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12/31/2019 NAVIER Laboratory - UMR 8205 - DUPLA Jean-Claude

NAVIER Laboratory - UMR 8205 In Fr

DUPLA Jean-Claude

Office B014
Tel: (+33) 1 64 15 35 53
Fax: (+33) 1 64 15 35 62
Port: (+33) 6 45 49 29 08
Email: jean-claude.dupla @


Ability to conduct researches. 2008. Contributions to the study of the mechanical behavior of
granular materials and the injection of soils by reinforcing grouts. University of Sciences and
Technologies of Lille, Discipline: Physical Sciences.
since June 1996: researcher at the Navier - Géotechnique laboratory (CERMES), Ecole des
Ponts ParisTech, Marne-La-Vallée, France.
1991 - 1995: Doctoral thesis at the ENPC carried out at the CERMES of the ENPC:
"Application of the stress of expansion of cylindrical cavity to the evaluation of the
liquefaction characteristics of a sand".
1989 - 1990: Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in mechanics applied to construction
(Paris VI), Civil and industrial engineering sector (ENPC).

Research Themes

Natural hazards
Liquefaction phenomenon (ores, silty sand and in situ tests)

Geotechnical works
Foundations (wind turbines, cyclic, dynamic, large number of cycles and in situ tests)
Soil improvement (rigid inclusions)
Railway geotechnics (intermediate layers and reinforcement methods)
Internal erosion (suffusion and blockage of a permanent water flow)

Marine (behavior of marine chalk)
Oil (hydromechanical behavior of non-cemented oil reservoirs)
New materials for civil engineering (cellular glass, compressible material of the “shell” type)


1999 -: Course of soil mechanics 2nd, 3rd and 4th year, Institute of Engineer of Building and
Public Works Techniques of Champagne-Ardenne (IIT-BTP).

Continuing education

1999 -: “Mechanics and physics of surface soils”, Higher School of Public Works and
Industry (ESTP), Paris.


Andria-Ntoanina I. 2011. Dynamic characteristics of reference sands in the laboratory. Application to the
seismic response of sandy masses in a centrifuge. Thesis University of Paris-Est, co-supervision with J.-F. 1/6
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Semblat (IFSTTAR), defended on July 5, 2011.

Tali B. 2011. Behavior at the soil-structure interface under cyclic stress. Application to the calculation of deep
foundations in fine soils. Thesis University Paris-Est, defended on October 14, 2011.
Truong QQ 2012. Study of the blocking mechanisms of a flow by a clogging product. Thesis University Paris-
Est, defended on December 20, 2012
VC 2014. Study on physical model of soil reinforcement by columns in "soil-mixing". Application to railway
platforms. Thesis University Paris-Est, defended on May 16, 2014.
Muhammed R. 2015. Behavior of the soil-structure interface under cyclic shear. Application to the calculation
of deep foundations in fine soils. Thesis Université Pierre et Marie Curie (co-supervision with Tabbagh A.),
defended on October 7, 2015.
Elandaloussi R. 2015. Treatment of soils in dikes against internal erosion. Thesis University Paris-Est,
partnership with ESTP (Bennabi A.), defended on December 9, 2015.
Fellag R. Phenomena of internal erosion in severe and coarse soils. Application to dikes and dams. Thesis
University Paris-Est, defended December 15, 2016.
Kerner. L. Soil-structure interaction under dynamic cyclic stresses - Application to offshore wind turbines with
a monopile type foundation. Thesis University Paris-Est, defended on December 6, 2017.
Jradi L. Study of the influence of fine particles on the liquefaction properties of sands. Thesis University
Paris-Est (partnership with the university of civil engineering of Beirut, Lebanon, Seif El Dine B.), defended
on June 6, 2018.
Lopes Dos Santos A. Pressuremeter tests and dimensioning of deep foundations under cyclic loads.
Application to piles subjected to large numbers of cycles. Thesis started in February 2017 (CIFRE FUGRO
GeoConsulting SAS)
Zhu Z. Influence of fine particles on the liquefaction properties of sands. Application to the response to
liquefaction of a soil column on a vibrating table. Thesis started in October 2018.
Lopes Retamales S. Development of a method for assessing the risk of liquefaction of sands from a dynamic
penetrometer test. Thesis started in October 2018
Bakri H. Experimental and theoretical study of the soil-structure interaction under dynamic cyclic stresses.
Application to monopile foundations of offshore wind turbines. Thesis started in November 2018 (Co-
supervision with JM Pereira)

Thesis studies advisor

Francis. R. 1997. Study of mechanical compaction of micopious models in a calibration chamber. ENPC
Benahmed, N. 2001 Mechanical behavior of sand under monotonic and cyclic shear: application to the
phenomena of liquefaction and cyclic mobility. ENPC thesis.
Le Kouby, A. 2003 Study of the mechanical behavior of micropiles under monotonic and vertical cyclic
loading. Application to group effects. ENPC thesis.
Saada, Z. 2003. Experimental and theoretical study of the injection of suspensions in granular matrices.
Application to cement grout. ENPC thesis.
Bortal-Nafaa. S. 2003. Discreet approach to the injection of cement suspensions in powdery porous media.
ECP thesis.
Pedro, L. 2004. From the study of the mechanical behavior of heterogeneous model soils to its application to
the case of natural soils. Thesis of ENPC.
Le Thiet, T. 2005. Study of the process of vibratory driving of cylindrical inclusions in calibration chamber.
Application to the piles. PhD of ENPC
Maalej, Y. 2007. Experimental and theoretical study of the mechanical behavior of granular matrices injected
by a cement grout. ENPC thesis.
Seif El Dine. B. 2008. Study of the mechanical behavior of heterogeneous coarse soils. Application to the
dimensioning of geotechnical works. ENPC thesis.
Karraz. K. 2008 Long-term cyclical behavior of a model granular material for application to railway
infrastructure. ENPC thesis.
Dinh. QA 2009 Study of the behavior of rigid inclusions. ENPC thesis.
Clain X. 2010. Experimental study of the injection of Herschel-Bulkley fluids in porous media. Thesis
University Paris-Est, defended on October 4, 2010.
Trinh VN 2011. Hydro-mechanical behavior of the constituent materials of old platforms. Thesis University
Paris-Est, CIFRE SNCF, defended on January 20, 2011.
Bekki H. 2013. Study in a calibration chamber of the mechanical behavior of piles under cyclic axial loading.
Thesis University of Blida, Algeria, defended on July 4, 2013
Duong TV 2013. Study of the hydrodynamic behavior of materials from old railway platforms with a view to
reinforcement by "soil-mixing". Thesis University Paris-Est, defended on November 25, 2013.
Feia S. 2015. Hydromechanical behavior and permeability of non-cemented oil reservoirs. Thesis University
Paris-Est, defended on February 17, 2015.
Lamas Lopez F. 2016. 'In-situ' and laboratory study on the dynamic behavior of the materials constituting
conventional rail platforms in the context of increased traffic. Thesis University Paris-Est, defended on April
17, 2016.
Boubaker S. Sizing of deep foundations without soft soil. ENIT thesis, started in October 2016.

Postdocs 2/6
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Rekik B. 2009. Study of the bearing capacity of jet grouting columns (10 months).
Rekik B. 2010. Study of the risk of liquefaction of nickel ores (10 months).
Clain X. 2012. Study of the risk of liquefaction of nickel minerals (9 months).
Clain X. 2015. Mechanical characterization of a material of the "shell" type (6 months).
Clain X. 2015. Mechanical behavior of a cellular glass aggregate (6 months).
Clain X. 2016. Mechanical behavior of a cellular glass aggregate (6 mois).
Muhammed R. 2015. Mechanical characterization of Fecamp marine chalk on large triaxial specimens (3
Muhammed R. 2016. Mechanical characterization of Fecamp marine chalk on large triaxial specimens (9

Collaborations scientifiques


Contrats Bilatéraux : PLATON, CEDRE, CMCU et TASSILI

Actions d’information scientifique et technique

Opérations de recherche de l’IFSTTAR : 10

Développements d’appareillages : Chambre d’étalonnage et bâti de chargement ; Sondes
instrumentées : Banc d’injection monodirectionelle ; Pompe d’injection ; Dispositifs de
pluviation ; Triaxial 300mm et bâti de chargement ; Triaxial 100 mm et bâti de chargement ;
Consolidomètre 300mm ; Oedomètre 300 mm ; Banc d’érosion.


Revues internationales avec comité de lecture

Dupla, J.C., Canou, J. 2003 Cyclic pressuremeter loading and liquefaction properties of sands, Soils and
Foundations, Vol. 43(2), pp. 17-31
Dupla, J.-C., Canou, J., Gouvenot, D. 2004. An advanced experimental set-up for studying a
monodirectional grout injection process. Proceedings of the ICE - Ground Improvement, 8(3), 91–99.
De Gennaro, V., Canou, J., Dupla, J.-C., Benahmed, N. 2004. Influence of loading path on the undrained
behaviour of a medium loose sand. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 41(1), 166–180.
Saada, Z., Canou, J., Dormieux, L., Dupla, J.-C., Maghous, S. 2005. Modelling of cement suspension flow in
granular porous media. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 29(7),
Saada, Z., Canou, J., Dormieux, L., Dupla, J.-C. 2006. Evaluation of elementary filtration properties of a
cement grout injected in a sand. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 43(12), 1273–1289.
Maghous, S., Saada, Z., Dormieux, L., Canou, J., Dupla, J.-C. 2007. A model for in situ grouting with
account for particle filtration. Computers and Geotechnics, 34(3), 164–174.
Maalej, Y., Dormieux, L., Canou, J., Dupla, J. C. 2007. Strength of a granular medium reinforced by cement
grouting. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 335(2), 87–92.
Karrech, A., Duhamel, D., Bonnet, G., Roux, J.-N., Chevoir, F., Canou, J., … Sab, K. 2007. A computational
procedure for the prediction of settlement in granular materials under cyclic loading. Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197(1–4), 80–94.
Karrech, A., Duhamel, D., Bonnet, G., Chevoir, F., Roux, J.-N., Canou, J., Dupla, J.-C. 2008. A discrete
element study of settlement in vibrated granular layers : role of contact loss and acceleration. Granular
Matter, 10(5), 369–375. Classical Physics.
Andreou, P., Frikha, W., Frank, R., Canou, J., Papadopoulos, V., Dupla, J.-C. 2008. Experimental study on
sand and gravel columns in clay. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement,
161(4), 189–198.
Seif El Dine, B., Dupla, J. C., Frank, R., Canou, J., Kazan, Y. 2010. Mechanical characterization of matrix
coarse-grained soils with a large-sized triaxial device. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 47(4), 425–438.
Trinh, V. N., Tang, A. M., Cui, Y.-J., Dupla, J.-C., Canou, J., Calon, N., … Schoen, O. 2012. Mechanical
characterisation of the fouled ballast in ancient railway track substructure by large-scale triaxial tests. Soils
and Foundations, 52(3), 511–523. 3/6
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Boussetta, S., Bouassida, M., Dinh, A. Q., Canou, J., Dupla, J. C. 2012. Physical modeling of load transfer in
reinforced soil by rigid inclusions. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 6(3), 331–342.
Le Kouby A., Dupla J.C., Canou J., Francis R. 2013. Pile response in sand : experimental development and
study. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 13(4), 122-137.
Duong, T. V., Tang, A. M., Cui, Y.-J., Trinh, V. N., Dupla, J.-C., Calon, N., … Robinet, A. 2013. Effects of fines
and water contents on the mechanical behavior of interlayer soil in ancient railway sub-structure. Soils and
Foundations, 53(6), 868–878.
Della N., Belkhatir M., Henni A.D., Canou J., Dupla J.C. 2014. Laboratory assessment of sturation and
sample molding effects on shear resistance and mechanical characteristics of sandy soil. Arabian Journal of
Cui Y.J., Duong T .V., Tang,A.M., Dupla J.C., Calon N., Robinet A. 2013. Investigation of the hydro-
mechanical behavior of foulled ballast. Journal of Zhejang University-Science (Applied Physics and
Engineering), Vol. 14 (4), 244-255.
Chevalier, T., Chevalier, C., Clain, X., Dupla, J. C., Canou, J., Rodts, S., Coussot, P. 2013. Darcy’s law for
yield stress fluid flowing through a porous medium. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 195, 57–66.
Bekki, H., Canou, J., Tali, B., Dupla, J.-C., Bouafia, A. 2013. Evolution of local friction along a model pile
shaft in a calibration chamber for a large number of loading cycles. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 341(6),
Feia, S., Ghabezloo, S., Bruchon, J.-F., Sulem, J., Canou, J., Dupla, J.-C. 2014. Experimental Evaluation of
the Pore-Access Size Distribution of Sands. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 37(4), 20130126.
Duong, T. V., Cui, Y.-J., Tang, A. M., Dupla, J.-C., Canou, J., Calon, N., Robinet, A. 2014. Investigating the
mud pumping and interlayer creation phenomena in railway sub-structure. Engineering Geology, 171, 45–58.
Duong, T. V., Cui, Y., Tang, A. M., Dupla, J., Calon, N. 2014. Effect of fine particles on the hydraulic behavior
of interlayer soil in railway substructure. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 51(7), 735–746.
Duong, T. V., Cui, Y. J., Tang, a. M., Dupla, J. C., Canou, J., Calon, N., … De Laure, E. 2014. Physical Model
for Studying the Migration of Fine Particles in the Railway Substructure. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 37(5),
Della N., Belkhatir M., Arab A., Canou J., Dupla J.C. 2014. Effect of fabric method on instability behavior of
granular material. Acta Mechanica,
Cui, Y.-J., Lamas-Lopez, F., Trinh, V. N., Calon, N., D’Aguiar, S. C., Dupla, J.-C., … Robinet, A. 2014.
Investigation of interlayer soil behaviour by field monitoring. Transportation Geotechnics, 1(3), 91–105.
Benghalia Y., Bouafia A., Canou J., Dupla J.C. 2014. Liquefaction susceptibility of sandy soils : effect of low
plastic fines. Arabian Journal of Geosciences.
Abed, Y., Bahar, R., Dupla, J.-C., Amar Bouzid, D. 2014. Identification of Granular Soils Strength and
Stiffness Parameters by Matching Finite Element Results To Pmt Data. International Journal of
Computational Methods, 11(2), 1342001.
Feia, S., Dupla, J.C., Ghabezloo, S., Sulem, J., Canou, J., Onaisi, A., Lescanne, H., Aubry, E. 2015.
Experimental investigation of particle suspension injection and permeability impairment in porous media.
Geomechanics for Energey and the Environment, 3, 24–39.
Della, N., Belkhatir, M., Arab, A., Canou, J., Dupla, J.-C. 2015. Undrained Monotonic Response and
Instability of Medium-Dense Sandy Soil. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 33, 487–495.
Le Kouby, A., Dupla, J. C., Canou, J., Francis, R. 2016. The effects of installation order on the response of a
pile group in silica sand. Soils and Foundations.
Della, N., Muhammed, R. D., Canou, J., Dupla, J. C. 2016. Influence of Initial Conditions on Liquefaction
Resistance of Sandy Soil from Chlef region in Northern Algeria. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering.
Feia, S., Dupla, J.-C., Canou, J., Ghabezloo, S., Sulem, J., Chabot, B., Aubry, E., Mainguy, M., 2017. An
experimental setup with radial injection for investigation of transport and deposition of suspended particles in
porous media. Geotech. Test. J. 40.
Wang, H.-L., Cui, Y.-J., Lamas-Lopez, F., Dupla, J.-C., Canou, J., Calon, N., Saussine, G., Aimedieu, P.,
Chen, R.-P., 2017. Effects of inclusion contents on resilient modulus and damping ratio of unsaturated track-
bed materials. Can. Geotech. J. 54, 1672–1681.
Delage, P., Karakostas, F., Dhemaied, A., Belmokhtar, M., Lognonné, P., Golombek, M., De Laure, E., Hurst,
K., Dupla, J.-C., Kedar, S., Cui, Y.J., Banerdt, B., 2017. An Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of
Some Martian Regolith Simulants with Respect to the Surface Properties at the InSight Mission Landing
Site. Space Sci. Rev. 211, 191–213.
Khebizi, W., Della, N., Denine, S., Canou, J., Dupla, J.-C., 2018. Undrained behaviour of polypropylene fibre
reinforced sandy soil under monotonic loading. Geomech. Geoengin. 1–11.
Denine, S., Della, N., Feia, S., Muhammed, R.D., Canou, J., Dupla, J.-C., 2018. Shear behavior of
geotextile-reinforced Chlef sand in the Mediterranean region : Laboratory investigation. Mar. Georesources 4/6
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Geotechnol. 1–10.

Muhammed, R.D., Canou, J., Dupla, J.-C., Tabbagh, A., 2018. Evaluation of local soil-pile friction in
saturated clays under cyclic loading. Soils Found.
Elandaloussi, R., Bennabi, A., Dupla, J.C., Canou, J., Benamar, A., Gotteland, P., 2018. Effectiveness of
Lime Treatment of Coarse Soils Against Internal Erosion. Geotech. Geol. Eng.
Wang, H.-L., Cui, Y.-J., Lamas-Lopez, F., Dupla, J.-C., Canou, J., Calon, N., Saussine, G., Aimedieu, P.,
Chen, R.-P., 2018. Permanent Deformation of Track-Bed Materials at Various Inclusion Contents under
Large Number of Loading Cycles. J. Geotech. Geoenvironmental Eng. 144, 04018044.
Wang, H.-L., Cui, Y.-J., Lamas-Lopez, F., Calon, N., Saussine, G., Dupla, J.-C., Canou, J., Aimedieu, P.,
Chen, R.-P., 2018. Investigation on the mechanical behavior of track-bed materials at various contents of
coarse grains. Constr. Build. Mater. 164, 228–237.

Revues Nationales avec comité de lecture

Canou, J., Benahmed, N., Dupla, J.C., De Gennaro, V. 2002 Instabilités de liquéfaction et phénomènes de
mobilité cyclique dans les sables, Revue française de géotechnique, 98, pp. 29-46
Pedro, L. Dupla, J.C., Canou, J., Dormieux, L., Kazan, Y. 2005. Etude du comportement mécanique d’un sol
hétérogène soumis sous sollicitation de cisaillement. Revue Française de Géotechnique, Numéro spécial.
N°112, 35-42.
Benahmed, N., Canou, J., Dupla, J. C. 2004. Structure initiale et propriétés de liquéfaction statique d’un
sable. Comptes Rendus - Mecanique, 332(11), 887–894.
Dupla, J.-C., Pedro, L., Canou, J., Dormieux, L. 2008. Comportement mécanique de sols grossiers de
référence. Bulletin de Liaison des Ponts et Chaussées, N°268-269, 31-58.
Trinh, V.N., Tang, A.M., Cui, Y.J., Canou, J., Dupla, J.C., Calon, N., Lambert, L., Robinet, A., Schoen, O.
2011. Caractérisation des matériaux constitutifs de plate-forme ferroviaire ancienne. Revue Française de
géotechnique. Vol. 134-135, 65-74

Ouvrages ou chapitres
Dupla, J.C., Frank, R, Hamelin, J.-P. 2004. Recommandations pratiques pour le contrôle du diamètre des
colonnes de jet-grouting. Opération du Réseau Génie Civil et Urbain, IREX, Projet CRITERRE, Thème 3, 72
Canou J., Dupla J.C., Le Thiet, T. 2006. Expérimentation en laboratoire dans Vibrofonçage. Guide technique,
annexe B. Presses des Ponts et Chaussées, 194-224
Guide ERINOH Volume 1 : Méthodologie de caractérisation expérimentale. 2017. Presses des Ponts, Irex
Kerner, L., Dupla, J.C., Cumunel, G., Argoul, P. Canou, P., Pereira, J.M. 2017. Experimental study on a
scaled model of offshore wind turbine on monopile foundation Models, Simulation, and Experimental Issues
in Structural Mechanics, Springer, pp. 249- 267.

Congrès internationaux avec actes : 45

CFMS (Comité Français de Mécanique des Sols) depuis 1996
AFPS (French Association of Earthquake Engineering) since 1996 5/6
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