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Dr. Benjamin T.

Locsin High School

First Periodic test in English 8

Name: _______________________________ Year and Section:__________________ Date: __________

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1.Stress in the right syllable helps to show contrast and emphasis in meaning. If the word permit has a stress
on the last syllable as in permit’. What does it mean?

a. a notice b. to give consent c. to request d. a wriiten grant/authority

2. Your teacher asked you to recite an excerpt of the speech of the Prime Minister of Japan in your literature
class as part of your team Asia activity. Yur teacher is expecting you to:

a. copy the full text of the speech c. make an outline of the speech
b. interpret the speech d. make the speech short including only the key points

3. All the green and gold tiles of the temple are vibrating; the wooden goldfish above them are writhing
against the sky.
a. twisting b. pointing c. leading d. leaning
4. All the little dragons on the high tilted eaves of the green roofs shiver to the tips of their gilded tails under
the deep wave of sound.

a. fall on one’s knees b. tremble at the loud sound c. shocked d. jerk

5. A mallet is _______ .
a. hammer b. an axe c. a saw d. a chisel

Stress and Intonation

A. Write RF if the sentence is said with a falling intonation and R if it is said with a rising intonation.
6. Did you hear the announcement? _____________
7. Yes, I did. ________________________________
8. Why is Annie absent today? __________________
9.She is down with the flu. _____________________
10. I hope she will be well soon. _________________

B. Wirite I if the stress on the italicized word is on the first syllable and 2 if it is on the second syllable.
11. The City Mayor addressed the student body.
12. My new address is 12 Damayan Street.
13. That is a greenhouse for orchids.
14. This one is a green house.
15. You have a lovely get up for the show.

II. Inferring character traits, feelings and motives.

Write the letter of the answer to the question after the passage.

16. She had lost her knitting needles and was trying to make another, though she knew it
would take years to rub down the bar. What trait is revealed in the line?
a. humility b. courage c. patience d. resignation

17. Lora alternately crimsoned and paled. She wanted to run away, to hide. What feeling is
a. frustration b. shame c. anger d. love
18. Picking up a fist-sized stone, he said “You shall pay for this,” and threw it against the boy.
Why did the speaker do this?
a. He wanted to get even with the boy.
b. He is disappointed with the boy.
c. He wants the boy to go away.
d. He wants the boy to pay his debts.
19. “Teach me to feel another’s sorrow, to hide the faults I see.” What character trait is
a. obedience b. reverence c. humility d. compassion
20. “Oh, do not cry little one. Please forgive me. I was drunk and knew not what I said.” What
feeling is expressed?
a. pity b. sorrow c. anger d. remorse
Reading Comprehension
1It was noon after the rain. 2 Some soldiers on patrol spotted a body sprawled on a distant rice
paddy. 3They approached it cautiously and one soldier turned the body over. 4To his surprise, it was a
teenager with eyes mutely pleading not to be hurt. 5 “What are you doing this far, son? Go home.” 6 “I

have no home. The rebels killed my family.” 7 “How did you escape?” 8 “I was in school. 9When I
arrived home I found my parents and sisters dead and our house burned to the ground. 10A neighbor
took me in and allowed me to sleep in his barn for a few nights. Later, he advised me to leave our
village and go where nobody knew me. 12He cautioned me never to tell anybody that Father was a
police informer. 13That was three years ago. 14Today, I work and stay in the fields during the day and
listen to birds’ songs and insects’ beneath the stars at night.”

21. What is the selection about?

a. A police informer c. A dead teenager
b. A war victim d. A kind soldier
22. Where is this scene most likely to happen?
a. In a big city c. In the mountains
b. In a small town d. In a remote barrio
23. When were the boy’s family killed?
a. That morning c. A week ago
b. The night before d. Three years ago
24. What did the rebels destroy?
a. The boy’s home c. The mayor’s house
b. The entire barrio d. The soldiers’ camp
25. Which adjective best describes a rice field at noon after a rain?
a. Dusty b. Shining c. Shimmering d. Rainy
23. To what word does it in sentence 3 refer?
a. Body b. Rice paddy c. Rain d. Soldier
24. What does spotted as used in sentence 2 mean?
a. Stained c. Made at random
b. Delivered at once d. Observed
25. To what sense does with eyes mutely pleading best appeal?
a. Hearing b. Sight c. Taste d. Touch
26. What does turned over as used in sentence 3 mean?
a. Surrendered to the enemies c. Reversed the position
b. Beaten by the soldier d. Ran over
27. What must the boy have felt when the soldier questioned him?
a. Angry b. Afraid c. Happy d. Sad
28. Why did the boy sprawl himself on the paddy? He
a. wanted to escape attention. c. fainted from hunger.
b. accidentally tripped and fell. d. wanted to ask for help.
29. How did he feel as he lay on the ground?
a. Sick b. Tired c. Hungry d. Scared
30. What adjectives best describe the soldiers?
a. Brave and patriotic c. Observant and sympathetic
b. Cruel and merciless d. Indifferent and careless
31.In the Ramayana Rama went to the forest for fourteen years __________.
a. To kill demons c. Because he was banished.
b. To protect sages d. To serve the gods.
32. What is the climax of the Indian epic Ramayana?
a. When Rama fought against Ravana for two days where many were injured and some died.
b. When Ravana stole Sita and brought her to his place.
c. When Rama married Sita.
d. When Rama won the battle against Ravana.
33. What is the conflict of the story?
a. Kaikeyi got jealous of Kausalya’s son as an heir to the throne.
b. Dasaratha became ill.
c. When Ravana stole Sita and brought her to his place.
34. Rama is described as the ___________ in the story.
a. protagonist b. antagonist c. director d. author
35.”The eldest must rule, please come back and claim your rightful place as King.” Who said this?
a. Kaikeyi b. Rama c. Lakshman d. Bharat
36. What is the theme of the story The Soul of the Great Bell by Lafcadio Hearn?
a. Learn to sacrifice and make right decisions.
b. True love waits.
c. Love conquers all.
d. Serve beyond the call of duty.
37. All the events that make the story
a. setting b. character c. plot d. conflict
38. Struggle between forces man vs. man, man vs. society.
a. setting b. climax c. plot d. conflict
39. Most exciting part of the story
a. setting c. climax c. conflict d. denouement
40. High bare summit. What does the word summit mean?
a. brutal, cruel b. top of the mountain c. think deeply d. pain
41. A despotic leader. Despotic is _________
a. tyrannical b. kind b. mischievous d. gallant
42. The poem I am an African Child by Eku McGred tells about
a. racial discrimination against black people.
b. a black child who wants to be popular.
c. an African child lost in another country.
d. a child born of chocolate.
43 It gives the reader an unbiased facts about a topic.
a. brochure b. informative article c. advertisement d. newspaper
Encircle the adjective in each sentence.
44. Rene asked his mom to buy him the newly released manga book.
45.My aunt gave me three puppies as birthday gift.
46. The used papers were put inside the green container.

Encircle all content words.

47. I am an African Child.
Born of a skin the color of the chocolate
Bright brilliant and articulate
Strong and bold I’m gifted
48. He is stupid ___ hardworking. What coonector is needed to complete the sentence?
a. or b. and c. but d. so

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