Hard Skills Vs Soft Skills Infograph

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Hard Skills VS Soft Skills

The balance between them is the

key for success

Hard skills include the specific By Soft skills characterize your

knowledge and abilities required for relationships with other people, or
success in a job. d e f in it io n are about how you approach life
and work.

Hard skills are teachable abilities Soft abilities are personal-driven

that can be defined and measured Measurable and subjective skills. They are really
much more than soft skills. Hard o r no t ? hard to measure.
abilities are easy to quantify.

Hard skills are easy to prove with H o w to

certificates, education degree, Soft skills related to your personal
awards and etc. p ro v e th e m ? characteristics and traits and are
dificult to prove.

- Basic computer skills - Communication skills

- Data analysis skills - Leadership skills
- Mathematical and numeracy skills E x a m p le s - Flexibility and adaptability skills
- Knowing foreign languages - Decision-making skills
- Physics knowledge - Creativity

Let's take software developers. The soft skills of a software

Their hard skills are the knowledge P a r t ic u l a r developer are his abilities to work
of development language such as E x a m p le successfully in a team and to
Java and C++. communicate.


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