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Sixth Year Medicine (Graduate)

important for medical students to tackle the

LaTeX format. Anki also has the capacity to
that is gaining increasing popularity is Spaced

(Mnemosyne has a maximum of 3 sides per

To expand upon the use of Anki, with which

the author has had more experience: it is

studies. In mild Alzheimer’s disease, SRL

a complaint, such as chest pain, may include

choice quizzes showed enhanced long- more keywords (eg: ‘cardiology’). Cards with

of cards can also be shared to Anki’s online

and long-term durability of SRL teaching for

consistent new learning whilst refreshing the

deadlines and adhering to them means one

A handful of studies conducted by Kerfoot
foreign languages, geography and musical

thoughts and consolidate your understanding

loud, on paper, in their head) and clicks the

grades their performance (Figure 2) and this on most smart phones and can synchronise

card is answered will make it due in about a

use SRL methods, two of which are Anki and
correctly, the card’s due date is pushed further in research studies. There are a number of

Figure 1. Figure 2.
answer is seen. assessment.

Australian Medical Student Journal 15

are user friendly and free to use. From the be applicable to medical students and I look
author’s personal experience and literature None declared.
in the future to support its use.
A Lambers:
2010 Feb;183(2):678–81.

Surgeons. 2012;214(3):367–73. randomized trial. The American Journal of Surgery. 2009


A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of the American

College of Surgeons. 2010;211(3):331–1. 2011.
Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2009;49(2):289–93.
persist for 2 years. J. Urol. 2009 Jun;181(6):2671–3.

of clinical knowledge by medical students: a randomised
Informa UK Ltd UK; 2010.

16 Australian Medical Student Journal

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