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A new esophageal elongation technique for long‑gap esophageal

atresia: in vitro comparison of myotomy techniques
Burhan Beger1 · Orhan Beger2

Received: 9 June 2018 / Accepted: 7 August 2018

© The Japan Esophageal Society and Springer Japan KK, part of Springer Nature 2018

Background  Complications such as stricture, leakage, recurrent tracheoesophageal fistula and mucosal pouch are commonly
seen in myotomy techniques used for long-gap esophageal atresia (LGEA) treatments. Therefore, we think that there is a clear
need for other techniques which would enable us to create more robust and longer esophagus in such cases. In this study, we
reviewed multiple V-myotomy (VM) technique and the differences of the said technique with Livaditis circular myotomy
(LM) and Kimura spiral myotomy (KM) techniques using literature as an aid.
Methods  21 esophagus samples from 21 male lambs aged 12 months were used in vitro for the study. All esophageal sam-
ples were matched to have a length of 120 mm. Samples were divided into 3 groups of 7 and VM, LM and KM techniques
were used in each group, respectively. Post-op esophagus lengths, elongation amount with each incision and perforation
pressures were measured.
Results  Post-op esophageal lengths were measured as 227, 210 and 200 mm for VM, LM and KM, respectively. Elongation
amount per incision was measured as 5.1, 4 and 3.34 mm, again in previous order of VM, LM, and KM. Finally, perforation
pressure following VM, LM, and KM was measured as 460, 400, and 410 mmHg.
Conclusion  VM was found to significantly increase total esophagus length and elongation per incision over LM and KM. In
addition, VM was also shown to have a higher perforation pressure. Although in vivo live animal studies are required, we
can say that VM can be used to create longer and robust esophagus.

Keywords  Esophagus atresia · Kimura technique · Livaditis technique · Long-gap esophagus atresia · Newborn

Introduction gap as 1–2.5 cm and long gap as more than 2.5 cm distance
between two esophagus segments [1, 2]. In gaps shorter than
Congenital esophagus atresia (EA) is a rare anomaly seen as 2.5 cm, the primary anastomosis is reported to be sufficient
1 in every 4500 live births [1]. Planned surgical treatment for without any additional intervention. The main challenge lies
this anomaly is to separate tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) in the approach of gaps that are greater than 2.5 cm [3–7].
and primary end-to-end anastomosis of upper-lower esopha- After defining LGEA, there are two different approaches
gus segments [1]. Although it is relatively easier to create which are esophagus replacement or esophagus elongation
primary anastomoses in short-gap EA cases, this becomes procedures which allows conservation of the native organ
quite challenging in long-gap EA (LGEA) primary repara- [6, 8–10].
tion cases. Some authors define the cut-off point for this LGEA treatments still pose a serious challenge for pediat-
anomaly as 2 cm for classifying the gap as short or long, yet ric surgeons and there is no clear consensus on the preferred
others define a short gap as 1 cm or less, an intermediate treatment method [1, 3–5, 7]. Even though different tech-
niques such as Livaditis circular myotomy (LM) and Kimura
* Orhan Beger spiral myotomy (KM) were defined in the literature, there is no ideal treatment method yet [2, 6, 8, 10]. This situation
is linked to the limited number of patients in LGEA studies
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Van Yüzüncü Yıl [6]. However, a common theme amongst authors is that there
University Faculty of Medicine, Van, Turkey
is a clear need for the development of new techniques in
Department of Anatomy, Mersin University Faculty those cases [11, 12]. For this reason, we would like to define
of Medicine, Ciftlikkoy Campus, 33343 Mersin, Turkey


multiple—V-myotomy technique which allows LM and KM

techniques with a single incision.
According to our hypothesis, the main advantage of VM
as a new synthesis which takes best parts of LM and KM can
be obtained with a single incision. In this study, we would
like to elaborate the VM technique we developed and to
compare this technique results with LM and KM techniques
under in vitro conditions.

Fig. 2  The illustration shows the techniques of VM, LM and KM

Materials and methods
Esophagus specimens
All esophagus samples were matched to have a length of
As esophagus samples were collected from a slaughter- 150 mm (Fig. 1b). Esophagus samples collected in an hour
house, no ethics committee approval was required due to following slaughter were separated into 3 groups of 7. Each
legal procedures. Esophagus samples from 21 male lambs group was assigned to LM, KM and VM methods. Using
aged 12 months which were born on the same day in the the mentioned techniques, muscle layer was incised in the
same farm were collected by the attending veterinary sur- same amount with 1 cm distances in between. After all, sam-
geon of the slaughterhouse (Fig. 1a). To eliminate environ- ples were identified from one endpoint; they were hanged
mental factors’ effect, the samples were placed in a saline for 10 min with 50 mg weight attached. Total elongation
solution (0.85% NaCl) and were brought to Pediatric Surgery amounts following myotomy were measured (Fig. 3). Elon-
Department. gation amount per incision was measured by subtracting
the old esophagus length from new esophagus length and

VM technique

Esophagus surface is incised with a continuous “V” shape.

Incision degree is placed to be approximately 60°. Myot-
omy procedure can be repeated for elongation requirements
within certain periods. In this technique, preservation of
maximum distance between two VM is crucial in protect-
ing the flap circulation. For this reason, end-points of “V”
shape should be parallel in the vertical plane. LM and KM
techniques were performed according to previous studies [2,
8, 12, 13]. A descriptive scheme for VM, LM and KM was
created (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1  Esophagus samples obtained from the slaughterhouse (a) and

matching them in a length of 150 mm (b) Fig. 3  Techniques used in samples and their final lengths


199.42 ± 2.87 mm and elongation per incision was cal-

culated as 3.31 ± 0.14  mm and mean perforation pres-
sure was calculated as 410.10 ± 22.80  mmHg in KM
group. Finally, mean post-op length was measured as
226.85 ± 2.91 mm and elongation per incision was calcu-
lated as 5.07 ± 0.11 mm, and mean perforation pressure
was calculated as 459.28 ± 22.80 mmHg in VM group.
Highest scores for total length (Fig. 5a) and elongation
per incision (Fig. 5b) were obtained by VM technique,
whereas KM had the lowest scores (p < 0.001). Most
robust technique against perforation was found to be VM
and weakest was LM (Fig. 5c) (p < 0.001).
Fig. 4  Perforation test in esophagus samples

dividing this difference by the incision number on one side

in millimeters.
One end of the esophagus was sutured shut. A blood pres-
sure cuff catheter was placed on the other end of the esopha-
gus and inflated in each sample (Fig. 4). Perforation pressure
for each esophagus was recorded.

Statistical analysis

Length measurements were done using digital calipers

(0.01  mm precision). Measurements were done by two
researchers (B.B. and O.B.) under same environmental
conditions. Measurements were taken 3 times and arithme-
tic mean was calculated from those values. Intra-observer
repeatability was assessed using ANOVA with repeated
measures and post hoc RIR Tukey tests, whereas inter-
observer repeatability was assessed using intra-class cor-
relation coefficients (ICC). Normality was checked using
Shapiro–Wilk test. Levene test was used to assess variance
homogeneity. Myotomy groups were compared using one-
way ANOVA and Bonferroni tests. The statistical signifi-
cance level was set at p < 0.05.


ICC score measured as ICC = 0.998–0.996 (p < 0.001) shows

an excellent inter-observer repeatability for lengths obtained
in each technique. Similarly, the fact that there are no statis-
tically significant differences in measurements done by the
same researcher also shows the success of intra-observer
repeatability (p > 0.05).
All esophagus samples were fixed at 150 mm at the
beginning of the study. Mean post-op length was meas-
ured as 209.71 ± 2.69 mm and elongation per incision was
calculated as 4.01 ± 0.14 mm in LM and mean perfora-
Fig. 5  Total increase in length (a), elongation amount per incision (b)
tion pressure was calculated as 400.10 ± 13.22 mmHg. and perforation pressure values (c) according to techniques used in
Similarly, mean post-op length was measured as the graphic


Discussion LM procedure [18]. KM is reported to reduce pseudodiver-

ticulitis and leakage rates [9]. This can be explained due
Initial treatment of LGEA is reported to be cervical to decreased pressure with a spiral incision. However, it
esophagostomy and esophagus replacement [6, 8, 9]. How- is not used as much as LM due to difficulties of technique
ever, high complication rates were reported in esophagus and unable to provide sufficient elongation.
replacements using intestinal organs such as colon, jeju- We think that we can take the best parts of each technique
num or stomach [6, 9, 10]. For this reason, we also support (esophagus elongation of LM and pseudodiverticulitis preven-
the thesis that natural esophagus is the best there is [13, tion of KM) using VM in a single incision. Frequently reported
14]. Although there are a number of esophageal elongation complications following LM and KM such as stricture, leak-
methods defined in the literature; there is no consensus age, recurrent TEF and mucosal pouch formations can be low-
about the ideal elongation method. An ideal esophageal ered in VM due to increased durability of the esophagus. As
elongation method should be simple to apply, practical, this study was performed on dead sheep esophagus samples
can be finished within a single surgical intervention, is under in vitro conditions; we were not able to assess long-term
related to shorter hospitalization periods and have a mini- myotomy- and anastomosis-related complications related with
mal morbidity and mortality rates. Myotomy techniques VM. However, we were able to obtain longer and more durable
should provide enough esophageal elongation without dis- esophagus samples in comparison with LM and KM.
rupting vascularization with a minimum number of inci- Possible cause of a longer esophagus in the VM method; V
sions. In addition, it should also distribute intraluminal incisions made in addition to circular myotomy further reduce
pressure towards wider incision line. It should withstand the tension on the mucosa. In addition, contrary to LM and
both acute and chronic pressure, should not cause balloon- KM, the VM prevents the press from being in the same direc-
ing on myotomy line and decrease the tension on anasto- tion and bulging mucosal area. The elongation in the incision
mosis line. It should not cause long-term complications or line can be spread over a wider area of the intraluminal press,
motility disorders. Unfortunately, a single technique which thus providing a more robust esophagus.
has all those qualities mentioned above is still not defined.
Myotomy neutralizes esophageal muscle structure Conclusion
tonus, whereas it has no effect on submucosa, which is
made of elastic connective tissues [11, 12]. Previously, VM is an effective method in both esophagus elongation and
mobilization of distal esophagus was especially limited increasing pressure resistance. It is a new synthesis which
due to vascular damage risk, yet today it can be mobilized takes best parts of LM and KM and its results should be inves-
with a lower risk due to vascularization support [15, 16]. tigated in live animal studies prior to clinical trials and usage.
Myotomy does not risk vascularization of the esophageal
stump and does not affect physiological peristalsis thanks Acknowledgements  We thank Atilla Bayram for the illustration.
to mucosal and submucosal vascularization [15]. No sig-
Author contributions  BB project development, data collection, data
nificant difference was seen in esophageal motility and analysis, manuscript writing, and manuscript editing. OB data collec-
swallowing in primary anastomosis EA cases with or with- tion, data analysis, and manuscript writing.
out myotomy [15] in long-term clinical controls. For that
reason, spontaneous esophagus elongation using myotomy Funding None.
techniques is encouraged [13, 14].
LM causes elongation in the proximal esophageal pouch Compliance with ethical standards 
by circular myotomy and is the most commonly used tech-
nique in decreasing anastomosis tension [11, 12, 15]. LM Ethical Statement  As esophagus samples were collected from a slaugh-
terhouse, no ethics committee approval was required due to legal pro-
decreases tension by 50% and provides about an additional cedures in our country.
0.5 cm length [8, 9, 16]. In our study, we measured this
elongation as 0.4 mm. In a canine study, LM was not able Conflict of interest  B.B and O.B have no conflict of interest or finan-
to prevent anastomosis leakage [11]. Mucosal out-pouch- cial ties to disclose.
ing is the most common complication seen in esophago-
gram and Lai et al. [17] reported seeing this complication
in every case in their study. In another animal model study References
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