and protocol combination with ease. For instance, windows workloads may need RDP
access, which means port 3389 should be open for TCP access. You can easily do this by creating a
new security group with the appropriate access rules.
1. Select Security.
The Security Groups tab is selected by default.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

2. Add a custom group by clicking Add Custom Security Group and following the steps.

3.4. Creating Key Pairs

1. Verify that Security is selected, click Key Pairs tab, and then click Create.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

2. Add a key pair name. Check the box below to make this the default key pair for this project.

3. Click Done to save the key pair.

4. To set another key pair as the default, locate the item in the list and select Set Default from
Action menu.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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The selected key pair is set as the default and appears at the top of the list.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

3.5. Importing Images

1. Select Images and click Create Image.

2. Add an image name and other details.

3. You can select an image from external source file or URL. For these options, you need to set the
image configuration and image type. Click Browse to select a file, and then click Next: Image


Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
User Guide Ver. 2.2

4. Alternately, you can select from available public images. Select Public Image and then click Next:
Image Profile.

5. Set the image profile using the default image configuration. Click Next: Image Access.

6. Specify the permissions for image access. You can make it accessible for all projects or keep the
access limited to the current project.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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7. Click Create New Image.

The image is created and you are sent a notification. The image is ready to use when the image
status is listed as Active on the main Images page.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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4. Creating a VM
The process of creating a VM can be a single or multi-step process depending on the level of
customization needed. The process usually involves selecting a VM image as the source of the VM,
adding volumes from the appropriate pool types, and associating networking, security groups, and key
pairs. You can optionally inject a script that runs at VM boot time. The system also allows you to use
placement groups to put VMs together in the same host or place them across multiple hosts.
ZeroStack offers support for custom VM placement policies. If your cloud administrator has created a
placement policy for a project, you can associate that policy and have the system place the VM per the
set policy.

4.1. Using a Placement Policy

if there is a placement policy available for the project, select it.

4.2. Selecting an Availability Zone (AZ)

Select an availability zone for the VM to reside in. If a placement policy is in effect and has been
selected, this field is not available.

4.3. Adding Tags (Optional)

VMs can be associated with tags. Tags are key/value pairs. Tags can be used to give groups VMs by
apps or location or some other grouping mechanism.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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4.4. Selecting the Source Image for the VM

You can create a VM from any of these sources:
o A preexisting VM image
o An available volume
o A VM snapshot
The most common option is to create a VM from an image.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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4.5. Using a Placement Group

Before creating VMs, you need to configure placement groups. If there are no placement groups
configured, a message is displayed saying, There are no placement groups in this project. Click here to
create new.
If you see this message, click the link in message and it directs you to the project configuration where
you can define new placement groups.
If placement groups are already defined in the project, you can select the Associate Placement
Groups checkbox to associate any placement group with the VM, then select the one you want to
from the list.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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4.6. Selecting Image Flavors for Creating the VM



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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4.7. Creating VM with Advanced Config

Click Advanced Config to specify advanced configuration options.

4.8. Choosing a Volume

The advanced VM configurations give you the option to set up volumes.
1. Make sure you are on the Volumes step of the wizard and click Create New.
In this window, you have options for different types of volumes. You can create a new volume,
select an existing volume, or select a volume from a snapshot. Refer to the separate steps for each
volume type.
Creating a New Volume
1. Select New from the Create Volume menu, fill in the requested information, and then click Create



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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A new volume record is added. You can add details to new volume record as desired.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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Choosing an Existing Volume

1. Select one or more volumes from list of existing volumes.

2. At the bottom of the window, click Add to add selected volumes to VM.
Selecting a Volume from a Snapshot
1. Select a snapshot to use for adding a volume and click Add.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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The added volume appears in the volumes list. You can edit or delete any volumes you add.
Volumes added from existing volumes cannot be edited, just deleted.

2. Click Next: Network Config.

4.9. Setting the Private and Floating IPs

1. Attach a private network from the dropdown menu, and enter a valid IP address.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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2. Select the Assign floating IP checkbox.

3. Select a subnet from the dropdown menu, and enter a valid floating IP address.
4. Click Next: Security.

4.10. Adding Security Groups

1. From Security Group dropdown, select security groups.
Security groups offer VM-level firewalls. ZeroStack networking is secure by default. Specific ports
and protocols have to be enabled on VMs by attaching one or more security groups.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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4.11. Setting Passwordless SSH

1. From the KeyPairs dropdown menu, select the key pair that should be injected into the VM for
passwordless SSH.

4.12. Injecting Boot Scripts

1. (Optional) In the Config Data options, you can provide bootable script data in file or text format.
Select your preferences, and then click Review & Create New VM.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
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4.13. Reviewing and Creating a VM

1. Review all of the VM details and then click Create New VM.

Note that you can create the VM at any step in the wizard by clicking the Create Now button.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
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5. Creating Your Own Image

5.1. Create an Image from a VM
1. To create an image from the VM, select VMs to view details.

2. Select a VM to use to create the image.

3. Click the three vertical dots ( ) at the top right to open the actions menu, and then select an
This actions menu lists the available actions for the VM for creating a new image.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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5.2. Upload Your Own Image

There are three steps for uploading an image: create a basic configuration, create an image profile,
and assign permissions for image access.
1. Sign in to the business unit.
2. In the projects area, click a project to open it.
3. Click Images.
4. In the top navigation bar, click the plus icon (+), and click Create Image.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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To create a basic configuration

1. Type a name for the basic configuration.
2. Choose how to create your image: File, URL, Virtual Machine, Public Image, or Volume.
3. Add image details.
4. Select a format from the Image Type dropdown menu.
5. Click Next: Image Profile.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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To create an image profile

1. Type the disk size (in GB) and select a pool type (HDD or SSD with or without replication).
2. Click Next: Image Access.

To assign permissions
When creating a new image, you can share the image with all projects and BUs, or limit it to your
current project.
1. Select the type of access you want for the new image: All Projects, My Project.
2. Click Create New Image.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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3. The image panel refreshes and displays your new image with a status of Queued. Click VMs and
then select the Images tab again.
Your image is saved. The images are listed on the Images tab and the image status is Active.



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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6. Using the Object Store

1. To enable the Object Store, go to Cloud Settings and select Object Storage Settings.
2. Select the Enable Object Storage checkbox, and then click Save.

6.1. Downloading Access Key and Secret Keys



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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6.2. Using the Object Store CLI

You can use your favorite S3 Command Line tool to manage the object store. Use this link to find a list
of tools that we have tested: https://s3-us-west-



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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7. Using the Z-App Store

The Z-App Store is an integrated app store hosting a wide range of application templates that can be
deployed on ZeroStack with a single click. It is a simple and easy way to enable rapid application
development and delivery. The Z-App store is included as part of the ZeroStack Intelligent Cloud
Many different types of applications are available on the Z-App Store including
• CI/CD tools such as Jenkins
• Big data applications such as Hadoop and Spark
• SQL and NoSQL databases
• Monitoring and data analysis tools such as ELK
• Application servers such as Apache and Nginx

7.1. Importing Existing Templates

1. You can access the ZApp Store by clicking the ZApps icon ( ) in left menu bar.

2. The ZApp Store section displays available templates. You need to import them into My Library
before deploying them into a project. To import a template, select it and click Import to My



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The selected template is added to My Library.



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7.2. Cloning and Editing Templates

1. Select the Clone option from the overflow menu on the template that you want to clone.

2. Fill in necessary details like template name, version, supported OS, and so on.

3. You can import template source code via an external file or URL or you can write your own
template code.
The cloned app is displayed in My Library and is ready to deploy.


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4. To edit a template, select Edit from overflow menu on the template that you want to edit.



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5. Edit the template fields and preferences, then click Save.

7.3. Creating Your Own Templates

1. To create your own template, click Create on top left of screen.



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2. Add details for the new template like name, version, supported OS, description, and so on.

3. You can import template source code via an external file or URL or you can write your own
template code. When this is done, click Create to create the template.
The newly created template is added to My Library and is ready to deploy.

7.4. Deploying the App

1. Select an app template to deploy, and then do one of the following:
o Click Deploy App in the card.
o Select the app and click Deploy App in the upper left (next to Create).



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2. Provide App Name, Template Name, and Template Version. Select one of the supported Image
options shown.
3. Select a flavor, fill in any other required details, and then click Deploy App in the upper left.

After successful deployment, the deployed apps are listed in the Apps section of the project.



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8. VM Migration from External Cloud (VMware and AWS)

Zerostack provides seamless integration with external cloud providers like AWS and VMware. You can
easily migrate existing workloads between your external cloud provider and your private ZeroStack
cloud. This two way migration helps you determine the best placement for your workloads which
helps you optimize both cost and performance and solve your hybrid cloud challenges.

8.1. Create External Cloud Provider

1. On the Project Summary page in the Project Details area, click Add External Cloud Provider, and
provide details for your VMware or AWS accounts.
2. Select either the VMs tab or the Configuration tab (this action can be done from either location).
Then click Authenticate and Test Connection.

3. Use one of the following methods to add an external provider:

o Add external cloud provider while creating a new project in 6. Cloud Providers.



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o Add an external cloud provider in the Configuration area under Default Settings.

4. For either option, fill in the information, and then click Authenticate and Test Connection to
verify that the provider is correctly set up.
When the external cloud provider is added successfully, it is listed on the Project Summary page.



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8.2. Migrate VMs from AWS or VMware

You can migrate VMs from external cloud sources to your ZeroStack cloud.
1. In the Project Details area, select VMs.
The VMs area has two sections:
o ZeroStack Cloud Workloads lists VMs on your ZeroStack cloud.
o External Cloud Provider Workloads displays VMs from your external cloud sources like AWS
and VMware.

2. In order to use VMs from external cloud providers, you first need to migrate them to ZeroStack
3. In the Account Name dropdown list, select the external cloud account from which you want to
migrate VMs.
4. For the desired VM, select Migrate in the Actions menu. You can select multiple VMs in order to
initiate bulk migration.



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5. Verify all of the destination settings for VM migration.

6. When the migration settings are verified, click Confirm Migration.



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7. Your VMs are powered off during migration. When a Migrate Workloads message appears, click
Yes to start the migration.

While the migration is in progress, a migration status indicator is displayed.



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8. When the migration is completed or failed, the status updates accordingly. If the migration fails,
you can view more details by clicking See More.



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8.3. Migrate VMs to AWS

You can export your workloads from your ZeroStack cloud to an external cloud provider like AWS. This
flexible model gives you two-way mobility of workloads between ZeroStack and AWS. You can thus
achieve the best hybrid strategy for your environment.
To start exporting
1. Power off your VM and click on Export to External Cloud Provider. You can do this in the list or
table view. You can also select multiple VMs belonging to the same project and export them
together. Please note you cannot export any VMs that are powered on.



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2. Once you have selected the VMs and clicked on Export, you can input the Account Name,
Region, and Availability Zone. The external cloud provider will default to AWS. Click on Review
And Edit after entering all the required information.



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3. Once you click on Review, you can start entering details for AWS instances. The ZeroStack UI gives
you a one to one mapping between ZeroStack VMs and AWS instances.



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4. Click on Start Exporting. The UI will show you a message that the export is queued.

5. You can also click on the Export Activity pane to collapse it and see detailed VM Export Progress.



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Once the export is completed, you will be able to see this in the Export Activity with all necessary
details. You can also log into your AWS account and see the migrated VM instance.



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9. Capacity Planning and Monitoring

9.1. Capacity Planning
In the Project area, select Planning to get an overview of the capacity of your project.



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You can see sizing recommendation for VMs in the Recommended Flavor column. To resize the VM,
clicking on Actions and then click on Resize.



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9.2. Monitoring and Troubleshooting

In the Project area, select Monitoring to see a timeline of ZeroStack events.

ZeroStack offers a rich set of monitoring tools for reducing the time to troubleshoot issues. This
includes the ZeroStack Timeline Viewer. The timeline viewer shows a list of current and past events
generated by the system. You can select a granularity of Hourly, Daily, or Weekly to view the events.
You can also go back in time and view event data up to a month old.
Below the events list are available metrics and their values. This view is most relevant at a VM level.
You can select error or warning events and juxtapose them against the metrics of one or more VMs to
find out what may have been the cause of the event.
The image below shows a historical view of event metrics.



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This combination of events and metrics allows customers to determine the causes of issues quickly,
without having to call customer support.

9.3. Setting up Event Notifications

To enable notifications, you must set up the following

• Notification Policy
• Notification Type

To configure notification policies

1. Click on Settings in the left navigation panel

2. Under Cloud Settings, click on Event Notification
3. Under Notification Policy, Click on Create New
4. Enter policy name and other configuration details
5. Select the event names and notification types
6. Click on Save. You will be able to see the Notification policy in the list which can be edited



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ZeroStack Cloud supports email notification types. To configure email notifications

1. Click on Notification Types

2. Enter email addresses.
3. Click on Save. You will be able to see the saved emails in the list under Notification Types.



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10. Business Unit Quotas

You can set resource quotas for each of your business unit to set an upper limit on resources the
business unit can consume.

1. To set the quota, click on the Business Unit and then on” Set Quota” on
the summary tab.

2. Click on “Quota Limit” and enter appropriate quota numbers for each of
the resources that are listed.



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3. Once the quota limits are set, the summary page will start displaying the
number resources you are using, the number resources that are allocated
to projects and the total number of resources available. This information
will be listed for every type of resources.



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11. External Storage Pools

With ZeroStack, you can configure storage pools pointing to external storage. After these storage
pools are configured, you can use them as pool types while creating new volumes. Zerostack supports
the following types of external storage
• Nimble
• NetApp
• Pure Storage
• NexentaNFS

11.1. Configuring external storage

External Storage Pools can be used across all Business Units and Projects. To create an external storage
1. Click on Infrastructure
2. Under Regions, click on View more details
3. Navigate to the Storage tab in the top navigation pane. Click on Create External Storage
4. Select the Storage Type under Add External Storage section
5. Depending on the selected storage type, enter additional configuration information and save
You will now see the Storage Pool created successfully under External Storage Pools. You can on
Actions to edit, delete and view details for this pool



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11.2. Creating volumes using external storage

While creating volumes, you can use your configured external storage instead of the local storage

To create volumes using external storage

1. Navigate to Block Storage in the top navigation pane under Projects.
2. Under Volumes, click on Create Volumes
3. Under Volume Type, select the external storage pool name used while configuring
4. Click on Done
This volume will now be created on the external storage and can be attached to VMs.



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12. Backup & Restore

You can reliably recover your VM instances and applications by configuring an external backup server,
taking policy based periodic backups and restoring your VM instances from these backups when

12.1. Prerequisites
Before you start backing up your VM instances you need to do the following
1. Configure a backup server
2. Configure a backup group in projects that require a backup

To configure a backup server

1. Check the Enable Backup checkbox
2. Enter the backup server URL
3. Enter the mount point path and click on Add Mount Point
4. Click on Save

Once you click on Save, please wait for a 5-8 mins to ensure the backup settings are saved and the
service is successfully created. Please do not navigate anywhere on the UI till these settings are saved.



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Backup groups can be configured only by member roles. For admins to be able to configure backup
groups, they need to have the member role too in addition to the admin role.

To configure a backup group for the first time

1. Navigate to a Business Unit and Project that requires backup.
2. Click on the project and navigate to Configuration. Configuration can found under More
in the project options.
3. Under Project Settings, Click on Backup Groups.
4. Click on Create New Backup Group
5. Enter all basic details for the backup group.
6. Attach VM instances whose back up you want to take. Please note a VM instance can be
attached only to one backup group.
7. Please wait for the Status to turn to Available.

Alternatively, if you have created backup groups for a project before you can also do this by clicking
on Create Backup Group under Backups in the top navigation pane of a project.



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12.2. Taking Backups

There are two ways of taking backups. You can either do this through the Configuration tab or the
Backups tab if you have taken backups before.

To take backups through the Configuration tab,



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1. Navigate to the Configuration tab in the top navigation pane under Projects. If you haven’t
used this option recently it may appear under the More tab.
2. Click on Backup Groups under Project Settings
3. Under Backup Groups, you can see all the groups you have created. Click on a group
4. Click on options available on top right of the screen and then click on Backup
5. Give the back up a Name and Description and select its Type
6. Click on Save. The application will navigate you to the Backups tab where you can see the
status of the backup. Your backup is created successfully once its Status changes to Available.

To take backups through the Backups tab,

1. Navigate to the Backups tab in the top navigation pane under Projects.
2. Search for a backup group
3. Click on Actions
4. Click on Take Backup
5. Give the back up a Name and Description and select its Type
6. Click on Save. You will see your backup appear in the list. Your backup is created successfully
once its Status changes to Available



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12.3. Restoring Backups

You can restore your backups at any point to recover your VM instances and applications in case of a

To restore your backups

1. Navigate to Backups in the top navigation pane under Projects

2. Search for a backup group
3. Click on Actions
4. Click on Restore Backup
5. Give the Restore a Name and Description.
6. Click on Done. The application will navigate you to the Restore List which shows all the
restores done for this backup. You will see the Status of the restore change from Executing to
Available in a few minutes.
7. Once the Restore is available, you can navigate to the VMs tab and see the VMs recovered
with the restore name



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13. Configuring a LDAP Server

You can connect your ZeroStack Cloud to any LDAP directory for authentication, user and group
management. An LDAP directory is a collection of data about users and groups. LDAP (Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol) is an Internet protocol that web applications can use to look up information
about those users and groups from the LDAP server.

You can configure your ZeroStack Cloud to connect to any LDAP directory servers including
OpenLDAP and Microsoft Active Directory.

To configure your LDAP server

1. Click on Settings in the left navigation panel

2. Under Cloud Settings, click on AD/LDAP
3. Click on Create AD/LDAP
4. Enter the server settings and click on Create

You will be able to see the configured LDAP directories and use the edit functionality in the future to
make any changes.

1. To import users from the LDAP directory

2. Navigate to Users in the left navigation panel
3. Click on Import LDAP User
4. Select the user from the LDAP directory and their role
5. Once imported, users can be assigned to Projects
6. Click on Groups to assign an entire group to a project



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14. Multiple Region Support

Each region in the ZeroStack Cloud is architected to be completely isolated from other regions. This
architecture helps provide maximum possible fault tolerance and stability.
Because regions are isolated from each other, you can view your resources belonging to a single
region at a time. To view these resources, you need to be logged in to this region. You can also switch
between various regions to see resources tied to other regions.

14.1. Sign Into a Region

If your ZeroStack Cloud Platform is hosted across multiple regions, you can select the region you want
to sign into on the login page. The region dropdown on this page gives you a list of all the available
regions for your cloud cluster. You can select a region and then click on Sign In which directly takes
you to that region in your cluster.

14.2. Sign Into Multiple Regions

You can also be logged in into multiple regions at any given time.
To do this,
1. Click on the Customer Id on the top right hand corner. You can view the active region here.



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2. To log in into any other region, Click on Sign In link next to that region
3. You can then enter the credentials for this region. This includes business unit name, username
and password.



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4. You are now logged into the other region. You can confirm this by clicking the Customer Id
again on the top right hand corner



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14.3. Saving User Profiles

To minimize the overhead of re-entering the information required for logging in, the ZeroStack Cloud
Platform supports saving User Profiles. A profile consists of a region, business unit and username. You
can save a profile while signing in to a region. This profile can then be reused in subsequent sign-ins
with minimal overhead for the end user.

To save a profile,
1. Click on the Customer Id on the top right hand corner
2. Click on Add Profile and enter the required credentials

3. Click on Sign In. This will save the user profile for subsequent sign-ins. Please note, for
security reasons the application will not save the password.



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This profile will now appear on the sign in page. You can click on the profile and sign in into the region
by entering your password.



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14.4. Switching Between Regions and Profiles

You can see all the regions belonging to the cluster by clicking on Infrastructure in the left navigation
bar. If you are signed into a region you can click on Switch to view this region. If you are not signed in,
you can click on Sign In to actively view the details of that region.



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15. Rolling Upgrades

The ZeroStack Cloud Platform supports rolling upgrades for your cluster. A rolling upgrade allows the
ZeroStack Cloud Operating System (Z-COS) to be upgraded one node at a time. This means the
ZeroStack services running on your cluster are highly available and they flawlessly continue to function
even while software is being upgraded.

The upgrade takes close to an hour for a 4 node cluster. However, this number may change depending
on how busy the cluster is and the size of your workloads.

15.1. Upgrade Process

When the user kicks off an upgrade, this sets into motion a series of events that updates the nodes in
the cluster to a new version of the ZeroStack Cloud Operating System (Z-COS).

The upgrade starts with a single node by live migrating the VMs from that node to other nodes in the
cluster. After the VMs and cloud services are live migrated off of the first node, the full OS stack is
updated, rebooting the node if required. Once that node is brought back online and has rejoined the



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cluster, the upgrade process moves on to node 2 repeating the process. This continues through each
node in the cluster until the system in its entirety is running the latest code.

15.2. Things to Consider

Rolling upgrades on your ZeroStack cluster have the following fundamental requirements

Shared Storage: All VMs running critical workloads should have volumes hosted on shared storage.
Shared storage comprises of HDD and SSD replicated pools only. VMs on shared storage will be live
migrated during the rolling upgrade. VMs with volumes on local on external storage will be shut down
when the node hosting their volume is shut down and automatically restarted when the node is back
up again.

Spare Capacity: During rolling upgrade, nodes in the cluster are upgraded one at a time. Since the
node upgrade includes a reboot of the node; any critical workloads (VMs) or cloud services running on
the node are first evacuated to other nodes before it is rebooted.

Since critical VMs, residing on shared storage, will be live-migrated to other nodes, there should be
enough spare capacity on the other nodes for hosting these VMs.Zerostack support can help you
make this determination and will support verify spare capacity before starting the rolling upgrade.

Network Utilization: Live migration involves copying memory contents of a VM from the source to
the destination node. This can generate some network traffic, especially for VMs with lots of memory
activity. It is therefore advisable to schedule rolling upgrades for periods when an increase in network
bandwidth can be accommodated.

Control Plane Downtime: Since control services are migrated before the node on which they are
running can be rebooted; there are multiple short-lived downtimes, lasting a few seconds, for control
plane services. It is therefore advisable to schedule rolling-upgrades at times when not a lot of control
plane activity (e.g VM creations, volume creations etc.) is expected.

The ZeroStack Support team will contact you once the rolling upgrade is successfully completed. You
can then check the version number on the UI and verify all powered-on VMs are still accessible.



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16. Showback for IT

16.1. Introduction to Showback

The ZeroStack Cloud provides a cost management console that lets you view, monitor budget your
costs according to your resource consumption. You can set individual rates for the resources you are
consuming which can be applied to various business units or projects. Once these rates are applied,
you can see detailed reports of what resources in the cloud are driving your costs. This helps you make
the best data driven decisions on your overall Enterprise IT spending and allocate budgets accordingly
to various projects.

ZeroStack supports the following features to help you analyze all your cloud costs

1. Cost Trends and Drivers

2. Cost Reporting
3. Granular Rate Configuration

16.2. Cost Trends and Drivers

The Cost Management tab on your left navigation bar provides a detailed overview of how your costs
are moving over time. When you log in, the default time period is set to first day of the calendar
month till the current date. You can change this calendar period by clicking on the calendar icon on
the top right-hand corner, selecting the new time period and then clicking on Apply.

You can then see how your costs have been changing over time for the selected time period and a
break up of costs by different resources consumed.



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16.3. Cost Reporting

You can see detailed cost reports for each of your business units and projects. These reports are
categorized in the following three sections

1. Cost



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2. Rates
3. Consumption

Cost- This section shows the total cost for each of the business unit. It also breaks down the cost by
VCPUs, Memory and Storage.

Rates- This section shows the rate that has been applied to calculate these costs.



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Consumption – This section shows the actual consumption of resources for each of the business units.
Consumption for vCPU’s, Memory and Storage is calculated in CPU-HRS, MB-HRS, and GB-HRS

By clicking on a business unit name, you can see detailed reports for all projects inside the business



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You can also compare different projects across business units by selecting multiple business unit and
clicking on “View Details”



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To see break up of your storage costs according to storage pool types, click on the “View More” icon
next to the storage costs. You will see a pop up window that shows different storage pools and cost
associated with them. Please note that external storage pool types are not supported in this current



Copyright © 2016 ZeroStack, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. ZeroStack is a registered trademark or trademark of ZeroStack, Inc.
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16.4. Granular Rate Configuration

Click on the “Rate Configuration” tab to set the rates that can be applied to various resources in the
cloud. These rates will be used for cost reporting described earlier in section 15.3. Please note this
functionality is only available to cloud admins.
There are three different ways to configure rates to enable cost reporting.

1. Set rates for the entire region.

2. Set rates for each of the business units.
3. Set rates of each of the projects.

1. Rates for the entire region - You can set region level rates by clicking on the “Region” tab.
These rates will be applied to all the business units and projects in the region. Once you set
region level rates, they are automatically copied to all business units and projects. You do not
need to separately configure any rates for business units and projects.

2. Rates for Business Units – If you are interested in setting a separate rate for any of your
business units, you can do this by selecting the business unit and then providing the rates. If
you choose not to configure rates for your business units, the region level rate will be applied
to your business unit.



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3. Rates for Projects - If you are interested in setting a separate rate for any of your projects,
you can do this by selecting the business unit and project and then providing the rates. If you
choose not to configure rates for your projects, the business unit rate will be applied to each
of your projects within the business unit.



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17. Creating a Windows Image from an ISO file

You can create a Windows image from an ISO file and use this image to create Windows virtual
machines. As a part of the conversion to create a windows image, you need to log into a temporary
virtual machine instance and perform some necessary operations described later in the document.

To create a Windows image

1. Click on Create Image under Images tab.
2. Enter Image details. Please note that the image name needs to be unique.
3. Choose ISO as the Image Source.
4. Enter the URL for the ISO file. This url should be accessible from your
cloud. Supported protocols are listed in the application.
5. Enter a Time Out value. A value above 500 seconds is recommended.
6. Select a network for the temporary installer VM.

7. Click on Image Profile.

8. Select the default configuration for the image including disk size and pool



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9. Click on Image Access.

10. Select access for the target Windows Image.

11. Click on Create New Image.

16.1 Logging into the temporary installer VM



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Within a few minutes after clicking on “Create Image”, the application is going to prompt you to click
on the console of an installer virtual machine. Please follow the steps below after you log into the

Step 1: Setting up Windows

1. This is a standard setup of your Windows environment. Let’s take the example of Windows
Server 2012 installation. As soon as you log in, you will be prompted to configure your
Windows installation. Please select the language, time, keyboard format and click on Install
Now. You will also need the Windows license product key to activate the installation.

2. You can select your operating system and select the drive where you want to install Windows.



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3. The installation takes a few minutes to complete. Once Windows restarts, you can enter a
password for the administrator account. Please note this is not the password that will be built
in the Windows image.



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Step 2: Configure Image using Custom Image Builder Tool

1. Click on the CDROM installed for creating this image. This is usually Drive E and has custom
tools to build the image. You will see various drivers, Cloud Base Init setup and a custom
image builder tool called ZSImager here.

CloudBase Init is one of the ways of automating a Windowns installation. You can find more
information on



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2. Extend Boot Volume if required. You can also choose to install the CloudBase Init Tool.

3. Please set the administrator password for this image. If you leave this blank, you will be
prompted to create a password when an instance is created out of the image.

4. You can choose Enable Remote Desktop, ICMP Traffic and Windows Remote Management.
You can click on Enable Networking to download any applications that will be installed as a
part of this process.



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Step 3: Build Image

The image is now ready to be built. Once you click on Build Image, the system starts the process with
all the necessary configurations provided. You will see this installer VM will shut down in a few
minutes. You can now navigate back to the cloud console. You will start see the progress in the under
Images tab in the cloud console. Please wait for a few minutes until the status is Active and the image
is ready to be used.



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17.2. Final Image Conversion

Once you click on “Build Image”, navigate back to the Image tab and please wait for a few minutes for
the new image to show up. You will see the status of this image change from “Saving “to “Active”.
Once the status is “Active”, you can start using this image to create VMs.



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