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Topic: Cancer

By: Rizkyta Audrey Candrasmurti
Student number: 17711016

a. Introduction
Osteosarcoma (OS) is cancer that occur in bone and joint. OS is the most common
primary bone tumor. OS predominantly occcur in long bones but it can occur in other
bones too (1). The survival rate among OS patient at 60-70%. OS affect of all ages.
Malignant osteoblast become main baset to get clinical diagnosis of OS. The etiological
factors of OS is complex. As we know thtat cancer depends on mutation of some genes.
p53, RB1, RECQL4, BLM (RECQL2) , WRN(RECQL3) mutation on its genes causes
OS (2).

b. Content

Osteosarcoma is cancer that have high temdemcy to metastasize. Pulmonary metastasize

is common form of metastasize. Location of OS is in the long bone such as the distal
femur, proximal tibia, and proximal humerus. Osteosarcoma can be devided into several
sub types as osteoblastic osteosarcoma, chondroblastic, and fibroblastic osteosarcoma.
Current best treatment is neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgical resection, followed by
postoperative chemotherapy. The etiology of osteosarcoma is a lot. Chromosomal
abnormalities, DNA microarray, growth factor, chemokines, apoptosis, transcription
factors, chemotheraphy resistance, and angiogenesis are etiologies of OS (3).

c. Conclusion/Resolution
OS has its sub-type and its sub-type has their own pathology and etiologies. Location of
OS is in the long bones but it can also accur in other bones. OS can be treat by
chemotherapy but it can relaps after 5 years. OS can metastasize to other organ but the
common form is pulmonary metastasize.
d. Closing
Lifestyle is something you can handle to avoid any kind of sarcoma. Beside genes is
something that out of handle. OS can occur to everyone at any age. Prevent is better than


1. Iwata S. Osteosarcoma Metastasis — Prognostic Factors and Treatment Strategies [Internet].

Introduction to Cancer Metastasis. Elsevier Inc.; 2017. 223-232 p. Available from:
2. Rickel K, Fang F, Tao J. Molecular genetics of osteosarcoma. Bone [Internet]. Elsevier Inc.;
2017;102:69–79. Available from:
3. Hayden JB, Hoang BH. Osteosarcoma : Basic Science and Clinical Implications. 2006;37:1–7.

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