Physics Question Bank

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Units and Dimensions

Formula Sheet
X1, X1,.... Xn are the various observed/
x1  x 2  ...  x n measured values
X  X mean 
1 n
X  X mean   x1
n i 1

Xi = xi - x Xi absolute error in the ith

xi = xi - x i  x x true value or mean value

xiobserved / measured value for f


 X  Mean absolute error

x1  x 2  ...  x n
X 
X x relative error
x =
 X  Mean absolute error

X  True value or mean value

x 100 = % relative error

X = X  X X Final result of measured physical


z = A + B If Z = AB,

ZAbsolute error in sum or difference

Z A B If Z = AB or Z = A/B
 
 Relative error in product or quotient
If Z = An
Z A
Z A B If Z = AmBn
m n
Z A B C A p Bq
p q r If Z =
Z A B C Cr
Z A B AB
m n If Z =
Z A B (A  B)

Question Bank

Q1: Light year is a unit of

(a) time
(b) distance
(c) sunlight intensity
(d) mass
Answer. b) distance

Q2: The dimensional formula for Planck’s constant is

(a) [MLT]
(b) [ML2T-1]
(c) [M2L2T-1]
(d) [ML1T-1]
Answer. b) [ML2T-1] (Hint use E = hν)

Q3: The surface tension of a liquid is 70 dyne/cm. In MKS system its value is?
(a) 70 N/m

(b) 7 ✕10-2 N/m

(c) 7 ✕102 N/m

(d) 7 ✕103 N/m

Q4: The dimensions of Kinetic energy is same as that of

(a) Force
(b) Pressure
(c) Work
(d) Momentum

Q5: At 4° C, the density of water is equal to

(a) 10-3 kg m-3
(b) 10-2 kg m-3
(c) 10 kg m-3
(d) 103 kg m-3

Q6: One watt hour contains how many joules?

(a) 3.6 ✕108 J

(b) 3.6 ✕102 J

(c) 3.6 ✕103 J

(d) 10-3 J

Q7: Which of the following pairs has the same dimensions?

(a) Specific Heat and Latent Heat
(b) Impulse and Momentum
(c) Surface Tension and Force
(d) Moment of Inertia and Torque

8: The equation of state of some gases can be expressed as Vander wal equation i.e.
(P + a/v2)(V – b) = RT
Where P is the pressure, V is the volume, T is the absolute temperature and a, b, R are
constants. The dimensions of ‘a’ are:
(a) [M1L1T-1]
(b) [M1L-5T1]
(c) [M2L5T-1]
(d) [M1L5T-2]

Q9: Electron volt is a unit of

(a) Charge
(b) Potential difference
(c) Energy
(d) Magnetic Force

Q10: There are 20 divisions in 4 cm of the main scale. The vernier scale has 10 divisions. The least
count of the instrument is
(a) 0.05 cm
(b) 0.5 cm
(c) 5.0 cm
(d) 0.005 cm

Q-11. [ML-1T-2] is the dimensional formula of

(A) force
(B) coefficient of friction
(C) modulus of elasticity
(D) energy

Q12. The dimensional formula of coefficient of viscosity is

(A) [MLT-1]
(B) [M-1L2T-2]
(C) [ML-1T -1]
(D) none of these

Q13. On the basis of dimensional equation, the maximum number of unknown that can be found, is
(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four

Q14. If v stands for velocity of sound, E is elasticity and d the density, then find x in the equation v =
(d/E) x
(A) 1
(B) ½
(C) 2
(D) -1/2

Q15. The multiplication of 10.610 with 0.210 up to correct number of significant figure is
(A) 2.2281
(B) 2.228
(C) 2.22
(D) 2.2

Q16. The measurement of radius of a circle has error of 1%. The error in measurement of its area is
(A) 1%
(B) 2%
(C) 3%
(D) none of these

Q17. Dimensional formula of latent heat

(A) M0L2T-2
(B) MLT-2
(C) ML2T-2
(D) ML2T-2

Q18. In case of measurement of ‘g’, if error in measurement of length of pendulum is 2%, the
percentage error in time period is1 %. The maximum error in measurement of g is
(A) 1 %
(B) 2 %
(C) 4 %
(D) no error.

Q19. If length of pendulum is increased by 2%. The time period will

(A) increases by 1%
(B) decreases by 1%
(C) increases by 2%
(D) decreases by 2%

20.The equation which is dimensionally correct among the following is

(a) v ═ ut + at (b) v ═ u + at/2
(c) s ═ ut + at3 (d) t ═ s + av
Motion in 1D
Formula Sheet

v = u  at Kinetic equation of motion (applicable only for

uniformly accelerated or uniformly decelerated
S = ut  ½ at2
v2 – u2 = 2aS
u initial velocity
Sn= u  a(n  )
2 v  velocity after time interval 'I'

t time interval

S  displacement in time interval 'f

Sndistance travelled by the particle in the nth


+a  for uniform acceleration

-a  for uniform retardation or deceleration 2v,v;

2v1v 2 VAV average speed of whole journey, when 2

v1  v 2 equal distances are covered with different speeds
v1, and v2 respectively.

v1  v 2  ...  v n VAV average speed of whole journey, when

vAV =
n distances are travelled in equal intervals of time
with different speeds v1, v2, ..., vn. Average speed
in such case is the arithmetic mean of the
individual speeds.

v1  v 2 VAV average speed of whole journey, when

vAV =
distances is covered in two equal intervals of

time with speeds 'v1' and 'v2' in each time


VAV average speed for the whole journey,

(S1  S2 )v1v 2 'v1' is the speed for (distance S1) and 'v2' is the
vAV =
(S1v 2  S2 v1 ) speed for (distance S2)

v = u – gt For vertical upward motion under gravity (g=

S = ut - ½ gt2 constant),

v2-u2 = 2 gh u = initial velocity (upwards)

u2 1 2 1 2 g = acceleration due to gravity

Hmax =  gt1  gT
2g 2 8
h = height above ground at time interval 't'
u 2u
t1 = , T  t1 = time taken to reach maximum height
g g
Hmax = maximum height above ground
2H max
t1 = T = total time of flight
v = velocity after time interval- 't' (if ‘V’ is
2H max
T= positive, particle is stili travelling up, if v is zero
particle is at maximum height and 'v' is negative,
gT particle is travelling downwards). Physical
u = gt1 = 2H max 
2 quantities in the upward direction are taken as
positive. So all physical
 1
sn = u  g  n  
 2 Quantities in downward direction will be neqative.
Time is always positive

(a) v1 = a, v2 = 2a, v3 = 3..... For particle starting from rest -and moving

v1 = v2 : v3 : .... vn with uniform acceleration (eg. Free fall near


(b) S(1) = ½ a, S(2) a = uniform acceleration V1, V2, V3, Vn velocity

= 2a, ...., Sn = ½ an2 After 1.2,3....’n’ seconds from start

S(1): S(2): ..... S(n) S(1), S(2), ....S(n) are the total displacements
at the end of 1. 2. ...,n

seconds form start,

S1, S2,..., Sn are the distance travelled in the

= 12 : 12 : ...n2 1st, 2nd, ....nth second
= 1:4:...n S1g, S2g, ...Sng are the distances traveled in the 1st,
a 2nd ....nth second in free fall near surface of Earth.
(c) S1: ,
3a 5a
S2: , S3: ,....Sn
2 2
= (2n-1)


= 1:3:.....(2n-1)

g 3g
(d) S1g = S2g =
2 2

S3g = ....

t2 = ( 2  1) t1=0.41t1 For particle falling freely from rest, ‘t1’ is the time
taken to fall through first half of the height, ‘t2’ is
t = t1 + t2 = 1.414 t1 2t1
the time taken to fall through the second half of
the height and T is the time taken to fall through
the total height.
VAB = VA-VB if A and B VAB = velocity of A relative to B
travel in the same VAB = velocity of B relative to A
direction, VA = velocity of A
VAB = VA-VB it A and B VB = velocity of B
travel in the opposite
VBA=VB-VA, if A and B
travel in the same direction
Question Bank

1. A particle travels along a curved path between two points P

and Q as shown:

.The displacement of the particle does not depend upon

(a) the location of P and Q
(b) the choice of origin
(c) the direction of Q from P
(d) the length of the line joining P and Q.

2. For a particle moving along a straight line, mark out the correct statement(s).
(a) Average speed is always equal to the magnitude of average
velocity measured for a particular time interval.
(b) The particle is always speeding up.
(c) Distance travelled by particle is always equal to the magnitude of displacement.
(d) Instantaneous speed is always equal to the magnitude of the instantaneous velocity.

3. A particle is moving along a straight line with constant speed, then

(a) velocity of particle is constant
(b) acceleration of particle is zero
(c) acceleration of particle is non-zero
(d) None of the above
4. A particle is moving along a curved path with constant speed, then
(a) the velocity of the particle is constant
(b) acceleration of the particle is zero
(c) acceleration of the particle is non-zero
(d) None of the above

5. During the first 18 min of a 60 min trip, a car has an average speed of 11 m/s. What should be the
average speed for remaining 42 min so that car is having an average speed of 21 m/s for the entire

(a) 25.3 m/s (b) 10 m/s

(c) 31 m/s (d) 16.4 m/s

6 Which one of the following situations is not possible?

(a) A particle having zero velocity and non-zero acceleration
(b) A particle having velocity in +ve X direction and acceleration along – ve X-direction.
(c) A particle having velocity in +ve X direction and acceleration along -ve Z-direction.
(d) a particle having a constant speed and constant acceleration.

7. A car starts from rest and accelerates at a constant rate in a straight line. In the first second the car covers
a distance of 2 m, the velocity of the car at the end of second will be
(a) 4.0 m/s (b) 8.0 m/s
(c) 16 m/s (d) None of these.

8. Ball A is dropped from rest from a window. At the same instant, ball B is thrown downwards and
ball C is thrown upwards from the same window. Which statement concerning the ball is necessarily
true if air resistance is neglected?
(a) All three balls strike the ground at same time.
(b) All three balls strike the ground with the same velocity.
(c) All three balls have the same velocity at any instant.
(d) All three balls have same acceleration at any instant.
9. A: The speed of a body can be negative
R: If the body is moving in the opposite direction of positive motion, then its speed is negative
a) A and R both true, and R is correct explanation for A
b) A and R both true and R is not a correct explanation for A
c) A is true but R is false
d) Both A and B are false

10.An object is projected up wards with velocity of 100 m/sec. it will strike the ground in approximately
( g=10 m/sec2)
a) 10 sec
b) 20 sec
c) 15 sec
d) 5 sec

12.A heavy and light body of same size are dropped from top of a tower in air, from the same height.
Which will reach the ground first?
a) lighter body
b) heavier body
c)both will reach simultaneously
d)not sure

13.A body is thrown with a velocity of 9.8 m/s in the vertical upward direction. Its velocity after one
second is
a) 9.8 m/s
b) 4.5 m/s
c)2.45 m/s

14. The relation between velocity and position of a particle is V=Ax + B where A and B are constants.
Acceleration of the particle is 10 ms–2 when its velocity is V, How much is the acceleration when its
velocity is 2V.
a)20 ms–2
b)10 ms–2
c)5 ms–2

15. P and Q get 5 m closer each second while travelling in opposite direction. They get 1 m closer each
second while travelling in same direction. The speeds of P and Q are respectively...
a)5 m/s, 1 m/s
b)3 m/s, 4 m/s
c)3 m/s, 2 m/s
d)10 m/s, 5 m/s

16.A freely falling object travels distance H. Its velocity is V. Hence, in travelling further distance of 4H
its velocity will become....
a)√3 V
b) √5 V

17.A particle is moving in a circle of radius R with constant speed. It covers an angle θ in some time
interval. Find displacement in this interval of time.
1 point
a)2R sin(θ/2)
b) 2Rcos(θ/2)

18. Particles A and B are released from the same height at an interval of 2 s. After some time the
distance between A and B is 100m. Calculate time t.
a)8 s
b)6 s
c)3 s
d)12 s
19) Here is a velocity - time graph of a motorbike moving in one direction. Calculate the distance
covered by it in last two seconds.
1 point

a) 5 m
b) 20 m
c)50 m
d)25 m

Q20) Here are the graphs of velocity → time of two cars A and B, Find the ratio of the acceleration
after time t.
1 point

b) 1/3
Q21)The graph given in the figure shows that the body is moving with .....
a) increasing acceleration
b) decreasing acceleration
c) constant velocity
d) increasing velocity

22) A particle is moving in a straight line with initial velocity of 10 m/s. A graph of acceleration → time
of the particle is given in the figure. Find velocity at t=10 s
1 point

a) 25
b) 35

23) A particle is thrown in upward direction with Velocity Vo. It passes through a point p of height h at
time t1 and t2 so t1 + t2=....
a) vo / g
b) 2vo / g
c) 2h / g
d) h / 2g

24) The distance travelled by a particle is given by s=3 + 2t + 5t2 The initial velocity of the particle is...
1 point
a) 2 unit
b) 3 unit
c)10 unit
d) 5 unit

25).For the velocity-time graph shown in figure below the distance covered by the body in last two
seconds of its motion is what fraction of the total distance covered by it in all the seven seconds in m.

Velocity (m/sec)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a) 40

b) 60

c) 80

Motion in a Plane
u 2 sin 2 u2 R  Range (R)  = angle of projection
R= ;R max  for   450
g g with horizontal u = initial speed of

u 2 sin 2 H  Maximum Height


2u sin 2 T Time of flight (T)


H= u 2  g 2 t 2  2u sin 2gt v Velocity of a projectile after T

seconds of projection from ground

u sin 2  gt  Angle made by Ihe velocity after t'

  tan 1
u cos 
seconds of the projection with the


 gx 2  Equation for the trajectory of a

y  x tan    2 
 2u cos  

launched from at angel '0' with


2h RRange of a horizontal projectile

projected, with initial horizontal
velocity u

from a height h above ground.

v  u 2  g2t 2 Velocity after ‘t’ second in the case of a

body is thrown horizontally from a
height H above ground, with initial

velocity, u

 gt  Angle made by the velocity with the

  tan 1  
horizontal in the case of a body thrown

horizontally from a height H above


2uv Where R is the range of a projectile

g which

is projected vertically upwards with

velocity v from another body moving
horizontal with velocity u.

4H R Range
tan  
W Height

  angle of projection with horizotal

L = pH L-Angular momentum of a projsciiie at

maximum height about the poini o!


pLinear momentum at maximum


HMaximum heigh:

2u sin(  0 ) RRange on an inclined plane, 0 -

g cos 0 angle
of projection with the horizontal

0 inclination of the plane with the


T Time of light of projectilic


on an inclined plane

Question Bank
1) P = Q is true, if ...

(A) their magnitudes are equal

(B) they are in same direction
(C) their magnitudes are equal and they are in same direction
(D) their magnitudes are not equal and they are not in same direction

2) A and B are in opposite direction so they are

(A) parallel vectors (B) anti parallel vector
(C) equal vector (D) perpendicular vector

3) The resultant of two vectors A and B

(A) can be smaller than A – B in magnitude
(B) can be greater than A + B in magnitude
(C) can’t be greater than A + B or smaller than A – B in magnitude
(D) none of above is true

4) What is the angle between Q and the resultant of P  Q and Q – P

(A) 900 (B) 600 (C) 0 (D) 450

5) A particle is moving in a xy plane with y = 2x and Vx = 2 – t. Find Vy at time t = 3 second.

(A) 2 ms–1 (B) –3 ms–1 (C) +3 ms–1 (D) –2 ms–1

6) An object is projected with initial velocity of 100 ms–1 and angle of 60. Find the vertical velocity when
its horizontal displacement is 500 m. (g = 10 ms–1)
(A) 93.35 ms–1(B) –93.35 ms–(C) –8.65 ms–1(D) 98 ms–1

7) The speed of a particle moving in a circle of radius r = 4 meter is 10 ms–1. What is its radial acceleration?
(A) 25 ms–2 (B) 20 ms–2 (C) 10 ms–2 (D) 15 ms–2

8) What angle of projection would result in a ball traveling the maximum horizontal distance? (Neglect
air resistance)

A.90 Degrees

B 45 Degrees

C.90 Degrees

D 25 Degrees

9) If the angle between the horizontal and the direction of the 5.00 meters/second velocity decreases
from 30.Degrees to 20.Degrees, the horizontal distance the ball travels will
A remain the same
B increase
C Cannot be determined
D decrease

10. The speed of a projectile at its maximum height is half of its initial speed of projection. Then the
angle of projection is
(a) 500 (b) 450 (c) 600 (d) 300

11A man can swim in still water at a speed of v and wants to cross a river of width d flowing with a
speed of u. If the point opposite to him (on the other bank) across the river is P, then which of the
following is not true
(a) The minimum time in which he can cross the river is d/v
(b) He can reach the point P in time d/v
(c) He can reach the point P in time d/√ (v2-u2)
(d) He cannot reach P if u>v

12A ball is projected with kinetic energy E at an angle of 45 o to the horizontal. At the highest point
during its flight, its kinetic energy will be .
(a) Zero (b) (c) (d) E
2 2
13 In a projectile motion the velocity is
(a) Is always perpendicular to the acceleration
(b) Is never perpendicular to the acceleration
(c) Is perpendicular to the acceleration during one instant
(d) Is perpendicular to the acceleration during two instants

14The resultant of two forces 2P and (√2) P acting at a point is (√10) P. The angle between the two
forces is
(a) 300 (b) 600 (c) 450 (d) 900

15. For a given velocity of projection, the maximum horizontal range for a projectile is achieved if
(a) Projected vertically up
(b) Projected at an angle of π/3 radians
(c) Projected at an angle of π/6 radians
(d) Projected at an angle of π/4 radians
16. The momentum of a body is increased by 25%. The increase in kinetic energy in percentage is
(a) 25% (b) 100% (c) 56 % (d) 76%
17. The trajectory of a stone projected at angle in earth’s gravitational field is
(a) Ellipse (b) Straight line
(c) Parabola (d) Hyperbola
18.If two forces A & B acting at an angle θ have a resultant equal to √2 A, then θ is given by
(a) Cos -1 ((A2-B2)/2AB)
(b) Cos -1 ((A-B)/2AB)
(c) Sin -1 ((A2-B2)/2AB)
(d) Tan -1 ((A2-B2)/2AB)
Laws of Motion
p = mv plinear momentusm

m  mass, v  velocity

dp F applied force
p momentum

F= ma F applied force

m  mass

a  accelation

dm v velocity
 rate of change of mass

j + Ft J  impulse

F force

t time interval

R = m(g+a) R apparent weight when a body
accelating upwards

R = m(g-a) R apparent weight when a body is

accelarating downwards

a  downwards accelaration of the body

Fs = sN FsLimiting friction

s coefficient of kinetic friction

N normal reaction

Fk = kN Fk  Kinetic friction,

s coefficient of kinetic friction

tan = s   angle of friction (angle of repose)

s coefficient of static friction

m v recoil velocity of gun

v= V
V velocity of bullet

m madd of bullet

M mass of gun

dm T thrust on rocket
T = -u
v Relative speed of exhaust gas w.r.t
1 udm
a1 = rocket
M dt
1 udm  rate of decrease of mass (or rate
a2 = g dt
M dt
of fuel consumption)

a1 acceleration of rocket in the

absence of gravitational force

a1 acceleration of rocket in the

presence of gravitational force
Mmass of the rocket plus mass of fuel

Question Bank
1. Mass of object is quantitative measure of its inertia stated law is Newton’s

A. first law
B. second law
C. third law
D. fourth law

2. A large force acting for a small time is termed as impulse of a force and is equal to change in
(a) Acceleration (b) Velocity
(c) Momentum (d) Energy
3. A body is said to be in equilibrium if all the forces acting on it
(a) Are in the same direction
(b) Have a zero resultant and zero moment
(c) Are equal in magnitude
(d) Can be arranged in pairs
4. A jet engine works on the principle of
(a) Conservation of linear momentum
(b) Conservation of mass
(c) Conservation of angular momentum
(d) Conservation of energy
5. Which one of the following is not a force?
(a) Tension (b) Weight
(c) Thrust (d) Impulse
6. Several forces acting at a point are called
(a) Co-planner forces (b) Parallel forces
(c) Concurrent forces (d) Equal force
7. The tube AB forms a quarter circle in a vertical plane. The ball C has an area of cross-section slightly
smaller than that of the tube, and can move without friction through the tube. C is placed at A and
displaced slightly. It will

(a) Initially in contact with the inner wall and later with the outer wall
(b) Initially in contact with the outer wall and later with the inner wall
(c) Always in contact with the inner wall
(d) None of the above

8. A block A is pushed momentarily along a horizontal surface with an initial velocity V. If μ is the
coefficient of sliding friction between A and the surface.

The block A will come to rest after a time

(a) V/ μg (b) Vg/ μ

(c) V2/ μg (d) V μ / g

9. A body of mass m slides down a rough inclined plane of inclination θ. If μ is the coefficient of friction,
then acceleration of the body down the plane is
(a) g(sin θ+ μcos θ) (b) μ(sin θ- gcos θ)
(c) g(sin θ- μcos θ) (d) g(cos θ- μsinθ)
10. Three blocks of masses m1, m2 and m3 are connected by mass less strings as shown on a frictionless

table. They are pulled with a force T3  40 N . If m1  10 kg , m2  6 kg and m3  4 kg , the tension T2 will


m1 m3 T3
T1 T2

(a) 32N (b) 20N (c) 40N (d) 12N

11. Newton’s second and third laws of motion lead to conservation of

(a) Linear momentum
(b) Angular momentum
(c) Potential energy
(d) Kinetic energy

12. A stone is released from an elevator going up with an acceleration a. The acceleration of the stone
after the release is
(a) Upward (b) (g-a) upward
(c) (g-a) downward (d) g downward

13. A cyclist of mass 30 kg exerts a force of 250 N to move his cycle. Acceleration is 4 ms−2. Force of
friction between road and tyres will be

a)120 N
b)130 N
d) 115 N

14. Force that produces an acceleration of 1 ms−2 in a body of mass of 1 kg is called

a)Three newton
b)zero newton
c)one newton
two newton

15. Acceleration that is produced by a 15N force in a mass of 8 kg will be equal to

1.5 ms−2
1.87 ms−2
2.35 ms−2
2 ms−2

16. When a net force act on a body, it produces acceleration in body in direction of net force which is
directly proportional to net force acting on body and inversely proportional to its mass. This statement
is called

Newton’s 2nd law of motion

Newton’s 1st law of motion
Newton’s 3rd law of motion
Law of momentum

17. Mass of a body (m) into acceleration (a) is equal to


18. Force of 5 N acts on a body of weight 9.8 N. what is the acceleration produced in ms-2
(A) 49.00 (B) 5.00 (C) 1.46 (D) 0.51

19. When the speed of a moving body is doubled

(A)Its acceleration is doubled
(B)Its momentum is doubled
(C)Its kinetic energy is doubled
(D)Its potential energy is doubled

20. A particle moves in the XY Plane under the action of a force F such that the components of its
linear momentum P at any time t are Px = 2 cost, Py = 2 sint. The angle between F and P at time t is
(A) 900 (B) 00 (C) 1800 (D) 300

21. A player caught a cricket ball of mass 150 g moving at the rate of 20 ms-1. If the catching process
be completed in 0.1 s the force of the blow exerted by the ball on the hands of player is
(A) 0.3 N (B) 30 N C) 300 N (D) 3000 N
22. A wagon weighing 1000 kg is moving with a velocity 50 km h-1 on smooth horizontal rails. A
mass of 250 kg is dropped into it. The velocity with which it moves now is
(A) 2.5 km h1 (B) 20 km h1
(C) 40 km h1 (D) 50 km h1
23. The Figure shows the Position-time (x-t) graph of one dimensional motion of a body of mass 0.4
kg . The magnitude of each impulse is
x (m)

(A) 0.2 Ns (B) 0.4

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
(C) 0.8 Ns (D) 1.6 Ns t (s)

24. A particle of mass 2 kg is initially at rest. A force acts on it whose magnitude changes with time.
The force time graph is shown below. The velocity of the particle after 10s is
(A) 10 ms-1 (B) 20 ms-1
(C) 75 ms-1 (D) 50 ms-1

25. A car travelling at a speed of 30 km/his brought to a halt in 8 metres by applying brakes. If the
same car is travelling at 60 km/h it can be brought to a halt with the same breaking power in
(A) 8 m (B) 16 m (C) 24 m (D) 32 m
Rotational Dynamics
M1 r1  M2 r2  ...  Mn rn l N M1 r1 R cm  position vector
R cm  
(M1  M2  ...  Mn ) l 1 M
M total mass of a system of N
R cm  Xcm l  Ycm l  Zcm k particles of masses M1, M2, M3,.., Mn and
position vectors

r1 , r2 ,..., rn
R cm  (X cm ) 2  Y 2 cm  Z2 cm

Xcm  X-coordinate of center of mass,

M x  M2 x 2  ...  Mn x n l N M1 r1
Xcm  1 1 
(M1  M2  ...  Mn ) l 1 M Ycm  Y-coordinate of center of mass

l N l N
M1 y1 M yx Zcm  Z-coordinate of center of mass
Y cm   and Zcm   1 1
l 1 M l 1 M

  rxF;   rFsin  Torque about the origin.

r  position vector
= Fd
F  Force acting on the particle.

  angle between torce and position


d  perpendicular distance to fine of

action of force from axis of rotation

L  rx, L  rFsin  = mr2 L  Angular momentum of a particle

  momentum of a particle
L  I
r  position vector of particle.

  Angular velocity.
L Angular momentum

 dA  m mass of the body

L  2m  
 dt 
 areal velocity of position vector

L= 2I(KE) or L2 = 2I (KE) LAngular momentum, 1 = moment

of inertia

KE Kinetic energy

I = mr2 1-f moment of inertia

i N
K radius of gyration from the axis
I=  m r ; I  MK
i 1
2 2

of rotation

M mass of the body

I  moment of inertia o! the body

about the axis of rotation

dL   Torque
  I ; 
  Angular acceleration

I  Moment of inertia.

w =  Wwork done in rotating a body

through an angle
P= 
P Power
(KE)n = ½ I2 (KE)nRotational kinetic energy
K. ETOTAL = K.E translational + KE rotational Kinetic energies of bodies in both
1 1 translational! and rotational motions
= Mv 2  I2
2 2 M Mass of the body.
= M  r 2 2  K 2 2  r radius of the body.
 angular velocity.
1  K2  1  K2 
= Mr 22 1  2   Mv2 1  2  I Moment of inertia
2  r  2  r 

g sin  g sin  a acceleration of a body which is

a= 
 K  1 I

1  r 2 
rolling without slipping on an
  mr 2
inclined plane.
2gh v velocity of a body at the bottom of
1 2 the inclined plane.
h height of inclined plane,
 angle of inclination
m mass of body

r  radius of body
K radius of gyration of body about
axis of rotation
g a g aacceleration of a point mass
a ;  
 M  R  M
1   R 1  attached to a string wound on a
 2m   2m 
cylinder or disc of Moment of
T Inertia 'I',
 2m 
1  M  Angular acceleration of disc or
TTension in the string,
M = mass of cylinder
M = point mass at the end of string

L = I11= I22= constant if  = 0 L = angular momentum

I1, I2, ... are moment of inertia
1, 2, are angular velocities

Question Bank
1.Moment of inertia of a disc about an axis which is tangent and parallel to its plane is I. then the moment
of inertia of disc about a tangent, but perpendicular to its plane will be

2. If radius of solid sphere is doubled by keeping its mass constant, then


Answer: (a)

Calculate the M.I. of a thin uniform ring about an axis tangent to the ring and in a plane of the ring, if its
M.I. about an axis passing through the centre and perpendicular to plane is 4 kg m2.

(a) 12 kg m2
(b) 3 kg m2
(c) 6 kg m2
(d) 9 kg m2
Answer: (c)

4. By keeping moment of inertia of a body constant, if we double the time period, then angular
momentum of body
(a) Remains constant
(b) Becomes half
(c) Doubles
(d) Quadruples

Answer: (b)

6. The M.I. of a disc about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to plane is , then its
M.I. about a tangent parallel to its diameter is


Answer: (c)

7. The M.I. of disc about an axis perpendicular to its plane and passing through its centre is Its M.I.
about a tangent perpendicular to its plane will be

(d) Cannot be determined

Answer: (b)

8. The torque acting is 2000Nm with an angular acceleration of 2 rad/s2. the moment of inertia of
body is
(a) 1200 kgm2
(b) 900 kgm2
(c) 1000 kgm2
(d) Can’t say

Answer: (d)

9. Four solid spheres each of mass M and diameter 2r, are placed with their centers on the four
corners of a square of side a (> 2r). the moment of inertia of the system about one side of square





Answer: (d)

10. For increasing the angular velocity of a object by 10%, the kinetic energy has to be increased by
(a) 40%
(b) 20%
(c) 10%
(d) 21%

Answer: (d)

11.M.I. of a thin uniform circular ring about the tangent to the plane of the ring is
(b) MR2
Answer: (d)

12.A thin uniform ring of mass M and radius R passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane.
Then its M.I. is,
(b) MR2
(c) 2MR2
Answer: (b)

Ratio of rotational K.E. to rolling K.E. of a solid sphere is




(d) ∞

Answer: (c)

14.A body of M.I. of 5 kg m2, rotating with an angular velocity of 6 rad/s, has the same kinetic energy as a
mass of 20 kg, moving with a velocity of
(a) 3 m/s
(b) 2 m/s
(c) 4 m/s
(d) 5 m/s

Answer: (a)
A thin uniform circular disc of mass M and radius R is rotating in a horizontal plane about an axis
passing through its centre and perpendicular to the plane with angular velocity ω. Another disc of
same mass but half the radius is gently placed over it coaxially. The angular speed of the composite
disc will be (IIT 86)





Answer: (b)

16.A wheel having a moment of inertia of 2 kg m2 about its vertical axis, is rotating at the rate of 60
r.p.m. about this axis. What is the retarding torque required to stop its rotation one minute?




Answer: (b)

17. Two bodies have their moments of inertia I and 2I respectively about their axis of rotation. If
their kinetic energies of rotation are equal, their angular momenta will be in the ratio of
(a) 1:2
(b) 2:1



Answer: (d)

18.A particle of mass m is moving with a constant velocity along a line parallel to the +ve direction of
the X-axis. The magnitude of its angular momentum w.r.t the origin
(a) Is zero

(b) Goes on increasing as x is increased

(c) Goes on decreasing as x is increased

(d) Remains constant for all positions of the particle

Answer: (d)

20. A dancer on ice spins faster when she folds here arms. This is due to
(a) Increases in energy and increase in angular momentum

(b) Decrease in friction at the skates

(c) Constant angular momentum and increase in kinetic energy

(d) Increase in energy an decreases in angular momentum

Answer: (c)
21. The moment of inertia of a loop of radius R and mass M about any tangent line will be


(c) MR2


Answer: (a)

22. A mass is revolving in a circle which is in the plane of the paper. The direction of angular
acceleration is (CPMT 83)
(a) Upward to the radius

(b) Towards the radius

(c) Tangential

(d) At right angle to angular velocity

Answer: (c)

23. Angular momentum is

(a) A scalar

(b) A polar vector

(c) A scalar as well as vector

(d) An axial vector

Answer: (d)

24. Which is the wrong relation from the following? (MH-CET 99)
(a) τ = I α

(b) F = ma

(c) L=Iω

(d) I=τα

Answer: (d)

25. Two circular discs A and B have equal masses and uniform thickness but have densities ρ1
and ρ2 such that ρ1 >ρ2. their moment of inertia (a) I1 > I2

(b) I1 >> I2

(c) I1 < I2

(d) I1 = I2Answer: (c)

Comparison of linear and rotational motion

Linear Motion Rotational
Sl. Term Term
representation motion

1. Position x Angle 9

2. Velocity dx Angular velocity d

v= 
dt dt
3. Acceleration a  d x  dv Angular
d 2 d
dt 2 dt a 2 
acceleration dt dt
Mass M Moment of I

Linear p = mv Angular L = I
momentum Momentum

6. Force F= ma Torque =I

Produces Produces
7. Net force Net torque
acceleration angular
dp Consequence dL
8. Newton's F= =
dt dt
law of Newton's law

9. Work W =  F.ds Work W= .d

10. Power P = F.v Power P = .

1 p2 1 2 L2
11. Kinetic KE = mv 2  Kinetic energy KE = I 
2 2m 2 2I
12. Kinematic v = u + at Kinematic 1  1  t
 vu 
 1  1  t  
applicable  t S applicable for 2
 2 
for uniform angular 1
1 0 = 1t  t 2
uniform S= ut + at 2 acceleration 2
acceleration or 1 2 = 1 2 =2
v2-u2 = 2as
or declaration deceleration 
0 = 1  (2n  1)
a 2
Sn = u + (2n-1)
Work Power Energy

w  F.S wwork done

= FS cos F Force applied to do work

S Displacement

 is the angle between and

wwork done by the variable force
w = w   F.dx
F variable force applied to do work

dw F.dx P = Power
P=   F.v
dt dt
v velocity

1 M the mass of the body and

KE = MV 2
vits speed

KE kinetic energy

p2 = 2m(KE) p linear momentum

m mass

KE  kinetic energy of a body

v 2  v1 e = the co- efficient of restitution

e s
u1  u 2

1 If a body falls from a height of 'Ho'

 H 2
e 1  vertically downwards and rebounds to a
 H0 
height of 'H1' after colliding with the
ground, e = the co-efficient of restitution

h0 = e2n H0 It a body fails from a height of 'H0'

vertically downward and rebounds to a
height of 'h0' in the nth collision, e =
coefficient of restitution of colliding I

M1M 2 If a body of mass 'M1' moving with a

Ulost =  (u1  u 2 ) 2 (1  e 2 )
2(M1  M 2 ) uniform velocity of 'Ui' and another
body of mass 'M2' moving with a
uniform velocity of 'u2' collide
inelastically and the co-efficient of
restitution is 'e' Ulost=the kinetic energy
lost in the collision

(m1  em 2 )u1  (1  e)u 2 m 2 u1 and u2 are the initial velocities of

v1 
(m1  m 2 ) particles of masses m1 and m2 v1 and v2

(m  em1 )u 2  (1  e)u1m1 are their velocities after collisions,

v2  2
(m1  m 2 ) e = coefficient of restitution

e = 1 for perfectly elastic collision

e = 0 for perfectly inelastic collision

F= -kx F = stretching force on spring

1 2 x = extension o' spring

w= v1  kx
k = spring consent

W= work done by the stretching force

1. How much is the work done in pulling up a block of wood weighing 2KN for a
length of 10m on a smooth plane inclined at an angle of 30o with the
horizontal ? (A) 1.732 KJ (B) 17.32 KJ (C) 10 KJ (D)
100 KJ
2. A force of 7N, making an angle  with the horizontal, acting on an object
displaces it by 0.5m along the horizontal direction. If the object gains K.E. of
2J, what is the horizontal component of the force ?
(A) 2N (B) 4 N (C) 1 N (D) 14 N
3. A 60 kg JATAN with 10 kg load on his head climbs 25 steps of 0.20m height
each. what is the work done in climbing ? (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 5 J (B) 350 J (C) 100J (D) 3500J

4. The force constant of a wire is K and that of the another wire is 3k when both
the wires are stretched through same distance, if work done are W1 and W2,
(A) w 2  3w12 (B) W2 = 0.33W1 (C) W2 = W1 (D) W2 = 3W1
5. A ball is released from the top of a tower. what is the ratio of work done by
force of gravity in first, second and third second of the motion of the
ball ? [hn (2n – 1)]
(A) 1 : 2 : 3 (B) 1 : 4 : 9 (C) 1 : 3 : 5 (D) 1: 5 : 3
6. A spring of spring constant 10 3 N/m is stretched initially 4cm from the
unstretched position. How much the work required stretching it further by
another 5 cm?
(A) 6.5 NM (B) 2.5 NM (C) 3.25 NM (D) 6.75 NM
7. The mass of a car is 1000 kg. How much work is required to be done on it to
make it move with a speed of 36 km/h?
(A) 2.5  104 J (B) 5  103 J (C) 500 J (D) 5  104 J

8. A cord is used to lower vertically a block of mass M by a distance d with constant

down-word acceleration 9 .work done by the cord on the block is
(A) - Mgd/2 (B) Mgd/4 (C) -3Mgd/4 (D) Mgd
9. A block of mass 5 kg is resting on a smooth surface. At what angle a force of
20N be acted on the body so that it will acquired a kinetic energy of 40J after
moving 4m
(A) 300 (B) 450 (C) 600 (D) 1200

10. If Wa, Wb, and Wc represent the work done in

moving a particle from X to Y along three
different path a, b, and c respectively (as
shown) in the gravitational field of a point mass
m, find the correct relation between Wa, Wb
and Wc
(A) Wb > Wa > Wc (B) Wa< Wb < Wc
(C) Wa > Wb > Wc (D) Wa = Wb = Wc
11. An open knife edge of mass m is dropped from a height h on a wooden floor.
If the blade penetrates upto the depth d into the wood, the average resistance
offered by the wood to the knife edge is,

(A) mg (B) mg (1+ h d ) (C) mg (1 h (D) mg (1 - h

12.A toy car of mass 4 kg moves up a ramp under the
influence of force F plotted against displacement x. The
maximum height attained is given by (Take g = 10
(A) ymax = 5m
(B) ymax = 10m
(C) ymax = 15m
(D) ymax = 20m

13.Given is a graph between a

variable force (F) (along y-axis) and
the displacement (X) (along x- axis)
of a particle in one dimension. The
work done by the force in the
displacement interval between 0m
and 30m is
(A) 275 J (B) 325 J
(C) 400 J (D) 300 J
14.Force F on a particle moving in a
straight line varies with distance d as
shown in the figure. The work done on
the particle during its displacement of
(A) 27 J (B) 24 J
(C) 36 J (D)26 J
(A) 2 J (B) 3.8 J (C) 0.5 Kg
5.2 J (D) 24 J

15.A uniform chain of length 2m is

kept on a table such that a length
of 50cm hangs freely from the edge
of the table. The total mass of the
chain is 5kg. What is the work
done in pulling the entire chain on
the table. (g = 10 m\s2)

16.If linear momentum of body is

increased by 1.5%, its kinetic energy
increases by %
(A) 0% (B) 10%
(C) 2.25%
(D) 3%
17.With what velocity should a student of
mass 40 kg run so that his kinetic energy
becomes 160 J ?
(A) 4 m/s (B) 8 m/s
(C) 16 m/s
(D) 8 m/s
18.A body of mass 1 kg is thrown upwords
with a velocity 20 m/s. It momentarily
comes to rest after a height 18m. How
much energy is lost due to air friction.
(g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 20 J (B) 30 J
(C) 40 J
(D) 10
19.A body having a mass of 0.5 kg slips along the
wall of a semispherical smooth surface of radius 20
cm shown in figure.What is the velocity of body at
the bottom of the surface ? (g = 10 m/s2) R = 20cm

(A) 2 m/s (B) 2 m/s

(C) 2 2 m /s (D) 4 m/s

20.A force  time graph for a linear +2

Force (N) 
motion is shown in figure where the
segments are circular. what is linear
momentum gained between zero and 0 • • • • • • • •
8 second ? 2 4 6 8
(A) -2  N S (B) 0 NS 2
(C) 4  NS (D) -6  NS

21. Which of the following graph is correct between kinetic energy (E), potential
energy (U) and height (h) from the ground of the particle.


(A) (B)

Height Height


(C) (D)
Height Height
22.An engine pump is used to pump a liquid of density  continuously through a
pipe of cross-sectional area A. If the speed of flow of the liquied in the pipe is v,
then the rate at which kinetic energy is being imparted to the liquid is

23.The potential energy of 2kg particle, free to move along x axis is given by
 x 4 x 2 
U(X)     J . If its mechanical energy is 2 J, its maximum speed is ...........m/s
 4 2 

(A) 3
2 (B) (C) (D) 2

24.A bullet of mass 0.10 kg moving with a

speed of 100 m/s enters a wooden block and is
stopped after a distance of 0.20m. what is the
average resistive force exerted by the block on
the bullet ?
(A) 2.5 x 102 N (B) 25 N (C)
2 4
25 x 10 N (D) 2.5 x 10 N
(A) 5 J (B) 10 J (C) 8 J (D) 16 J
25.A particle is moving under the influence of a force
given by F = kx, where k is a constant and x is the
distance moved. What energy (in joule) gained by the
particle in moving from x = 1m to x = 3m ?
(A) 2 k (B) 3 k (C) 4 k (D) 9 k


Gm1m 2 FGravitational Force between two masses m1 and

r2 m2

GGravitational Constant

rDistance between the two masses

GM 2 4 g Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of

g  GR e Pe
R2 3 Earth

ReRadius of Earth

MeMass of the Earth

peDensity of Earth

GM gAcceleration due to gravity on the surface of a

R2 planet or satellite

M Mass o( the planet or satellite

R radius of the planet or satellite

g= g = 2Rcos2 gacceleration due to gravity at a given latitude 

Angular velocity of rotation of Earth

ge= g = 2Re ge Acceleration due to gravity at the equator

ge = g gp Acceleration due to gravity at the poles

GM  Re  gh = acceleration due to gravity on surface of Earth.
gh   g
 R e  h   R e  h  g= acceleration due to gravity on surface of earth

gh R = radius of Earth
If  n h  R( n  1)

 2h  gh Acceleration due to gravity at a height h above
g h  g 1  
 Re  the

surface of Earth(h<<Re)

4 gd Acceleration due to gravity at a depth "d" from

gh  G p  R e  d 
3 surface of Earth.

p  Average density of Earth

 d  pdensity of Earth.
g d  g 1  
 Re  Reradius of Earth
gd  n 1 
If  n, then d  R 0  
d = depth below surface of Earth
g  n 

gcentre of earth = 0

GM I Gravitational intensity at a distance ‘r’ from the

r2 centre of a mass M

GM V Gravitational potential at a distance ‘r’ from the

r centre of a mass M

Gm1m 2 P.E. Potential Energy of a system of two masses m1

P.E. =
r and m2 separated by a distance ‘t’

2GM ve Escape velocity from the surface of earth

Ve   2gR

GM GM Ve Orbital velocity of a satellite which is orbiting in

Ve  
Rh r a circular path of radius ‘r’ (at a height h from the

(R  h) 2 T Time period of revolution of a satellite which is

T  2
GM revolving at a height ‘ h’

Question Bank
1. A satellite of mass m revolves around the earth of radius R at a height x from its
surface. If g is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth , the orbit
speed of the satellite is
(a) gx (b) gR/(R-x)
(c) g R /(R+x) 2
(d) (g R /(R+x))1/2

2. If R is the radius of the earth and g is acceleration due to gravity on the earth’s
surface, the mean density of earth is
4G 3G
(a) (b)
3g R 4g G
3g  Rg
(c) (d) .
4 RG 12G
3. For a body to escape from earth, angle at which it should be fired is
(a) 45º (b) > 45º
(c) < 45º and (d) any angle.

4. One goes from the centre of the earth to a distance two third the radius of the
earth, where will the acceleration due to gravity be the greatest ?
(a) At the centre of the earth
(b) At a height half the radius of the earth
(c) At a height one third the radius of the earth
(d) At a height two third the radius of the earth

5. The period of a satellite in a circular orbit around a planet is independent of

(a) the mass of the planet
(b) the radius of the planet
(c) the mass of the satellite
(d)all the three parameters(a),(b)and (c)
6.If the universal gravitational constant was time dependent, then which of the
following quantities would be conserved ?
(a) Potential energy (b) Kinetic energy
(c) Linear momentum (d) Angular momentum
7. If one moves from the surface of earth to moon, what will be the effect on its
(a) Weight of a person decreases continuously with height from the surface of
(b) Weight of a person increases with height from the surface of earth

(c) Weight of a person first decreases with height and then increases with
height from the surface of earth
(d) Weight of a person first increases with height and then decreases with
height from the surface of earth.
8.The radii of two planets are respectively R1 and R2 and their densities are
respectively 1 and 2. The ratio of the accelerations due to gravity (g1/g2) at their
surface is
R12 R11
(a) (b)
R 21 R 2 2
1R 22 R1R 2
(c) (d)
2R12 22

9. If one moves from the surface of earth to moon, what will be the effect on its
(a) Weight of a person decreases continuously with height from the surface of
(b) Weight of a person increases with height from the surface of earth
(c) Weight of a person first decreases with height and then increases with
height from the surface of earth
(d) Weight of a person first increases with height and then decreases with
height from the surface of earth.
10.The radii of two planets are respectively R1 and R2 and their densities are
respectively 1 and 2. The ratio of the accelerations due to gravity (g1/g2) at their
surface is
R12 R11
(a) (b)
R 21 R 2 2
1R 22 R1R 2
(c) (d)
2R12 22

11. A thief stole a box with valuable article of weight ‘W’ and jumped down a

wall of height h. Before he reach the ground he experienced a load of

(a) zero

(b) W / 2

(c) W

(d) 2 W

12, The acceleration due to gravity g and mean density of the earth ρ are related by which of the followin

relation? Where g is gravitational constant and R is radius of the earth

(a) ρ =

(b) ρ =

(c) ρ =

(d) ρ =

When 13. When the planet comes nearer the sun moves

(a) fast

(b) slow

(c) constant at every point

(d) none of the above

14. Kepler’s second law regarding constancy of areal velocity of a planet is a

consequence of the law of conservation of

(a) energy

(b) angular momentum

(c) linear momentum

(d) none of these

15.The period of geostationary artificial satellite is

(a) 24 hours

. (b) 6 hours

(c) 12 hours

(d) 48 hours

16. A geostationary satellite is orbiting the earth at a height of 6R above the

surface of the earth, R being the radius of the earth. The time period of another

satellite at a height of 2.5 R from the surface of earth is

(a) 6 hr
(b) 6 hr

(c) 5 hr

(d) 10 hr

17. The distance of Neptune and Saturn from the sun are nearly 1013 m and 1012 m respectively.

Assuming that they move in circular orbits, their periodic times would be in the ratio of

(a) 10

(b) 100

(c) 10

(d) 1000

18.A satellite is orbiting close to the surface of the earth, then its speed is

(b) Rg



19.If the gravitational force between two objects were proportional to 1/R (and not as 1/R 2) where R

is separation between them, then a particle in circular orbit under such a force would have its orbital

speed v proportional to


(b) R0

(c) R1


20. Imagine a light planet revolving around a very massive star in a circular orbit of radius R

with a period of revolution T. If the gravitational force of attraction between the planet and

the star is proportional to then

(a) T2 α R2

(b) T2 α

(c) T2 α

(d) T2 α R3

21. The planet mercury is revolving in an elliptical orbit around the sun as shown

in figure. The kinetic energy of mercury will be greater at

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D


(F / A) F Y = Young's modulus;
Y= Ve  
( / ) A
A = area of cross section of wire

= original length of wire,

 = change in length of wire

L2g x = Elongation of a wire (or rope),

2Y suspended from one end, due its own
weight is given by

p = density of material of wire

L = length of wire

g = acceleration due to gravity

Y=Young's modulus of material of wire

F = rigidity modulus
 ;
 = shearing strain

P B = bulk modulus

 V 
  P = change in pressure
 V 
V = change in volume;

V = original volume

(D / D)  D  = Poison’s ratio.

  .
( / ) D 
D= diameter of wire

D = change in diameter

(a) Y = 2[1+] Y = Young's modulus

(b) Y = 3B[1-2]  = rigidity modulus

9 3 1 B = bulk modulus
(c)  
Y  B
 = Poisson's ratio
3B  2n Y
(d)  =  1
6B  2 2

(e) Y =
3B  

1 1 W = Work done in stretching or
W= F  K( ) 2
2 2
compressing a wire

F = stretching force

 = change in length

K = force constant =

1 U = work done per unit volume

U x stress x strain

 x Y x (stress)2

 x (stress)2

Thermal force, F = force required to prevent a rod from

increasing in length on heating it
F = YA = 
through ,

Y = Young’s modulus,

 = coefficient of linear expansion

(F1  F2 ) W = Work done in stretching a wire

W=  
F1= Initial force on wire

F2=Final force on wire

 = change in length of wire


 r23    V2   If an air bubble of radius ‘r1’ at a depth

h= h   3  1 H    1 H
 r1   w  V1  W ‘h’ in water rises to the surface and if
‘r2’is the radius of the bubble at the
surface, then where

 = density of water |

H = atmosphere pressure in Hg column

 = density of Hg

V1= a volume of bubble at depth 'h' and

V2= Volume ol bubble at the surface of


4 It Pl is the inside pressurs and P0 is the

(P1- P0) =
r outside pressure of a liquid drop or
2 liquid bubble of radius 'r' and surface
(P1- P0) =
r tension 'o'

2 For bubble (2 contaci surfaces)

(P1- P0) =
excess pressure
  2
p=   For liquid drop (one contact surface)
r (d / 2) d
Excess pressure
F = excess pressure x
An air bubble inside a liquid has only
area of contact = one surface and hence excess pressure
(so air bubble inside a liquid acts like a
liquid drop.)

If two glass plates, with arsa of contact

A, are separated by a small distance 'd'
and the space is filled with a liquid of
surface tension 'o'. then excess pressure

on each surface Frequired to separate
the plates

r = Rn-1/3 or When a large drop of radius 'R' is split

into 'n’ identical tiny drops

r  radius of each new drop/bubble

R = rn1/3
W done in breaking the drop

  is the surface tension

W = 4R2[n1/3 -1]
W work done in forming a drop of
radius r
W = 4r2
W Work done in forming a bubble of
radius r
W= 8r2
W Work done in increasing the
radius of a bubble from ‘r1’ to’r2’.

W= 8(r22- r12) R  When two spherical bubbles of

radii (or spherical drops) ‘r1’ and ‘r2’
combine to form a single bubble of
R= r12  r22 radius R under isothermal conditions

When two soap bubbles of radius ‘r1’

and ’r2’ are in contact.

r1 r2 r = radius of common surface
r1  r2

2 cos  h Capillary rise

‘h’ =
= density of liquid,
cos =
R r = radius of capillary tube,
= surface tension,
2  = angle of contact and
hR = = constant
g = acceleration due to gravity.

R is the radius of meniscus of the liquid


dv F is the viscous force

is the velocity gradient (unit is s-1) dx
 is the coefficient of viscosity

2r 2 (  ) If a spherical body of density ‘’and

9 radium ‘r’ moves in a medium of density
‘’ and co-efficient of viscosity ‘’ them its
terminal velocity ‘v’ is given by

A1 V1 = A2 V2 If A1 and A2 are the areas of cross-sections

and V1 and V2 the corresponding fluid
velocities at those cross-section of a tube,

(X   X 0 )x100 X0 = thermometric property at temperature
(X100  X 0 ) '0’ C

X0 = thermometric property at ice point

X100= thermometric property at steam point

(R   R 0 )x100 R0 = resistance at 00 C
(R100  R 0 )
R0 = resistance at 00 C and

R100 = resistance at 1000 C

L (L   L 0 )  = coefficient of linear expansion

= 
L L0 
L= change in length,

L0 = Original length, L0 - length at 0"C

0 = Change in temperature

L0= L0 (1  ) L0 = length at 00 C

 = Coefficient of linear expansion

L0 = length at 00 C

0 = Increase in temperature in 0 C

(L 2  L1 ) L2 = length at 020 C
(L12  L 2 1 )
L1 = length at 010 C

 = Coefficient of linear expansion

A (A   A 0 ) A= change in area

= 
A A 0 
A0= original area A0= final area

A=change ir temperature

= co-ellicient of superficial expansion.

A0 = A0(1+) A0 = area at temperature 00 C

A0 = area at 00 C

0 = change in temperature 0 C

 = coefficient of superficial expansion

(A 2  A1 ) A2 = area at temperature ‘02’

(A12  A 2 1 )
A1 = area at temperature ‘01’

 = coefficient of superficial expansion

V (V  V0 ) v = change in volume
=  
V0  V0 
V = original volume

0 = change in temperature
V0 = V0(1+)
V0 = volume at 00 C

 = coefficient of cubical expansion

1 =app+r 1 = real coefficient of cubical expansion of


app = apparent coefficient of cubical


of liquid

r = coefficient of cubical expansion of the

vessel which contains the liquid

(V2  V1 )
V12  V2 1
V1= volume at temperature 01

V2 = volume at temperature 02

 = coefficient of cubical expansion

P  = coefficient of cubical expansion

= ;
P= change in pressure

B = bulk modulus of She material \

P= -B
undergoing change in volume

0 = change in temperature

s =0[1+0]-1 s = density at 00 C

=0[1-0] 0 = density at 00 C

 = coefficient of cubical expansion

(1  2 ) 1 = density at temperature 010C

 =
(12   2 1 )
2 = density at temperature 020C

 = coefficient of cubical expansion

Thermal stress, Y = Young's modulus of material

= Y  = coefficient of linear expansion

Thermal force, 0 = change in temperature

F= YA  = thermal stress

F = thermal force

A = area of cross-section

T=T-T0= ½T0 L0 = length of pendulum at which

clock gives correct lime
If T0=I second,
L = length of pendulum when
T= ½ second
temperature changes through 00C
lf T0=1 day, T =½x
Tg = correct limn period

T = now time period a! changed

86400 = 43200  second temperature
It  is increase (ie. time period T = change in time period = T=T0
increases), clock loses time.
= Coefficient of linear expansion of
If  is decrease (ie. negative), T is material of pendulum
negative (ie time period decreases), ie.,
0 = change in temperature in 0C
clock gains time

C = ratio of specific heats =. adiabatic

Cv constant

n1Cv1  n 2 Cv 2 Cv= molar specific heat at constant

Cv =
(n1  n 2 ) volume of a gas consisting of mixture
of n1 moles of molar specific heat at
constant volume

Cv1 and n2moles of molar specific heat

at constant volume Cv2

n1Cp1  n 2 Cp 2 Cp = specific heat at constant pressure
(n1  n 2 ) of a mixture of two gases, consisting of
n1moles of Cp1 and n2 moles of molar

Cp- Cv= R R= Universal gas constant

Cp= molar specific heat at constant


Cv= molar specific heat at constant


n11 (  2  1)  n 2  2 ( 1  1)  = specific heat ratio of mixture of two

n1 (  2  1)  n 2 ( 1  1) gases of n1 moles (Cp/Cv= 1)


d d is the increase in temperature when

Temperature gradient =
distance increases by dx in the direction

heat flow.

KA(1  2 ) Q quantity of heat flow through

d conductor

K  coefficient of thermal conductivity



A cross-sectional area of conductor

through which heat flows

1  temperature of hot end

2  temperature of cold end

t time of passage of heat

d  distance between hot end and cold

end along the conductor

d R  thermal resistance of conductor (in


K  thermal conductivity of conductor

Across-sectional area of a conductor

through which heat flows.

d  thickness of conductor or length of

conduct or through which heat flows

K1  K 2 ) For parallel combination of two
Keq =
2 conductors of same cross-sectional area
and thickness but of different materials

Weidman-Franz law states that K = thermal conductivity of a material

 = electrical conductivity

K T = absolute temperature of material
= constant

K K = thermal conductivity of a material

 = density of the material

c = specific heat capacity of the material

h = thermometric conductivity of the

material (unit in m2/s)

L(x 22  x12 ) t = time taken to change the thickness of

ice in a pond from X1 to X2

= density of ice

L= Latent heat of fusion of ice

K= thermal conductivity of ice

 = temperature difference between two


As per Stefan' law, E= T1 E = energy emitted per unit area per
unit time by a perfectly black body

T = absolute temperature of body

 = Stelan’s constant

E= T1, E = energy emitted per unit area per

unit time by the body
(e=1 for a perfectly black body)
T = absolute temperature of body

 = Stefan's constant

 = emissivity of body (0 <   1)

As per Stefan- Boltzmann law, E = energy emitted per unit area per
unit time by a perfectly black body at
E = (T1- T04)
an absolute temperature T enclosed in a
black body at temperature

Tp(T >T0)

= Stefan's constant = 5.67x10-3Wm-2K-


Q = AT1t(black body) Total heat emitted by a body in time 't'

= T1t(other bodies) seconds

A=area of the surface of body

T = absolute temperature of body

 = Stefan’s constant, = emissivity of


As per Wlen’s law max= wavelength for maximum

maxT = b intensity of thermal radiation

T= absolute temperature of body

b = Wien’s constant

= 2.898x10-3mK

As per Newton’s law of cooling dQ

= rate of heat loss of a body (-0) =
= K(-0) mean difference in temperature of body
and surroundings

k = constant of proportionality

dQ 1 1 dQ
=  = rate of cooling
dt ms Thermal capacity dt

m = mass of body

S =Specific heat capacity of body

 R  2 s 
1/ 4 T = temperature of sun
T =   
 r    r = radius of sun

R = distance of earth from sun

=Stefan's constant

S = solar constant

8hc 5 h = Planck's constant

Ed = d
e(h / kT) 

  c = speed of light in vacuum

k = Boltzmann's constant

T = absolute temperature

 = wavelength of emitted radiation

E- energy of black body


 c12  c22  ...  c2n  C1, C2, C3,..., Cn are the speeds of ‘n'
C = 
 n  molecules of a gas.

C = rms velocity of gas molecules

P= ⅓ mnC2 = ⅓C2, where P = Pressure extorted by a gas

m= mass of each molecule of gas

 = density of gas

C = rms velocity of gas molecules

n = number density of gas molecules,

climber of gas molecules per unit


1N N
P= mC2 n= (N = Avagadro's number,
3V V
V= volume of one molecule of gas)

2 Er = Kinetic energy per unit volume

P= xE r
3 (due to translation motion)

3P Crms = rms velocity of gas molecules

 M = molar mass
3PV 3RT 3K BT m = mass of each molecule
=  
M M m
T is the absolute temperature of gas,
R is universal gas constant,
K is Botemann’s constant =

8RT 3K BT VAV = average speed of gas molecules

VAV = 
M m

2RT 2K BT VMP = most probable speed of gas

VMP = 
M m molecule

f For a gas molecule having f degrees of

Cv= R
2 freedom, R = universal gas constant

Molar specific heat at constant volume,

f (f  2) For a gas molecule having t degrees of

Cp= R  R  R
2 2 freedom, R = universal gas constant

Cp Molar specific heat at constant


C f  2 2 For a gas molecule having f degrees of
=   1
Cv 2 t freedom
= Adiabatic constant
f For a gas molecule having f degrees of
2 freedom at absolute temperature T, E
=Total energy per mole,
R = universal gas constant.


V  W = Work done during isothermal

W= RT loge  2 
 V1  process per mole

P 
= RT loge  2 
 P1 

V 
= 2.303 RTlog10  2 
 V1 

P 
= 2.303 RT log10  2 
 P1 

(P1V1  P2 V2 ) R W = Work done during adiabatic

W=  (T  T )
   1    1 1 2 process per mole

W=(Q1-Q2) Efficiency of heat engine Q1 is the

amount of heat absorbed by the
W (Q1  Q 2 ) Q working
=   1 2
Q Q1 Q1 substance, W the work done and Qz
the heat rejected to sink, then

 T  Efficiency of Carnot(reversible engine)

 = 1  2  x100%
 T1 

T2 = temperature of sink

T1 = temperature of source


accelaration  = angular frequency in SHM

T = Time period of SHM

accelaration 2 ‘m’ is the mass of oscillation particle in

T  2 
displacement  SHM

A = amplitude of oscillation,

y = displacement at time ‘T’

 = angular frequency

E = total energy of SHM

KE = kinetic energy of SHM at any


PE = potential energy of SHM at any

instant 't'

 = angular frequency of SHM =

T = Time period of SHM

1 1 T = Time period of simple pendulum

KE of SHM = mv 2  m2 (A 2  y 2 )
2 2
= length of the simple pendulum
KEmin = mA 2 2 at y = 0 g = acceleration due to gravity

(i.e. equilibrium position)

KEmin = 0 at y = A( extreme position)

PE of SHM = m2 y 2

PEmin = (at y =0, which is equilibrium


E = Total energy of SHM = PE + KE

= m2 A 2 = constant

Average KE = Average PE = m 2 A 2

KE = Ecos2t = Ecos2 t

PE = Esin2t = Esin2 t

 tan 2 t

T = time period of an infinitely long

T = 2
g pendulum near surface of earth

R = radius of earth

g = acceleration due to gravity

R T = Time period of an infinity long

T = 2 = 5078 second= 84.5 minute
g pendulum near surface of earth

R= radius of earth

g = acceleration due to gravity

R T = Time period of SHM of a particle

T = 2 = 5078 = 84.6 minute
g dropped into a diametrical hole of earth

 r2 T= time period of a conical pendulum of
T = 2
g length ‘ ’and radius of path ‘r’

h g = acceleration due to gravity
= 2
h = vertical height of point of suspension
above the circular path

T = period of a simple pendulum inside

T = 2
ga a lift having an upward acceleration ‘a’

= length of pendulum

g = acceleration due to gravity

T= period of a simple pendulum inside a

T = 2
ga lift having an upward acceleration ‘a’

T= period of a simple pendulum inside a
T = 2
g 2
 a2  car or vehicle, moving with a horizontal
acceleration of ‘a’

M If a body of mass ‘M’ is connected to a

Period of oscillation, T = 2
k spring of spring constant k and made to
execute SHM, then
1 2
PE of oscillation ky

where y = displacement

Maximum PE = Maximum KE = kA 2

where A = amplitude

k  A2  y2 
KE of oscillation=

Magnitude of restoring force F = ky and


T = 2 , where

T = Period of oscillation of liquid

volume in a U- tube

g = acceleration due to gravity

Period of oscillation of a uniform float m = mass of float

in a liquid A = cross – sectional area of float

T = 2
m  = density of liquid
g = acceleration due to gravity

h h = height of float( total)
Also T = 2
 = density of float

m = Ah

Time period of oscillation of a m = mass of body
compound pendulum, I= moment of inertial of body about axis
I of rotation
T = 2
H = depth or distance of centre of
gravity of body from axis of rotation

I T = period of oscillation of a bar magnet

T = 2
MB in a magnitude field

M=Magnetic moment of bar magnet

B = magnetic filed (magnetic induction)

I = Moment of inertia of bar magnet

about axis of rotation


1 1 E = Energy density (or energy per unit

E  Vmax 2  (A) 2
2 2
volume of medium) of a wave
 (2A) 2  222 A 2 A = amplitude of oscillation of particles


 = angular frequency = 2v

= Frequency

= density of medium

I  222 A 2 v I = Intensity of wave (energy per unit


normal to the direction of propagation

per unit time)

v = velocity of propagation of wave

T T v = Speed of transverse wave is a string

V= 
 r 2
T =: tension in the string and

 = linear density of string (mass per



 = density of wire and

r = radius of wire

Y V = speed of sound (longitudinal wave)

 in


Y = Young's modulus of the solid

 = density of solid

B v = speed of sound in liquid


B = bulk modulus of liquid

 = density of liquid

B P RT RT v = Speed of sound in gases

V=   
  V M
B = adiabatic bulk modulus = P

= olgas, P = gas pressure

T = absolute temperature of gas,

V = moiar volume of gas

R = universal gas constant

M = molar mass of gas

  Relations between path difference (x),

x  x  xt
2 T
phase difference () and time
2 2
  xx  xt difference
 T
(t) in terms of wavelength '' and


t  x  xx
2 

 = apparent frequency due to Doppier

 V    V0  effect
1   
 V    V0 
 = actual frequency of sound

 = wind speed

(+, when wind travels in same

direction of sound
If  is the angle between v and , use
= - when wind travels in opposite
'cos' Instead of '' in the above
direction of sound)
V = Speed of sound in the medium

Vo = Speed to listener

(=+Vs, if listener is moving towards


-Vo. If listener is moving away from


If listener is not moving, Vo = 0

Vs = speed of source of sound

(=+Vs, if source is moving away from


-Vs, if source is moving towards


V1 = 01 if source is not moving.

Constructive interference Two coherent waves of amplitudes a1
and a2 and intensities I1 and I2 interfere.
Phase difference = 0,2, 4......
An = resultant amplitude at phase
where n= 0, 1, 2, 3....
difference of ‘’
Path difference = 0, , 2, ..., n
In = resultant intensity at phase
where n= 0, 1, 2, 3....
Resultant amplitude at phase
difference ,

An= a12  a 22  2a1 a1 cos 

Maximum amplitude = (a1+ a2)2

If a1 = a2 = a

ARmax = 4a

Resultant Intensity at phase

difference ‘’

In = I1+ I2+ I1I2 cos 

 
(IR)max = I1  I2

 
(IR)min = I1  I 2

If I1 = I2 = I

I Rmax = 4I

IRmin = 0

Destructive Interference
Phase difference = , 3, 5,-, (2n - 1) 
where n =0, 1, 2. ...........
Path difference

 3 5 
= , , ,...(2n  1) where
2 2 2 2

n = 1, 1, 2....

Vibrations of gas column e = end correction

(A) open pipe d = diameter of pipe

r = radius pipe


1 q1q 2 F Force between charges q1 and q2

F= (In vaccum)
40 r 2
rDistance between the charges
 9x109 Fm 1 0 Permittivity of free space
0 = 8.85 x 10-12 C2N-1m-3(or Fm-1)
Super position principle
F  F1  F2  ...  Fn
V Electric potential due to a number
of point charges
E  E1  E2  ...  En
E  Electrostatic force field due to a
number of point charges
V= V1+ V2+...+ Vn F Force due to a number of point

EElectric field
V = - E   E.d
V Electric potential
V = E x d(For uniform field) d  Distance between the two points.

WAB = a VAS WABWork done in moving a charge q

from A to B.
VABVBVAElectric Potential

difference between A and B.

t Gauss's theorem. Q  charge
 E.dS  Q
S enclosed

 =E sin Torque experienced by an electric

dipole in an electric field
  xE
Orientalion o! dipole in E (Angle
between P and E)
 Dipole moment of dipole

W= E(cos1, cos2) W Work done in rotating a dipole

from angle 61 to ft; in an electric
field E

U = - E cos; U =  xE U potential energy of dipole placed

in an electric, field.

1 q1q 2 Potential energy of a system of two

4 0 r point charges, separated by a distance
‘r’in free space

1  q1q 2 q1q 2 q11q1  Potential energy of a system of three

U=    
40  r12 r23 r31  point charges

qE a acceleration of a charged particle

m in an electric field

1 1 1 Effective capacitance of capacitors C1, C2, etc,

   ...
C C1 C 2 connected in series. C = effective capacitance

C = C1+ C2+ C3+... Effective capacitance of capacitors C1, C2, C3 etc. in


U = U → energy stored in a capacitor.

1 1 1 Q2 V → potential difference
U  QV  CV 2 
2 2 2 C
Q→ charge in capacitor

U 1 Energy density of electrostatic field (E)

 0 E 2
V 2
 - Energy density in an electrostatic field. V

volume of capacitor


Q I = current through the conductor,

Q = charge flowing in time 't'

dQ I = electric current through a region or conductor


I = neAVd I - electric current through a conductor

n = number density of electron (number of


/ volume), A = cross sectional area,

Vd = drift velocity

eE Vd = drift velocity of electrons

Vd = 
e = electronic charge
eV  V 
Vd =   E m = mass of electron
m  
t = average relaxation time

E = applied electric field

V = applied electric potential

= length of conductor

H = I2Rt = Vlt H→ Heat developed in a conductor (in joule)

l → Current (in ampere) V = potential difference

in volt

t → time (in second) R = resistance in ohm

V2 H P→Electrical power in watt. H = heat produced in

P = VI = I2R = 
R t joule

V→Potential difference in volt t = time in second

l →Current in ampere, R Resistance in ohm

ts = t1 + t2 When a heater having two separate coils is used to

heat same quantity of liquid separately, for same
t1 t 2
tp =
(t1  t 2 ) change in temperature,

ti= time taken to heat using 1st coil

ts = time taken to heat using 2nd coil

s = time taken when both coils are connected in

series and used

tp = time taken when both coils are connected in

parallel and used

l 2 Q = Heat radiated per unit surface area per second

22 r 3 of a wire

→ resistivity of material of wire

r → radius of the wire

V2 Ps→ Effective power when n resistors connected in

Ps =
series across a potential difference V.

nV 2 P→ Effective power when n resisters connected in
Pp =
para lei across a potential difference V.


0 ldlxr dB→ magnetic field due to a current carrying

dB 
4 r 3 element

 0 ldl sin  l→steady current

dB 
4 r 2
r→distance from element to point

dl→length of the element

→angle between d and r

0l B→magnetic field due to a straight conductor at a

B= sin 1  sin 2 
4r point.

r→ distance from the conductor to point

1 and 2 are the angles which the lines joining

the point to the ends of the conductor with the
perpendicular to the conductor through the

I = steady current

0l B→magnetic field due to an infinite straight line

2 r conductor, carrying a steady current I, at a
distance r from it

The magnetic field at a point on the current

carrying conductor is zero

0I B→magnetic field at the center of a circular coil

2a carrying a steady current I,

a → radius of the coil

 0 NIa 2 B→ magnetic field due to a circular coil on the

B= 1
2(a 2  x )
2 2 axis, at a distance x from the center.

N=Number of turns of the coil

a=Radius of the coil

X=Distance from the center along the axis of the


I = steady current through the coil

    0 I  B→ magnetic field due to a current carrying arc of

B=   
 360   2r  an angle 0

r= radius of the arc

I = steady current through the arc

C C=couple per unit twist
I 
A=area of the coil

N = number of turns of the coil

 →deflection of galvanometer coil

I → steady current through galvanometer

B = uniform magnetic field

I = K 0→deflection of galvanometer coil

l→ steady current through galvanometer

K= Galvanometer Constant

 NAB 0
 →current sensitivity

C=couple per unit twist

A=area of the coil

N = number of turns of the coil

B = uniform magnetic field

R= resistance of coil

  / l NAB 0
  → voltage sensitivity
v R CR V

C=couple per unit twist

A=area of the coil

N = number of turns of the coil

B = uniform magnetic field

R = resistance of coil

Ig S→ Resistance to be connected in parallel to
I  Ig convert a

galvanometer of current rating Ig to ammeter

of currentrating I.

G = resistance of galvanometer

V R→ High resistance to be connected in series to

R G
Ig convert galvanometer of current rating Ig in to a
voltmeter of rating V,

G = resistance of galvanometer

 0 m1m 2 F→ force between two magnetic poles

4 r 2
m1 & m2 → pole-strengths of poles

0 → permeability of free space

r → distance between poles

M = mx21 M → magnetic dipole moment

m→ pole strength

2l→ separation between poles

M = NIA M→ magnetic moment of a current


N → No. of turns of the loop

l → Current through the loop

A→ area of the loop

→ torque experienced by a magnet

B→ magnetic field

 = MBsin M → magnetic dipole moment

B → magnetic field

0 → angle between M and B

W=MB( cos1- cose2) W→ work done in rotating a magnetic

dipole in a uniform magnetic field
from angle 1 to .

U = -MB cos  U→ potential energy of a magnetic

dipole placed at an angle  with the
magnetic field

 0 2M B→ magnetic field produced by a

4 r 3 short magnetic dipole on the axial tine
at a distance r from its centre.

0 M B→ On equatorial line
4 r 3

Bv = B sin  B→ total magnetic field of earth at a

BH = B cos 
By → vertical component of B

BH → horizontal component of B

B= B2v  BH2 → angle of dip at the place

 tan 

M m I→ intensity of magnetisation, M-magnetic

I= 
V A dipole .moment

V→ volume, m→ polestrength

A→ Area of cross section

I m → susceptibility,
H → Intensity of magnetising field

I → Intensity of magnetisation

B B→ magnetic induction

 =0r Ur → relative permeability

r=1 + m m → susceptibility

C C→ Curie constant, T→ temperature


2rBH I → current flowing through the tangent

I= tan = ktan
0 N galvanometer

N→ No, of turns of coil

→ deflection in the galvanometer,

r→ radius of coil

K → reduction factor of T.G,

I T→ time period of oscillation of a magnet in a
T= 2 c
MB magnetic field B

1 → moment of inertia of the magnet

M → magnetic moment of the magnet

neh M → magnetic moment of electron in an atom

M=  n B
n→ no. of orbit, h → Planck's constant

0→ Bohr magneton

eh e→ charge of electron, v→ velocity of electron

0 = 9.27 x 10-24Am2
r→ radius of path


 =4 l  = luminous flux

1 = luminous intensity

I cos  E illuminance at a point in a surface distant from a


1 luminous intensity

angle between r and normal to the surface

d= 180-2l = 360-2 d angle of deviation when a ray is reflected from a



i angle of incidence

0glancing angle (Anglo between mirror and



R f focal length of a spherical mirror

RRadius of curvature of the spherical mirror

1 1 1 Mirror formula
f=  
u v f
u-object distance
f vimage distance
ffocal length

h1  v m magnification in a spherical mirror

m= 
h0 u
h1 height of image

h0  height of object

f f v mmagnification in a spherical mirror

m= 
f u f
u object distance from the mirror

v  image distance from the mirror

f = focal length of the mirror,

Note: All symbols to be used with correct signs as per

new Cartesian sign convention

mA=  m2
mA areal magnification

A1 area of image

A0 area of object

sin l  2 I angle of incidence

sin r 1
r angle of refraction

erefractive index of media on which

light falls

1refractive index of medium from

which light falls

e  vac  refractive indeed of a medium

 
v  med
cVelocity of light in vacuum

v velocity of light in medium

wavelength of light in medium

>wave length of light in vacuum|

S shift produced when object is in the

denser medium and observer is title rarer
 1
S  1 1   medium. |
 
t actual depth

  refractive index of the denser

medium with respect to the rarer

S= 1(-1) S shift when object n rarer medium and

observe in denser medium

  refractive index of the denser

medium with respect to the rarer

t When object in denser medium

 = refractive index of the denser medium
with respect to the rarer medium

t When object in rarer medium

tactual depth, t’apparent depth

= refractive index of the denser medium

with respect to the rarer medium

1 Ccritical angle
sin C 
1 refractive index at rarer medium

2 refractive index of denser medium

l1angle of incidence to lace AB

l2  angle of emergence

dangle of deviation

r1, r2angles of refraction

AD D angle of minimum devisation

sin  
  2 

d  (  1)A d deviation produced in a small angled


A angle of the prism

M = M0Me Mmagnification of compound microscope

M0magnification of objective

Memagnification of eye piece

V0  D  MNmagnification of compound microscope for

N=  
u 0  f0  normal


Dleast distance of distinct vision

f0 focal length of objective lens

v0  distance of image produced by the objective lens

u0  distance of object from objective lens

V0  D  v0, u0distance of object and its image from objective

Md = 1  
u 0  fe 
fe focal length of eye piece

Mdmagnification for distinct visjon

f0 MNmagnification of an astronomical telescope for

MN =
normal vision

f0 focal length of objective lens

fe focal length of eye piece

f0  fe  Md magnification at an astronomical telescope (or

f e  D 
Md =
strained vision

D least distance of distinct vision

f0 focal length of objective lens

f0 focal length of eye piece

L = f0 + fe L length of the tube of telescope in normal vision

f0 focal length of objective tens

fefocal length of eye piece

 = B.A  magnetic flux linked with coil,

B magnetic field

A area of the coil

 d magnetic flux linked with coil,

dt conduced emf

 =LI magnetic flux linked with a coil,

dI Lself inductance
e = L
1 Current through the coil

 =M I magnetic flux in secondary coil

dI Icurrent in primary coil,

e= M
MMutual inductance

M=K L1L2 L1 & L2  self inductances of the coils

Mmutual inductance between the


Kcoefficient of coupling (for tight

coupling K=1)

L = 0 n 2 A Lself inductance of a solenoid

nnumber of turns/unit length

L = 0 A
N total number of turns

AArea of the coil

length of the coil

L =  0 r n 2 A Linductance of the coil when filled

with material of relative permeability
L =  0 r A r

 length of primary

A Area of the coil whose radius is


nnumber of turns/unit length

N total number of turns

 0 N1 N 2 A MMutual inductance between two


N1  no: of turns in primary

N2 no of turns in the secondary


1 V Velocity of electromagnetic wave

 through a medium

  Permeability of the medium

  Permittivity of the medium

1 B2 U Energy density of electromagnetic

U= 0 E 2 
2 20 waves

E=vB E intensity of electric field

B  Intensity of magnetic field

v Velocity of electromagneticwave

1 I intensity of electromagnetic wave

I = 0 E 2 V
Eintensity of electric field
I= Q Intensity of magnetic field
2 0
v Velocity of electromagnetic wave

e E2 charge of electron

m 2VB2
m-mass of electron

E electric field applied

B-magnetic field applied

Vpotential difference through which

electron Is accelerated

mgd qcharge of oil drop

mmass of oil drop

vpotential difference applied across

two plates of arrangement lo keep the
oil drop in equilibrium

d separation between plates

hc E Energy associated with a photon

E= h =

hPlanck's constant

 frequency of radiation

wave length of radiation

1 (KE)max maximum kinetic energy of

(KE)max = mv max 2  h(  0 )
2 emitted photoelectrons

v frequency of incident radiation

v0 threshold frequency

m mass of electron

= h0 v0 threshold frequency

work function

(KE)max = eVs  charge of electron

V4 stopping potential

h h  wavelength of particle
 
p mv
 momentum of particle

Compton shift,   wavelength shift

 '    
1  (cos ) ’ wavelength of scattered photon
 wavelength of incident photon

m rest mass of electron

angle of scattering

h  wavelength associated with a

2mqV particle of charge ‘q’ and mass ‘ m’
which is associated through a potential
of ‘v’

1 Ea-energy of electron in the nth orbit

En =

13.6 Ea - energy of electron in the nth orbit of

En = eV
Hydrogen atom

13.6 2 Ea - energy of electron in the nth orbit of

En = z eV
Hydrogen Like atom

nh Ln - angular momentum of an electron
Ln =
2 in the nth orbit

1 n-frequency of an electron in the nth

n =
n orbit

1 1 1 For Hydrogen
R 2  2
  n1 n 2  R =1.09 x10'm '- Rydberg constant

AMass number

1 1 1 For Hydrogen like atoms

 RZ2  2  2 
  n1 n 2  n1 & n2 are initial and final states

R = ReA1/3 R - Nuclear radius,

R0 - Radius constant (an empirical

constant = 1.2 x 10-15 m

AMass number

Mass excess MMass of nucluus

Packing fraction =
Mass number
A Mass number

N N Number of atoms present at any

 e l
N instant

NsInitial number of atoms

l Time taken to reduce the number of

atoms from Na to N

log e 2 0.693  Decay constant

T1/ 2  

T1,2 Half life

1 Decay constant.
T1,2 Half life

N 1 N Total number of atoms a; the star;
 
Ng  2 
N0 Total number of atoms at the

n  number of half lives

t n  number of half lives,

n =n 
T1/ 2
t  time

T12  half life

RL A voltage gain CBC
Av = x
R in RLload resistance

Rninput resistance

RL Appower gain in CBC

Ap =  2 x
R in

lc  current gain in CEC


RL Av= Voltage gain in CEC

Av =  x

RL Ap=power gain in CEC

Ap = 2 x
R ln

lE r = current gain in CCC

 =
l B

RL Av voltage gain in CCC

Av = 

RL Power gain in CCC

Ap=  2

 current gain in CBC

 1
 current gain in CEC
 = 1
  current gain in CCC


 =
1 

lc  gmtrans conductance inCEC
gm = 
VBE R in
VDEchange in base emitter voltage

ac current gain in CEC


ne = nh = n1 n1 Intrinsic carrier concentration

neconcentration of free electrons in
extrinsic semiconductor
nhconcentration of holes in intrinsic
semi conduct

nenh = n12 neconcentration of free electrons in

extrinsic semiconductor
(True for both intrinsic and extrinsic
nhconcentration of holes In extrinsic

n1intrinsic carrier concentration

1  electrical conductivity of extrinsic

 e(n ee  n h  n )
 semiconductor
electrical resistively of extrinsic
ne  free electron concentration
ne  hole concentration
0mobility of holes

hmobility of holes

E  external electric field applied

Va =aE
VaVelocity of electron
Vb =bE
Vb Velocity of holes

v R4  dynamic resistance of a junction

R4 =
l diode
V0change in forward voltage
Vhchange in current

I = I0(ev/kT-1) l Current in a p-n junction

lcreverse saturation current at TK
Vpotential force applied
kBolzman's constant

qcharge of electron

0.406 nefficiency of a halt wave rectifier

1 1 frforward resistance of the circuit
R2efficiency of full wave rectifier

0.812 nefficiency of full wave rectifier

1 1

l = l + lc lEmitter currant

l0.Base current

lc Collector current

 l = l  lc  l  change in emitter current

 lB change in base current

 lc  charge in collector current

l c  current amplification in CBC

l 


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