Are You Living Your Passion

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Are You Living Your Passion


As you may know, passion is described as the strong feeling of enthusiasm about doing something. It lies
dormant inside all of us. This burning desire to pursue what really makes us blissful, a kindle that
awakens the soul. So let me ask you, are you living your passion? Are you doing what truly makes you

See, most of us have that innate strong desire but what is stopping us from doing the thing that we
love? One reason maybe is that we tend to overthink, of the possibilities of the future when we don’t
even know if it’s going to happen. We’re so anxious about what will happen that we don’t enjoy the
present. And the result, we don’t live in the present or in the future. We end up living like we’re never
going to die, and die never having truly lived. Ellen Goodman said that, “normal is getting dressed in
clothes you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you’re still paying for in order to get to
the job that you need to pay for the clothes and car and the home that’s empty all day just so you can
afford to live in it”. We have been so caught up in a monotonous routine that we go through day by day.
We force ourselves to wake up in the morning, going to work and back to an empty house, and call the
life, an endless habit, a poison to the human soul and body, trapped in a vortex of repetition. Life is
meant to be enjoyed, an adventure that must be explored and not just confined inside the four corners
of an office room. Like a car that is left hidden inside the garage and never used, it would start to
deteriorate and wear. We humans are meant to live and enjoy life, not just exist in one space.

Where money clouds our search for meaning, we search our quest for purpose and in the pursuit for
those paychecks, we give up our passion. We live for the WEEK- END but END UP feeling WEAK. And why
is this, it’s because we have become so rooted to our routine that we end up not being able to do what
truly makes us happy. Aren’t we tired of this setup? Just having that dream in sight but unable to do it
and as time goes by, that passion is forgotten.

Imagine a world where everyone lived his/her passion. We’d be better friends, better people, better
partners, better parents. Because the pain of regret far out-weighs the pain of the risk, the next time
we’re faced with a challenge let’s remember this, “a winner is just a loser who tried one more time”. So
lets up and stop procrastinating, and live our passion, live life the way it is meant to be. No more hiding
from inhibitions, we’re got to seize the moment, because one moment can change everything.

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