SAP Collections Managemen 1994 PDF

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Cash Collection with SAP Collections Management 3.

1. In this procedure you will create a work list containing all customers you are responsible for. Click on
2. Click on "Financial Supply Chain Management".
3. Click on "Collections Management".
4. Double click on "Process Receivables".
5. You want to create a work list that contains all customers for which you are responsible and which are assigned
to company code 3000. Enter "3000" then press Tab.
6. AC stands for "Accountant1". Enter "AC" then press Tab.
7. Now you want to display the list. Click to Execute
8. The system has now created a work list according to your selection criteria. Press Enter to continue.
9. You want to prioritize your customers based on broken promises to pay. Right click on "Broken".
10. Choose "Sort in descend order" from the menu.
11. Customer 3271 "Media Store" has the highest amount of broken promises to pay. Therefore, you want to
contact him/her first. Double click on "3271".
12. Here you can see the contact person that is maintained for this customer. If the contact person were not the
correct one you would click on the "Get Contact Button" right next to it.

Note: The customer contact person you have chosen will be the default contact person for all promises to pay and
dispute cases you create. Hit Enter to scroll down.
13. Press Enter to scroll to the right.
14. Here you can see various promises to pay. The red boxes in the state column indicate that a promise was
broken. The number in the level column shows how many promises have been made already per invoice. Press
Enter to move on.
15. Now you want to see a comprehensive view of all Promises to Pay. Click on the "Promise to Pay" tab to move to
the next view.
16. Here you can see further details about the various promises to pay. Press Enter to scroll to the right.
17. Notice that the contact person that you verified before is listed for each single promise to pay. Click on the
"Dispute Cases" tab to get to the next view.
18. Here you see a list of all dispute cases. Press Enter to scroll to the right.
19. Here you can see if the disputed amount of a dispute case was paid by the customers, credited, cleared or
written off. Click on the "Invoice" tab to go back to the initial view.
20. To see further details about one particular invoice first mark the invoice.
21. Now click on the function key "Promise to Pay" (List of Promises for Invoice).
22. Here you see the various promises to pay for this particular invoice.
23. To leave this view, click the cross in the upper left hand corner.
24. Now you want to prioritize the invoices according to their days of arrear. Right click on "Arrear".
25. Choose "Sort in descend order" from the menu.
26. Talking to Mr. Taylor he agrees to pay $45,000 for all invoices up to the first quarter. You want to create a new
promise to pay. Press Enter to mark all invoices for the first quarter and earlier.
27. Now that you marked all affected invoices click on the "Promise to Pay" tab (Create Promise to Pay).
28. Enter the promised amount of $45,000 then press Tab.
29. Mr. Taylor promised to transfer the money before June, 20th. Enter the date and press Tab.
30. You gave Mr. Taylor the reference number 256894. Enter "Check 256894" then press Tab.
31. In the notes field you can enter clarifying information concerning the new promise to pay. Enter any text.
32. Click on the blue arrow key.
33. It turns out that the $45,000 are not sufficient to pay all the invoices. You want to allocate the promised amount
according to the due dates of the invoices. Click on "By Due Date".
34. Save your entries.
35. View how the amount promised and the level have been updated. Press Enter to move on.
36. Now you want to create a dispute case for the invoice due on the 13.03.2004. Select the invoice
37. Now click on the function key "Dispute Case" (Create Dispute Case).
38. Give the dispute case a name. Enter "Problem with damaged goods" then press Tab.
39. To assign a reason code to this dispute case click on the reason code. Click in the field.
40. Now click on the drop down button.
41. Double click on "Damaged Goods".
42. Here you can enter the next person who will process the dispute case. Enter "Accountant2" then press Tab.
43. The coordinator is the person who is the central point in the dispute case workflow. After the various
processors finish their part of the work flow the dispute case is sent back to the coordinator. You are the
coordinator, therefore enter your own name "Accountant1" then press Tab.
44. You can set a deadline for Processor before which s/he has to return the dispute case to you. Enter "25072004"
then press Tab.
45. Here you can ask the next processor to clarify the issue. Enter any text.
46. To save the dispute case click on the save button.
47. View the update of the field "disputed" in the invoice list.
You have now created a dispute case from Collections Management. The dispute case can be immediately
processed by the next processor to resolve the dispute as soon as possible. Thus, payment delays can be
Hit enter to move on.
48. Congratulations, you have successfully completed this session. Goodbye.

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