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Observations in Tendon Profile Dwg : 190966-SD-R-PW-03 Rev –A




Kindly Provide the dimension wherever the tendon profile changes.

Observations in dwg 130B004.1 Rev-0

1. We have initially decided in the URC office that centre of insert plate for Rain water gutter
would be at the level of 20.00 m but in new drawing its top is matching with the 20.21m
level . If we have to flush the top of plate with the 20.21 m level then this inserts will be
fixed after placing of the planks and have to embed into the second stage concrete of 210
mm thick all around the wall.

2. We haven’t consider the thickness of neoprene pads i.e 20 mm for fixing the bed level of
RPTB-1 on wall and 10 mm for planks.
3. We have fixed the Top of buttress level at 20.00 m in drawings but it has to be at 20.285
flush with topping level for collection of rainwater in gutter as described in the sketch.
4. Kindly provide the arrangement of rain water gutter at the buttress area how it changes from
from coming from wall to buttress area and then bending into the wall area.

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