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Chapter 9 Proprietary Maletal. ©2009 The McGraw-Hil] Compa 9.1 through 9.4 For the toading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic Problem 9.1 ‘curve for the cantilever beam AB, (b) the deflection at the free end, (c) the slope at 4) the ree end 4 ZMy = 0 Ms-M= 0 Ms My bee, yoo? exrt% = my, Tes0, fr] on EIgh = Muse, é Me Ce 1) ELy = EMxt+ Cw +C, tT oe =P [wso, H-o] 07046, C,20 Ely: Met + CO, Ta=0,y=0l =O+, C.=0 @) Elestie curve. y: Be = @) ye xk, yet = ce dewt, gle ee Whe All ight reserved. No pa of thi Manual maybe payed Problem 9.2 9.1 through 9.4 For the loading showm, determine (a) the equation ofthe elastic ‘curve for the cantilever beam AB, (6) the deflection at the free end, (c) the slope at the free end, DIM,=o: -M- PU-x)=6 M= - P(L-x) = P(L-xd> = PLaPx Or-010+6, Gro Ely = - 3PLx*+$Px? 4 Ox 4 Cy [xs0, yzol OF -0404+03¢, C,=0 (a) Edestic curve, yt PE (a-x) = Ys 2 PX (gL- ot > gee (aL-*) : Eee Led sie > - Pe ) y@xuel. ye 7 - fie Sb -4) a ~ PL Yorger¥ w@ Nexks 4) 2 Pkt) - - Pit Bent: Bl -ge@t-e) = ~ FE - f= - = REE Proprietary Materil.© 2009 The MeGraw-Hll Compantes, ne. Al ght reserved. No par of his Manual may be dnpiyed,reprediced, or Asebted dn ay form or by any reans, without the pree writen pension ofthe publish, owe byoad the Hite dnbtien Wo teachers ‘educators penited by MeGraw il fo thei individual eoure preperation. A stent sing this manuf asing without permision, Problem 9.3 9.1 through 9.4 For the loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic ‘carve forthe cantilever beam 4B, (6) the deflection atthe free end, (c) the slope at the free end, er = -gwxt + dwt Ely = ~ghwx's dwltx 4G [xeL, yrol oO -Afwltsdwlt +, = © Cu = (poe wit = -Zwlt (a) Ebastic curve. y gtr (xt - Wes 3) - () y@xz0: ye BE. we weet = ae ws wi? © # ex: 0: 2): & a> tee Proprietary Matela. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Compante, Ie. Alrighls reserved. No part of ths Mapua ay be displayed, eproduced, ot ‘ised in any Tom or by any eins wit te prterwsen permission of publisher, oF used bey th limited dattution lo wachers ed edcotar permatod by McGraw for tee indvidal courte preparation. Asulent sig tho ual using wahou permltion 9.4 through 9.4. For the loading show, determine (a) the equation of the elastic lies curve for the cantilever beam AB, (6) the deflection at the free end, (c) the slope at the re eh. VG = -Swoo dx 0 ~S(FEEx - we) dx Be eK + [xz0,vVe0] ot ororg aso Moe) = SvGadx = S(-4Bx* + wexddx [x=0, m=o] =O ery ems: -= ext = - gat + xP cy [x=u, Geo] “+ Sa= “R09 We. (a) Lactic eveve? Y= “TapEg_(2xF-sux* + tortx 75) Toot = Tweit = + = co) ye weet A" * Qoer woe t bet 3 @ so: ay] 2 wel wel? ( ex=0: oy Vet "eS Proprietary Material. © 2009 The McGav-Hl Compantes, Ine. Alt sight reserved. No part of his Manoa may be dplayed reproduc, ot 0 = Foum oc by any ean, wil 3 wri pension of the publishes, oF used Boyond the ined dsbutcn wo teaches ‘ad edueators pert by McCraw Hil for Or inivdanl cous prepara A stunt sing this mage swing it without permission Problem 9.7 19.7 Forthe beam and loading shown, determine (2) the equation ofthe elastic curve {or postion BC of the beam, (8) the deflection at midspan, () the slope at B. Using ABC a5 « free body, DEMe= (BYE) > Reb + WLXEY ties] [ps Ra For portion BC onfy, (O< - Weer Proprietary Materia ©2009 Tbe MeGraw Iti Companies, ne Alright reserved. No part of this Manu! may be diplyed, reproduced, or Aisrbuted in any fora orb any means, without the pric writen permision of Ue publisher, or used beyond the lnited dition to eachers ‘nl edcators pemited by MeGraw-Hil fortis individu couse preparation. A stent sig this mara is using witout pemnisson, Problem 9.8 to) af oA Re be oO w a J = z ah «yy Lett, yo ee aaa @) EDastic curve ° L Proprietary Material: © 2009'The MeGraw-HIll Compenes, In. All sgh reserved. No pat f this Manual nay be dipyed epoca or ihe, sed Beye the ited dain to eachers istbutedinany for orby any meang, without the prior writen pansion of Be and edsators peed by MsGrw Hilt for thei indivi coursepropaation. A student sng this anal suing it witht persion, 9.8 Forthe beam and loading showm, determine (a) the equation ofthe elastic curve for portion 4B of the beam, (6) the slope at 4, (6) the slope at B. Using Free body ABC, 4DEMy= Ot — RL +(wL¥b)-WLXG) = Oo Re tuk Fov portion KB, (oe wel) DD M~ Rw + WaYZ) = O 4DZMy M= fwle - gwe* G20 O= Awlt-gelt + GL+o-0 ,20 logue), yt peep let-2") ~« 1 athe (Sixt - 424) x aro a-gi= = Problem 9.9 9.9 Knowing that beam AB is an $200 x 27.4 rolled shape and that ‘uy = 60 KNim, L.= 2.7 m, and E = 200 GPa, determine (a) the slope at A, @) the deflection at C. Use symmetey haondary coud tion af 2. 5 | 5 Using Free body ACB ancl symmetyy li Ceno,y 2c (ert yro] (xed Be me “ c = weve - ee Re CEH) an Ma (dle - 30) + Cy as But M ey er oY +0 af 4205 hence Cuz er = Mgt Ae) ac & n 8 ° s x An nie £ E = Me 1 1 z 1 ' 8 Ie Ye (pte da) we [v= 8, re] oF Blatt -aee)+C,7 0 Cr ml EIy= Ye (bUhe gow [xx0, yo} 0: 0-04040, G70 Elestic curve. ¥ Bogie GUE one aU Detat vas bo EN /'m E = 2606s, T= 23eGrioe muh EX = (200 y10%)23-4xl0™) = 4.7PK10° Nm = 27m = _ _ b0000 Ean tle 6444 x oe () Shpe at wr, Be ition Hie nt} - 6 1 i (6) DePfeddion of a2 Oss es eter ct H3SIn Y= qalttton [dor tae? -ghiss)'- GoMacle - 0-0055 11073 m = Sbmmy -_ Problem 9.10 9.10 Knowing that beam 4B is a W130 x 23.8 rolled shape and that P= 50 KN, L= 1.25 m, and E=200 GPa, determine (a) the slope at, () the deflection at C. tn Use symmetry bendary condition af Cor -4e By symmetry, Re Ry Lt sing Free body AT o g Pett Cue c, Tweo, yrod O-O4+04Q, CeO Tae $, Yeo] or $elFY +c ~ EPL Elestic. curve ye we (4a8- 3Lx) a an fe ae Caxt= uty Ha A). ee PES Shepe of 20. 2\--f% Or vex : a eee u2 DPMntion ot web yee - BE yw? Gre Det. PrgontotN | T= 8.80x/omm* = 8.80K/0 nm” E= A00%10" Pa EI+ 1.76410 Nem* Le 12S = (Soxto*)(.as)* = RIO" (On = “ey Fexio*) Poe etc lee metres a 3 yee Gey = £156 "16°'m Yo = bam be replay Mata 02009 The Crawl Compuesto Maa mayb ee il or Aste in any form oy any me ior writen permistion a he publisher, cr wed beyond the inte dition fo teschers {hlconto pred by Min for dal cue puto A ee sing sara ington presen Problem 9.14 9.11 Forthe beam and lading shown, (a) express the magnitude a feation ofthe maximum deletion in terms of a, 1, Hy and 1. (6) Calelate the vaive of the 1 beatn AB is a W460 x 74 rolled shape end that Using ertire beam as a Free bedy, OeMe= 0: -RLIGMLE)=0 Roz duel sing Ad as afree body, DEM, = OF = faye (EME) + Me a Mz twlx- £ tut tae vo ELSX = dwolx- PM? ELS = welt - Bet 4 C, ELy = gwobx® ~ po eh + Cx + Ce Or0-04+40+G, C20 oO: demoll-Ap molt + GL4o - tee 2 MeS bit ob we ye Pebaex Ret 3 4 R- Blau -aF - Bel To Find Pocat ion of mepimum deDection set Sf = 0, Sef = 20x + 7L4 2 0 xe wd = (1- TE) = 0.2697 Lt s Yn = BES Uosmary’- A CEL _ 52 1(0.5193L)f ac Wel? Web® _ = - 0.00652 pe ov 0.00652 Bee | Data! We = G0 kW/m = GOxl0* N/m L= Gm Fer W460 *74, I= 333 «/Otwmm4 = 333%/07° mé 2 §9.00652)(6oxso*)(6)? aa i Stoo Se eeeeecticies Yor? 7.61 rnd mt 9.42 (a) Determine the location and magnitude of the maximum absolute deflection Problem 9.12 in AB between A and the eenter ofthe beam. (6) Assurning that beam AB isa W 460 113, Mp~ 224 KN'm and £= 200 GPa, determine the maximum allowable length so that the maximum deflection does not exceed 1.2 men, Ding AB as a free body ZTMez oO: -aM- RL0 m Using portion AT as a Free body fa Me EMyso: =m + Bex 4M = o a a) 7 Me He (.-2«) R Ra M. ET ge > fe(L- 2) mM C=) erg ~ Mele) +c ay Ty = Gb aKac, ha WW ery TG ih {xo ysod Or O-010+G, C6 [xet,yro] OF BEE $U)+Gb+o Qs -$M.u yt fe Lie - pe sg) He Heli -xt -t) To Find focation of menimem deflection set BY -0 Xe LX - EL =O Xm bof OEE} Me) 2 40-8)b=o2naab = beeen sale enn asa = 0. orcoss Hake Iya = ee - EI \nl Sofving For L, Le [eens Sieben obey Detat E = 200x10" Pa, I= S56*/0% mm" = S5ExIO~ m* Lynde 1 min = 1G Me = 224 x10" Nem tohssentes M18 iy) i (0,01 087s \(424 13) = 6.09 m saan aes Problem 9.13 wax 44 O O< wea m= Bex O 200-10" Pa, I= 4.17% 10% mmt = 4.77 « Jo" wm, Ms SBxjo* Nem gaxto? Mavoar/s + 2\o.8/3 ~ (3.2\(0.8)] _ (Goo xto® \(4.77 ¥10* \C3.2) i yer! 12,75 «107% mm Ye = 12.75 mm Sm 9.15 Koning th beam Aisa W360 101 oe shape ad that My 310 kN, Problem 9.15 £=24 m,a= 0.5 m, and E = 200 GPa, determine (a) the equation of the elastic carve for potion BD, (2) he deflection a point C Use comlinvity beomdary condition al B and symmoley_ beondary condition AC. From Stutics, Ras Ras O O Mo EL Be ° EIGY - m ELgL = c, ere = Mele Ey = C4, Ely = £Mx™+Cgx + Cy lx-9, yrol Cf Oe, C,+0 lve &, #0] oO = £4h+ Cy Cy = ~aMoL (ura, Me de] CF Moa 4+ Cy = Mo Chia) Ikea, yey] -Mo(kl-ada + O= kMOAT- AMLaA + Cy Cyr Mar (2) Elastic wre (aeneb-a), Elys gMx'r gh bx + kMay yr its (bu + at) = 0s) Def ection at x= §. yer PR EGY- 0G) + of] = - gE (Lt - 402) Deda? Mo= BloxlO*Wem, Le 24m, er O.Sm, Er 200x/0" Pa. T= 302m10% wa" = 202x10%m! = ET = 60.4 ¥)ot Nem™ = = SOKO tig at Satan oe Yes ~ Bees Lent -Cyeoy] =~ s.05%10 Ye 2 3.05 mb me Eopeeary Mati © 299 The Merny UL Compose Ie Alibre No pt fs Mana oy be dleye redo dhetnbted to ny foro or by ay mean, whoa ‘writen peemsson of te publisher, or ued beyond the inte distant teachers, ‘Sed ducts pert by Mei Hi fort nda course preparation Aten ig is atl sing wat permission. Problem 9.16 o eC APaxt + Gx 4C,) ~ & Gast -faty «ta oa For olePRection ot C. set x= %. ye He ( Falt-talts dat) > ~£ (4 -da?) Data: T= 23.9x10%mmt = 23.4x10%m" , E = 200x10" Pa P= IST N, Lt 25m, @* Bm ) yer ~ Lesxior Mow 2.8 = = 1976x1078 L976 mm Ye = Problem 9.17 9.17 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic curve, (6) the deflection at the free end. te ugh a) 4 AL 7 Boundary conditions ave shown at LP Ade -we -we[1- 4G)4 ee soyrod (eet, veo] tt ee (40,310) (xzt,Meo] wo lx~ + Bley (w= l,veolt Qz-We [L- 2L+L] +0, =O Gyre do ye ve BB oa i 7 at me -wl S- 28.21 + G, [ere mero}: oe -w[kb- 2450] + Cn Cue ee ge* ergy - m= Lie geegh- aud crs -w[te- be bw - kee] +c, kee, oe _ C=0 = ‘ : ely> -woLaAw-db* + LR -AeKl ig [xso, yo] — c,=0 @) EDaste curve. y > ae dies (flict hive at iet) ae (b) DePhedion of web. : a Jan — pis beta) = = wath = wel! wee joer! Proprietary Material.© 2009 The McGraw-Hill Computes, te. All sight reserved, No pas ofthis Manual maybe displayed reproduced. or 1 by any cas, lout he pir writen persion of he publisher, cr used beyond the Limited dstabution to teachers ‘snd eeaors permed by MeCrawil forte individual couse prepara. Astadent using ths manu i wsing it without permisscn, Problem 9.18 9.48 For the boam and loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic (5) the slope at end 4, (c) the deletion at the midpoint of the span, wewlt-f]~ Ble] o> Ble-e] ve BLS - ex] +e, [axt- dO] cx ve GO) sLasmie cveve. ye ole = 5 txt 4 250? - 0%) /se0ere ~< a 22 2 = ween Gov? + 754" WE) /auoerl? 4: uw 2 (oe) store Arend A, ser xo mw St. I= - sep Sek ise eer On" 305 ET (OD peruserions Ay _mmneousr (say Ponte). ser x= Eo y. Ve se A ye = wol Zale - HEE + BU - 0) /seoert 2 e Lie G06 4 200\6 _ 252 ,6 Se RU - EUV scoext _ 2 wet af Roto Ex Ye = 0-00916 H8= ~« Problem 9.19 9.19 through 9.22 For the beam and loading shown, determine the reaction at the roller support. } nif Reactions ave stlicadly indeterminele. Boundary conditions ave shown at Loft. bese, yre3 (wre, yr0) Using Free body KB, 4DM,= OF Ry(L-¥)- whe y= )-mM =o M= Re(i-x) - kw(L-x & rd = Ry (L-xd— ew (bx ie Er gd = -LRy(l-x eb wll» +6, [eso Heol: om -ERlhe EWE +c, Gx deal dul? Ely = ER (Lx bw-xVe G4 +, [xso, ysol: oF ERLr-gwl +e, OER tA wl! [IxeL, yrod O- O-oFr GL Te, Arai - dolt- ERLP +k wl! =o Re Sul to - Proprietary Miaterial-© 2009 The MeGraw-¥HHt Companies, Ic. Al righ reserved No part of hls Manual may be displayed, produced, or itibuted in any fom orby any tears, witout be price writen persion of he publish, or esed beyon the lined ditibuion o teachers and ecatrsperited by McGraw-Hill for their faividual course preparation, A oder! using this ural sing i wlhot permission Problem 9.20 9.19 through 9.22 For the beam and loading shown, determine the reaction a the roller support Ly indeterminate. Reactions are stete. Boundary conditions ane shown at LP. Cust, yze) Dsing Free body AT, (eek, #0] FD ZMy= Or Mo~ RO + Me Oo so Me Rem v ergh = Reem EI# = teawHe me + C, Leek, ae ol O- £RL> MLSS, Cys ML-ERL* ETy= ER EMe + GK HC, [xeo,y:o] = Cs0 o= ERL- SM Ls (ML-ERLYL YO Ixsh, yro] R= ete Material © 2009 The MeGrav-Hill Companies, Ine. Altrghsesrved. No part ofthis Mana miy be dipayed eprodood ot ay form erby any means, wibovt the prior writen pemvssion of the publisher oF use beyond the Hiiteddsriuton to fexehers Propri etna in the pr and edecators permed by MeGrav-Hl fr ter infiviual couse preparation, A student using this manual stsing witout permission, Problem 9.21 9.19 trough 9.22 For the beam and loading shown, determine the reaction atthe roller support. Reactions are statically indeterminate. Boundary conditions ave shown oct LePh. Using Free bedy TB, DIM; = 0: =M + Re(b-x) + dw (LO 8Q-*) + FE (Le ECL-KD = 0 Me Re(t-xd = [Lats xP] = Ra (lw) Me] zee = FL # Oe axlt= Zlx*+ x? ] = Ro(Lox)~ Be (x8 Sux 4219) ETL = Rw Be Gee abt salt) EL Me = Ry (Le-dot) ~ BE (pat Sut 4 aL) +0, ery = Pa G@lbe) ~ e(be- diate Le Da Gx + Tero,yrel + G0 Ino, #eo] —- Gz0 Letyyro] oF RE(GA- $ Re = (ENG) mt Proprietary Mater: Compan Agha ft Ml mayb gle ed ‘tert any ors writen permision of the pablishr, or used beyond the finite station to teachers fd educates pees by Metra fr he inal cou reparation A nude sng hs mana ek wie persion Problem 9.22 Lis e,ys0) bes, vane ie ety yoy 9.19 through 9:22 For the beam and loading shovm, determine the reaction atthe roller suppor. Reactions ave statically indeterminate. | Boundary condihons ave shown at LeFt we #8 (L-x) Ro] f de ee w > - (Le) a vis (Lx ax) + Ry Ms = (dL - byt) + Rix ~PCALE - 2) 4 Re ~ Ae (ix - ex) ER Ke eC, -P(ALS- Be )+H ER 4 Ge AG 104104 ELY-AL*) + RUC, oct weiF = EL LY LY) EQ L 4 (Pel -4QL VL = atm a yw Rawlt Proprietary Matera. © 2009 The MeGraw-Ull Companies, Ine. Allright reserve. No pat ofthis Manual may be displayed epoiced shed in ey fro by aay ments, aout he pio rien permission ofthe publisher, o sed beyond th ned tbo to cachers ‘nd educators permite by McCraw for ther individual enue reparation. A suden wring this mana s sing witht persion, ° = Problem 9.23 49.23 For the beam shown, determine the reaction atthe roller suppoct when wo = 65 Nim nN y TE Reactions ave statically indeterminate. 1-40 —— Boundary conditions are shown at Left. mee 8 wes og Moe iw aap fee Rm - ms -#2s Rx Er gt = -R Rs Rx ee +, Ely = - we + Rx 4 Gx 4 Cy eee O- 040104, C,70 [e1, #-0] -Zw + aR 4 C20 Cw e- sR? fee yso] ~gywelt + tet +(Gwl-sRL)L =o B-4) Ra tla abe) mk aR ML Ra pmb Data? wet 6S kN /m , Lt 4m Rar we COSI) Ry = NAY ONT Lop al 0h Nery Com eA cen op i Mr my digg rbuted i ty ora oat he oie writen prison f tho pobler, or aed beyond the hinted datiuton vo ether ‘Sedneon prised by Men i frend cou prepara. ade! ag s roa wing tot eranen {9.24 Forthe beam shown determine the reaction atthe roller support when w,~ 65 Problem 9.24 kNim. w= wy Oih we Reactions ave stuicest, indetevennate. Beundery conditions ave shown ab Sef. tere, yr] Get, yrod, iq edteol w= wx <7 df we xt eee eee cEr#® > - eH eae sc i Ely = -@Ae + teers axa [xeo, yoo] O- 04101044 G=o Det, gieo] -gwlh+ aQlts C0 GrswE- FRE ert yzo] aswell + tQ+(Gwl-4Re)l = 0 (A= E) Re vlad wh ER > mel Rat MeL Detat wy = GEKN/m, Le 4m a= CSV) = AY NT _ Proprletary Matrlal. ©2009 Ve MeGraw-Il Compants, te ll sighs reserved No prt ofthis Manual may be played, reproiced, or diane or byanyasan, thot he prior writen persion ofthe publisiror se byo he ited srbution oars nd ears permite by MeGraw Al fr ter indivdul couse preparation, A stadt wing. sis tal sting without peanission Problem 9.25 9.25 through 9.28 Determine the reaction at the roller supportand draw the bending moment diagram for the bear and loading shown, [eee ; Reactions ace sbaticaD, incleterminate. * ATIF FOr Rt Ry-Pro Rae P- Re Lan he HDZMqa= OF ~My ZPL- Rab ed My Reb-aPh Me Mae My t Rare My + ERM 4 Cy EMEA E RC 4 CeO, feo, ys03 tut, ysl [x0 eol ¢ at Be gheeabt Me M4 m= P(x dL) ELS 2 Me Mgt Rae -P(X-EL) BEL Mx + PRyxt= POEL + Cy ELy= EMexh+ GRvt- EP BS 4 CK Gy [xs0, Ho] O+040,70 aso [xr a, yro] O+0404+0,20 Qs oe fer $, eG] RMLHERLS © = FI ERL-O1C. C= 0 fe Zs y-y¥] BML + RRL FOFO = Hours dRl- 0 +0 +C, Cyto [xe yoo] EMU+ERU- EPL + O+O0 =O 4(Rgl - kPILE + $(P- RL - APE = Oo RPT < R= P-gP Rr ePet Mas #PL- SPL M=-2PL Me Ri(E) = GEPVE) Ms PL " Seu Me= © = -x a “ap. Bending moment diagram 9.25 through 9.28 Detenine the reaction atthe roller supportand daw the bending Problem 9.26 ‘moment diagram for the beam and loading shown. Reactions ave staticalhy indeterminale. aPZAyrot Ry+Re~ gWL=O Ry=dwl-R MDEM=O7 BLAS) + M, =o Me= RL = $wlt OLeE RS Me Ryw-dwx™ EDGY © Re-kwat EI = AR dwt +c, ELy = E&w~ghww’ +x +0, beuckt M- Rx- S-b) er dy = Rx - wh(ke- gh) ergy = ER -wh(Ge-$lx) + Cy EL y = & Ra wh Rx GLY) + GX Hy = 0, y=ol O-O04 040,20 Qo -E BP] dett-dwltsc, = gyre eg C37 G- gw? toe Byry BRL sews agro = pelt - whe AL) AC gE) +e Cyegh wet (x-0, Bee] QL = wh($L-EL4) +O, = Cy = SwO- aR Beet, yrod TRL -wLGEL- EE)+ Gwl-4RL IL + gywlt so iM R= dkwet ~< 0.0513 wh? 23 owas wit Rat Belo ee we Ret iewl t nx Mg = abwt- Zul? Mg = ~7ay WL = - 0.0547 wh? Over Of % < &, Ve R= wee Pewl- we = 0.0547 wi? Veo A xek = tee Bending woment siagran Me gute kw Mer Bbw $wl = o.oastwlt, Ma = Howl Gbc)- witty = 0.0813 wht Problem 9.27 9.25 through 9.28 Determine the reaction a the roller support and draw the bending moment diagram for the beam and loading shown. REACTIONS ARE STATICALLY INDETERMIGATE . FATA, H OF Ret Re sO BQH THEW 2 RL CEXS) MgO Mgr RL 3 M= Rx ~ SEX ey ery = ERY - dette + eta, sir is x In q M = Ryn - BE(a- 8) ETA = Rx — ook (ae ~ aL) er dt = bat elke = ELD cs Sty = FRAP wel (ZRH ELH) + Con + Cy [xe0,y=0]! o= 0-0 +04, a Lene Sag: seat awtacy= pets lec, a cacy getat nek 1s epgit — otal + ce aD ee ae Hie HORNE) 4 Cg atguel [ety Meokt $eut witb AL) rey20 co Gye HRS owe [eet yoo]: SRO es LGO- AL) HCE + RLYL) + gents 0 - Rae apeel t = o.oarTatt Rox Hh ~ eee Re eo Myr bud Mes - Hue = corset TK ven Of SEY VERA HE = Bhat = Boxe VEO AT K2% y= O.36228L 03542 me Bw SEP ye Mero =O Mer MGeH)= cotton Ma MG rOseBL)= 0.03 ag Problem 9.28 9.28 through 9.28 Determine the reaction tthe role support and dra the herding moment diagram forthe beam and leading show. Reactions ane statically indeterminate. MZH= OF RtRE2O Rr-® Damsor -M- M4 RL = Oo Ma = Ral- M, O Mo > $M. Mr gM = Me ="-Mos dg = -EM. Mer -EM, Mer = Re(l-8) = PBZ) = 3m, Mes 2M, = All ight reserved. No pat ofthis Mansa may be day, proce, or rin or by any sens, permission of the publisher or sed Beyond the ited distention waches {nJeoton pete by McGown sous pepaon Aetna ator en Problem 9.29 9.29 and 9.30 Determine the reaction atthe roller support andthe deletion t pint 2 - : Reactions are stetienly indeterminate. pee SEE orn Me Rx [x2,y20) fas erghs Ry bg re] EI dt - Rxb ec, {ak Ely = eRe + Cw +c, mime 845" 9 Ma Rut (AB BoE > Roe -dw-g) & Re ergy = Raw ~ kw(x- $Y » ET Se = Rot- whe £Y Hey Ey = £Rw = gwle- B+ wae, & [tr0, yrol 0+ 040,=0 Tee $, MT ERLTC, = ERakHCg C=C, [xs 3, yey HBR + ECL4 O = BRw-O+ 4GL+ Cy Cys O. fet,H-o] RRL Awl + Ge 0 Ge (ket) Deel, y= 0] ERLE -dywl- (AR-wL +0 Recut Gs Cae -Gawt- wl) = - sp wl? Abre Eyes SREP + CHW) g HO = Be wl? rAd ete HE im Proprietary Material ©2909 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie. Al sighs reserved No part of his Manual may be {stribaed in ay frm ce by any means, without he prior writen pension ofthe publisher, or wed beyond the i td efcotorsptmited by MeCrw-Tl for their individual couse properaion. A student sing his manual i using it without pein, Problem 9.30 9.29 and 9:30 Determine the reuction atthe roller support and the deflection atpoint c Reactions are sttienDhy indeterminate, MER +Of Rardwl-dwlsR=o Bes - Rp DEM- Or -M -Guu$ + Rb=o Ms = Reb - ¢wL* cre, yo) Bet yeod (wo, Mul From A teC: ocne $d be. a tre, B EIGL = = mys Rx sguxt ELSE = Myx s dRaxtedwr® 4 Cy EL y = 2Mgxta dRxPahwxt 4 Cx oe From C te Bt 4exek ELGe = M= Ms Rx + dwlGe-$)-d web) EIQ = yes des dul Ge by ~ Leb) 4 G ELy = dMax'+t&xt+twlh eS) - Oe gt Cx + Ce (xz 0, = 0] O+r04040,70 are fereyyr ed O4ororor1nro Gro be #8249 ce Ew = Mees peET ALN 0 + Ce = (i -é wt = gb we? bed yey] uae + ee betey = ncey Rebs dwh(e)= O + aM) + =(sy-gee awl? = Rat - dwlt at Cl ly ot eo 9) EERE MEY =F MMLNCEY ECVE) ame)” = (Se -ada tata oll ~ pg wk" ob wh! Ye * jome EY \ Problem 9.31 9,31 and 9.32. Determine the feaction at the roller support and the deflection at point Dif aisequal to 13, O P(x-a) ext = M= RR - Plx-0) ETS = ER x= EP(x-aY 4 Cy ELy = ERX - EPCx-a) + CaH + Cy [x=0, y=0]? o+a+xc,=0 [esa RH) teetec, = tRt-o+c, oe ee : [era,yey]t eR ta +o = tye orca + cy (k=c, ®eo]: ER - deU-o +c, 0 we Cg= FP(-o ERE [k=L,yso}: ERO -gPCL-o)*+ [FP ERI +O = 0 Be Pear a Rat pet -salt+o?) = Fear-i2 +2) Reiter < i. perLection AY D. (y AT X= a= S yo = EELERA(SY + SY : ~ de {eCSrs)+ era sy ey = - 388 = 20, SE Yo° zie ex = Proprietary Material, © 2009 The MeGraw-Il Compantes, In. Al rights resrved No pt of this Mangal my be diplayed, reproduce, or dlsrbted fe ant ors ob thou the pear writes pemison ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the inte dseaton wo teaches tad educersperited by Mi fo thei india courte preperation, A siden sng this naa easing without permission, Problem 9.32 9.31 and 9.32 Determine the ation atthe roller support and the deflection a pont Ditaisequal LA. +hERy T RT RE=O Rake. DEM ROT Mo- Mt Reh =O Mas Ral + Me nial tinea as ext = ae rae G eg ELy = dM + dR teu +c, = MR TER + Cy M= Mt RX - Me ergs M= M+ Rp -Me erate Mee dR Mot +0 ely = Max + ER - dm + eye + cy O+040 +, [nse eR mya dee Mya + ER Mga + Cy [asa yay]: boat + ERP = Ete + ER AME + (Myc) ¥ Cy [xeu,ysok: dmg + dR - Mer +(m,aXL) - 4Moal = O Z(RaL* Mae + SCRE - EME + Mal - EMoaé = 0 Rye Bea 20) = SEV S-20)= - SEP M+ dP = -gPLs4PL- gPL oe Proprietary Material, ©2009 The MeGrave-HIll Cranes, Ine. All sight reserved, No pr of thi Manual may be displayed, reproduced of tte tay form or by ny meas, withou the por writen permission oF he pabliher, or sed beyond the ned distebution to earhes feats peraied by McGraw ox thei inividual courte preparation. A student using his reanual susing i without permission. Problem 9.34 9.33 and 9.34 Determine the reaction at 4 and draw the bending moment diagram for the beam and loading shown, IT Reactions an stabveadll, indelerminates eee : By synmoteys Re> Rag Ma = Ma Geeyo] feet yee] BHO atk fro, Meo) fxet, Heo] HEE 2 Oz RytRg- whe o a i" a Re= Raz awh te Gs Over entire heamy M= Myst Qw-dwx? & Re # : : a ELEX = M+ qwhe- dw ery = Mes bwlyt- dwe? +c, 4 'o-8 [x20,B 20] AH0-54+4,-0 aQ:o Lx= §, gieol BML bwl?-dwliso = o vi My = = pbwlt = Bw + kwh me Me wlexteei-i7 4a Proprietary Material. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Compaaies, nc. Alright reerved. No pas of his Manas! may be displayed, reproduced ot distetedin ay form or by any means, without the price write pression of he pusher, cr wed beyond the inte dst fsck, tnd edcatrs pert by McGraw-Hill oe thei intial course prepa, A sade ig thic ale wins it without perme, Problem 9.35 (a) Elastic conve. (b) Shope at end A. the equation ofthe 9.38 and 9.36 For the beam and loading shown, determi clastic curve, (6) the slope at end 4, (c) the deflection of point C. DEMg+ Or -RL+Pb= Oo BFP Me y= Rn Peay? = Bb PG ay M = Phe. Pia? aK ergy = fey -Pir-ap Eb yt - EP Kray 4 C, EL@ = ery - [xe0, yo B x LPG 4 xa CGzo -¢F (L-a}? +O L=0 ef(eu-e = -2 Pe y? -Elé Bt - dee-ast- EbUE DS y eer [bw bce = bbe} 7 Fb (6) er | -G= & =~ ER (ek) SEACH ©) Deflection at Cy ely: EPats cae = Bbat_ Poa a > Epa (at- 1-6) yee Bake at-b) = Ble = = Pat Patb™ fae eae Ye" SET is Proprietary Matera © 2009 The McGraw-Hl Companles nc. Alrighis reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be dipinyed, produced, or ‘uted i any for a by ay ‘nd edoctors peated by MeGr seth Tor thet indvidal cout preparation. Asades sing the ml fing wibourpermisin. the pres writen pension of ie publisher, or sed beyond the ied Stbuton otachers Problem 9.36 9.35 and 9.36 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the equation ofthe clastic curve, (6) the slope at end 4, (c) the deflection of point C; — Reactions = Met , Rg: Hey Oc eco M= Rx acvel M=Rx=Me Using singularity fonctions, TH = M = Rx - Mdx-ay? EIQ = 4 Rx? Medway’ + 6, ELy = ER -dideary + Que G (xe 0, yro] 07 0-040+0, a,= 0° (xeL, yso] ERU-4M(L-a 4 OL4+0 =0 Gee guts det C= Me (seu) (on Efestic core, yr gef £ But - dt Mece-apts Me (abt-v dx} faba sh dear (abt 2 xT = > Gee fae -cedeay scone yy wert ) Shope at A, (4 at x20) a> Hee fo-o+ sub-0} Os ete lae-Cs aC. (y «t x20) ye He ft-o GEL eg = “ttt aS t+ 3b*- (arb VY 2 ibe Sats BhY- a 2ab- bE = Lee SF 2L% Zab] ©) Deflee = Mab Yet ger (et = Problem 9.37 937 and 9.38 For the beam and loading shown, determine the deflection at (a) point B, (B) point C, (©) point D. +tER =O? RQ-P-P-P =O R=3P FYIM= OF -My-PA- PQA-PBA=O | My=- GPa ge = V= aR ~ Pku-a = PKK-20f ends m = sex - Pkx a} = Pdx- 2a)! - Pa exgt = 3px7-£P 3a) yor Eh -bGas"+ ga? tharenny = -S28° pte = Proprietary Material. © 2009 The McGraw-Hll Companles, Ine. All sights reserved. No part of ths Manual may be displayed, reprsuced, oF stated in any form or by any rea, witout the prior writen persion of he publaer, or ued beyond the Hinited distin fo teachers sd edators permed by Metra Hil for ther indidelcnare preprain, A ent ing henson sing i wibout permission Problem 9.40 9.39 and 9.40 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the slope at end 4, (8) the deflection at point , (c) the deflection at end D. Leading is sefP-equidibrded. R= Ri =o ered = M = -Mu-ay EIdY = -M, 4 Maw Elastic cwse. yr Hef heaps band Be Bl sca’ sta] (a) Shope Aen A, (3 A x20) Ri. ths o> Hee ec on @) OelPection cd point B. Cy f wre) os a” aw et () DePection at end D. (y dX 8a) wr Bef Gah odeatoy 9" ye gL Proprietary Material © Aisibated in any frm of ted ecatrs ped by The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Ia. All vgh reserved. No pat ofthis Manual may be displayed eprodaced ot ests, without the prior writen permission ofthe publehr, cr wed beyond th ined dist aaon to aces Hil fr thee indvideal cour preparation. Arent sing this nals sig i without persion, Problem 9.41 9.41 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic curve, (8) the deflection at point B, (c) the deflection at point C. y ~ woZ) =O RB ~My HOMEXZ)= 0 My Heol. VEING SINGULARITY FUNCTIONS 2, 2 ergy == Feel + ugha ~ $¥0Kx- SY = ~Sunitx + guts - bM-E ac, C20 ae EK SY tc, [xvo, veo} eo. Cgt (a) EASTIC cuave. yet -£2e +ate- bo] - He BL Sex + dee - de wt] (eo) DEFLECTION AT _B. : at x=) yor [AGT + RU o]--eet pede (ed pertecnion arc. Cy av x=L) eb . HT + RO? -20¥ |= “RSE Proprietary Material © 2009 The MeGraw-1HI Companies, lc. Allsights reserved. No pat of this Manual may be played reproduced, or ‘iatbtedinany form or by any meas, wlohe pir writen permison ofthe publisher, oF wed eyond the Hated dstibaton to techers nd edcstors permied by MeCiaw-Hil fr der individual couse preparation. A sd sing ths mata! fing without peemisio, Problem 9.42 [us o,y zol Tvs ty od @) Efastic curse. (b) Shope at point A. Bl Ble 9.42 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic ccrve, (5) the slope at point A, (c) the deflection at point C. Use free body ACB with tha distvibvted Bont replaced by equivateat coutentincted Proud. ADMgror -RL +(SwL¥e) = 0 R= wh ee ow = we SS Bev = Fuk ~ wenn gy) EIGY =M = Swle- twde-bY EIgls dwixt~fudn-$9 + 2, Ely = gwlhe- fuke-§>'+ Gu +e, fe) Detection ct pest C. Cy ct we 3) yet BE SG CRY 0-0+0+G,20 Qe (awe - 4,(4)'+CL+0 = 0 G=- ge wl Ely > gwls ~ sh win-2> -Z, whee yeep Bh - Hw sy -eeee Bo BPP tee eS (AY at uz 0) -0 7g US Fae ome A 0 ~-GaUNgy = - Suk. = Ault =< Ye" guger * Problem 9.43 9.43 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic ‘curve, (5) the deflection at point B,(c) the deflection at point D. Use Free bedy ABCD with the distributed is fonds vepfecel by equistect concenteates HEM. el 1 or ~ RL Cb) ENG) =o pol wt Rae twl a ADEM, Or RL - (HG) - (HEE) = © : F Ror Ful Wy e-we ~w + whe- $Y ~wle-Lye Integrating and adding terms te account for the reactions, A Ve mwa wher By = wheel) + Ry + RKB LY EI GL = M = ~ hws wie BP dwkeLy 4 Rex + REAL! ELS = -dwehs gade Bbw by + RR ws AR Cenk FC, ELy = ~gywotls dewhn- gt — bets E Rte ER GELY FGM +O, [uso,yso] 00-0 +0 4040 +G20 G.= 0 (mel, yrol Qn aye CART Gomthy'-0 «4p +0 Seo wg wt e dew oe eo weet LORE) a8 + LOBE iL gt ag lb = () Deletion d 8B. ly dur) args {Geo o +P ro -GEC YEE ws EI ©) DePled iva ot D, Gdx- $) yo Bee 1-H" Lt (EY + OG Guye)* ~t OSS =. Swkt = Sut pw 256 EL Ye" 2scer Problem 9.44 9.44 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic curve, (#) the deflection at the midpoint C. Bx svmmerey, Ra= Rg = wa w- w (0% mu! ann = WORT KIS wn J—1m—+| ET = (12107 )(14 0625015) = 168.75 %10* New™= 168.75 kN -m* ‘OS! 05m a josh +My = 2Re HLS HOSUS) = oO a ol c Ra = #25 kw a © Rp Ry wy = Sh b-17 KN Ws ew = - 5k 4-17 N/m MV =~ Shety HIS — HKwn 05 kw ergy eM = ~§he-1 7+ Mase - 4dn-0sy kW-w EL = -Fle-1 + ais ut~ 2hn-05F +0, Lee ETy = -$m-1' + 2S of ~ Sltosy +O wsee, le =Orlaz (or2y + b2Ci=0 Cs - 00807 KN mt (2) Slope at end A, (XY at xz 0) EI(M),=-0 +040+0, G2),2 Ge = =3ehet (6) DePPection at port BL (Cy at me rom) OrOlOIS — Oy Or O1OIS ra =< EL yg = - 0404 010622(010)" - © 4 00807) (or) = 01035 Lume 21035 Ye ** Seas = Feb eZ tio m yer Ae mm bo 8.47 For the beam and loading shown, determine (othe slope at end 4, (8) the Problem 9.47 deflection at the midpoint C. Use £ ~ 200 GPa. 2 24 ‘wil, Vnils: Forces in RM, fenghhs in meders + wee ~ 5.4 Ry -U-8)G2 410.8) = O 18m Iie Lam) R= s.6667 WH ye wed = 3<4-1.8>° __4es Be = wey = = 36x - 8 Re a = VM = S667 ~3du- 1.89 -6.26x-3.6)" exdy + Me S667 x - BXx- 199 - 6.2kx- 36>) KN EDP ~ 2.99288 - $¢x- 8p? - B.1G 867 + C, even Ely = O.4HdH x? = £x- 1.89" - 1.0883 Kx- 3.67 + Cx 4C, AN-m* Txe Oo, y=o0] 0-0 -91+1040,70 Qt° [es ol (oguq4y(s.4)? - £(2.6)"— 1.0333 (1.8) + C4) +O = O Cy = ~ 22.535 kWem* Date: Es 200%/0" Pa, T= 124 «10% mm* = 129%/0% ms" ET = Qooxjot)O2ax1ort) = 26.@x1o% Nem* = 25.6 xl0* KNeen* (a) Shpe at A. (Af at x= 0) E14 0 = 0 ~© = 22585 KNem* BR 885 eae 4S. 8x15 (e) Deflection at C. Cy at x> 27m) ~ 873 10% = G97 X1OP ed me * EIy. = (Coa i(a.7* -$(0.9)* - © 482. 5351.7) + 0 = = 42.387 kN me 42.337, od : Je > astavio® > = 164 1O* me Jem LEAT mm i Proptletary Materil, ©2009 The MeCran-Htl Companies, Toc. AN rights reserved, No prt of this Masul maybe dipleyed reproduced, oF ianbate many form arby any meas, wathoxt he prior writen pemission of the blister or wed beyond denied stbution to teachers aud educators pemited by MeGraw-Hil fr tee individual couse preparation, A student using ths man iswsing ft wihout pension. Problem 9.48 9.48 For the heat and fading shown, determine (a) the slope at end 4, (8) the deflection atte midpoint C, Use = 200 GPa, Sot 1s DISTRIBUTED Lams? Ou, = teyrkx Dwr kort" PEMA: -2R, + (2S) + (OK) =O RE ZH ENT o WoO = wee ke + REE = 48-4 + 8G TY 24 tat Ben av a Fx -w = 484 den - 48K-19 ein ® a re She = 24 - AB + 2Aut~ 24 Can = OGY kl Re ert eM = 24x 2h + Be BONY - BY adeen Erg = 12x? ax? tant 2G AK AY FC, bet xy = add + Bx - BOR EGP Ce 4 ey denden? [k=0, yo]! o-o+0-0-0+040,20 2,20 [ke2,yso]? 40a-2cayts Bia® - BOY $0P +c =O c=- Bent DATAS E = 200(10*) ki/m® T= 5.07010% men = 5.07 (10°C) wh EX = (200 (0°XS,07 x 107°) = 1014 kN? (a) sure ma. (Gh ar x= 0) EIQ= 0-0+0-0-0-8 tent ~ = 8 2 ~The =~ 5-4SC1 KO rad 5.AGKI0 rad Sk (6) peetzcrion arc. (y ar n= te) ery, = 40-200 + BO 0 - 0 = BUY = - 3.1333 knee? = = 3.0900 x 10> m 3.0% mm 4 Proprietary Materia. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Compantes, ae All ight reserved. No pa ofthis Mansl maybe daplaye,repredice, or iii n any omar bay meu ws hp wt pein of episod end eine dua ose ‘and educators permitted by McGraw Hil forte individual couse preparation. Auden sing this manuals wing without permission Problem 9.49 9.49 nad 9.50 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the eatin atthe roler suport, (the deflection a point C. AZE, BrP PO Raz P- Ro DEM Of =m, PSI BLO My= Rol -kOL Reactions ave staticetly indeterminate, aM es Mev Re Phebe fd P ELIE = My 4 Re POE : a: e ELA = ve 4 ER - dP de BDe & ko Ey = 2Myxt+ 0x8 - EPG SY? 4 Cm 4 Ce G Fee] Os 04 O4C =O [vso,y70] 04040404020 Ce Inet, y72 1 AML TAL - EAE +o+0 = 0 E(Rql-2PLIU + E(P- RIE BPLE= O GrED RLY = Oho aa) PL? 3Re HP fa) zPt— Rez PEP = LP Mae HE PL- APL = (b) Deflection at Gy ot x 2) yer ei tmGy + gab) + oror0h - Blevaw+away --a yer BEE I Proprietary Material, © 2009 The MeGraw-Tlit Companies, lc. Alright reserved. No port of this Manu may be dpe produced, or ‘srt any For or by any meas, ritoa he pir witen permission ofthe publisher, or sed beyond he inte desbuton fo techers tnd edcnors ermited by MeCrow-l fr ther individ core preparation, A student ang tis anal sig it wthoe permission. Problem 9.50 9.49 and 9.50 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the reaction atthe roller suppor, (b) the deflection at point C. Me | For og 3S) Mz Rm Fo Geuel, M= Rem a | Then ETGY =e Ms Reem mda ks? Eyee yok Leet Bee] Get yrel ETB s deh Mon-$7 ¥C, ELy = $Ri%- 4M. 00- $5 4 O40, Ivzo, yr O-0404¢ Qz0 tet, deo] ERLE = MG) + C20 C= dOL-RL) [wet y-ol tet-sm(eys diM,L-R2)L to- 0 -4R,0 4+ 3M <0 action at A. MeO, Ro grt = c, = kimi Bead = -E aL ely = €(B) x? - be. he- bY oe 0 EPustic curve. yr rif Zxt- ALdu-$> - Bett (b) DePPedion at point C. (y at X= #) Ye" te MEGUGT © ~GELVGN = —iEres ML* Ye" peer) rt 0709 The Me All rghts reserved, No part of this Manual may be displayed, produced ue form ot by a ission af he pubis, or usd beyond the inte deuton to teachers ‘nd edsstors permite by MeCraw Hl hi fda cors rpuaion. Ase ing this el ing two! permison It Companies, j Problem 9.51 9.81 and 9.52 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the reaction atthe roller support, (6) the deflection at point 2. ¢ At ZAret Ra-P-PrB-o &= 2P-R, ial) | a 4DZryc02 ~My FE Bes BL ge ale wee male HEV Ryn Pex SYH Phe hy cet ELEY = Me Myo Ree Pde bS Pe Sy = EId = yes pal kerb Ph BP 4G, [x-0,41-0] or0-0-01G-0 G0 EL ys EM +S yl EPC EP ERED 4 Cy Cueo, yo] 040-0-0 40,20 GQ=o Flys Mya s ER - ERC S$ EPR EY Txst,yre] &(@L-PLIU4 E@P-RyLo -E PCH) - Egy = SR, - EPL = 0 @) Recefion ot D- R= grt M,= §PL- PL -SPL Re ap-gp- $P Ely 2C4PL)a3 + £($P Io - Leda Sp - dx BY Efestic curve. Yr GLE HE LOST EGRESS ) DeMection at B. Cy ad x= ¥) yo> Ei teu) GY - 0-0} - - BE All sight reserved. No pt ofthis Manu ermision ofthe publisher, or used beyond rae preparation. A stent using his manual is sing it wihout permission Alsbuted a any form or by aay uns, Su edcxos pied by Metra Hl fort nab Problem 9.52 9.51 and 9.52 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the reaction at the roller support, (8) the deflection at point B. Me My AZAR = 0: Rit B=o Re R SDEM =O: ~My aM 4 RL=0 Mar RL MGQ= My Ryze ~ Make Ba Md SD? EIGL = RL ~ Rye Mdae Bye Maden SD” ends = Role b Rent Me¢ate BD Made Twro, #0] 6-0-040+4- 0 CG, oO EIy - £Rut- ER x= kode 8D + doe BY 4 [ee o, yo] 0-0-0640 +C, 70 C,2 0° Tmetyyee] ARL- ER EMT + dK(B) = © (@ Reaction af D. Roz Bret =< Ey= 4B Ye ~ bE De - AM ke ELastic curve. via Et Blot fb Ae e gen BY F Hoy ® Rebtechion af et point B. & te =) = PEC IGE -GX5) ~ 0 + of = Wut* Jeswert Proprietary Materia. 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, tne. Altrghs reserved. No pst of hie Manual maybe displayed reproduced, or Aisne in any form or by any ens, without the ree write permission ofthe pubiste, rue beyond helmed deur to encore ad edaatrs permite by McCraw for thei indvideal coun preparation, A studet using his mana fusing it without permission. Problem 9.53 953 For the beam and louing shown, determine () the reaction at pint C, (the defection at point B. Use E= 200 Gra. kN Units: Forces in ki, Dengths in wn, | MHOX@ “WER FO? R-7o+R, =O | 5 —sfe am Ret To-R, kw teehee Ger yed Mm, ~ Mam GoV@.S)+ BR. = © Mya = BRe- ITS kW Reactions ave etal icebly inceterminote. uP G ao wd = J4 = 146-557 kN/m Rg Re Be nny eH KR Sy ke /m ae Vs RH le + Ges! Kw EDGY = M = Mt Rix 7x7 75> hem LB = Mee bev -gxtedornsy 2G, lente vn ELy = AMaxs EQ wuts Sesh 4 x 4 Oe ends int Tx:0, $= 0] OFOFO+04G70 zo Leo, y2ol O+04040404G20 aso es, yrol dry @s ERCP -(e'+ AG" toro zo 22(8@.- 175)+ o-R) - BEF = © 170.667 Re = Seoo- SSMS AMEE = pacar Res 11.586 KT Mg = (B11. S86)- 175 = - 82.715 kNem Ra = 7o- 11.5386 = 58.44 kw Data? E = 200%/0" Pa T= 216 210% yo = 216 10% nt EI = (200410*)(216 «10°) = 43.2 «10% New = 43200 kNem™ (bY Debfection at Be Cy at x2 Sm) Ely, = 4(-82.15\(s)* + $ (sa.uea ey - J (SY = 180.52 kNem? = - 180.82 |, wo = mm b - Ye Take f= e810 mw Yor HIB mel Problem 9.54 9.54 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the reaction at point 4, (6 the deflection at point B. Use E200 GPa, BORN SON Units: ee idm 1am 50 | 50 Forces in kW, Pengtts in meters De RTH went = $2.7 410 ot EL =(Room1oV(S2.7%10°) = 10.S4x10" Nem? = [0SHO" KN +m Mp ra a e 5 gt = VF Ry ~S0K¢ = MAY S0KX-BAY kw ® Ro ELEY + M = Rye -SOGx- Ry - Sodee-24)' kN-m ery ERX = 2S LANAI 25K 4 CO, kNewt ELy= ER ~ Slx-1ay~ Bde ayy s Qa C, kNant [x-0, 0] o-0-040 +4, ° Qeo Tu: se, #-0] HR Gcy-Casyaty ~(asMnay + C,.. ° C)= 1BO- G.YE Ry, kNem* Lxeac, y-ol ER, Bc) - Fay ~ Ca} 4 (is0 - 6.48 13.6) = —IS.SERR, + SIBAM =O @) Reaction at Ay R= BP ky Pye 33.3 INP <«o Cy = 180 ~ (6.48 )(33.3833) > = 36 kNem Ely > ECS) 98 - BEG nay - de ayy - 86% ken? @) DePection pent B. Cy of xe tan) Elye> EA KIAY - © - 0 -Gel.a) > — 33.6 kN-m* Yo 7 Tass = - 3.19 Io mn Jor S-limm de Proprietary Mt 2009 The Mera Comp, Ie Al ih reseed. No pF it Mani ay be dg edn by an means, Wihou tbe prior write peemission of he palishs, cr ured beyond the Hinited detrtion teachers {Sndedctrs pred by McGill dea coe epost ing at mca cng ttt esse Problem 9.55 9.55 and 9.56 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the reaction at point A, (b) the deflection at point C. Use = 200 GPs. Bb kN [m ew SEE 20 b/s DakN/m tole) = 20% = 20€K=08) kN / Me wt = — 20% + 20K My Ef eve Q- ox 4 106% t8y ke edt = m= ax - 2 + Sens kW m xt Eden nee cy nt ety = bgt be He Ce ec mF [k=0, yo] 0-0 so +0+G,=0 [xxsm, Seo]: Rut -Faers Z (ne + = 0 0,20 fe Cy = 1BN22 = bAB Ry EN m® [x=26m, yeo]t ERO L-GOh + EG (13122 - b4RME) = O (1716-2029) R,=-3TAT6 R= 24097 EN Ce) REACTION AT A. Reset tw c 13422 ~ 649 (24-097) = - 24-924 EH m™ DATAL E=200x108 kfa Te 49-4 K1d ht EL = (coon to? X489n0%) = 4790 KN mt Ge) pemecnons are. Cy ar xem) ery = SeHomMUsy - beh + 0 - 24-429 (12) = 24-599 bm? Yet BEE ao 281e 1m yer zemm be Propretary Matera © 2009 The McGraw-Hl Companies, Inc. Allright reserved. No puro his Manusl may be displayed, reprotuced Airbed in any form or by eny mean, witout he prior writen permission of he publiser, or used beyersl he limited sibtion to teaches ‘sd educators peited by McGraw Hl for ther inividual course preparation. Awudoat using is marual Suing it without persion. Problem 9.56 9.65 and 9.56 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the reaction a point A (the deecton at pont C. Use B= 200 GPa amb An to. x & < vioDetaay Unifs Forces in kM, Lengths nm aie ane Oe Te et cme eae pe tar nbee bee, vod ben et fee stee] Tee v 7 7 . Boo) Ys — wed =~ 70 Gee 08 4 tokens y” Hl'/m au Se N= Ry & 708K- O75 )' + 70 ER x? - FE he 0759" + FE Gee 2254 Cx 4 Ce Em? Lx Oyo] O1ro+r0+0+CG,=0 =O [x= 3, 9-0] ERG - AE Gasys 2 Conyac, so Cc, = 128-4 Ry KN Leas yo) ERG P-FE (a2 4 EE (ons) (128 45R)(3)40 20 4R = 31002 Rye Bas EW T = C, = 128-45 4-5) 2-27.25 EN ot Date? E+ zeoGla, T= p2eptio~® at EL = (200%106)(P207 10" )=16540 EM nt (be) Deffection at C. (yat x= 15m) ELye = $ B46 )(Hs)) - 32- (aus) + 0 = (2F28)s) = ~ 2234 = 22d Ye * > Testo B= 13S X10 Fm yer 25m) aa ‘ropretary Matera. © 2069 The Mi Mya Raw gwdn- So ey = Meee -dwoeP ec, ELy= $M 2 ZR ashe S74 Gx a Cy [e-0, Beol 0+o-0+0,-0 Gse [xe @,yeol 04 0 -O04+040,-0 feet, Yeo] ML +40 - tule = 0 o [xzl, yse] £m 0+ ER -Gwlky = 0 @) Sodving eyuctions () and (2) simultaneously, @m Be Be mys - St RA wt me ED ery > -pipwitsts Bp wl? - hwie-47 ic curve. BELO Le HF y (e) Def PeFion of med point C- Cy at xe e) ye BEL CHLIGY +GRMGY - 04 Lt ” 768 ET Ye * 768 €E All sights revered, No prof Us Manual nay be dsplayed reprised or en persion ofthe publisher, or ws beyond the ited btn o teachers ours preparation, A tude! wing dhs mana sing i without permission, Proprletary Materil. © 2009 The MeGrs istane in any form o by any meas, ted edcatr permiied by McGraw Hi Problem 9.58 A, (8) the deflection at midpoint C. am be oy = Ry > Pkx- 3) Ma f Mp a ky! CG cS *) ELGA = M= My + Rx ~ PXK- BY 4 2. aes Rp EEGL = Max + ERax? - SPKR-EY 4c, ELYy = EM FERC SPR BPE Ce eC, {x=0, #=0]! OF 0-0%+q,20 [nso y=0h! O+r0-o +g, ° [eeu Reo]: mat + beat - £PCBY = [kec, yoo: dmyz + dR - £P(BY = (a) sows €9’s CY $2) smuctaneouset, mys -AeL ELAsTic cueve, Pf -2i2 4 2,3 1 ye Gel But + Be - 2G -5y] (b) erection ar muppouss ¢. Cy ar x=%) 2 . yee BLAUGY + B(SY - 3G] sed aaa Proprietary Materiat © 2009 The MeGram-Hil Compaaie, le, Alrights serve. No pt ofthis Minus may be daplaye reproduce, oF ite in ay foro by ay rea, without the pce writen permission ofthe publish, o ese Beyond te Lied dition fo echers tnd edocatorspemited by Mein Hil fr tc individeal couse preparation. A staden using this manva is using it wiht permission. {957 and 9.88 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the reaction at point O oO Ye= Tacer + “c=0 Oo Qa Ru Bet = 4 Mas HPL =< spe 1239 throuph 9.62 Forthebeam nd ioatng india determine themagrituleand pobene re Jocation of the largest downward deflection. 959 Beam and loading of Prob, 9.45. aan som skim See solution te Prob. 2.45 fur the deriverion of the equafious used in the foBPow ing, ET = 168.75 kNem* C)F = 160417 Wen C=O erg = ~ E4198 4 aiase- +, kN m™ Ely = -§ depts BBE -Fdx-osp agus ey kvm? Compute sPope of C. COL af xe tind EXPY, = 0 4(Q1asK- 2 (0.57 = 60H? = 20.83 KI Went Since the sfope ot C is positive the faeyest defection occurs in portion BC, whene 2 EIQ = 2.1asx*- 2(w~0.8) - 1.60417 ery = 2BE8-$(c-0.8)"- Leow To Find the Rocebion of the Dajest dovnwarel deMection, set 2.0, ) 2 R25 = Q(e2- yt O25) -— 1.60417 = OAS XL 4+ At 210M? =O We 1OS21~ 0.0625 x* Solve by terion, 2% qe 1, 0.987, 0.971, — % 7 O47] m = uses y = gh Goidne i s> +Cx +e [nso yo] 0404040+0,-0 Go [xeas, yrol (io X3y? -GISX3aY - Bes + 450,40 © O Cy= 4S eNom Detat E= 200%10" Pa, I = 31S xJot mm’ = 315 x10 wn" ED = (Qooxto"\3is 10%) = 63x1IOe Nem* = 63000 kN-m* (0) Slope ot AL (# at x0) ElO, = C, = 4s kuem® 0, = hss = 0TH HID? vod 50.107 rad Em &) DeDect jen at By (yt xe us) Elye = (CEs) = (SKS Y= G28 Ne wet 62s jo = EEL = ors = 107! mmf - Proprietary Material. © 2009 The MeGraw-i Companies, lc, Alright reserved. No part ofthe Manual my be displayed, produced, or iste nen form or by any means, witht te price writen permision of he publisher, o sed bey the lied bution to teachers ‘ed educators permited by MG: il for hl inividual course preparation. A studo! using thls nual is sing i without permission. Problem 9.64 9.64 The rigid bats BF and Dif are welded to the rolled-stesl heam AE as shown. Determine for the loading shown (a) the deflection at point B, (6) the deflection at ‘midpoint C’of the beam. Use = 200 GPa. Using joiut 6 as 0 Free badly, os one 103 “ie [eee T Feu ® Fre gant eae Fwy ~ 100 72 Fay? SO kw farm, aay + 2 Faw 7 100 KN, so al so Forces im KN, Lengths in mm. a, Ve 50 - Sokx-0.8) ~ 0 dx~1.19" kw % M= Sox- 50¢x-0.8>'~ Sodx-hiy + 4OKK-0.5 5° = 4OKa-LVD Kem ELS = asx a5Qe-0.59~ 25 Genii ~4odn=0.59'4 Hoge L194 C, ten we? Ely = Bx Foro sh BG euy = 206-057 4 robe Gee, Went [xs 0, yzo] C,= 0 Ixr.¢, yr el Aro.ct (BY ~ Eos - GoisyY +@Ves+ Ole) +O = 0 ¢, = 1267S hem For Eye, 0.5m Ely, =(@0s¥ - 0-04 0-0 -G.75ilos)= 0.1667 Kem? For Eye, X= OB m ELy. =(EYosy -GEyo.3)'- 0 - Gyosy-o -(1.75 os} + 0 = = O.B417 kNe me? For W 100% 19.3 volled steed section L477 410% mms 4.77410 o m* EI = (200 vlo*\(4.77 ¥10"") = 9S4 x 107 Nem™ = 954 Ws m* 1667. 4 @) yor “GREE = 0.178 v1 m Yo 70-175 mm t ~ (by yes SGD e 0.882 x10? om Yo™ 0-382 mmf Problem 9.65 19,65 through 9.68 Tor the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the deflection at C, (i) the slope atend A taba LonbiG Tt Leap AT B, CASE S oF APrEADIX D. For x 7A, RERACE xX BY L-x | INTERCHANGE ad b y= EX (Kea) Pius) 3 a -i2 yer UC W-C-ED = - aE Peie-) _ _ Pena 40M) L _ 5 ee ~ “GEIL * GEIL BI ET CASE 5 OF APPENDIY D, a =3 Pb - Pea) yer aenle- (2-6) = Za 2-8 ee ae EE — P(e) _ p(t -U/a) 4 Bt GEIL = GEIL BE wee _ pe is ee (od verLection Ax yr EW RE - EE = 2 4c vee () sore aca. «= = A ERD EE = - TEE Proprietary Material, ©2009 The McGraw Ill! Compasics, lo. Allrghs reserved. No pat of his Maral my be displayed, reprexaced, of laurel io any frm cr by any means, without ie prior wsten permission of he publisher, or wed bey teTmited distsbtin o teaches and educators permite by MeGraw hil for their ndividus course preparation, A stent sing his sua is sing it without person Problem 9.66 Forthe beam and lading shown, determine (a) the deflection at the C, () the slope at end A. e ao ® , Matte @® e = tO, $ + CE ‘ poke fete howding I: Case S of Appendix D. bt Lea Fortra: Gar - Gee» -Peiteay For end At (Op, = ~-Bhlitsk) . - PUcaWalana’) 6ete = - Pa(ur-Slasat) GEIL Loading IL: Mirror image of Case 5” of Appendix D. Replace % by (L-x) in expression fur y= = — Mee fa-xy- i: = = hee -ab-x Y= 7 Bite le ont~ edo] = - ABE (she -20 2) (ely= ~ BO (8La-2tt-at) With w=a, amd Me Pa, #2 = Mb 2 Pol (Ons ger * Ber @ DePhection at C. Ye * Wed, + Qala fe Be laals sta-z-ol = feb(ead ye? “get! (&) SPope_ot end A. On = (O), + (Onde ~ - Pat git_ 2 at]. 4 Po(Sb-0) Og? ~PSeL a- Btata* ait] = + PaGt-a) ~ P(el-a) 8, GEIL ieee Proprietary Material © 2009 The McGrail Companic, Ine. Al ight teserved. No pat of tis Manual may be dsplaye ropa ot Aistbed in ay form orb 4 meses oot out the peor writen pennison ofthe publi, owed beyed the lined dnibotion tethers {and edsatos permite by McGraw forte individual coos prpartion. A stun wing ths anol wing it wut permiston Problem 9.67 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the deflection at the C, (6 the slope at end 4. My= My My= Mo 4] Loading Zz Case 7 of Appendix O. aa: ae nee [ eee (yor ~ gallate] «ee (8)" EE Aan heading It Miveor image of Loading Te (Yale Ye 5 Od, =~ Gey @) Det Pection ot C. 2 2 By superpositions Yo= Yj Gel, = Mb yet = (0) Stone ot Ay By svperposttion, = (B), + (6), = ~ fe o> feet ww Proprietary Matera. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, lc. Al ight served. No part of this Maral may be displayed reproduced, or ‘tnt nay for or by any means, without the price writen pension of he publisher, o uted beyond the lasted ditto to teacers ‘an edcatos penmited by McGraw il Tor heir indvidaal courte prepralion. A student ing thi anual sing i without permission Problem 9.68 et Leaving TI: (a) DEFLECTION AT Cc. de 9.63 through 9.68 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the deflection st C,(®) the slope at end a. LOADING Ti CASE © Wl APPENDIX Di tim = St a= - we ef Ye™ ~ Sener 0 HEL Serre i. LOADING TL: CASE 7 IN APPENDED. ——& Ma prt _ (27s Ma? Mat yes ~aenc LY EG] = = SE Me wt vil? Qa) wrk MQ ns a6 BE CASE 7 WN APrEWDIK D. Ye= MEE Cosme Lommine at nests) wir Mg - Sot, ot et Ye= “Seer timer * 2 er Ge) Store At A. bee , aut 2 +sc8e tae = 0 Proprietary Material, ©2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Aiebted i any form orby any means, nithou the prey writen permission of te publish, or used beyond the hinted distin i teaches tors permit by MeGrm- Hil fr hi individual course preparation, A student wing thi manan i sing it whoa persion wt aL wtt toe Ye* iat ex = 72 ET All sights reserved. No pot of hs Manual may be displayed produced Problem 9.69 9.69 and 9.70 For the camilever beam and loading shown, determine the slope and deflection al the fre end, Pe LOADING Ti P DownwaeD AT 6. CASE | OF APPENDIX D APPLIED TO PoRTION AB. +, Pant 2 yee ao her = eer PuRY 2 wt. "Sex BEL BC REMAINS STRAIGHT. eee a = Oe “ee ri()e = Lee Ye = Ye -(Z)a = io EL LOADING IE! P DownWARD AT C, Case 1 OF APPENDIX D, » Pe we Pe Oe * "tet Ye * ~ 365 BX surERrosiTioN, 4 gl 2a Pe se xe 6.= 6) + 4! -2a Er BET - tt ee ee 7p Ye* Yo tte “Der * er ter + ine] Proprietary Material © 2009 The MeGraw Hil Compantes, Inc. Al righs reserved. No pact of hs Mansa may be displayed, reproduced of dstibuted any frm or by ay seas, whoo he pee written permission ofthe publisher, or wed beyond the ined dstbaton Wo eahers and elucators poled by McCraw fr hie individual couse preparation. A student sing his manuel i using it without peso, Problem 9.70 2.69 and 9.70 For the cantilever team and loading shown, determine the slope and deflection atthe fre end, oe cee ores Me Pa 2 Pe Mak yt Ma Gay oo EE RE z with My= Pa yo Pak 1. Pat Aa £ n= ~ EE YA* 2eE LOADING TL? P DownWARD AT B, v CASE | OF APPENDIX ‘D APPLIED To Portion BC. Pa? 3eL Ya = ye 7 08 Pe ot Roth | Pad “seg ~(-ogen = - Ger * Ze oprletary Material © 2009 The McGray i Companies, fu, Al ight escrved. No pat of tis Mansel maybe diplayed, epee, ot ‘datsbuted in ey for or by any means, without He pre writen person ofthe publisher, wed beyond the Lnied dbo oes ted educators permed by McCraw Tl fo hie individual courte preperation. A student wing this mata isusingt without pension, Problem 9.71 9.71 and 9:72 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine the slope and ‘ deflection at point B. Consider portion AB as a caativer bean subjected 4o the three Poadings showwe 1 Pe wa Wwa\(are) = Swat > Slope ad B. Og= (Only + (Ole + On), aye Case 2 ab App. D. (Op)y 2-2 8 stele 7 : Case | of App. D. (On)p =~ MBIA ~ - Oe Case Sof App D (6), = “faust - Bua” RET ~ wot = wa’ 8, Be a= 32e—= = Deflection of B. Yo = (yaw + Cy» + Caer wat Case 2 f Age. D. (Yow > = gE : Case Lf App D. — Cyslp= - GE = Care 3S AD. (yay "EEENS ~~ yor ~ - atwe" ac ay Ys Ayer Ys QVEr Proprietary Material. © 2009 The MeCraw-Hl Commpanes, ne Al ight ceerved, No part of this Manul maybe dspsyed, repre’, oF dlnbated nay form of by any mean, vou the prior writen permission of he pablisher, raed beyond the limited dstibuton to teachers tnd educators pert by MeCiraw-Hil fr ter indvidal couse preparstion A stden! sing Os mitt iusing it witout permission, Problem 9.72 Deflection ot B. Cause 2 af App. D. Case | of App. D, Case 3 of Ap. D 9.71 and 9.72 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine the slope and defleetion at point 2. Comider portion AB as a cantidever beam sobjected 4b the three ndings show. By steties: 9 > P-E- BE m= CAR) BE Shope ot B. Oa * Gay + (Onda + (Oe) Cose 2 of App. Ds Ogle = Be Y= -ge Case | hyp De Glos AERTS WEE Case Sof Ap.D. (ah, =~ CE) ge 6,7 - Er og as Yo? (Yale * Qala + Gee (year (z)" = ~ Her 4 Gea SEEEY = EE 7 : Gn = SEY = vat éeer ‘ wht Ye * ~agrEr yeaa’ Proprietary Material © 2009 The MeGraw-Hll Companies, oe llrightsreserved. No pt of ths Manual may be dplayed: reproduced (Z00%10°Y(2.53*10%) = S06¥10% Nem = SOG kN-m™ Shape od _C. O, 2 - BIBS = - 6,30 410% rad = 6.8005 net me Deliection at C. Ye -S.53 155m = S.S3 mm b = Proprietary Matera. © 2009 The MeGran-Thll Companies, Inc. Al ight served. No pat of this Manual maybe diplayed,repreduced, oF by tnd educators permite by Mctrew Hil for sr ndviual cout preparation. A dent wing thie matali using without persion Problem 9.74 {9.74 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine the slope and deflection ‘at point B. Use = 200 GPa Units? Forees in kN, Jengths tn om. soo 30115 O75 seat The sfope and deflection at B depend andy on the deforwation of portror AR. 7 v QO |e Reduce the feree at C to an q equivalent Ferce~ couple system at q B B and add the force alread A 0.15 m+] at B te obtain the foadings Land ‘! showw, Case \ of Appendix D- SO T 2 Pi. ©lo.7s¥ , _ 0.84375 Ye *~3eT SET EL Loading Hi Case 3 of Appendix D. Og" 2 - ML. -USYOID. 2 EI ET e 2 MEL USO 2 _ 0.421875 Ye ar EL . er By superposition, Os = Oe 4 Ot = - BBRE = yg t yg = - 265625 ye" Yet ye Ce Data: E+ 200x%10" Pa, T= 253 x10% mm = 2.53x10% m* EL = (200x10* \(a.saxlo) = 506 #10" Nem* = S06 ke m* Shope at B. 6,7 - BEBE = ~ 5.5¢x10'rad = 5.56¥10 ped ma Deflection af B. Yo > EASES = - 2.507107 m = 250 nm yams letary Materia © 2009 The MeGraw-Htll Companies, Ine. All righs reserved, No part of hs Manual may be displayed, eprodoced of eben any form or by any ens, wihet the price wate permision of the publisher, or used beyond the Hnniteddiston to wach ‘nd eden permite by MoCta- Bil or thei invdunl enare preparation, A sent wing Oe nlf sine tho person. 9.75 For the cantilever beam and foading shown, determine the slope Problem 9.75 and deflection at end C., Use £ = 200 GPa SN 264Ni : ty cmd = £(44) 222 mm q ; = Tete a) 21834984 mnt I: ck @ Ts Get F(z2) (ectreetce erate EI = (200 ¥ ip) U9 194110") = 368 EN heading T. Case 1 di Appenelix D. © fete oS ee c a -) = 4 gaz - BE = SMI 2 gs24 x10 m “le yo —+| (2X 368y LOIN 2. 6.793 4103 See ee aoenjm GD) (2° ~ 225 * - Gilaeay Leading E. Treat ion AB as 4 a Me w= 2GEN/m Leo-Te ™ > Paes aoe OY OTS" - eas BEE GAGES «2-74 009m _ WE ab¥ O75) _ ig, 3 0), GEL” Gers) onesie Portion BC remains straight for Joading IL. Lge = 025m (Yoda = Gols, + baclOnly, > = 41036 1107 m (02), = (Oa), = ~ 4-968 x10" 6. = (A), + (A). Shope at end C. By superposition, 0.2 Tb MO nd OL = I TbIx (0* DePPection at end C. By superposition, Yo * (Yel, + (Yoda yo RET MD « BSOE KIO? py Proprietary Material. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companles, le, Al righ reserved No pat ofthis Manu may bo displayed epeduced, o¢ 2-TY4 KO = = WEE (ew org 53 Od. = ~ er (elGere) =~ 41T68 0 Sfope oA point B. Be = a), + (On Op = —N-BBT CO Og= 134 410? ral =e Deflection oA peixt B. ye = (ya + Cale Jo F W566 xC0°3 Yor Sebo mny mg Proprietary Matera. © 2009 The MeGraw-HHt Con Allsighs reserved. No pst of hs Manual may be displays produced Le 5.0m @orls.o) | cer EE 5 XE Rom 3 2 sine attes! 25° - 60) @sv}= BE at A, Case 7 of Appendix De Le S.Om, K= aE & ML . (8oV(s.0) | 133.333 Set Ser Er yes (Sane as doading 1) healing II: WO KN concentrated foad at Cy P= Ho kN Peeks By x wer eae a = - Pet 8S Ye * 7 age er Data: E> 200"/0" Pa, T= 66x 10% mm? = 186% (0% ms EI = (200x107 (sé x10") = 31.29/0 Nem® = 31200. kN m* (a) Shope at A. Bq = SE SED +188. 333- ABTS. _ 0,601 K10"* ran 0,7 0.60) rad Ee &) Dellection aC. y, = 128 + 12S - 364.583 2. 367x107 wm Je = 367 mm = reproduced or ign teachers Problem 9.78 9.77 and 9.78 Forthe beam and loading shown, determine (a) the slope at end A. (6) the deflection at point C. Use £= 200 GPa. 20K Units? Forces in KN. Lengths in melews. me WIDE Foy WISOKZY = Te 13.4 010% man” soe = BAI mt Peart Ofc EE =(q00w10"\(i3.4 x10%) = 268v/Oe Nem = 2680 kN-m™ 7 c_8 heading I Case 5 of Apperoitx D. & ie PeSOkN Le 24m, arh6m, br 08m = Pb (t-b) __ Gollorayt-o.8% 20 kwi/m QD) Ole Bere =~ “elaesoyiat UT), sae oe | Be — Patt (2011.6 1 (0-8 )* (ye), ~SETL = ~ @i(qeeovay =~ R,S47R6x 107% m hoading I+ Case G of Appenclix D. We ROW 5 Le ttm, ee hw ot point C, ~ ewe Goad 8 OMT ~ ayer "7" Gylzcsoy ~~ 4878S 10 a - (24 ~ u« Le) Qe. = ~aatizeos lie)" QIGAKCY + 29%,6)] = -2.80154x10* m @) Slope ot end A. 8, (On, + (One On = ~ 74826 » 10? Oy = TIBI dS = () DefPection at poiut C. Yer (Yeh + Gee Jet SE 84RSHIC? Ye = SBS mm b = Propristary Materia. © 2009 The MeGam-Hlil Compantes, Ine. Alright revered. No pat of his Manual nay be eplayed epoca, of ibe in ony for or by any mesa without rion writen persion ofthe publisher, or wed beyond te Limite dbo oes and educator penmited by McGraw Hil for Bhi individual equree preparation, Aste! wig ths mnnual sng it witout pension, 9.79 ani 9.80 For the uniform beam shown, determine (a) the reaction at 4, (b) the reaction at B. Problem 9.79 CONSIDER Ry AS REDUNDANT AND REPLACE LOADING SYSTEM BY KE AND I, Re ago enmuter Z. (ense + oF Arrenmix D:) Kk * SEE + LOADING TE, FoRTION GC. (case 3 OF APPENDIX D.) 1, Malin ww Melia) ; 8 Ea Gr fee) paamen Ae ae ertan, y= y= GB, arglice) _ -Melt-a® _ ra 2er EL God) SUPEREDSITION AND CONSTRAINT! — Ya At YA =O Ra? _ Molt-a)* _ aMolt-a) SEL er ex =o ERA ~ Myg(u-eML-a + za) =O Me Rese gt Be Re gach (ey Mgt My 3 Gt) <0 Mee e(t-3d)> a Proprietary Materil. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Comptes ne ll ight reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed, reproduced ot ited nny feo by any mse, wou the pein writen pennision of the pblser, or wid beyond the ited dstbaton teachers {nd eduenors permitted by Metra il for hi idvidaa ours preparation, A sede uring ths manda sing wut persion. Prolem 9.80 9.79 ana9.80 For the uniform beam shown, determine (a) the reection at A, (8) the reaction at B. we Consioler Ry as redunclacd and mplace Soading systen by I and T. Loading I. (Case | P Appentie D) Gay Sal Leading IE. Portion CB. (Case 2 of AppendtivD) = WO/a)* wht - ORY Ls Qels ~ “Ser vaaex, Os SEs . ; ‘ Portion AC is straight. lz Qslr 20> - ee Superposition and constraint. Yo? Qa, + Q. = 2 Ralecteeer tad eee Sat eee = Teh o Ber 3a Er Re= tag to yh Using entice beam as a Free beady, t RtRg- Heo ay My fo ig ete ke te R u - Res Y- te Ry Set ae a ae D2Mg-07 M-RL- bro Mes RL- wee ~ sult Mas ito =e Be Proprietary Matrtal.© 2009 The MeGrave-Hill Companies, In, Allright reserved, No part ofthis Momal maybe daplayed repose, or Aarbted many fom or by any pany who the prior writen pension ofthe pubis or wed yor the ited dsubuton io tacers ‘ant ebcatorspemited by MeCraw Hil for heir individual cus reparation. Asda sing he mam fing without persion. 9.81 and 9.82 For the uniform beam shown, determine the reaction at each of the thre supports. Pe sof © 5 » @ 2 » BUD ceaeeeae + cca a id a or Consider Re as redunclaut ant replace Poudiing systen by T and He Problem 9.81 honding I, (Care S of Appewfiv DY a=, b-¥, x> = atc. yor deer be - (eds ESP ay fe-6'$ e1 tenes: haget hoadimg IL. (Case & of Appendix DY a= 4b, beg = Rertb* _ Re CarGuvey® 4 Re Lt Qe Seer * SeIL “Qe er Superposition aut consteaint Ye = (Yel + Yee =O Se eb ieee te acer * qaser * ° i i a A ff > 492M, = OF f e te ~RL + PA) -(BPYE) ro R= gPt - HPZA ro: Ra R- P+zP zo Rox P-¥P-gP = -4P R=4Pb = Proprietary Matera. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. ll ight reseved, Nop of this Manuel maybe dinplayed reproduced or - BE Loading Te Case 3 of Appendix D. g Geet Mel Cala = Me : heading I. Case 3 appdieed ty partion AC, Fic Sa sca re ne (aa HOH ~ Portion CB remains straight. Gorm = (Yelr + HA)n = 3 MHL (elm = Qdu = $F Super perrdion and constraints ye = (sl: + Cola + Yel =O “ER dete BBE ce Og: (Ogle + (Ody + (Onde = © ae ee @) Sobving (1) and G@) simttaneourdy , Rez Zt ~« Mera, 2 ropretary Mates, © 2099 The McGrane Companies Sa. AI sas reve No prt of his Mao yb ple ped or trated in ay frm or by any means, without the rie writen permision ofthe pablisher or ased beyond th imited dovtbalon to teachers an cdasators permite by McGrail for thc individual course prepermion A student using this mondo swing it without person. Problem 9.84 9.83 and 9.84 For the beam shown, determine the reaction at B. Seperposition F Cases Sand | of Appendix D. yer “ena i Yue = Melt yet eer EL Oe = ea vay ~ Melb _ MeL 2EL RET BEL Portion CB Superposition oF Cases 3,1, and 2 F Appennlix D. - MUAY, Vl ~ wir Ye* “ex BEL SEL = Melt gy VER _ wht Bad YET ~ BEL 6, = — Mela) — Vole , wht ‘ EL REL ber oe ME LL uL* , wht zex ger * Weer ee ae Pow fo : MEM wk Vy Zwh SE Wer - Gser 4 * 5 Lae Sema ae os ~ See - eS + tee Me wwe” Deing ce C8 as 4 free baby, % HPZRror Rey -YBeo for th ol Re= Swett DEMgrOt Me-M- VAG 4 Yee =o 7 Mas grwlt + (Suey) - ye » : Megs mie Mgttrwl 2 = 9.85 Beam DE rests on the cantilever beam AC’as shown, Knowing that a square rod Problem 9.85 of side 10 mm is used for each beam, determine the deflection at end C ifthe 25-Nem. ‘couple fs applied (a) to end F of beam DE, (6) to end C of beam AC. Use = 200 GPa, E = 200 +10" Fa, T= A(lOMOY = 833.53 me" = 993.3310 m? EI= 166.667 Nem* 2) Covpbe opp hiecl te bean DE. peur Free body DE. 4D EM= OF “21190 — 9) O.120 P- 2520 Pe i38.887 N E e Leads on cantifever bean ABC ave Pt ae P at print Band Py at pestC as sham. c 4-0.120 -beo.180 ~a} Doe te PP at port 8. Using portion AB and dying Case | of Appendiw D, Ya), = BE Csggenilesne) = 0.480 xIn-3 m (G0), = Pk -s8.g08 Yo. 6 50% 107 er AXIG.667) Ged, = (Ya), + baclO—), = O.4BOx107+ (0,180 Y6,.00%15) Doe + foad PL at pont C. Case | oF App. D appbied # ABC. PL® __ 028, 909).01 OEY ~ 7c IS im Qela"> 35F GYCi0e.667) Tahal del bection at point C. Yet Yeh te de STIS? Yer SI mab et Seno" (b) Covpfe Pied te beam AC. A < sevple upp tied te beam AS eee o,a06 ae es Arewdie Bs : ML* _ US Mob). eae in Ye REE = BN Ic6.ce7) Ye ™ 675 mm 4 ~t Proprietary Materil. © 2009 The MeGraw-¥il Companies, ne Alf vight reserved, Nop of thi Manasl maybe deplayed repose, oF dlbted oe by any means, without the priorwites permission ofthe publisher or used Beyond he ime fd educates permitted by McGraw Hl for ir evil course preparetion, Aste using tis mana is sing Problem 9.86 8.86 Beam BD rests onthe cantilever beam AB, as shown, Knowing that 4 square rod of side 18 rim is use for each bear, detenine forthe nding shown (a) the deflection at point C, (8) the deflection at point E. Use E~= 200 GPa, Te 2Uoie = 8748 mut EI= (zoe ctob)(2748 10°?) = 175 bat For Free body BCD, 49M, = ~7boO Ra + (285 0-B)= O Re = 0-4 EN Cantifever ABE. Portion AB. Case | of Appendix D, AEE. _ (014) (0030 arigiyio tn Ye * “aer7 * ~“esyasy 2 BLE 2 cory (0038)”_ 3 Oar “ger Ges 27 IS KIO m Deflection at point C iF point B clees nof moves Apely Ease 4 oF AppenPix D to beam BCD, (ye), = — LEE 2 - BMY LL aig 1 eo iy 4aer ~ ‘@eyC-75) Addition deflection at point C due te movement of port By (da = HE yo = - 2-04) x10" @) Total deletion ot point Co Ye * Qe), Ye © — 61272 KIO ny Ye= b-27mm boom ) Dellestion act petwh Eo Je= Yet bee Oe = eA Ot v10-} ¢ (or3B) (= 1645 K10) = = 1045] L107 1H Je = 10-45 mm b= 1c Allright reserved. No at of this Manual may be pled epraded Preprieaty Mater. ©2009 The McGraw-Htll Compass, Ine. tbat in any for by ay meas, without the pir wien permission ofthe publi, used ted telnet ences and educators pent by MeGrawTil fr cc infidel couse pepaation. A sadet uring this anual sing it without permision {9.87 ‘The two beanss shown have the same cross section and are joined ont ty a hinge aC. For the loading shown, determine (a) the slope at point A, ©) the deflection at point B. Use E = 200 GPa L-! Using free body ABC, Som DEM: Of O4FR, - (0:3)(35) = O Roz 2.22 EW E = 200 @Pa T= kbh* = dhl 40X20)’ = 67500 mat EX = (200x10") (67S00x10"!?) = (305 EN Veing cantifever beam CD with food Ri, Case 1 of Appendiv Dy ~~ be, Gos) 7 rT Yer > Sent *- ayia) 7 201555 Cobevdation of Oq' and yp’ assuming that point C cbes not moves Case 5 of Appendix D Pe BSN Leosbem, arodm, brash te Ph(UobY) 2 _ or Wusy(oust ore) . 9, z '* “Ger = tapi = 700289 rad. ta. Pbtat _ @syows}eat — _ ogo os Yel SetL” * “Gpasaygeus) * ~2°000387 m Additional slope and deflection due to movement of pow C, ols Yes _ 2rperss Hes - BRB = -o-a02mce wa. yes Pye fos1t201868) 9019367 ham 2) Slope at Av = G4 O4" = -or00259q -ondo3 #6 =-o00b04¢brd=o-00605 mASG gE * - Gye ane) 103,846 x1o* wm Loading T. Upward furce P at point B. Refer do Case | Ft Appendix D. Pee P(ey = 2.3077«I0* P Ye * Ber “@Gia-io By seper position, Ye = (Ye), + Yoh Mise, matching the deMection at By Ye = Se ~ 103, 846%10"" + 2.307740 P = ~ 58.92 IOP Z.B666xI5° P = - [03.846 107° P= 43.4qxlo N Pesky = ‘roprctary Malerin. ©2009 The MeGrav-l Companies, Ine. All sights reserved. No pat ofthis Manu maybe dpayet repeuced of hot he pit ven prison of tho publisher, o sed bey th tied Uhbuion caches Astra tn any for by any seas, it ‘ears permits by McGraw fil forthe individu course pueprntion. A stodent sng this mals sing i without permission. 1B and t0 the thick and Problem 9.93 9.93 A 22-mm-diameter rod BC is altached to the lev fixed suppor at C. Lever AB has a uniform cross section It 25 mm deep. For the loading shown, determine the deflection of point A. Use E = 200 GPa and G = 77 GPa, Ee 1508 Be . pea Z H Deformation of vod BC. (Torsion cates £22)= mm sh ie % 2 Bet. 22499 wet = Pa = (250) (0129) = 895 Nin L=osh Ze gat Tee (87-9) (0-5) 8 OS 7 K109) 22448 15) Tv, = O0247 rd 6 Deflection of point A assuming Pever AB 35UN fo be wgidy Qa), = @Py = (0125) (01024-1) ie = or00 675 mL es Alitionl detection aloe te beveling of lover AR, Refer to Case | of Appendix D. Ie ae P3021 mrt Os) Heat (350) (e26y AIS BEE ~ Gy roouw (eu x10) F213 nb Toted LePbed ion ot point A. Ya = Yeh Hal = Fad me b Proprietary Matera. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, In. Ailrigts reserve. No pat of this Manual ay be isplyed. repre, of Anite any foro by any means, without the pier writen permision ofthe publisher, oF wed beyond the Hed Asbuton teaches tnd enor pert by MoLiraw fr tee fadvidl conse prepaation, A student sing this maa using wiht peisan Proprietary Material, ©2009 The McGraw Hl Compantes, Tn. Al sight reserved. No pat ofthis Manal nay be displayed, reproduced of stated in any frm ar by any nea, without the price ‘a ators permite by McGrail or thi inva course reparation, A adel sing hit mane wing without permission, im-iam Problem 9.94 9.94 A 16. x rod has been bent into the shape shown, Determine the deflection of end C afer the 200-N force is applied. Use E = 200 GPa and G~ 80 Pa, Let 200 N= P. CONSIDER TORSION oF ROD AB = 250mm 6G Te _ (eoe . Be “| n= 3e = See Pe 00 Ye — bbe = -3e CONSIDER BENDING OF AB. 3 wy > 758 Cease \ oF APPENDIX D.) CONSIDER BENDING OF BC. (CASE I OF AFFENDIX D.) we BE Yel = EE SUPERPOSITION ! eae gee oe a ere ee ee Ye= Yet Ye + Ye = “Je ~ Beret * “Erle 73 \ Z DATA? G* BOC) Pa T* EK(0.008)" = 6.434.0(10"7) wa E=200(0%) Fa L= ET = 3.2110 (l0) wt EL = 643.40 New? JG = S142 New? 43.40 , 2) _ 7 ye= ~ SENSE (STRSE + 3) = = 9.2093 0107 er lem fone itn poison of th publisher, or sed beyond the ited dtabution to aches Problem 9.95 9.95 through 9.98 For the uniform cantilever beam and loading shown, determine (@)the slope at the free end, (6) the deflection atthe free end, ay z Place reference tangent at B. ie: Draw EE olingvan. = ~ Web A= Qe - Seb of aie Be ke MeL Mer San= Ax “EF Moles tem = Ax = CBE Ge) - HE LL @) Shope at end A. la Oe Ont Ah OF O gs tel to Ce us O. = hh ae . ss ut fe (b) DeFlection at A. ynt toe? Se yor BET Problem 9.96 998 throu 398 Forte sf cnileer be doting shown, eine | (athe slope atthe fe en, () he deletion a the ee end oe Place velevence tange-t at B. Se Draw BE diaguan. i : A= aCRRL fr a ss m= aL “te 2 TAA: Cons A =~ Ser My a syn 3 ae ter AR = CHE VL): -BE Y oa Shope at end A. Y, ee Cn= &rA 2 % a 0 -G-P oe fe 2er A” 2ET i i pet : (6) Deflection at As Yat the= -fE yw hl = Problem 9.97 (4) the slope atthe fee end, (6 the deflection a the fteo end Place veference tangent at B. Og=0 1 “| Draw gb conve ne parchela. wh* Ls As ables -agt " Le $b = #h By Pirst monent- ave there, Pera wie Ome Az - or 8e= On + Gam iwi wl 0,7 Oe~ Sen > OFC = 2A SET By second moment-area theorems tam > ¥A = (BL)C Ye? tae = 7d HE eer 7s = wo yr ges «= Proprietary Material. © 2009 The McGraw Conspanien, Ine Allegis reserved. No pat of this Manual may be diptayed eproced of ibe i ay form or by aay meas, without he pir wien permission ofthe peblsher, used heyond te linited diebution to enshere ‘ad ears permit by Metra for ther india cour preparation A ode wings arn sting without permton, 9.95 through 9.98 For the uniform cantilever beam and loading shown, determine Problem 9.98 9.95 through 9.98 For the uniform cantilever beam and foading shown, determine (athe slope at the free end, (b) the deflection atthe free end Place reference tangert at B, 0,70 Demy =o: (dwt)F + Mage o Mg + = WL" Draw ft eorve as cubic parahoda. Az (tHE). - -£t oie +e Er a EE K=L-tre de - e By Fieet moment-area theorem, x wel* 2 -f Seu A= ~ & M Be Ons Cau > Os ~ Cau = OA SE By second momert-avea theorem, tye 2 BA = GUCHM): a E if Ya tun * - os BE @) O& Tet wy molt y ~« is Manual maybe displayed, reprotced yond the ited dnbtion oases fu fusing without permission, tnd educators permite by Metre for their inves sour preparation. A sndest wing 9.99 and 9.100 For the uniform cantilever beam and loading shown, determine (2) the slope and deflection at (a) point 8, (5) point C Problem 9.99 Dray Ze diagvaw by parts and diviole iwhe areas Ay, Any As; ond Age b= 5 alates # wat as Age ROCHE) = ~ 382 = £@aC 2) = -2 ca” Age OC SEF) = - ge wet @) Shee at B. Bor AHA, + Ase ~ gue ot B, ya ~ term yor tama= A(CR+2a)+ A(h-2ale As(3-20) = gwar _ 4 wat El "4 er () SPope at C. wo> Oe wo® wo? 6. Ost Ay -S EP se ER 48ers DePlection at C. Ye = Dele ned boyy = = dowel ack wy yee 3a.) ~g wat =~ Bee ace Be yes cs \& ge wat preset ama Proprietary Material. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Cmmpaaes ne All sghis reserved. No pot ofthis Mena maybe dpiysd reproduce or isibted any form or by any means, without the pre wot pemlsson afte pblsher or wd beyond the ited dsttation te ace aud edcntes permite by McGraw Hil or thei fndivduat cour preparation. sden en this mals sing i whout pemsson Problem 9.100 9,99 and 9.100 For the uniform cantilever beam and loading shov, determi the slope and deflection at (a) point B, (6) point C. (a) KU Pout 8 fr fost 8 ¢ pe _ Rab | _ seat A 8e= Oo = A+ A,= “262 ET ~ “Ze bah al po) i REFERENCE TIGER c Pat A Bak) = - 5 agai) = - BE Proprietary Matelel ©2009 The Met ort52i z a WE 2 DOTA _ 6.8664 bm [hk 06 hay Mas GF nu Come Aa = bl opsei lore) = - 01646 kNm™ A_sereace misery 8 «] tan 8 (oD) suore aT Bs ET Oey = Aye Ag = 0-839 = 01646 = ~ 06036 by m™ = e16ons a EE 2 Wists0T «10S ead (6) DEFLECTION AT SB ET ye = Ekta, = (- 0-439)(0-57) + (- 01646 \lorbeh) = - 012503 in® Yo= TT mm + a Proprietary Material, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies Tne All sighs esrved. No pat ofthis Manel may be displayed eprodvced ot Aanbtedm any form o by any means without the prior writen permission of the pubs or wed beyond the ited dtbuton to aces and edveators pete by McGraw-Hill for ther indviial coun preparation, A shunt using hie maran is using it wihou persion. 9.102 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine (a) the slope point 4, Msealaei bata (GB) the deflection at point 4. Use E=200 GPa. ae Dads: Forces in kW5 Pengths in meters. asta) as De 78x 10% mm = ITQKic® Wis 6 EI = Qoo e178 1S") = B5600 W-m™ Draw BL diagram by pacts. as Mee Goad 2 igre wit mi! 4 a A, = G)@.N(.17978«10") = 1.238720" Mae SOMO = — soseaxis® w" KE 1 A= G@Csose2 110) =-s29a 0154 cubic Qe it Place reference target at C. 670 @) Slepe at A. On? - n= -A,-Ag= 2SSKI oR ©) DeMedion at A. bare yer A, (B+0.77 4 A, Ca¥ GAS HIS im = EAT bm Proprietary Material © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companles, Inc. Alright eserved. No pat of his Mamas may be diplayed, epeduca, of distbted in any frm or by any means, without de prio writen permission of te publisher, cr wed eyoad he ited dsribton wo teachers sun edacators pete by MeGraw Hil fortes individal course preparation, A ser using this mana s sing it without peasscn Problem 9.103 9.103 For the cantilever beam and loa and deflection a (a) end A, (6) point B. Us 1g shown, determine the stope 200 GPa. 25kN 258M Te 2°53 K10% punt a EI = (200 X(0%) 02-53%; 58) = 506 EN we | asm —f os Draw M aiegran by party. Lara A, = -k oes) EE = - 139x107 o mt aa - Ren: N.B46 wi A, = $1896 «10)Q7) = - 10,662 xi0* HRT) > 0.675 m ee Drow reference tangent at C, A Oc = Ont On = BAA, = 0 On = AGH Ag © ~ SNNSIO*+ WO 66210” = ERR xO? vod (@) Slope ot A. On= SAR*IOD ct = Yat Yor Abs bee = O-0t Awe A = 0-0 + CANS #10 (1.9667) = (1.06210 )(2.025) F 10.88)» 10? wm b) DeWection at A. Ya PBB mn 8 ropristary Material.© 2009 The Mera Comping ered No pat hs Mans may be dae, repro Astbted in eny form o by aay means, without the pir writen permission of te publisher or used beyoad te hed dstbaton wo teachers tnd edvcsors pemated by Meraw-Hil for tee ndivial couse preparation, A sade using ths mana sui without permission Problem 9.105 9.105 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine the defleetion and slope tend caused by the moment Mo. ene) a ne oD) Draw EL diagram, + Hyon Art Ags + Meme GZ a Maa. MG Ay we GN 25 oro NEAT Li NEA, Place veferevce tangent at D. A _vehte ob Bie dn = Ente + = : > ae ee ye Ar Gal + A, Ga) +A ale rsa <= aa Slope ot Ay = - On Qe AWA A, Eth I My 4 L Seieyyt auatoalettocinn! Proprctary Materia © 2009 The McGraw-ll Companies, ne Allright reserved, No par of his Manual say be displayed eproduced, k(neysy T= [28.9 4 (2 10.062) 4 (230, 00126] x10" min” = HR,O8 «07 mm" = 44,08 10S wi * EL = (200 x10) (49.03% [0"*) = 7. B0S% 108 Nome = 9BOS kNem* 0.00 125% 10% me" Draw M/EI diagram by parte. Ab Bi - Be = - 8. 4e02H10* wr! Bic: M: -ge Bes -xeGe = 20398 1 we Mm . Boz 2 x 1o"* & “Uereagosy * ~* 2080 3.8602 110° )(0.8)* ~ 2.7682 x10" Place veleromce tanyenT (© 2.0398«(o"* 1-2) = ~ 2.4978 x10 att. O70 Ag = 4C22080 x15" WIR) = ~ 0.9812 10% @) Stope at A, OQ = Q- Qe = O-(A FAA = 6.10007 dame to) DefLection at A, Yn? bn 7 CR BLHG* od) + 2.447840 14) + 0.881218 7) = 76,03 ¥ lof m = G03 md = 9.108. Two cover plates are welded to the rolled-seel beam as shown, Using £ = 200 GPa, determine the slope and deflection at end C. Problem 9.108. Vee unds oP LN andl im Over portion BE T= [29x00 wb 12% 295 0m ° ") EY = (200 x10*)Ci29 107°) wa10 x 60 nese saneep Portion AB Alnor] dCmm) [Ad Cnoed| FE Cant) Top plete | 2700 | igs. s |STloxio!| 324° W2310x 60 O° Oo J2tx 168 Bat. plate [2700 |1u5.5 |s7-ex104| 32408 z IU perzudlies.ceren TL = (608) 4032 +1290 65) 2243+ 385916 met El = 49677 kN M* Drew BE diagram. (20004) 20 21 KIO ager? * (ODEN 3 46S Ko wt A9CTT Mee. (gerte6) _ i, a Bl” “Zbg00 =~ Heb ¥ A, = (A) (+ Or002214) = ~ 849866 10% Ag = G)lort) (orooa4es) t= blots x1o* 3 a Orb S- O443T X10 As = ARE) ; Ag = Ale@ere-oo0 8G) = = 01589 XIT Place vePerence tangent at Ay SPope at Cy On = Oy > At At Age Ay = - Beli? = DePfectim of Co yes Lem Yo RICA YE RICA CON) (OANA) = BELA ine 315m fe 9.109 9.109 through 9.144 Forthe prismatic beam and foding shown, determin (a the oer slope at end A, (6) the deflection at the center C of the beam. Symmetic beam with symmetic Pos Place ference Fangedt at C. nara. a( 2) M/ea ne da’ wa Geant BY > Pale 4 S, } = AL! Sdope at end A. R= - an VLA » Z _ Palize) bad ged Qe At AL Eales) = Deffection at C. Ye - tre YA, + CaCI, 5 PB. (Leta) Palatal Rel Per fof sagt 4a2)t Ene * Propsletary Material, ©2009 The MeGraie - SB ae Fer) = FEE (o) store AT AT = At OA G = O- By a2 Oye “Gates = -[RE See] - - SE 0- Se SW de) DEFLECTION AT ¢? tye = AS) + ACB) = (BEE Beye - ee Yee te “SORE ey Proprietary Material © 2009 The MeGraw-Hl| Companies, ne. Allright reierved. No part ofthis Manual may be dspayed, reproduced, oF Aistrbted in any fom or by any means, whut the prior writen pemitsin ofthe publisher or vod beyond the Hinted dation aches an educators permited by Meiraw-Hl for tee indvidal couse preparation, Arent sing this mame wing tout pension 9.109 through 9.144 For the prismatic beam and loading shown, determine (a) the Problem 9.112 ‘9,109 through 9.114 For the prismatic beam and loading shown, determine (a) the slope at end A, (6) the deflection at the center C of the beam, Mo My, ip NW Symmetric beam and foading. (eS Place reference tanger at C. O70. MEI on _ ne BE diagram. & (a) Shope at A. On ZA e A> Be(g-4) = x | SER (L- 20) = O- oo A= ~38(L- 2a} rms wea (Lea me e ty ett) Dadecton at © X> ard(E-a)= d(Leza) yer stem = AR ~ 4 Bel -20) $(Le aa) > a hae ~4a2) eg E@-42)t = Proprietary Material. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, nc All ight resrved, No pt ofthis Manual may bo diplyed eprodused, or itn nay for or by say means, ‘and educators permitted by McGraw-Hill for tei individual couse preparation, A sade sing this mona is using it withoat permission. Problem 9.113 {9.109 through 9.114 For the prismatic beam and loading show, determine (a) ths slope at end A, (6) the deflection at the center C ofthe bear, Symmetere beam and loading, 8. ° Place refevence tangent at C. Reactions. Ry= R= Mee Met a intl < # Draw Ze diagram by parts. a am” 2 aer 2 hy) 2 wel M/er A= AG ze) _ Her MeL Ht fee Y4e-$)= wel er” HEE Ms = (OC «=e TST a, A,= 4(26 Er SDope at A. > - 8a One - AHA Foc ~ Sm > \aer =~ DeFiection at C. yee tee ey tye > AUGGY + A 1GYE)] = Tee)- Qala = gett = Molt ko wet ctary Material © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ac, Al ih reserved, No part of thi Manual may be displayed, repedveed, of sisted in ay for a by any reaps, wit he pir writes person ofthe publisher, oF sed td edcatorspeoted by McCraw Hil for ther indvidal corse preparation, A sade using thie mastus using wilt permision, Problem 9.114 9.109 through 9.114 For the prismatic beam and loading shown, determine (a) the slope at end A, (8) the deflection at the center C'of the beam. Symmetvic beam and Doacing- | Pdace vedevence tansent at C. @=0 |—-1a—-|-—12 — 4 Reactions. Ry Re > wa Bending mome-t Over AB M = wax - twat Over BD mM = dwa* Draw PE diagram hy partes O- (A +A, 4 Ay) - ee (L-2a) =~ wo fe Ye = > bem > 240, Fez as g(b-a)= £(L420) = = AS BR A abe ea" Ga) + cee ya a) — = wtwe, swe? a wat at 7 -aP+ Ep ce ep (tod 2 wa EUedbet) © = ae 2a) Ye ey Ae) ) Ger age a7 (b) Deflection at C. Ils tye = A,Gal+A,Go)+ Aa) = 35 Bat = SS Pa * 1s Er Yi) "ropetae Mati 2109 The Mere Corp Tn Alghero oi Ma may ld odo a | so ee For sito te De Flixian€ pq ial ie b6m EX (20x to) CVetry tor’) = 1822 EN mw Bynneteia bean with aymmedeve Loeding. Place reference tangest at mvclpoint Cusheve O, = 0. Rye Re = +346) 21 EN fF Dvaw the benling moment cbiagraw by parts for the 9dY hall oP the Hae ad MF (e4n(2t) = 2404 KN Aye £ (ted) (24-4) = 20058 EN oP Mays = Corbina (6) =~ IE EN A, = £ (2) 12) =~ 12 EN My = = (016) (4) = 3 GEN Ay = 2 (orb) 6) Wee 8 EN Formudas. Ox ~Oan Yam Yet Bee Yor ya~ Lae Yo* Ya-ObO,+ Ley = 0 ae ~ 2 ~ Tay 2orek — 1h Bem EEA A)” OO = 40909 10? Lares ep flowrens) As £02 A, = BEAL. gc9q nie? m fam = BT {SOG Agys SSE = — onl Emo (a) Shope of ond AL 0,7 ATI” aa WW) DP Rection ot AL yg s~ (oll 46769y d— Corser") = 2444 «lot m Ya = 2094 mite foes ©) Df dection at C 29G4 xlor$ = 9534 x lor Ye 27559010 im Yer Stbmn Vat Problem 9.118 9.118 and 9.119 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the slope at end , (}) the deflection atthe midpoint of the beam. Use £ = 200 GPa, s0kvin TWIN in Use units of KY and m. Few $250 *37.8 Te S11 tot mm! = S111 mn! sonics EL = (2a0x10%)(S1. 11) = 10,22x10% Nem® = 10220 kN- mn M Place. veterence tangent at midpoint ©. a Reactions. Py = Re = EWON3.6-12)~ 4RKN? Draw bending moment diagram of Sef $a hal of beam by parts. M ZZ Ms 480.8) = 86.4 kNew “ Ay = £G.8)086.4) = 77.76 bide Maotle ke A, = (L@)C1o) = = 18 kNem™ panbhe’ ie My = $G0.(i8-0.6)*= = 28.8 illem Age $0-21628.8) = = Nise kN em” i‘ B= 40.2) = 030m oe +t a) Shope at end A. On = - One PR Tyee AoA aib = ST = 4 2KIo vad 0,5 4.72x/0 red se (b) Detection at mi poiwt C- Ye > ~ tre teat Pep aly 0.9 A, 4 (L8-0.8A,) a Aa) = Ves VS2) ta (eae = 5.85K10* m Ye ~S.8S x10 %m Ye? F3S mm ba Proprctary Material ©2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, In, Allsghs reserved. No pc of hit Manual may be diplaye, Astbted ny sepcdused, or orm ot by any evans, without the price writen permission ofthe publisher, o sed bey the mited bution teachers ‘a edusato permed by McCraw fr ee invidal couse preparation. A studeat wig ts mana isusing it without permis Problem 9.119 9.118 and 9.119 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the slope at end A, « lection at the midpoint ofthe beam. Use = 200 GPa. Use units of KM aul wm. For Wieo «74 I. = 333%10% mom! = 883x156" wt 7 EI = (200x107 1433%I0'%) F G6.6%10% News> 66600 kNem™ Symmetric beam and Dording. Place reference tangent at midpoint G where 8. = 0. Reactions. Ry= Re > ISOKNT Draw bending moment diagram af dePt hall of beam by Sees a Ms MLSE) = Soo knew A, =(4X2)(300) = S00 kesem A, = (0.5 (300) = 150 kNem™ Mg = ~60 ENem te?” } Ay = (2.51660) = -150 kom” (@) Slope atend AL &=- Oy a _ ndoo= igo H180 Bri -Ar Aa - Ask = RSS = ~YS0x 10? vad OF 450K tol me (&) Deflection at midpoint C. a Ye = > ave BrP GBA, + 4 EAs BP) ASL - $04 3325-1875 _ -2 66600 = BRE KIO mm Ye = - 826x167 m Ye 7 8.26 mm b Proprietary Material. © 2009 The McGraw-Hl Companies, Inc. Alright everve. No past of tis Manu maybe diplyed reproduced, o€ Antbsted i any form cr by any means, without he rir writen petasion ofthe publish, or used beyond the lied dation fo eabers tnd evcaors permited by Metraw- Hil for her ndvidal cou preparation, A stent wing tis manual is sig it witha! permision Problem 9.120 9.120. For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the Toad P for ‘which the deflection is zero at the midpoint C of the beam, (6) the comespon- digg deflection at end A. Use £ = 200 GPa. Dse onits of FN and Mm. storing Fer si60xe@ La axis? mt EE = (200) (401) 2 1822 EM im” Symmetric beam with syrmetnie Aosoliig. Place Yeevence tangent ad midpaind C where =o. Drav the benfing moment ofragnan vts For Rega Raa Pie hone, OT Ay= Aha) Ry = 0°98 Le bm. Mz = = (orth) (6) = Ags £0412) © Bee EN mes Mg= -(916)(6) © 366 kn, By = f(r 4) (23-6) = - 2052 EN mE ae Ags Rlb)e-34) ¥ - bok kN? lz kN FS SU-MA, + SUDA, + EOPAS = ones Ra = Hele 2 Rye 9. 8CLN. By stefics, ~QXb)+ 2R—e-P =O Pe TEN. = A= (0098 )( UPL) = WbSE ENMm. () ya = Ene = pc feo ston, aconbsornsA, + (orton Ag+ (Zoe Ay’ LSI IES) + SIMRAN TC W071) ian EEE Pea eet + (oaye-bes) Br Orbs xio* im yer areTmm b =e Proptistry Material, © 2009 The McGraw-Hit Companies, Ic. Alright reserved. No pat ofthis Maal maybe ciplyed, epeoed Sinbad im any For or by any meas, without tho pot writen pension f the pablisher, raced beyond ts Finite station teachers Sd editors permitted by Metra Il fr thst india cues pepsin, A tude uring th anal sing without permission 9.121 For the beam and loading shown and knowing that = 8 kN/m, determine (a) Problem 9.121 the stope at end A, (4) the deflection at midpoint C. Use E = 200 GPa, JOKN- fOkN- E = 200%10* Pa 7 Ast x eo = at TF 124 lo® wm = 124 210° me EX « (200 #10" (12910) > 25.8 %/0° Nem* = 25800 KN-m* Symmeterced beam and foading. Rye? Rae $@UIOV= 4O kw Bending moment M> yox -4o ~ $(8)«* At xe M= 200 - 40 - joo kw Draw ea Aicqram by pacts. tare M , 200 aati EP Teboa 7 7% 7S19210" mm Me. 282. ccountor® we! ies LSS04 10" ww = 2102 * F300 7-3. 876DxI0" my Avs 4@.7S1t 10 (5) = 19, 880x107* %, (GIS) 3.3333 m A, = ~U.S804)(S) = -7. 78206107 2GXMS)* 25m Ay 7-$(3.8%0 (5) = ~6.4600%10"* = AS) = 8.75 m Place reference tangent at C. 20 (a) Shope at A, O,7 O.- Oem = O- CAAA, + AY) OQ, = (1.380% 10% ~ 7.7520%10" = ¢.4600%10"? ) = = 5.17 x10" O= SIMIC ral = (b) Deflection at Co Wels thre (19.380 1657 (3. 3383) ~ (7. 7820107 (2.8) ~ (6.4600 » 10" 108.28) = 21.0 10°F m Yer UOmny =e 4 9.122 Porte beam and fang shown, dtemn the valu of w for which he Froben se deflection is zero at the midpoint C of the beam. Use £ = 200 GPa. kX te 40 Kan ¥ Symmetric beau aud Posing. Avo 60 Rat Ra = Sw (win kim) M/er Bending moment in kNem. Mz Swx- 40 ~dwx At x Su Ms 2Sw~ 40-1250 Draw ue diagram by parts ref, tom = EG) > 3.3833 Kot AGS) 2S m % > 3G) = 3.75 m Place vebevence tangent at C, Deflection at C is zero. the = Ya-Yo 2 @ AR + A+ ARO (SEE )(a.a393) - (22 Gs) - GEES” Yass) = 130.2) w _ $00. ET cE = $00 130.41 3.84 kN Zim we 3.84 N/m mee Proprietary Material, © 2009 The McGram-Hill Compentes, In. Al ighs reserved, No pat ofthis Manual maybe displayed, reprece oF bated in any form or by any means, without the ror writen permission of the pabliske,o sed beyond te laited dsebution to teaches ‘sn edvcatre permed by McGraw il foc heir indvdoal course preparation. A stodet wring this anal sing it withot permission Problem 9.123 9.123 A uniform rod AE isto be supported at two points B and D. Determine the # 40-8) = o.aslz2 2: ova a-o.ane -_ ‘Proprietary Material. © 2009 The MeGraw-llli Companies, lc. Al righ exrved No pst ofthis Manaal maybe displayed reprodoed sisted in any fro by any meas, whut the prior writen potion ofthe publisher, or eed beyond te hated distant teaches ae dears prmited by MeGraw-Hil fehl individual couee preparation. A staden uring this manual sasag i witout permission, *9.124 A uniform rod AE isto be supported at wo points Band D. Determine the distance a from the ends of the rod to the points of suppor, if the downveard deflections of points A, C, and F are to be equal. Problem 9.124 het woe weight per unit Pength of rod. Symmetere beam and Poadding. Re = Ro > dwe Bending moment: : Over AB Ms 4x Over BCD M = ~gwxts dwhGea)d Place relerence tangent at C. yen Ye 7 tan 2 AK + Az, 20 wh(L-26) 4 ve Ee tee gdta)~ § SE RL=0 let v= a/L. Divide by WE. (i-2YVU+tu)-% 20 4ot-~3u0 +8 20 0 Q22315 fF = 0.223 a-0.923L — Selving tor v, Material, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne ll right reserved. No pat ofthis Manal maybe dipaye reproduced ow the peor writen permission of te publisher, or sel beyond the hited dstbaton to teaches wth permission. ay form os by any means, tnd educators pemted by MoGrawHl fr tir adivdanl course preparation. A student wing he mana i Problem 9.125 deflection at point D, (6) the slope at end Me My Sage L, From Statics Ry = Rez 0. f i i Ea Draw ZF Piagrame = (Meyky =a Mel Ay (EeXe) > 9 EF M/EL A te Pdace vePerence tangent at A. eZ fe ML* bey. ML : LA. : ten = ACRE) = Fey ‘ x tom = AG) > gp the A & ton [tem _| x @ Deflection at De Xp Yo° ton - # tems tom- khan eb ML Melt og MEP SEP ager ° 7S er = SMeL* bee Ger! ©) Shope at A, -- lw. EME 2 SM as ees - Et gS Proprietary Materia © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. Alright reserved. No pat of Bis sated many foe or by ay meats, without the prae writen perisscn ofthe publisher, asd beyond ts nied dition to enhers tnd educates permitted by McCraw Hl or ei indivdaal course peeparation. A een ong i ana i 9.125 through 9.128 For the prismatic beam and loading shown, determine (a) the sua eat be sled, reproduced, or Problem 9.126 (b) Shope ak eud A. 9.125 through 9.128 For the prismatic beam and loading shown, determine (a) the deflection at point D, (B) the slope at end A. From statics, Pt, Rear FPt Mor R(ZLY = FPL Draw Ze diagrams A> ACE EE) BEE ae LUGE) PE PDace vebevence tanget at Ay teas ACEORE) AES) © ee aL). EPL ta = AGB) > deer nat D. x, ~ TP ten 7 ~(2) te. Ser REE ()srez =~ SPL = HPL pier |b eer Pere Lt > PLY % ho" - gor 9" ger Proprietary Materia. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All ighs reserve, No pat of ths Manual may be displayed, reprosuce,o¢ inte in any form or by any means, without the prior w spd educators permed by n permission ofthe publisher oF used beyond te limited ditbution to teacbes raw-l forthi indvidual coarse preparation, A shade ving th nam! wsing without persion, Problem 9.127 deflection at point D,(b) the slope at end 4. 4D EM, Rat - ¥h(5) = Rez fut Drew AE diagram by parts. aos --2e ez Aye ah te = HE 7 a Ay> GG) He = BE 5 (0) DePhection f D. tap ee Phrce refermce tangent at B, Yo* twe- Ztwe ton GEA, > HE Je¢ EL LY zl Tam = SCA+ Ast Ay) +p Ay = Seer iat ado Jwht 2 2 Swlt Yo = gag6E7 3" Baye = “7eaer Soli = qeer’ —* (6) Shope ot A. Pace veference teagert af A = Bb tan = ARE M A Ags Ay) CL c ok) ALS = Bw hs "eer ~~ reeeary Mata © 2000 Th Mra Compa ne. ets red Nop of he Maa ay eda sitrbated a any Farm or by any eu, reproduced of eprier writen peission af he publisher, or wed beyond the ited detribation 1 techers ‘nd educators permed by MeGra Il for their indvidual cout preparation. A staden using thi anual ating it witout permission, 9.125 through 9.128 For the prismatic beam and loading shown, determine (a) the 9.125 through 9.128 For the prismatic beam and loading shown, determine (a) the bi icouat eons deflection at point D, (6) the slope at end A. Us r ql ae 4 O A ed - . bk L | iat tal? Rs h— . ——41 Loy walt ig Lie eee | & oer A _ bb _ ss ox yp T A 8 custe, ae LIS ‘ yo HE BEYOGS) + ACE EOE) fog Twat tie = 3608 a ym, sae ead Lie aL ) ve toy? RSE EVN BREYER B1wet* = T1S20EL _ BTwolt Tisz0ek emission ofthe publisher oF used Beyond the Himited dsriation to trackers fn eduatorspeited by McGraw or thei individual course reparation. A staent sig this anual is sing i without permission, 9.129. For the beam and loading show, determine () the slopes point A (6 the Poneman deflection at point D. Use E200 GPa, x E = 200>/0" Pa WOES TE DY 10S mm = Th tw doe om ET = (200 MO*V(T A w1o!) = M222 10% Noto™ = 14220 kNem* ~ GR + (4.50404 B20) + © R= YO kw OT Mg = Drav shear and gt diagrams. A= (BGs) - # A,t BCs) - 2 A, +2Vs) = B Place reference tangent ad AW bent A, (45¢0.5) + A, G+ 075) lm 4 Ay(0) = URS ton > A, (h5t05) 4 A, (025) 1S25 om er 2 ten 742.5. 123.7: 123.78 @) Shpeat A. > - bes. BES =. ager, _.aste = BTovo™ = BIONIC Vad ma &) Deflection of D. yo? bn - 2 bn = - VEE = ~)5,02 x10 m Yo * 18.03 cb mm Proprietary Material. © 2009 The Me sistibated in any form or by any me decors pore by Metra ‘Hi Comppants, ne. Alright reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be dipaye, reproduced or tht the pri writen permission of he pbliaber, cr wed beyond the lined distin to eahets thir individual course preparation. A safes wing thie manual swing i without permission Problem 9.130 9.130 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the stope at point A, @) the deflection at point B. Use £ = 200 GPa, AN Forces in EN, deagths im 75kNio Dnits = + tL ~, 7 en For W310Kae7, T= asaxi0 ™ EL = (200). = 17020 kA m* & Ra B28 ENA 3 + C7EMU2Y(B) 4 (120K ) (046) = Ls 2meea2m! S7aR Considler Pouding ox TEEN/m fro Dt B pls 45tH[n From Ete B. Draw bending moment diagram by parts. 248-2 EA m EN 216 EN im 7 ~ 54 bam Me = AS (eay2= - 32-4 kN. = 59223 KN bisyesen = #8) (144) = 134 EN 4 (204) C21 6)© “1728 bn ECU2CSAYS = 206 EN ms Eeiernaaeg) = 13 As we @) SPope at Ae Yat Yt Ol + tom. yar yere On = > tem/L tan * Be {it Aa ViRH3) + (Aad Ag Vd )2-4) + (Aare = AB 2 oolsss m. One SEK Fad 4 Gea 6)? = = 25.6 bem Mas - (20.24) © = 57.6 kWem Mg = =(0.8)(30) + - 24 kNem Aye £(6XS4 4 = 43.52 bNo my A, +A, = ZCRHNBLE) = 97.92 bem £UON- 86) = = 12.6533 ke m™ too = §(Q4CS7.6) + = 46.08 KNem™ 5 = (OBC) = - 7.6 kN (a) Shope ct A. Place reference tengert ot A. Qe- tau = Be LAs AGIA) + (AeA RRM 4 Ag (4900.87 = BEBE eS 17,9582 x10 m 0, °° - I2.8gB2 410° = -7248258 «Io? = THB M IC rad ) Def Pection ow Z Yo* tom + Q%o Tom = BL NGMHC) + ALGO E > BIS 2 6.c22aqx16" m Yor G6 228IK/O + aie + 5 584924107 m Yo * S-385mm bw Proprietary Materia. © 2009 The MeGrnw-Mil Companies, Soe Alright seserve, No part of thi Manual maybe displayed, reproduced, See) - Yam Beg (Att 30 Proprictary Material © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Corapenes, In. Al righ eserve. No part hs Manual may be delayed, reproduced, o¢ lsrbted fy any frm or by any mc he prior writen poisson ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the ined dsibution vo teaches ‘and edoalors permed by McGraw-Hill for ir individual care peepratin, A stadt wing this manual swing i without permission. Problem 9.133 9.133 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the slope at point C, (8) the deflection at point C, e- Pal A= Rr A, =-Fa2 = REL Tae = A($L)= ~ fab = ve . - Pak @) S. eS se li ob A DeMection at parat C. Jer 00, + tere 2 - Poh 4 (Pal ye y =~ ee + CP Yee) Pet(L+a) Ber sie tad et sce lg a ch at ale ae itsbuted any Tom ce by any means, hou he pio writen permission of th poblithr, or wod beyond the Lite dsibotion fo echers ‘a educators permite by Metra Il fer thir indvidval couse preparation. A student sing this mata sing without permission Problem 9.134 9.184 Knowing that the beam AB is made of a solid steel rod of diameter a m, determine forthe foading shown (a) the slope at point, (2) the deflection at point A. Use & = 200 GPa i Forces in ENS Bengths im Mm. atone Fm 10 an—Hbel I= © EGY = 5153 mnt ee ae Er ee = 0306 kNit Draw BL diagram by ports by considler'n We beePiag momen! Gree eee each» We apphed Toudse Be = Loses gosen uct Fro30b hay (eris) gs _ ef * 7 pogee OT A, = £(0:6)(0-0582) = o-o1T4e a = ROG OWNTHT) = = 0405241 Ag = $0) (0-08g2) = ower Place relerence tangent at D. (Shope a point D. ye = ot lot ter Op * - Cer /e ten = OFA, + ODA = -3-498 x10? 6, « ee 2adE meopsde = 5+ 83KI0" 0,7 S.B31IS red at Ge) DePRection at A. Jat o> 20. thw = tye- 2s Ay Glo) ~ (o-(0:00583) = ~ 01389 x07 yer Yar OBI mm | Proprietary Material. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hl Companies, ne. Alright reserved. No part ofthis Maral maybe spayed reproduced, cr Aisinbated Inany fore or by any meat, wha te pric writen permission fle publisher oF ued beyond he ined dition wo techs bd educators pert by MeGraw Hil fr ter infidel couse prepaatios, A siden sing this anal ic using without permission. 9.135 Knowing that the beam AD is made ofa solid steel bar, determine the (a) diagram hy parts, Problem 9.135 ‘slope at point B, (6) the deflection at point 4. Use £ = 200 GPa, _3hNim Nee) ftom =: = 200 x10" Pa | 4 it + Boge} = 67.510" mm! een bealinal + GT. /OT* mY ET = (200%/0° (67.8 x10" )* 13500 N-m* 13.5 kN m™ ~ Me B ge GZ A DEMg = 02 ~(0.2012) ~(3M0.25 Yous) + SR = 0 te Lm Ro 0.6675 kN aA M, = (©.ce75 los) = 0.38375 kum Ma > (1.2)(.2) = 0,240 kom Ma 7-5(2)(O.25)* = - 0.09375 kNem A,> 4(©.33375 Yosd/er - 0.0834275 /ex A, > 4 (0.2400.a JEL = 0.024 /éx A, = 4.€0.09325%0.2s)/er = - 0.0078125/EI Place eelevence tongent at Bs tore = Ay(F-05)4 Agl $@25)+ 0.25) = 0.029395 /ET = - fe. ~ 2.08185 . _ o.oug7es (a) Shope at B, 5 F oe = = -8.6110x |ov® O6= 3.6)" mI tyre = Aa (Zlo20i) = 0.0082 EE = 0.23704 x10"? m (b) Def 2edion ot Ae ye Cam ~ Le On 0.23704 xto* ~ (0.2M-3.6Moxto } = 0.960 x1O™* mm Ye = O60 mm Pome Proprltary Material. ©2009 The McCraw! Companls, ne All igh reserved. No pt of hs Menu nay be daplaye, rsprotaced, of Aitsbted in any foro by ay rem, wioet the pri writen permission of the ebro sel eyed the inited Ssbaton to fechas, ‘and edcators permite by Metrn- il for ther india coves pepastion, tudes ‘wth parsion, hiatal ig 9.136 Forte beam and loading sow, determine (athe slope a point C, (the Problem 9.136 deflection at point D. Use £ = 200 GPa. aks 20k ’ ey ia wor x45 FREE BODY ADT hen Bom ASMA Os (BAYA - (a4 N(0r6)-36R, = O ES Ree kn ht 8 - bY Rg- M420 Rez 200 kM tT a oo ‘3 = G1 BA\24)+ (to Bud 3) = =186- 624 EA? 196624 3 tee ~ Tbe = ~7406410%m tate 440b « \0~*m x10? = THe = - Sb ston nm Lb x10%rad Get (lb) DEFLECTION AT Dt EL tye = Ay(ortm) = $(-06-4 KZ Yord) = ~ sit kétm I . tee = ~ Te = IEEE x 10% m ba - 3 5 Yo = tore t tay = - 106s Kis + &(-aaotne ) = - 4-703 xm Yet teTmm Vet ‘Proprietary Matern ©2609 The MeGrave- Companies, Ie. Al igbis reserved. No par ofthis Mana! may be spay, repre. of sss tv any form or by any means, wthout the prio writen permission ofthe publisher or used beyond the imiteddssibution wo teachers tnd eaters permite by MeGraw Hil fr toe iedividal couse preparation, A stent sing ths maa is using it wiowt permission. 9.137 For the beam an loading shown, determin (athe slope at point 2, (6 the Problem 9.137 deflection at point D. Use E~ 200 GPa. 40 uNhn Units + Fanes in KN5 Peagths in meters, T= 462 «10% wm! = 462 x1 a? walowei : e ET = (R00m10" \(4er1o*) IZA KIO Nem = 92400 kNem”* 2 AB Ry + HOV. 8X4) (do Ki8)=0 Ris 36 kt DEM Draw heneling momect diagram by parts. A,= &G-80072.8) = 4)4.72 Net Aa = $C.8)C 40.8) = = 737.28 kNem* As= 4.86288) = ~259.2 kNem™ Phace reference tangent at By ©) Shope ot B. Ya = Ya - LO + Ene Og= ten. ad A(Z0G.8) + AACS )(4.8$ _ =132 72104 ee -. = Careoyay =~ e74RR «Ie Ont ZAI rE (o) Deflection of D, yp= Yo+00a+ Une =O +. 8)G 2.994axIc*) ~ Be Miers so. Blot = -S.zetoxu*- Sot S38 bons - BRS = B75 x10 Yo 875 mn b =e Proprietary Meta, © 2009 The MeGraw-Wil Companies, Inc. Alright reserved, No pat ofthis Maru maybe displyed, repeodaced, ce Astute inany form or by any mean, witout the pir writen permission ofthe pubis, o sed Syed th ined dino ethers snd ecators peamitied by MeGraw-Hl for ther indvidal eons preparation. A sudeat using rama ing wut peneion Problem 9.138 9.138 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the slope at end A, (6) the slope at end B,(c) the deflection at the midpoint C. Reactions: Ry = Re = ywh Draw bending moment ancl M/EE diagrams by parts as shown, we M ber dwt? * ¢ ee per wh* tee ~ whe 4aex ~$wl™ Place vefererce tangent at A. Go) Shope at ent A. y= Yat Let tom n> ~ ten/h tay = (B+EVA, + GRA, + EA + FAY = who oy awit ex (3) “ier te ae)= Be wit a. quilt aL? Ra LR OO Ba wl for + At AHA Ay = ee o> 35cet ©) DeWection of midpoint C, Yor Jet FOrt bey L L wit ten (ZA, 4G)AR> TEE awl), wht. _ Swit" Sw" Yo = O + (G\M-ieee)* eer ° “Fer kha} Proprietary Material © 2009 The MeGraw-Itlt Companies, Ine Allright seerved. No pt ofthis Manual nay be displayed, reproduced BEE Let K be the Pocation of the maximum defiection. Assume that K Bes between 4 p C and D. ne |-tam Bunt Ont Oey fs = 123.75 er = - 123.25 =o EI b= SISA4E 12125 m. Met LS+t Ue 28S m ten = A (us 0.8945 ACO) as (60)(), 3125 )C 1.312 rs AS (eras) + God(L.si2s) Gd4.5125) EE yu = bam - Stave 133.292 | 2 BIAS (74S) _ 214.80 219.82 eT 6 er er W220) F -18. 11073 im Yet ISH mm bo me hye 2B m ae Proptictary Materia. ©2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, le. Alrighls reserved, No pat ofthis Mam maybe displayed, reproduced or 0, the point K of zero slope Ries te the be Pt oF poiwt Ey Let xy be the coordinate of pond Ke Aes ERRLE 4h 4 KE A, = ~ EM %¢- o)* x= Ox + Om = + Bf het AY ° Act Ay + ETO, = 0 i Pte) = 414 Xo EQ orb)? - 98.2 7 BES ang xy - 37.6 le-06)™ ue Xe | ns | 5442 fiesysrs| yeh SUS Mm Sobve for X_q by iteration. $ [-4625|-o001] 0 «4s anaes Wn = Kee ~ FFG Babe 93695 | thay Ags 48/823 EN Ay = = 10155 EN pW Ye? — Cane Yo * Yet tae = © Aye 1 SOL Ie ee Maigimom deP lection, Fee BK, y= obs Hy-or) = Seesere Er TMi Ai] =— ERIE e-0.0084m Yeogea nn bm y Problem 9.144 144 upward detlet re beam and loading of Prob, 9.134, determine tho largest in span DE. bet Forces EN; Dengtls im tre From the sodution te Prehfow 1.134 EI + 0306 ENe ot = or0sa2 a ex Mes 0 Er ott -3 Op = B83 kre tee Me EY Ag = 0241 U Ae * o.0241((-2)u A,= = 00873. (GY¥ O= Ot AstAc+A, =e Moftiply by lo% 100583 + o.0241 v + 002% (Ing )u —(ovoe7s) Av =0 ocos83+ 010582 U ~ 600970? =O O-38QT im a BEL in, uv Ag = O0ll1, Age ore04e, A, = ~ o-o2t! Mawinum deMection in portion DE. Yo ® Yur toy 5 Yee # ~ Bone =~ ALS) + AE) + ACE 00792 = 2dimmt = Proprietaey Material. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, Ine. Al right reserved. No part ofthis Manual maybe displayed repodoe, or dsrbated in ny Form by any mena, wtbout Ihe pie wot permission ofthe publisher oF wed fd edacstors permite by MeGra i fr thet idl course preparation Aer using ths val i ted dirbation to eschere iwi permssten, Problem 9.145 deflection in span AB. a re its: Fores in kN. Lengths in meters ple! ged x T= 462xJ0% mm" = YER m1OS mm" wipes a ET= (z00 «10 )(4eax! Saat = 92.4 x10 Neve 9.145 For the beam and loading of Prob, 9.137, determine the largest upward oS = F2400 kNem ADMg Or HBR rUoK1eXey) (60K) =o Ry = 36 kN 2.8 Ay= Amer) = 18x* Ig _p Ans $2 Crox) ~~ 228 Place veJerence tangent at AL ye= Yat LOn + ten bau L =O On = f 2.98 (Ag = U8.G-20 = 414.72 kNem™ (Anda = GE)(4.8)? =~ 737-28 kN em” 60,8 6 = BET Adagio (apie ar a RRL IBY, ~Gitiooy (4.8) = 0.49870 x10" Locate petst K of masimum deletion. O= Ox t Oxy =O ETO,+ A,+ A, = Oo fe Ye-o8 + 1BuS - Bue =o at BG Xq ~2O Ke Salve by iteration. a | 3 [3.37 [3.327] ose51] asasin = £ AF /dee| ~12 |-107.8 |i01.6 |-101.42. Hoe= Oe a> Bie F | 28.08 b6.78 |-0.198| 0,005 Place eePeveree tangent at Ke ya > Ye + Lave Yer Yet Bane = EVAN G+ AG be -ES awd - sxe a 170.064 2 : a ~ HeO6t =~ Lat) x15" m Yet SHI Problem 9.146 49.146 through 1.149 For the beam and loading shown, determine the reaction athe roller support. Remove suppat B and treat Rp as redundant, M Draw gh ctiagrars. Aske BE. Balt as 2 be Mel Molt AL a'r ater PPece reFerence tangent at A, yor Yet lO tte =o tem =o A, (4%) + AGE) = © Ral? _ Ber ine the reaction at the Remove support Band treat Ry as reduncdact. Draw the Be Atagren by panten Lo RL eee ee a Ea --EhR 2-2 A -kEE Place reference tangent ot B, yo = "Yo ~ Ob t tere = © Tae = A, Gb) + ACEH) = 0 Rt _ SPLE 2 == = 9.146 through 1.149 For the beam and loading shown, determine the reaction a the Problem 9.148 sehipaaie eer hee me Y Remove suppert B oni treat Ry as redundant Replace Doading by equivedecd shown at PFty We Draw M/EL diagvan for Load w, anf Ra. AUT Use ports as shown. Ral 4 {iii R Aye H(REY(Y + 4 Sa M,- Ae My = Aye Place reference tangent at Ay WE oie ten = A,GL)+A,(36) + A, Ge) eae Rel? _ 4 wal” u WD "aH -ee ese = 0 LLELL LEZ: Re = dint Re 0.275 Lt ae a 8 8 Yo ‘8 fl ref, ten 7 7 roprictary Material, ©2009 The McGraw-Hill Companles, ln. All rights reseved. No pat ofthis Mana aay be diplge eproced ot dnttbutcd in any fom oc by any means, without the prio writen permission of ts publisher owt beyond the hited dstbaton to teaches. an educators permed by Metra Mil for heir individual couse preparation. A sient using this anal wing i withoul permission 9.146 through 1.149 For the beam and loading shown, determine the reaction atthe Problem 9.149 — HTL aa: Mer ad roller support Remove support A and treet Ry as veclundewt, Draw M/EL diagram for Doacls Ry ancl we Me > awG ys -gwlt Pye > ABE A> 4(Eb -pet wl EI Rb oF 6 oe wEeVb AZ SCEEEYE) mn Place reference tangent at B tua A (Gt)s A(EO$R : i SOP - sy ee =O R melt — Ine. Allright reserved No prof his Manual may be dipnye, reproduced, or cn person ofthe publisher, owed beyond the ited dstbution to aches ore prpartion. A sueot sing ts magus using it wihout persion, lal © 2009-The MeCaw-Hil Cor Proprietary Mat Airbted in any form or by sty meat, satbout the pie sed educators permed by McGraw Hil forte indvido Problem 9.150 9.150 and 9.151 For the beam and toading shown, determine the reaction at each, support. My Choose Rg U cx the vectundaut reaction. Draw SL atiagran For the Deade Re and Mo, A, kot) ~ Be A> AGE): BE Ags ROOCE) = - See Ags RCVGYCHE) + — Mek Bat hat Acs RCLYC Ee) = ~ Btbh Yo Yat bOn + Len = ~ Fen/h Yo2 Yat BO + bey 2 © -$ ten + ten =O tam= (A, 5) + Ag+ AVG) = Kee ~ ZtHtel* er ig ex e Lem AXE S)+ ACS) +(AtAGt AS WEY = Bal — ghlek* -Bhyttyn + Be. gel =o Re: BMa | = HZM,= Oo: M+ ER - ER, RQ loam, | +h ZR 9 : + Ret Proprietary Material. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Contpantes, Joc. Alright reserved. No par ofthis Manua ay be displayed, reproduced or Aisterbued in any oem or by any means, thou the prior writen pesmisson ofthe publisher, or wed beyond te himiteddstbuion 0 aschers and educators permited by MeGrawHil fr ter indvidal couse prepraon. Aster using this anual swig i without permission. Problem 9.151 9.150 and 9.151 For the beam and loading shown, determine the tection at each support. Remove suppoct Canc? aaldd reaction Re « Deaw Be cue to cack of He Poadls (P and Re. > dud. SEL S 7 Avge 4-3 Bo = 3PL Ae ke Ee > BR Ags HEGRE) = = Belt Byrds = RAGE) = - BE Place reference tangent at A. yar O ye= LOnt tem 2° 0, =- fea Ye = 2LQ + ten = © —2temp + tan ADAG + Ay ELTA MA BE BAL BG + (Ae AQ)-L] = 0 pis fee + [sees PE - BL) =o =o ~ al fae - BE Seer * i7eE 1@ | Wes - ae a) a= ¢Pt 4D EMg= OF -AR-LR+ RP =O Ryw FAR. = RP RrePY +DEM, = 0 ee EP so R= SE- 42 “RP Rez BP t ~ Problem 9.152 9.152 A hydraulic jack can be used to raise point B ofthe cantilever beam ABC. The ‘beam was originally straight, horizontal, and untoaded, A 20-KN load was then applied at point C, causing this point to move down, Determine (a) how much paint 7 B should be raised to return point Co its original postion, (6) the final value ofthe r jon at B. Use = 200 GPa, wine x 208 Irmo nam FoR WI30K23.8 — Ty2 8.80% 10% rome area EL = (200 «10° ePAYE.BOK10-S en) = 11GO kere Let Re BE THE Tack Force int kN. Ay= (LB ReN18) = 1.62 Re, Ag = E(-G0X3) = = 40 kN mn? ELt., = (20A, + (DA, © = ANG2Rg) + (2V-40) Re = 46.296 kN Ay = 7S keen? Age E(-60X1.8) = - 54 kno? Soe Age EC-24M8) =~ 21.0 bent? Ete, = UDA, + UDAg + (0.0 Ay = (2478) + (2-54) + (0.6Y-21.0) = AZR.2& knbent (2) yo* tem™ SBten 5 2h asas nic Yet 6.5 amt << (e) Rea t6.3kn t ved. No pt ofthis Maal may be displayed oproucod, of ns, without the pi writen permision ofthe blir, of wed beyond the Hmied dsb teachers and edecaers permited by Medial fr hel inves couse prepa. A sade wing tana suing it without permission. Problem 9.153 9.152 and 9.153 Determine the reaction ot the roller support and draw the bending-moment diagram for the beam and loading shown. Deits. Forces i KN. Lengths in me Tat Rg be the redundant reaction. Remove suppert B and add Pood Re. wot era Draw bending moment diaqvan by pants. M, = 362g kam My = ~Csrroplte) + <9 kNm My = -(iss)l20) = -162 KNm Ay = EGFR) = Rp G48 EMM Ag = 4 (225) (-90) #1025 EW ot Ag = £ (1350-62) = — 10935 EM we Ya® Yr 3bO + tea = © tom = © tant Be] (b4RRedlar) + (10125285) + (Hoqas ais) =O 15:552 Re ~ b3}0015 =O Re = 4o-7kN tT - loser kin Mos Mat Ay t $526 EN im Mes Mo+ Apes £5 Nm Ma= Met Ang = © ahaoa Problem 9.154 9.184 For the beam and loading shown, detcrmine the spring constant k for which the force in the spring is equal to one-third of the total load on the beam. Symmetere beam ane doacling, — R, R Spring Forcotn F> SQwL) + Zwh shh or Rt PF -wwhs R20 Ber Res Fuk Draw BE diagram by partse A ACER 8 Be WY) BL EL te Place reference tangent at BL Og= 0 yet tye > -(A,-3L + A,-3L) = -z wt ” €L ~kye --£. gyb = @&t Kee? Ja Pee es enn 2 er Proprietary Material. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hi Companies, ne Al sight reserved. No par of his Mandel may be dleplyed. reproduce, oF ‘routed in ay frm or by ay means, without he pir writen permission of te publisher, or used beyond the med dsvbaton wo teschers ani educators permuted by MeCraw- Hil fr heir individual couse preparation. A sent sng tis manuals using without prmision 9.155 For the beam and loading shown, determine the spring constant for which ittaesueitbanitaed the bending moment at B is My = -w1'/10. Jeing Free borly AB, @ vb pulse Ve" ~ Rb + WLYE)- bul =o R= wht Symmetric beam and Soudinge Re> R Using Free body ABC, 412K, Zul4 Fs Zwl-2ub- Fe $ wh Draw ph dvagraw by parts. wh* AraC wy) wht As SSB eS Poace cefervace tangert et BL Ogz 0 ~ hie Je (Age A RL) -awt Tao EL Fe -kys k aa 44 k= we EE = Te Proprietary Materia. © 2009°The MeGray-Hil Companies, Ine. Allsghs reserved. No par of this Manual may be dipeyed eprodced, oF Airbed nay fro by any mean, eihout the pir writen permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond he mite dstibution fo teachers nd educators permitted hy Metal for thet ndvidaal courte preparation. Asdent using this manual fusing without permission, Problem 9.156 9.156 For the loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic ‘curve for the cantilever beam AB, (5) the deflection at the free end, (©) the slope af the tree end, =o =o @) Efbastic curve. yt ptegz (eh -skte 4) ~ de mer Gara ety ‘ (e) y @ =O: ‘ya > ~BAE ye ~ a oa ay] 2 wol® Mak? ©) g® “0% D-H ° 24eT ara Proprietary Material © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. Allrints rezerved. No prof ths Manta ay be dspayed, reproduced, o1 isbted in any fot o by any ren, hoa the prior wrten permission ofthe publishes yo he ited dsibton wo teachers and educsors permite by MeGraw Mil for thi individual couse preparation. A stedent ang is man sing i witht person Problem 9.157 9.157 For the beam and loading shown, knowing that a= 2m, w= 50 kN/m, and B= 200 GPa, determine (a) the slope at support 4, (6 the deflection at point C. “E Deing ACB as a free beoly ond neting W510 x 98.7 thet ae $4, : ae 4D 2M, = 0: c A B Rel -(wayg): 0 ae suena ® Re Rar WO) Bee dwa Geayry] beado$2] ANZRrOt Rt Reward Re Ewe O £ RCL - Ot”) ert -4ex*-kwt? +, er ok Rela + Cy Cura, 2-H] bRategwad + G, --kRelaalhs Cy Cat Cy +g Rear-Zwart Re(ae = C+ Zwo? Tera, yy] E Rai gala Cia = Re (aa ~ (Cy +f wo?)(2a) BCa= ~gRaeqwal+ $k Qa) Zwatea) =-28 wa" C, For O Zwat- dwat-wat + -twat 17.02 «10% y, =~ (0x18 Kay Yer a 178x107 Yer UPS Yat Proprietary Matrisl, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No pat of this Manual stb in any form or by any rans, witht the prior writen poisson af the publisher, or ased beyond ‘nd econ permitted by McGraw-Hill or their ndvidual course preprnin. A stent wing he aa be displayed, reproduced Problem 9.158 9.158 For the bexm and loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the clastic curve, (b) the slope at end A, (c) the deflection atthe midpoint of the span. Boundary conditions at A ani B are neh we Ae Ctx 4) sew = HE Cay? -4Lx) Vv Lee, Meo} [erty wv Ge ve MCa8- Au 46, M Lxr0, yro} Get, y = Me (gx Sb) 4 Gna, Peta CHa o: M(SLY-gL") + GL +0 c= gmlt EIGY = ms Me (gxt- Sb + gex) EIR = Md - gb + ELK) + Cy ET y = 3 Caext-gplea BER )+ Qa + Cy [x-0, yo] Or 0104104044 Tel, yro] or H(PUS- Lies dit) + Gl 40 (@) Elastic curve 17 is Gee ie ae Sb LS) “= He ihe (eb dee a) : (b) Shpe at end A. Set xro in Wy. #e aa () Deflection al _midpoint. Set x & in y. yer Sekt tanay ays sy - 3@S ae + Lt s ish ml Sb" test Tw S165 “ET > St wel" any Yeo ses BE I repr Materia ©2009 the es y+ Rx er dt = Myx4dPvt+C, ELY = SMe see sey ee ELy= AM 2EER oD -bPGral a Cee 4 Cy Cxea, = 4) MattRae Massa-2 +o, 0,70 (kra,yzy] dMasdha’= Ma atgd-o1046, Geo [x=t,¢%-0] ML 4+ 4Qu- 4Pbt =o a Ie-L,yro] 4mcster-epe =o @ Selving C2 snd (@) elena Mae Berges) fb). R= Ee. am. Based) = Piteask) 4 Ma My+RL~Pb = ~ Pot 2, Pianebyiat) Beas haga ae ae E ~— Pal, Ph arb) = My= My +R ar - Fab, PE Garba e ropa Maes ©2009 The Gram il Compa in Alig No eof Maal my be ple pedo isbn any oro by ay mens, lor writen permission ofthe pulse, or sed beyond the inte dsibution teaches ‘Sn ects pied by Cer rt ul vue prin Ae sig hs mal esto pation 9.160 For the timber beam and loading shown, deter () the slope Problem 8.160 at end A, (5) the deflection at the midpoint C. Use 2. GPa, Pe ain tr SkNon 50m 2 Forces in kN Oangths in mefe L = (So) iso = 14,0625 «(0% wm? = W.062T KISS EI = (12*/07)(14, 0625%10°) = 168.75 %10* Nem* = 168.75 kN -m™ : Sos FDMy =O: ~2R +(LSMH HOSS) = O Sys Ras has ky ° & Ro w= 5hn-19° kNem Ws ew = 5 he" kim GE = Vo Sku)! + has = 4kw- 0.5)" kw EIdY = M = ~Gdan1)"+ dase ~ 4de-0.5) kWem ELM s -Elu-Se ans et- 2gmosyrc, Neen Ely = -S duets SBS - Sleosy + Gwe, ken? Lxze,yrol -O+0-040 40,20 C,= oO Exe am, yred (80. + BBSar Gas) + 2c,+ 0 ©, = = 1.60417 kNemm™ (a) Shpe tend A. (HY of x= 0) Er), =-0 40-046, (4), = & = - 2.51 ¥105* On= VSIKIS pod 0) Def tection af midpoint C. Cy of w= tm) Eyes 0 +(BEKI - GOST y (coun) = = 979.1715 Kw Yet Tepe =~ SBOKIC mm Yet FBOmnb <2 Problem 9.161 9.161 The sigid bar DEF is welded at point D to the rolled-stel beam AB. For the Ioading shown, determine (a) the slope at point 4, (b) the deflection at midpoint Cof the beam. Use B= 200 GPa, SOKA» Vacts: Fives in KN 5 Pengths in meters. winks 4 TMe 0+ 8 Re +(80)Q.9 708.6) +(50\R.4) = O Rav Ta kw t 12m 12m gokW/m — SOkN T= 212 410% men" = 212210 ou coun Ts (ROXAS) = 4RAXIOS Neve = YAHOO kNe wm" & oe wx) = 30- 3062-247? ie ews -304 s0¢u-24y” kfm oa = VF 19 = 50k + 906K-247' — 50 dx-8.67) kw ETSY SM = 79% -15 x" + 1S (e247 ~ SOK MW 3.67) ~ COL REY Kem ELH = Wote suds Sdx-2y- 25(e-8.c9*- Gola 8.6) ¥C, Ki ret Ely = BO Fats FCwn-any- Blescy- s0-seF ee Gur, ken? ix=0, yro2 O-0+0-0 -040 4G, =O Geo [xcasysel QZ V48)-(EN4.8)" Ga ~EW.2Y eoX(1-a)s 4.36, = © Cyt A101. 76 ean® () Slope_ot post A. CB at xe 0) a = 0-040-0-0 “1.76 = ~161.76 kom = 161-76 _ 2g gayict ste GY), SEIS = 7S. 82610" = 3.82IO wd et b) DePtection ot midpoint C. Cy ot x= 24) EL yc = 2 VGAY~ (EVM © = 0-0 (e126) +O = 247.68 bNore? = rAdT.68 LL, 18 ve a ae Ye* “ass SBMS Yo S84 mm b Problem 9.162 9.462. Heum CE rests on beam AA, as shown. Knowing that a W250 49.1 rolled-steol shape is used for each beam, determine forthe loading shown, the deflection at point D. Use E = 200 GPa. 120k For w25vxadl I = 7016 x10 mat EL = (x00 ¥10")(-Tore x1o"*) = 14120 EN ment Beam AB: bokN dovawarel fonds af CantE. Refer f. Case 5 of Appendix D. Was c49 1 Pet 3EIL with areem, be 3m Le ebm LberlorbP OF - 215 1107 5 Qe, = cia.) S-b)xd Pblx* GEIL wilh b= 66m, xeorem, L= 3b heading. e),27 Loading IL. (Ye), * _ Lees(ore) [ou = 0-0867Ki0? m Ye = Ye), + (Yede = = 1362x107 > By symmetyy Ye * Yo Beam CDE, 120 EN dounuavel foul at D. Refer te Case 4 of Appendiv D. Hele Sele. * ~ geE with Pe l20KN anc Le 2-4 im 2 2 E20) C24) _ 2.44 gxio™ Sore = ~“EeeiCiaizey * Total dePbection at Dy Yor Yet Yor = -3P/ M1073 my = 3-B8lim bw Proprietary Material © 2009 The MeGraw-Hl Companies, tne. Al rights eserved. No pat ofthis Manual maybe displayed reproduced oF dctbuted may fren crby any means, wlio the rr wen poison of the publisher, used beyond se ime dstabution fo teachers land edectrspermited by McGrav- i or their indoual course reprain. std! ing hi nua using twit persion Problem 9.163 9.163. For the loading shown, knowing that beams AC and BD have the same flexural rigidity, determine the reaction ot B. kN iS > Considev the two beams shown befow. Let Ru be the contact force between beams AC and BCD. 6 Applying Cases land 2 f Appendix D +t cantifever beam AC, . Rai _ wa" Ye" SEI ~ ger Applying Case 4 oP Appendix D te simply supported beam BCD, - 2 Rl Ye 48 ET Equating empressions for Yes Rat _ wat — _ Rie Ber ger ©” Wer (Go%+ LAR. = Swa" Re = eS Data? w=FENJm, azobm, Leim = QUINCY. 2 STEN Re WF U/o%) et Using beam BCD as a free body, DEM, =o: -Rl+RE=O Re ake 7FbN tm Proprietary Material, ©2009°The MeGrav-tll Companies, ne Il righ reserved. No pat of tht Manual maybe ply epoduced sisted in aay fer or by ay means, without the pit wren permissan of the publisher, or sed Reyond tenet drones ad edcator peniied by MeGraw-Hl for dct individal couse preparation, A student uring ti aaa using it wikout peso, Problem 9.164 9.164 ‘Two C150 x 12.2 channels are welded back to back and loaded as shown. Knowing that £ = 200 GPs, determine (a) the slope at point D, (6) the deflection at point D. Foeees in Ng Beng the mim = 200 Gta iim Gam = (235 x10) = 107 K10F He = Booxiae)(1067 “107) = 2140 kN wt M Draw PE diagram by parts. M , (ele) a er a(Artesy FH (B)e ONG me YP “Bf deem C52) __ b © — a EE Er ht qe jeceet tei) AL ACE Mie BE Big = Blinn) Or hin A val tan chain aig = we) = - Seb oe A, 46 2)eu) = -$21 4 ¥y dOb) = 012m Place velerence tangent at A. 04 = 0 Cont AT At AT ~ BE 2 -E 5 8 sqrt md. On = + om = SBIW1C7 vad = Beh eu ays EY) s -AMo) = - ABE = 4-14 X07? = 4 lem | = Proprietary Matrlal. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, ne All rghsreserved. No prof hi Man! may he dspaye, reproduced, cr sbated in my form ce by any means, without the pic wen pees ofthe bls, or used beyond themed dstsbation 1 teaches ‘sn educators peed by MGraw il fr ther iid couse preparation stent sing ths mal tung withou enmison. Problem 9.165 9.165 For te prismatic beam and loading shown, determine (a) the slope at end A, (®) the deflection atthe center C ofthe beam. Symmdric beam avd forcing. Place nelerence teagent at. 29 Reactions? Ry = Re 7 £P Drow V (sheer) auel M/ET diagrams. A= A= AGERE AB ee] é EE (0) Shope at A. Oh B- Ae = O- A-AL See * “SEF (eb) Deflection at te i POL OL => (wee + ats) ~ -t Bt +P * CBW ED Ye“imaes + Proprietary Material. © 2009 The MeCraw-Hill Companies, Ins. llrightsreserved. No pr of thi Man maybe dispyed reproduced, or Airbed in any form or by any means, without the rst writen prmston ofthe publisher, cused beyond the ited duton te teachers bd educator permite by MeGray-Hil for hel indivi course prepaation, A stoden wing anual is sing i without permission. Problem 9.166 12 — be bera| 9.166 For the beam and loading shown, determine the magnitude and location ofthe largest dowaward deflection. DEmMg- 0; -RL4B-Rs0 Deyo. -H + PH elo Draw V (shear) team and M diagrams Ae 2GBVG)- dEE tent Ache) ye? ten - ¢ IGE) ae Ye) “a Ags $CREMG) © be BE Place ference tngent 7 an? (BEE) + Ge BEY 3 es EE VG hie) + Car &) ay et > fe (ii +e ~ ona 78 SEE ite Pe as ee Let point K be the docation of lym. Oe = + Ou BEE + Ae oe TfL bey y ° eer t a(t o © » BGR ae )> mE L- 7b owssl : i in 4GR)s =e AE Put 1 3 ple & PL Ba Gi «ie Ee 2 ye = 0,00677BE Lame Problem 9.167 10 ken v(KNY Leg esa iw }_— (58.72) uO RES (fas) Uf a G 105.76 MCW) sy72 S54 = 82.83 9.167 Determine the ‘moment diagram for the be jon at the roller support and draw the bending 1 Toading shown, Unils= Forces in KM. Lengths in mefevs. walrus bet Ry be tha vedlvncfaat reaction. Remove sepport ed A and add reaction Rate Draw bending moment fiiagnan by pets, M, = 3.6 Ra Nem Ma= My > (7150.34 2H) 2 = 2ORT bem ~ ACOA =~ Sa kN A= AGE MBER © 6.48 e-m™ Age RAT VE2ORS) = - 27BL37T kNe mt Ds=SQEUS AY = $916 RM emt Place velevence tangent af B, where ae Ba =O ond yar o Then, yar Tam 2 O tam? BER -S-EDA, + (0.94 8-2.7A, + (0.940.384 B24) AL’ « pgfis. 952 Ry - Iwi saash= © * Ry = 65.24 kN f = Drew shear diagram, AkD Vz R, 765.24 kv OPE Viz 6S.24-75 =- 9.76 KM ERR Vv 2-976 ~ 4o(x~1-2) kv At B Ng =~ 105.76 kN, Bending moment dicware. Maro Mp = Mp + 58.72 * SB.7R kN-m Me = $8.272- 2.93 ~ SE.74 Kem Ma = $5.79 - 138.64 = ~ 82.83 kNem PROBLEM 9.C1 9.C1 Several concentrate loads can be applied to the cantilever beam AB. ‘Write a computer program to calculate the slope and deflection of beam AB fom ®, x= 0tox=, using given increments Ax. Apply ths program with increments ‘Ax= 50mm to the beam and loading of Probs. 9.73 and Prob. 9.74. SOLUTION | FOR EACH LOAD, ENTER ° Py COMPUTE REACTION AT A FoR {= 1 TO NuMBER LOADS By = Rat Pi MyM BG COMPUTE SLOPE AND DEFLECTION USE METHOD OF INTEGRATION STARTING WITH %*0 AND UPDATING THROUGH INCREMENTS, SUPERPOSE: (CO DUE TO REACTION AT A: = (IJEL)( Ry (2.0 + MX) ge (ET) (Bpyx?/6.9 + M,X, (2) DUE TO EACH LOAD WITH Ce < ¥: @ = -(/82) (P:/ 2.0) (x - ce)? Be (VERY (F/ 6.0) (6)? we THE Comstauts oF INTEGRATION EQVAL ZERO CONTINUED PROBLEM 9.C1 CONTINUED PROGRAM OUTPUT Problem 9.73 and 9.74 Force = 6.0 kN x Slope m radians 000000 00578 001126 001645, 002134 1002594 003024 003424 003794 =lo04135, =1008447 1004728 190490 1005203 = 1005395 1005558 005699 005825 005936 (006033 06214 oosie1 006233 006270 06292 006299 Couple = ~6.0 kN-m Deflection -00000 ~looa025 ‘000057 ‘000127 To00221 ‘000340 =a 00642 ‘oue22 001021 001235, 001465, (001708 001962 002227 002501 1002783 (003074 1003365, 003664 (003960 004275 004536 ~!004898 005213 -.005527 Proprietary Material, ©2609 The McGraw-HIl| Companies, In. Alt sighs reserved. No pat ofthis Maral maybe diplayed epced ‘istibted in any form orby any means, without she prior wien permission of the publisher cr sed beyond the ited seb o teaches tad educators permed by MeGraw- Hil forte indiidenl course preparation. A det wring this manuals sig wht person, PROBLEM 9.C2 9.C2._The 6-m beam AB consists of a W530 % 92 rlled-steel shape and supports a $0-kN/m distributed load as shown. Write a computer program and fae sarees Malas br esata 0 Grn ag Stn nce) th lp a ato Ds oot snd ape oe an ol TTT] deflection, Use B = 200 GPa. SOLUTION 5» ———} ENTER LOAD wr, LENGTH L, & COMPUTE REACTION AT A Ra uw (L=a)7 (2.9L) uw COMPUTE SLOPE AND DEFLECTION AT D USING SINGULARITY FUNCTIONS? ‘AE wh ad 7 G7 ae Hoag me =O Lox 7 zat @ = (itt) (Raaf2.0 + G) = (ER) (Ry 0/60 + Ga) et bax =e tere” 4 e UJET) (RAS prdt = zt Byte B Kno 7G, + BLY = RAe ~ Fehr rane Ce From BOUNDARY CouDITIONs: G20 ae ot w eal Oo aL (L-0) COMPUTE LOCATION AND MAGNITUDE OF MAXIMUM DEFLECTION Maximum y AT O20: ASSUME ¥ 1.8m. Use £~ 200 GPa. SOLUTION ENTER wyayl COMPUTE REACTION AT A Rat Urk = 2.0ura 2 Lwi-b wa Machu w AND DEFLECTION oF ELASTIC CURVE STARTING WITH Y¥=0 AND UPDATING THROUsH INCREMENTS , SUPER POSE tt) DUE TO REACTIONS AT A O=(fELy (Rx® + Max) yes) (b Rat? +4 Myx) (2) DuE TO LOAD ow 3 a=-(i/ex) (Zw x*) pe VE) (3) DUE TO LOAD 24" IF *Sa erl/etyldh we gy (EDGE ort) IF eR>% a= (ery(d w ¥ - 5 w (yay?) 3 ) yc lifer wx bw (4-01) CONTINUED PROBLEM 9.C3 CONTINUED. Problem 9.¢3 PROGPAM QUT PUT tan +00 ho i209 130 t40 50 te fo leo Too 1100 1:10 1120 1130 wag 1150 160 1:70 ia 1190 2.00 2.10 2120 2.30 2.40 Problem 9.¢3 las Force = 43.2 kN Couple slope radians -000000 000905, 1001762 002567 ~1003318 004009 004638 005202 005703, 006145, ~1006533 =!p06868 n07156 ~1007399 007602 1007769 007902 ‘008006 908083 1008139 1008177 =lo08216 (oy a= 2.2m oem 90-7 ktem deflection 000000, ~le00046 ~!o00179 =!000396 ~lo00891 =l001058 =1001491 ~1001983 1002529 To03122 1003756 904927 Soosi28 1005856 006507 1007376 looei60 1008955, ‘009760 Tor0s71 Torn3a7 012206 013027 o13eaa 014669 = 0.0 kN Couple = -51.8 kWem At A: Force x slope m radians 00 -000000, 10 =, 000529 120 ~lo01055 [30 ~lo01s74 40 =!002082 150 002574 60 Too30se, ho ‘003500, ‘80 ‘003926 ‘90 1004323, 100 ‘00468? 1110005014 1.20 2005302 130 1005544 140 005747 1150 ‘003913, 160 ‘008047 i170 1006150 1180 006228 1180 006284 2.00 006321 220 006344 2120 006356 2.30 (006360 2.40 006361, deflection -000000 ~ 1000026 ~lo00106 =!000237 1000420 ~1000653 ~lo00934 1001262 1001633, ~lo02046 =1002497 ~ ‘002982 1003498 looser ~ 004606 =1005189 =lo05787 ~1006398 =1007017 =1007642 008273 ‘ooaa06 Tooasa2 1010177 010813, CONTINUED PROBLEM 9.C3 PROGRAM OUTPUTS CONTINUED Problem 9.¢3 (c) a= 1.8m At At Force = -43.2 kN Couple = 13.0 kNem x slope deflection m radians m -00 900000 000000 ho Tooo1aa ‘oo0006 t20 Tooo182 ‘ooo021 t30 Toooz15 Toonoa1 140 ‘oooz16 Tooo0es, 10 ‘000197 ‘000083 160 7000133, ‘000099 s70 ‘000056 ‘000109, 180 1000039 1000110 T90 =loo0149 looo101 100 =!000270 ‘000080 A110 1000398 “ooo0as 1120 1000530 [000000 1130 000682 ‘0a060 1140 -1000790 1000132 1150 - 000911 ~1000217 360 =. 001021 ‘000314 alto =loo1116 ‘000421 also 001193 (000537 1190 -lo01248 000859, 2100 =.001286 000786 2:10 © =.001309, ‘000916 2:20 -1001320 001047 2:30 -1001325 001179 2.40 1001325 1001322 Proprietary Materlal © 2009 The MeGraw-Hid Companies, Ic. Alright reserved, No pat of tis Manas may be dplayed eprosuced or Aisne in ny form or by any mean, whoa he pri wien permission ofthe publisher, oF wel beyond he aed dstisaton wy teachers fad educators permited by MeGraw-Hil for ter individual couse preparation. A stadt wing this aol s using t withoas permission PROBLEM 9.C4 For Loap Pi: FOR xr dj er ty = Rx Plea) ate = Coust = (Vet) Const, + const, ) Er ge = LRM g Filo) (3) DUE TO LOADS — REMAINS PART +5 ee 5 Lp 3 = (VEE) (To Rn EL Yy =~ Re - = (y-0; iz FAG HG y yelver) (45 ky?) $CgHEG FROH BOUNDARY ConpiT IONS C, = ey =0 : 2 2 e162 Gh lle meld Rat NovE: Ry FOR Load P 9.C4 ‘The simple beam AB is of constant flexural rigidity BY and carries several concentrated loads as shown, Using the Method of Integration, write a computer program that can be used to calculate the slope and deftection at points along the beam from x = O tox = L using given increments Ax. Apply this program to the beam and loading of (a) Prob. 9.13 with Ax = 0.3 m, (8) Prob, 9.16 with Ax = 0.05 m, (c) Prob. 9.129 Ax = 0.25 m, SOLUTION Fok EACH LOAD, ENTER Pe 5 a COMPUTE REACTION AT A FOR f= 1 TO NUMBER LOADS: My = Mat Po ay Loan = LOAD + P; THEN: Rg= Ma/b Ry = LOAD ~ Rp COMPUTE SLOPE ANd DEFLECTION STARTING WITH %= OQ AND UPDATING THROUGH INCREMEUTS, SUPER Pose: (1) DUE TO REACTION AT A eter) CE Ra") gs VERVE Ray?) (2) QUE TO LOADS ~ CONSTANT PART 2 const, =-f Ral FoR | To Numpre Lonos Const, = 4A; (aj)? 4 Coust, THEN , TOTAL CONTRIBUTION FOR CONSTAMT IF X74 6 = (Ver), Ry? ge UBL, Ra? LR (aae)*) CONTINUED PROBLEM 9.C4 CONTINUED PROGRAM QUT PUT Problen 9.13 Problen 9.16 x theta y x theta, y ef reales leg, mo radsi0e*3 am 1 ry 2.490 000 Oe fice OF eet Or He cel4es | ~!az4 clan 249 felaag <3 malas =1493 2213751613 i 221328 Zi130 i T2lzes Claas (26291 = 9-747 2197 =1957 vi 4 sete) 1065 i “alos, “a i6e ag =11936-1:268 39423 — 9.068 fest =1!362 ee ane =3asi Tsea “as33 —— Taso -1 610, AS | MGT | [10 Lora Ht lie laa ozs 1796 =1e79.“1eaa Problem 9.129 rane x theta y BR rad"l0"*3 im 000 © -8.703 000 (0) i250 “eleas —-2168 ‘soo -0:351-41293 t750.=7!51 61329 alo0o © 71296 a1234 11250-61503 -9.962 11500-51538 211472 alto Talaes | -120724 2000 3.428 13.713 21250-21373, 141438 2-500 318 -141900 27 264 "151098 31000 i791 -15!032 SEE REDUNDANT REACTION: SINCE [Yy)ur + (Yoh = 3ET R= a3 od, COMPUTE SLOPE AND DEFLECTION AT B SUPERPOSE: due TO pIsTRIBUTED LOAD? 2er = Pa? a) Po Yar sey tlh) ey ‘CONTINUED PROBLEM 9.C5 CONTINUED PROGRAM OUTPUT probiem 9.c5 (a) a theta 8 yats nh rad10"~a fan o = 3-019 Problem 9.€5 (b) a theta B yates n rad*10*=3 mn : 728 -1.6389 : i624 -113328 M4 =1529 110663 '6 4a =18374 8 1364 T6426 10 =1293 > 14789 1.2 1230 aa =1174 is aia =i1472 ie =1079 =10813 2:0 ~toa0 =10337 22 =to06 10024 2.4 to23 0149 26 Toes ‘0198 28 r072 toes Proprietary Matera. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Conspanles, tn, Al igh reserved. No pat ofthis Manual may be splayed eproduced or debated in any form of by any means, whos he prior write pean ofthe blsher ce Wed beyond the ied dsbatonw teachers fd eden rite by Meas Hl fr tet individual course preparation, Aden using ths manele wing witha permis PROBLEM 9.C6 9.€6 For the beam and loading shown, use the Moment-Area Method wo waite ‘a computer to calculate the slope and deflection at points along the beam from x = 0tox=Lusing given incroments Ax. Apply this program to calculate the slope ‘and deffecton a each concentrated load forthe beam of (a) Prob. 9.77 with Ax = 0.5 m, (6) Prob. 9.119 with Ae= 0.5 m. SOLUTION ENTER My AND Mg FOR EACH LOAD ENTER P. AND a DETERMINE REACTION AT_A DUE TO MOMENTS AT ENDS: (A, =~ (My- Mag)V/L |" DUE To LOADS P; For i= | TO NUMBER OF Loads | tr, Rg = Ret Be a//L ones r— LoaD = LOAD + Py (Ry), = LOAD —Rp t By = Rad, + Ry), DETERMINE SLOPE AT A USE SECOND MOMENT-AREA THEOREM TO GET TANGENTIAL DEVIATION AT B DUE TO Mat tay = Mn LV (208T) DYE TO Rye 2 = L 6.0 EZ Lam = Pat '/ (60 82) Due TO LOALS PZ: FOR i = | TO NUMBER OF COADS = Py (L-4,)3/(6.0 ET) tom sum tems a = ~ tan [tL DETERMINE SLOPE AND DEFLECTIONS For x =O To L, suPeRDo DUE TO Mg Aun Ry: = Og t(Ma x + Ra xz/t0)/ EF contiNuED PROBLEM 9.C6 CONTINUED. PROGRAM OUTPUT 000 500 11000 11500 2,000 21500 3.000 31500 4.000 42500 52000 Problem 9.11 000 1500 1000 1500 2.000 2.500 31000 31500 ‘4,000 4.500 51000 Proprietary Material © 2009 The Mt Hi Companies, | DUE TO LOADS theta rad*1000 600962 1.602564 =21043269 =11923077 211241987 Tooo000 ‘2a1987 [923077 loaa269 "602564 ‘600962 9 theta zad*1000 4.504505 741673423 4.279279 31322072 =1,801802 [000000 ‘801802 1322072 lan9279 41673423 42504505 3, gue * boy — MyXYl2.08t) ~ R¥°/(6-06) Pi DO FOR Alt LOADS WITH a 0 ‘CONTINUED PROBLEM 9.C8 CONTINUED PROGRAM OUTPUT Problem 9.53 (a) Reaction at Roller Support ~ 11.5356 kN Problem 9.154 Reaction at Roller Support = 10.1758 kN Proprietary Material. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, lc. Alrights reserved. No pat of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced, or

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