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Hayrol Azril Mohamed Shaffril
Institut Pengajian Sains Sosial
Sehingga ke hari ini, masih tidak banyak kajian
yang telah dilakukan berkenaan isu ini…

Based on what justification yang kita kata tak

Apa itu systematic literature review
A systematic literature review aims to
comprehensively locate and synthesize related
research, using organized, transparent, and
replicable procedures at each step in the process
Formal systematic Predominantly used for analyses of quantitative empirical data in the health
sciences, with an emphasis on randomized control trials.
Predominantly quantitative analysis of quantitative data,
though emerging of qualitative analysis and efforts to
integrate qualitative evidence
Considered a sub-set of systematic review that conducts formal statistical
Meta-analysis analysis of results from multiple quantitative studies. Published meta-analyses
generally follow formal and strict methodological standards. Use of statistical
theory is implicit

Quantitative analysis of quantitative data only

Best Evidence Similar to meta-analysis, but proposes that a stricter filter be applied to which
studies and evidence are included in the analysis. Suggests using only the
synthesis highest quality studies and excluding others. This contrasts with standard
meta-analysis, which applies a broader inclusion criteria filter based on study
quality and includes all eligible studies in analysis.
Methods are generally strictly standardized, often with statistical theory
dominant. Integration of other guiding theories is possible but not common

Quantitative analysis of quantitative data only

Source : Berrang-Ford, L., Pearce, T., & Ford, J. D. (2015). Systematic review approaches for climate change adaptation
research. Regional Environmental Change, 15(5), 755–769.
Quantitative Similar to meta-analysis, yet uses statistical techniques comparable to principal
component analysis. Methods are explicitly articulated and guided by statistical theory.
comparative analysis Integration of other guiding theories is possible but not common
Real list review An approach to literature review designed to evaluate interventions by seeking to understand
and explain complex causal contexts: ‘does a particular intervention work, for whom, why, and in
what context?’ Methods are generally explicitly articulated, including detailed clarification of the
scope of the research question and explicit use of theory to guide the review and analysis.
Contrasts with traditional systematic review approaches predominantly in its focus on explaining
causal processes and use with qualitative literature and questions. Was designed for explaining
reasons for success or failure in intervention-based research, but has been adapted more

Mixed, though generally includes a substantive

qualitative component
Used predominantly in the health sciences literature to refer to reviews that apply systematic methods for
Narrative review document selection and inclusion, but evaluate mixed qualitative and quantitative literature or use predominantly
descriptive analysis. Methods are often explicitly defined, but range in depth, and can include only brief reference
to systematic document selection. Use of qualitative theory is possible and occurs occasionally


Source: Berrang-Ford, L., Pearce, T., & Ford, J. D. (2015). Systematic review approaches for climate change adaptation
research. Regional Environmental Change, 15(5), 755–769.
Inductive approach to synthesis of qualitative literature using an interpretive
Meta- rather than aggregative focus. Methods are often not explicit. Reviews are
explicitly guided by qualitative theory. In some cases, authors outline
ethnography methods by which the review is explicitly designed around the selected
theoretical approach. Results are not replicable, and positionality may be

Uses statistics based on citation index databases to measure scientific activity
Sciencetometric related to selected themes or topics. Methods are generally explicitly articulated and
are usually not clearly guided by theory. Statistical theory is commonly used for
analysis. Integration of other guiding theories is possible but not common


Source: Berrang-Ford, L., Pearce, T., & Ford, J. D. (2015). Systematic review approaches for climate change adaptation
research. Regional Environmental Change, 15(5), 755–769.
Adakah SLR satu bentuk penulisan yang

Tidak, sudah lama dipraktiskan oleh global scholars

TETAPI tidak di Malaysia
Artikel tanpa main data, susah nak
tembus indexed journals.. Betul ke?
Concept paper vs SLR
Mana yang lebih senang nak penetrate indexed

Based on my experience.. SLR lebih mudah..

Apa kelebihan SLR?
Penerbitan awal – penuhi KPI sebagai penyelidik dan pelajar di
peringkat awal penyelidikan/pengajian

Researcher dengan or tanpa geran – sudah boleh mula menulis..

Penulisan SLR tidak memerlukan main data

Mendapatkan info tentang kajian lepas secara pukal dengan

merujuk kepada table of findings

Memberikan info tentang apa lagi penambahbaikan (gap) yang

perlu dilakukan dalam konteks kajian kita
Adakah concept paper itu SLR?
Tidak sama sekali

SLR ditunjangi methodology yang rigorous – ia menjawab

persoalan yang selalu dibangkitkan oleh reviewer konsep

How confident are you that you have conducted a rigorous

searching on the existing literature?
Bila boleh mula menulis SLR?
Penyelidik – bila-bila masa
Pelajar – selesai chapter 2, apabila sudah faham
konsep dan teknik penulisan literature review
Apa panduan utama SLR?
Sama seperti penulisan artikel yang lain, SLR dipandu
oleh persoalan kajian dan objektif kajian.

Selain itu penulisan SLR memfokus kepada elemen ini

- Domain review
- Methodology review
- Theory review
Apa yang penulis perlu ada sebelum
memulakan penulisan SLR
Pemahaman tentang konsep dan teknik penulisan literature review

Anda perlu tahu melakukan search string.. Secara asasnya, anda harus tahu
1- phrase searching
2- truncation function
3- wildcard function
4- Boolean Operator

Anda perlu ada flow diagram

Familiarize yourself dengan reporting items for systematic review – cth: PRISMA
Berapa banyak artikel dalam SLR?
Lagi banyak lagi bagus?

There is no concrete number of articles needed in SLR.. It

will totally depend on the systematic review process
(identification, screening and eligibility)
Adakah SLR sesuai dengan semua bidang

Basically, SLR adalah your literature review.. Jawapannya,

ia memang sesuai untuk semua bidang pengajian.
Adakah SLR sesuai dipraktiskan dalam
penulisan thesis saya?
Apa yang mudah untuk beginner?
Domain review.
Qualitative synthesis – thematic analyses
Apa yang perlu ada dalam SLR
• Introduction
• Literature review?
• Results
• Discussion
• Recommendation for future studies
• Conclusion
• References

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