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QUT 1 (Indonesian/Aussie)

- Velia Jung
- Vania Accalia
- Ha-Teya
- Shona

Class A (Velia Hana Chandra Halim)

- Rizka Putri Sonia
- Gregorius Celvin
- Jihan Fairuz
- Fridericus Ryantodi

Class B (Vania Accalia)

- Diana Rebecka
- Maudy Azahra
- Cindy Putri
- Jospehine Lukman

Group Work:
2. E-card Report

a. Claim Descriptions

1. Based on posts uploaded by Anna Piat's account (@teresa_piatt) she replies to

the upload from the account @DRPanMD dan @ZDoggMD "Thank you both for
continuing to help create more anti-poison parents againts vaccines,
you keep sacrificing kids, we will win. Fight for safer vaccines for the people who
choose to vaccinate. Not to much to ask.

Initially we looked for tweets with the #AntiVaccines hashtag on Twitter. And found a
twitter account with the name @teresa_piatt. She shared a tweet and photo about
vaccines as a reply to a tweet from a Twitter account
called @DrPanMD.8i

- Tweet(@DrPanMD): ​Great talking with ​@ZDoggMD about ​#VaccinesSaveLives​,

#StopAntiVaxViolence & advocacy for better health. Help fight the anti-vaxxers at​!​ ​#SoMeDocs​ ​#tweetiatricians​ ​#Ivax2protect

Likes: (98), Retweets: (17), Reply: (33)

- Tweet (@teresa_piatt): ​Thank you both for continuing to help create more anti-poison
parents against vaccines, you keep sacrificing kids, we will win. Fight for safer vaccines
for the people who choose to vaccinate. Not too much to ask.

Likes: (9), Retweets: (2), Reply: (1)

2. We are looking for tweets with the #AntiVaccines hashtag on Twitter. And found
a twitter account with the name @BrandyZadrozny. She shared a tweet and
photo about vaccines and billboards that talked about vaccines.

-Tweet(@BrandyZadrozny): ​The first anti-vaccination billboard is up in California.

Pushing a hoax that a baby died from vaccines and paid for with money collected
through a Facebook fundraiser (even though that’s supposed to be against the rules).

Likes: (923), Retweets: (534), Reply: (193)

3. Source: ​

News Headline: ​How anti-vaxxers target grieving moms and turn them into crusaders
against vaccines

b. Description Of Fact Check Methods

The first thing we do is look for the hashtag we need into the Twitter search engine.
For example, #vaccines and #antivaccines. Then after finding the upload or
information we are looking for about vaccines. We are looking for uploads of tweets,
photos or videos related to vaccines. Then we finally found some suspicious tweets
and photos. From the photo uploads, there are photos that show a facebook and
twitter profiles so we are here using Twitter Advanced Search and Facebook Graph

On Facebook, we will look for accounts related to the vaccines and anti-vaccines
community (for example: Facebook accounts whose names are so that the
information we get will come from various sources. Here we will use Facebook graph
search based on keywords, places, and time, with Twitter Advanced Search I
searched for the words "anti-vaccination billboard." From this I got information that
one of the billboards was founded by a media company called "Outfront media" and
paid by a community from Facebook to
establish an anti-vaccines billboard. in central valley california, USA.

In addition, the tool we use is Beaver Tweet and we will also try to use Google Maps
and Google Earth to ensure the position of billboards installed on American roads.
Then we will browse web news related to vaccines.

c. Description Of Fact Check Results

There are two main tweets that are our source in finding out about vaccines. Namely tweets
from @teresa_piatt and @BrandyZadrozny. Both accounts talk about vaccines. However,
what distinguishes the two tweets is the content they distribute. From our searches and
searches, we learned that the owner of the @teresa_piatt account was someone from the
anti-vaccines camp while the account owner from @BrandyZadrozny was someone from the
pro-vaccines camp. Then the content is distributed via tweets that they share is also
different. From the Twitter source @teresa_piatt, fill in his tweet about photos of babies who
have been victims of vaccines. He claimed that the babies in the photo were affected
because of getting vaccines. Then fill in a tweet from @BrandyZadrozny about the
establishment of a billboard regarding babies who died from getting vaccines. These two
sources have in common that they both talk about victims of vaccines.

On facebook, we got the Anti Vaccines facebook account that talks about their rejection of
the vaccines. (@vaxxed2 and @vaccinetruth) these accounts provide us all the information
about vaccine and these informations are very helpful to us to gather the information.

d. Conclusion

There are some information that we haven’t find out yet (such as: Facebook account of
Sarah Yee, The truths and reasons about the death Johnny Micah Mcgoni, ​which community
funded the establishment of vaccines billboards, and others). But, we knew that the
billboards are real and it was there from the search we did.
From the fact-checking, we knew that ​Nicholas died 17 days after receiving the DTap
vaccination. The other baby whose name on the billboard, Evee Gayle Clobes, ​On March 1,
2019, a six-month-old baby, died in her mother’s bed. Because Evee had received her
vaccines 36 hours before her death, and with the urging, courting and support of
anti-vaccine activists eager to use her and her story, her mother blamed vaccines. However,
this tragedy is even less appropriately blamed on vaccines than most, because there is a
clear other cause for Evee’s death: According to the evidence detailed in a letter from the
medical examiner, Evee Gayle Clobes, sadly, tragically, suffocated to death because of
unsafe sleep conditions.

We can conclude that the claims is true and it’s not misinformation.

3. Division Of Tasks

The task of each member in groups to check the facts:

- Photo Checking Team: Josephine Lukman, Cindy Putri Diamond

Cindy Putri and Josephine Lukman comparing the claim photos to the real
picture in twitter and facebook.

- Title Checking Team: Vania Accalia, Diana Rebecka

Diana and Vania checks the claim with the tools to see if the post is really existed
by searching it from the caption. They searched from Tweet Beaver and
Facebook Graph Searcher.

- Location Check Team: Maudy Azahra, Vania Accalia

Maudy and Vania search the location of the vaccine billboards, ​we tried to use
Google Maps and Google Earth to ensure the position of billboards installed on
American roads. ​We found that the billboard is located in Central Valley,

4. Identifying The Photos

Nicholas' parents, former ​MMA ​fighter, Nick Catone and his wife Marjorie
Madison-Catone, who has been a nurse for 12 years, believes their son's death was
caused by the vaccination. Nick said at the time that his son went to bed one night and
didn't wake up the next morning in May 2017. Nicholas died 17 days after receiving the
DTap vaccination. An autopsy found that nothing was wrong with the toddler, but the
Catone family continued to search for answers. 'Instantly I had this gut motherly instinct
that the only thing that came across his path was that he was recently vaccinated,'
Marjorie told ​News 12​. She immediately pulled her son's medical records and noticed
that he kept getting sick after being vaccinated. 'You get angry because it all could have
been prevented,' Nick said. On top of putting up the billboard, the Catones are also
taking their case to vaccine court.

Fifteen miles west of Minneapolis, a

billboard looms over a field of tall
grass beside Highway 55. The sign
features a photo of Evee Clobes, a
baby girl with sparkling eyes,
flushed cheeks and an expression
frozen in wonder. Next to her face
are the words, "HEALTHY BABIES
DON'T JUST DIE." The web
address of a group opposed to
mandatory vaccinations is at the
bottom. Evee's story, as her mother Catelin Clobes tells it, is of a healthy 6-month-old
who died 36 hours after a checkup where she got several vaccinations. Clobes and an
army of online activists now say the vaccines caused Evee's death. That belief, and
Clobes' willingness to make Evee part of a national media campaign, have turned the
grieving mom into a rising star in the anti-vaccination world. Her Facebook posts draw
hundreds of thousands of views, and multiple fundraisers set up by anti-vaccination
activists on her behalf have raised tens of thousands of dollars. She has become a
champion of other anti-vaccination parents around the country.

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