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9. The first formally organized government department created in the Bureau of Agriculture in July
1. The Father of University extension is 10 implementing extension work
a. Daryl Bell b. Daniel Bell a. Home Economics Division b. Agricultural Extension Division
c. Maria Y. Orosa d. James Stuart c. Demonstration and Extension Division d. Organic Chemistry Division

2. Extension work in the Philippines started in 1565 through the establishment of ____________ by 10. This act created the Bureau of Agricultural Extension in July 16, 1952
the Spaniards a. RA 680 b. Commonwealth Act 85
a. Granjas Modelos b. 4-H Club c. RA 3844 d. RA 1829
c. Women’s and Youth’s Club d. Men’s Club
11. This act renamed the Bureau of Agricultural Extension to Agricultural Productivity Commission
3. The legal foundation of the whole cooperative work in the USA a. RA 680 b. Commonwealth Act 85
a. Morril Act of 1862 b. Smith-Lever Act of 1914 c. RA 3844 d. RA 1829
c. Land Grant Act d. None of the above
12. This act created the Civico Educational Lectures requiring the municipal teachers to conduct
4. The term extension education was first introduced by this University in 1873 to describe a lectures to farmers during non-work days
particular innovation a. RA 680 b. Commonwealth Act 85
a. London University b. Cambridge University c. RA 3844 d. RA 1829
c. University of Chicago d. Oxford University 13. This death of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension meant the birth of
a. State Colleges and Universities b. Agricultural Training Institute
5. The chief of the Bell mission who recommended the consolidation of all agricultural extension c. LGU extension division d. Agricultural Productivity Commission
services under one agency
a. James Stuart b. Danniel W. Bell 14. The creation of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension was the recommendation of the
c. Daryl Bell d. Dustin Bell a. World Bank Mission b. Agricultural Training Institute
c. Bell Survey Mission d. Agricultural Productivity Commission
6. An act establishing the cooperative extension service in the USA also this act also established the
land grant colleges of the USA 15. The Community Development Council which was tasked to coordinate and integrate on a national
a. Land Grant Act b. Morril Act of 1890 scale, the efforts of various governmental and civic agencies to improve the living conditions of
c. Morril Act of 1862 d. Smith-Lever Act the people was created by
a. Executive Order No 57 b. Executive Order No. 183
7. The coming of the ____________ to the Philippines during the 20 th century started serious c. Executive Order No. 156 d. Executive Order No. 64
attempts to extend agricultural services
a. Spaniards d. Americans 16. The decree creating ministry-wide regional offices in the Ministry of Agriculture thereby
c. Japanese d. Indonesian streamlining for a more unified extension service
a. Presidential Decree No 1975 b. Presidential Decree No. 1597
8. Founder of the Home Extension Service in the Philippines c. Presidential Decree No 1579 d. Presidential Decree No 1759
a. Eva Kalaw Katigbak b. Daniel Bell

17. The decree that abolished the Bureau of Farm Management of the Department of Agrarian a. Education b. Extension
Reform and transferred its functions to the Bureau of Agricultural Extension c. Change d. Development
a. Presidential Decree No 970 b. Presidential Decree No. 790
c. Presidential Decree No 1579 d. Presidential Decree No 1759 25. This means being concerned with other people or giving the best of one-self in helping others
a. Cooperation b. Complementation
18. The Philippines adopted the Training and Visit system as a result of the appraisal of the country’s c. Coordination d. Commitment
agricultural extension service by the
a. ASEAN mission b. World Bank mission 26. Complementation connotes providing the needed support lacking in one organization or simply
c. Bell Survey mission d. None of the above means
a. Cooperation b. Linkage
19. This created the office of the Presidential Assistant on Community Development to coordinate c. Coordination d. Partnership
and integrate the activities of all and each department of government engaged I community
development 27. A continuing process of bringing about desirable changes in the behavior of human beings which
a. Executive Order No 57 b. Executive Order No. 183 involves a variety of methods and sources
c. Executive Order No. 156 d. Executive Order No. 64 a. Development b. Cooperation
c. Extension d. Education
20. The decentralization of authority to local government units to manage and supervise agricultural
extension system in the Philippines is enshrined in this law 28. This refers to the provision of training, information and support services by the government and
a. Republic Act No. 7160 b. Republic Act No. 1760 non-government organizations to agriculture and fisheries sectors to improve technical, business,
c. Republic Act No. 7610 d. Republic Act No. 6071 and social capabilities of farmers and fisherfolks
a. Technical assistance b. Development communication
21. Considering the geographic characteristics of the Philippines, ideally, an extension worker to be c. Support system d. Extension services
effective should cover _______ barangays
a. Two b. Three 29. When an extension worker recognizes the accomplishments of the people towards development
c. Four d. Five through words of praises, recognition and appreciation, he is applying the principle of
a. Cultural change b. Interest and needs
22. The extension worker should know the characteristics of the different _______ zones to be better c. Satisfaction d. Cooperation
prepared to give appropriate assistance to people in terms of agricultural and fisheries
production projects 30. The basic extension principle is exemplified in the statement “People learn by
a. Ecological b. Danger a. Doing b. Teaching
c. Inhibition d. Orbit c. Giving d. Serving

23. When an extension worker adjusts to the culture of the people, he is applying the principle of 31. The focus of agricultural extension is to assist the rural people to
a. Cultural change b. Interest and needs a. Help themselves b. Acquire technologies
c. Cultural difference d. Individual difference c. Get rich of better off d. To be educated

32. Extension means

24. A process of effecting positive change in the lives of people particularly in the countryside

a. To extend, to spread or disseminate useful information and ideas to rural people outside the 39. Refers to roads linking the agriculture and fisheries production sites, coastal landing points and
regularly organized schools and classrooms post-harvest facilities to the market and arterial roads and highways.
b. Extending of or a service or a system that extends the educational advantage of an a. Farm to market road b. Feeder roads
educational institution to persons unable to avail of a formal education c. Highways d. All of the above
c. Providing people with educational opportunities and services outside the boundaries of the
school 40. Refers to the ability to compete in terms of price, quality and volume of agriculture and fishery
d. All of the above products relative to those of other countries.
a. Global competitiveness b. Technology-base
33. Improvement of the level of living of rural people is conditioned by c. Socio-culturally sound d. Resource-base
a. Human resources development b. Absence of calamities
c. Improvement in the overall economy d. Peace and order in the community 41. Refers to the policy objective, plan and strategy of meeting the food requirements of the present
and future generations of Filipinos in substantial quantity, ensuring the availability and
34. This order recognized that political will as a vital factor in agricultural development and the affordability of food to all, either through local production, or importation, or both based on the
provincial governor was given the responsibility to deliver extension services country’s existing and potential resources endowment and related production advantages and
a. Executive Order No. 803 b. Executive Order No. 116 consistent with the overall national development objectives and policies. However, sufficiency in
c. Executive Order No. 308 d. Executive Order No. 611 rice and white corn should be pursed.
35. This order replaced the Rice and Corn Coordinating Council (RCPC) and created the Rice and Corn a. Food security b. Food sovereignty
Authority (RCA) c. Food sufficiency d. Food availability
a. Executive Order No. 62 b. Executive Order No. 116
c. Executive Order No. 308 d. Executive Order No. 611 42. The full implementation of AFMA was constrained by
a. No sufficient capability building for farmers
36. An act creating the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997 b. Program are not sufficient in boosting agricultural productivity
a. Republic Act No4385 b. Republic Act No 8534 c. Funding
c. Republic Act No 3485 d. Republic Act No 8435 d. All of the above

37. The section of the AFMA law stating that the agriculture and fisheries extension services shall 43. An act prescribing urgent related measures to modernize the agriculture and fisheries sectors of
cover the following major services: training, farm or extension services, demonstration, and the country to enhance their profitability, and prepare said sectors for the challenges of
information and communication support services through media globalization through an adequate, focused and rational delivery of necessary support services,
a. Section 88 b. Section 86 appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes
c. Section 87 d. All of the above a. Republic Act No 8435 b. Republic Act No 8453
c. Republic Act No 3584 d. Republic Act No 5384
38. The section of the AFMA law stating that there will be a national merit and promotion system
governing all extension personnel, regardless of source of funding to promote professionalism
and achieve excellence and productivity in the provision of government extension service
a. Section 88 b. Section 86 44. Refers to the process by which the economy is transformed from one that is predominantly
c. Section 87 d. All of the above agricultural to one that is dominantly industrial and service-oriented Agriculture provides the
impetus and push for industry and services through the market that it creates, the labor that it
absorbs, and the income that it generates which is channeled to industry and services. As

development continues with agriculture still an important sector, industry and services begin to a. Family b. Community
generate income and markets and concomitantly increase their share of total income c. Organization d. Society
a. Rural industrialization b. Commercialization
c. Industrialization d. All of the above 52. This is the most basic social unit composed of individuals united by bonds of marriage and kinship
a. Family b. Community
45. Refers to an information network which links all offices and level of the Department with various c. Organization d. Society
research institutions and local end-users, providing easy access to information and marketing
services related to agriculture and fisheries, 53. The process of establishing a viable and functional community organization created to contribute
a. National Information Network (NIN) b. Techno Pinoy Center to sustainable development of rural communities
c. K-AgriNet d. Farmer’s Pinoy Center a. Community mobilization b. Brigade organizing
c. Organizing d. Community organizing
46. It is a program activity designed to obtain objective information about program or project 54. Before community organizing is done, this should be done first
activities to assess their effectiveness, significance, and efficiency a. Environmental scanning b. Community study
a. Monitoring b. Planning c. Situational analysis d. Feasibility study
c. Implementation d. Evaluation
55. This group must be formed and strengthened because they serves as basic building block for
47. They are confronted with various problems such as: poverty, low income, unemployment, people’s organization
inadequate and low quality of education, malnutrition, high birth rates, among others a. Women’s group b. Farmer’s group
a. Rural communities b. Community organizing c. Core group d. Mission group
c. Organizations d. Groups of individuals
56. A step in the community organizing process which revolves around the people’s lives, experiences
48. A strategy to rural development which provides opportunities to people seeking employment and aspirations
a. Increasing employment b. Equity a. Integration b. Entering the community
c. Increasing efficiency d. Sustainability c. Social analysis d. Immersion

49. A strategy to rural development which increases the participation of the rural people in 57. In core group building, the process of community organizing becomes __________ not leader-
determining, implementing and directing plans and programs to achieve rural development centered
through rural organizations a. Individual-centered b. Agency-centered
a. Increasing employment b. Equity c. People-centered d. Organization-centered
c. Increasing efficiency d. Empowerment
58. One major concern of sustainable agriculture is”survival” because
50. A strategy to rural development which provides improved technologies to increase production a. GMOs are perceived as threat to man and his environment
level and income of farmers b. Population grows exponentially
a. Increasing employment b. Equity c. Men are expected to live longer
c. Increasing efficiency d. Sustainability d. Good is no longer sufficient

51. This is composed of a group of people living together with a purpose implementing specific tasks 59. Stay and live with the people in order to gain first hand knowledge about the community. This is
or activities covering defined boundaries or area called

a. Immersion/integration b. Conversion
c. Evaluation d. Unification 67. This is a part of the normal processes undertaken by the management once a project takes off
a. Monitoring b. Formative evaluation
60. Programs/projects must be ________ , this means continuity and viability of the program/project c. Evaluation d. Ex-ante evaluation
for a long time with minimum destruction from the environment
a. Acceptable b. Productive 68. Components of agricultural development program that facilitates the attainment of objectives
c. Sustainable d. Adoptable a. Accelerators b. Learners
c. Indicators d. Variables
61. The guiding principle in integration of the community organizer is
a. Unification b. Rapport building among people 69. Core group members can be the
c. Teamwork d. Cooperation a. Most active initial contacts b. People in the community
c. Potential leaders d. a and c
62. In order for a development project to give positive results in the community it must the following
characteristic (s). 70. This type of development means making progress without sacrificing the welfare of the
a. Change must be purposeful b. Change must be progressive generations yet to come
c. Change must be planned d. All of the above a. Sustainable development b. Rural development
c. Community development d. Economic development
63. Development means different things to different people. __________ defined development as a
means of economic growth measured in terms of gross national product, per capita income, 71. Core group members can be the
expansion of local and foreign exchange, infrastructure and physical facilities for trade and a. Most active initial contacts b. People in the community
commerce c. Potential leaders d. a and c
a. Educator b. Industrialist
c. Sociologist d. Economist 72. The following must be identified during the integration process and social investigation. They can
assist the community organizer in the implementation of the development project
64. Following are the suggested activities to facilitate integration a. Potential leaders b. Out-of-school youths
a. Conduct visits and participate in some social activities c. Officers d. Adult-learners
b. Seek out and converse with people where they usually congregate
c. Lend a hand in a household chore and participate in production activities 73. The integrated approach to rural development believes on the principle of
d. All of the above a. Cooperation b. Complementation
c. Competition d. All of the above
65. It is also called diagnostic evaluation or evaluation for planning. This is undertaken during project
formulation to assess needs for development 74. Programs/projects must be ________ , this means continuity and viability of the program/project
a. Ex-post evaluation b. Formative evaluation for a long time with minimum destruction from the environment
c. Process evaluation d. Ex-ante evaluation a. Acceptable b. Productive
c. Sustainable d. Adoptable
66. It is also called impact evaluation and is undertaken when project has been completed
a. Ex-post evaluation b. Formative evaluation
c. Process evaluation d. Ex-ante evaluation

75. Mode of education which refers to any organized, systematic, educational activity carried on c. Guide for his actions d. All of the above
outside the framework of the formal system to provide selected types of learning to particular
sub-groups in the population 83. When an extension worker involves the people in the planning process of an extension program,
a. Formal b. Informal he is applying the principle of
c. Non-formal d. All of the above a. Cultural change b. Interest and needs
c. Cultural difference d. Individual difference
76. Mode of education which refers to highly institutionalized, chronologically graded and
hierarchically structured education system 84. Which of the following is/are the goals of AFMA?
a. Formal b. Informal a. Poverty alleviation and social equity b. Food security & people empowerment
c. Non-formal d. All of the above c. Global competitiveness d. Rational use of resources
77. Form of education ones acquires from his daily experiences and from his exposure to his
environment 85. This refers to land devoted to or suitable for the cultivation of the soil, planting of crops,
a. Formal b. Informal growing of trees, raising of livestock, poultry, fish including the harvesting of such farm products
c. Non-formal d. All of the above and other farm practices performed in conjunction with such farming operations by persons
a. Agricultural lands b. Arable land
78. This is highly regarded as a system of educating and training the rural people to develop their c. Agricultural land use d. None of the above
skills and attitudes in farming, homemaking, and youth building
a. Agricultural extension b. Informal education
c. Non-formal education d. None of the above
86. This refers to lands which display marked characteristics justifying the operation of an
irrigation system
79. When an extension worker considers all the members of the family when introducing a. Irrigable lands b. Arable land
development projects, he is applying the principle of c. Agricultural land use d. Irrigated lands
a. Cultural change b. Interest and needs
c. Whole family approach d. Individual difference 87. This refers to lands serviced by natural irrigation or irrigation facilities. These include lands
where is not readily available as existing irrigation facilities need rehabilitation or upgrading or
80. Which of the following statements is not an objective of extension where is not available year-round
a. To raise agricultural production and to raise the level of living a. Irrigable lands b. Arable land
b. To teach people in the rural areas how to raise their standard of living by their own effort, c. Agricultural land use d. Irrigated lands
using their own resources with minimum assistance from the government 88. This refers to a system of irrigation facilities covering contiguous areas
c. To help people help themselves through educational means to improve their level of living a. Irrigation system b. Irrigators association
d. None of the above c. Agricultural land use d. Irrigated lands

81. The focus of agricultural extension is to assist the rural people to 89. This refers to the manner of utilizing the land, including its all allocation, development and
a. Help themselves b. Acquire technologies management
c. Get rich of better off d. To be educated a. Land use plan b. Land use planning
c. Land use d. All of the above
82. Philosophy of extension serves as the extension personnel’s
a. Criteria of performance b. Criteria for his decisions

90. This refers to the channel where diverted from a source flows to the intended area to be 96. A sector engaged in the cultivation of the soil, planting of crops, growing of fruits trees,
irrigated. raising of livestock, poultry, or fish, including the harvesting and marketing of such farm products,
a. Main canal b. Irrigation canal and other farm activities and practices.
c. Lateral canal d. All of the above a. Agricultural sector b. Crops sector
c. Fisheries sector d. None of the above
91. This refers to a document embodying a set of policies accompanied by maps and similar
illustrations which represent the community-desired pattern of population distribution and a 97. Is an irrigation system that is managed by a bona fide Irrigators Association.
proposal for the future allocation of land to the various land-using activities, in accordance with a. National Irrigation System (CIS) b. Headworks
the social and economic objectives of the people. It identifies the location, character and extent c. Communal Irrigation System (CIS) d. All of the above
of the area's land resources to be used for different purposes and includes the process and the
criteria employed in the determination of the land use.
a. Land use plan b. Land use planning
c. Agricultural land use conservation d. None of the above 98. This refers to an association of farmers within a contiguous area served by National Irrigation
System or Communal Irrigation System.
92. Refers to the physical alteration of raw agricultural or fishery products with or without the a. Irrigators Association b. 4-H club
use of mechanical facilities c. Small farmers and fisherfolks d. None of the above
a. Primary processing b. Drying
b. Secondary processing d. Vacuum frying 99. Refers to all systems or networks of interrelated activities which include the production,
growing, harvesting processing, marketing developing, conserving, and managing of all aquatic
93. Includes but is not limited to, threshing, drying, milling, grading, storing, and handling of resources and fisheries areas.
produce and such other activities as stripping, winnowing, chipping and washing a. Fisheries b. Fishing
a. Post-harvest activities b. Production activities c. Fisheries sector d. Fishing ground
c. Harvesting activities d. All of the above
100. Refers to the application of techniques using various gear in catching fish and other
94. Includes, but is not limited to, threshers, moisture meters, dryers, weighing scales, milling fisheries products.
equipment, fish ports, fish landings, ice plants and cold storage facilities, processing plants, a. Fisheries b. Fishing
warehouses, buying stations, market infrastructure and transportation facilities. c. Fisheries sector d. Fishing ground
a. Post-harvest facilities b. Equipments
c. Farm machineries d. Farm tools 101. Which among the following best describe interpersonal level of communication?
a. Tasking before a group of people
95. Refers to a major irrigation system managed by the National Irrigation Administration. b. Discussing the effect of NPK fertilizer in vegetable production with a farmer
a. National Irrigation System b. Communal Irrigation System c. Communication with oneself
c. Main canal d. None of the above d. Sending a memorandum

102. The cardinal role in effective communication is

a. Speak clearly

b. Establish good relationship
c. Listen to your audience 110. It refers to a group of symbols structured in a way it is meaningful to the source and the
d. Know your audience or clients receiver.
a. Channel b. Content
103. This element of communication refers to the person or group of persons who received the c. Code d. Treatment
information on Biotechnology.
a. Receiver b. Channel 111. A rice technology being shared by the extension worker to his client refers to
c. Source d. Feedback a. Effect b. Channel
c. Content d. Message
104. Which of the following is not a mass level of communication
a. Conducting farmers meeting b. Radio broadcasting 112. The focus of this level of communication is the individual, his own cognition and behavior.
c. Distribution of brochures d. TV pug on climate change a. Intrapersonal communication b. Interpersonal communication
c. Organizational communication d. Mass communication
105. Communication comes from the Latin word “communis” which means "common” in
a. Spanish b. French 113. This level of communication pertains to the interaction between two or more individuals in
c. Greek d. English a face-to-face situation.
a. Mass communication b. Organizational communication
106. The particular communication skills of the receiver such as listening, reading, and c. Intrapersonal communication d. Interpersonal communication
inferring refers to their
a. Detonating skills b. Decoding skills 114. Distracting noise in the environment where communication takes place is considered as
c. Encoding skills d. Conversational skills a. Personal barriers b. Physical barriers
c. Semantic barriers d. Social barriers
107. Speaking, writing, thinking, refers to the ________ of the source of the message
a. Encoding skills b. Reviewing skills 115. Fidelity with perception senses and congruence with message level of difficulty are factors to
c. Decoding skills d. Conversational skills consider in choosing the communication
a. Message b. Channel
108. When communication is used by field worker in bringing new ideas to the farmer it is c. Purpose d. Treatment
a. Mass communication b. Agricultural communication 116. In communication, body kinesis is synonymous with
c. Organizational communication d. Horizontal communication a. Muted cue in the style of speech b. Non – verbal communication
c. Mixed messages d. Gestures and mannerisms

117. To improve the communication process, one must observe the following, except
109. The implication of the desired effect and purpose of communication refers to. a. Obtain feedback whenever possible
a. Channel b. Content b. Speak only to essentials
c. Treatment d. Feedback c. One channel of communication

d. Develop a systematic set of communication techniques. c. Mass communication d. Organizational communication

118. These are communication interferences which arise from the emotions, values, and poor 126. The desired goal of communication as described by the source refers to the
listening habits of both the source and the receiver. a. Feedback b. Message
a. Semantic barriers b. Personal barriers c. Effect d. Channel
c. Physical barriers d. Defensiveness
127. The process of exchanging information between peers to any organizational level to
119. The following are source-receiver factors affecting communication effectiveness in extension, coordinate activities is categorized as
except a. Downward communication b. Upward communication
a. Knowledge level of the source b. Attitude of the receiver c. Horizontal communication d. Vertical communication
c. Encoding skills of the source d. Resources in the community
128. Type of communication channel which follows the organizational structure is best described
120. The medium by which the idea is conveyed by the source to the intended receiver is known as
as a. Informal channel b. Formal channel
a. Code b. Content c. Non-formal Channel d. Grapevine
c. Treatment d. Channel
121. It refers to the materials in the message chosen by the source to express his purpose. 129. Which of the following is the correct communication model by Berlo?
a. Code b. Content a. MERCS b. SMCRE
c. Treatment d. Channel c. SMREC d. SMERC

122. The decision made by the source on how the message will be presented and arranged refers 130. Decoding means
to a. Attaching meaning to the symbol b. Rearranging symbols to the ideas
a. Code b. Content c. Changing ideas into symbols d. Inventing codes for confidentiality
c. Treatment d. Channel
131. This is the scientific and experimental stage where research centers conduct studies to
123. When the message is channeled through a public medium, it is described as develop a technology
a. Mass communication b. Verbal communication a. Technology verification b. Technology dissemination
c. Non-verbal communication d. Interpersonal communication c. Technology generation d. technology piloting

124. The following are attributes of the source of the message, except 132. The degree to which an innovation or technology is perceived better than the idea it
a. Knowledge b. Attitude supercedes
c. communication skills d. Code a. Compatibility b. Complexity
c. Relative advantage d. Observability
125. A form of communication used to discuss the effect of climate change among vegetable
farmers 133. The degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others is an attribute of a
a. Interpersonal b. Intrapersonal technology which is called

a. Novelty b. Relative advantage
c. Observability d. Complexity 141. They refer to body of tools, machines, materials and techniques, and processes needed to
134. In the technology development process, the stage when promoters of technologies used produce goods and services.
varied approaches and methods in bringing technologies to end-users is a. Technology b. Innovation
a. Technology dissemination b. Technology adaptation c. Practices d. Equipment
c. Technology commercialization d. Technology generation
142. These are specific cultural techniques in the production and management of crops, livestock,
135. It is defined as the body of tools, machines, materials, techniques and processes used to fishery and forestry.
produce goods and services a. Package of Technology b. Component Technology
a. Product b. Technology c. Information Technology d. Service Technology
c. Service d. Information
143. These type of technologies take the form of physical goods like cultured mushroom and
136. Technologies which refers to a system of doing things or schemes for improved production, durian candy.
post production or processing is called a. Service Technologies b. Process Technologies
a. Product technology b. Process technology c. Product Technologies d. Information Technologies
c. Service technology d. Information technology
144. A technology is classified for adaptation if it meets the following conditions, except
137. Tissue cultured banana, hybrid rice, upgraded goats and snack food items from rice are a. It is conducted in the farmer’s field
examples typifying this technology b. It has been tested for generation for at least one season
a. Product b. Service c. It is a package of technology
c. Process d. Information d. It has shown good potential for economic feasibility

138. Which of the following is an example of a service technology 145. The phase when promoters of technologies used varied approaches and methods in bringing
a. Farmers’ Information and Technology Service technologies to end-user
b. Soybean production a. Technology generation b. Technology dissemination
c. Extension service c. Technology commercialization d. Technology piloting
d. None of the above
146. The purpose of this process/activity is to confirm and demonstrate the feasibility of
139. Progressive farmers who conduct personal experiments, modify technologies and discover using improved technology
new processes and procedures are considered as a. Technology verification b. Technology dissemination
a. Farmer scientist b. Para-professional c. technology piloting d. Technology commercialization
c. Cooperator d. Explorer
147. Technologies which are classified as best alternative for improving farm productivity and
140. These adopters are usually traditional farmers, older than the average and risk-takers income are ready for
a. Late majority b. Laggards a. Verification b. Dissemination
c. Early majority d. Innovators c. Piloting d. Commercialization

a. 4 b. 6
148. Immunization of dogs to prevent rabies and support government health program is a c. 5 d.3
technology classified as
a. Product b. Information
c. Service d. Process 156. In the innovation-decision process, the individual is at this stage if he/she seeks
reinforcement for the innovation he has made
149. The degree to which an innovation or technology is perceived consistent with existing values, a. Persuasion b. Decision
past experiences and needs of clients is referred to as c. Knowledge d. Confirmation
a. Complexity b. Compatibility
c. Relative advantage d. Observability 157. A technology transfer model which works well with extension activities focused on single
150. These technologies have been proven to be individually outstanding and when combined a. Feedback technology transfer b. Farmer-back-to-farmer model
together will improve farm productivity and income. c. Modified FTT model d. Top-down techno-transfer model
a. Component technology b. Product technology
c. Service technology d. Package of technology 158. Which of the technology transfer models provide active participation of the farmers in on-
farm experiment station testing?
151. The stage in the adoption process wherein the person tries and experiments in small scale a. Modified FTT model b. Farmer-back-to-farmer model
the new technology after weighing the advantages and risks is c. Top-down-technology model d. Political science
a. Evaluation b. Trial
c. Service d. Information 159. The extension educator’s major thrust to the behavioral patterns of the learners so that they
will be better equipped to cope with the rapid changes that occur in their environment.
152. This type of adopter is the first in his group or community to adopt a new idea or practice a. Change the behavioral pattern of the learners
a. Early adopter b. Early majority b. Improve their lifestyle
c. Innovator d. Component technology c. Develop their farm
d. Support their decision
153. The stage in the adoption process which shows that the person is attracted to the idea or
technology is 160. The stage when the individual makes mental trial of the innovation to his present and
a. Trial b. Interest anticipated future situation and decides whether or not to try it.
c. Evaluation d. Awareness a. Decision making stage b. Evaluation stage
c. Trial stage d. Interest stage
154. This will take place only if the person or the farmer is convinced of the relative
advantage of a technology over existing practice/technology 161. In reality, which of the following is more likely to happen in each stage of the adoption
a. Adoption b. Commercialization process?
c. Diffusion d. Evaluation a. Rejection b. Adoption
c. Evaluation d. Discontinuance
155. According to PCARRD, the technology development process is composed of __ major phase’s

162. It involves actual application of the new idea or innovation on a small scale in order to a. Innovators b. Late majority adopters
determine its utility in the individuals farming condition. c. Early majority adopters d. Early adopters
a. Interest stage b. Evaluation stage
c. Knowledge stage d. Trial stage 170. This group is normally respected by their peers and are considered by many as “the men
check” before using a new idea.
163. When the innovation suits local conditions, fits into farmer’s cropping pattern and not a. Innovators b. Late majority adopters
suffering from pests and diseases, it means that said innovation is: c. Early majority adopters d. Early adopters
a. Available locally b. Offered for sale
c. Technically effective d. Of dependable quality 171. The stage of the adoption process wherein the farmers would apply the technology on a
large scale basis.
164. Laggards are traditional and usually past-oriented group of people. This means that a. Awareness stage b. Interest stage
they are: c. Trial d. Adoption
a. Daring b. Antiquated
c. Unconventional d. Brave 172. When the farmer considers an innovation due its production efficiency, this
characteristic of innovation applies to
165. This stage may continue for a long time depending on the nature of the innovation until a. Complexity b. Economic profitability
it will become a regular part of the adaptor's operation c. Triability d. Compatibility
a. Knowledge stag b. Persuasion stage
c. Confirmation stage d. Decision-making stage 173. The stage in the adoption process wherein the farmer will seek further information about the
166. The individual may further justify the decision he made earlier based on his experience with a. Evaluation b. Awareness
the innovation or based on the experiences of adopter’s c. Trial d. Interest
a. Knowledge stage b. Persuasion stage
c. Confirmation stage d. Decision-making stage 174. Diffusion of an innovation takes place if
167. It focuses on the development of production systems that improve the economic viability of a. The benefit of the innovation is easy to observe
using agriculture and natural resources. b. It is possible to try the innovation on a small scale
a. Technology dissemination b. Technology generation c. The innovation is coming from well-known scientists
c. Technology adaptation d. Technology verification d. The innovation is widely advertised

168. It is conducted by farmers in their own farms under the supervision of 175. The early adopters are also called.
researchers and extension workers to test the relative advantages of the innovation. a. Laggards b. Innovators
a. Technology dissemination b. Technology generation c. Risk takers d. Venturesome
c. Technology adaption d. Technology verification
176. When the farmers adopt organic farming practices as substitute for inorganic
169. These are skeptical conservative and are more than normally careful in adopting an fertilizers, the characteristics of this innovation that applies to this.
innovation a. Observability b. Compatibility

c. Complexity d. Triability c. Above average economic class d. Higher socio-economic class

177. A stage in the diffusion and adoption process when the individual learns the 185. The success of the diffusion of an innovation is highly influenced by the
existence of a technology but lacks detailed information about it. a. Resources in the community b. Prospective clientele
a. Evaluation stage b. interest stage c. Change agent who introduce it d. Communication strategies used
c. Trial stage d. awareness stage
186. In selecting an approach in technology promotion, major considerations are___________
a. Objective and nature of technologyb. Cost of techno promotion
178. It is the mental process, which an individual passes from the first hearing about an c. Agency resources d. All of the above
innovation to final adoption.
a. Adoption b. Adoption process 187. Extension workers assist target clients like farmers from__________
c. Diffusion d. Diffusion process a. Production b. Post- harvest and processing
c. Marketing d. All of the above
179. The stage when the individual is convinced on the worth or value of a new agricultural
technology. 188. The technology helps maintain ecological balance, does not have harmful environmental
a. Adoption b. Adoption process consequences, it is characterized to have
c. Acceptance d. Diffusion a. Technically feasible b. Economically viable
c. Socially acceptable d. Environmental soundness
180. The evaluation stage of the adoption process is sometimes called
a. Confirmation stage b. Knowledge stage 189. The technology can be described as ______ if the magnitude of expected benefits like
c. Implementation stage d. Mental trial stage increased net income, more employment, higher foreign exchange earning/savings
a. Technically feasible b. Economically viable
181. The degree to which an innovation is perceived as better or superior to existing practice. c. Socially acceptable d. Environmental
a. Compatibility b. Observability
c. Triability d. Relative advantage

182. It refers to the effectiveness of a new practice as perceived by the potential acceptor. 190. In the process of technology adoption, sometimes the farmer/person makes_____ on the
a. Observability b. Efficiency technology to fit his resources and needs.
c. Compatibility d. Novelty a. Innovation b. Revision
c. Modification d. All of the above
183. This refers to the change agent’s knowledge and skills in his work.
a. Prestige b. Technical competence 191. Based on available information and actual experiences/experiments on the technology, the
c. Personality d. Values individual asses its goodness over existing practice/technology, This is the_____ stage
a. Awareness b. Interest
184. The first to know about the innovation in the community are those. c. Trial d. Evaluation
a. People in the lower economic class b. Average economic class

192. This embraces the entire spectrum of the technology promotion process and provides sound a. Disseminating b. Generating
philosophy and orientation c. Selling d. Analyzing
a. Style b. Approach
c. Teaching d. Method 200. When a technology is ready for disseminating it has passed specific ____established by
credible organization/ groups
193. Aside from the technology, this is the primary concern of an extension agency to be used in a. Protocol/ criteria b. Market
disseminating a particular technology c. Content d. Implementation
a. Approaches and methods b. Sources
c. Market d. Characteristics
201. This is one of the fastest and most powerful means of mass communication that reaches all
194. The technology is categorized as component technology and______ cultural levels.
a. Package of technology b. Stage of technology a. Radio b. Computer
c. Source of technology d. Receiver of technology c. Newspaper d. Educational campaign

195. This is the stage when a person utilizes a particular technology until such time that there are 202. Can transmit information directly to a large audience via land-based transmitter, satellite and
no other new technologies cables
a. Adoption b. Diffusion a. Overhead projector b. Display
c. Learning d. Teaching c. Film slides d. Television

196. The process of spreading the technologies and information from one agency to another, from 203. It is a small flat or folded sheet of printed matter ready for distribution
one person to another person; from one group to another group; from generation to a. Photographic slides b. Journal
generation is called c. Leaflet d. Folder
a. Adoption b. Diffusion
c. Learning d. Teaching 204. It is an intensive activity undertaken only after a recommend practice is found acceptable to
the local people though various extension teaching methods.
197. Technologies are ready for dissemination if these have met the following criteria a. Display and exhibits b. Poster
a. General adaptability b. Economic Profitability c. Folders d. Educational campaign
c. Social Acceptability d. All of the Above
205. Most widely used visual devise which uses transparencies containing images to explain topics
198. R and D center also generate_______ not only technologies that are important to agriculture in sequence.
and rural development a. Overhead projector b. Photograph slides
a. Product b. Process c. Film strips d. Video
c. Information d. Service
206. Extension leadership phenomenon is concerned with
199. The field of extension is described as a continuous process of______ technology in order to a. Groups of people having a problem within a situation
satisfy human needs b. Specific situation

c. Problem and solution c. Commodity approach d. Graphic and display formats
d. Leader and problem of a group
215. These are small photographic transparencies individually mounted for a one-at a time
207. A group of discussion method wherein only six participants are involved in a 6-minute showing.
discussion. a. Photographic slides b. Overhead projector
a. Symposia b. Meeting c. Power point d. Project approach
c. Phillip 66 d. Panel
216. Extension teaching requires careful planning of the following except
208. The most universally used extension teaching method. a. Content b. Nature of the learner
a. Individual method b. Group method b. Technique d. Procedure and design
c. Mass method d. Automated method
217. The operational design or style of action by which a national government implements its
209. These are electronic devices that can follow instructions to accept, input, processing and extension policies is called
produce information a. Method b. Technique
a. Video b. Radio c. Approach d. Strategy
c. Computer d. Television
218. Which of the following is not a suggested procedure in extension campaign?
210. It is a huge of giant computer network available to almost everyone with microcomputer and a. Selection of specific topic
means to connect to it. b. Identification of objectives
a. Internet b. Power point c. Selection of communication and extension methods
c. Compact disc d. E-mail d. Financial capacity of the audience

211. Locating lay leaders can be done through 219. A good extension campaign plan should be:
a. Observations b. Study and development meetings a. Automated b. Broad and complex
c. Elections d. All of the above c. Realistic d. No limit

212. The major objective of extension education is to attain 220. Extension delivery systems include :
a. High yielding varieties b. Increased learning among farmers a. Technological innovations
c. Use of high-tech requirement d. Better quality of life for the rural poor b. Dissemination of information and services
c. Indigenous research capability
213. The focus of any extension activity which must be carefully defined is d. All of the above
a. Human resource b. Objective
c. Time d. Budget 221. The research system’s function is to:
a. Generate technological innovations
214. The extension approach practiced by DA-ATI is the b. Link the generators and end-users of technology
a. General approach b. Participatory approach c. Communicate for adult learning

d. Disseminate information 230. Local leaders are
a. Initiators f change b. Overseers
222. Among the five senses, the most important for learning to take place are c. Disseminators of technologies d. All of the above
a. Touch and sight. b. Touch and smell
c. Sight and hearing. d. Smell and sight 231. Leaders who are enlisted and trained for specific job opportunities are called
a. Activity leaders
223. They are powerful “attention getters” and “explainers” when used with news articles in b. Program planners, council advisers of committee members
newspapers and magazines. c. Action leaders
a. Objects b. Models d. Opinion leaders
c. Photographs d. Graphs
232. They are involved in advising and assisting the extension worker in the development of an
224. They are realistic replicas of the real things extension program
a. Objects b. Specimens a. Opinion leaders
c. Maps d. Models b. Action leaders
c. Activity leaders
225. They represent a class or group of objects d. Program planners, council advisors, or committee members
a. Pictures b. Specimens
c. Maps d. Models 233. The extension approach wherein foreign advice is provided to local staff is the
a. General approach b. Participatory
226. They are flat representations of some portion of the earth’s surface. c. Project approach d. Commodity approach
a. Graphic drawings b. Pictures
c. Maps d. Films 234. The system of education which is also considered as adult education
a. Formal education b. Non-formal education
227. A teaching method which is used extensively by extension technicians to present technical c. Informal education d. Basic education
information and appreciation and to integrate ideas.
a. Lectures b. Meetings 235. If the success of an extension approach is measured by the total productivity of a particular
c. Demonstration d. Publications crop, this approach is the
a. General extension approach
228. They serve as interpreters of technical know-how as it links with extension workers. b. Commodity specialized approach
a. Farmers c. Local leaders c. Farming systems development approach
b. Housewives d. Out-of-school-youths d. Training and visit approach

229. They are the most accurate of all graphs

a. Line graphs b. Bar graphs
236. The measure of success of this particular approach is farm people’s willingness and ability to
c. Pie graphs d. Pictorial graphs provide some share of the cost, individually or through their local government units is
a. General extension approach
b. Commodity specialized approach

c. Farming systems development approach c. Organization d. Supervision
d. Cost-sharing approach
243. The schemes, methods or designs used in extension work to achieve certain goals are called
237. An extension approach which is often locally controlled by the farmers association, is the extension
a. Project extension approach a. Approaches b. Techniques
b. Participatory approach c. Plans d. Strategies
c. Farming system development approach
d. Educational institution approach 244. Learning is defined as the
a. Knowledge and skills gained and attitudinal changes in man
238. An extension approach wherein research results are tailored to meet the needs and interests b. End-result of the transfer of knowledge from teacher to learners
of local farming conditions is the c. Relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by practice
a. Project extension approach d. Teacher’s intent in any teacher-learner interaction
b. Participatory approach
c. Farming systems development approach 245. The change in behavior that has something to do with the learners’ mental skills are referred
d. Training and visit approach to as
a. Affective skills b. Psychomotor skills
239. This extension approach includes a project management staff, project allowances for field c. Cognitive abilities d. Intellectual abilities
staff, better transportation, facilities, equipment, and better housing than regular government
programs. 246. The change from one who cannot exhibit a particular manipulative skill to someone who can
a. Project extension approach do it is referred to as change in
b. Participatory approach a. Affective abilities b. Cognitive abilities
c. Farming system development approach c. Psychomotor abilities d. Artistic abilities
d. Farming systems development approach
247. If after a training a farmer exhibits a favorable attitude to a technology he has earlier
240. This extension approach is highly disciplined and patterned, with fixed schedule for training rejected, that change in behavior is under the
of village extension workers to farmers a. Affective domain b. Cognitive domain
a. Project extension approach b. Participatory approach c. Psychomotor domain d. Socio-intellectual domain
c. Commodity approach d. Training and Visit approach
248. Extension approach is an organized or coherent combination of
241. Basic concept in extension which help rural people acquire knowledge, skills and attitude a. Strategies and methods
that will help them effectively utilize the information of technology b. Principles and philosophy
a. Extension communication b. Extension education c. Theory and practice
c. Extension system d. Extension research d. Programs and activities

242. When we talk of the structural and management set-up for extension activities to get 249. The objective of an extension approach is to
implemented we refer to extension a. Facilitate implementation of extension programs
a. Management b. Administration b. Ensure participation of all segments of society

c. Make rural extension more effective 258. In selecting extension teaching methods, the following are considered except
d. Deliver national development programs according to plans a. Size of the audience b. Nature of the subject matter
c. Characteristics of the audience d. Behavior of the change agent
250. The largest majority in the leadership process
a. Members b. Advisers 259. It serves as the bridge in the delivery system of information, goods and services to the target
c. Leaders d. Consultants beneficiaries
a. Research system b. Client system
251. The process demonstration falls under what type of teaching method? c. Extension or change system d. Information system
a. Individual method b. Group method
c. Mass method d. Multi-group method 260. The rural people represents the
a. Research system b. The change system
252. Teaching method used to give specific instructions to a specific group is c. The organizational system d. The client system
a. Individual method b. Mass method
c. Group method d. All of the above 261. It refers to the systematic procedure employed by the extension worker in getting vital
information across his/her clientele.
253. The radio is an excellent channel for what type of extension method a. Method b. Technique
a. Individual method b. Group method c. Device d. Strategies
c. Mass method d. Multi-group method
262. The art or skill of performance is referred to as
254. They are varied procedures in teaching that direct the learners’ acquisition of knowledge, a. Method b. Technique
skills and abilities c. Devise d. Strategy
a. Teaching devices b. Teaching methods
c. Teaching approaches d. Teaching skills 263. This refers to the teaching material/tool used to facilitate instruction
a. Method b. Technique
255. Skill is one’s c. Device d. Material
a. Action b. Behavior
c. Expertise d. Perception 264. Time and material factors in the choice of teaching method do not include
a. Skill of the resource person in using the method
256. Teaching method which reaches the large number of people at lesser cost b. Preparation time
a. Mass method b. Individual method c. Duration of the activity
c. Group method d. Various methods d. Budget and facilities.

257. One of the important factors in the choice of extension teaching method 265. It is a prepared oral presentation of a subject by a trainer/resource person.
a. Print media b. Meetings a. Group discussion b. Lecture
c. Brainstorming d. Subject matter c. Meeting d. Field trip

266. This means not only to discuss results of research in a meeting but also to discuss any activity 274. This considered as the best extension teaching
with a specific purpose. a. Demonstration b. Field trip
a. Meeting b. Seminar c. Lecture d. A variety of methods
c. Workshop d. Brainstorming
275. A teaching method which shows after a period of time what happened after a practice is
267. A meeting usually made in a roundtable situation for a specific purpose is adopted.
a. Seminar b. Conference a. Method demo b. Result demo
c. Group discussion d. Meeting c. Meetings d. Field trip

268. This is a method of acting out roles from real life situation and understanding the dynamics 276. Teaching method which shows the step by step procedure of doing things
of these roles. a. Method demo b. Result demo
a. Role playing b. Case study c. Role play d. Campaign
c. Theatre arts d. Balagtasan
277. A method which appeal to man’s desire to go places and see things
a. Travel b. Field trip
269. An activity where group of people meet together to discuss informally and deliberately on a c. Field day d. Farm visits
topic of mutual concern.
a. Brainstorming b. Group discussion 278. Aside from technology, this is the primary concern of an extension agency to be used in
c. Seminar d. Meeting dissemination of a particular technology.
a. Approaches and methods b. Sources
270. It is a teaching method which emphasizes the principle of learning by doing c. Market c. Style
a. Result demo b. Method demo
c. Field trip d. Lecture 279. This embraces the entire spectrum of the technology promotion process and provides sound
philosophy and orientation
271. An informal type of group teaching composed of three but not more than six members. a. Style b. Approach
a. Panel discussion b. Meeting c. Teaching d. Method
c. Conference d. Small group discussion
280. A procedure consisting of a series of action orderly organized and well-planned aimed at
272. A sheet of paper or cardboard with an illustration with few words designed to catch the facilitating adoption of technology
attention of the passersby. a. Style b. Approach
a. Poster b. Wall paper c. Teaching d. Method
c. Flyer d. Billboard

273. A well-organized plan for bringing about widespread adoption of a particular practice
a. Political campaign b. Educational campaign 281. It is the implementation of a trick or artistry in teaching by an extension worker
c. Tour d. Meeting a. Approach b. Technique

c. Method d. Strategy c. Commodity d. Area approach

282. This approach covers the promotion of a technology that starts from production, storing, 290. Community based approach can be described as
processing and marketing. a. People centered b. Resource-based
a. Commodity approach b. Community approach c. Community oriented d. All of the above
c. Mass approach d. Single purpose approach
291. It is an example of individual method of teaching in extension
283. This approach is used by an agency whether public or private to develop a community in all a. Fairs and exhibits b. Office calls
aspects such as economic, social, cultural, political and environmental. c. Colloquy d. Television
a. Commodity approach b. Community approach
c. Single purpose approach d. Mass approach 292. The integrated approach develops all areas of concern in a community thereby it results to
a. Holistic development b. Area development
284. Total community development is an objective of the _______approach. c. Agricultural development d. National development
a. Commodity approach b. Community approach
c. Single purpose approach d. Mass approach
293. This approach is basically used in creating awareness and awakening interest among target
285. In this approach, the target is categorized by regions or ecological zones such as lowland, adopters.
upland, and coastal areas. a. Mass approach b. Community approach
a. Area approach b. Commodity c. Commodity approach d. Participatory approach
c. Mass d. Participatory
294. The participatory approach can be described as a process because every member of a group
286. This approach puts together the resources of different agencies, services of various agencies, of target users must be involved in the whole process of the program or project.
share their resources and agree on common goals. a. Aristocratic b. Democratic
a. Complementation b. Integrated c. Bureaucratic d. Modern
c. Competition d. Salutation
295. A teaching method in extension which means dialogue.
287. The integrated approach believes in the principle of a. Colloquy b. Panel discussion
a. Complementation b. Democracy c. Brainstorming d. Lecture
c. Competition d. National development
296. This approach provides the opportunity for project beneficiaries to be involved in problem
288. In selecting an approach in technology promotion, major considerations are and needs assessment up to program implementation to evaluation.
a. Objective and nature of technology b. Cost a. Mass approach b. Participatory approach
c. Resources d. All of them c. Commodity approach d. Community approach

289. An approach which refers to different groups of people with different specialization working 297. A mechanism in extension for technology transfer.
together in one project. a. Lecture b. Demonstration
a. Mass approach b. Interdisciplinary approach

c. Extension delivery system d. Fora 15. A 62. D 109. D 156. D
16. C 63. D 110. C 157. D
298. A system of education which is highly graded and chronologically arranged. 17. A 64. D 111. D 158. B
a. Formal b. Non-formal
18. B 65. D 112. A 159. A
c. Informal d. All of them
19. C 66. A 113. D 160. B
299. They are elected or chosen leaders. 20. A 67. A 114. B 161. A
a. Informal leaders b. Formal leaders 21. B 68. A 115. B 162. D
c. Natural leaders d. None of them 22. A 69. D 116. D 163. C
23. C 70. A 117. C 164. B
300. A leader who has the ability to change leadership style depending on the situation and the 24. B 71. D 118. B 165. D
needs of the group. 25. D 72. A 119. D 166. C
a. Autocratic b. Democratic
26. D 73. B 120. D 167. B
c. Laissez faire d. Flexible
27. D 74. C 121. B 168. D
28. D 75. C 122. C 169. B
29. C 76. A 123. A 170. D
30. A 77. B 124. D 171. D
ANSWER KEY 31. A 78. B 125. A 172. B
33. C 80. D 127. C 174. C
1. D 48. A 95. A 142. B
34. A 81. A 128. B 175. A
2. A 49. D 96. A 143. C
35. A 82. C 129. B 176. B
3. A 50. C 97. C 144. C
36. D 83. B 130. A 177. D
4. B 51. B 98. A 145. D
37. C 84. D 131. C 178. C
5. B 52. A 99. A 146. B
38. A 85. A 132. C 179. C
6. D 53. D 100. B 147. D
39. A 86. A 133. C 180. D
7. B 54. B 101. B 148. C
40. A 87. D 134. A 181. D
8. D 55. C 102. D 149. B
41. A 88. A 135. B 182. B
9. C 56. C 103. A 150. D
42. D 89. C 136. B 183. B
10. A 57. C 104. A 151. B
43. A 90. A 137. A 184. D
11. C 58. D 105. D 152. C
44. A 91. A 138. A 185. A
12. D 59. A 106. B 153. B
45. A 92. A 139. A 186. D
13. B 60. C 107. A 154. A
46. D 93. A 140. A 187. D
14. C 61. B 108. B 155. B

47. A 94. A 141. A 188. D

189. B 217. D 245. C 273. B

190. D 218. C 246. A 274. B
191. D 219. D 247. A 275. B
192. B 220. A 248. C 276. B
193. A 221. C 249. A 277. A
194. A 222. C 250. B 278. B
195. A 223. D 251. C 279. D
196. B 224. B 252. C 280. B
197. D 225. C 253. B 281. A
198. C 226. A 254. C 282. B
199. A 227. C 255. A 283. B
200. A 228. A 256. A 284. A
201. A 229. D 257. D 285. B
202. D 230. A 258. D 286. A
203. C 231. D 259. C 287. D
204. D 232. C 260. D 288. B
205. A 233. B 261. A 289. A
206. A 234. B 262. B 290. B
207. C 235. D 263. C 291. A
208. C 236. C 264. A 292. A
209. A 237. C 265. B 293. B
210. D 238. A 266. A 294. A
211. D 239. D 267. B 295. B
212. B 240. B 268. A 296. C
213. A 241. C 269. A 297. A
214. A 242. A 270. B 298. B
215. B 243. A 271. A 299. D
216. A 244. C 272. A 300. C


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