Teks MC

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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Good Morning, Everyone

The honorable the chief of ILC English course and SL course, Mrs. Dewi

The honorable all of the ILC English course and SL course teachers

The honorable all of the parents of ILC & SLs’ Students

And to whom I’m so proud of, all of the students who has been coming here

First of all, let’s deliver our pray and praise to Allah SWT, because of his bless
and mercy, we can come together without any obstacle in here with healthy
condition in the celebrate of graduation.

(pertama-tama, marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kepada Allah SWT, karena
berkat rahmat dan hidayahnya, kita dapat berkumpul tanpa ada halangan yang
berarti dengan keadaan sehat wal’afiat dalam perayaan kelulusan)

Second, let’s greet and pray to our belove prophet Muhammad SAW who had
brought us to the path of light and left the darkness in this life.

(Kedua, Shalawat serta salam, kita haturkan kepada Nabi besar kita,
Muhammad SAW yang telah membawa kita dari zaman kegelapan ke zaman
yang terang benderang ini)

I’m Nisrina Nibras and I’m Iiq, we are as the master of ceremony in this
celebration. And welcome to ILC’s graduate celebration.

Ladies and gentleman on this nice occasion, let me deliver the structure of the
event today, as follows :

1. Opening by master of ceremony

2. Reciting Al-Qur’an
3. Welcoming Speech (Mrs. Dewi)
4. Performance Sessions (Calistung : Baca, Meyra & Reyvitha : sing a song,
Mix level : Poetry, Calistung : Poetry, and B1 level : Stortel)
5. Main Session : graduation and photo session (Lian & Raka)
6. Speech from Lian and Raka
7. Sing a song performance Lian and Raka
8. Announcement of the English competition
9. Reward announcemet for Calistung student
10. Information of ILC
11. Closing by master of ceremony

Ladies and gentleman, before we come to the main session, let’s open this
agenda by praying first. So, the celebration that we will hold on this day will run
wel without any obstacle at all.

(Hadirin sekalian, sebelum memasuki acara inti, marilah kit buka agenda ini
dengan berdoa terlebih dahulu. Agar perayaan kelulusan yang diselenggarakan ini
dapat berjalan dengan lancar tanpa ada halangan apapun)

Now, let’s open by reciting basmalah (Bismillahirrahmanirrahim)

(Sekarang, mari kita buka acara ini dengan membaca basmalah bersama-sama

The next agenda is reciting Al-Qur’an that will be delivered by ............... and
.................. Time is yours

(Acara selanjutnya adalah pembacaan tilawati Qur’an, yang akan dibawakan oleh
............. dan ..................... kepadanya kami persilahkan)

Thanks to ................. and ...................

(Terima kasih kepada ........... dan ....................)

Next, welcoming speech. The speech will be delivered by the chief of ILC
English course and SL course. To Mrs. Dewi, time is yours

Thank you to Mrs. Dewi for the speech

Let’s move to the next agenda, performance sessions. Well, today we have a lot
of performance by our students, Ms. Nisrina.

(Untuk acara selanjutnya adalah sesi penampilan. Hari ini, kami memiliki banyak
penampilan dari murid-murid kami, Ms. Nisrina)
However, the first performance wil be delivered by Bilqis and Farly who had
passed in “Membaca 3 Bulan Pasti Bisa”. So, they will read the text. Hem....can
they read the text fluently? Let’s check it out for Bilqis and Farly. Time is yours

(Dan penampilan pertama akan dibawakan oleh bilqis daan falry yang telah lulus
dalam program membaca 3 ulan pasti bisa. Jadi, mereka akan membacakan
sebuah teks dari penampilannya. Hem ....kira-kira mereka bisa baca dengan lancar
gk ya?? Dari pada penasaran, yuk kita saksikan penampilan bilqis dan farly.
Kepadanya dipersilahkan)

(Woahhh...Bilqis and Farly indeed has read fluently. Please clap our hands for

(Woahhhhh...bilqis dan farly ternyata sudah lancar membacanya. Ayo, beri tepuk
tangan sekali lagi untuk mereka)

Back to the second performance that will be delivered by Pre-Beginner 3 level

which wants to sing a song. They are Meyra and Reyvitha. For them, time is

(A whole new world...a dancing place a never knew/// woww...stop ms. Nisrina
(Berhenti Ms. Nisrina)/ why? I think my voice was really good same like them ,
isn’t it?/ ok, that’s up to you, Miss (Ok, suka-suka miss aja deh))

Okay, that’s a beautiful performance from meyra and reyvitha

Then, the third performance will be delivered by Yuli and friends who will
reading a poetry to their special people. Don’t be long, time is yours

(That’s very marvelous performance. Even, I feel so touch for that, isn’t it
Miss?/ Yess, me too (Ya, saya juga. Penapilan mereka sangat menyentuh))

Move, for the next performance that will be delivered by Rangga and friends.
Hem... what kind of performance? Okay, instead of being curious, let’s watch
their performance. For them, time is yours.

(Lanjut, penampilan selanjutnya akan dibawakan oleh Rangga dan teman-teman.

Hem....penampilan apa ya yang akan dibawakan oleh mereka? dari pada nunggu,
mendingan langsung kita lihat penampilan mereka. kepadanya dipersilahkan)

(Woahhh...that’s good performance from Rangga and friends)

(Wooooahhh....itulah penampilan luar biasa dari rangga dan teman-teman)

Then, we start to see the last performance that will be delivered by B1 level
who wants to tell a story. They are 3A (Alif, Alan, and Al). For them, time is
yours guys

(okay, that’s all of the performances by our students. Please clap our hands once
again from their performances)

Move, the next agenda, graduation session will be delivered by Ms. Nida. Time is

So, in this session, there are two students who had passed their study in ILC.
For Lian and Raka, please come forward.

And, for Mrs. Dewi, please come to the stage, for give the reward to both of

Pradya Lian is the first child from Budi Adi and Widiyanna. And he was born in
Medan, January 28th 2006

Raka Kurniawan is the first child from Adang and Ratmi. And he was born in July
30th 2006.

Please give the clap for the both of them. And for the parents of Lian and Raka
and all of the teachers please come to the stage for photo session.

I will give back to the MC

Further is the speech from Lian and Raka. For them, time is yours.

Last, Lian and Raka will be delivered us a sing a song. For their last
performance, let’s check it out.

Move to the next agenda, announcement of english competition which will be

delivered by Mrs. Nida. For Mrs. Nida, time is yours

(Acara selanjutnya, pengumuman kompetisi inggris yang akan dibacakan oleh Mrs.
Nida. Kepadanya dipersilahkan)

Okay, ladies and gentleman, we already have the names of the winner for each
categories in english competition. The first competition is Spelling bee.
For the first winner is Reyvitha. The second is Meyra. And the last is Zahid.
Please for you guys come to the stage for accepting the present. And for Mrs.
Dewi, please come to the stage, for give the reward to both of them.

(please, give the clap fo them)

Last competition is story telling. For the first winner is Alif, the second is Lian,
and the last is Hamida. Please for you guys come to the stage for accepting the
present. And for Mrs. Dewi, please come to the stage, for give the reward to
both of them.

(Please clap our hands once again from their rewards)

I will give back to the MC

Let’s continue our agenda, that’s reward announcement for calistung students.
For rangga, bilqis, and farly please come to the stage for accepting the present.
And to Ms. Wilda, please come to the stage, for give the reward to both of

(Untuk acara selanjutnya adalah pemberian penghargaan untuk murid-murid

calistung. Untuk rangga, bilqis, dan farly, silahkan maju ke depan. Dan untuk Ms.
Wilda, tolong maju ke depn untuk memberikan penghargaan kepada mereka)

Now, we come into the ILC’s information that will be delivered by Ms. Nida.
Time is yours.

(Sekarang, kami masuk pada informasi mengenai ILC yang akan dibacakan oleh
Ms. Nida. Kepadanya dipersilahkan)

Finally, those are all agendas for toay. Forgive us for our mistakes. Thank you to
all performances and participants who already participated in this celebration.
Last, I’m Nisrina Nibras and my partner Mrs. Iiq want to say goodbye and don’t
forget to come on the next day of our celebration.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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