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January 01, 2019

GooD News
A Taste of Mussar
Accounting of the Soul
Journal Template

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It is not uncommon for people to find it hard to get into the rhythm
of keeping the daily journal that is a central part of Mussar practice.
It’s a habit you need to cultivate, and one that sometimes requires
a stratagem or two.
You may want to print out this document and keep it in the front
of your journal to turn to when you need a kick-start.
For some people, the obstacle is that it is hard to develop the habit
of journaling. Here are some suggestions that will help strengthen
your resolve to do the daily journal practice, so that it becomes a
habit for you:
• Make a promise to your group members, and ask them to help
you keep your promise. Perhaps your commitment is to send
a brief email to them (or one of them) saying only: “I did it!”
• Find something that makes you WANT to keep the journal.
For example, if you pose a question to yourself at the top of
the page, such as “why do I not see my anger until I’ve acted
on it?” then answer it in a free association way. Making
sense and writing with good grammar are unimportant. Just
do what it takes to prompt yourself to start writing and the
rest will follow.
• Share whatever insights you may get from writing in the
journal with others and thereby reinforce the value you are
getting. If you don’t get insights, don’t worry. Do it out of
the faith that our sages know what is good for us, even if we
• If you can’t think of anything to say in the journal, write
about that. Pose the question, “Why can’t I think of
anything to say?” or “What could possibly be valuable about
this journal writing?”
If you are diligent about writing at least something in your diary
every night, writing will soon become an established habit, and then
you will speak to your diary, and it will really begin to speak to you.
Continues on Page 11 and 12

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A Taste of Mussar
Accounting of the Soul Journal Template

Week of: .......................... Middah: .................................

Focus Phrase:

Notes and Goals:

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A Taste of Mussar
Accounting of the Soul Journal Template

Sunday Date: ..................... Middah: ..................................


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Accounting of the Soul Journal Template

Monday Date: .................... Middah: .................................


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Accounting of the Soul Journal Template

Tuesday Date: .................... Middah: ..................................


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Accounting of the Soul Journal Template

Wednesday Date: ................ Middah: .................................


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Accounting of the Soul Journal Template

Thursday Date: ................... Middah: ..................................


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A Taste of Mussar
Accounting of the Soul Journal Template
(Note: the tradition is to honor Shabbat by writing in your diary
on Friday before evening, when Shabbat begins)

Friday Date: ....................... Middah: .................................

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A Taste of Mussar
Accounting of the Soul Journal Template
(Note: the tradition is to honor Shabbat by writing in your diary
on Saturday evening after Shabbat has ended)

Saturday Date: ................... Middah: ..................................

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Accounting of the Soul Journal Template

Page 2 Date: ...................... Middah: .................................


But perhaps picking up the journal and writing in it is not your

difficulty. Perhaps for you, you’ve got the page open and the pen
in hand and you find you have nothing to write. Here are some
ideas other people have found useful that you can use to trigger
your own reflections on your day and middot:
1. Did I see the middah in me or another person?
2. How did my experience of the middah compare to my
learning about that middah?
3. Did that middah appear toward the excess or deficient ends
of the range?
4. What factors precipitated the showing up of that middah?
5. Is there a pattern in which that middah gets put to the test
in my life?
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6. Where's the lesson for me in this experience?
7. If I were to ask myself one question about what happened in
this incident, what would that question be?
8. Calling to mind a spiritual friend, I tell the story to him or her.
9. If I were to say something to G-d about that incident, what
would I say?
10. If you are having difficulty doing the practice (e.g.,
forgetting, feeling too tired) that may be your yetzer ha’ra at
play. Ask yourself what underlying middah might be off
balance, or if there is a way that you can subvert the yetzer.
If you have to, set a different time of day for journaling.
11. If you struggle with not having enough to write, or being
impatient, set a timer and just write until the timer rings.
12. Set up exercises or challenges to target the week's middah
(kabbalot). Make them do-able. They should be a stretch but
not too big of a stretch. This will provide you with material
to review at the end of the day.
13. Remember to congratulate yourself each time that you
journal! You can end each entry with a little prayer. It helps
link the act of journaling with connecting to HaShem.
Like an accountant reviewing a company's books, the “accounting
of the soul” practice gives you all the tools you need to “audit”
your inner life. The conscious mind now gains access to features of
the unconscious, and becomes aware of the soul-traits that mold
our everyday existence, including thoughts, feelings and actions.
That's how cheshbon ha'nefesh works. It brings to light deep
patterns that might otherwise remain hidden from us.

Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haOlam, shehaKol eyeh bavaro

(Blessed are you, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, that
everything will be according to His Word.)

God Bless – Freddi

Jesus is the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords!
God intends us to do everything –TOGETHER!!
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