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Year Level: Pre Primary Time: 9:45 Date: 17/6/2019 Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Learning Area: English - Majority of the students know what single

sounds and digraphs are.
- Phonics and word knowledge.
- Majority of the students understand the use of
sound buttons in which are used to
deconstruct individual sounds in a word.

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum

Understand how to use knowledge of letters and sounds
including onset and rime to spell words (ACELA1438).

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)
Lesson Objectives

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Write the digraph ‘ar’ correctly using correct letter formation.
 Read words with the digraph ‘ar’.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

- Keeping an eye on the students with IBP’s

- Smart TV.
during mat session, making sure behaviour is
- Students Personal whiteboards, markers and
managed and their hands are kept to
themselves to prevent conflict.
- Little Whiteboard for the teacher to model to the
students on the mat.
- Whiteboard marker and eraser for the teacher. - Grouping students in terms of their learning
- PowerPoint with the literacy lesson and digraph of abilities (Strongest- weakest). Groupings
‘ar’. include: Butterflies, Bears, Caterpillars and
- Computer/ laptop to present the PowerPoint Pandas.
presentation on.
- Providing one on one support for a more
guided lesson for those in need (I Do, We Do,
You do).


LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
1. The teacher will grasp student’s attention to allocate instructions of PowerPoint presentation
9:45 sitting on the mat ready to learn. on the digraph ‘ar’.
“Pre-Primary White finding your bottoms on the mat, showing Miss
Parker that you are ready to learn.”
2. Once students are seated on the mat the teacher will commence the
lesson. The teacher will already be prepared by having the
PowerPoint presentation set up on the smart TV ready to begin.
3. The teacher will start the lesson off by asking the students to be
involved in completing the let’s review section of the PowerPoint.
“My friends today we are going to be learning a new digraph, but first
let’s warm up our brains.”

Lesson Steps

9:46 1. The teacher will start to change the slides whilst orally presenting the
requirements to the students.
“Okay my friends we are going to start our let’s review.”

2. The teacher will change to slide 2 of the PowerPoint.

“My superstars a Single Sound is one letter that makes one sound”
Students will orally present what a single sound is with guidance or
independently. The teacher will start by saying a single sound is
leaving a break to see if the students are confident with verbally
expressing the meaning of a single sound independently. If not the
teacher will express what a single sound is then get the students to
repeat after the teacher and then on their own to see if they grasped


the meaning.
3. The teacher will then click through the next 27 slides of the
PowerPoint to complete the single sounds review. Whilst the teacher
is clicking through the slides the students will be orally present the
single sound/ letters aloud, so that the teacher can hear all individuals
and their learning abilities. By doing this the teacher will be able to
see which students are confident, which students need more support,
and which single sounds need guided assistance on.
“Pre-Primary White, you are to say aloud all the single sounds that
Miss Parker is going to be showing on the TV. I want to hear
everyone’s voices. Let’s go.”

The single sounds on each slide are.

Slide 3- s Slide 11- g
Slide 4-a Slide 12- o
Slide 5- t Slide 13- c
Slide 6- p Slide 14- k
Slide 7- I Slide 15- ck “together they make”
Slide 8- n Slide 16- e
Slide 9- m Slide 17- u
Slide 10-d Slide 18- r

Slide 19- h Slide 28- z

Slide 20- b Slide 29- q
Slide 21- f
Slide 22- l
Slide 23- j
Slide 24- v
Slide 25- w
Slide 26- x
Slide 27- y
4. The teacher will then change to slide 30 on Digraph meaning.
“We know that a digraph is … When two letters come together to
make one sound”. Today my friends we are learning the digraph ‘the
pirate ‘ar’.”
Students will orally present what a digraph is with guidance or
independently. The teacher will start by saying a digraph is… leaving
a break to see if the students are confident with verbally expressing
the meaning of a digraph independently. If not the teacher will
express what a digraph is then get the students to repeat after the
teacher and then on their own to see if they grasped the meaning.

5. The teacher will then review the digraph sounds that students have
learnt in previous lessons.
Whilst the teacher is clicking through the slides the students will be
orally present the digraph sounds aloud, so that the teacher can hear
all individuals and their learning abilities. By doing this the teacher will
be able to see which students are confident, which students need
more support, and which digraph sound need guided assistance on
as a whole class.
“My superstars you are to say aloud all the Digraphs that Miss Parker
is going to be showing on the TV. I want to hear everyone’s voices.
Let’s go.”
The digraphs are:
Slide 31- sh
Slide 32- ch


Slide 33- th
Slide 34- ng
Slide 35- ai “we know when two vowels go walking, the first one does
the talking ‘ai’.”
Slide 36- ee
Slide 37- igh
Slide 38- oa

6. The teacher will orally present to the students what is expected on

slide 39. “Friendly letters, off you go”. The teacher will go through the
following slides on friendly letters with the students following the same
steps as before.
Slide 40- ss
Slide 41- ff
Slide 42- ll

7. Vowels and consonants (slide 43). “Pre- Primary White our vowel
letters are (a, e, i, o, u.” Students are able to identify and orally
present the vowel letters. “Consonants are all the remaining letters in
the alphabet.”

8. Slide 45. “When the magic e comes to stay our vowel letters say their
name”. The teacher will orally present the examples as shown below.

9. The teacher will ask the students to read the words on the next
coming slides. The teacher will give guidance/ correction for the tricky
“Read these tricky words”
Slide 56- and
Slide 57- the
Slide 58- to
Slide 59- no
Slide 60- go
Slide 61- I
Slide 62- was
Slide 63- my

10. The teacher will ask the students to spell some H.F.W. out loud.
“My friends, spell these words for me” The teacher will say aloud
some sight words for the students. The words include ‘the’, ‘to’, ‘go’,
‘and’. The teacher will make corrections if it is required. For example,
if the students sound out the letter rather than the sound the letter
makes the teacher will correct the students aloud.

11. The teacher will introduce the digraph that will be taught in today’s
“Today we are learning to read and write the digraph ‘ar’”. The teacher
will then walk over to little whiteboard located at the front of the class


to demonstrate the digraph ar. How it is spelt and the letters that are
used to make up the digraph. Whiteboard, Whiteboard
“Eyes to the board superstars. We write the digraph ar with the letters marker and eraser for the
a/r, that come together to make the one sound ‘ar’. Everyone say the teacher.
digraph ‘ar’. The teacher will be able to visualise as well as hear what
students are struggling with the digraph. The teacher will get the
students to repeat the digraph sound ‘ar’ 3 times to lock it in.

12. The teacher will then introduce words that have the digraph ‘ar’ in
them, that are located on slide 114 as shown below. The teacher will
sound out the words using sound buttons. For example, c/ar, f/ar/m,
s/t/ar, j/ar. “These words all have the ‘ar’ sound in them”.

13. The teacher will then put on a YouTube clip (Pirates Say AR! (song for
YouTube (Pirates say AR!
kids about the “ar” sound).
(song for kids about the
“ar” sound).
Examples from clip, ‘barn’, ‘yard’, ‘bark’, ‘park’, ‘car’, ‘star’, ‘jar’, ‘bar’.
The teacher will ask the students to read allowed the words that are
shown on the YouTube clip to practise the ‘ar’ digraph.

14. The teacher will then ask the students for words that have the ‘ar’
sound in them. To model on the whiteboard, circling the ar sound for
the students to be able to visualise where the digraph sits in a word.

15. The teacher will then sound talk some words on the tv to show
students to sounds that are in a word, using the digraph ar. The words
are b/ar/k, bark, s/t/ar, star, d/ar/k, dark, sh/ar/k, shark.

16. The teacher will then sound talk words on the tv that do not have the
‘ar’ digraph in them. The teacher will sound talk the words to model
the sounds. The words consist of ‘b/oo/k, book this is not ar, l/o/ng,
long, this is not the ar, c/ar, this is the ar.

17. The teacher will now present sound buttons visually on the
whiteboard that students can sound talk in a modelled formation,
teacher sounds talk the buttons and puts the words together, and then
the students will repeat the same steps as a whole class.

18. The teacher will model to the students how to read 3 sentences. The
teacher will read the sentence out loud modelling how to blend tricky
words whilst reading. The teacher will not sound out the sight words in
the sentence.


“Will it be hard to park my car on the road?” The teacher will read this
sentence aloud to the students modelling how to break down words
by blending tricky words. The teacher will break down hard, park, car
and road.
“Will a dog bark if it sees a shark?”. The teacher will break down the
words ‘dog’, bark’, sees’, shark.
“Is it dark on the moon?”. The teacher will break down the words dark
and moon.

19. The teacher will then ask the students to go and get their whiteboard
from their pigeonhole. Girls will be asked first to go and collect their
whiteboards. Once all students have got their whiteboards and are
seated on the mat. The students will practice writing the digraph ‘ar’.
“Girls please go and quietly get your whiteboards and come and sit
back on the mat.” Once the girls have come back to sit on the mat
with their whiteboards, the teacher will ask the boys to go and collect
their whiteboards.
“Boys please go quietly and get your whiteboards”. Students personal
whiteboard, markers and
20. The teacher will model how to write the ‘ar’ digraph on the board. erasers.
Using the line names to reinforce the positioning of the letters. “This is
tall man, this is middle man, and this is where our letters sit. ‘a’ is a
middle man letter. We start with a click and goes around. Small man
down and stop.” ‘r’ small man starts in the middle, pulls down and Teachers whiteboard,
stops. Up and over the gate but stop half way.” marker and eraser.

21. The teacher will then tell all students to put and lock their pens, and
begin practising the ‘ar’ sound. When students are practising their
digraph formation. The teacher will go around correcting students and
giving one on one support.
“Pop it and lock it.”
“My superstars it is your turn to practise writing the digraph ‘ar’ on
your whiteboards.” The teacher will then stop students by calling out
“3, 2, 1, chin it”. To visualise all student’s progression all at once.

22. If time remains, the teacher will ask students to write the word ‘star’.
The teacher will sound talk the word aloud in front of the whole class.
The teacher will then ask the students to sound talk ‘star’ with the
teacher, and then the teacher will ask the students to sound talk the
word ‘star’ independently without the teacher’s assistance.
23. Students will then have their crunch and sip before commencing the Students crunch and sip.
rotation activities.

24. The teacher will then run through the rotation activities with the
“The independent table will be working in their phase 3 phonics
workbooks on the ‘ar’ digraph. We know that it should not take any
longer than 1 minute to find the correct page. With Mrs Carrol you are Line leader signs.
going to be recognising as well as reading words that are shown on a
ball. With Dot you will be using digraph word card and sorting them in
the different digraph sounds. Dott will sound talk the cards and you
will sort them. And with Miss Parker you will be reading on the mat.”

25. The teacher will assist all students to their allocated learning groups.


The teacher will choose the line leaders for the rotation, by moving
the laminated star in a clockwise direction to the next person on the
group charts.
e.g. Lily you are the line leader for the Butterflies, Igor you are the line
leader for Bears. Rhett you are the line leader for Caterpillars, and
Demi you are the line leader for Pandas.

26. The teacher will then locate the groups to their literacy rotation tables,
10:15 where students will commence their tasks.

Lesson Closure:
There will be no lesson closure due to the continuum literacy rotations
occurring straight after the mat session. However, if time remains at the end of
the lesson, line leaders will do a whole class plenary of what they completed
at each rotation station incorporating the digraph ‘ar’.

The teacher at each literacy rotation will ask all their students to re-set their
learning environment. And then wait behind their chairs silently for further


Observation for the literacy mat session.


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