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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3

Discussion .................................................................................................................................. 3

Analysis...................................................................................................................................... 4

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 6

Reference list ............................................................................................................................. 8

Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 10


The Best Buy is considered to be the main operating environment that are regulating from the
area of the USA. This type of organization will be holding with the specific types of operating
standards that will be created with the specific type of political aspects of climate. This is to be
created with the customer's purchase system that will be generated with good product from the
brand of Best Buy. The basic level of the stability of the opportunity for creating the integrity
of the stability. Another Company that has been taken is Sony from Japan where it has its
headquarters. The Sony Corporation is considered to be one of the greatest success throughout
the factors that will be related to the various macro-environment conditions. The various types
of analysis will be determined about the various external factors that will be creating the
opportunity. The performance of Sony will be created with the success of high growth of the
developing country. Many types of economic stability have created the opportunity for
developing countries.


There is a great amount of competition that has emerged for the large electronic retailers for
the main role of Best Buy. There is an executive-level for the various types of corporate sectors
that will bring the Best Buy Company to a top-level in the corporate world also (Schaltegger,
& Burritt, 2017). The main focus of Best Buy is the success for the supply chain that will have
efficient and significant threat that will be applied for the advantages that are associated with
the specific integration. There are many types of Best Buy products that are available in chain
supply. There are also many competitors in the market involving Wal-Mart. Various types of
major advantages are been used for the operating sectors that will be involved by some of the
major part of the oligopoly market (Azar, & Ciabuschi, 2017). There are also different types of
factors that are involved with huge capital costs.
There are many types of process that includes the “Market Entry Strategies”. There are many
types of theories that are including the Sony Company to take over the global electronics
market as a monopoly market. There are many types of complex issues that will be integrated
with the various types of results that have many types of focus that will generate on the high
technology industries. There are many types of goal-oriented policies that will generate the
perfect plan for the solid theory that will be generated by combining the theory and also the
practices that are being carried out with various research approaches. Many processes will be

carried out for the market entry strategies that will define foreign direct investments that are
been generated with such kind of potential risks.

Figure 1: Market Entry Strategies



Business and Governance Structure

The Board of Directors of Best Buy Co. has been adopted with the basic types of principles
that will be generated with various types of general framework. There are many types of
responsibilities that are been carried out for specific business and affairs (Buse, Bernstein, &
Bilimoria, 2016). The normal nominating Governance will be created with the public
Committee Board that will have access to changes that will be approved by the Public Policy
Committee of the Board reviews that will be generated. There are many types of principles that
will intend to the modification process of Company law.
The Sony Corporations that will be created with continuous types of strengthening of the
corporate governance systems that will be generated for an increase in corporate value that will
have mid to long term value (Jones, Woods, & Guillaume, 2016). The various types of
management's operations are generated with the combination of decisions by the Board of
Directors. Therefore it can be identified with similar activities that are been seen from Best
Buy and also from Sony. These two basic types of perceptions completely match with each
other. The Determination of Board members for both the country will be adopting the
management policies. There should be accepted for the "Companies Act” by the companies.
Environmental Factors

There are various types of decisions that are taken in the United States for dominating the
specific types of influences that will be generated with the help of extracting it from the basic
type of environment. Various types of distribution will be created with the specific impacts that
will mitigate general consumer preferences for the specific influence in these types of
decisions. The basic role of environmental considerations will be created with the support of
different types of initiatives that will be used for the decision-making process that will be
generated (Taticchi et al.2015) many types of health risks will be generated by some of the
environmental processes which will be in a control system for different types of technologies
used by Best Buy Company. [Referred to Appendix 1]
There are various types of government regulations that are made for different countries and
Sony has adapted its strategies with these kinds of various types of strategies. The Company of
Sony has passed a “Global Policy on Occupational Health and Safety” in the year of 1998.
Various types of deals will be created with many groups of standards that are generated with
the success of health and safety by its employees (vom Brocke, Zelt, & Schmiedel, 2016).
Many ways are affecting the environment by the usage of excess chemicals which has to be
managed and controlled by the government.

Risks influencing Decision making

The main risks that are generated for the Best Buy are in the following ways:
Risks of Global Expansion: The Best Buy is also considered to be one of the huge retailers of
US electronics. The Best Buy’s specific big box proposition will be depending on the very
strong emphasis that will be generated with several combinations of lower prices (Wickert,
Scherer, & Spence, 2016).
Unable to adapt Strategy: There are many types of outlets that are well known around the
UK. Many larger marketers will also invest in specific types of flagship locations. This will be
considered as the major acquisition for propel to launch the system.
Change in customer shopping habits: There is a lot of increase in the amount of various types
of electronics that are spent on online systems ( 2019).
The main risks for Sony are in the following ways:
Overview of problem-solving: There are various types of problems that are generated in the
Company of Sony. This is used in different kinds of skills that are generated with different
types of activities for implementing the survival in the specific competitive market.

Evaluation of the situation: Various steps are generated for the monitoring of the success and
it will be created with various types of results of the specific type of decisions that are made.
(, 2019)
Approaches made by the competitors: The different approaches that will be taken for the
various tackling changes that will be accessed with the perfect solutions that will be made by
the success item.

Improvement of business practices

Best Buy company improvements plans are in the following ways:
Redesigning systems: There are various types of costs that will be made for the inconvenience
systems that are made for Best Buy Company. The retailers of the US has started to take every
possible action for holding the market systems
Hard to work in Best Buy: There are various types of training problems that are been held
for taking the various types of complex problems. The basic investments that are made on the
part of the retailers to take part in this kind of programs.
Investments in employees: There are various ways that it made the boosting process for the
employees in Best Buy. The customer satisfaction will be created by the success of these kinds
of programs that will establish the Company. (, 2019)
The Sony company improvements plans are in the following ways:
Designs of products: Various types of designs are inducted with the help of the best benefit of
the business that will be carried out. There are various types of strategic decisions that are made
with several types of operation managers with the help of minimum costs.
Quality Management: The various types of operation managers in Sony Company will be
mainly focusing on the factors of regular standards that are made with specific strategic
Designs of capacity: There should be an adequate amount of decisions that will be used in the
production of various types of electronic products. The main objective is to maintain


The Best Buy Company is considered to be one of the most growing electronics retailers in the
US. This will make the concerns of spending huge amount of investments in the upcoming

years. The Sony Company in future will be concerned about the factors of spending the money
by the customers that will influence the business of the Company. The basic types of laws will
be created with basic regards that will generate specific types of contract laws. There is a great
type of responses by the products of Sony. This type of analysis will be determining many
types of external factors for various types of cases.

Reference list

Schaltegger, S., & Burritt, R. (2017). Contemporary environmental accounting: issues,
concepts and practice. Routledge. DOI:
Retrieved from:
[Retrieved on: 10/10/2019]
Azar, G., & Ciabuschi, F. (2017). Organizational innovation, technological innovation, and
export performance: The effects of innovation radicalness and
extensiveness. International Business Review, 26(2), 324-336. DOI: Retrieved from: [Retrieved on:
Buse, K., Bernstein, R. S., & Bilimoria, D. (2016). The influence of board diversity, board
diversity policies and practices, and board inclusion behaviors on nonprofit governance
practices. Journal of Business Ethics, 133(1), 179-191. DOI: Retrieved from:
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Jones, R. J., Woods, S. A., & Guillaume, Y. R. (2016). The effectiveness of workplace
coaching: A meta‐analysis of learning and performance outcomes from
coaching. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89(2), 249-277.
DOI: Retrieved from:
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Taticchi, P., Garengo, P., Nudurupati, S. S., Tonelli, F., & Pasqualino, R. (2015). A review of
decision-support tools and performance measurement and sustainable supply chain
management. International Journal of Production Research, 53(21), 6473-6494. DOI: Retrieved from: https://e- [Retrieved on: 10/10/2019]

vom Brocke, J., Zelt, S., & Schmiedel, T. (2016). On the role of context in business process
management. International Journal of Information Management, 36(3), 486-495. DOI: Retrieved from:
[Retrieved on: 10/10/2019]
Wickert, C., Scherer, A. G., & Spence, L. J. (2016). Walking and talking corporate social
responsibility: Implications of firm size and organizational cost. Journal of
Management Studies, 53(7), 1169-1196. DOI:
Retrieved from: [Retrieved on:

Online articles (2019), range of internal and external contextual factors, retrieved from: [Retrieved on:

Websites, (2019), about Best Buy, Retrieved from: [Retrieved
on: 10/10/2019], (2019), about Sony Corporation, Retrieved from: [Retrieved
on: 10/10/2019]


Appendix 1: Best Buy environment factors


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