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Kukishinden Ryu Happobiken Kodachijutsu

The Kukishinden Ryu, has only two kamae for the Kodachi, and three techniques. You must when
doing these technique keep a long distance between Uke, and Tori. Uke will have the Katana.
All the time he is looking for an opening to attack you. When he does attack you must move fast, as
it will all be over in less than a second.
Above all you must be prepared to be cut by Uke.
With all of the Kodachi techniques you must maintain eye contact with uke. He will wait for your
attention to drop, or for you to look away from him. keep your guard up at all times.
You must not go to him, as this will be fatal, he must come to you first.

Shizen No Kamae
Stand as if you are sat on a horse. The knees must be bent. The Kodachi is held in the right hand,
with the elbows out form the body. The tip of the Kodachi is pointing at Ukes foot.
Seigan No Kamae
Stand as in Kenjutsu Seigan no kamae, with the Kodachi in the right hand. the tip of the Kodachi
points to the heart.
Naka Seigan No Kamae
Same as Seigan, except the Kodachi blade lies flat in the hand. Tip still points to the heart, and the
edge faces to the right.

Kodachi Waza
Hicho Ken
Flying birds sword
Uke starts in Daijodan, and does Jodan kiri, which finishes as a Seigan no Kamae This is not an
attack. Uke then steps back into Hasso no kamae. Tori keeps his distance, and does not advance to
Uke. Tori is in Shizen. Tori side steps to the left, and exposes a little of his back. As Tori moves
around Uke, Uke pivots, on the same spot.
When shown enough of the back, Uke strikes to the waist with Do Kiri. Tori walks / jumps forward
very fast, and strikes Uke in the ribs with the Kodachi.
Shishi Geki
Chinese Lion attacks
Uke is in Daijodan. Tori is in Naka Seigan. Tori shuffle / twists steps to the left, opening and closing
his left shoulder / side to Uke. Uke pivots on the spot. When Tori shows enough of his left side Tori
attacks with a Do Uchi to the waist. Tori moves forwards along the inside edge of the katana, and
strikes Uke with the tip of the Kodachi in the stomach.
Juji Ken
Cross swords
Uke is in Daijodan. Tori is in Shizen, with the Kodachi in the left hand. Tori does Yoko Aruki to the
left. This will expose Tori s right side. Uke cuts with Do Uchi to the waist on Tori's right side.
Tori moves forward with the left foot, and takes hold of the sword hand with the right hand. The
Kodachi is then thrust into the shoulder or the side of Uke. Tori can even slash Ukes shoulder.

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