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NOVEL RESPONSE (Sample answer)

(CONTENTS , 10 marks + LANGUAGE, 5 marks = 15 marks)

E.g.: Determination leads to one’s success. Describe how this is

portrayed in the short story.
INTRODUCTION / ANSWER: Based on the short story …………………. by
……………………, determination leads to one’s success is widely
portrayed. This can be seen especially in …………….. life.

For each paragraph – para. 2, 3, & 4 – there MUST be:

1. Reason, 2. Evidence + Elaboration, 3. Justification

REASON: Determination leads to Aloo’s success because due to that, Aloo

manages to realize his dream in studying abroad, America.

EVIDENCE + ELABORATION: This can be seen when he works hard in

order to get information and a placement in the universities in America. After
being inspired by Mr Datoo, who comes back to visit from America, Aloo
consistently writes to many universities where his letter-writing has taken
him a few months. As he did not give up, he succeeds in getting satisfying
reply to his efforts. Finally, he is offered a place and scholarship from the
California Institute of Technology.

JUSTIFICATION: If Aloo did not put all his effort in his action, he might
not be able to achieve his ambition and end up furthering his study in a local
university studying agriculture.

Determination leads to Aloo’s success because Aloo manages to

convince his mother in allowing him to go to America. This can be seen
when finally Aloo’s mother gives her blessing and even loan some money for
Aloo. At first, mother is furious that Aloo wishes to leave her and choose to
study abroad. She is against Aloo’s wish as she believes that he will not
return to her after his studies. Apart from fearing of losing Aloo, mother also
concerns about their financial problem. However, after seeing Aloo’s
determination in promising that he will work his way through college and
consulting with Mr Velji, Aloo gets his mother’s permission. If Aloo merely

Prepared by:
Ms Nur Liyana Roslan
agrees to her mother initial decision, he might have to decline the offer from
the California Institute of Technology.

NOVEL RESPONSE (Sample answer)

(CONTENTS , 10 marks + LANGUAGE, 5 marks = 15 marks)

E.g.: Determination leads to one’s success. Describe how this is

portrayed in the short story.
INTRODUCTION / ANSWER: Based on the short story …………………. by
……………………, determination leads to one’s success is widely
portrayed. This can be seen especially in …………….. life.

For each paragraph – para. 2, 3, & 4 – there MUST be:

1. Reason, 2. Evidence + Elaboration, 3. Justification

REASON: Determination leads to Aloo’s success because due to that, Aloo

manages to realize his dream in studying abroad, America.

EVIDENCE + ELABORATION: This can be seen when he works hard in

order to get information and a placement in the universities in America. After
being inspired by Mr Datoo, who comes back to visit from America, Aloo
consistently writes to many universities where his letter-writing has taken
him a few months. As he did not give up, he succeeds in getting satisfying
reply to his efforts. Finally, he is offered a place and scholarship from the
California Institute of Technology.

JUSTIFICATION: If Aloo did not put all his effort in his action, he might
not be able to achieve his ambition and end up furthering his study in a local
university studying agriculture.

Determination leads to Aloo’s success because Aloo manages to

convince his mother in allowing him to go to America. This can be seen
when finally Aloo’s mother gives her blessing and even loan some money for
Aloo. At first, mother is furious that Aloo wishes to leave her and choose to
study abroad. She is against Aloo’s wish as she believes that he will not
return to her after his studies. Apart from fearing of losing Aloo, mother also

Prepared by:
Ms Nur Liyana Roslan
concerns about their financial problem. However, after seeing Aloo’s
determination in promising that he will work his way through college and
consulting with Mr Velji, Aloo gets his mother’s permission. If Aloo merely
agrees to her mother initial decision, he might have to decline the offer from
the California Institute of Technology.

Prepared by:
Ms Nur Liyana Roslan

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