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Robert H Shaw ie
5379 Nun** R°*d

f*ir Ooks, Ci *S628 P
NUMBER 75. PRINTED DEC 28.20(11 '

The last Fearless Flyer was #74.

printed June 14, 2001. Many events
since then. We will bring you up-to-
*1 22: Jaron Soren received his mission
call to Guatemala.
Vcnctta phoned and is in MO. nursing
date by referring to Bob’s diaiy. our brother, John Abbott. He has
Junl4:Mable Earlenc Helton’s funeral cancer of the throat and polymyositis.
k fl5:The new carpet was laid. We took 7/ 29: The seven passenger van came
a bus load of Lou’s students to S.F. loaded with Gayle, Owen, Jaron,
]q J20: We buzzed to the airport, met Camille, Shawn, Kaylena and Mariah.
Chris and Destiny, arrived in Boise. Pictures tell the rest of the story.
Don and Verna Cleverly were there. Aug 1st: Mike and Margo to S.F.
* 21: Enjoyed beautiful trip to McCall. Airport to catch the plane to Paris.
Chris drove. Joined Janet, Jill, Mary,
Lynn, Gayle, Shawn, Kaylccna,
Mariah, Camille, and Camille’s
4 5:D Stoneman’s 80th at Hyatt Regency
14:Holly’s brush with death in an
accident at Madison and Highway 80.
friend, Heather, as well as Verna and The seat belt and airbag saved her life.
Don. (Ron was working in Salina, Their truck was totaled. No lives lost!
KS) Jaron Soren was there with his * 22: Chris, Bob & Lou flew to MO. In
college friend, Jillian Batman. Keith Independence we saw Fay, Vic, Janet
& Sandy came with Ryan, Reagan and Judy, who all showed us great
and Randon. Marc Allen arrived with hospitality. Fay was suffering from
his nephews, Carter and Hayden. “no see” flea bites she had contacted
£7 .22: Fun at Payette Lakes, swimming, in Florida. Kay Poore and Kelli Rose
' kayaking, boating, hiking, and and children met us at the hospital
picnicking. The rafting did better in John was glad to see us. We stayed
the river. Returned to Boise and saw several days out at John’s ranch in
preparation for Boise Days. Bellflower. John’s friend, Bonita
23: Early morning we saw the hot air Campbell, lived in town and was
balloons up in the sky. Keith and taking care of the ranch. John was
Carolyn Beck met us at the park. We moved to the Rusk Rehabilitation
saw the exquisite morning and the Facility. We had lunch with John’s
night balloon parades. Janel and son ,David, and visited with Nita and
Owen , Carolyn and Jared, Alyson the children. John’s son, Johnny and
and Jeremy and our great grandson, his family came over to the ranch for
Tyler, came to the Barbeque. Ron dinner. We drove over to Mexico,
came later. There was more rafting. Mo., where Lou had served part of
Janel did some caricatures for the kids her mission, Jan. 1949. We also drove
and adults. Owen brought his guitar. to Jefferson City and had a tour in the
July 4th: We had dinner with the Capitol Building. As of today, John’s
Millers and went over to the Park for cancer is gone. He is in pain with the
the Fireworks show. Susanna and muscle disease, but is feeling better.
Clayton Nye joined us. He is gaining some pounds, He is now

1 18: Roger Sandry arrived from Utah

and tiled the bathrooms, entry,
^kitchen and under the wood burning
stove with large lovely tile.
at “Candlelight Lodge” R107, 1406
Business Loop West, Columbia, MO.
65203. Ph. (573) 256-2426.
Sep 3rd: E-mail from Gayle, “things

A s

) bj20: Holly back from Dept

did not work out in Salina. We will of Ed. Pre-
not be moving there.” (Hooray!) School Conf. in Ontario, CA.
Labor Day: Jim Rader helped us
purchase E-MonsterlOOOB Computer.
d 20: Lou attended Broadway Musical
Magic, with Joanne Williams, in EDH.
91 10: Grandparents Day with Sophie. /Patti & Floyd Andrus were directors.
9|ll Fatal Day of the Twin Towers in ju 23: Neal is doing better.
New York City. Scott brushed with /0J2G: Drove to Boise with Holly,
death as he just missed being there to Melissa, Jared and Joshua. Attended
take the train over to New Jersey for Jaron’s farewell. Group sang “In The
his work. He walked out of New York Hollow Of Thy Hand.” (See Photos)
8 hours to get back to his home in November 10!h Saturday: Bob and
Long Island. How blessed we are with Lou went to the Whitney Reunion in
Holly and Scott still being here with us Logandalc, NV. Marjorie Abbott and
V 14: Chloe’s grandparents day at
Jackson School in El Dorado Hills.
9 j 16: Sacramento Bee did a report of
Debbie Moon attended. We stayed the
night with Aunt Ruth Abbott and
Joan Richards in Las Vegas.
Tuesday, Sep. 11. (see photos) Political / 1/12-16: Bob flew to SLC as Scott was
Cartoon ...showing the Statue of 'on Security business for Lucent, for
Liberty sitting in a very disturbed the Feb. Olympics. Keith came down
manner. No words. Miss Liberty has also. Bob visited Keith’s family in
her head in her hands and is grieving .Logan, and his sister, Erma Staples.
for the 1000s who were killed. /// 22: Thanksgiving ..Counting our
29: NeaPs wife, Bebe, called this blessings with a delicious dinner with
morning. Neal is in the Doctor’s Mike and Margo. In the evening, Lou
Hospital in Manila, Philippines, and visited the Millers and their party.
is suffering from pneumonia in ICU. Dec 1st: Started distributing and
Oct. 3rd: Jared Miller had his .mailing our 400 Calendar cards.
Grandfather Shaw help ordain him a /y 7:Christmas elegant dinner dance
priest in the Aaronic Priesthood. ils f Millers brought a beautiful tree.

'7 6tb & 7th: General Conference. Pres.

Hinckley announced militaiy action
Had a luncheon and craft workshop
with Melissa, Jared, Joshua, Chloe,
by U.S. War on Terrorists beginning Sophie and Holly. Mike put up a
in Afghanistan. They began by .beautiful chandelier in the kitchen.
dropping food packages. President Il/ll: Neal back in USA, Alabaster, AL.
Hinckley advised us to get out of debt /*y22. Attended Chloe’s sacred baptism.
7th: Call for money needed for NeaL 12j 25. Enjoyed Christmas Day here at
We responded as well as Chris, Janet, our home with the Millers, Chris P,
.Fay, Venetta, Kelli, and Steve,+ others Danny, Michele and her family.
lOf 9: Neal 60 % chance of living. Thank you, Gayle, for your
ytf/l0: Bob’s sister, Karen Blakely, broke contributions. Thank you,
^her arm near the shoulder. Fay, for your great Poetry.
/0.L15: Anthrax scare in this country Thank you, fanel, for Art.
ffff18: Visited Bruce Blakely and Karen. Happy that babies will be
Bruce had a hip replacement. Maxine born to Margo Shaw ct
helping out, transportation, etc. Alyson Woodland in 2002.
Coincidently, our family read the last chapter of 1 Nephi on September 11,2001. It talked about
the scattering and gathering of Israel. It talked of those who fight against Israel and the righteous. It
included the following scripture:

23. For the time speedily shall come that all churches which
are built up to get gain, and all those who are built up to
get power over the flesh, and those who are built
up to become popular in the eyes of the world, and those
who seek the lusts of the flesh and the things of the world,
and to do all manner of iniquity; yea, in fine, all those
who belong to the kingdom of the devil are they who
need fear, and tremble, and quake; they are those who
must be brought low in the dust; they are those who
must be consumed as stubble; and this is according to the
words of the prophet.

I tried to think of the correlation of this scripture with the terrible events that happened that day. I
actually thought of the Twin Towers representing a church. Especially when people put too much emphasis
on the vain things of the world. Yet after this devastation, we as a people cared first about the lives that
were lost; and we turned to God to bless and strengthen us as a nation. I am grateful and thrilled when I
drive by the business signs in town. Although now, we are concerned about the economic affects it is
having on us as a nation and world.
Meanwhile Satan and his evil forces were triumphant. Yet, according to the scriptures, they are
the ones who need to tremble and quake, for eventually his whole kingdom shall be destroyed.

14. And all that fight against Zion shall be destroyed,

and that great whore, who hath perverted the right
ways of the Lord, yea, that great and abominable church,
shall tumble to the dust and great shall be the fall of it.

How comforting it is to read that we shall be protected and preserved, if we are righteous. These
scriptures have more meaning then ever before.

16. For the time soon cometh that the fulness of the wrath
of God shall be poured out upon all the children of men;
for he will not suffer that the wicked shall
destroy the righteous.
17. Wherefore, he will preserve the righteous by his power,
even if it so be that the fulness of his wrath must come,
and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction
of their enemies be fire. Wherefore the righteous
need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall
be saved, even if it so be as by fire.

How grateful I am for the knowledge of the resurrection. The righteous truly do not need to fear, if
they live or die. I just don’t want to see others suffer.
I want to add one other weird thought. In the 6th verse it talks of the gentiles canying Israel on
their arms and shoulders in the last days. It refers to the British (and us), when we reestablished Israel, I
have been listening to the British Broadcasting station. How grateful I am for their support. It almostfeels
to me as if they are “cradling” us in their arms. I often feel fearful, and yet they are so determined, and o
care about us, and* want to fight and destroy this evil.
If you have any thoughts or feelings you want to share, please do. We love you..
- r ii; \\b\

in Hew YortTcity billows Jmokeand flame after two airliners ;

How Appropriate Fay Callahan wrote
About McCall Idaho
fhank von. Fay, for these descriptive Vignettes
In Poetry Form^Pertaininq To Our Lives


The one-way road is straight up .hill..

Height steep enough to. make your pulse stand still.

A car creeps down, no place to hedge,

You back down slow to- -a passing ledge.

Natives ignore this dangerous drive,

Tourists are grateful to be alive.

Wait I Theres something rising from the lake,

A bobbing head, theres no mistake,

The monster hovers there and looks around,

Then dives for the deep, without a sound.

The creature shows himself twice a year,

Landlubbers hug the sand until all is clear.

While sailors in boats rush back to shore,

And re-tell tales of ancient lore.

Should a monster spoil a vacation?

Relax and enjoy your recreation.

Until that moment when you must descend,

Down the hair-raising ride around the bend.

S' .


Poetry Memories
By Fay Callahan


Oh, where is the laughter,

The house filled with cheer?

Lying dormant under the snow,
Mother’s gone this year.

Oh, where is the sparkle,

That made Christmas so dear?

Lying deep in the earth,

Mother's gone this year.


---------------- ------------------- n
Mother died IS July 1957 \

.Cist Christmas after Mother's death, Ruth'Naylor Abjjj

Independence, Missouri \
December 1957
Poetiy Memories
Fay Callahan


Men's faces were grim, devoid of mirth,

As miner*s rode deep into the earth,
A test of will power to prove man’s worth.

Chipping and digging silver to earn their gruel,

The work was hard, conditions cruel.
And miners Vnew the rule, '*spare the mule. \

Lanterns on their heads gave off eerie light.,

Dirt and dust made hands black as night.
Nor were questions asked, where might was right.
John spent two years working the mines,
People were hungry, facing hard times,
Men begged for work, waiting in long lines.
He started down to the mine one day,
But turned from the shaft and walked away,
A voice had warned, "Don't work the mine today.**
Words from his guardian .angel or a ghoul?
Was he being as stubborn as the mule?
Would his children starve, because he was a fool?
The shaft collapsed, the world grew gray,
Through his grief, he heard the spared mule bray.
John fell to his knees, needing to pray.

Just before he left for his mission

To New Zealand
Grandfather John Abbott
had this experience /
Nevada, Feb. 1898

Dacg jugged the radio to his chest,
To heaar "Brown Bomber” at his best.

And it was a left and then a right

ji-oe Louis punching with all his might.

Opponents might last a round or two,

'Boxing gloves smashed flesh as they flew.

Many challenged and met defeat,

The heavy weight champ was hard to beat.
Dad loved to hear his hero win,.
As fists hit foe again and again.

Joe was invincible in the ring,

When it came to boxing he was the King. .1



Nampa, Idaho


Here comes the can man,.

Pushing his invalid wife
Down one side of the road.
He makes a nUf' turn,
Heads back up the other side. *■»

He's rigged a canvas bag

Over the back of the wheel chair,
To hold the aluminum cans.
At daybreak, he will crush them
And sell the metal for cash.

-’■./itt AND HIS 2ND WIPE ELV^

lJorBS Lon's $»msr>iql ^
Chloe Anne Shaw is being baptized in the name of the Lord, today, as a witness
before him and enter into a covenant with him, that she will serve him, and keep his
commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon her.

Matt: 3/l, 2,5,13,14,15,16,17.

In those days came John, the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea. And
saying, repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
5: Then went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea, and all the region round about
Jordan. And were baptized of him in Jordan.
13: Then came Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.
14: But John forbade him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest
thou to me?
15: And Jesus answering said unto him, “Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh
us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him.
16: And Jesus. When he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water and ,
lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like
a dove, and lighting upon him:
17: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This my beloved Son, in whom 1 am well
Heavenly Father is also pleased with Chloe for entering into this Sacred Ordinance.

2 Nephi: 17- 18: She is doing the things that her Lord and Redeemer has done.
She is entering the gate by Baptism by water and then she is in the straight and
narrow path that leads to eternal life.

Romans Chapter 6 : Heading: Baptism is in similitude of the death, burial, and

resurrection of Christ....Christ brings Eternal Life.

3 Nephi: 11.24 25 26: And now behold these are the words which ye shall say,
calling them by name, saying: Having authority given me of Jesus Christ, I baptise
you in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen

And then shall ye immerse them in the water, and come forth again out of the water.

Gal: 3:26=27: For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as
many of as have been baptized unto Christ have put on Christ

Mosiah: 18: 8: Be willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light;
Yea and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; comfort those that stand in
need of comfort and to stand as a witnesses of God at all times and in all things, that
ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection,
that ye may have eternal life.
Announcement in The Sacramento Bee that the Sacramento Temple will be built at
the Morman Center,,,,, 22 Dec 2001. We’ll be able to baptisms for the dead there.



^e^saay^ u

A brand-new year is before us .

a clean slate. We were determined to run that smog _

the Toyota gasoline. We drove up to Pine Grove, CA and visited Ackli

I am not so great on formal resolutions, But, I do try*

improve and notice my progress, year-by-year. Mary Lou went through

diaries and wrote down some of the progress in the last half of 2001
we accomplished. I
for the Family Fearless Flyer. It was pleasant to see what/.

I did not watch the Rose Bowl Parade, on television.!.


moves a little slowly for me and I don’t relate to what is going o?
wonder if Venetta and April were able to see the parade? We have
heard from them in a while so I don’t know their plans. They are

to arrive at our home tomorrow, time not specified.

We called the Acklins and they said to come up td


home today. It was a pleasant ride up there, using the Latrobe Road.

found the location quite easily in Pine Grove. They live in a beautiful

part of town with tall trees around. Les had some days off work for th

holidays. Tim had been out on New Year’s Eve with friends. Barbara i

always busy, locking out for the welfare of her guests.

Lou and Barbara caught up on the news. Les and I watc1

the University of Oregon beat the Colorado Buffaloes in the Tostito E

Actually, it is the
i Fiesta
Bowl in Tempe, AZ.
The score was 38-16, with 38
answered points, after the Buffs scored first. Darlene GillesPie is
going to be disappointed in the University of Colorado tea
ike livin
The Acklins seem to be doing ok^ay. They 1
igh School
the foothill area of Amador County. Tim attends Amador H'
amon roll

Sutter Creek. We had a pleasant lunch with soup and cinnin<j found

We left before 5 p.m. I made a bad turn in Liberty

f be with
, -v «/*k y°u» nlf
We turned north <£nners.
driving towards Stockton on Hi'wa.y 88. that he could She ev<
and ended up in Galt. Tim went with us so
hearty, "Tha^h^02o8^ 1
on Dell Road in Carmichael. 8®v*0“1^rgotten his
for the ride so the 15-year-old has not rorg tree^_
Miller came over today and took nice to have
for us. It is so nit. January
it to SMUD recycling
two weeks. She will
----- gdnesdav, January 2. 2002.

and mail tly V
ran some errands this morning, getting ready to print, colls
mailed in the
Shaw Family Fearless Flyer." We were able to get it
-arrived at H P*®'
fternoon. Venetta and April called from King City, CA-
were fair,

W Q/JLfr— The family paper had r? -pages. The color prints

to over
$100 and
cost jOd each and added a lot to the paper. The total cost came
$8.00 each. The
wo printed 13 copies, so the average cost per paper was about
We sent a copy
color copies drove up the cost as we had 9 pages of color prints. enclosures?..
He can't have any/
to Elder Riley Shaw but didnft send one to Elder Jaron Soren.
Pills to Kaiser and
I ran errands this morning, going for

getting the paper printed. That took me all morning. Lou worked on the house

as she expects Venetta and April Gallagher today.The weather was fair with the

rain stopped. We want to get the smog work completed on the Toyota as the regi-

stration is due to DMV on January 8th. A necessary evil, I feel.

Mary Lou worked on baking bread and cleaning up the house.

She wants the -house JOjO be clean and tidy, when "her people" arrive. There
was not any w ord|this morning. About 4 p.m • » Venetta called from King City, CA.

The ladies had been to HearjCastle, near San Simeon, CA. They expect to ar­
rive here about midnight. They have been doing a lot of driving.

They also went to, theA Rorf<e Bowl . Parade. They parked
their car near the -strategic
interrsection^in Pasadena, CA.They had a chair but
April had to stand. A lot of the action^ o_f^th^e^parade happened
right before
their eyes. They especially liked "The Motownn Band," from Detroit,
They slept overnight in their car,
so they would be
ready to view the Rose Parade. They even saw how
so,e of the floats
were built,
I consider that really brave of them. April especially
wanted to see the
I am picking up a bad cold. Parade.
The cold
season is
about this
time of year for me. I have congestion, neck ache
and head ache.
1 use the
Mentholatum but it doesn't seem to do much good.
et an entrance ticket at Hearst/a Castle. They enjoyed th ^ ladies
could n
nd found out a lot gfi.background information on the CasM emselve;
s at the
remember going to the castle with Austin Abbott. ge the Hearfjy
t was his 1 oy to show his family the beautiful castle. ln Sar> MigueT
was nis joy slghts around ^here tomorrow. the hill „ x
ilium r Mike
WantS t0 se^heVane
/ H IAK. J / .January J, UIJJJIUJU Jill III J
yiii^ljJf^O ^AJ tli) A
Mary Lou, Venetta, April Gallagher and.others of the family seemed gla

the visit. They talked and talked. I had a cold this morning and di
get around much. The ladies visited the Nimbus Fish Hatchery and the
Gold Djscovery Site at Coloma, CA. We had a fish dinner this evening

Venetta and April were up fairly early this morning.

We are lucky to have that extra bedroom for guests. It has a bathroc

separate heat and some privacy. I wanted to get that bill paid for tt

tile and other expenses, owed to Home Depot since last summer. Home ]

extended the payment until January, 2002, but the amount needs to be i

Paying the bills will be a chore this month. There i

Home Depot bill and
stiff VISA bills plus the regular monthly bills.

Toyota registration must be paid. Lou took the Toyota to the SMOG p

in Orangevale and the inspection passed. That smog fluid that I pur-

came through again for me. It was worthwhile putting the fluid

the gasoline and driving the Toyota over 200 miles so the fluid could

burned, in the engine.That is a good investment for the care of the T

I stayed in bed most of the morning. I have a sore

throat and congestions and nasal drip, etc. I had a headache but I d

take any aspirins. I hope that the cold does . not become any worse-

Mary Lou took her digital phone so it was easier to Is

in touch with her. Chris Prentice came out in the afternoon. She b^=

some frozen fish that was on sale for a fish fry. Chris likes a barp
Chris and Lou cooked the fish. It was delicious, The sisters and k:

went to Coloma. The visitors seemed interested in the gold

m.,J from the,
April will return to Indiana about 11 a.

ramento Airport. I imagff^that the lines will be long at the air tei
Lou made some excellent^
Michelle Allen and kids came out for dinner.

Chris P. bought some oysters, Jo^—

her sons came over for the dinner $ and:
lllind Brim Michelle 1 s kids. Jared n A vard.
Friday, January 4, 2002.

their homes,
Venetta Abbott and April Gallagher left this morning for
back in Santa
called later in the day and said that she arrived safely
• sure.
Barbara, CA. thoug htful^fo*
April cleaned some of our cupboards very
I was not up and around when the visitor
drive down
must have taken off for Santa Barbara in a hurry, That is quite a

there but Venetta seems to have the stamina to do the job.

that I
I worked on paying the bills. The bottom line is

paid and Lou had about

had a balance of $500 in my checkbook when the bills were
"bridge money", to tide
$300. We withdrew $2K from the Schools Credit Union for

us over until until Lou receive^ her payroll check from FCUSD.

I paid the HOME DEPOT bill for $1,164.64. That amount is !

for the til bought last summer for Roger Sandry. We paid Roger t
«•- !
Sandry $l,200^so the total cost for the tiling and repair work around the house

came to $2,264.64, plus any bills that we paid at the time of the work. I con-
i :■

sider that a good bargain as we like the tile in the entrance way, the

kitchen area for the wood-burning stove and the middle and master bath-

rooms. We sent Roger a Christmas calendar. Of course, he did not respond.

Roger is not the kind of guy to get away from the television set and write New Years notes.
The total for smogging the Toyota was about $100. Pity
the poor tax-payer. We paid a cumulative total for the COSTCO bill, it seems.

We called them but I can't figure how we owed the amount that
they quoted. For
sure , the $25 "late fee" was added to the account,
Sears also Put a $25 late
fee on the homeowner's insurance supplemental policy.
I countered by canceling
the policy. I could not reach the Sears credit department
to try to get out of
paying the late fee. These big companies are ruthless in
SSessl"g late fees I
must hav

Mike and Margo Shaw brought Chloe andSohi ^ ' ’

* y while tl?ey b
-went out for the evening. The girls did art
Project5 with Grandmother
and played with the bric-a-brac in the cabinet, Shaw
ations in their play activities. They are not They have Wila $
not create a scene over the food placed before lUV? ab°«tld
^■Tke has
food and die;
off from his job as the company seems to want to cut Hn, had some ti
We are still receiving a few hoiiday uards and letters Wn T°n the
the ribbons in the front room in
cards hanging up on the holiday times and express biSde??* salaries ^
"let down a bit at feeli ngs of
Saturday, January 5, 2002. <J cl C IS. liVLIUL UUXU I
cancer and will not be preparing taxes th
year . This cold and congestion seems to hang on me. 1 am spitting up phleg
my lungs.
( s p ) from/ We stayed close to home today. Mary Lou nursed m
and did projects around the house. Scott will come to Olympics in Fe

Scott plans to come to Salt Lake City, UT in February,

around the first of the month. He works at the prer-Olymmics firain abj
the 4th to 8th of February. He plans to go to the Bear Lake| Cond<ftT i

his family on the first of February. That would be the time for us

Scott and Julia and daughters, if all of them come West.

We have the old problems of too little money and time

dates of February 1, 2, and 3, are over a week-end so Lou might squeeze the t

with me to go to Salt Lake City, to see Scott and Julia. It would t

hurried trip . Presumably, the Shaws would return to New York City i

February 8th. The Olympics continue until about the middle of Febri

We will have to check out the times that the Olympics will be held.

thought that Scott was scheduled to be at the Olympics from beginnii

Thanks to Scott for letting us know f hen he will be in Utah for Olymi
I was up later in the morning, showered and felt bef

It was a cool and damp day. I went out to pick up the newspaper an

a chill. I was shaking all over, when I returned to the house. It

to warm up this evening. We did not have an "outing" today.

Fay Callahan called Mary Lou today. She appreciated-

ceiving the Fearless Flyer, She read it thoroughly. She asked fof

identity of the Ricci family* Fay says that she has sleep problems^
the "military officers." She says that has been her problem since;

It has something to do with sleep disturbances, over the "military’

We had a letter Dulany, of Georgetown, CA

i.s busy' with her adult children. I Wadsworth and wife must be livi
the Wadsworths for
/ on the Christmas tree farm. We haven't seen cookies that Judy1
Mary Lou returned the dish for the Judye=
over the holidays. Lou also hum*—
gave to us, along with candy,
of home-baked bread. I kept up on the
amount of laundry to do, each day. Lou wor
launj*ry water color
such excellent *
II ii ii a
that She water-colored^ Loujo ^ ^ ^ go?d ^cno
Sunday, January 6, 2002.
family> being^-
We called Keith to find out plans for Scott and possibly his
.- Scott dc-r «ot
the air as
Utah about^J^J/ uary 1st. It is all pretty much up in come with Scott. ^
not/ ^
seem suref and the daughters may
he can come West^ Also, Julia
Airlines. She has
Mary Lou had luck calling Southwest
February 3rd.
reservations on that airline for February 1st, returning

1 and the girls

come West on February 1st. Also, there are doubts about Julia
getting out of school, to come with him. Keith will call Scott and see
airline reservations with-
can be worked out. I told him that we can cancel our F
out penalty, if the plans do not work out. ;
Harbor Village has changed,
Keith said that the ownership of
to corporate owners. Keith still can rent condos and he still will work on the
fil so,
sprinkler systems. /Keith says that Scott will stay in a private home in Park

City, UT and cannot have guests stay there. Scott will be leaving Utah around

February 8th, as he has to be at the Lucent general meeting in Delaware.

Keith will stay in touch with Scott and see what can be worked out on the trip.

So, it does not look too hopeful to see Scott early in

tiW/ oo)
February. If Scott comes and has the Saturday freefe tj some skiing
s or snow-
mobiling could be planned. We ^ready to go or to cancel, depending
on progress.
I did not feel well so did not attend Church
Lou told Bishop Titera why I was not in attendance, Lou said that Pete
is the instruc^^for the Gospel Doctrine class. Bob Rollins gave us two
families for home teaching, the Evans family and the Elliott
f amily
°n Blinman.
We will keep Carryn Nixon andand Susan Dennis__ a
biS job ahead!
We had aj afternoon. Holly is in
and didn't
attend the
Church services. Melissa came over to pick up some
She seems to be
ing just fine. She is on commission at General do- *
Nutriti 0n with a
basic $7
an hour guarantee. What to do this week? Mary Lou will v
with a full 19-hours a week of instruction. That will t * back at FCTTsn
classes going and keep them going. I should administer a chaUen8e +
day . I have been doing it mostly three times a dav i f medicine f0JL °
the sssh rssi-hrss-St time

ePaired?Decisid 1
°ns!!!1 I
MondTfly, January /, ZUUZ,

Mary Lou was back at work for Folsom Cordova School District, About
eight students showed up in the Arts and Crafts class, It was a s 1 ovi
at Folsom Conv. Hospital. I was full of cold and congestion—not we]

It was a cool and overcast day. Lou heard from Venetl

Abbott that April Gallagher had an appendicitus (sp) attack and is ii

the hospital for an operation. Those appecdectomies (sp) come on a

fast and can cause a lot of pain. The operation is faf^Fly simple no

I was in bed most of the day. I just cannot seem to

this congestion and sore throat. My lungs are affected the most. 3

some Alka-Seltzer now but it does not seem to help much. I also swc

mentholatum but that also does not seem to help much.

There was an invitation from/ Williams about a :
(January 11th--Friday night)
ception/for Harvey Greer and Floyd Andrus. Those two brethren are i

main movers in buying the Aero-Jet land for the mon Center. I J

know the time-frame but I guess there was some opposition, in those

The Mormon Center purchas^ has turned out to be a good thing for t'

The new Sacramento, CA Temple will be built on the land.

that the Church owns 47-acres? A new right-of-way will have to be

chased so the access to the temple will be improved.

There was also a long letter from Sis. Norma^ohr Cutts, The C

are serving a mission in the Tonopah, NV Mission^ That might be the-

mission where George and Phyllis Tucker worked? Norma told about ei~~

member of her family. The Mohr Care Home is still closed, per Romet

would think that it is a

mortgage paymentycome in to them, on ^the horn$yj Keith Shaw sent a o—
Ryan will be 19-years on =
letter. All seems well with that family.

We sent a birthday card to Ryan. He will go on his mission in May,

It is a gI
We received replacement VISA cards today.
with Schools ;«d“tUnl3u%J«/JK»t athe $25j
to do business
frtiinfi .. Ml* 1 1 Hn. problC—
— uesday, January 8 , 2002. ^ ju^K

-fids 6~h/ ji^tc^cUJ fe

in it's griP*
*he cold and congestion in my lungs and head still held me
shopping at
t up and drive Lou to her evening class and did some
I was still spitting up phlegm and co
breathe. Too bad to
siy lungs. My nasal drip subsided a bit so it was easier to
iffed too
I must have sn
contemplate, but I think that my lungs are really weak.

nnuch Chlorox or strong cleaner fumes and burned my lungs.

I had a
I worked on the Schools Credit Union statements.
of $796.54 and Lou
distribution from my I.R.A. (individual retirement account)
My I.R.A. balance is now
had a distributuion of $571.91, total $1,368.45.
both of us is now j |
$18,696.88 and Lou's balance is $10,683.44. The total for

$29,380.32.The I.R.A. is a good personal investment, j is maintaining the balance |

of almost $30K, even with the required distributions.! earn 6.24% and Lou

earned 3.91% My rate will continue until -14 July, 2003 . A good interest rate. , 1n
Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital this morning.

She said that the hospital is in a disarray and the beds are not often

made up and the geriatric patients are not brought to the activity room, etc.

Lou is having me fill out the enrollment forms for the hospital patients. I

thought that we did not have to fill out those "busy work" forms anymore, but I

was mistaken. There are about 100 patients in the hospital, not that many forms

We have not started receiving the withholding forms for

the year 2001. The forms will be mailed later this month. Lou^payroll
from FCUSD should be received either tomorrow orThursday. I never can antici-
>ate how much Lou's payroll check wi // be# Will we
pay back the $2K to
Mary Lou rested this afternoon, She went out and
cut the
reenery needed for her floral class. Eight students showed up.
Even Maudean
robresh showed up and enrolled. She is the lady who
works at Bank
n Rancho Cordova. Maudean has been in Lou's classes for
I went to COSTCO and bought
a few items. x
ny some trim and put around the paneling in the want
master bedroom.
lint smears are showing and they can be covered
UP by the trim
Crase the paint smears/Jwill boards.
>t tried to need about four — 8
>ver the smears. I was glad to be feeling somewhat ~foot
better today-
-up &
if! at » em!
wtiaiitisuciy , o anuai, y Z.KJKJ Z.
ip>* w ip*) u
* 9

Mary Lou started her family history class at the Cordova Senior Center

today with success. Over 15 people enrolled. She showed one of the K
sponsored videos. Bob Crabtree also had one of his training videos.

The weather is warming up a tad and the days are gettin

longer. There is light until after 5 p.m. now. The evenings seem lor
but we keep busy and the time glides right along.

I have not read any of those Winter Olympics booklets tl

Scott gave me when I was in Salt Lake City, UT. The Olympic torch i

being run by individuals, across the U.S.A. Different prominent peop

in different locations run the torch to the next runner. Frankly, I

not followed the trail of the torch in the media.

There has not been any wor<jt^drom Scott about his plans

come to Utah for Lucent Company and help provide security. It would

that he is on a very strict schedule and probably won’t have any tim€

visit us, if we travel there over February 1, 2, and 3, 2002. As me*

tioned, we are leaving the plans with Keith. He has a lot of influe^
• i
with Scott so hopefully something can be wor

My plans for a medical check are a bit uncertain. Wh-

/ out to pick up the newspaper, I had some discomfort,/3:9m the co

My lungs are especially sensitive. Then, I am still^' /Tup phle

out of my lungs. I want to call Dr. Green at Kaiser and have him ch-

out my lungs. For one thing, I have not had high temperatures so tlh

a plus for me. I want to call Dr. Green for a regular appointment.

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. this morning. Her p J

check did not come in the mail. She had some new people enroll in t

Family History class. The deadline for her bus trip reservations is

ridaya January 11th. With Jerry Moorman, she needs about 45 people
as I
/ the trip. Jerry said that the trip to
planned. Lou had her doubts that she will h soglt wln be "nipg
the trip. The trip is scheduled for Janaa*y . San Francisco trip.
i, - rn see « "‘L
3iursday, January 10, 2002.

llection ff
sent the payment to Sears so I hope that I don’t get anymore co
We '
ces . supply vendors.
I also sent checks to Lou's flower and floral
Sicked up plants at Greenleaf Wholesale and delivered them
able to
and I «as
My nasal track seemed to open up today
I sleep at lot
■reathe easier. I still have the serious lung congestion.
luring the day. The house is cold as the furnace does not heat
. Hospital.
Mary Lou came home at noon from Folsom Conv
There *»:
and Morphew.
She ha0/ plans to deliver flowers from orders by Drs. Chang
was a floral design show at Greenleaf. Mary Lou said that she picked up
We had
designing tips, even though attending the show for just a few minutes.

luck in delivering two plants. The people had had deaths in their families.

We hear the rumor that Dr. Beth Morphew is divorcing Lynn.

i t
They seemed compatible. Dr. Beth has been
I never would have suspected that.

married and divorced,, to Deana's father. I remember being impresssed with Dr. I
Beth's wedding pictures^at a Riverbank Church. My impressioon-from. the

photos was that Dr. Beth took her wedding vows seriously. To bad, to hear1/
tfaybe the pressures of the chiropractic office expanding contributed to the /

We delivered a plant & an anniversary card to Molly and

Sldon Miller. It was their anniversary yesterday. We sang, "For He's A Jolly
3ood Fellow," to them. Joshua and Jared were at home. Eldon came from some
cind of meeting? It is usually windy and rainy, on their anniversary date, I

Mike called and wanted to go with us to the Oakland

:his week. I do not have a recommend. He wanted to know why I voted
he procurement of the Mormon Center, back in the 1980’s.
I hope that "
ance is Still in the Church," and that I will be forgiven
for my rash
ot much "fuss" was made about my decision, back then.
(Floyd Andrus wonders to Mary Lou "why I don’t like him. A unanimous final
ision would have been better. / The Flakes He tried to get. de-
along with me
sent a thank-you note for the •-/
ranges (gift) given to them. I hear that Marcia Flake
nd attend Margo when the baby is born. I hear that the wants to come out <3
3 be a girl. Lou received her payroll check from FCUSD baby is expected
must take the pick-up truck into a glass shop to for $1,801.
hield. replace the
Replacing the headliner will be another expensive
eeds some repair and. d
detallihS «°rk aS lt h3S been ne8leCt6d
Friday, January 11, ZUUZ.

The plans for the trip to San Francisco with " Around The World Tours,'

(Jerry Moorman) on January 18th, were pretty much finalized.

The bus
not completley full but advertising effo^will go on this week, to fil]

The seating capacity of 44 passengers was nearly reach*

by the deadline today. Josie, at the Cordova Senior Center reception

collected for some seats. We sent those checks to Jerry, along with m

check for $29 . It is possible to receive a refund on my fare, if the

is full. We will be leaving from the Senior Center at 7:30 a. m • 9 1/18

Mary Lou had some work to do, in notifying the passen^

She made calls to pe^ople who signed up tut didn't pay their money, i

also sent e-mails, to confirm the trip. She will just receive paymen

from FCUSD for three hours, the time of her Friday class
■JM011 pa
ing class will continue in the activity room as the members^carry on

It will be enjoyable to go to the Bay Area againyon the tour bus.

I took Lou over to the Cordova Senior Center for the i

Painting class . Then, I went to Kaiser to pick up another "penlet,"

the diabetes injections. The one that I bought is an off-brand but i

work okay. I also bought one of those needle sets for use by itself,

pharmacy sold me some cartridges to go in the new "needle holder" als

Lou had an active class. :Some 15 oil painters si^

up for the class thfs term. Lou stayed after class to give some ind

ual instruction. She went to the Adult Education office to complete

cords and turn in about $400 in enrollment money. I am glad that sh

ed in the money today and didn't keep it around the house#.

Julia's Uncle George died. H-
Scott sent an e-mail.
He was a fr:<
at the wedding for Scott and Julia, in Washington, D.C.

rni t i irnnhle finding *_j ->•< o

y, January 12, 2002.

5 surprise today was the birth of a baby girl to Margo and Michael,
6 ' BIC v,- / .
C even know at which hospital tlie baby was born? Margo!s mother ^

3 q planning to come out this wayjand care for the new Mother and baby.

I did hear that both Chloe and Sophie were at the hos-

>itcttal w^en the baby girl was born. Chloe was able to cut the umbilical cord.
flov>w ^bout that for thoroughly modern birthing? Mike/. Mary Lou and gave her

thrhe good news. I haven't heard what the parents will name the new girl.

Pes erhaps the baby came a bit earlier than expected as I didn't think the new

c"r:hild would be born until the end of January.

This was a cool and foggy day. I felt a lot better,

my recent cold and congestion. I am breathing better and there is not so

much phlegm in my lungs. I was up and around the house today. I did some

shopping at Raleys and that took me out of the house.

The Allebes* called and said that they have some vases,
to give to Mary Lou. They had just returned from Utah for a funeral for
19W M A
Sis./ Allebes' brother, in Ogden. Ted has retired from being a full-time

^rtist^and 7. 1 believe that they owned an arts and crafts

She is a quilter and has quiltjon display in the Church Museum, in

Salt Lake City, UT. Photos of the quilt^have also appeared in Church/

.. Tci' the

Sun Bridge Care homeJin Carmichael. They^say that If Judy is quite alert and

would like visitors.

1 Erma
ft? 6Staples 97V-3/O0
knew Judy, when the Alleoes' lived in Hunts-

ville, UT. I also knew the father, Ted. He was an artist at Aero-Jet and rode

his bicycle to work, almost until the time of his death. I surely like the

Allebes family. They are emigrants from Holland. "You can't beat the Dutch.”

I worked on reconciling the credit union statement for

Mary Lou. A checking deposit was placed in the savings account. I asked

them to transfer the funds. Mary Lou has about $1,600 in her checking
M Mary Lou went right to work, cleaning and sorting the ar
in "Michael's room." I am amazed constantly
when she vows to do a certain task.
in a "wild card play^w
*■ V» <a> score nea
■ - CL •
Gay-le Soren called from Boise, ID. bllC .__

with Scott Shaw in New York. Scott will not be coming West on rcu4ta
is t. It is the time of Scott and Julia!s wedding anniversary—WOW!

The wedding anniversary "trick" may be the one thing

prevents Scott from coming to the West early, on J Winter Olympics ^

security trip. It sounds "signed, sealed and delivered."

Mary Lou is relieved that Scott is not coming West ea


to see the family at Logan or Bear Lake, UT. She says that she jvhe

does not have the time^to go to Utah on a fast week-end trip and t

come back and face a full week of teaching in Adult Education. I

rather liked the idea of making the trip as it would be another c
tunity to see Scott, Keith and his family and play in the snow,
disputes/ the snow, snow-mobiling, sleddir^’ e
■pJ^MrsU' tV time
She says that my lungs are not well enough to be in' the cold for lor

Maybe later in the year we can see Scott out West, on a family visit

Mary Lou was up early. We went over'to the Miller’s b

and roused the Miller kids. They were up and about without any tro1

Josh and Jared were dressed and had some breakfast. Melissa was wi

to take Jared to Kaiser to have his back injuries checked out. Ja:

fell off the top bunk and had injuries. He looked very pale.

Lou took Joshua to Church services. Jared sai^ that

id him
medical people at Kaiser did not x-ray his back but just to.

and take Motrin. Jared plans to go back to high school

Millers went to Monterey, CA today, to celebrate their 20t
,ie 49-<
I just slept this morning. I didn’t watch t
ard in

game with Green Bay. The 49-er’s lost so will not go forw>r the

play-off games. Brett Favre and crew are iust too much fcj toda;
fin the
being playe* y Cent
t took
I don’t know about the other play-off games.
Will the Baltimore Ravens and the St. Louis ’r^?eri

iL'z.rirs* sf ‘u om Hof

ab°ut 3 p- t0 *1”“:LsDs:,‘si::
crafts supply boxes,
give away in her Arts visited Margo & baby at Mercy F
^ be given away.
Ary 14, 2002.

ather continues. We have some daffodil bulbs that are late, tr

Id ” we/
;d . ^/e have some planting mix so the bulbs could be planted soon. 'NV
I notice that some bulbs are already up and blooming,

ne t- neighborhood. I wonder when the almond trees will be out in bloom?

we^ather is cold so it may be a while before we see a lot of blossoms.

We did not hear from Jared Miller, so he must have gone

hi\.s classes this morning. Jared is working on reports for required reading

■ "Julius Caesar," by Shakespeare, I have never read that play. When in the
saw and
hil^iippines, we/heard the young men at the Roman Catholic School present the
pla-.y. It would be a challenge to read the play, "Julius Caesar." Jared is

al^^o working on a report for physical fitness, in his gymnasium class.

Mary Lou had me drive her to the Arts and Crafts class.

StiTie took a lot of supplies in boxes. The folks in the class like to have the

imnaterials, for their own use. A lot of the material was gone, when I came

l^ba^k at noon. There was quite a bit of yarn. It is expensive. Some

Qf the folks in the class like to use yarn, in their crafts projects.

I came home and had a slow morning. I have not received

he Motor Vehicles renewal for the Toyota. I want to go to the Motor Veh.

office and pick up a "January" sticker for my license frame. The one that I

have is really faded. I must take in the registration slip, to obtain it.

There w£re many claims that the war new/is "managed."

For one thing, Vice President Richard Cheney has not been on the scene for

weeks and months. Has he been ill? If so, there has not been any officia

acknowledgement. Every little bit of news about Pres. Bush seemed to be

handled by the "spin doctors." For example, there are reports that Bush

off a couch, while watching a football game. He was alone and bruised h

*•> n d correct news reports do not seem to be forthcoming. Wh

the fighting of the war? Political prisoners a
r the Afghani war prisoners are# being brougl
4-'arnment . They are a^lldJbunch.. S
T*red and Joshua came ov
*^dv1s house,
♦* s . -a1*
This was a beautiful diiu

cold so a coat was necessary, when out-of-doors.

cast is for Friday, the day that we are scheduled to go to San Franc '

Mary Lou has sent out e-malls that the trip to the Baj V

Area is "go" for Friday. I think that Jerry Moorman is about ten sh

of filling the 44-passenger "Around The World" tour bus.

Jerry has,

served the bus so he may be taking a loss because the bus is not fvCOia

There was an e-mail from Scott that he will not be Th

West on February 1, 2, and 3rd. Keith is disappointed, Ifm sure.
reason(s) given is that he wants to be in New Hyde Park for his v
of Fe
anniversary. I believe that the wedding date was about the 8th
That is too bad to hear because I would have liked to see Scott

Then, Gayle Soren and family would have liked to go to Utah^to see Sco

Gayle Soren mentioned that Ron is back working dn the

back-hoe with his friend. I believe that they are working in a small

town called " Council, ID." Gayle said that Ron failed the test with E!

Company because he did not study. I believe that Janel works for EDS C

EDS is owned by Ross Perot, the maverick politician from Texas.

There have been a couple of specialty hospitals and Se

Housing places open up in the neighborhood. The senior housing is or

land next to Raleys, near Madison and Hazel. There is a hc^spitel f

the "mentally impaired,"at Hazel and Sunset. I think that means Alz
mior build
heimers patients. It is easier for developers to get zoning for se
.i the mor
Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital, i?
fen But, Lo
The attendance was down in her evening Floral Design class. and food
^s ey
•keeps the students moving. I went to COSTCO for gasolinef that th<

Market indicators sa:

Gasoline is down to about $1.14 now. They are
;o the use

»P In the sink. I 't. 8>»e »
that newer diabetes test ki • w morning. Scott
with Scott Setterlund (sp) Frankly, I have not alw
cator and seems willing to help- test for my blood a
results with Scott though. I need J
ary 14, 2002.

Id ather continues. We have some daffodil bulbs that are Tate,

id. Je have some planting mix so the bulbs could be planted soon.
------ /
I notice that some bulbs are already up and blooming,

he ne •ighborhood . I wonder when the almond trees will be out in bloom?

we^ather is cold so it may be a while before we see a lot of blossoms.

We did not hear from Jared Miller, so he must have gone

hi _s classes this morning. Jared is working on reports for required reading

■ "^Julius Caesar,” by Shakespeare, I have never read that play. When in the
saw and
hil^L ip pines, we/heard the young men at the Roman Catholic School present the

Pla^y. It would be a challenge to read the play, "Julius Caesar." Jared is

al^so working on a report for physical fitness, in his gymnasium class.

Mary Lou had me drive her to the Arts and Crafts class.

SlThe took a lot of supplies in boxes. The folks in the class like to have the

mjaater ials, for their own use. A lot of the material was gone, when I came

*“ba£k at noon. There was quite a bit of yarn. It is expensive. Some

cf the folks in the class like to use yarn, in their crafts projects.

I came home and had a slo-w morning. I have not received

^he Motor Vehicles renewal for the Toyota, I want to go to the Motor Veh.

office and pick up a "January11 sticker for my license frame. The one that I

have is really faded. I must take in the registration slip, to obtain it.

There w£re many claims that the war nevr^fls "managed."

For one thing, Vice President Richard Cheney has not been on the scene for

weeks and months. Has he been ill? If so, there has not been any officia

acknowledgement. Every little bit of news about Pres. Bush seemed to be

handled by the "spin doctors." For example, there are reports that Bush

off a couch, while watching a football game. He was alone and bruised h

-nd correct news reports do not seem to be forthcoming. Wh

v^ut the fighting of the war? Political prisoners a
£ the Afghani war prisoners aret keing broug*
"^rnment. They are atylbunch . S
Tared and Joshua came
' dy1s house, n*
This was a beautiful tillKX

cold so a coat was necessary, when out-of-door s. j. n -w _

cast is for Friday, the day that we are scheduled to go to San Francj^ I

Mary Lou has sent out e-mails that the trip to the Baj r

Area is "go" for Friday, I think that Jerry Moorman is about ten sb
of filling the 44-passenger "Around The World" tour bus. Jerry has

served the bus so he may be taking a loss because the bus is not ficom;

There was an e-mail from Scott that he will not be Th

West on February 1, 2, and 3rd. Keith is disappointed, I'm sure.
reason (s) given is that he wants to be in New Hyde Park for his v
of Fe
anniversary. I believe that the wedding date was about the 8th
That is too bad to hear because I would have liked to see Scott

Then, Gayle Soren and family would have liked to go to Utah^to see Sco

Gayle Soren mentioned that Ron is back working dn

back-hoe with his friend. I believe that they are working in a small

town called " Council, ID." Gayle said that Ron failed the test with f

Company because he did not study. I believe that Janel works for EDS

EDS is owned by Ross Perot, the maverick politician from Texas.

There have been a couple of specialty hospitals and S<

Housing places open up in the neighborhood. The senior housing is o

land next to Raleys, near Madison and FLazel. There is a hospital i

the "mentally impaired,"at Hazel and Sunset. I think that means A1

nior builf
heimers patients. It is easier for developers to get zoning for sd
,i the moj
Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital, if
But, L'
The attendance was down in her evening Floral Design class. and food

keeps the students moving. I went to COSTCO for gasoline that tl


Market indicators sa?

Gasoline is down to about $1.14 now. They are
o the us
i appoint
Of gasoline x ei^^di.he^.gai^
Art ssa1.*
/ugar iadi

With Scott Setterlund (sp) for t kl t have not aiv

cator and seems wiling to help- test for my blood d
results with Scott though. I need |
the appointment with Scott Setterlund at Kaiser. He gave m e w*
t tctto
ie y- ^o^er and injector that will work with my older diabetes kit.

s^ou^d help me solve my diabetes testing problems, Afl8feher cool day.

-___ f
Scott Setterlund gave me^the injector and it should work

rifight • So, I am discarding the threelkits that I have and going back to

- ° *>ld method of taking my blood sugar readings. My reading tonight was 233.

Scott also gave me a lab sheet to have the "A1C" tested,

aat^ is a type of average of my blood sugar reading^/ Scott said that my latest
eaci.dings are up over M9n so that is not good for my health^ ^ K:

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital and at the

Bar»:miiy History class. Lou said that one student paid the tuition money but

sa-*3id that the class was not for her. No reason was given. Very few potential i f
s*~tudents have opted out of Lou!s classes and wanted their money back. Lou
seaid that information was given in a KBYU video about family research in China,

3Tl hear that the Communists have destroyed family records in China. The

totalitarians always seek * to break down families. These Chinese citizens

m5*de special efforts to preserve their family records.

I finally did the dishes so that job is out of the way.

,j/here are some pots and pans still to run through the dishwasher. We went to

Beth Morphew's chiropractic office. I didn!t dare ask her about the di-

vorce rumor (from Lynn Morphew) that is going around.

We heard some bad news about the health of Phyllis Tuck

She has evidently had some kind of stroke and imagined tha ^ a wood-pedyer w-’

flying around in her room.. They put her in another care placelbut she T.5s r

back in Clinton, \JT,jfrom what I hear. Too bad about dear Dhyllis Tucker.

Melissa Miller wanted me to take her and some friend?

the airport. I was a bit late in picking her up and they had already lef
— cr ladies are going to San Diego as one of the friends is re­
— •. " o down there. Melissa plans to stay over the week-end.
from the Monterey area on Monday night. Holly
~^od time down there and saw many out-c
** totally different from
ific Grove also.

’ e back in c
r X.

cool (cold?) weather CUM w^

spray the peach trees fori curl, I don’t thin*. u ..._

^ome oUt on the trees. I was not feeling well. Will I go to S.F.Frida

I had a very slow day, being in bed from morning to

I binged on some sweet stuff and carob-covered peanuts and that did not
r help me feel better. I am glad to be able to test my blood sugars aga

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. hospital. We are co ISt


cerned about the bus trip to San 'Francisco tomorrow. From the forec* si

the weather wil be good. Jerry Moorman reported that 33 riders have
The bus will be about 7 57o^j^apaclty .1 fy s
up for the trip. remember Jer'
, ab
ing that he lived in the Bay Area at one time and is a history buff
prior events ne tri
the A. of that city. We will be in good hands tomorrow, on V

Mary Lou worked around the house, this afternoon. She

washed the pots and pans. She always has "the woman’s touch," ar pund th

kitchen. Lou went over to Janie Erickson1s house for her weekly oil

painting lesson. The ladies are still working on that tree and river

scene about the Fair Oaks Bluffs. There is a controversy about the Bluf

as mentioned in "The Neighbors," a section of the Sacramento Bee.

QMjyi A conim:U:tee wants to purchase the land along the top o

the bluff; between Sunrise Boulevard and the east side of the old Fai

Oaks Bridge. I don’t know much about the negotiations but the newspap
reports that time has run out for the committee to purchase tlie
tributions are solicited but I believe that "BIG BUCKS are i
members w
It was Relief Society nijjht:. The 4th Ward n

invited to the meeting. Lou said that/ saw many of J r

er old fj

The ladies work on crafts projects and other cultural Pr°je,th Ward?
wonders if Elaine Sharp is the Relief Society president in 4-argo
. . „ . fe ladies
Holly and Mary Lou were going up to visit
e new bal
at the <
called and asked ttf th Dak-
Shaw and the new baby, &a Maria. Mike
6 H SC

her school term.

,anuary 18, 2002.
L^ay J'

and I went with the group of family researchers and artisans.

Lc .ou
iran^ ' SCO, CA. It was a pleasant trip for the 34 or so passengers.

ido.n't hear any complaints, Jerry Moorman, Around The World Tours,
Sutro Library
c -Ton genial. Lou and I went to/. and to the National Archives.

We were up early and went over to the Senior Center,

er re ^ere some bus riders already there, awaiting the bus. It was a new

JS,, 9 price quoted around a quarter of a million $$$$. It will take a lot

f " trip^to amortise the cost of the bus towards a pay-off.

Jerry had the tour organized. He even assigned the

ses^ats so that he knew where people were sitting. We were off to the Bay

Ar^rea at 7:30 a.m. The hills.ides are ge tting^ reen with the seasonal

g»~;rowth. Cattle were/ the grass. We buzzed right along in the

t -Traffic . It was a clear and beautiful day to travel the 100 miles or so.

As promised, Jerry served the continental breakfast.

It is pleasant not to have any unpleasant surprises. Jerry talked about

the history of San Francisco. He didn't hand out any pens or other

gCodies, like he did on the earlier trip. We went across town, on Van

j^f3ss Boulevard and then went towards the ocean on Geary Street.We went by

t‘he San Francisco Civic Center, Japan Town, etc.

Margrit Grogan was in charge of the group at the

rt Museum. Chris Prentice went with that group. Jerry and the driver

s to Sutro. Library. We were there by 9:30 a.m. 1 researched some of

the city directories in Stanislaus County and in Weber County, UT. I

found mention of John and Josephine Shaw, ^i^ed back i^n^the^^r l^^^j^s .

|l also saw some listingfof ffdmund ShawjJ Several^ of nis daughters were

chool teachers locally. Aunt Clarice Shaw was also a teacher. The

utro Library has a lot of materials on the various states. There was
Iso listings for Venis and Erma Shaw, working at local "Dime
T euess that was their chance to get off the farm, out in
supervisor at the National Archives will try to
vtqgENBOTHAM, JUNIOR and his incarceration '
Eugene was probably in
« TT imejs, etc, I
* -UAri up #the

was quite an enjoyable trip tu ^

un^ecided as to whether I \70uld go, until the last minute. j. aiu

1 made the effort. We were tired from the trip and rested a lot today 9

The folks who went to the art museums in downtown San ['

Francisco had some walking to do. I sat by Mickey Thomas on the way h
She seemed tired from the walking, We made good connections, dropping

and picking up the people. Mickey told me about living in the Washin

D.C. area for thirty or so years. One of her daughters is to be re-rvi

married back there soon and Mickey plans to attend the wedding festi

Chris Prentice does not talk much about the current

situation of her divorce from Ed Prentice. By accident or design,
h th
Ed and talked with him recently, He seems willing to go ahead wit

finalizing details of the divorce, even without a lawyer involved*


does not seem to want a lawyer hired to represent her in the acti'0n*

Chris P. also talks about Mark Allen joining the milita

forces . Mark seems to want new adventure. Probably he will have to 1

his house go back to the lenders in Provo. Jason Allen and Becky are

living with her mother. Tim Allen and Sandy would have to find a new

place to live. We hear that Tim is trying to get a grant to help him

a living unit as he is ill and needs some help with housing matters,

Holly Miller is not feeling well, with a cold at*d th

Mel j
She is pretty much bed —ridden with the effects of the illness*
ady fr
is expected back from her trip to San Diego with some young 3
3l and h
Jared drove Lou to the airport in our car, to pick up Meliss.
pals. The airplang was late, coming in from San
I believe that the trip/w/s
brought the young ladies home. * “
•>w the
« I don*t kn^Massach
other fWend, who goes to college in San Diego.
In the football division play-offs. the Nefo overt
Patriots beat the Oakland Raiders, in the snov a ° > Orleans
There was a controversy in the "tight ®a‘'J”defeatej the £*£“49
the loss by Oakland. The Philadelp la 3 in NeW imore R
The Super Bowl is scheduled for Sunday,.«ry _
Playing in the snow did not look g along with the i «
Patriots. So the Tampa Bay Bu*(iminated and also the BaltJ
Also, the Miami Dolphins were
This is tb,
Loucoi w as upset, but I did not attend Church services today.
n row that I have missed. I slept about all morning. Keith Shaw

a* i an d laments that Scott cannot take time to visit, during the Olympics.
Mary Lou was really "miffed" that I did not go with her to

me^etings at First Ward. She said that it will be Ward Conference over there

t Sunday. Bp. Titera and the* leadership! trying to move the membership

Lou picked up 2002 Churchj directories for the Millers and for us.

I didn’t watch the game, but the Pittsburgh Steelers beat

ne Baltimore RavejrfJ* So, the Ravens will not repeat their Super Bowl appear-

knc«^e again this year. I did watch the St. Louis Rams beat up on the Green Bay
^ac^ckers, later in the day. So, next Sunday, it will be thePatriots at the

Stc. eelers and the Eagles at the St. Louis Rams. The Rams are a "well-oiled

ma-«achine" and I expect them to win. I don’t know much about the Steelers & .Pats.

Fa or sure, the S.F. 49*ers and the Oakland Raiders have been elimiaated!

Keith seems to get depressed, around this time of

f)tJD C/0I~D
JFyear• Maybe,- it’s the snowj or perhaps it is the af t er-Chr is tmas blues? Keith

sa;Xd that they have not heard from Elder Riley Shaw for a couple of weeks. The

ung lady friend, Laura, has been getting letters. Keith accepts the fact that
g^;ott Shaw will be busy during the days that he is out West for the Olympics.

o, Scott may not be able to even visit with Keith and family. We’re kind of
elieved that we don’t have to go by airplane to Utah, over February 1, 2 and

fhat would be a fast and expensive trip 9 > for Mary Lou and Bob, tiring also.

Mary Lou worked on keyboarding family records for Jean

arland’s family members. I don’t know where she finds the time to do that 1
or others. Then, she was down to the airport/in the afternoon, picking up

lissa and friends. I was left home, watching the football games. Lou
~wih me all dayI because of my failure to attend my Church meetings

bein.g placed ato

-,v*out an "A
7JV oroni" statue
Cub ftp did'
'K^ut Pres. Thomas Morffeon/tf
"~~Q their eyes an
x ♦-
has b

M.l- kING holiday. What's W J. _ _

Holly was HI and Lou took her to Raiser, to be checked.

day > with some rain. Mark Allen is joining the Army—adventure, for

It is an unusual turn of events with Mark. He is lea

for the Army enlistment soon and coming down here to Sacramento to se'
mother. Mark is in his early 30 Ts but he is in good physical shape.
will allow him to keep up with his other basic training buddies. Hop
he can put his "BLACK BELTHin Karate into good use and earn promotif*
Mark is very resourceful and the Array life just might agree with hi,
Mark was helpful to Sandy Allen’s father, in Cortez^ £r

when he was alive. A bothersome happening was Mark’s early releas

his Church mission to Wisconsin. From what I remember, Mark just
in Co
conform to the mission rules and was sent home early. The house

is now owned by his mother, Chris Prentice.

Then, Mark took care of his father, Tim Allen,for Year

Tim and Sandy lived in Mark’s house in Provo, UTAH, Tim’s health is nc

deteriorating and Tim and Sandy will have to find a new place to live.

Jason and Becky Allen are now living with her mother, with their baby.

will become of the house? The last I heard, Mark was living in his s
trailer home in Idaho Falls, ID. We wish Mark all of the luck in/wor

Mark had a good record as an insulation installer, working with Tom f

He told us of a lady friend from SLC, UT but I don’t think that they
now close? It was pleasant to have Mary Lou around the house to

She keeps busy, for sure. Lou took Holly to Kaiser health P>an’ in
s ninf
ville . That always takes a lot of time.Today was Andrea Sha£—
gh with
jo rk birthday. Lou tried to call she could not get throu

the birthday message,

Jared was supposed to come over tod
but h
to help his mother, when she was so ill. the .to?

^ ^ It is still a challenge for me to clean offeted th

/}/v0 ORZSStfcjfSQgp/zpOM'
deskj Also , a challenge, is to get our home teaching
. isits.
chor'tts on I
We have two new inactive families and that is we cl Water I
arrange for ^re visits b°£ Collins

insnir ational thought and that street and the Eiixoj

th. hv.n. oJh* irrlg.tio" ..<j
! ^venue. Mr. Evans worked for J
esday, January 22, 2002.

well under not'

= tp^worV. today for Mary Lou. She seems to do so
Seaiy circumstances, at Folsom Conv. Hospital. She has a "going

"budding florists," at the Cordova Senior Center. The ineom^ tax re-months.
than three
^irn statements are starting to come , in the mail. Tax day is/less
. Hospital. Shelby
I took Mary Lou to work at Folsom Conv Stores
K-Mart/ going into
ets upset about economic things, She is worried about
K-Mart has about
ankruptcy and that depression-like conditions might happen.

*,100 stores and is about the third leading department store Mont-Komery Ward^J
— notice that a home supply store and lumber place will °ef._Sen to the glass
_ocation, Sunrise & G'back.(/Mv olan to have theCheyrolet pick^uf m
✓- /
3hoo*p for a windshield replacement did not work out. Surprise of surprises, the
v 1
Tiding lawn mower started up. I mowed the east lawn.

about the weeds along the south property line.

I couldn't do much

Those weeds will have to be


tilled. The lawn mower cuts quite well. 1

in the back storage room.

Jared Miller came over this afternoon and helped Mary Lou

They put away Christmas decorations and swept

the floor. Jared helped me complete the lawn mowing. He seems to like to
irive the lawn mower. Mary Lou fixed him a nice flower arrangement at her

:lass tonight. Jared plans to give the flowers to one of his high school pals.
We are receiving statments of income taxes withheld in

!001. The tax day will be in less than three months, Time moves along rapidly.
erry Moorman did not mail back the $29 checK* He wrote a note that he was
nder the break-even point for the trip to San Francisco and/. all of the
ayments to pay the expenses. I don't mind paying the $29—it was a good trip,

An interesting news story is about the American

who fought
or the Taliban in Afghanistan. The young man is being brought back
t0 the USA

urch, at abg^he same gj>f. It's all a matter of attitude &
sss Elders Riley/and Jaron/for their missionary labors, i
r Mary Lou's evening class. Gasoline is down to about*$1C0STC°
t0 buy rm
4, at the
ars sent a notice that they have taken off the $25 l pump,
December 24th. Sears is a dependable and f^ir charge, on our g |
;ount on
comp9flfy--(jf\^ hi !
The attendance in Mary Lou1s Family History class is up, with some moi

folks enrolling. The cold weather continues—"Baby, it1 s cold outsid

There was a bad surprise this morning. We tried to ge

Toyota running and it would not start, There have been some strange

noises in the engine for the past few days. Could it be linked to sm

"juice" that I put in the engine, for the bi-yearly smog test? The

engine turned over but the car would not start — repairs on cars keep

poor . Maybe we should consider getting another automobile? Lou put

quilt over the engine last night, to serve as a buffer againsfthe frt

weather but I don’t think that the engine has been frozen out?

Mary Lou was off to the Folsom Conv, Hospital, for he;

shift . She turned in her attendance sheets at the Adult Education o

Also, she turned in her payroll statement for the month. There will

a short payroll check on February 10th. I am so pleased that Mary L1

does not get "bogged down" by paperwork and has a habit of turning i-i

her required attendance and enrollment reports, etc. on time. WOW!

AiA^hel used one more of Bob Crabtree's videos from the KI

source , at I family history class meeting. Lou says that the vid

are excellent in quality. Some more folks signed up in the clas&=

As I always say, "Nothing/ so well as success."

There is controveysay about the Afghanistani prison^

_ *
being detained at} Bay, in Cuba. There are questions aboi
their fair treatment and humane handling, The news reports say th<

prisoners will not be brought to the military base down in Cuba,


On the sports page of the Bee, were stories about Cc^

Mariucci of the 49'ers and Coach Gruden, of the Raiders, The 49'ei,

is probably at the \
to want to keep their coach but Gruden's job
owner, Mr./Davis. There will be some changes all aJou"d’
What to do about the Toyota "^.^p^ Tt starts rf
thing that we can fall back on the cheJr°j^ J? by computer, showing
and has a solid engine. Mike sent som photo. I wonder if ML
She is a cute baby and lofks healthy, in P d Margo? We have,
imrlfi ■■ Sk£ZZ hnine out this way, to care for
24, 2002

t yat ^ * Jared also helped Mary Lou trim the hydrangea plant out front!'

Jared was a lot of help, moving the dirt in the front

:d. ^ had aj)ile of dirt piled agains't’the fence. I used the tractor with a
ontit bucketlto Wve most of the dirt. Jared dug the dirt from around the roots
■ t'^he shrubs and placed it in some of the holes <J&n the front lawn.

I mowed about half of the west lawn. The riding mower

Jor5rks well. Sorry, I didn’t have it serviced by Sears. They came out but I was

aws fay from home when they were here. There is also water dripping in the re­

fr^*rigerator and the repairman was also here for that maintenance agreement job.

This was trash day. We are glad to get rid of the dis-

c^cards each week. The garbage trucks are so efficient, with their hydraulic
- lifts. The garbage/drivers don’t have to lift the trash cans and the methods

are clean andjsanitary, for sure.

What to do about the Toyota, to get it running, is

a problem for us. I dislike paying repair bills. Lou called GEICO Auto In-

gurance and they are willing to send a tow truck and haul the Toyota to Steve’s

pal Expo Garage in North Sacramento. The tow truck people will be here tomorrow..

Mary Lou did a big task today, mailing in her application

for renewal of her CLEAR GENERAL ELEMENTARY teaching credential. I filled out

the application for Lou and she sent a $55 check for renewal. Lou says that

she wants the credential in effect while she is still able to teach. Lou work­

ed so hard to earn the credential, back in the 1960’s. She went to college

while carrying Michael, before his birth. Education means a lot to her.

Lou went visiting teaching to Joann Rollins* home. I

joked with Joann about/ car traveling about 500 feet down Arboleda Street

•f ng up on a side banf^without any damage or injury! It reminds

born-again Christians, "This vehicle may be

n,nvota was unmanned, for sute#

--‘derstand jok^
Xhe tow truck came and moveu

Sacrainei*t o . Lou taught her oil painting class. We weut

It looks like a rain storm is blowing in, over the wee

Mary Lou called the GEICO Insurance Company and they will/

this morning, with their contract towing service. The truck came abq
10:30 a. m. I just don!t know what to expect about repairs. With th

whirring and
strange sounds in the engine, I suspect that it is somi

maj or. The odometer reads 218,367 miles so the mileage on the car t i

I took Lou to her oil painting class. Lou said tha

was a goodjsesslon this morning. I was back to pick her up at not

ran some errands and picked up flowers and potted plants, etc. L
to the computer class, taught by Jim Rader. She has missed 2 c

Jim R. welcomeJ'Mary Lou as an excellent gene^0^

instructor. Jim is quite a public relations man for family history

work. Lou picked up a lot of information in the group. She is learnl

to put information in to file^and retrieve them. It is good that Mar'

Lou has the ambition to pursue her computer studies.

I wonder how my sisters are doing? Erma Staples seem*

quite active when I visited her last fall. She was up and around.

Phyllis Tucker seems to be on the downward slope with her health. "

not know if she would know who I am, if I were to send her a greeti
in S t,
card . I donft hear much about Beth and Sherman Parker, dow/1
akely a
Utah. I hear from Dr. Beth Morphew that Karen and Bruce Bl^ George,
[Dr. Beth told us today that Bruce Blakely drove all of the way to Sb'th do in
leaving soon for St. George, UT.y How is dear Chyrl Markwoi
Her lot in life seems to be a lot of pain from her back co mower ai

I didn't have time to get back on the lawn;o be fi

She re
That job will have to wait t
the lawn, in the west yard.
the me<
in a few days. We saw Holly Miller at Dr . Beth's office.^ -t
. She will be off work for a few more days those
looked pale, that she has (ap>-
like Motrin, etc. t» *• ‘“>ld *' ‘ P“^—
bags on us, to keep warm.
, January 26, 2002 .
ed up the kitclr
c lea*1
Mary Lou
raining this morning. Surprise!
s tou ch ®^.ea
»'A woman
the dis fi mopped the floor.
home in Carm
i. " Ve visited Judy Allebes in the nursing Mari^y ;
this morning. bou and
The rain was a big surprise
They used pCitting soil,
Miller had planted some bulbs near the front door.
the bulbs a goo^S Start.
courage the bulbs to grow. The rain will give

We received word from Keith Shaw that life go 'es\ on much

anie in Cache Valley, UT. Keith seems to have money problems. Maybe it is

jse of him putting his energy into two jobs. I would imagine that t^e »job

s job" would be full of surprises. Maybe it is difficult for h-trn to get

. his "agreed uponyrate" at regular intervals. He is going to Some kind of
Corps instructional meeting: but I d,on!rt remember the detail^?
trying to work in time to see Keith and his family. That seesrus to be
:e time at the
fog soott
Olympics^ than I had first thought. Scott will be up in
rk City, UT, a resort town, most of the time. He wilj. have a
tE^tight work time.
Mary Lou cleaned up the kitchen. Michael started the
rk last night when he was here. She also called Gayle Soren. _ _ Ron is still
>rking on the job at "Council, ID."They have not heard from EZT

ar bill from
W/ft £ L&f
'lder Jaron Soren.
for the month did not have any extr
-a charges on it.
he bill from VISA card, School Employees Credit Union,
was o^er $1,300 —it will
e tough to pay next month.We will have to pay the bill with
savings money.
We delivered some flowers to Carraic
We stopped
it the nursing home to visit Judy Allebes. She sits in a wh^ee2c^a^r but looks

uite good. She had some difficulty recognizing us. Per th -ae Allebes family
abits she made some comments about Mary Lou’s grooming an^ clothing!
We made our Home Teaching visit to thje Dennis family.^
did not seeDan Dennis. He may be not feeling well. CBar__ lotte White
■**riting spell at the care home in Stockton, CA. T“e tennis 1 went
they could do for her. We have not b%en able to mak
* n*rrvn Nixon. We stopped cuts at
don^’t cut it often*
\/i I
will be First
® - ■* i with
SHAW MiYii.i X JL --------------


The last Fearless Flyer was #74.

printed June 14, 2001. Many events
since then. We will bring you up-to-
*l 22: Jaron Soren received his mission
call to Guatemala.
Vcnetta phoned and is in MO. nursing
date by referring to Bob’s diary. our brother, John Abbott. He has
Junl4:MabIe Earlenc Helton’s funeral cancer of the throat and polymyositis.
b |l5:The new carpet was laid. We took tjj 29: The seven passenger van came
a bus load of Lou’s students to S.F. loaded with Gayle, Owen, Jaron,
jo j20: We buzzed to the airport, met Camille, Shawn, Kaylena and Mariah.
Chris and Destiny, arrived in Boise. Pictures tell the rest of the story.
Don and Verna Cleverly were there. Aug 1st: Mike and Margo to S.F.
* 21: Enjoyed beautiful trip to McCall. Airport to catch the plane to Paris.
Chris drove. Joined Janet, Jill, Mary,
Lynn, Gayle, Shawn, Kaylcena,
Mariah, Camille, and Camille’s
4i 5:D Stoneman’s 80th at Hyatt Regency
14:Holly’s brush with death in an
accident at Madison and Highway 80.
friend, Heather, as well as Verna and The seat belt and airbag saved her life.
Don. (Ron was working in Salina, Their truck was totaled. No lives lost!
KS) Jaron Soren was there with his Ip/ 22: Chris, Bob & Lou flew to MO. In
college friend, Jillian Batman. Keith ' Independence we saw Fay, Vic, Janet
& Sandy came with Ryan, Reagan and Judy, who all showed us great
and Randon. Marc Allen arrived with hospitality. Fay was suffering from
his nephews, Carter and Hayden. “no see” flea bites she had contacted
in Florida. Kay Poore and Kelli Rose
■V 22: Fun at Payette Lakes, swimming,
kayaking, boating, hiking, and and children met us at the hospital
picnicking. The rafting did better in John was glad to see us. We stayed
the river. Returned to Boise and saw several days out at John’s ranch in
, preparation for Boise Days. Bellflower. John’s friend, Bonita
23: Early morning we saw the hot air Campbell, lived in town and was
balloons up in the sky. Keith and taking care of the ranch. John was
Carolyn Beck met us at the park. We moved to the Rusk Rehabilitation
saw the exquisite morning and the Facility. We had lunch with John’s
night balloon parades. Janel and son ,David, and visited with Nita and
Owen , Carolyn and Jared, Alyson the children. John’s son, Johnny and
and Jeremy and our great grandson, his family came over to the ranch for
Tyler, came to the Barbeque. Ron dinner. We drove over to Mexico,
came later. There was more rafting. Mo., where Lou had served part of
Janel did some caricatures for the kids her mission, Jan. 1949. We also drove {
and adults. Owen brought his guitar. to Jefferson City and had a tour in th<
July 4th: We had dinner with the Capitol Building. As of todayy John's
Millers and went over to the Park for cancer is gone. He is in pain with the
the Fireworks show. Susanna and muscle disease, but is feeling better, f
Clayton Nye joined us. He is gaining some pounds. He is nov .

f 18: Roger Sandry arrived from Utah

and tiled the bathrooms, entry,
^kitchen and under the wood burning
stove with large lovely tile.
at “Candlelight Lodge” R107, 1406
Business Loop West, Columbia, MO.
65203. Ph.(573)256-2426.
Sep 3rd: E-mail from Gayle, uthings
Tuesday, January 29, 2002 .We rea^ ab°ut Mit Romney, the son of George 1
We owned a Nash Rambler, back in the ^ '
It was a cool and clear day today. Having the snow fall yester

5-. quite an experience. There was not enough for the

■ snow to stay
ground for very long. Mary Lou completed the casket spray for
It has been cold all month. I was ill with a col
congestion for the first two weeks of the month. I would say i
has been an extra cold winter month of January.

I took Mary Lou to work at Folsom Conv. Hospital

said that Shelby, Stacy and Mary Lou were the only workers at

pital, working on Valentine Day decorations. The patients were si

Mary Lou had enough flowers on hand for the Hayc

i She came home at noon and went to work on assembling the caskt
I helped with stripping the roses and getting them ready for 1

spray. Lou said that the casket piece had about ten dozen roj

The Latin American roses that we purchased at COSTCO are espec

3 flowers . They are not all thorny and they look so regal.

j I delivered the casket piece to Price's Funeral

The attendant had me place the spray on the casket. It fit we

have to look for the obituary as I don't know much about Louis

There was not much rest for Mary Lou today.

the Floral Techniques class at the Senior Center. She


ha4> a
sponse from her invitation that student florists be invited to

Style Show Thursday at First Distributors. She is inviting si

About 16 plan to attend/

from her Arts and Crafts class also.

It was Bush's State of the Union Address today.

I did not see or hear the speech. I don't suppose that there w.

It is an expensive and bru

much new about e^'^bzlsm.
and I wonder where|it will end? Security is J^^et ^ppointmer
I must call Bp. John Martinez *"1“re"MeBd.
Wednesday, January 30, 2002.

Janet Dutton plans some railroading activity, around her birthday, March 18th

She wants to travel by train, Also, she wants to include us in the

railroad trip from Sacramento to Reno, NV. She will invite others also.

I was surprised to hear about some of Janet Dutton’s

plans. She is traveling now in Mexico. I don’t know i f her daughters went
down there to Mexico with her? The train traver)in March is (yuite ambitious.

Janet wants to gather us up and ride the train over the J that go to Reno.

The snowsheds/were originally built by Chinese and other laborers, over 100
years ago. I don’t recall ever making./ trip over the Sierras. I went up

through the Feather River Canyon on the old Western Pacific Railroad

Also, I rode a troop train from San Francisco, CA to

Atlantic City, NJ, when I was in the Coast Guard in 1945. That was not a very

pleasant experience. I lost my wallet and suspect that some gamblers on the

train picked it up. Also, I had an infection on my face from the unsanitary

conditions on the train. I had to go to the sick bay, when I arrived c

in Atlantic City, NJ. The California Zephyr was a better train to S.L.C., UT.

It will be fun to travel with Janet and the Abbotts, my family, etc. to Reno.

(Janet Dutton called tonight--the trains to Reno are all booked, no openings.)

Steve B • » at Cal Expo Auto Repair, will put a new alter-

=iator and brakes on the Toyota. I requested that he put good quality brake

■ads, shoes and rotors as the last «. .brake job by Steve did not seem to last

ong . We can pick up the Toyota tomorrow, total charges, about $550. WOW!

Mary Lou had another video f 0Y" her family history class.

b Rollins called about our home teaching. We have visited Carryn Nixon and

san and John Dennis. We did not contact Richard Elliott or the Evans.

11ins will mail a spiritual message to the Evsns* and the Elliotts.
We wonder what happened to Bob Perry, Carmita and family?
holiday calendar came back from their Bakersfield, CA address^ I
der if there has not been a break-up in the family? I once haft/Bob’s
iness address. Maybe I can locate it and send them a letter. Also,
ph Perry lives in the Placerville, CA area. He is a Stake Patriarch
El Dorado Stake, I believe. Carmita likes to spend long periods of time
her mother, down Yucatan, Mexico. There is now a Church Temple in her
now. The city is___*
Thursday, January 31, 2002.

Too bad that Janet Dutton cannot make reservations on the train t
Nevada, around the time of her birthday, March 18th.
Mary Lou
ton j
14 "budding f lor is tjll came to the Design Shaw at First Distribut

Even though Janet cannot make reservations on tl

train for March, I am sure that she will have other/ Maybe
will be to go to Utah, to see Keith, in the after-math of the

Olympics. Last year, she hosted her sisters at Laguna Beach,

Mary Lou rode down to the floral show at First

I tributors with Tona Wood. Mary Lou likes the challenge of be:

Tona . Then, about 14 of Lou’s class members attended also. '

could buy merchandise and charge it to Lou’s credit account, ii

Tona also bought Lou a box of Oasis. Tona said that she owed

I took Lou to work at Folsom Conv. Hospital. 1

ed her up, we went to Steve's Cal Expo Repair Garage. The bi]
$550, for the generator exchange and for the brake job. Steve

the Toyota started for him, even with the faulty generator. ]

the brake job holds up. We need a safe automobile, to drive i

That was quite remarkable to hear that Karen a

? Blakely went to St. George, UT, with Bruce driving, all of the

both seem to like the living conditions, in Southern Utah. Kar

duplex that is new and nicely decorated. They are near the Pari

We received notice of our SrT.R.S, deppsits todc

deposits by the State of California are regular and prompt. I P

VISA bill of $1,309.63 out of Lou's checkbook. I %also stopped f

I f ood . Anticipation is greater than realization with the (

The food is not all that good. The food seem

items from Raleys.

healthful as it seems to settle quite well with “Lic^alled.^She

The nurse from the Cholesterol 725 HDL q{
against cholesterol readings of triglycerr^ Jf
AST ( a liver function test) of 73- n complications and th
nurse warned that I could get kidney or liver^o P^ cholesterol. p
, , consult with my medical doctor a practical suggest '
should consult w in condition ^Medical p.opL
are quite " not want my health to fail. a tricky arl“ent
„ .n.^J^re^pfcture and "it is scary. Diabetes

Mr Austin N Abbott
1313 7th St SW
Alabaster, AL 35007-8868


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Friday, February 1, 2002.

The nurse from the Kaiser Chlosterol Clinic

called. The kidne
seems to be normal but the liver function is elevated. I was
to make an appointment with Dr. Green, at Kaiser in Roseville

The kidney test was normal, the muscle enzymes 1

okay and the liver function test was elevated. Am I to get a

test and report the results to the nurse in two weeks—middle

I noticed an ad in the Senior News about a trav

in Walnut Creek that can provide a trip to Reno on the "Snow

The cost is $129 but it includes two nights deluxe lodging, i

a show at Harrah's Club. I wrote and askedi thetravel agency

brochure to Janet Dutton. Lou said that she would have more

travel in March as her floral classes end* aty grhat time. It

a good package for the total price of $258j Prices seem to*j

Mary Lou was back driving the Toyota to the Sei

for her Oil Painting class. Then, she went to Mr. Rader's cor,

in the afternoon. She says that Mr. Rader is a very thorough

and is not afraid to go over materials, until the students lea

Lou doesn’t come home with a variety of new tasks to p^^fect,

taught in the class. 11m sure that she benefits greatly from

Lou plans to go to an Adult Education section m

morrow. Is the location in Placerville or Auburn, CA? Lorrai

tyre and Lu Bakken are attending also, Mary Lou has to be dr<

and picked up at Lu1s house tomorrow. The principal of Adult I

is picking up the tab for the attendees—around $45 each

So , we made it through another week and another i

February is made up of several patriotic holidays. I hope to ha

medical appointments this month. Hopefully, the interaction wil

in the 1950's. They have not tespo" family members in

CA. -‘I Ira *e th*r"'

H is
1111 IK, Pel ruary 4, 2002.

It was kind of a let-down, after the New England Patriots beat the St. Louis
Rams . It1 s a bit like / morning, when you are a bit deflated if
you don’t receive all that you think you might. Congrats to the N.E. Pats.

The Pro Bowl will be held in Hawaii next Sunday. The

players are a bit relaxed. As I remember, not many fans from Hawaii show up at

the game. The stadium is never filled for the Pro Bowl game.

The auto policy came from GEICO DIRECT. The premium seems

to be be $606.20 a year. The bodily injury and liability for each person/each

occurence is $300K/$300K. The property damage liability is $100K. The uninsured

motorist each person/each accident --property damage$3,500 and $100K/$300K.

There is emergency road service with a premium of $20.20, for both vehicles.

The totals are $136 for the Chevrolet S-10 and $165.30 for the Toyota Corolla.
Lou and I were wondering if we should raise the limits of the policy, in case of a-claim.
I am currently paying about $1 per month through my check-

ing account at Provident. I read that payments can be sent in on the Inter-net—

possibly saving the $1 additional fee. The road service seems dependable

but I have been using that service perhaps more than GEICO would like?
We are able to get several discounts on the auto policy—for Lou as a teacher, good drivers, etc.
Barbara Acklin called and said that they have purchased a

new SUV. I don’t know any other details except that Barbara likes the pick-up

truck. New vehicles are good to have, if one can afford the expense.

We mailed the Sees candy to Scott and Julia, for their i

anniversary. Jared came over tonight to work on his Spanish homework. He has a
large Spanish--Engl dictionary that he carries around, He is interested in
learning Spanish. Jared has recently received his report card, as a sophomore.
For Family Home Evening, we dug out the area for the

shrubs, as the southwest corner of the front lawn. We found out that a lot of
plastic had been placed under the dirt, in times past.

Mark Allen expects to report to

a city in Montana,
M-aken by airplane, to Georgia, for basic training. He won't visit his Mom
*h^is Prentice, until he is through with basic training. I hope^hat Mark’

living? I imagine that Mar

Tuesday, February 5, 2002.

The weather is warming up somewhat, especially in the mornings. I

few blossoms out on the trees, like almond trees, etc.
There was
to the
frost on the lawns this morning. Mark Allen can’t give his house

The Olympics from Utah will start Friday of this w€

There was an article in the B.Y.U. Alumni Magazine about about Mi

ney and his work as the chairman of the organizing committee, Th

that he worked some financial miracles, getting the Olympics movi

The latest news is that Mark Allen will not be ab]

give his house in Provo, UT back to the lenders. I wonder about

rights under the Serviceman’s Protective Act (as I remember)in p
i ing the investment in his house, when he is in the military service?
1 rumor that I hear is that Tim and Sandy may come and live with M

Allen . That would be a "cosy" arrangements, with their dogs, et

Nila Allen has a "power of attorney," to smlX Mark Allen’s home i
The Toyota is starting right off lately. We sure

*3 not like to be caught out along the way, and not have the car st

needs dependable transportation. We’ll have to take the Toyota

Cal Expo Auto Repair and have the starting on the car checked ou

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital this mori

and Shelby still seem to get along well. Lou always seems to ha1

"back-up projects," to fill in, if Shelby is not around the hosp:

the Floral Techniques class this evening, All of the le

attendance tonight attended the flower style show at First Distri

I will have to pay the bills for the month right a

The Social Security funds have been deposited to our accounts now

a good feeling to have the VISA bill paid for the month. Will we receive Lou’s

check this week? There will be a baptism of

Saturday, 2/9. I believe that her name is^.

Wedeneday, February 6, 2002.

Darlene Gillespie sent an e-mail about the suicide death of Tony Gillespie. No,
many details but that is a sad way to go, affecting all the people around
home .
Tony. We are to take a funeral arrangement to Tonyfs service at Bill's /

We don't know any details about Tony Gillespie's death.

The memorial service will be at Bill Gillespie's home, off Cavitt-Stallnan Road,

in Granite Bay, CA. Bill Gillespie is the owner of Sunrise Health Foods with

stores in Auburn and Roseville, CA. The store in Roseville is large and clean.

Mary Lou billed Kent Haycock for the casket piece for his

mother's funeral. The total was nearly $300. Lou said that the .casket piece

Mary Lou will have to start gathering records ! •

had ten dozen pink roses in it.
for Shaw's Florist and the business income tax sheet of profit and loss. i
still have not made an appointment with Jack Everett's company, to have the

income tax forms prepared, for 2001.

We met Tony Gillespie and his daughter at Tony's home,

Sunrise Mall, a few years ago. Tony was a good businessman and he had a

dealership in envelopes, printing^ sales and service. I remember something

about a physical fight between the Gillespie sons and that some of them were
The news account about the Gillespie brothers' fight in newspaper,
arrested in the encounter. /Rosalie Gillespie didn't know about that happening.

Leo Gillespie, the father, was a step-son to Rosalie. They

"the thick of" World
did not seem to get along. Leo was in the military service in/ War II and

f '±o New York City, NY. He washed windows on some of the tall buildings,

in NYC. He met his wife back there. Her family was from Luthiania. Leo was
strict trial for AWOL--desertion in wartime__
arrested and stood a / in California. Bert and Rosa-

lie had many character witnessses for Leo but I believe that he served/"time,"
Santa Clara, Utah ’
Leo and Helen later moved to/. (St. George) and opened a health
food store. Leo and Helen went on a mission to Luthl(ania, ^he the
Bishop Titera, in his Sunday sermon, gave m
courage to
tart the motion, to get my temple recommend signed. Lou caliph
=dartinez, the State Executive Secretary, and made the appoint-™! - John ' ‘ ^
tonight. Pres . Harrison, of Fair Oaks Stajfe, signed without a ? ^or
nterrogation. I was on my way very fast. i am glad to be J’°t °f
older again, Now, to go to the temple, on a regular basis aT5emp:Le recomme
allenge for me. I have allowed this diary to get behind *f That will be a
It is difficult to catch up on thefcvents of my days °£ tlle past few
Yhel,p Chris Prentice, haul her teaching supplies from scWiWere planning
n°oi to her home.
Thursday, February 7, 2002.

We delivered the floral piece for Tony Gillespie s funeral.

We foi
Bill Gillespie’s house quite easily, Ron Gillespie told us some d<
of Tony’s suicide. It was good to see the "Gillespie boys" again.

Mary Lou had plenty of flowers on hand, to make up

arrangement for Tony Gillespie’s memorial service. I remember wor

Cavitt Stallam Road with Roy Howard, helping to build A1 Littlefic

home . A nice chapel of the Church is along there, probably one o

Rocklin Wards. I had not been along that road for years. I work
Roy Howard in the 1970’s, when Roy was a general contractor.
Bill Gillespie has a beauiful home with a natural

lake in the back. We didn’t know too many people. Ron Gillespie

to us, out on the patio. He said that Tony surprised the entire

with his gun shot suicide on February 3rd, Super Bowl morning. 1

in the Antelope Road area, his lady-friend had gone to Church sei

and when she came back, she found the body. It was totally unexp
I’d like to check the Roseville newspaper, on details in the obit
We spoke to Bill Gillespie but he did not take muc

with us. Ron said that the parents, Leo and Helen Gillespie were

pected to arrive from Utah, I believe that they live in Santa Cl

"^hat is pretty close to St. George. I hope that the Gillespie fa

acknowledges the floral offering, sent by Darlene and Joylene, (G

So, our visit to the Gillespie home took up a larg

of our afternoon. Mary Lou said that,for sure, Tony had been ere:

It was good that we visited Tony and his daughter, when they livec

Sunrise Mall. The daughter now lives in the Pacific Northwest. K

vited us to come up and try the/ fishing in the backyard- intere
It was probably ten years ago when we visited Tony & daughter, w t.
Gillespies . Mary Iou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital this mornii
her teaching supplies, to her ho
was to go help Chris Prentice move
We purchfiS
started raining so I will have to do that job tomorrow.
i „ Keith called about
a plant to deliver to one of Ch£is' “ Brigham City, UT, "her
ing Scott, early in the week. ,Scot it basketbail team. I.dof„sil
She Is ie was playing on the junior v 7 other again on this b *
if Scott and Keith will be able to «« Qn behalf . tVs
trip to the Winter Olympics^taken y^^ ^ crowded Utah,„t
AJn. I'm glad that we d d go iB a house in
Friday, February 8 , 2001. Ttie °Pening for the Winter Olympics with impressive
~ ceremonies. The Tabernacle Choir sang and the folks
sang and danced— Ut«h style. I was so proud of the recognition Utah received.
1 paid the bills for the month today. Lucky enough, I had about $764

1 sent in $500 to reimburse our savings account, for withdrawals,

needed to pay for the last month's bills. We delivered a plant.

That was quite an event, getting back with the Leo and
Helen Gillespie,/after many years. Leo had a japitorial business

when, he lived near Bella Vista High School. They had at least one daughter,

Rose-Ann. Rose-Ann called Lou because the Gillsepie twins (Darlene and Joylene)

had been in touch with her about the flower delivery. The cost was $30, delivered,
I'd like to find any mention in newspapers, about Tonysself-;/ death.

Lou went to teach at her oil painting class. Sorry to say,

but her Monday Arts and Crafts class has been cancelled. There was just not

sufficient attendance to allow the class to continue. There is a new vice­

principal in Adult Educ. and he seems to have very strict standards. Watch out!

I went to the audologist, at Kaiser in Roseville. She

said that my hearing is about the same as for the past two or three years.

I told her about five New York ear doctors attending Rush Limbaugh, when he

had faltering hearing. They seem to have restored his hearing. That would not

be possible for a HMO patlent——-belonging to Kaiser Health Plan. There is just

ir i
not the "motivation, mainly, the financial consideration, in my case!

I went by A.M. Winn School, to help Chris Prentice move

her teaching supplies to her home. She is transferring to another near-by school.

I don't know the "school politics" about the move, The new place does not

have much room for Chris' supplies. It is also a handicapped pre-school program.

Chris will keep the teaching supplies at home, bring them to class, as needed.
Chris picked up her Lincoln, at Steve's Garage. It passed the "smog tests."
Mary Lou went to the computer class with Mr. Jim Rader.

I admire h er taking the time and trouble, going to the computer group, Frankly,

don't see a lot of immediate usuable progress, in solving our computer prob-

ems . Patience Bob! Lou has confidence in Mr. Rader, as an instructor.

Holly finished out the. week at the State Department
nation job. Holly seems to be feeling much better now. Lou has some con
and coughing so she may be getting an infrequent cold and influenza.
influenza shot at Kaiser recently. Lou made it through another work week,
xnfluen s drive her around in the car. The ignition seems to be
he likes to have me
urning on okay so that the Toyota starts and runs all right. Good on the
Saturday, February 9, 2B02.

We w&re out, delivering a plant to a residence

near Hyrum Johnson 1
/ Lucky enough, we found the home quite easily, It was th<
the baptism ^service of Alexdrandia Newman—one of Melissa’s p

We seem to keep the marketing of flowers and plants

through Shaw’a Florist. Mary Lou is conscientious about Checking

answer i rig ^ for any orders that have been called in to us . The fir^
arriving \ \u ma(
th&t she usually does on / back home is check on the answer;

The delivery today was for one of Chris Prentice’s

friends and co-workers. I thought at first that the address was

Elk Grove. But, Lou checked the ’’Thomas Guide," (maps of the loc

and the Johnson High location was indicated. I’m rather proud of

fact that we can find the locations for delivery on the maps. We

been averaging about $100 weekly, in flower and plant sales.

Mary Lou worked around the house this morning. It

/to have a clean and orderly house. One of the burner tr
/stove top is in need of replacement. The entire stove top nei

be replaced but that job is almost out of my ability, range.

It was a beautiful day. In the backyard, alongside

cement plank fence, there is growing one beautiful daffodil. The

by the front yard are growing slowly. I purchased another bag of

mix, to encourage the growth of the bulbs, The two photina shrubs

we planted seem to be growing and are healthy, There is a lot of

f -[* that I call "spurge," growing in the grass. That is a tough

Bishop Titer
I didn’t go to the baptisimal Service.
remarked to Mary Lou "that I was probably frightened, to do so. " /■ ,

a friend of the R*mey family. Bp. Ron McDowell of Fifth Ward, pert

Alex and Jessica Newman,

the ceremony. There was a special duet by
Alexandria has
The Newmans hosted a barbecue so
Am A Child of God."
She will be confirmed tomorrow^ Will Kameny.
family support.
The Winter Olympics is in ful channel 3— . „ |
Salt lake City. VT. Too b*jj '‘J* oil

r & *-> ■ mm
Monday, February 11, 2002. Pres .
For Family Home Evening , we went out shopping for Valentine*s Day

They had a good selection at Sears. Lou and I worked around the
It was another cool and beautiful day. The other 1

temperature reached 68° or so 4 "pie warmth is getting in the gro

This morning, Jared Miller called me to take him to friend * s

off Mariposa and Madison. Jared said that Josh wasfat a frLend's

The Winter Olympics is still going on, in Utah,/ .

are being reported. Many small countries have a chance at the go

silver and bronze medals. I remember being in Denmark in 1976, a

tourist. They didn’t win any many medals but they cheered for

The War Against Terrorism is still going on in Af

t an . Political prisoners are still being brought to Guanatanomo

Cuba . They are a defiant bunch. It is warmer in Cuba than in t\l

native country of Afghanistan. There are reports of allies to tb

being shot by friendly fire. It is hard to distinguis those hardl

Lou and I worked around the house. She also work

the computer^ She is|working on "names'* for the Syphus Genealogy,

on by Fenton Whitney. Marjorie Abbott is still working on those

also . Lou e-mailed Lova Abbott in the Portland, OR area, to get 1

information that she has on the Abbotts, Syphus', etc.

As I get older, it certainly takes more time for i1

accomplish a task. Sleeping in the daytime is the big time-steal^

me . My blood sugar readings are below the 300, I will

Depart men]
send in my blood sugar readings and get help from the nurse in Dia

Neal Abbott wrote a letter from Alab3ster, Alabama,

said that his memory was wiped out,

Bebe is working
Philippine Islands (Manila). But, he / now.

an hour. Kathleen is ^J^^ut'uncle Edward Sayj

job, earning $10
man Cl.

nhs ;urs:.; I c*
a le

^ <?y t
tg a b yt. . It'was starting to get
from Park City , UT . He is all rir •
i. Scott Shaw called
the answering
'.t was good to hear from Scott, on
Park City , UT. Scott
.ing from the rented residence in
lia and the Salt
attend the Seoul, Ko .a, SA
It was Scotfc*s drean^ to pa in the Olympics.

?his was a low-key day for me. I went over to A.M. Winn

Ls Prentice haul her teaching supplies to her house,

Lday williibe Chris* last day at Winn School. She is

)ol, off Bradshaw’E.oad and La Riviera Drive--Cohen School,

le State or Federal Preschool at Winn School for over 12-

iaching supplies boxed neatly and orderly.

is storing the supplies at her house as room is not

school. Danny Cash -*4* Destiny Allen were at the house in

is seems to keep up the housework in that large house

at 567 Santiago Avenue, NS, 4
he is still,/having that work done, / at her ~

have been cut down and over 100 feet of sidewalk has been

te Bidewalk will be replaced—community improvement.

axine Owen called from Modesto, CA. She seems to be doing

Silva is expecting her baby in about a month and is not

s pare A/fs are expected down from Mariposa, CA, to help

r and the child. This is another baby born out of wedlock,

axine said that Erma Staples is very frail. Phyllis

observation because of her mental imaginations. |?(\yllis

ace in Clinton, UT# Beth Parker is not in good health but

:ulars. Karen and Bruce Blakely are .returning from

i. faces another hip operation. Chyrl Markworth still has

Heidi Markworth has a gentleman friend of whom
pprove. Heidi is living on her own now. Shawn's •
th him at Markworth's house as they do not always
mother. David is living in Ohio now, I believe.
re family news, when she returns from St. George, UT
and "Joe" still have the cooperative living arrangement.
ogether and have a cozy arrangement. Such is life!
Some rain fell today.
It looked/dldudy tonight bTt not any rain c

during the night. Surprise! Our photo was on the cover of "Seni
Spectrum," the Valentine’s Day edition. It was quite a good phot<
I was surprised to see the copies of "Senior Spect:

the counter at the Senior Center. I didn’t know exactly what wou
done with the photo that was taken last week. They put it on the

with a short comment about us meeting on Valentine’s Day, in 194*5

mentioned, was our 23 grand-children and one great-grand-child; + j

Viola Kay was one of the first to call and say th

recognized the photo. Viola is now at Carmichael Oaks Care Home

Oaks Boulevard, in Carmichael. She has sold her home and new pe

moved in. This will be a new life adventure for Viola Kay.

I thought our photo was quite flattering. Lou sa

I have a*'loving look‘d ^he was a knock-out with her straight tee

lovely smile. We wore our pink-colored clothing and that was aprop
Valentine’s Day. Lou had a small picture and a comment in a Spect:
a few years ago. this year
edition/ The newspaper called Cordova Senior Center/to see if they

recommend any couple with a "Valentine’s Day romance." Our number <
our fami‘
We mailed 23 tear sheets to both sides of/.

I wrote on the clipping, "Next year, we plan to be on the cover of f

ing Ston^“ Magazine." That was my attempt at humor. I sent copies

. family members, to my sisters and Lou sent copies to her brotherXa

ters, Verna Cleverly, LaRue McKnight, Frank Mead and Melissa Valde*
(23) H

I took the/letters to the post office so the postmark would be on Fel

Scott called from Park City, UT. He was able to

to see th
Olympic tickets for Keith and Sandy, for their anniversary,

Sandy was thrilled about that. Keith has returned from his -

ticking trip to Washington, D.C.. bfg3p^ “tice^aul her teaching su|

I could not help Chris Prent ce cash planned to f
of the rain. D™/pat chang. to be J
and school room furniture because order for roses
with the heavy items, We have an Lou the a ile to
was bills. pay bfck‘o*h
in Granite Bay, CA. .^y^LENTINiI
livered to their home SFCU savings, to pay tomorrow. BE I
amount borrowed fr-ou^ ^ ^ for Mary Lou
I hope to have a
, r ebruary 14 , 2002 . VALENTINE1S DAY IS FOR LOVERS!

We had an excellent Valentine's Day. We thought back to 2/14/1947, when

met, in Independence, Missouri, A lot of water has "gone under the bridge"
since that date—55 years ago! It was great to meet Mary Lou Abbott!

We like to tell the romantic story of our first meeting.

Keith even told the story in phot os, at our . 50th wedding anniversary party.

Keith's thought was that Bob was on the West Coast and Mary Lou was in the

center of the United States of America—now, how could those lovers get to-

gether? It's a pretty wonderful story, to us, anyway.

Scott called and said that he was able to get tickets for

Keith and Sandy, to go to the Olympic skating events, on their 26th wedding

•anniversary. Scott is busy in his job. We are lucky that he called us.

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital this morning. She

said that they made a lot of valentine's for the patients. She was in a hurry

to make up the flower arrangements, when she arrived back home, at noon. She

bought a small Valentine's heart-shaped cake to go with the red rose arrange-

mentfto Don and Vivian Taggart. Their daughter,who placed the order from

Virginia, called while I was at their home, so she knew the delivery had been

made. Don was not well with cold and flu sickness. They greeted us warmly.

There were a couple of complications about our delivery

to Dr. Chang, in Granite Bay. One was the gated community and the other was the

obscure location. Lou read the Thomas maps and we found the entrance. The

ouse was not that hard to find as the gate was open. They have a lovely home

•. Chang said that all of kis family members golf on the near-by Granite Bay

irse. Pat has had a back operation. She was tired, hauling her kids around.

is from Wisconsin. She is a very kind and caring lady.

We dropped off flowers and candy at the homes of Holly

r anq Mike Shaw. Marcia Flake was out visiting the Shaws. She said that

s aPblying for a job in Boise, ID. The Millers fixed some roast beef-
friend .
a toe s for us. They have a new dog. Jared took a flower to a/
to°K a flower to Eva Evans, the lady on our home teaching route.
re could not go to help Chris Prentice haul her goodjfrom Winn School.
ed 1\te to get her files ready to haul We were just totftired, after
reries so called and told her that we would be there tomorrow, at 1 pm.
verv’enjoyable day. We're glad to get the flowers delivered,for sure!
Sunday, February 17, 2002.

X attended Sacrament Meeting with Mary Lou today, Holly Miller w

present also. Frankly, I left the chapel, after Sacrament Meetin.
We had a quiet Sabbath. Mary Lou wrote the letter about Austin „
There was a light rain falling this morning, I not
that Holly worksj at her Church job with the young ladies of First

Holly has a binder so 1 am sure that she has to tieach the young 1
on occasion. Holly is back working and itJ tough on h

I came home and slept this morning. Those sleepit

are strong ones. I did read the Sacramento Bee. There is not mi

substance in that newspaper. I just read the headlines.

Melissa Miller is still down with that leg injury

ed in her field and track class. I have not seen her since the

Melissa is on crutches so movement is very difficult for her.

Mary Lou and I worked on the letter to the First ]

dency this afternoon, We want to have Austin Neal Abbott, Senioi

/ to his Church membership. Lou wrote a one-page letter, out

t the facts, as she knows them. She was about 15-years-of-age in t

1930's so knows first-hand of the things of which she wrote.

Mary Lou did not mention the word "polygamy" but s

mention the Musser Group. Austin was excommunicated under the di

J of Elder'Harold B. Lee, of the Council of the Twelve. He was a ne

j of the Council.
The charge was "teaching false/ I have

many instances of Austin teaching his "false doctrine,' in the fit

so years that I knew him. If he taught, it was not very effective

I do not have access to the Church Priesthood Direc«
F l
I don't know what procedures will be followed in this request.
I kno
excommunicated member brought
it was difficulty in the pasty to have an
back to the
into fellowship. Tim Allen talked to Austin^abo ^ many years ago.
Church, when Austin visited the AllenJ « will act on Mary Lou s re
do not know how quickly the Firs P Home Teachlng. shec^**“ i
quest. Carryn NlX°"uCp”ay°d the piano and ^rrynjang to be
a faithful lady, mOVinfhrhasdo8neCrin R^gecrest and one in Tehacipi <.
still thinking as
near her daughters,
■ tft w u v a. A ~J m

This was another holiday—ho hum! I guess that someone has to pay f°r them, in

eluding the government. It was pleasant, having Mary Lou around the house to'4^|

Here’s a run-down on the family members, as I ob­

serve. The Sorens. I don’t hear much about Ron working. We suspect that

Gayle might go without food that her children will have something to eat .

main problem seems to be funds to pay the mortgage payment. We don’t hear much

about Elder Jaron Soren, down in Guatemala. Holly Miller sent him a valentine.

Keith is back from his politicking tour to Washington, DC-

With Sandy, he went to the Olympics skating performance, for his 26th wedding

anniversary. Shelsie is playing on the varsity basketball team but she is a

regular junior varsity player. We haven’t heard from Elder Riley Shaw lately.

Holly seems to have a lot of care on her shoulders . Me 1 —

issa Miller hurt her leg, after a recent track meet. She .seemed ^to trip over a

piece of metal, at American River College. The Millers do notj have

Jared uses our computerja lot o^ homework assignments.

access to a computer.
Scott Shaw should be.back with his family, in New

Hyde Park, NY. He works hard. J u 1 i a^ all wrapped up in attending college.

I don’t know about her goals but learning difficult subjects appeals to her.

We are not involved much in Michael's life. They seem to

be pretty much "calling the shots." He works hard but we don’t hear much about

hi sjwork activities. They have a new Honda swts se/ian so must be doing well.

Mary Lou and I'getting along about the same.

She has trouble with her eyes, especially her night^vjjs^n^have some

—hronic aches and pains. Mary Lou is excited about her^work Youtine. She just
—ets the work completed. She is working on some Adult Education course outlines

—oday, bringing them up-to-date. Lorraine McIntyre is willing to keyboard the

tlines for her. l.t «... behind, mostly my fault.

Mary Lou/did some oil painting with Janie Erickson

ie’s gentleman friend, Bob,./is feeling better, after being hospitalized. [\Jt\
=iie surely keeps her place neat and clean. * We stopped at Farmer Bob' ‘
siness for directions about how to get wood chips. I think chi ° Sy.
1 on our lot. I haven’t done much on the yard, this year. Mich ^ qh UP tij
that he’d like to work with me on the gardens and flower-bed^ — *
I need some help, especially with weed control, pruning, tilling, et?P1Tl8, I | j -IS
: 5



Placer Muni 50-0:

0 n Placer


c 02/19/2002 1028 3105
Tuesday Q YES
V0262522 CA C G 1989 2MEW



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M GRY HZL 5'09" 210 03/16/1927 W

n (916) 488-3399

GEICO 103-55-21 □MOD DmAJOR c






2 A0738320 CA C G 2001 4NN1





CLIST driven Away

F BRO BLU 5'09" 148 01/16/1953 W

(916) 961-5271 (916) 416-8143 CHP USE ONLY DESCRIBE VEHICLE OAMAGE
QUNK fXNONE ("[minor


HAND H 31964 □moo □major □«--














Screeton , Mervyn

Tuesday, February 19 , 2002 .

I received a letter from State Teachers Retirement about "purchasing

power supplemental awards $3,030,
I stand to receive $2,000, net,/ ' gross
in an award on 02/22/02. Thet^i^m to receive payment
4/1, 8/1 and 12/1, total $44,54 61 gross, and net of $3,000

1 had a rear-ender auto accident at Douglas and Eureka Road, a hard smas

That was pleasant news about the "purchasing power paymei

through STRS." The total payment this year will be $7,577 and the net

payments will be $5,00Q approximately. They take out 34% for income ta

pre-payments.. It won’t, be difficult tq spend the funds, for us.

(t‘ZjOOO'2 ( (7'Zfz/fOT.)
\ / The rear-ender auto accident was a complete surprise. 1

was turning on to Douglas and was hit from behind. The lady who hit u

was non-cooperative and would not give me her name, address, driver’s

license or insurance certificate, etc. Policeman//93 took report numbed

50-02-1900 so copies should be available at the Roseville Police Dept.

I went to Dr. Beth for chiropractic treatments. She ex-

►J . tow y.-koJf')
I ' me for damage to my back , neck,j etc. ^She advised that I take tre

ments from her and she will give me details tomorrow. Dr. Beth said th

it is important to begin early treatments, after an auto accident.

I was in Roseville, taking Melissa in to the Podiatry

Dept, for warts on her feet and also tji^ j ury. The Kaiser folks

changed her cast to a type that can bej on and off. They also gav^

her a special shoe for the injured leg. She cannot walk without crutches/
Itffo acci-
The trips to Kaiser Hospital and the rear-ender a

dent took up a lot of my day. Lou worked a Folsom Conv. Hospital. In the

I wrote a note to
evening, she went to the flower class in Rancho Cordova.
dropped the letter and
GEIojauto insurance about the accident but I must have
details later in the week.
the letter copy. I will have to write them the
g the floral techniques class.^I watched^^
Lou did well, as always, teachin
Channel 3— NBC~* watching the in^he skating programs, etc.
couple of hours on women’s short prog as property; near the University
in the bob-sled and luge,
Utah Olympic Park sps^e^up^the^F of
of Utah. The Church Netfs^. ^ Young. of footb.11^tofd thejeog*^
attractive volunteer J doing a bang-up job ospitable. u*ah. rf& folks.
volunteers. Of course, they *f Utah wouldI be^ d on the Utah Saints
enjoy themselves and that v do for the Oiyw
f niTnrnhl n nnhlici-ty on aXi
lay, February 20. 2007.

Dutton called. She is coining West to Santa Barbara, CA over the week-e^[

ch 1st, to visit Venetta Abbott. Janet is not planning to come up

ay. We are to drive to Santa Barbara, CA with Chris Prentice & Holly.

There is to be some kind of festival in Santa Barbara,

the first week of March. Mary Lou and Chris want to rent a car and take

us Holly Miller down there. Janet is traveling by train around the U.S.A.

will be a pretty time of year to travel down the coast, with the blossoms

ind the hills green with new grass, etc. It will be a quick trip, leaving

/ Saturday morning and returning late Monday night We!ll be tired!

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital and at the Family

ory claps. i^Luckvienough, sh^^fo^idtheletter^t c^G^IGO Insur^n^, ^.out

rear^emd^ t^^Th^p^apen:^jwas^iaijiag^d^ sent it^anj-

I think that the auto insurance company has some legal responsibility to

a report with injury and auto damage. I do not know the name or address

lsurance coverage of the other lady driver. She would not give me

Information about herself. The insurance company will get a police report.

Lou presented another in the video series from KBYU,

family history research. She is working to be more organized with hand/-,

and information about cemeteries. /Lou says /that - the/idass .members/!) />

od teaching. The local council will have a'n open housej( on March 9th.O'

I went to Dr. Beth’s office for a chiropractic treatment.

arrated A video about general health. She did very well. She talked

the x-ray results and gave me a light treatment. She said that she would

it the billings to GEICO Insurance and they would "subrogate” the claims

other insurance company. Dr. Beth gave me a schedule of appointments

5 next couple of months. That office will be "my home away from home."

Dr. Beth said that Karen and Bruce Blakely have

d to Riverbank, CA from St. George, UT. Bruce faces another
ration. Scott and Julia sent an "early birthday present" to Mary
ey sent a beautiful sweater and a box of cherry chocolates. I went up
s company in El Dorado Kills and picked up three desks. The electronics
ls buying new f.r.itur. for^their,offices nnd
it {S'LZL„. mir older desks in our "offices^.ore modernized.
* IT. *


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Thursday, February 21, 2002.

We ran errands and made plant deliveries today,

Mary Lou also billed
about $450 in flower and plant deliveries. It was a cool, pleasant da^
Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital this morning,
She called me on the cell phone about picking up Melissa Miller but I

did not respond. That makes her upset when 1 don’t answer the series c
two or three rings, in quick successsdon. #That is our signal that some-
thing important is to be talked about ,| between us

We took Melissa to her class at American River College,

at noon. Today was time for an infrequent visit to that campus, for u

Melissa is surely uncomfortable with that sore leg and foot, She take

off the cast at night, so that makes it easier for her to sleep.

We went to Greenleaf Wholesale Florist and purchased s

plants. They usually have a good selection of plants at a fairly gooc

price. Lou used their florist table to wrap a plant and put a ribbon

i t. We delivered the plant to the California Conservation Corps. I

picked up some literature on the Corps, to send to Keith Shaw.
The other two plants were delivered to Dr. Chang’s offi

per Karen’s order. The plants were for office workers. Karen had the

check ready for payment so that was convenient. Sun Oaks Dental is a

busy dental office. They are our largest and most frequent customer.

We are ”in the market" for some natural eye pills for

Mary Lou's condition. We tried at Elliott’s Health Foods but they wet

closed because of a fire in their store. Lou worked on some billings

for her flower and plant deliveries. People pay slowly.

I made a reservation for a rental car at Hertz, to use (

March 1st
the/week-end. We had an up-grad
drive with, to Santa Barbara, CA, over
Southwest Airlines. We will drive a full-size car for abo
coupon from
Chris and Holly are going there with us.
$107, for the week-end rate.

with another
I finally
.. ""-=rSH SSI
fenmpany. This is my first a
T wonder
with Michael Shaw today but he is to<
for a new
were to go to Church will negotiate entrance is.
I wonder if the location? The prsent
busy to make to
the the
Mormon CenterTe“P*® piant (Aero -Jet Company) • It is I
driveway, up will begin?
°f th£ render vhen construction
along the right-of-way route.
not a very attractive

Class 1 AB/GE 26.31

Class 2 AB+15 ' 27.17
Class 3 AB+30 28.37
Class 4 MAorAB+45 29.68
Class 5 MA+20 or AB + 60 31.18
Class 6 MA+20 AB+60w/MA 33.17

sachers must have either a regular California Credential or an Adult Education Credential.

-nent on this schedule will be determined by the Folsom Cordova Unified School District
zmel Office. For proper placement, teachers must have current evidence (transcripts) of
sted college units.

I h

i 1
Saturday, February 23, 2002.

This was a beautiful and cool day. The temperature was up in the low
701s yesterday. The hot weather cannot be far behind,
We moved thos
two desks that Michael gave us, into our "offices ."
The desks are attrac
I had a bad cramp in my right lower leg and calf, las

night . Xt didn t seem to persist today, when X walked around, I fea

, the
----- pa
a stroke and I watch for symptoms'! X was* surprised with the location
We put that new mattressjon the bed. It is a "Califo
King" size pad and seeing too small Perhaps some lastex could be sew—

the corners, to keep the raattressjin place. That water bed that we bo—

from the Acklins has turned out to be a good purchase-. Thanks Acklin=

Lou calls Barbara Acklin often. The Acklins seem to In

to live up in Pine Grove. Tim goes to Amador County High School in Sut:
Creek. Barbara told us that Tim has an/ to go to a medical un
versity orientation. These young people are given/opportunities nowada;

Mary Lou called the full-time missionaries plus Jared

Miller, to help haul in those desks, given us by Michael Shaw. They we

right after the work. They also moved out the old desks and loaded the

in the truck. The/desks look good and they are quite spacious. We had
"pizza and pecan pie luncheon" for the workers plus Joshua Miller. Goo
Jared put the computer back together and so it j^g^wo^ki

threw away many papers, e-mail and otherwise, so the top of^ oth
desk top frs nearly cleaned, off. My "office" looks good but there are

many papers, etc. to file away, sort, etc. We tried to take the load o

old desks to the trash pick-up place by McClellan Military Base but i

has aa onex-laz
7use the
(j •* who ftould have believed that we would have the newer

desks in the house and have them ready for use. We have a hurry-up jol
ahead, to get/ for the income tax return appointment on March 18tl
X could spend hours in my office, getting items stored and classified,
The sunsets are just spectacular. I went over to Phoenix Park and did
some walking. The views of the sunset were vivid. Lou likes to liste-
those "soft" crime shows on PAX TV. That station seems to be more fam
oriented—Channel 29. The Primary Election is coming up in o . about tvo
weeks. Riordan, Bill Jones and Bill Simon are running, Simon is the
is wealthy and boasts about his business management.
be the better can didate to beat Governor Grav Jjmn
■ 1 m min.
s a slow day for me. I did not attend Church services. Lou said that
t Hiller was in attendance with her newly baptized friand^^Scott

illed from New Hyde Park, NY. That family is doing well, per Scott Shaw.

The Salt Lake City, UT Winter Olympic^ended today. There

ite a closing ceremony. The 2004 Olympics will be in Athens, Greece. The

ion is already shi^tin^^rom Utah to Greece for the up-coming festivities.

Thef papers should have some final summaries of the

The activities went on quite well in Utah. It is said that over 3h

>n people, around the world, saw the Olympics in Salt Lake City. The
i received some favorable publicity and the/volunteers helped out.

Mary Lou went to worship services at First Ward. I was

|§had a shower, when she arrived home. I opened some/ . and we had our

together. Lou likes Pete Peterse^ as the Gosnel Doctrine instructor.

a creative man. He plays golf at' they course near his home.
Melissa Miller was at Church services. She is moving

without her crutches so is having quite a recovery from her leg in-

Melissa went on a trip out-of-town, to attend a track and field meet.

3 the timekeeper and cheered her American River College team on.
I slept this morning and into the afternoon. I seem to

"Sundayitis" every Sunday, as far as Church is concerned. Lou called

sid thanked him for the gift of the sweater and candy. Scott has been in
= with his family. Lucent Company had some kind of annual meeting in

ation. .Scott stayed at the old but luxurious hotel, owned by the DuPont
6 Scott wants us to come to New York/for a vdrait sooj. Mat 5

ver Easter this year or during the summer. He might come out this

visit, with his daughters. He wants to go skiing, if possible.

that he took his friend to the production, "Testaments," in
City—some missionary work. The Gillespie sisters-jC>4»6i*/$32 for
sent to the Tony Gillespie memorial service. They seem to be
Rob is still looking for a .professorship in mathematics—maybe
te University? Lou sent Eva Evans some Valentine flowers. Eva may
to the Relief Society dinner. That is progress in Home Teaching,
get accomplished this week? I need to haul off those old desks. ■;
Monday, February 25, 2002.

I am "playing catch-up" with my diary entries,

is March 10th and
is difficult to remember what happened on each day.
I remember that
Janet Dutton was planning to come and see Venetta Abbott,
details kno
Janet Dutton and her lady friend, Judy, plan to come W

and visit Venetta Abbott in Santa Barbara, CA. The bottom line is tt^
Janet made the trip and enjoyed herself in California.

X heard that Janet either planned to go to Mexico or

the trip and I’m not sure of the details. We were thinking of going

Santa Barbara, CA and made a reservation for March 1 to 4th, with . m

At the time, Chris Prentice wanted to go along on the

Holly gave some faint signals that she also might be interested. The

rental cost was low, $107 plus insurance (t) gasoline. Finally, Chris

heard that Jason and Becky and son planned to come down here to Sacra-

mento and visit her. So that squashed the plans of us going to see Ja

Janet and Judy arrived on the West Coast on the train. I hear tha

neither of the ladies like to fly in airplanes. Some of the attraction

in Santa Barbara included a film festival. I don’t know much about tha

but I remember visiting in Cannes, France where such festivals are held

They also wanted to go whale watching, That involved g

ting in a boat and following the migrating whales, along the coast.

Venetta said that she enjoyed seeing the whales immensely. She was clos

enough to see the '• barnacles on the whales, Janet did not enjoy the

whale-watching so much as she was prone to seasickness—I know about tha

s„, d^'t 8. to st„.

visit Chris Prentice. ^The^/did not <fome fip this way
Becky being here, to
the train up to Vancouver, British Columbia.
They had thought of going on
They are back in Kansas now.
Those plans did not work out for them.
did not see the Abbott sisters.
It is regrettable that we
visit each year, I guess that
about coming West to
Janet is very good and they did not come up this way.
hold much allu^re Traveling on a train
Sacramento did not train ride.
how they "enjoyed" the
Janet "hears her own drummer, 'in life!
I didn’t hear
JJfH,ult for me.
For sure,

February 26. 2002 .

o write about how we decided to purchase another Toyota from the

y fleet of the Church. Also, I’d like to tell about auto :

= problems. What to do to get a settlement on the rear-ender.

We talked about a couple of items, One i^ the expensive

that are required on the 1989 Toyota, We were coming home from Lou's

flower class and the Toyota stopped at Hazel and LaSerena Drive. Lucky

we were able to pull off Hazel Avenue, on to La Serena Drive. Also

■rtunate for us is that we had a cell phone. It was a dark and cold night.

We had to wait nearly an hour for the tow truck to arrive

meron Park, CA. They delivered the car to B and B Auto Repair at Fair

_d Winding Way. It turned out to be another expensive repair on the

belt. We had a timing belt put on about two years ago near Oakland, CA.
r The bottom line again is that we had to pay almost $300 to

* timing belt changed and the seals replaced on the Toyota. It was a

ting that we had the newer Toyota as the other car was in the shop

reral days . The high*priced repairs, expensive parts and a labor

: $75 an hour, is just about killing us.

We are paid very low interest on our savings. Why not

se another car? Lou called the Sacramento Mission Office and they have

s ready to sell. One bad part about the red Toyota is that the hoc-i area.

ck , -marked. It will be May before other cars are available. Lou liked

roon color and I liked the more modern features. It has a tilt-wheel,
through back seat, opening into the trunks/ no cruise control.

We are not making progress on the insurance claim. Dr .

rphew suggested that I talk to Attorney Travis Black. His office is at

and Primrose. I am stymied about getting a claim set up with the

surance company, I purchased a collision report from the Roseville,

e department; Much information furnished is not clear How

formation to settle a claim? I have been having a re-occurence of the

■old symptoms and that slows me down a lot. Mary Lou signed andturned
rant- fnr t-h& Qnr^ntr Ouarter, in Adult Education. She is enjoying hex’ i
ract for the^ Spri ements. Good on dear, sweet Mary Lou Shawl*

40 0E/E7/QS 05/22/2QQ3
iaaa bt SQDE R i

02/27/2002 547*12 MI
i a. m
. -
■ v.

I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that THE SIGNATURE(S) BELOW RELEASES INTEREST . t
/ “1
X —
Federal and State law requires that you state the mileage upon transfer of ownership. Failure to complete or providing a
false statement may result in fines and/or imprisonment. _____________________ •" ~ >' * •
The odometer now reads I—I—I—I, I—I—I—I (no tenths), miles and to the best of my knowledge reflects the actual
mileage unless one of the following statements is checked.
WARNING Q Odometer reading is not the actual mileage. LI Mileage exceeds the odometer mechanical Emits.
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct

X X ;• ; .■>-



-• w
Any change of Lienholder (holder of security interest) must be reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles within
10 days.
2. X -
Signature releases interest in vehicle. (Company
names must be countersigned)
Release Date----------------------------------------- -

oniflfl REG. 17.30 (REV

— .*• ' * — "

.... . C ~'
.•iM./v-’V'- • •S''

Wednesday, February 27, 2002.

11 d like to tell about how GEICO Auto Insurance came through so that they

will contact the'other insurance company, to seit) up a claim.

Also , I'd
like to tell about my talk with Attorney Travis Black. We'll buy the car
I have been helping Chris Prentice move her teaching sup­

plies from Winn School to Cohen School. I don't know about the reason(s
for the transfer but Chris seems to be taking it all in good humor. I

use the truck to haul her supplies, mostly to. her home. Her Lincoln

coupe does not seem large enough to haul many teaching supplies, She

needs a truck to haul the variety of boxes, bags, etc-.

I GEICO Claims called and will set up a claim with the o‘

insurance company, That was certainly good news as I don't want to be
own "claims adjuster." That took a big load off my mind. They will <

back with the name of the insurance company and the claim number. Fr an!

I did not expect much cooperation from GEICO. Dr. Beth Morphew
called in a claim for chiropractic services but was rebuffed over th^/

It was a disappointment at the appointment with Attorn*

Travis Black. He can't do anything for me on the claim. He said that

insurance/are disdainful of small insurance claims. He gave me a couj

of good pointers. He told me that Kaiser may offer up to twelve chir<

practic treatmentj. H0Jsaid to check the accuracy of the info on the re

The Toyota has about 55,000 miles on the odometer. E

Jaspar said that he would go to the dealer and pick up a dauber wit

the color of the Vehicle. So, we agreed to purchase the vehicle.

to bring in the $7,500 payment tomorrow. They wanted $7,550 but I

them down to the lower amount. He will have the papers ready to s i
the hood are pretty prominent, need pair
The pock-marks on an
We have some savings, both at Schools Credit Union s
enough funds at School
I hope that we have 8 tD€
Provident Credit Union,
provident, near Mills Station.
drive down to
that I don’t have to of a history of the Sacr» u
Office gave me a copy kind j'
Elder in the Mission the 1930's. That was very
going back in to in the 1930's.
Life is good foij
California Stake, Sacramento
lived in
Fenton Williams
_______ _______
Friday, March 1, 2002. Uy, l*b-d<p. qaaj/J JbUte
p &> fiM' (Ub-j/v erf {pJPd Mw , yw j^uw &i
I am still trying to catch up on these diary entries. I am writing thi/

on 3/12/02. This was the week-end when Jason and Becky Allen visited.

Jason and Becky Allen arrived at Chris Prentice's home

It was uncertain if they really could make the trip here. Jason is not
feeling well with .that injury to his neck region. He was able to
drive here. I don't think that the weather was so severe, over the mtns

As I understand, the Allen family in Provo, UT is not

in very good shape. Tim is really ill with the that eye trouble and oth

problems. I heard that he fell down the stairs and had to go to the

hospital. I don't know if he'll be able to stay in Mark Allen's home?

n't know much about Tom and Nila. They live in

Spanish Fork, MU j have three active boys. Mark left the dog in Jason'

care . Those boys of Tom's really love the dog. Mark is in Army Basic

Training in Georgia. He wants to come back and see his mother,on leave.

The Allen men do not seem to be working for that in-

sulation comp^n^in^ Provo any longer. Chris Prentice was really excited

aboutJ being here for the visit. Chris is a very good mother and
grandmother. She keeps up with^ children and grand-children. Lou al;
/ up on the Allens and their families.

From what I hear, Janet is having a good time in Sant£

Barbara, CA with Venetta Abbott. The climate is good nd ther'

are a lot of things to do. One is the Film Festival and the^whale watch-
Holly felt left out of the planning of Chris and Mary Lou. But
ing, etc.

it hinged on the arrival of Jason and Becky as to whether we would go to

Santa Barbara to see Venetta and Janet. Frankly, I'm glad that we could

not make the trip as I did not feel well and strong.
i ii.j che said that Karen and Bruce Blake-
Beth Parker to see the Shaw sisters, up that way-
Ogden, U
ly are traveling up to to drive Riverbank, after being in St*
back ?°R£arenfs broken arm is doing?
Then, they are planning ~
1 WOnder shoulder. That ^rive
George, UT for a ^ near her
The break was xn a * ^ is good that they are ablet
Northern Utah and back and
permanent impairment Southern Utah
■ ..I
long distances, 1**® to see and talk i

across Nevada.
.* my garden plans .

_o excited about coming West for the poetry

.4C is buying that old house in which she lives. The owner

^piling his rentals, in her neighborhood. The house does not seem in good

but Fay likes the familiar and does not want to move. Repairs will

to be done on the house but I don’t know if Fay plans to do that soon ?
Jason and Becky went to San Francisco with Chris and

tves . Holly went along and she knows some good places tod go, down there • i
alked across the Golden Gate Bridge, visited Fisherman’s Wharf|,and
Chinatown. It is always a treat for out-of-town guests to go to San !i
TisSo. I hear that Mayor Willie Brown has been spending BIG Bucks, in -^r

yelOpixig an(j improving the city, mostly for the tourists.

Michael Shaw came over this afternoon and helped (t

*ead that horse manure, in the garden. We put wood chips from the pile •• s

driveway on the fertilizer. Later, we’d like to place black plastic

e mixture. Hopefully, the strong soil amendments will control the

iss” and make it dry up. The nut grass is very moisture-loving. We
cover too large of an area but, at least, we started the garden job.
Chloe and Sophie were with their father. They are !,

p fast. Of course, they like to jump on the trampoline. Little Ava

ve a blessing and a name on March 24th. I thought that that might

lready taken care of, when Marcia Flake visited Mike and Margo.
I i
The plans for Jason and Becky and children were to go \\[

’rod^ction of ’’Beauty and the Beast." The large screen production ii

: I;
rkab.^e ancj tjie COstfdo not seem to be exhoritant . So, Chris Pren-
be " rolling out t carpet" for Jason and Becky. 1 have l!
et a over to Chris’ house.
s I have not/
far cl, So, we are in a new month. My birthday (75th!)
dear* 16 th ! Chyrl Markworth’s birthday on on March 18th. j *•
Marc sister’s
m wo\h 22nd.
birthday. Keith and family
It is their Spring Break,
n’t be in the NCAA play-offs. They

come to Calif-
Keith said that the
play in N.I.t.
1 3 , 2001 .

Jason and Becky Allen and baby boy are still

visiting Chris Pre
They expect to return to their home in Provo,
UT the first of t
The San Francisco trip for the visitor s from Ui
have been exciting. Holly Miller led them up to Muir Woods, nea
Tamalpais. That is a beautiful plac*;especially this time of

John Muir has an interesting story as a natural

was born in Scotland. He roamed over the Western States and up i

Alaska. I remember a story about his little dog falling down a ci

in a glacier field in Alaska. Juhn Muir worked until the little d

retrieved from the icy place. Muir was also instrumental about set

up Yosemite National Park, the first of the national parks. I he^r

John Muir is buried in Martinez, CA. That seems like an unlikely ^

I didn't attend Church services today. Of course, ^

not feeling well, as is the case usually on Sundays, Brothers Jim J

and Bryon Jenkins came by to give me a health blessing Bro. Jenkir

was very strong in his words of the prayer of faith. I am to recover

and to be of greater use to my family, friends and Church, etc.

The automobile rear-ender happened about two weeks ag

I have not been able to contact.any of the responsible people, the in-

surance company for the other party, etc. You can’t hold them responsi

ble, if you can’t find them. It is a good thing that an accident repor

was taken by the Roseville Police Department. At least,we have some ob-
jective information on the accident and^the other party involved.

I made an appointment with Dr, Green at Kaiser in Rose-

now. I called
ville, CA. It is a pretty easy process for appointments
comes on the phone and that
and the message to confirm the appointments
don’t have to wait more than two or three weeks.
is it. Usually I
ill with kidney
We hear that John Dennis has been very
X am not feeling we! ’
work for some time-
s tones . He expects to be off for
nasal drip and just want to sleep
3: have headaches X
still cold-
The weather is
^ ime •
h March A. 2nn?.

and Becky Allen and baby came out tonight for a visit. Jason has made

of progress, in his life, Becky has a good personality and she

& problems with
good for Jason. Becky told me about her struggle in growing up,/her Mom •

I have not been very active, the past few days. But, 1

rant to see Becky and Jason so I "roused" when they came out here. Sorry

ly, I don’t know their son’s name. They are living with Beckyfs mother noW>

covo, UT (Orem really).

Jason has that head and neck injury, incurred when a

y sack of insulation fell on him about five years ago. The medical people

him on pain pills and the pills were addictive to him. He is not able to

now so his health is not good. Jason told about some of "wild days,"

e growing up in North Sacramento. I hear that he picked up a tobacco habit.

Jason has a good work record with the insulation com

. Becky told about her mother marrying five or six times. Becky has

or so siblings. The males in the family have a hard time identify-

■with male figures. Some are in effiminate lifestyles, from what I under-

d. The mother seemed to want to keep the family together. I just listened

lie account and tried to not be judgemental.

Becky seems very "up-front" in talking about her mother

■er siblings. Mary Lou has been encouraging Jason and Becky to go to the

e for their endowments. I don’t think that they are making much progress

—at front now. I guess that it is up to Tom Allen and Jason to watch over

father. Tim recently fell and was in the hospital for a week or so .

lien is trying to sell Mark’s house. Tim and Sandy might have a hard
inding suitable living quarters. Jason’s health is a Big worry for them

Michelle Allen brought out her three

girls . They can be
’on the wild side," at times, Crystal didn’t feel
“chelle, a lot of the time. I admire Mary Lou. weH and stayed
She Gleaned the
and cooked the meal while I did not do much to help"
Home Evening." Josh Miller sang with Destiny and ' We had a
e school songs. Chris seems to like her new positio other girls
School in Sacramento. Mary Lou loves to have "her n at Cohen Ele- ^
People” come and
I’m glad that I didn’t "hide away," in the bedroom
— ed a bit. What will happen this week? - but came out
Hope to work on
tWsssJTHE Second Inaugural
MARCH 4 , 1865

FELLOW COUNTRYMEN: AT THIS SECOND APPEARING, TO sweat of other men’s faces; but let us judge not that we be
take the oath of the presidential office, there is less occasion not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered;

for an extended address than there was at the first. Then a
statement, somewhat in detail, of a course to be pursued,
seemed fitting and proper. Now, at the expiration of four
years, during which public declarations have been constant-
that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has
his own purposes. "Woe unto the world because of of'
fences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to
that man by whom the offence comethf If we shall sup-
f s ly allied forth on every point and phase of the great contest pose that American Slavery is one of those offences which,
which still absorbs the attention, and en­ in the providence of God, must needs
grosses the enerergies [sic] of the nation, come, but which, having continued
little that is new could be presented. The through His appointed time, He now
progress of our arms, upon which all else wills to remove, and that He gives to
chiefly depends, is as well known to the both North and South, this terrible war,
l public as to myself; and it is, I trust, rea- as the woe due to those by whom the of­
' : J satisfactc ry and encouraging to all. fence came, shall we discern therein any
l n high hope lor the future, no predic­ departure from those divine attributes
: a
tion in regard to it is ventured. which the believers in a Living God al­
On the occasion corresponding to this ways ascribe to Him? Fondly do we
11 four years ago, all thought.; were anxious­
ly directed to an impending civil war. All
hope—fervently do we pray—that this
mighty scourge of war may speedily pass
/5 dreaded it—all sought to avert it. While away. Yet, if God wills that it continue,
the inaugeral [sic] address was being de- until all the wealth piled by the bond­
* -^fc^red from this place, devoted altogether man’s two hundred and fifty years of un­
Wsaving the Union without war, insur- requited toil shall be sunk, and until
gent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by
war—seeking to dissole [sic] the Union, and divide effects, another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand
by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war; but one of years ago, so still it must be said “the judgments of the
them would make war rather than let the nation survive; Lord, are true and righteous altogether[.”]
and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. With malice toward none; with charity for all; with
And the war came. firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us
One eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the na-
not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in tion’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the
the Southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar batde, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which
and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was, may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among
somehow, the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, ourselves, and with all nations.
and extend this interest was the object for which the insur- ___________________
gents would rend the Union, even by war; while the gov­
ernment claimed no right to do more than to restrict the That night, at a reception at the White House, the President
territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the sought out abolitionist Frederick Douglass. "I saw you in the
war, the magnitude, or the duration, which it has already crowd today, listening to my inaugural address,” Lincoln said.
attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict "How did you like it?”
might cease with, or even before, the conflict itself should Douglass demurred. "I must not detain you with my poor opin
cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less ion/'he said. But Lincoln pressed on.
"There is no man in the country whose opinion I value more

£SSSSSHSi -===;==£■
a just Gods assistance In wringing their bread from the Forty-one days later, on April 15.1865, L.ncoin unts dead.

blood draw for the

•• —j
and have that prentice. There has not auto????
X want to go to K^S®g89°Toyota to Chris wants to purchase
that she
We want to se^„! Siller, to indicate

A Model Son


diorama at the Calvert Marine
Museum here in Solomons, Maryland, ‘
portrays this hardworking Chesapeake
Bay community as it looked a century
ago: a steamship tied up at the wharf,
cows grazing among the outhouses,
shipyards lining the shoreline. Most
people study the diorama from above,
but Jimmy Langley, who’s 55, drops
into a squat. “I prefer this view,” he
says. “It’s just like you’re in a real boat
and you come around the island and
look all the way to Strathmore Farm,”
He’s right. From below you’re
bulled right in. A forest of bugeye and
^kipjack masts tangles the busy har-
-Sr’s skyline. Neat, white clapboard
houses perch along the slight spine of
land poking into the Patuxent River,
and workboats await their call to the
booking oyster harvest.
It took Jimmy Langley nine months
to build all this. He carved the houses Taught how to wield a carving knife by his father, Jimmy Langley (beside his diorama of
and boats and tiny cows—everything Solomons, Maryland) also adheres to his dad’s belief in taking the time to do a thing right,
but the steamboat, which was carved
by his father, James Leroy “Pepper”
Bangley, who died last year at age 86. som in a script so distinctive that any what seemed to be perfect 360'degree
low curator of exhibits at the muse' connoisseur of his work can recognize circles and ruler-straight lines.”
n, Jimmy combines his rare talent it at a glance. After Solomons’ ship' The father put the son to work
carving with a commitment to pre' yards declined, replaced by marinas for when Jimmy was n. A nearby beach
'e the history of the place where he pleasure boaters, Pepper continued let' club had some 30 signs with a logo—a
/ up. “Coming from that region tering and woodworking on his own woman diving out of Art Deco
nodeling boats from that region,” while employed as an airplane model clouds—that had to be repainted once
Daula Johnson, a curator at the maker for the Patuxent River Naval a year. ‘Those women all had yellow
Ionian’s National Museum of Air Station to support a family of six bathing suits. I can still show you to'
an History, “he has a natural children. Jimmy, the third child, was day what that bathing suit looked
d feel fbr the details.” fascinated by his father’s calling. He like,” he says, grabbing a piece of paper
beginning, there was Pepper, spent hours in Pepper’s shop just and sketching a quick outline.
t to work at riie M. M. Davis watching and listening. “I remember When Pepper quit lettering to con-
pyard *n Hie ig^os and soon when I was 3 or 4 years old,” he says, centrate on carving scale models, boat'
toP Painter, inscribing a “I was astounded that he could take a yard and marina owners started calling
and ha me port on its tran' brush and dip it in paint and create Jimmy with work. “I guess they fig-

fh^cramento. . _
I didn’t "hide away," in the bedroom but came out and
, wt 1 dian t ni this week? Hope to work on insurance c
hat will happen
Tuesday, March 5, 2002. Primary Election Day

I had an appointment with Attorney Travi

s Black about
my cUi^
auto accidufeftft on 2/19/02. He will not be
able to help me. He
pursue finding out about about the information
on the traffic co
I voted at the Fair Vale
Baptist Church precinct•
candidate that I favored for Governor was Riordan, the
ex-mayor c
Angeles. I really did not know much about the other candidates*

against any bond issues or proposals that had money attached to fh'

Davis will be tough to beat. Simon is the wealthy man who probab
"buy the election," if he chose to do so . How will it all come <?u
alarming and unpleasant experience
I had an / at the Bap
Church literature on the/ in the foyer of the Church. They hat
"hit pieceV . about the Southern Baptist Church’s "mission" in Utah, They bvn

out old/information about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sai:

’ ut
going back to the 1820Ts or 1830Ts. They even hit on the building of t
Nauvoo Temple. I objected to the literature being out on the table, dut

the time that the election was going on

J dljsyvt fray,
I’d like to write a letter to the minister of the Bapti

Church and object to the inflamatory paper being on the table, during the

Primary election. If that does not work, I plan to register a complaint

with the County Elections Baord. el th

such displays are an affront to m^religious freedom and rights.

Talking to Mr. Travis Black did not give me much hope. He

adj usters
said that insurance/scoff at such small claims. He looked at the damage oi

the tail light assembly. He said that the insurance company would make an

enlarged photo of the. damaged a/ea and then may object to paying even for
~ 'said to contact the other driver. I am not in
the accident damage./

^evor of that. He said to check out the information on the collision report,
j . interview with Mr. Black, He
I was discourage wit^y^ glven chiropractic treatments,
vfDr. Beth Morphew. He doubts that . mieht be part of my benefits
from Kaiser,
for twelve treaments I am to see Grefn at Kaiser on March

my contract with them. that blood drawer th
t-o *. iTfl-fser
nt to go to Kaiser soon and have
to Chris Prentice
d^nt to sell the to indi''*'""
from Melissa MiHer>

- ana they took an accident

- was most encouraging to me re collision.

This was a day at home for me. I wanted to do something

would help us in our ^negotiations" with the insurance companies.

Beth Morphew had called GEICO about submitting claims for chirporactic wotk

that insurance company said that I did not have the proper coverage. It
<far&/ today •
a good thing that I did not give up as they were very willing
/ ^^ook an accident report over the phonesj

ten minutes. Some of the questionable information that the other driver*

was about her phone number at home th<2 correct name of the insurance
r and the location, etc. GEICO said that they have ways to trace and

information and to leave the details to them. That is what I wanted to

• I don't want to be my own "claims adjuster!" It is good to have my in-
ce company working on the "case." I'm beginning to like GEICO more

)re,all of the time. They gave me a claim number and their claims
We will
number. / get some action now with professionals on the job.
I started typing up my diary entries once again, after

since February 24th. That has been ten days of so. I forget daily

gs so I might get some dates and events mixed-up. I typed out info-
>r yesterday and today. It is a good feeling to be typing entries/

I guess that I am extra grouchythese days. A repairman

ic Bell said that they wanted to put new wire down the line to serve

*d the others. I angrily said that they don’t need to include me in

*g- I was angry because they will not bring in a line off Madison

ur house. Lou told me to re-think my decisions as new wiring

our. home phone service. Maybe too much/ has been done to
tl Some work is better than no work at all.
le work now?
had good success at her Family History class,
to cut out the field trips on Lou and that
whd' to "fit well." She worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital also
nsc&y cards for some of the Soren Family members—-Gayle,
uar>n, Darlene and Joylene and others. She had a lot of cards
:on y also. Annabelle Sorenson is now 81-years-old. She said
is doing well. We should send a remembrance to Charlie *
Thursday, March 7, 2002 .

I wrote a letter to the

leadership of
the Fairvale Baptist ChurC*
the offensive anti- —Mormon literature
on their foyer table at the
Election. Lou and I decided n°t to mail
the letter as it might c
cate our general Church's mission.
I also wrote to Pacific Bell 1
Mary Lou and I
remember the account of the Saints ^
West, Missouri, in the late ISSO's. Some members armed themslevfj5
defended their homes and property. One of the Saints was killed ?
Missourians claimed that the Saints started the"MiIso!!ri^ar!"/'n*

infamous "extermination order" went into effect and was not taken P
Missouri statute
from the/books until more than 150 years later. Good often produces 1

Maybe something can be done about my "outburst" to

Pacific Bell workers. I wrote a note of apology to the work crew and 1

guess that it can b sent to the Pac Bell Co. office on the Aero-Jet lo,_

cat ion. 11 d like to be included in plans for telephone line improvement

I planned to go for the blood draw at Kaiser in Rosevil
( / ; i.. - .1

Sorry, I did not make it over there.

purchased the home where she is now renting.

Fay Callahan called and said that s

I guees that she is just tot’

old and tired to move. I was hoping that she would get into some kind of

new and clean efficiency apartment as her present home is in bad disrepair

We are having some starting problems with the newer Toyo

that we purchased. We called Elder Jasper and he said to bring the car ove

to his office on Monday, 3/11/02. I want to ask about the pin-point painti

Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital and at a display, to

set up tomorrow. The oil painters were very glad to share their paintings

at the Adult Education Leadership Meeting. Lou has such a kind way, in

dealing with her class members. She took the time to telephone each one.

Lou also took Eva Evans and Janie Erickson to the Relief
SQciot-v Anniversary dinner. Gale Cooley had coated strawberries, etc. for
let'- c, . y-n the business of making candy-covereed fruit, in her
b table. bhe is . f society ladies knew Eva Evans as she has lived
. Many of the He janie Erickson likes the food and the fellowship.
ra^und here for Yea^s* 0me Chinese food. He was tagjQed at school^for S!*-
j, Miller and I haa serve dentention time on Satur^®-'
r to see if I qualify for tv-’-
Beth Morphr*-
Dr. Beth
. „
Will th.

iaOMAAjMOs ....J^OvVN^>CV.r.___ 3-^02.

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i3*. png UaPg., IP^L. . psep.(g_'tkfcfo rarfpj 'rCar\^" SL-fc
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——. ki£A.[rfk >j__ ,&‘'\oL. S'fi'?»Aj| •
March 7, 2002
Robert K. Shaw
(916) 961-5271
5370 Nugget Road
Fair Oaks. CA 95628
Presiding Minister and Church Board
Fairvale Baptist Church, Fair Oaks, CA

11 d like to register a complaint about the presence of "The

Evangel, Utah Missions Returns to Utah." It was on your
table while your building was used as a voting precinct.

I don!t want to be forced to read such anti-Church literature

while I am voting. I feel that the paper attacks other Churches
in the community in an offensive manner. I don't feel that a
voting precinct should be used, in this manner.

I feel that my voting and religious rights, under the Constitution

of the United States, have been violated

I ask, as a very minimum, that such offensive literature, be

removed on election days from the front foyer of your church.

I ask that I be given an assurance, in writing, that this and

other written materials about other churches, be removed, from your
foyer on election days. It should not be much of a problem to
re-locate the table and such literature for the election days.
I expect a reply from you within ten days. Otherwise, I
ioCfcA. S*>C'OM\.
Got. RaSS' oa -•
O. Boy. 3o'So MALA
& TO-CV l3.00
•J-V U.W- C;+m,
“UiO-oifo \Mj

• >1
Thursday, March 7, 2002.

GEICO Auto Insurance is working for They contacted Sterling Insuran

Company of Ora Wje County, CA. Sterling opened a claims number of
' 679260 but I did not get their address or telephone number—will call be

It was good to get some action on my claim, after callii

GEICO Claims.
They said that they had connections to|Motor Vehicles De
! in Sacramento and they could find out and verify information, The data

on the collision report was pretty hazy and would have been tough for n
-r to figure out. Sterling will call back next week so I hope that I con­

tinue to put the pressure on them to meet my collision requirements.

* j Mary Lou is working into a busy week-end. She has that

display of oil paintings at the Adult Education meeting with community

leaders tomorrow. She is getting almost 20 paintings, to be brought oi

to the Senior Center. That is some rejnarkable cooperation per painters

Then, she is• a table at the State Archives

Saturday. She plans to take "decorations" for a table, to be manned, a

the show. Mr s ^fLu^jB^akkei^, instructor in computer work, is helping Mary

VV> -
Lou make up aJ to go around the table. Then, Lou wants to bring

t references from 1 l^er Wednesday class to publicize that group. Lou is a

member of theiValley Genealogy and Historical Society and they are sponsi

ing the events, at th ejstate of California Archives Building, all day on

Saturday, March 9th. It will be a lot of work.

Lou wants me to drive her downtowy^ Saturday morning and

assist in unloading her table- material, I have been to those affairs be

fore and I enjoy being there. They have excellent displays, access to th

classes on preserving records, etc I may be in-

Root Cellar Library,
£ _
come home and/ back for Lou.
patient about staying all day so I may
Lou took Eva Evans and Janie Erickson t 0 .
Anniversary dinner. Holly Miller and ^irthda^fyear. I con^e^tine
The anniversary always comes around exCellent. Lou sent her a Va^"tine
Lou’s "missionary work with Eva. to he Jared was "tagged at big
flower ,„d th.t “ LKr1...«■*/ J"'d
school for interfering wlth *n°* that he would rePaiJh5£ec|rtificfte came
O.reeffon, ^ U T.

cYtc .t, ei- p'*“ ’

, (-.Iff*.t.i '


s a very cool day but not any rain, Mary Lou was busy with her Adult

ion business. The painting display at the Adult Education Leader —

eeting went off well. Lou was late getting home--ha^L> many duties .

It was a cold morning with the moisture on the car

ield frozen. Lou was anxious to get over to the Adult Education Center

art setting up for the display of paintings. She took draping raateri3^-8.

About 18 artists loaned paintings for the meeting. Lou

^out 25 students in her group today. Nothing succeeds like success. She

hat the oil painters were enthused, to help. Lou told thej attendees

:he painters and the subject matter of the paintings. Lou told about
Grogan having an art display at the CSUS galleries and of: occasional
the paintings. Sales do not seem to be be stressed, in the class.

I had a slow day. The bills have been paid for the month -
onci:'led the credit union statements for the two accounts. I am over $200
in m y account so perhaps I can "borrow" that amount from Lou.

We are not sending the $50 payments to Elder Soren,

in Guatemala. I guess that Mr. Batman is making up the payments.

he $50 payments to Elder Riley Shaw, in the TouL cuse, France Mission.

Mary \Lou worked on the banner, to go ar/o/ind hery ta

splayed at -ffav California Archives tomorrow. The banner was|

id not have to take it to KINKO*S for "reprinting." Lou s day will be

entirely tomorrow with the events at the California Archives Building.

We went by "Bairs" Garage to have the shifting repaired

ta, recently purchased by us. Ron Bair looks to have a busy shop.
e is $75 an hour—not surprising. Ron advised that the Toyota be

on Kondayj 3/11, to be repaired.

I washed the dishes and put them away. The housework con-
up . f still sleep at lot. Scott Shaw called from New York.
\y hom
% from work. Julia is going to the Washington, D.C.
Elle' Scott is
for mi n is growing up, along with Andrea.
ijsical instruments, in a class at Church. Scott would
on. ^
iiJflin»he Spring vacation from school here ijfrom 3/25 to 3/29
re th^s to such places as New York City! I!d like to
\ World Trade Center once stood. What a tragedy!
Saturday, March 9, 2002.

This was a slow day for me. Lou went to the

exhibits at the S
History Museub. She manned a public
^elatio ns table with Eva B
Joe Shackelford, etc. I pretty much stayed in bed
and slept thi
We were up after 6 s•m. t o day. The State .Arfhi
Building was open and the program started about 8:15 a. m. We Pa
the lot, just across the street, in a State parking lot. The

seemed excited and anxious for the "show to begin."

Joe Shackelford had a table for his model of the

Center for the Veteran's Administration at Mather Field. He has w

over the years at writing up a history of Mather Air Force Base. B

a commissioned Major at the base and saw much of what transpired thi
Joe told of marrying the lady from Texas, in Las Ve^ag

I believe. I don't believe that the "marriage" was consummated be^:au

the lady left him/and went back to Texas. She was a high school sc
The lady
mate of Joe's but, for sure, the marriage didn't "stick."
use Joe's credit cards, etc. and ran up some BIG BILLS on Joe

I came back home and rested much of the day. Joshuaj yj

kids down Nugget Road and he stopped in to see m<

was playing with some

I guess Jarfed was at "Saturday detention," at Bella Vista High School.

house and picked up Joshua, after the play sessions.

Holly came by our

Sorry to say, but Lou^payroll check did not come in the

Hopefully, it will arrive on
mail from Folsom Cordova School District.
I watched somefbasketball games, Iowa versus^
led for the play-offfof the "Final Four."
The competition is being formed
at Dr. Gre&n will tell me aft the exam at tf'a.m.,
O I wonder wh
I wonder if I have any internal bleeding or problems?
on Monday morning?
I went back to downtown Sacramento and picked up Mary Lou at 4 p.m. She
a successful day. Over 800 visitors attended the
said that it waf Lou attended a class with an instructor from
family history * f Baker
Eva f air . helped Joe Shackelford sell some of those time-
line books
Auburn, CA. that he has on hand. Eva rode back to Rancho Cordn—
She was feeling badly that one of her SaJf'died.fe S he O'*

lady. We finished reading the 76th Sec xon

^ants about the sjfvation of thos*
Action and has some
a slow Sabbath Day for me. I did not attend Church services, Lou

nt to the Family History Center to help with a group orientation.

It is still very cold at nights. There was some

ring the night hours. The bulbs in the front yard are still growing and

Id have some more flowers. It is interesting to see the flowers grow.

Mary Lou had an interview with Bro . Rich Michaelson for a

Mil of her temple recommend. Bishop Titera is out-of-town. Fenton Willi-

Vight the Gospel Doctrine class. Fenton has a lot of knowledge i
I did not feel well and slept away the morning, I did not
n on the television set as I could not generate any interest. I read
-N Utorial pages that
the Democrats did not give much
recognition to Mr.
governor * s
y\n his political run for the/ race . They say that Riordan
responsible for defeating Riordan. The commentators get into a lot

^ Itical rhetoric that I do not understand or appreciate. The infor-

>'^1 the editorial pagej of the Sacramento Bee .

I mustered some energy in the afternoon and typed

in this diary. Lou went with Mel Stephensen to the Family History

;^rris brought in a group from her ward, Sue is very knowledge-

y history work and is a good, leader for her ward learners,

Both Kelt hyand Gayle/ called. Keith wants to come to

tgid of March and stay for over a week. Reagan and Randon are

^andy, Ryan and Shelsie are questionable. They seem to want

Valley and be away from the snow and cold. Here 1 s hoping

with them and that the weather is good!

interesting things

is also
inteested in coming here for a visit,
Gayle Soren
at the same time .
Gayle is excited
^ a school vacation
Cami-lle and others in the
Language- -classes.
. Sign kids are ill today.
• to take lessons. The Miller back on a shift at the
said that she enjoyed being to 8 p.m. Mel
Key were down there from 6 p.m. to the Oakland
He is the director at the F.H.C., goes

ntT. as*i’Sru iToo!

^'thls'week. It needs repairs at B‘d ^
v n 2002. ^ vhu; /Us/6
flJtffab frv^ $WvOmw^ p
^ *. c„r a medi-cari- examination with Dr. Cr$l g Grfcan in Ros
X went iot

with me. He was

«. to tue
Lou went the interview pretty tho^ougH an
some blood work, to be done
tomorrow. I called Sterling ipsur
I was luc o ha e Lou ------- }/LtW
in the, medicaL^ofif ice wl‘
~Juq/ -fd-ikSAy ZffV>
My weight is down a bit, 217 374 ' - fAthJJ'P .LUt fto*
pounds and my blood pressuie
over 88. He said that the "coldness" may be due to a thyroid \
and he wants to test that out. For the blood in my urine, he wi.
get a test. 1 told him about the Automobile accident. He will

list of "approved" chiropractors and see if something like twelve

twenty (?) treatments can be given.

The tests include cholesterol and triglycerides, H^

LDL , etc . He was up-beat and positive and I appreciate that. Dis

Green also said that depression did not seem part of my life style
> no
I just hope for some more effective and productive years ahead of n,
Mary Lou did not receive her payroll check. She call*
the Adult Education office and they said to bring over another payro.
slip and they / fax it to the personnel and payroll office. That wl^

considerate of them as they seem quite strict about payroll matters. \

Mary Lou can pick up her check at the District Office tomorrow. \
That Sterling Insurance Company is "an elusive target." I

Finally, I foujtfd out their number through directory assistance. They

did not return my call today. They are in Newport Beach!, 92658.Box 8128

(800)949-3274. Jason Allen, adjuster, is in charge of setting up the claim—ext.412.

The name of the company: Sterling Casualty Insurance Company.
They didnft seem to be in any hurry to help me. I suppose

that the matter will end un |V3 Sma11 ClaimS Dr‘ Beth Morphew

said that Karen and Bruce|and"other family members attended Deanna's high 1

. ht They did not come by and see us but that is

school Pro-jctlo.^ hi, &K:CV*iuY£.“
on the other hip and the m ec Jared was ill with asthma symptom®
b inue at Bella Vista High this week,
and Holly and Lou took him to Kaiser tonight, I On the "breathing ~
he almost had nil air; coming into his
Serious. All of the Miller young people have-been
f pretty tough grind for a working mot e .
>°und Jared very ill. I continue to
ft lot of the time. I am to
^^ws tomorrow. TIt i* '
rtUlAA-i //> <WX
PC$D /^Cfc^y (wfiArfld

!■ PC /X
c£j&P 7^''’>, The Sterling Casualty Insurance’s
for laboratory tests at Kaiser,
called and wants to come see the damage on the Toyota.

from Rocklin, CA. Jared is still ill, went to hospital.

Jared Miller is still having problems breathing •

too^il^^aise^gain/ His condition is very scary and

rou I know from my limited experience that people with asthma su f f er !

II Toyo t a .

ports to fill out.

"Dave" from Rocklin called about inspecting the

That was quick service. I know that I will have a lot

Somehow, I just don’t trust the people at Sterl

They took my blood draw at the Kaiser laboratory .




^ folks at the Cholesterol Clinic get notice that I’ve taken the test*
s very fair about the lab tests. They do not charge a "registration
they are usually prompt in completing the tests. The medical doctorS

s^nd aletter explaining the results. We did not ask Dr. Green
in our Monday interview
0^ questions/so will have to do that later, if possible.

Fay Callahan is coming out to San Francisco, CA for a

mention. She wants to be picked up down in The City on that date of

It seems that this week-end will be full for us. Helen Copley,

Scott and Julia's, will be in the area and will stay in our room.

kind of computerized examination machine. Scott said that she

on him and it indicated some parasites in his body. I would


finding like that would be entirely possible.

I hope that
Then, it will be my birthday on Saturday.
Chris Bartlett called from Oakley, CA.
ied for me on that date.

Saturday. The more the merrier, I guess,

in and see us on
some quick action on the rear-ender
So , we are getting
, car ready to sell to Chris?
like to get the^
oyo t a • I'd r 3^18 at 5:30 p.m.

tax appo
intment on I I nearly have them caught
^ income diary entries . problem and it takes a
n the missing surely is a t taught at her flower
Ipn days of entries Mary aroup of ladies* Ali’ the
er; on theThat
<t\ter. daily
is accounts.
an interested for house goods at COSTCO.
attend tonight. I shopped
Wednesday, March 13, 20B2.

"DAVE," the representative from Sterling Casualty, came by

the damage to the rear of the Toyota, 1989 Corolla. We were* sl
night in Gold River for having faulty taillights. I want r e^ai
The inspector came about 8 a.m. this morning an

photos of the damage to our car . He said that we should hear fr*
Sterling Casualty Company in a short time. That was quick servic.
I registered a claim with Sterling.

Jared Miller was at home today. He is still sufi

with the asthma symptoms. Holly was over to Kaiser Medical Center
about 3 or 4 a.m.^ Then, she had to go to work. That’s a tough gri

* 4 I completed the catchlwork on the diary entries. 1

were ten days of missed entries. It is quite a chore to play "cav^,

with that number of diary pages. I know that I did not get all of ^

entries in chronological order and I probably left out and duplicat

some information. Anyway, Ifm glad to have the make-up work complet

f) j Q' Chris Bartlett called.

IrfvdjWS , Jm,v An
Drive, Oakley, CA 94^516, Apartment A

painter . Chris expects to work on the bridge painting project for the

Capitol Avenue (Tower?) Bridge over the Sacramento River. Chris asked

about Scott and what he is doing. They do not seem so close anymore.

Chris plans to stop by our house when he is up this way Saturday, 3/16/

Mary Lou had at least 25 folks at her Family History

class . The Adult Education office wants her to re-enroll as many stu-

About 18 people signed up for next semester. How

dents as possible.

about that for success in teaching!

arrangements/for work
We delivered some gratis flower

We also went to Kaiser for meds

do fffi'for Mary Lou in Lu Bakken’s class.
in low supply*
for Mary Lou and Bob. My diabetes medicines were Casualty Insurance.
I received some forms from Sterling It just seems
in filling out the collision reports-insurance
I want to take care situation, dealing with adverse
that it is a precarious Dr. Beth Morphew said that

f Sanies, with a claim.

Plenty of "documentation information,
C°urt . Mary Lou keeps remindine
m°st important. We saw
r> March 14, 2002.

lot complete filling out the forms for Sterling Casualty Insurance Co.

to finish the forms by tomorrow, They ask for my side of the ' M

of the rear-end collision. I ran errands with Mary Lou today.

We had a strange thing happen, Someone with mixedup

l called and sounded/if they really had a problem. I thought that it was

, over at his house. Mary Lou and I hurried over there. Jared was at

1. We called Bella Vista High School and they called Jared in from the

t conditioning class. Thank goodness that Jared was all right.Who could
/ tif
made the phone call, know our number an djmake it sound|as if Jared called?

Melissa was at home and said that she knew Jared was all

We felt a necessity to check out the facts, as near as we could do so.

i called and left a message on the recorder. He thanked us for checking

ared today to find that he was okay and not suffering from asthma.

One surely has to go through a lot of "red tape,"

fying the insurance companies. I wonder if the insurance companies

under a threat of prosecution for suspicion of insurance fraud? The

ance companies do not provide all that great of service to the consumer.

We keep receiving a lot of sexually related mail from

us companies. I try to pick it out and send it back to them, asking that

ne be removed from their mailing lists. I don’t know how effective single

sts from the public are in stopping the flood of offensive mail.

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital this morning.

came home and made up rose arrangements for Mrs. Lu Bakken and for

helpers in the computer class. They helped make up a banner, etc. for

:se . Mary Lou talked to the new vice to get

uite nicely. Lou says that he is cooperativejin solving problems.

Lou could not get new temple clothes at Beehive Clothing

recommend had expired. We shopped at a drug store for cosmetics.

= went for her oil painting lesson with Janie Erickson. Janie
t she was not feeling well. Janie said that Bob Hinton is doing bette
s operation for prostate^related problems, Lou went to bed early-
because she was so tired. The north cool breeze was blowing today
= emed to dry out the lawn and the ground. I need to mow the lawn
Z didn't haul away any "green waste trash today. Didn’t do the work!
Friday, March 2002 .

It will be my 75th birthday tomorrow. That is kind of scary. I recei

cards from Karen Blakely and / Markworth. Lou had a full, busy day

It was another cool day with a fairly strong breeze

blowing. Mary Lou wanted to return those . paintings from the Adul

Education office to the Senior Center. She had a plan for loading th.
1 ft ----- A — 1----- J ~ J *- X,------
/-* r o r\ -1 ■*-» *■ n 4-Vi n Lou used a

e ladies in the


ing Insurance C

ned about all c

a a don't know if
H H that I have "s
l ■o -M
E </> E c correct about
to o (0 <D
m 00
00 E
aving poor taii
9 3 4
c o > o
Q,c?.. Lision. But, 1
o «
■o a .
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a° it
■ 038
jith the infor-

« O (A <A it "whiplash" d
c O V)
M V 3
u o ist treatment d*
■o It
v£ re
n c V 4J Dr.
O ?
C ■M > (A to
Z re Ol C V ■o
ie piano that is
0) IN a re.■M c
(A U < in re 2 re DOLLY at Belli
re u >
Deanna and
re re
■ Ml

re o o > ice.

a re ■o a E (A
re .lingwood tract.
Z (A <
re £
re re 0> c re computer class. B
re c re (A c re GO
■o ■o re
01 re Lou has recommend-
■o re ■ Hi H u

a 5 a a u 2 o He is a good
lat Erma is verY
,as trouble keeping
ing with George,
, were able to
Lenty more mowing
kitchen & house.
.y, March 14 , 2002 .

no t complete filling out the forms for Sterling Casualty Insurance Co

; to finish the forms by tomorrow. They ask for my side of the

3 of the rear-end collision. I ran errands with Mary Lou today.

We had a strange thing happen, Someone with mixedup

h called and sounded/if they really had a problem. I thought that it was

1, over at his house. Marv Lou and T hurn’pH

al. We cs

ht conditi

made the

t. We fe]

n called <*

Jared tod;

sfying the

under a t

ranee comp

ms compar

me be ren

sts from

came hon


use. Ms
quite ni

u went /
at she
is oper
i earned
T didn
Friday, March fn , 2002.

It will be my 75th birthday tomorrow. That is kind of scary. I receive

cards from Karen Blakely and / Markworth. Lou had a full, busy day.

It was another cool day with a fairly strong breeze

blowing. Mary Lou wanted to return those . paintings from the Adult
Education office to the Senior Center. She had a plan for loading the
18 or so paintings in to the car and we unloaded them, Lou used a

old bedspread to protect the paintings in transit, The ladies in the

class helped us take them out of the car and into the building.*

Jason Allent the adjuster from Sterling Insurance Co,


called. He wanted some verbal information. I complained about all of
the paper work that the consumer has to go through, I don’t know if i
:;3! weakens my case to blab and complain. Mr., Allen said that I have "som

preconceived notions about insurance companies” He1 s correct about th«

I told him about being stopped by a security guy for having poor tail

lights. I hope to get the tail lights repaired soon.

I completed those forms about the collision. But, I

must have lost or misplaced the letter so didn’t get it mailed to the

Sterling Insurance Co. Dr. Beth looked over the form with the infor-

mation about the medical treatments. She advised to put "whiplash" dowt

as the result of the collision. She also changedthe last treatment date

before the collision. She is most helpful as an advisor.

Deanna was in the office and played the piano that is

stored thShe is having success in being in "HELLO D0LL¥ " at Bella

Deanna and
Vista High. Tomorrow night will be the final performance.
house in Rollingwood tract.
her mother seem to have moved out of their
Rader’s computer class. He
Mary Lou went directly to Mr
Lou has recommend-
is teaching some other types of computer elasse He is a good
Ted Allebes to be an art teacher. Ted^s inter ^ that Erma is very
trouble keeping
artist and works in sever ar n(j-daughter. She has George,
frail. Phyllis is living with a gratia s worklng with George,
events "straight." For example, she^ Raren w Bruce wer. ablesto
in planting a garden. It was g 0T. B|f°r|sd^ty more moving
travel up to Ogden UT from St. west -n Ther. ^ kitchen . house.
fnl^ylrdTor, to0^. Loo stayed -

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This was the day for "wearin1 of the green!" We had some Irish soda

bread (with raisins) and corned beef (at least, beef) and vegetables and
cabbape. elen Copley and er customer ^arrived, ,1 had "treatment."

I recall
Great-f randmother , Ellen Ga4!lagh Cottam
and of her courage and medical skills. She was a mid-wife in early-day

Utah and delivered over 300 babies, without losing a mother or a child.

That figure is from Aunt Mabel Ellis. What a great ancest

b,.£ „cabbage with vege-

tables . We had more of the "sugarless" pies and low sugar i£& cream.

Helen and her customer, Ivan, ate some of the food while they were taking

the treatment . They seemed to enjoy the variety of food items.

Mary Lou went to Church services. Bishop Titera is

•r still checking up on me. He has been away from home on business, the
m \ past few weeks. He works for a certified public accountant consulting
firm. I hear thatj Arthur Anderson Accounting firm may have to go out of
made J.
business because of the mistakes/in preparing the Enron Co. statementSy/^J

Mary Lou went to have her temple recommend signed by the

Fair Oaks Stake leaders. She gave some old garments to Sis. Jackson, to

send along to the Polynesians. Many of those Saints just don’t have the

resources to pay for garments. The temple presidents keep the garments at
/ wW
the Polynesians come there to check|what is available.

Helen was very thorough in giving me the bio-feedback

treatment. She located "sore spots" in my mouth, neck and shoulders and

in other parts of my body. Helen said that I should exercise more and

watch my diet. She worked with the hand tool on my neck and shoulders

That made me feel better. Scott Shaw told Helen to get me

and throat.
I am in my 80’s and 90 ’ s, in"health years."
back on the road to .good health.
„ Valiev He wants to be able to have his own

she"killed some body parasites with th a(.1Jack Everett's office tomorrow,

our income tax appointment wit a
=rch 18, 2002. INCOME TAX PREPARAT^^I DAY.

i a<J „*
s wife and family members. Lou gave me a good set of ad-

renches and a beautiful card. Then, Helen Copley arrived.

Helen stayed overnight at our home. She doesn1t

*?e a permanent home. She stays with her sister in Northridge,

aughter lives in the Redlands area and works in something like

Circus," managing the box office. Her father also lives in

alifornia. He lives on the third floor and cannot climb the/

Helen still goes back to Long Island, NY and to

where she once lived. She fiercely wants "to be her own boss."

sen ill and has overcome her problems, as far as I can tell.

zfected by some kind of chemical spray in Utah, during the Olym-

_en said that the spray caused her arms to break out in a tash.

_s of livfcg for five days in a commune in Virginia. She gave

:he bio-feedback, hoping to sell the plan to the cult members.

Ivan came back this morning for a continuation v

Llth profile. From his conversation, he has done a lot with bio-

equipment. His wife works up near Pleasant Valley and he has

ildren. I am not so enthralled with the bio-feedback demo

ber and nutrient drink that Helen sells. I have had the drink

year and I haven’t really started to use it. Scott might .

it to^l^^^and Helen ar
lr^ m“*cl0”' ** £riend‘'
Helen and Ivan/ around noon. I don’t feel

>e to associate myself with this sales plan. I signed a form,

ly records at the officejof Dr. Blakely, D.C. and Dr. Craig

aiser in Roseville. They also sent a form for salary infor-

I won’t need that.

Lou and I worked on our records for the tax ap-
oday. Lou emptied some boxes in my office so I know where
ipplies and papers are a bit better now. The tax time
at Jack Everett’s office, was just one hour. She is
Phil 01mstead. Phil has cancer now. Marcia is an en-
and seems to know her business, We should receive a
both the feds and the state. Lou had a list of sales
andjbxpenses for "Shaw’s Florist." The flower sales was
S ffYfif f?V last year. That i/ down about 25% (±) .
Tuesday, March 19, 2002.

__ I "Bad News Bair" called from his repair garage, The red Toyota is ready I
with a new starter costing almost $300. It has been in the garage for
i over a week. I shuffled through some papers, on ray desk. Much work to do.
in. Jan Pan Dutton called. The plans for Fay!s visit out
to San Francisco are firming up. Janet and Venetta Abbott are coming from
5S •
out-of-town to S.F. Mary Lou and Chris Prentice, are. driving down from
here and all five sisters will spend the day/tofeethe:r in "Baghdad By The

Bay." Janet is renting a room at a different hotel from where Fay is

staying. The visit won't be long as the sisters plan to leave San Fran-

cisco Sunday or early that week. Holly Miller may go down there also.

Some places that they mention to visit are downtown

S .F. , the beach, Fisherman's Wharf, Chinatown, Muir Woods, etc. Those
are the regular tourist spots. Fay is/ a room at her hotel. She

seems to be tied up with her poetry sessions all of that week. She is

only free on Saturday, April 13th and that week-end. I have not decided

as to whether I want to go down to the Bay Area on that visit.

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital this morning.

In the evening, she completed the quarter at the Floral Techniques class.

The folks had a pot-luck buffet type of affair. Many of the class mem-

bers have signed over, to take the flower class next quarter. Lou thinks

that the evening group iSg^i^re^LL^ c^mpat ible class. I watched the Kings

beat the Houston Rockets

i The game was played at Arco Arena.

leave notes on what

Too bad that Helen Copley did not

the bio-feedback reading^ told her about my health. It seems to boil down

to exercise and diet. I admit that I am deficient in both of those areas

and need immediate improvement. I walked down Nugget Road, the first time

in years, it seems. Helen also suggested that I use the exercise bicycle

„ • oiraioment w^ould also be helpful to me.

and the treadmill. The

oak trees are coming out in lea*- ber seeing that type of tree in
are also coming out in bloom. ~ , ian here in the U.S.A. I mowed
New Zealand. The tret's are calle^ntf1 j ran out of gasoline. The moving
the west lawn and the east lawn, unti 1 . Keith plans to arrive3/25/02.
jobs certainly make our yard look

really nice day. The sun was out ana the breezes were cool. Spring

sneak up on us as we have been having spring-like weather for

The lilacs are starting to come out on the shrub, in front yard.

Keith Shaw called early this morning. He proposed that

1 her friends, Treena, Nicki Dockstader and Camille Soren come on the

ist don’t like extra people coming to visit, after the plans are made.

that he would call later for our final decision.

Lou "worked on me" and we decided "the more the merrier. 11

ed Keith. He would like to be here Sunday for the blessing of Ava.

day, they will be here on Monday, 3/24/02. Reagan and Randon will

ming . It will be good to see the Shaw family. Sandy may not come.

Most of my reasons had to do with the extra work put

ith visitors in the house. Mary Lou does not like to be "protected"
en, I am put in the position of saying that I don’t want/ grand-

d come for a visit. That is not true at all.

We picked up t 1998 Toyota at Bair’s

2 put a new starter on the car. J I went over to the Sacramento, CA

fice and turned in the invoice. I also penned a note to the P.B.O.

to ask them for a refund. I should receive . thezp.ayme.nt pr omp tly.

)m Sterling Insurance. I think that their sett lementf'wjL JJ be meager.

Gayle Soren can’t make the trip. She has some part-
oming up. Ka^jLeena and Camille may be coming with a/. who is

California* I Soren sisters seem anxious to make the trip out here.

Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital and at the Family

ss . The class members had a pot-luck luncheon. Lou takes cole slaw

s cut up in the salad. The folks seem to like the dish.

John Dennis has had some kidney stone problems.

e difficulty walking around on that "game" foot and leg.

rom a horse accident. I wonder how Dan Dennis is getting along?

I do sleep a lot.
quite well. I did complete the mowing of the
the lawn sprinkling system, when he is
Keith wantsb^°kf^ow preventer to repair—had a freeze break.
have that
Juno e-mail printed Fri, 22 Mar 2002 14:47:06 , page 1

From: holly miller <>

ijate: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 21:22:13-0800
Subject: Re: Visitors

Mom you are not in the doghouse. I am pulling back from this, as I
haven’t been in the loop at all on this from the participants. You have
let me know...but my pet peeve is that not one of these people have
mntartpH me sn thpv must want to see vou and I am only to be seen if

l .
i ! :J
Thursday, March 21, 2002.

The Church leaders wrote a letter in reply to Mary Lou's letter of Feb.
16, 2002. That concerned the rebaptism and restoration of blessings for
Austin Neal Abbott, Senior, who w July 31 ’ 194 K They

say that a ten-year minimum period^must pass before any reconsideration.

It will be another three years and eight months#before I

Austin Abbott died on November 13 , 1995 . fjvhjwi 2 fiOify
the minimum reconsideration date for Austin./ They must have reviewed the

excommunication records as they suppled the date---7/31/1941. I remem-

ber Sis./Johnson, the seminary teacher of Michael Shaw. She always told

of the "waiting in the eternities" so this seems to be one of those cases.

It has been over sixty/ since Austin Neal Abbott's excommunication.

Keith Shaw called us on a long telephone call this

morning. He is really worried about the Sorens. We hear that Gayle is

withdrawing Jaron's savings to pay the mortgage payment, etc. The Sorens

must be on hard times. But, Camille and Kayleena plan to come down this

way with a friend who is driving to California. I don't know of any de­

tails of the planned trip. Gayle has to stay and work on odd jobs.

I don't know exactly what Lou and Keith discussed for

over an hour, on the telephone. Keith was out on his paper route/

He has some kind of agreement with Reagan, to get the Logan newspaper

delivered. Keith still has those two large dogs. It would seem that he

should consider moving to the country, to accomodate the big dogs, etc.

Lou worked at the Folsom Conv. Hospital this morning.

She had me start writing out the enrollment slips for the patients, in

her Arts and Crafts class. She wrote in the namejand that helped. I

will have to get up early in the morning and complete the records.

Mary Lou worked with Lu Bakken this afternoon to make

in the Cordova Park District
up a computer disk for her announcements

Flyer for the Spring, Lu Bakken is very accomodating. Lu stayed after

It's good to have
class to complete the computer work for Mary Lou.
COSTCO for foodstuffs, Then, we went to
friends. We went shopping at
Bob and Mary Lou. Mary Lou
to pick up pills for
Kaiser, in Roseville, Saturday,
Shaw. Her birthday will be on
sent a birthday card to Margo Monday, March 25th.
t- 4 n n annniPtment ls
Thursday, March 21, 2002.

I am placing "catch up," on these diary entries,on Sunday, 3/24/02.

When 11 m not feeling well, the diary writing is one of the first things

that gets behind. The planning for the Sorens and the Shaws still goes

on, for them to come here for a visit, over Spring Break from their school.

Gayle Soren has a friend who is driving here over this

week-end. The friend has some connection with the Smith family of Pol­

lock Pines, located above Placerville. That way, Keith would not have to

swing by Boise, ID, to pick up the kids. It seems that just Camille and

Kayleena will be coming. Shawn Soren probably has other plans.

Mary Lou worked at the Folsom Conv. Hospital today.

She is looking forward to next week, as time off from the job. That way,

she can concentrate on making Keith and his kids plus the Soren kids and

friends feel at home. She loves nothing more than having her grand­

children around. It is one of the biggest joys of having a family.

Keith has been calling each morning, on his paper route.

He takes his two dogs out on leash and enjoys the activity and exercise.

Not any word on Ryan turning in his papers for. his Church mission call.

Time will tell but the pull of the college life can be very alluring.

? i We hear that Holly Miller is a "bit miffed" that she was

not included in on the planning to see Fay Callahan and the other Abbott

sisters, in San Francisco, on April 13th. To me, it just does not seem

that all parties are informed equally well from the Abbott sisters. Fay

would not contact Holly, the same for Venetta Abbott. Chri

would probably not be in too close of a contact with Holly^ i

from the sisters by bits and pieces. Too bad that Holly
that newsj

feels left out . I wouldn * t think that it was intentional.

Our home teaching plans a^e not going well.
Susan Dennis can t see us until next .
Nixon has respiratory Problejg^/,/> '
Evans at the party but wonders if that ;
week. Lou has already seenJ
ntacted Mr. Elliott, on Blinman Street.
counts as a visit? We have not co but I have not heard from Doctor ■
to say,
I take a lot of bed rest. S°5r?oot.s I may have to write to him soon.
Green, at Kaiser, on the bloo

Saturday, March 23, 2002.

I had another slow day. 1 will have to "perk up" fast, with the pros-
pect of Keith and family plus/ and Kayleena Soren coming to visit
Pollock Pines, CA.
us . Gayle called and her daughters are coming with folks going to/

Mary Lou has been in touch with Gayle by telephone.

Camille and Kayleena are coming this way for/ They should arrive

here this evening. Michael, cooperative as usual, promised to go to

Pollock Pines to pick up the sisters. They arrived up there about 8 p.m,
picked them
coming by way of Carson City, NV. Mike/^ _ up at 9:30 p.m.

Keith called again this morning. They will be driving

down here from Logan, UT. Sandy and Ryan will not be coming for the

visit . They plan to bring a friend of Shelsie's. Their station wagon

has been in the shop for repairs. So, they should have/transportation.

We notice from the weather pages that Utah has had

some late cold and snowy weather. One can't blame the folks for thinking

that California will be warmer. That is one of the attractions for the

people from other states. Actually, it is not so warm here either.

Our appointment to change over the legal registration

for the 1998 Toyota Corolla is Monday, 3/25, at 3:45 p.m. It is worth

getting an appointment as the lines are long at Folsom Motor Vehicles.

It will take a nick out of our budget to get the car signed over into our

names . The State wants their 7.5 or 7.75 sales tax plus the transfer fees
The final transfer fees were about $680.00.
We did not hear any thing from Sterling Insurance.

about the rear-end collision claim. They have received the medical re­

ports release forms and that will take them some time to collect the in­

formation, if they do it. The "ball is in their court now!"

Mike did not call tonight to confirm that the Soren

sisters arrived safely, at the Shaw home, in El Dorado Hills.

But, no i
Keith and his kids
news is good news. This has been an exciting week.
Then, Gayle "promoted" a ride .
seem excited about coming down this way.
It's all excitement I
Break from school.
for her daughters here for Spring

The "beat goes on" with the house guests. We had a real work/ today.
The young people worked from early morning until late afternoon,
on the
house and the yard. The cousins enjoy each other. Ah, vibrant youth!

The weather forecast is for pretty good weather this

week. The kids expressed the/ t that the weather is warmer here.

Keith is a good leadei^The group made up a tentative schedule. Monday and

Tuesday, work. Wednesday, Marineworld in Vallejo, CA; Thursday, Daffodil

Hillj Friday, San Francisco, CA and Saturday, an Easter egg hunt.Big hopes.

The kids seemed willing to help. The young ladies went

right to work cleaning the house. Camille washed the windows and cleaned

the bathrooms. Shelsie was good at cleaning the house, with Treena.

Camille has a plan for working and may become a professional house
. clean-

er . Sheslie iias a good housekeeping example from her mother.

The guys went right to work also. They remind us of

ElderJ Jaronf' and^ Shavw when they were here, a few years ago, doing painting.

etc. Those young men were also good helpers. Keith took Holly to work.

Reagan tilled the garden spot. Also, the area along

the south fence was tilled. It was tough to knock down the weeds but the

strip looked much better. The guys and young ladies hauled most of the
wood chips, under the redwood trees. Keith and Mary Lou want to plant some
planting area.
tomato plants in that/ Will the plants survive the weed growth?

We started cleaning off the back patio and washing down

the siding walls. Camille emptied a lot of Lou's old cosmetic packages.

We actually tossed away the old make-up, e t c! Jared and Shelsie drove

the pick-up truck. They did quite well, delivering wood chips.
Even Melissa
The guests had a video in the evening.

Miller and her friend stopped by. itwas some ridiculous film about a
At the
couple of-screaming guys- _
Miller 1 s place, they viewed We .
in "“tourist" about Rob Ream and the no...,
hear that Rob wrote to Joylene and Rosaii Melissa seems to live a hectic
Melissa and friend were here f°r a all is a deep mystery to meJl
life with her friends. How she does it all
A 26, 2002.
last tasks
r second and perhaps/"work day." More/ . were accomplished.

the redwood along Madison Avenue like a tall trimmed

planting area,
WOW! Keith leveled off 100 feet of that/ along the south

e planted 15 tomato plants. Who would believe our accomplishments !

Keith took Holly to work at the State Office Building

y visited .Michael and Margo with her kids on Sunday. Holly saw them

Maybe she called them on the phone ? Mike is coming over Thursday

"family only" meal. Sophia & Chloe may stay overnight, at our house.

We worked again on the landscaping and drainage, away

:k of the house. Also, Randon and Josh dug along the patio and side-

l the sidewalk. Reagan did some more tilling of the garden.

I called H. and H. Insurance and they said to go ahead

:he Toyota. I took the car t

.ights, as they have time

;o I may call them to check out their .rate

tek-end rental, go to San FranciscoJin he

Mary Lou helped the three young ladies with the cooking.

on mixing and baking bread, on candy, cooking a roast, etc. They are

earn new skills. Camille did not want to pump Round-Up on the grass

But she did spray the grass killer on the planing strip for tomatoes .

Fay and Janet have been contacting Lou about the day in

■, after Fay's poetry convention. Fay sent $100 for the food. It

for the five Abbott sisters to be together, in the Bay Area.

So, the kids hauled all of the wood chips ^j^Jared and

~~le driving of the pick-up truck. I bought some;Maxi-Paw/sprinkler

Depot. Keith has not really done much j the sprinkling

will hope fully get "around to it." The planting of the tomato
fonder. " Here's hoping they will grow, in the Bermuda grass
= Millers led out in a bicycle ride. They went via Folsom.
her bike and the EMT1s came and checked her out. Ron and
—-ant KJ checked out at a hospital. She scraped her leg
inful. Mary Lou took care of KJ and she seemed to sleep well,
much more accomplished in the work around the house and the yard?
= the day off from work tomorrow, to go to Mar meworld. I'm glad
feed and entertain a house full
Hjaring days are over. To house,
A tmn n oof \c-fds. is a problem. What it the kids were big trouble?
Edition 76, March 27, 2002

Fay’s "Shaw's Fearless Flyer" Poem is a heart warming tribute to our efforts.
To date, there have been 75 editions.
Thank you, Keith, Mike and Scott for adding family news items to the Flyer.
We can hardly wait for Fay to publish her exquisite Book of Poems, "Great Genes."
There are a few samples of some of her other writings in this edition. Thank you,

f I

Bob and Lou publish "SHAW'S FEARLESS FLYER"'/

Relative's news, red hot off the wire.
They report deaths and recent births,
Life and activities around the hearths.
Religion is added for their souls,
Inspiring them to reach for higher goals.
Bob adds cartoons, humor and jokes,
To amuse and entertain the folks.
Lou publishes pictures of the breed,
Families grow old with too much speed.
"SHAW'S FEARLESS FLYER" proclaims all ages,
But above all, love fills the pages.

^ ••
Poem written winter 2002
by R. Fay Callahan *
132 E. Short Street
Independence, Mo., 64050
Ph. 816-254-9180

Over The
Full Color Print*

'■iZur& r^°s
•High est Quality

f$vb£,Pr//rfa* Phone 753.8875
Wednesday, March 27, 2002.

This was the day for the group to go to Marine World, in Vallej
Oj Ca.
Holly Miller and Keith Shaw were the "wagon masters." Everyone had
good time. Mary Lou and I worked on the family paper, "Fearless Flyt

The kids were up, ready to go to Six Fla ne-

Worjd" Amusement Park. Keith said that they drove right up to th
gate and parked. Extreme crowds did not seem to be a problem. The
weather was lovely. The park has been refurbished and enlarged with ma.

"killer rides." Keith and the kids told of getting on the MEDUSA, just

for starter/^ Some of those rides can churn you and thrill you.'

They talked about the displays and the shows. One was

the butterfly display with samples from all over the world. They saw the

dolphins, the elephants and the water skiing display. Frankly, I have
been there in some time
so I don't knowlall of the attractions.

The kids could have some freedom. Some of the young

ladies rode on the elephants. They could pick and choose, among the rid*

They took a lunch in, in their backpacks so they didn't have to pay a lot

for food and drinks. It is a good family-oriented activity parl^

They were back home by around 9 p.m., bubbling over

with enthusiasm. Kayleena Soren seemed to keep up with the activities.

She did not complain about her leg injuries. KJ was just glad that the

EMT's did not/her to the hospital last night.. Gayle did not seem sur-

prised that KJ did well at^ the theme park—kids can do amazing things.
Mary LouJandfc amille worked on the family paper. Lou
‘ %

wanted Fay's poem about^Shaw's Fearless Flyer" on the cover and that was a

good choice. I wrote out a short article about the work and play, with

the grand-children. Lou checked out the^bi^tfola^s^^M^the^ anniversaries.

We had the e-mails from Keith, Scott and/ The black and white

We have the 1989 Toyota to

Hiller told Mary Lou that

bUti surf,

rrom the west patio and driveway.

---- - j. c. Good !
-(We took the 1989 Toyota to
light repairs.) Keith wanted to ^^bac^J:c^the^ bea^th • I discouraged

wanted to go to Muir Woods Beach,Jper directions from Holly Miller.

has the idea of camping along the shore and spending several days 0

at a future time. His kids love the seashore,especially Randon.

Before they left, the workers hauled away the dirt from

atio area. a-
They had dug a drain line along the edge of the patio and

That work was really helpful, to me. I watered the tomato

T'hey jfieem to be healthy and surviving. The grafted fruit trees i

loom. I wonder if we will get any fruit from the trees, this year? I
suggested to Keith that the driveway drainage line run across lawn.)
Mary Lou finished keyboarding the pages for the "Shaw
k; i
It turned out to be thirty page; with the sports pages from
laying /at Logan High. We even enlarged a photo of Shelsie

*i§h school biographical information. The high school sports

/not be of . interest to all of the readers.

They had the repair lenses at B & B but one lens did not

e correct part. So, the Toyota will stay in the repair garage,

-end . I picked up a rental car at Enterprise, in Carmichael.

The car rental people
Neon'. / had me put the charges on redit card and- the insur-

in be billed later. I hope that all of this works out okay.

We printed the black and white pages at Office Max.

ia<\hines that can print back-to-back. It looks as though Fay C.

on a typewriter. I note a few typos in her poetry that need to
e publication. I am impressed with Fay1s poetry. Her poems
2 describes happenings in thef of the family very well.
btck from Muir Beach early in the evening. They are
Sh?autiful Muir Woods. The kids could run and play, in
oi aw brought Chloe and Sophia by, to play with the
ie ng to near Tahoe, over this week-end. They have an
ra share sales people. The kids had some sand dollars and
se The kids were tired but, SQme of
. tys on the beach today.
I don't know what is of so much interest
y our computer.
The Permanente Medical Group, Inc, GILROY
(916) 784-4000 NAPA S. SACRAMENTO


Physician-in-Chief Assistant Physician-in-Chief Medical Group Administrator

ROBERT K SHAW 03/14/2002

5370 NUGGET RD KAISER # 01621159
FAIR OAKS CA 95628 DAY: (916) 961-5271
EVE:(916) 961-5271

Here are the results of your recent laboratory tests:


03/12/02 Bili, Total 0.4mg/dL 0.2 1.2

03/12/02 LIPID
Total Cholesterol 197mg/dL < 239
Triglycerides H 520mg/dL < 399
HDL Cholesterol L 25mg/dL > 40
LDL Cholesterol NOT DONEmg/dL < 129
Unable to Calculate - Triglycerides Grea
ter than 400 mg/dL.

03/12/02 CK (CPK) 58U/L 0 200

•: 03/12/02 Kidney Test CREAT 1.3mg/dL < 1.3

03/12/02 Glucose Fasting H 199mg/dL 60 115

. .
03/12/02 LDL Cholestero 99mg/dL < 129
03/12/02 ALT (SGPT) 4 6U/L < 40

j 03/12/02 TSH 1.3uIU/mL 0.2 5.5

iT 03/12/02 HGBA1C
HGB A1C 4.8 6.0

Lab 1

0S272-1 (REV. •-*«)


This was a lovely Spring Day with temperatures probably above 80°.
Lou and Keith took the kids to Church. It was fast and testimony meeting.

: Lou and Many of the kids testified about the truthfulness of the Gospel.

Keith wanted to be at services on time today, He said

that he did recognize Fenton Williams andGrant Nielsen. Keith came home
after the sacrament meeting, to work on the sprinkler system, Lou stayed
with the family members to the other meetings.

Reagan and Randon Shaw stayed home with me. They were

able to catch up on their sleep. I read the newspaper and rested a while.

There is news about Israel and Palestine fighting <|n the west bank town of
I Ramallah. Arafat is doing what he vows to do—fight the Israelies to the
death. It a very explo8lire situation. The- "War Against

- Terrorism" seems to be an endless war that cannot: bejjwon by the U.S.A.

! I• qJ
Keith and I worked on the installation of the sprinkler
i d
i control panel. It ias room for 32 lines and we are using less than 20 now.
I Keith worked very smoothly, putting in the wires. I had to go to the store

and get small screwdrivers so that the wires could be installed. Keith
checked out the lines to some extent and was able to get the sprinkler
I heads operational/ Reagan and Jared helped Keith adjust the water lines.
5 Ket*ih paid some extra attention to the sprinkler heads
If around the "barn" and the garden. He replaced some head/up there because

the tiller and the lawn-mower cuts them down, We drove in metal fence

posts and that should offer some protection againsfcthe cutting machines.

i osrjj tMAnhlhdb* We had a lovely Easter dinner with ham and turkey.

Holly/brought over ham and scallopped potatoes, She also made a tasty

sweet potato dish. Everyone seemed to enjoy t^he dinner

Z noted

<-hat Melissa did not participate so much in the Easter egg hunt. She al-
.hat Meliss F gusto! Maybe her interests are some place
ways enters the tun 8 gathered ten or so "plastic eggs with
else this year! She said that she g _ daughters to Pollock
candy." Mary Lou and Holly;^Lts t^leave'aboutleave about I ffor Logan "
8 a.m. UT.
lines in the morning. Keith wants t month starting tomorrow i
the ^TRS 6 suppl a mental "payment ofcan pay more bills!
CorolVkJto Chris Prentice. She paid $500 and will
the next couple of months . I mailed the
?IK over
v J.43.77l1, „to sterling
and Enterprise $143 „ lns.
Garage, $381
I missed my big chances today to play some April

didn’t even try. Mike had an elaborate one planned for

t there was a drawing at the time share sales meeting in

that he won a free trip to Hawaii and could take me

.owed it "hook, line, and sinker." The j oke *s on me!

The Soren daughters called and so they arrived

Keith also called and they were home safe also. She Is ie

*nds greet her upon arrival so that was pleasant. What a nice

ith> his kids and the other grand-children and family members.

ary Lou took the Soren sisters to Pollock Pines and Keith
after 8 a.m. It is good that they traveled safely.
if t
A sudden "quiet" settled on the "olde home-

/lorning. The families left the house looking pretty good,

s t
ental car back to Enterprise. B & B Repair did pot smog
or change the oil. I had the smog done at TOS in Orangevale.

/ant to have the ’89 Toyota in our name because of liability,

etc. so we signed the certificate of ownership over to Chris P.

is likes the paint job that we put on the car—gives it a classy look,
o like the car and she needs some dependable transportation./
d the Toyota and vacuumed it out — tried to make it presentable.
So, we feel that we transacted some good business

is has an appointment at Dept, of Motor Veh. tomorrow,, to com-

ansaction / them. I trust all will go well with her efforts,
ame out here with Chris. They have been working on putting
cement sidewalk, in front of567 Santiago, N. Sacto. The
door is doing the work, to catch up on the back rent owed.
pector was bitten by the neighbor’s dog. The quality of the
did not pass, so more work must be done. I guess that the
was quite a neighborhood flare-up. The neighbor concrete
s supposed to work on the sidewalk job until it passes
This has been a big concern to Chris Prentice. Danny C.
*»aul the broken concrete pieces into the back yard.It wi^
c^r Mary Lou tomorrow. She will work at Folsom Conv-
1 Techniques class, at the Cordova Senior
* ♦■'he jobs started by Keith and worke?s ^
- °n taking the diabetes medicXt^
ds” four times a %
Juno e-mail printed Sat, 6 Apr 2002 19:38:51 , page 1

From: Mary l_ Shaw <>

* rs*iaw^^*§^°t™
^SgjU)C: sheesl',,,
Subject. O a\ifornia visit

jusuhlcler Ri,eyShaw
como * would write you an E-mail. Shelsie put your address in my
and 5-U^r. We had a great time when your dad, Reagon, Randon, Shelsie,
aqain r^nena came out. Also Camille and Kaylena. It was a shock to see
R *^ovv capable they are. Shelsie and Camille drove me around.
eiSe9c^i Jared and your Grandfather and Dad worked outside, plus everyone
etc ' » ^ey hauled wood chips, planted a garden, fixed the sprinklers
Wl| Jared delighted in driving the truck. Camille washed the
-j- c*ONA/s, Shelsie did the blinds, and Randon and Josh did the cupboards.
^ helped too. I taught them how to make wheat berry bread, Boston
to Creme candy, and Shaw's stuff Reagon even helped us clean Bob's
°* fPoro~_He remackecLJ^lf I didn't love you I wouldn't do this.
Then the fun began, Marine World with Holly on Wednesday, The
^ach and Muir Woods with your Dad on Thursday, San Francisco with
^r9ndma and Grandpa on Friday. Fisherman's Wharf, China town and we ate
^ the Chinese restaurant that we dined at when you and Laura came. (I
told fortunes out of the tea cups....Shelsie was leading the band with a
baton and Camille had an angel in her cup. Camille's fortune came true
ii I in the form of a young man that came to the house in the costume of an
angel to invite her to the prom. He had her go out to the back yard and
dig up a box with some gold plates with the message in a strange code and
interpreter in it.) ^
Saturday we went to beautiful Daffodil Hill, Moaning Caves and
Shelsie, Camille, Treena and I went to the Young Women's
broadcast that night.
Needless to say by Sunday everyone was worn out, but most of us
went to church, had a big turkey and ham dinner, and an Easter Egg hunt.
Everyone laid around. We did some water coloring, played the piano, and
Camille brought her violin. It was surely nice.
Kayleena and Camille came with a lady that was visiting in
Pol luck Pines. They arrived Sat. Mike picked them up and they stayed
the night with them. Sunday, the 24th, Mike blessed baby Eva Marie, in
the El Dorado Hills Ward so Holly, Melissa, Jared, Joshua, and I went up
for that. Afterward we had dinner with Margo and Mike's family and
Camille and Chloe played the piano. They had a digital piano. Camille
would record the piano part and then play the violin. When we came home
your family was here.
Thursday night Mike brought Chloe and Sophie down for a sleep
over. I started
to put them on the couch, but Sophie said ," Grandma we want to sleep
downstairs with the big girls." The girls snuggled them in. I couldn't
get over the pleasant and willing attitude everyone had.
Well, yesterday, Your grandparents had been married 52 years.
I hope all is going well with you. We are proud of you and
Jaron.. Jared bore his testimony in El Dorado Hills and mentioned how he
looks up to you and Jaron and is looking forward to going on his mission.

I hope you don't mind if I send a copy of this letter to your 1

andtheSorens so they can forward it to Jaron. I don't have '

We sure do love you, Grandma and Grandpa Shaw

oril 2, 2002.

truck around "the olde home-

little strange with only a car and a
lie 1989 Toyota was a good car. / the registration slip,

car in 1993—more than nine years ago. It has over 220K miles,

It was back to work for Mary Lou today, in the Adult

Spring Semester. Lou does not oomplain about working at Folsom

• ital . Shelby Venable is quite' a^co-worker at the hospital.1

-ong in yearC.Jraced without a pension for working at the donvalescent

m funmt'J
The Callawaystjust do not provide a pension plan for such workers.

My guess is that the Toyota had 55K miles, when we

it in^l993 . That means we drove the automobile about 165K miles,

e (+0 years that we drove it. On average, that would mean that we

car about. 18K miles, a year. We kept the car in quite good condition,

g that Mary Lou hauled around teaching supplies for those yearj"/ The
olstery was in quite good condition, We did put in a new headline1"

an Earl Scheib Paint Co. painting job plus repairs, etc.

The automatic sprinkler system has been programmed

for 15 minutes, each station, after midnight. For one thing, the

^oes down the south fence, serving the 15 tomato plants, supplies

jater for the plants. Some head^do not work properly. But, I will

:ing up at midnight to check them out. Perhaps, I should have the

set up to go on for 5 minutes, in the middle of the day. That

watering would give me a chance to observe the lines in action.

I was beh'ind in the entries in Lou’s checkbook: We

leek down to Provident Credit Union, received from the Mission Office

ter put on the f98 Toyota. I transfer $500 to Lou 1 s account and
e PBO check. The teller also gave I print-out for the account,

h transactions. That way I can bring Lou’s checkbook up to date.

7 that we have enough funds to pay the bills this month

Gayle cashed her $100 travel check, used by her, to pay the
lith did not cash the $100 travel check that we gave to him.
that Lou sent Gayle for some new clothes.
cashed the check
help in depositing funds was
.. cenn in hpr checking, so my _ . r i __ A nloii r* a r c.n un t* -f- h i q ■n t-
U1 -
^ i; Wednesday, April 3, 2002.

; )
It will be our 52nd Wedding Anniversary on Friday, April 5th.

great accomplishment.

bills today.
What to do, to celebrate the occasion?
That is a

T paid the
Lucky enough, I had nearly enough to pay the bills, in full'.
'J .
Per the checkbook and list of bills, I hacj$2,832 to
1 r*
pay the $2,980 in bills. That included the $230.50 property tax payment
and the $^094 VISA payment. Complicating the problem, was the $500 that
I transferred to Lou's account recently. I will "hold” the check^for the

property taxes and the tithing-—-until Lou receives her payroll check 4/10.

We also used the $500, paid by Chris Prentice, when she purchased the 1989 Toyota.

It is a good feeling to pay the bills in full each

The supplemental payment of ,jflK
month. / from State Teacher’s Retirement came in very handy, in pay­

ing our obligations. I know that GEICO Auto Insurance has raised our

premium to include the comprehensive insurance that we purchased, I do

not know the amount of the payment that is due to GEICO each month? It is

time to "shop around" for a better buy in homeowner's insurance, The

A i-:
' ! policy from California Casualty that we've owned for yearsj not a bargain!
' It was a cool and overcast day. I'm glad that we have
I h
that row of 15 tomato plants in and growing. Maybe we will have some early
i more
S': tomatoes _/for our table. I want to get some / of that black plastic that

the plants to grow and allows for oxygen and moisture to enter, while

holding back the weed growth. Also, it would be nice to have some wood

chips to cover the black plastic sheets. It all involves work and $$$$$.

Mary Lou labored at Folsom Conv. Hospital and at the

Family History class. Joe Shackelford gave us a few large white binders.

surplus from Mather Aiii Force Base, now deactivated. Joe S. will have his
80th birthday this year.^1 His17 daughter from Washington state plans a big

bash for him. She is the "apple of his «/e," lives in a large house there.

soon. ■
mi n [Hi
This was our Wedd.iiig_ v Anniversary .
Friday, April 5, 2002. - londT^g^wiA^/y//! ot
——~~ —_____________ y h ay e many
our years tugethfe-r —
_____Vie con-
ajisidered going to a p erformance of "Tari-nffa”
Itwasovercast and coo I today , u * Tiro

oil painting class. She then went to the computer class with Jim Rader.

The plans for the week-end of April 13th do not seem to have " jelled."

Mary Lou still plans to go to San Francisco for just

one day, to see Fay Callahan and her other sisters. Fay will be able to
visit for that day only. Will it be at the beach in San Francisco, in
one of the small / towns near S.F. or in Muir Woods or Half Moon Bay,

etc.: ? Transportation might be a problem as the ladies are not planning

to rent a car. Will the main meal on Saturday be at the beach or a cafe-?

Janet plans to go to a horse ranch in the Bay Area.

Chris Prentice seems to want to go early to see the sisters but she is

leery of making a hotel reservation.Venetta Abbott can be critical, if

things are not clicking along to her satisfaction. Holly Miller may go

to S.F. on Sunday and stay over for Monday, 4/15, and may not see Fay C.
Holly seems to want to visit Janet Dutton, along with Eldon and kids?
Fay has put Lou "in charge." But Lou is busy, can­
not all that familiar with the places in the Bay Area, ■

not move around that well/and finds it hard to please all of the partici-

pants. It would seem that the loving sisters could get together for just

one day for visiting, a meal and seeing old familiar places, in the area.

Maybe a letter should be sent out, giving firm guidelines for the sisters?^

Aunt Verna Cleverly, of Bountiful, UT has been invited

Lou has not heard if Verna can make the trip down here.
to the soiree.
Francisco, California
V Michelle Allen and girls will be driving to San / that day for the
l get-together .
(on a school outing)
Michelle has driven some of her daughters/up to Fort Ross,

?!1: on the coast. That is the old Russian Fort, settled in the early history
I are smooth
Chris mentioned that Michell#/* tires/Cfi’
fl her car not good.
of California.
Lou mentioned that Chris P. has a friend & escort who takes her places— detail/not known.
It will be General Conference over this week-end, in

I haven1t heard much about the agenda. Fenton Willi-

Salt Lake City, UT.
reception for the Conference-goers. It is at his
ams called and is having a
Fenton does not drop me from his guest
home from 11 to 1 p.m. tomorrow.
Lou helped me clean out several of
list, if I do not attend such functions,
Who would ever believe that
those boxes of storage items, in my "office." (An anniversary gift.) |
help in this kind way!
she would have the energy to

: Saturday, April 6, 2002.

This is a very holy day. It is commerorated as the birth of the|

in the Church and was the day of the establishment
of the Church in 1830.
Mary Lou went to all three sessions ( really—2) of General Conference.

It was cloudy this morning but it cleared off a bit,

later in the day. Lou was able to bring up the Easter greetings sheet,
sent by Scott. There were some animated chicks and eggs with the words,
"Have An Egg-cellent Easter." It took a while to display the card on the
computer. The colors are excellent and the animation is very catchy.

Lou called Chris Prentice and Venetta Abbott plus Fay

/ They have the schedule pretty well straightened around for next

Saturday, in San Francisco. Janet and Venetta are renting a car so that

will help in picking up Fay at the airport, running around town, etc. It will cost them

if they park the rented car at Fay’s motel as the parking regulations are
Fisherman 1s
very strict, down near '/ Wharf. Then, Venetta always wants to
go with Janet to places like the horse farm, owned by a friend. Location? .
We think that up to 15 people will be in S.F. on Saturday, 4/13, need car.
The tentative plans are to go to Cliff House Beach for

a morning meeting place. That area can be cold and wet. Any children in

the group can run and play. I remember some of the Abbotts jumping in the

surf, in times past, with their clothes on! I don't think that that will

happen on this occasion and with the older ladies and gentleman! (ME!)

Then, they want to find a picnic place in near-by

Golden Gate Park. They seem to want to save $$$ on food. The name of a

restaurant keeps coming up, down near Half Moon Bay. That is some distance

of difficult driving so I hope that we don’t go there. Maybe the folks

could go to some of the attractions in Golden Gate Park, like Japanese Tea

Garden, aquarium, museum, galleries^ etc.So, their plans sound like a full

day of activities and visiting. Verna Cleverly will not be abl,e to attend.
Lou said that Pres. Hinckley and the Church lexers
Utah. The
spoke about the successful reception for the Winter Olympics Iin think that
k-k:-: r

saw some vld.„ cup. ">« '*“*■ -°pp*d th* “~t-

Lou and I cleaned up
Khalid Almihdhar Mohamed Atta
Mohand Alshehri Abdulaziz Alomari

< •••
Hamza Alghamdi Marwan Al-Shehhi Ahmed Alnami Ziad Samir Jarrah

Ham Hanjour Nawaf Alhazmi Waleed M. Alshehri Majed Moqed

The 19 terrorists
who hijacked four
commercial jets
on Sept. 11 planned
to wreak as much
destruction and
pain as possible-
even as they blew
themselves up.
What could make
V men hate others
Wan fv'i. Alshehri Ahmed Alghamdi so muchP


m their

)2- . & '

MM' 0*' '
Sunday, April 7, 2002,.
• td'J1
Maryr/Lou attended tffotlr

Hinckley spoke of the spiritual aspects of the recent Winter Olympics in

Utah. Keith called. Their dog, Sheba, died o rious problem.

Sheba had some kind of organ/failure. The veterin­
arian had to put Sheba to sleep. Keith and his family took it very hard.
Sheba seemed so full of life and pep . They still have Cocoa, as a pet.

11 was the change of daylight Savings time today, It

will be quite a chore to get the clocks and watches back in sync. Lou
said that not many memb ers^j^tended yesterday Ts sessions because the

conference is broadcast on^ television. More people attended today at the

Stake Center but the attendance was still somewhat sparse.

Hike Saunders and his family provide a luncheon for the

full-time missionaries between the sessions of conference. That is a very

thoughtful gesture, on their part. Lou said that sometimes she has also

sat with the group and had some lunch.

I had a very slow day. George W. Bush is coming under

some "fire" because of his inaction as pertaining to the Mid-East Crisis.

There is a lot of bloodshed among the Palestinians and the Israelis,

From what I learned, the Israelis owe the United States a lot for their

military supplies sent to them, over the years. Israel owes the most

money to U.S.A., per capita, than any t) mone^

flows over there from the citizens of Che U.S.A./ Money doesn't seem to do
r the trick nor does appeasement of the Palestinians. Quite a mess, for sure.
i Lou said that not much was mentioned in the General

1 4 Conference about the Mid-East problems. Pres. Hinckley said that the job

of welcoming the peoples of the world to Utah was a success. The folks
I '
in Utah speak many foreign languages and that was helpful with the people ■

there for the Olympics. Mary Lou *#s interested in the v^eos of the
: Olympics and other Gospel topics The videos were shown between the tvo^
sessions of General Conference Mary 1J”*.'^ague and other
Park. They have some good ball fields for L ^ flreSin the park last
leagues. I saw some ducks in the v® Jdl±£ like ducks. What to get ac-
year did not seem to drive off the wll“llte» f wr±ting my personal his-
o'iii.h.d chi, how
tory? Could I incorporate
some computer g
hl 8, 2002.

arted her Arts and Grafts group, The attendance was. very small.

the class is cancelled because it is a more difficult subject

Mary Lou always has to haul supplies to the Senior Center.

I took Mary Lou to the Senior Center as she felt more

i with me driving. Only two or three ladies showed up. Lou will

the Adult Education office people to see if the class is cancelled.

I can see why the kitchen goes "messed Up" so quickly.

e cleaned and then the dishes are left in the dishwasher and on the

oard and in the sink. It doesn't take long to be in the messy cycle

th me neglecting to do the dishes and clean up, the cycle goesJ again.

I looked for the check from Sterling Insurance for the

and the 1989 Toyota repair. I was disappoj^nt^e^ on both counts.

ion happened February 22nd. So, it has been^ six weeks. I haven 1t

t the payment of the rental car and the repairs. Then, the big

for the medical payments/ the whiplash. I have a feeling

terling Insurance will "string me out" and refuse any liability

llision. I may have to start a small claims action against the other

haven't had great luck with small claims suits but,at least, I will

11tention. Where and when will I file the small claims law suit?

I started cleaning off the papers on top of my desk.

IG job and a frustrating one. I still have trouble finding places

erwork and the office supplies/ My diary binder is a good p|j^ce for

?e papers. This ha^it that I have of sleeping in the daytime is

ig into my work time. How can I shed myself of the BAD habits?

Mary Lou had good luck with Kaiser Ophthamology in get-

ntment for her eyes in a week or ten days. Her sight continues to

Lems . She also has an appointment with the surgeon for the veri-

that if some weeks or months in the future.

I need to check the security of the house. Those x
doors an. the back patio/are not blocked. Also, I nee0^ to check
s. fne batteries need to be changed/for sure. That siding in
rerooH, in back of the house, needs to be torn out and new siding
' like to run a footing of concrete along that back, wall so that
ot^er problems will not have a chance to rot out the new
— T n mil d surelv use some helD on it. Time & monev • f
Tuesday, April 9, 2002.

We had a few drops of rain today. The weather was brisk and cool. Mary
Lou was told by Lorraine McIntyre that she should try that Arts and Crafts

class again next Monday, to bring up the attendance, Lou also attended
the leadership meeting with the Adult Education leaders, saw Cassady Aikman.

I took Mary Lou to her classes at Folsom Conv. Hospital

and at the Senior Center. She is having some problems with her eyesight

that interferes with her good driving. She is also having problems with

reading small print. She says that she see a "black image," at times.

Carryn Nixon has returned from a visit to Northridge,

CA. She visited her daughter down there. Joe Nixon went with her. Carryn

seems to want to purchase a house down there and put it in Joe’s name.

I can’t fathom her thinking on that, Joe as an ex-wife in Alaska and a

/ age son with probably other kids. Who gets the house, if something

happens to Joe? John is the son who is in deep trouble, as a convict. It

seems as if Carryf/loses , whether she tries to help her family/or not.

Mary Lou found out that she can have field trips, if

the time and date details are disclosed in the announcement, in the FCUSD

catalog of courses, That is school district policy. If she follows the

policy, she can be paid for the time (teaching hours) spent on the trip^

Keith called again this morning. He calls to check up

on his parents and we appreciate it. He has a Job Corps office in the

U.S.U. Fieldhouse, along with a couple of co-workers, We don’t hear

anything about Ryan leaving in May for his Church mission? Reagan has been
high school
in play so he is getting acting experience. Shelsie has very hard/subjects. an insult from Bank /f America.^ Ihey require me to

: ;;
far' /U
cmap TM>
deposit $300 in savings/and then only pay orvfe-hrflf of one percent interest!

I received more than that on my school

^tTtl.TaerallTtl Kings beat ‘be fi.b.r
C^SsIThe Kings are in a horse race to stay atop the Western
Lakers beat up on them, again this year.
Division and
- not let the L.A. -. I like the good reception for the
The Kings have six more games, 1 he • Sal Arrigo is leaving the
Center TV t^ch^t CSUS ^in 6the ^Gerontolog
Senior Center to fXfcuiviDhtihop.)
of the five Abbott sisters, in San
lized for the meeting
The cell phones and wall phones are
i ay, 4/13/02.
mmunication between the sisters . I am catching up

n ’1 write any entries between April 10th and April 15th.

I have to admire the "Abbott Sisters." They have dif-

lat should be done this week-end, But, they g'iye and take,

agenda. Fay Callahan sent $100 for the food and asked Lou

the cooking. Lou wants to serve a cooked salmon, just as

(to Missouri)
('lave served to her family, on the cross-country trip,/back in

'hey plan to meet at the Cliff House and eat at Golden Gate Park.

Holly Miller has decided to go on the trip, to the Bay

£ has some pointers, to guide the family members around to in-

(» in San Francisco. Holly and Eldon want to stay over Sunday and
et Dutton. Holly was "left out" of some visits with Janet and
Ants to "make it up to her." A nice gesture from the two.
There has been some discussion about going down

, CA, as the Abbotts stayed there for some time, back in the 1940 1 s .
to Half Moon Bay.
e. don’t have to caravan down / . That is a tough trip, along the
re. I hope that we don’t have to make that trip, Janet will be
up Fay as she is arriving in the Bay Are first. Then, Venetta
near Fisherman’s Wharf—
iving by train from Santa Barbara. Fay will be in a hotel, /
anet will be staying in hostels, etc. They do things differently.

Mary Lou is having luck, teaching the Family History

Senior Center. She made up another petition to have Josie Bryant

irector at the Center. Josie seems to have the qualifications a

jromotion from within. Josie is in charge of the bus trii5 noV

o be a very personable lady.

Elder Jasper, of the Sacto Mission, took us to

for the 1989

-nd pure based a small vial of maroon paint

* in the existing car paint.

-XTnvtrsday , April 11 , 2002.

^Li'k.e Shaw called and left some kind of brief message.

Is he going to San
"F rancisco on Saturday, 4/13? We tried to call him back but was not able

to reach him. It would be nice to have Michael and Holly along for visit.

We do not know of Michael!s intentions about the trip,

He has not made a promise to go down there with us, to see Fay, Venetta

and Janet, etc. It is easy to get him diverted off from the track of our

family gatherings. We did not communicatejwith Michael Shaw.

\ I have been anxiously looking for that check from Sterling Auto Insurance

Co., paying back the items that I paid. That would be the B & B Auto Re­
pair and| •Enterprise Rental Car. Why would they take so long to let

us know and withhold payment of items that they said that they would pay 1

f or , ?
in full; I can't imagine an insurance company being this slow.

Mary Lou hears from the Sorens that they are accepting

food from the Bishop's Storehouse. As for myself, I am glad that help if4

at hand, so that they can save enough money to pay the mortgage payment.

Gayle is applying for a job as a bus driver for the Head Start Program,

sponsore That is one way that she can claim some medical

payments ,jw assist with raising her family. It just seems to me that the i

Sorens do not have much pension benefits to fall back on To parents

with five children,still at home,need a fund, to help them out, over

the next twenty years, and even beyond—in their retirement years.

The Sacramento Kings have won their division, in basket-

ball. They have won 60 games, the best in the NBA. They will have home-

court advantage, in the play-off games. Webber, the star he K;in8s>

still has not made an explanation for the quarter of million/or

booster gave him in high school and college, when he lived back the
She }
Mary Lou is having some problems with her eyes.^
"macular degeneration,
had warnings from the ophthamologists about
•.spot" while she is
the past. Lou has been noticing a "black
^thW^one a curve,"
and reading, etc . Getting older can surely i ews !

personal health. Her vericose veins are also paining her—bad r

1 12, 2002.
/\J}^JLfai\As '
:ithing on the $1,515.39 extra payment, received from State Teachers!

Also, the Church did not cash the $142 check that I thought
February. As Lou says, "We should be glad that we have the $$ to /

Paying the checks, brought my tithing account up-to-

$142 payment was never cashed by First Ward so I assume that it has

since early February. Then, I received the other check from STRS

:ch. Lucky enough, I had enough funds to pay the bills in full this

:ting the property taxes and the VISA bill paid are always worries.

The Abbott sisters are getting their plans completed

t-toge tk er tomorrow.
Venetta and Janet took Fay down to Half Moon
ey looked at what they think a-g-cr the places where they stayed, back

01s. They also had a fish dinner, at the restaurant, on the wharf,

ntal car came in handy, to move the ladies aroupd the Bay Area,

Lou and I went to COSTCO to purchase salmon and other

or the meal tomorrow. The cost was over $150. So, I did not

about depositing Fay’s $100 check. We were able to get $30 at

we had some extra money for expenses. Lou wants to purchase a shirt

B and Kayleena. Gayle said that the two young ladies had money when
lere but they/ not to spend it, even for trinkets or souvenirs.

Mary Lou was tired, at the end of the work week. But

much and tore into the house-cleaning work. It looks as though I

o play more of the role of the’house-husband’ now that Lou is slow-

£h her eye problems and vericose veins hurting her so much.I’m sure

its to keep working for FCUSD as long as she can soft Witl^ave to give

the car and be . as attentive as I can to her and tier needs.

Mary^Lou baked some wheat kernel bread for the sisters

always involves some work. When Lou was out of the house,

read bake so that it would not over-bake. The weather fore-

Bay Area is good for tomorrow. Karen Blakely called. Her arm
and she can do the housework. Bruce is recovering from the sur
le can have another surgery, on the other hip. He is moving
walker quite well. They enjoyed seeing the family members in
rovo, UT, on their recent visit. Karen is a dear loving sister.
Saturday, April 13, 2002.

CO , CA. It was a great reunion for the sisters and things and events
seemed to go off as planned. Fay even won $100 for her poetry at the
convention near Fisherman’s Wharf. They gabbed and talked of old times.

We were out of the house early this morning. We picked

up Holly and Joshua. The drive to the Bay Area was pleasant with the
green grass and the blossoms, flowers, etc . Using the cfcLl phone was
convenient as Holly contacted Janet Dutton at the hostel in Point Reyes.
Using the phones, let us "be on the same page," in traveling.
^Wedropped Holly and Joshua off at the Cliff House.
We drove ftcYoss-t&?lvn to Fisherman’s Wharf.
Fay was ready to leave. She
was excited about her "Pen Women" convention. Fay is aging, at age 75.
But , so are the rest of us, in the family. Janet called and said that
she became lost, coming into San Francisco from her hostel at Point Reye§
Michelle Allen came with her three girls. Michelle
keeps an interest in
Missouri to see John
Prentice and Mary Lou Shaw plan to go also not in
good shape with his consequences of^ sore Moulder, etc.
Janet and Venetta showed up, from their stay at the
Youth Hostel. Janet is really faithful about coming West and visiting with her
sisters . She looks good but seems to become tired and listless very
easily. Janet was glad to see Holly. Holly is coming from Sacramento
again tomorrow, with Eldon, to visit Janet, over Monday also.
The kids ran and play in the surf, at the ocean. The

beach and Pacific Ocean are just spectacular. There are some flying
It was
insects that seem to be blood-suckers and they are not pleasant.
near the
interesting to see the accounts of ship wrecks along the coast,
Adolf Sutro and his fabulous
Cliff House. We also saw the displays about
The bath houses las
dentil about* 1937 when they were des-
That time from
troyed by fire. I went to San Fr^A/cisco^-**
seeing the bath houses/*- W
Stanislaus County. I don’t remember
lot. The ladies
We went to the Sutro Park parking
We had a picnic lunch with
picnic spot at the edge of the park. the bread
found a
Lou prepared. Lou takes pride in
the salmon and trimmings
„ ,
. Fay and otheri./5jlai^l^ith her Mom.
that she baked for her siste”-, about tprivate school - "
kids performed with Destiny sQng® that they!^**h“®dshow tunes from the
Michelle's daughters sang "Oklahoma!" ° £at Venetta wasn ’ t asked
that they attend. ^ hu School. To° bad that group. Janet scraped
compound,a at
» an
waS a very
plas t„.t h. 1. 'g^sings with
me! Jfll
to sing for us. helped her find so“ for home t0m0rJru°sWt great, fo*
her rental cardan and Jenetta£wil^j!f!_lou • s *
parts store.
pleasant day "in the
:il 14, 2002.

ig this entry on 4/21/02 so I am a week behind in my diary entries

o catch up on the neglected entries today or soon. We heard

Callahan and Venetta/arrived home safely. Eldon & Holly in SF.

That was some outing in San Francisco yesterday, The

time .
i ters seem to like a good / Fay did not explore around in San

much. The reason seemed to be that she thoughfthat the people in

l would kidnap^ back in World War II, when the Abbotts visited Garth
rthern / Mission Office. If that is true, Fay has har-

se feeling over 60-years

Venetta Abbott arrived safely, back in Santa Barbara,

took the valley AMTRAK train to Bakersfield and then a bus over to

in Santa Barbara. Venetta looked quite well to me. Lou dis-

d said that Venetta looked ill. Anyway, Venetta seems to be doing

er retirement home. She even follows women’s college basketball.

up with the women^^^as^eJib^^^a^Univ^e^i^ty of California,

Barbara. Venettaj. the games at UCSB.

Mary Lou went to Church services today and I stayed

>ive myself a pep talk about going to Church and then I refuse to do

Lou has just about stopped reasoning wit/k me about the situation.

The Miller kids came over for a left-over fish dinner.

to like fish. Jared had to spend his detention at Bella Vista High

sing a fellow student. I guess that it is easy to get into trouble,

re 16-years-of-age. Jared does not have his regular drivers license

Still has to drive with an older licensed driver.

Lou likes to call on her digital phone. Gayle is one

rite people to call. The Sorens seem to be doing all right. They

juble. Ron is supposed to keep the cars running. Gayle said that
ailed atjcamille' s high school, because Gayle did not 'stick
A to keep it going. I guess that was an embarrassing time.
his week? The tomato plants are growing alongside the south

iy seem to get water from the lawn sprinklers. .I'd like to plant
mts . Mavbe I could get a load of horse manure fertilizer from
^ the black plant-bed area, so the weeds will stop
bXsSaV over
Monday, April 15, 2002. INCOME TAX DEADLINE DAY!
tyUAJ JdljjjArtjiJ/)
We paid $4,564 in federal income tax and $240 in state taxes. That is a
total of $4,804 in total income tax. We have refunds of $96 federal and
$382 state. The state is usually very prompt in sending a refund check.
Per the income tax return, we hac|$48,027 as the ad­

justed gross income. The net taxable income was $30,407. We seem to
over-pay the state taxes each year. We should ask for adjustments.
Marcia Bice, at Jack Everett's CFP office, seemed to do a good job. She
was fast in making out the return, and that was a pleasant surprise.
adjusted gross
The income taxes are about 10% of/taxable income.($48,027 vs. $4,804.)

The situation is still heating up among the Israelis

and the Palestinians. I wouldn't want to take a trip, to that wa^Tzone.
Granted , the Israelis are not without fault. Scott Shaw said that he

saw part of the Gaza Strip and that the Palestinians are really kept
, economic
down and not allowgfl/much chance for / growth. The Palestinians are

totally unreasonable, under Arafat. U.S. negotiators, including Colin

Powellfhave been sent over Uieae but to no avail. A sad situation.

I rememberJ in The Great Mosque in Jerusalem that the

Palestinians had piled up shell casing^ made in the U.S.A. They seem to

resent any military help that we give Israel. Mary Lou and I were lucky

to be able to tour in the Holy Land without too much military action.

We remember being on the Bethlehem hills. The guides said not to dis-
turb any of the / there many land mines are buried in the earth,
this morning,
Mary Lou had her Arts and Crafts group
of low enrollment.
her continue in spite
The Adult Education office let
it going in
Mary Lou seems to keep
That seems to be a "charmed class."
elss would not
I had hoped that the
spite of major obstacles .

now. That takes a

Lou to
.... She has appoint'

pressure off her as her eyes

are giving her

macular degen
It is good
& m
check any better than
ments this week at Kaiser to ething
Health plan—som
the Kaiser
that we have the care at
ril 16, 2002.

ool day with some showers in the forecast. It is a good feeling

id our income tax returns 10 days or before the deadline.

feeling to have one*s bills paid. Lou’s eye appmt. tomorrow.

The weather forecast is for some cool and rainy days

Keith says that the snow ifi falling lightly in Cache Valley.

season is over in the Sierras. Too bad that Scott could not come

d do some skiing. Our sons love winter sports.

I have not hear from Sterling Insurance Company about

lor 524.714that I sent to them about ten days ago. I can’t help but
: they will try to "skunk me out”/ / not pay anything on this claim.

i "bad news” for almost two months^ the rear-end collision. The

not give me any personal information, I had to pay for the police

lad trouble locating "H and H Insurance Agency, etc." They sent an

jut to look at the car but I have not heard much of positive value,

ring the two months.

\ small claims suit.

I feel that I still have an "ace" and

That is more time and expense. Maybe I

company and adjusters
itter money-wise if I forget the insurance/ and file the suit?

Lou’s left eye is particularly bothering her. She has

ving but hopes not to have her drivers license picked up by the

pie, the Dept, of Motor Veh., etc. Kaiser gave Lou an early emer-

ntment as the eye is so bad. With the eyes, "We never mias the.

the well runs dry" That is a saying of my Mom, Josephine^Shaw.

I watched the Sacramento Kings win again tonight. T

on top of the NBA West with 60 wins. To me, they are an unlikely

ree Euros playing on green cards. The team makes the plays, when

1t know the name of the oppon. ent, in the play-offs. Sacto will
advantage . Rick Adelman (and his hair-piece) might have a
proclaimed "NBA Coach of the Year."

Lou had a good group of flower designers, even though

r night. She really gets the folks motivated. She shows off the

ngements and gives suggestions for good design—good on Lou!

^7? V1
* Robert K. Shaw
(916) 961-5271
| 5370 Nugget Road
'fair Oaks, CA 95628

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7 A 0-r • -:>• 4

Wednesday, April 17, 2002.

This was the day for Mary Lou's eye examination at Point West Kaiser.
The results won 't be known for several days and will come through her

regular M.D. at the Roseville Offices. We trust that Lou will be okay.
* i

The optical examinations consist of putting special

dye in the eye^and photographing the results. Mary Lou sai,d that the
medical photographs (retinal)
technicians took a lot of/ of her left' eye i ^TThe test
took more than an hour. I made an appointment with Dushker, eye doctor,
for Tuesday, April 23, at 2:10 p.m., at Point West Offices.

Dear Keith calls Mary Lou about every morning, asking

about the condition of her health. He wonders why she didn’t tell him of

the condition of her eyes, when Keith and family came to visit. Frankly,
Lou didn’t tell me much, trying to prevent me from worrying, I guess that
th condition is just something you want to keep to yourself, until you

find out the real medical conditions.

Sterling Casualty sent a check for $343,51. I had sent

them paid invoices of $381 and $143.71, total $524.71. They did not ex­

plain what the draft covered, so I mailed it back to them. I don’t trust

them and think, that it may be a trick, to not pay much on the claim that I

have with them. My dealing^with them does not seem to be moving fast.

For sure, the $524.71 was paid on my credit card and the payment will be
bet from Sterling Insurance
due by May 10th. Want to/ that the payment/will not be received by then?

Mary Lou has a good attitude about her eyes • She wants to con-

the Folsom Conv.

tinue oil painting and floral techniques and working at
She is a busy
Hospital. She keeps up her activities around the house.
with Janie E.
lady, with outside activities. She did cancel her art lesson
as a
"Other Side of Heaven, » with Holly and family*
She went to the film,
Missionary in Tonga.
It was about a Mormon
birthday treat for Holly* attend.
Authorities) I didn’t choose to
(Elder Groberg, one of the General , CA Mission

We still have not checked

with Elder Gasper,
at the Sacto
grinding *nd
the touch-up mm
The brakes are another
Corolla. will exchange
about the 199# Toyota wonder if they
hecked out. I even
Cars are always much trouble1
paint need/ to be c aid?
that I have p
automobile, for the money
to Kings will be playing agains the Utah Jazz / night, i\

of f s. The headline in the Sacto Bee questions if the Kings

estional fortitude’to beat the Jazz! The Kings lost to Lakers.

How long will the Kings last in

^do^8n’t hear much about the scandals about

as given about a quarter of a

t Kings

million bucks, back in high

t:tend^certain Michigan college .Winning isn’t everything, it

thing 2 Here’s hoping the Kings stay alive, in the play-offs.

Mary Lou went for another retinal aneurism test

on . I took Lou to the Point West medical offices. I then

.nleaf Wholesale and ritkei two plants. That is for Dr.

They have good qnaiity stock at Greenleaf Wholesale.

Ion was ~as“—o —— ahcot an hour. She will

the results next w=.=k. ve ■V'. —-______ COSTCO, near Cal Expo,

l some note flowers for Xm's trrers- COSTCO is a good

■ flowers. They have good quality-

I have been feeling rather poorly. I do not

ergy. Lou purchased some vitamin "C" and some other vita-

f the pills is supposed to help my pancreas, It seems to be

me. I have a / time taking the required insulin,

Lou is very helpful with ray self-medication routine.

Keith said that Ryan Shaw is interested, with a

chasing a motorcycle. I hope that Ryan saves his money for

sion. Jared Miller said that he would come over this week

garden and plant some more tomatoes. We have had some

with both Elder Riley Shaw and Elder Jaron Soren. Good !

My desk top and my chest of drawers top need

>ff. I should put the Sterling Casualty papers in one

o to Small Claims Court, I will need the papers, I need

g construction projects. At least, I need the measurements

;ures, for future jobs that I can do. It all takes/money!

Friday, April
19, 2002.

FayCallahan has^a plarT
poetry con-
vention, coming up in near future. She sent us some membership cards so .

that we can get a reduced room rate in Coos B

a«V•/ Fay has large plans!
I don11 know the date of the Pen Women convention. But, the location of
Coos Bay looks interesting to me . I have traveled a bit along the sea
coast of Oregon and it is beautiful country, The invitation includes
her sisters and even Neal^Abbott may be interested? I rather think that
I'YYtyHxrroe 1/
Neal might go to Columbia^ M0[to see John Abbott, rather than to Oregon.
Fay has been down to Columbia, MO to see John. Fay

gives a positive report on John s health conditionjjf* She says that son

David Abbott visits his father daily in the new care place. Many of the

health indicators have improved for John. He was eating through a stomach

feeder so hopefully that situation has improved. I don’t know anything

about John’s future plans. Surely, he is still a very ill man. His

throat and shoulder were affected by the radiation—hard to overcome.

Fay has been sending notes to Mary Lou. Lou says that

they have "reconciled,” as sisters. Fay has a new trust in Lou and

thinks that she is a good leader, in the family. I feel that Lou has

been consistent in her relationships with Fay and that is paying off s
■ .

Mary Lou taught her oil painting class this morning.

I really like the Japanese ladies, in the group. They bring snacks for

the others and are friendly and pay some attention to me. Peggy Swart,

Michiko Elliott, etc.# are so nice. We knew Mr. Elliott when we attended

a Japanese language class in Florin, before we took that trip to Japan,

about 1982. We learned some words and customs that were useful,at the time,

The Sacramento Kings beat the Utah Jazz 86-89 in the

first game of the play-off/. The next game will be in SJ^°

April 23rd. It was a close game and and
the Jazz players
winning for years
but they
Malone and Stockton ha^fibeen playing frustrated in scoring the
not won any major play-offs. Stockton was
There are many play-off games
lUll on^around til country" just keep ■£* winning.
The Spurs
. Exciting!
- ?;r ss*::: » —■ ■

22, 2002 . t ^ t<-fi jrvtwiw J'/A’ /.f^ov )

'y3 -fy'tfLdfo-1}
from Sterling Casualty tz^| ed to call me today. I will return the

•_ X_woridert is "uj" with them^ on_the collision claim?

I don’t expect any good news from Sterling In­

least, they seem to be responding to my letter ,j\/) Jailed last week.

Mary Lou remarked about how much fun it is to ride

ne, when I am taking her to and from work. That allows us some

. The Arts and Crafts group had seven or eight enrollees so that

cess . Mickey Thomas was not able to enroll this semester.

George W. Bush’s poll ratings are high. That indi-

he citizens are behind him in the .progress .of the# War Against

The Demos in Congress unite against Bushjj They defeated the

that he proposes. Wouldn’t it be something if A1 Gore and Leiber^

. pres, and the veep? A couple of phonies, I’d say.

Gore is being groomed to run for political office. He

iff his beard!

., down in Florida.
There is a political race between Janet Reno

Janet Reno was Attorney General when the

the Davidian Compound took place in Waco, TX. Children and adults

for not any reason, that I know about. Terrible happenings.

There is a talk show host, Michael Savage, rips

on to Bush. One of his favorites is the four-flusher, Billy

ere is a report out about how the Demos staffers tore up the

ifices and stole door knobs, destroyed computer^ etc. Nice guys.
=nd the first of 2002, when Bush succeeded Clinton in the White House.
Fay sent a gift of dried salmon. It came in the mail

ed well. Salmon has a distinctive odor to me and it really smells

n. Lou talks to Fay on the telephone quite often. The sisters

ogether than they have been, for years, Good on them.

Holly and ikids^came over for some cake for Holly’s birthday. The

m to the salad and/food <place--Fresh Choice, this evening. SFLg

*ijoy being over at our home. Melissa told of winning some
liege track meets. Jared is also winning some events in the
■c meets. We told of events in the life of Holly. Lou and I
Holly had the appedectomy while on her mission in Alabama,
she nearly died at that time. The "chanti^ly lace cake was
« a
■ Ipped cream. We bought it at Ralph's_ Grocery.
___^___„ , Gave Holly a
birthday card, made by Lou.
^terans’ Memoriaf^
at the
Sacramento MecficaC Center
Veterans Services Organizations in cooperation with the Department Of Veterans Affairs are planning the
development of a Veterans Memorial Plaza, to be located in front of the medical center at the Department of
Veterans Affairs, Northern California Health Care System Sacramento VA Medical Center at Mather. The
New tower is scheduled for completion in October 2002. The plaza will stand as a memorial to the men and
women who have served our country as members of the armed forces.
Veterans of Foreign Wars, District 17, are now taking orders for personalized bricks that will be placed in the
plaza. The cost for each brick is $50.00. This is a great way to be a part of this exciting new project. These
bricks will serve as a lasting commemorative honoring your service or a loved one, and also make a perfect
gift for veterans, family members, and friends.

Brick Specifications: Maximum of 15 letters, (includes spaces) per line, 3 lines per brick, letter size-% inch.
All letters will be capital and will appear on the “Top Side.” You may personalize and order as many as you like.


“Top Side"

2 VT
i f

Bricks are made using a brown or tan special order brick approx 2 Zt X 8 X 3 % inches

Make check payable to (cash or money orders cannot be accepted):

Mather’s Veterans’ Memorial Plaza Project Board, GPF 2400
And Mail to:
Fred Bohmfalk, Treasurer
8517 Annette Engle Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Using the boxes below, please print the information exactly as you would like it to appear on the brick. **

£ H £ W
i ¥ c - / <? 4 b
vr~s> c o ft r r
Name of Bu Date:
Robert Shaw State:____ Zip:______ Amount Paid: ^U ^
Address:_ 5370 Nugget Rd City:
Fair Oaks, CA 95628 ___: ans Memorial Plaza or to obtain additional order forms, please stop by the
For additiona ______________
Sacramento VA’Medical Center Information Desk at 10535 Hospital Way, Mather, CA or call (9l6)-366-5324.

•♦The Department of Veterans Affairs, the Mather’s Veterans’ Memorial Plaza Project Board, and Veterans ofForeign Wars, J
Tuesday, April 23, 2002. of
. y
Mia • J
m I didn't have any luck in contacting Sterling Insurance Co.
was a chore finding their "800" number. I note that the directional
r ;; the
; H
: .
signals are out on the Toyota, due to the scrape that I had with/truck.

Finally, I found the "800" number for Sterling. I

left a message but doubt that they will call me back, Elder Jasper will
work on the paint touch-up on Thursday, April 25th. I must wash and
. i;
/ ^ It came as not mucM of a surprise to^ee that the King

lost in the second play-off game to the Jazz. Their play was very bad,

i almost as though the Jazz/ the tempo of the game. It was ex-

■: tremely slow paced and low scoring. That seems to be the way the Jazz

1 ikejfto play. The commentator said that the Utah team is a "half-court

bunch." Stockton and Malone seem to pick the local boys apart. I wonder

if the Kings can recover and win some more of the play-off games?

I watched the game at the Senior Center. The reception

is much better over there. Doug, the attendant, said that he expected the

Kings to come out of their doldrums and finally win the game* That was
V/^ 1/0 2-
not to be. I don't know when the next game is scheduled irr Salt Late City.^

I took Lou to Folsom Conv. Hospital. I am usually on

time, in picking her up. It was the Floral Techniques class at the

Senior Center tonight. Lou has an enthusiastic group, over there in

Rancho Cordova. The people turn out a lot of quality arrangements.

We are receiving the Wall Street Journal now. It

is a freebie trial subscription. The paper comes with the Sacramento Bee.

on the delivery, The Journal has a lot of facts and figures. They also

have some news stories of the financial world. Sometimes, they include

some interesting pages relating to personal finance—quite timely and good.

There was a wedding announcement for Melanie Williams. ^
David Lawrence Wilson is
She has been attending B.Y.U.on a scholarship.
on Friday, May 17 at the Williams 1
from Tacoma, WA. The reception is There is another re-
in the Oakland, CA Temple.
home, after a wedding
Leslie W. helped with our receptions.
ception in Tacoma on May 24th.
L 24, 2002.

m Sterling Casualty called. He ssked if I had dropped the claim


, in the rear-end collision . That made me feel really

;ress in my negotiations with Sterling-%-L want to write them.

After two months, Jason Allenjtola me that he is my

for the medical part only. He previously introduced himself as

rson for the entire matter. He said something about Inge Hernan-

the person to contact for the damage to my car and related info???

Ifll bet that it will be harder and harder to get theirr

t the accident details. Two months have passed since the coll-

robably figure that they will just "string me out" & do nothing?

er will not help. I could write to the CA Dept, of Insurance.

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital and at the

s• There was not any word from Kaiser on the retinal aneurism

es . The main problem seemed to be the hemmorhaging in her eyes .

I hear that we get about 50% of our crude oil c

audi Arabia. One of the rulers of the Saudis is in the United

hea the USA to not support Israel, in their war-

e Muslims^ So, the next move might be for the Saudia to not sell

oil to us. Our excmoiny runs on oil and gasoline.

It isiJvery /glum, a"£> the Sacramento Kings camp today.

ley can feel their good records of the year slip, slipping away.

ice last night was pretty putrid. They have lost their "home

." I think that they have to win two Consecutive games at the
home court Sacfe
n Sarfc Lake City, before they can^rj^urn to their/ 4 in Sacto?

We miss Keith's telephone^lately. He usually calls

»n his morning paper route. Keith seems to be having some prob—

his wages from the federal programs, He said that the

Hlected from / ^accounts at Utah State University and
=m to be happening as promptly, as he would like. Bob
□Ld wants to have a priesthood interview tomorrow night. My
-e can be soundly criticized. ^I^m^ven in trouble with
Mike Shaw for not attending myjrmeetings. Incidentally, we
om Michael much lately—Could he be that busy, with his work?
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Thursday, April 25, 2002. THIS WAS MARY LOU'S BIRTHDAY & A GOOD ONE!

There were greetings from family members and friends. Keith Shaw even
called and there was an e-mail from LaRue McKnight . Jicvlljjpnd^ids came

over with a strawberry dish made up by Gale Cooley__j Jre lively!

Mary Lou was in good spirits today, The Miller kids

and Holly told ofj^ood thoughts about their mother and grand-mother, We
all agreed that Lou has settled in to a kind / of life. The kids
said that they f e4ij[ comfortable around her and that Louis always think­

ing of ways for her to show them her love and concern.

So, there were many tributes to Grandmother Shaw.

The Miller kids were very articulate about their compliments to Lou.

Holly said that they spent hef- first birthday in the hospital, when
Holly was born. They have been together, throughout life. The straw­
berry dish was sumptious. Gale Cooley is getting her "Strawberries and

Bananas" business going, down in the shopping center @ Kenneth &Madison?

Melissa will be graduated from American River College,

about the end of May. She has something like a 3.8 GPA so she has been

busy with her studies. Then, she has held down two jobs, at times. Alsc

she has been active in the track and field program of ARC--busy lady.

The Millers gave Lou some gifts. Tona Wood

brought over a gift. Also, Tammy Wood made Lou a plastic piece
(decorative) plus a banner saying "Happy Birthday." Tammy keep<
track of people's birthdays, Scott and Julia sent one of their
famous e-mail cards via YAHOO. Sorry, I didn't give Lou a gift.
Elder Gasper of the Sacto Mission, helped me paint

over the scratches on the Toyota. He recommended Winston Tire tor

in the systen.
the brake repair. The front right brake was grinding
I think that the Toyota
It will be up to us to pay for the repairs.
VIN removed.
has been wrecked. The hood must have been replaced Sunrise —$30.
store on
I bought a replacement lens at the Toyota to the frame,
the front fender re over
Now, I will have to get
Bros . Rollins and J* ' - I said I wasn't
tonight for a High Priest's Quorum visit.Rollins sugge sted that I
angry at anyone in the First Ward.
minimum. Lou went for her oil
as a dancing
att-pnd the did not go
attend the Sacrament Janie
Ericckson. Janie X must g°
to Kaiser and
painting lesson emorial service. are cool!
today as she went to a m and nights
medicine. The days
get some more
26, 2002.

ll8ht ess in the "stand-off" with Sterling Casualty

ason AllenJ sent a *short request for the medical billing, car
and related papers. I have already furnished them with

-out forms to sink the Queen Mary! I will have to humor them.

The letter from Sterling was quite unexpected. I will

a copy of the letter to Dr. Beth Blakely and ask her to send the

Lng . She is about my best ally in this claim. I was already to

letter of complaint, to the State Dept, of Insurance'., mat w ould

e any good. I tried something like that with Ha band^--no results.

Also, I had a "spot of luck" with getting the brakes

the 1998 Toyota. I asked Elder Gasper to go over to Winston Tire

talk to the manager. The bottom line is ^nsj^^lder^ G^sge^ bou^

> pads
id a rotor, for the front disk brakes,and paid for t/em./ Winston

ut them on the automobile for $100. That price includes fixing up

he / of the tires and balancing them, et
As the Churc
oes business with Winston, and Elder Gasper knew/MgryI Peace,
the repair deal went about as well as it could.

Elder Gasper will help me attach the front fender to

:he auto. Also, he will help me rub out the touch-up paint that he

ut on the car. I wonder if Winston would put in the broken front

ens replacment and get the turn signals working again* ? The car does

2ed shock absorbers, as it has a very rough ride. Problems.!

Mary Lou worked at the Oil Painting class. She went to

. Rader's computer class this afternoon. Maxine Owen called from

odesto, CA.
. /She likes her new manufactured home, Melissa's love child is
mec(/''Gage.'' Beth Parker is to have a hip operation and Karen and
ce Blakely will go to St. George, UT to attend Beth. I don't
w when all this will happen? I stopped at "Great Clips" for a
r cut. My hair gets scraggly very fast and looks rough.
There was a photo of Joe Shackelford in the "Grapevine
paper. There was a short story of Joe ’ s. community (^cflieye-
s I hear that Joe S. might run for "Honorary Mayor
ancho Cordova. " Mary Lou likes him back in Family History
sent Mary Lou a birthday card. Lou tore into the cleaning
ight. She washed the dishes and mopped the floor. I swept the
fdirty so fastJHere's hoping that Jared comes over tomorrow and
ie planting of the tomato plants, mowing the lawns, etc.
go to a DUP Convention. (Daughters of Utah Pioneers)
Saturday j" Apr il *27 , 2002. ^

pjw *^> UMasSUW isvj) fytyitfrV Ifa fiMW'

Mary Lou went/ to Daughters of Utah Pioneers convention ±r('Auburn, CA.
Winston/charged $100 for putting on the brake pads and rotor. They also

did their "Signature Vehicle Inspection" and their "Life of Tire Balance."

I felt better about the Toyota as Winston fixed it up, including the

front right side brake mechansim. Frankly, the brake still seems to rub

and make a noise so maybe they will check that out for me . They are also
willing to put on the lens for the front right turn signal. Good on them,
The tires came from Winston so I had the/in-

spection and balancing. That is similar to service offered by Sears.

I parked the truck over by the fishing and hunting store, across the street.

Mary Lou helped me bring home the truck, later in the day.

Lu-Lu Went with Ora Field and her daughter,

Joann/ to the DUP Convention in the Church chapel, in Auburn, This is a

big affair each year and Maurine Smart is one of the organizers, Lou was

able to check out the research regulations at the DUP Library, in Salt

Lake City, UT. Researchers must write out their requests, in the foyer,

and attendants will pick up the research materials. A strange system.

Mary Lou saw a lot of old friends, from other

wards and stakes. She haf / these ladies, over the years. Lou likes

the luncheons and this one was catered. She was home by m
I mailed the "Evidence of Liability/" 1998-1999,

That is the only certificate that I could find. I did not

to Sterling.

tell them that I had sold the 1989 Toyota. I also sent the request to Dr.
I also
Beth Btekely, for her to send a billing to the insurance company.

sent in my diabetes and insulin readings to Kaiser Endrocrinology Dept.

(barely) in the
I watched the Kings beat the Jazz
The Kings are up two games to one now.
third games of the play offs.
There is
seem/to have their number, their home-
Kings were lucky to win as the Jazz Kings have
one more game in S.L.C. (at eas K pr *1I 46th.
court advantage. The next game^is^on Eu-uur anj helpe me plant the
ut didn't gut
We put'out that weedbarrier^lfstrc the key
final tomato plants. Jared t°°k
it down too neatly. TdetJdet° till the garden ^^"^hurch dance tonite.
the lawn mower so Jare 5ady“riend and will go to
some flowers to a young
8, 2002.
tinues cool and overcast, The forecast is for more
ome showers and rain
.possible. Verna Cleverly called. Lee Crockett!'
San Franciscos CA
i was around April 13th. One reason why Verna did not go to/

That was a surprise about Lee Crockett’s death. He

iner, came home and passed away quickly. Renae, his wife, died

. Verna said that the three daughters are already fighting about

Lee had some of the families living with him and taking care of

Iso in (|/care home for some time, We hear that the daughters spent
money . He also bought them hom^s and tried Lo/care of them.

One ofMihe daughters is determined bo hire a lawyer

eak the will." That is a difficult and long process. Likely, the

nd up with the money. Such are families fighting about money.

Mary Lou went to Church services today. Some of the

Ward is that Blair Kloepferf is getting married, in the Church tern-

hat both Blair and Paul are living in Southern California.

rried since his divorce from the Australian lady. I wonder

d of work the Kloepfer brothers do--that is quite a family.

I had a lazy day. Frankly, I slept a lot. Mary Lou

ded about taking my diabetes medicines. I caught up entries in

also helped with the preparatio^/of the lunch. The kitchen was

_ed to keep the dishes stacked and ready for the dishwasher.

to have the "woman’s touch" around our home.

It is good to have some activity dates ahead of us.

R outing is scheduled for June 27th—just two months from now.

Missouri with her sisters to visit John Abbottjon May 24th. That

onth from now. Air travel is still difficult!


What will we accomplish this week? It is still my job

nd from her work stations. I want to mow the lawns early

I should check the irrigation box to see that all of the
are still working. Also, I want to pick up that front turn

e Toyota and have it installed at Winston’s Tire Shop,

^ r of the year will end on Tuesday, April 30th—time moves fast.
a Monday, April 29, 2002.

This month is almost gone. The BIG news tonight is that the Sacramento
* Kings beat the Utah Jazz./ games to one. The Kings bsrely won the first
round of the play-offs. I am still trying to get the 98 Toyota fixed up.

It was a moist and blustery day today. "March winds and

April showers combine to help make May flowers." Michael Shaw called and

has set up a dinner appointment at the Samarai Restaurant, at Hazel and

Folsom Blouevard. It is in honor of Mary Lou’s birthday, Wednesday night.

! There was a lot of trepidation about the Kings and Jazz

plsy-o^p game . The Jazz are wily and get the Kings to play their kind of

game . They are known as a "half cour"ttearn. " The Kings are more "run and

shoot." All of the games have been close and could have gone one way or

another. Luck seemed to be with the local basketball boys and they won.

An article in the Sacto Bee today traced the coaching styles of Rick Edel-
raan/andJerry Sloan (SLC) back to Dick Motta. Motta coached the Kings.
Dick Motta also coached or taught at U.S.U.----- maybe a Utah native?
The VISA bill was $1,895.50. A lot of the billing was

for extras that we had to purchase for Keith and his yard work crews. That

was for garden chemicalfand weed poisons, tomato plants and lawn fertili-

zers, etc . Then, there was the $500 that I paid for thel989 Toyota repairs

and the rental car from Enterprise. Prob at/y, it will be tough to get the

.refund promised from Sterling Insurance, as they said that they would do.

Mary Lou has some funds in^h^^e^eckJng account that

was ear-marked for savings. Likely, she will/ the money to pay

off the VISA bill, etc. Gasoline prices are up again, at the pump. There

have been stories of the manipulation of gasoline prices by the oil com-

panies but the "big oil"refiners deny it. Who can you trust anymore?
Mary Lou had quite good attendance at the Arts and Crafts group

this morning. Lou had some clay projects going And the ladies seemed to

enjoy the variety of projects, She worked a shorter time at Folsom Conv.

go to Joyce Morgan-’’s’ rfune'ral. / ' was in Lou's

Hospital as she harf^to
The funeral wa,s at the Lutheran Church. Lou was im-
Oil Painting class,
pressed ..with the serious s'i’nging . There was quite a large group, at the :
" Lou enjoyed the memorial*
Even/the the service was "stylized,
il 30, 2002.

ns put in on the front right signal light of the 1998 Toyota.

s much safer to drive now, with the turn signals working.

:o the Citrus Heights Beauty School--that helped her appearance.

This was another cool and breezy day. Our coats

Ln the mornings. I took Lu-Lu to Folsom Conv. Hospital. I

lelby Venable was taking some time off and might have gone on

Dwn trip t-oday. Monica is the lady who works with Shelby.

com Cuba and has grown children--likely^an interesting story.

We received our income slips from State Teachers

Lu-Lu received her $16.38, after deductions, from STRS. It

t we have a dependable retirement income, even though the

relatively small. Will we have enough money coming in to

tabley, when Lu-Lu is no longer able to work?

The opthamologist called from Xaiser. It seems

ser procedures will not be able to help her (Lou’s) eyesight.

y concerned about the eye tests and she kept calling Kaiser,

the findings . Her sight seems to be getting worse, with the

ineration. She appreciate me providing "taxi service."

Michael Savage remarks about how "un-conservative"

is becoming, in his presidency. Savage now compares Bush to

n. Bush has traveled to Latin America. Savage says that it

or votes and political support. Bush even appeared at the

sion for the Watts District, in Los Angeles. I guess that

> be seen as the benevolent fri£ftd of the down-trodden?

Are the tomato plants getting sprinkled by the

inkier system? The plants seem to be dry. The lawn needs

The grass and weeds are getting tall. It will be a chore

1 growth cut down, There was another track meet at

gfl this afternoon. I wonder if Jared Miller was in the

,ou to the Cordova Senior Ceirt

ed the Indiana Pacers beat
2, 2002,

d to have us ex Grange our non—repairable dishwasher for a new

nt by Sears and asked for a $3Ji>0 model. ^ They will have to do

tions and we are t© talk to them/ We need a dishwasher.

The service tech suggested that we arrange

replacement dish washer. We must have purchased our Kenmore

*n years ago. I donTt know about the installation but I

Sears will do that also, without any extra charge.

We had bad luck with that king^sized mattress

d not fit properly. When we laundered it, the mattress

up and pretty much fell apart. Sears did not give me any

eturned the bedding piece. It had a value of $40.00.

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital today.

n time, picking her up. We went by the Dept, of Motor Veh.

us a registration reprint for the 1998 Toyota, I

ng the original around the house but we can’t locate it .

as not^charge for making up the duplicate document.

some family records on one of Neal Abbott’s daughters./

get the death and burial date for Lee Crockett. His death
It is too bad that his daughters are fighting over the /

Sterling Insurance wants copies of the repair

*h B and B Garage and also Enterprise Rental Cars. We

one at Enterprise but we’ll have to call back at B and B.

Jason Allen said that the State of California requires a

lowing that liabilityI has been purchased for our car. WOW!
. Beth Blakely has forwarded the medical & whip lash/

The nights are still cool. It will be hot and

too soon. Mary Lou has the appointment with the surgeon at

i too look at her vericose veins tomorrow and recommend some

ie veins are really prominent but they don’t cause

At least, Lou does

M c°°
not complain about her/vei n s .

^CL±llCittjj IJyi^WICLKLGS, (3ot7lj2Cin\j


Robert Shaw
5370 Nugget Road
Fair Oaks, Ca 95628

Named Insured Shelly Dunnigan •

Claim Number 679260
Date of Loss 02/19/02

Dear Mr. Shaw:

Please forward your medical bills, records and proof of liability

P.O.Box 8128 • Newport Beach, CA 92658 • (949)851-6362 • Fax (949) 851-9694


A Celebration of the Life

Joyce Morgan
April 29, 2002

Joycelyn Allen Morgan

March 21,1931 - April 24, 2002
Rest eternal grant her, O Lord,
and let light perpetual shine upon her.


»r Thes
n nou

*. ii
-fjyy t}yvj yiuAjJj,
L^ay 4 2002, & jZ-

> -fas ArfAM /Si, .

i was at home nfost of the day. She doesn’t seem to let that eyesight

and the vericose vein problem get her down. Joshua helped us.

We took Joshua and Jared today as Eldon and

d to "proctor" at a high school SAT test. They were down at

no high school. We took Jared to Hughes Stadium, near Sacto

liege. He was to help the track officials, non-participation.

Joshua came home with us. We took him by

Cremeffor some doughnuts. That shop has a mass-production system.

irn out a lot of doughnuts. Joshua figured out a way to get us a

of free doughnuts. Never underestimate eleven-year-olds!

Joshua was a lot of help. He blew the leaves

ices of limbs off the roof. Also, he blew off the west patio and the

ly and front door-step. Mary Lou paid him some wages for working.

I wrote out the check for the VISA bill. It

u’s balance and some of mine to pay the large amount. They cfef&rged
interest last month. I can’t figure -out why. VISA would do that as
the bill off in full,1i They are good about giving us the\l% rebate.
s not any fuss or dispute about giving the / to us each month.

Fay Callahan was on the telephone with Lou.

ts to rent a car in Kansas City and drive to Hannibal, MO, Nauvoo,

s and then back to Columbia, MO to see John Abbott. That is quite

tious trip from Friday to Monday. I don’t see how they can do it.

tey are talking about stopping at Jefferson City, MO on way home.

Janet, Chris Prentice, Venetta Abbott are all

about going along on the ride witlj Lo.u and Fay. Then, Neal Abbott

see John in Columbia, MO. They have very ambitious /pAans^.

The Sears repairman cleaned otft the^

He also put new blades on the machine. It should

g mower.

■ now. The freezer on the refrigerator is freezing over. The

Lou went to a
will be out Monday to work on the fre^z^' It was a
tory p reSe^etialuetofhtemp?es,Cint?he lives of Church members.

Sunday, May 5, 2002.

This was Fair Oaks Stake Conference Sunday. I took Lou up to Mormon

Center and Nadine West brought her home. We had a quiet day, no visitors

Lou called Keith and Sandy Shaw in Logan, UT. They ai

excited about Shelsie!s birthday (17th) tomorrow. Shelsie went up to thi
condos at Bear Lake overnight. She took along her girl friends so there
was plenty of gabbing and conversation. Shelsie has her own car so I ca
imagine that she drove up to Bear Lake. I consider her a good driver.

Mary Lou was up and off to Stake Conference today. Sh

said that the theme was temples and temple work. Nothing has been done
at Mormon Center on the planned construction. I hear that the new/edi-

fice will be next to the Chapel and recreation hall on the site of the

berry patch. I remember Pres. Norman Boehm enthusing the brethren and

sisters to plant berries on the plot. It didn't seem like very fertile
ground c.

if the Lord blessed the site/ it would grow anything. I don't remember

many berries being grown there. Pres . Boehm's advice was good for us.

Mary Lou is still trying to get advice on her eyesigh

and on her vericose veins. The answer i pretty much on the veins that

she won't have to undergo a different problem. She is thinl

ing of getting a second opinion from Dr. Dushka. It may be difficult to

get an appointment at Point^West Kaiser with Dr. Dushka.

Carolyn, the Diabetes Nurse from Kaiser called, even

though it was Sunday. She advised that I get on a regular schedule and
That way I'll get
take 100 units of insulin, in two 50 unit shots a day.
Carolyn spoke with Mary Lou. Lou
the full amount that is prescribed.
They agreed that som
medicine-taking habits.
gave her the low-down on my
contact her later in the week.
in order. She wants me to Dallas Mavericks to-
changes are
The Sacto Kings will play the NBA play-offs. There are
It is the second game of the ” The
mo?row evening* teams"alive " in the West.
" in the East and four I can't help but feel that the
because their
good team. They play—
uragement about my
It maijfly c on —
medicines, -*s a nurse
. thii kin ILL
health. She is very the correct
exercise, diet, taking

ler , Josephine Cottam Shaw, was born in Snowville, Box Elder

J tab
, / Oin Ma my Father, John Riley Shaw on
*iX/1 grandmother,
0, 1910/ osie Shaw was a great Mom and/

I remember my Mother as the epitome of love

mp a s s i o n. She never had much in the way of material things but

provided for her ten children.

j tX^/
and Venis Powell
ne now. The rest of the family are getting older.

It is also Shelsie Jo Shaw!s 17th birthday.

Shaw had a righteous posterity. Shelsie is a self-reliant young

ind gets things done at home, Church, at school, etc. \le wiSjh both

Shaw and Shelsie a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" today. m ijsmj Mdow (AsMA'P i

The Sears technician came out and looked at the

it atop the refrigerator, He said that the thermostat was set too

causing the refrigerator and freeze]f to freeze internally. He

i down the thermostat and that should be the end of the matter.

Secretary of State Colin Powell did not do

Ln his visit to Israel and the Middle East. Powell does not seem

too swift as a negotiater. The Palestian thugs are still holed up

i Church of the Nativity at Bethelhem. I remember ^ioing to that

i in the 1990fs when Lou and I went to the Holy Land with Karen

. It was a dangerous place even then. We went out on the hill-

nd med ifeted about the shepherds singing praises to God, upon the

of Jesus Christ, 2 .^O^O^y^a^^ago^, "Peace on earth, good will to

2,000 years of history.
is not been realized in the /

Mary Lou had a lot of gusto, starting this

work. She gets those folks going in the Arts and Crafts group.

r job to act as a taxi driver, transporting her and her supplies

o the different work sites.

I was delayed in mowing the lawns because I mis-

to the riding mower. The lawns need to be mowed. We have

> key
lading the Doctrine and Covenants scripture. We read from Proverbs.
ay, May 8, 2002. Cassady Aikman is suffering from cancer. She has been off
work at the Cordova Senior Center for a couple of weeks,
ser and Peggy Swartz are in Cassady's water color and drawing classes. Tdd bbad.
been hearing some news about the Allen Family in and around Provo,

Tim may be living in that small trailer of Marks. He may be re-

; to California? Becky Allen shows some instability-talks of suicide.

Tim and are living in that small trailer

Ln public and private parks in Provo. That would seem to be a rough

live, without many conveniences. Tim* s he&lth is not good and he

a .serious eye problems. It would be rough on him if he moved back to

rnia. Michelle Allen seems willing to care for him.

Tom and Nila seem to be doing well. Tom is work -

d Nila has a "Mary Kay Cosmetics" route. Nila helped in selling

house . Jason seems to be improving in health. When he was here,

plained of that "knot" on his neck, caused from a work injury.

is back at work now. Becky shows instability. She has been suicidal

he years. Cutting of her wrists,overdose of pills, hanging, are

f the major problems. I did not suspect that about Becky.

Larry Allen lives in Providence, Utah. He is

g to help Tim and Sandy. I don't know the nature of the help? Mark

ng well in the Army training base in Georgia. Mark is an out-of-

ind of guy and is a black-belt in karate. Mark will be graduating

Ls training in June, I believe. Chris Prentice and Michelle Allen

> to his "graduation ceremonies." Mark is about 30-years old now.

a lady friend from Salt Lake City but they have broken up now.
I worked on mowing the west and east lawns. The

nd weeds are high. It does not seem to be tiring for me to mow the

The tomato plants seem to be growing quite well. I notice that

ve been eating some of the tomato leaves. That Sevin insecticide

a product that I could put on the plants.

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital and at

Ly History class. A guest speaker told about life in the 1850!s.

n costume and the folks liked her presentation. Lou uses a lot

in teaching that class. Cassady Aikman is ill

ation and creativity This was all very sudden. Lou hears from
■ andPPeggyWSwartz? who are in Cassady's classes. Certainly too bad.
flg provident
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The Sacramento Bee • Sunday, May 19,2002

press your condolences.


BTfiJBKWBff'K tw8
2002. She was born In
R?'j^5°rShenreceiyed a |
bachelor's degree In art P-
sffv^omTone'of the first Si
: Plne^Arts dof?ered bv 5
versltySheem ov e d "to 8
Seattle with her new It
husband Van In 1961 w
and began a 41 year p

§ livSrss | ramento where she B

I ffi'.?’aeS.rS?.Sl art 8
feMMWttraa S
and both the San Juan ai
t&f>'f.0DurTno<tfterej D
maTning few years of D*

^or Renter. Thf'latter
experience was the cap- te
stone of a long and pro- te

viewed hejras^liorouflfv fi
|y professional, yet car- Ti
BraBrtnft H
?r o m "dta rap a8"' a n 3 fi ^ 2-
daughter, Megan from C(
• are scheduled. serv ces f,
S ilflfBTCflNJr.. EABBTR. $ ,/93c

ftud> 2J02-,

and Peggy Swertz,

Thursday, May 9. 2002. /

Mary Lou is concerned about her friend,

* fi&s '
ass,ady Aiki
pital with cancer. They were
prof essionallf instruct<

Education together, several years ago. I do not kn

Mary Lou and Mrs. Aikman work

District Adult Education several years ago. Mary L
to work for FCUSD Adult Education. Cassady is an e
conducts her classes like a college group. She ass

iri§id in her relations^with the class members

' ^ Mary Lou and Cas2day had a bit

Cassaday?s records to and from the District Office,

to make the trip over there so Lou volunteered to c

was late a time or so and Cassad^^id not like it.

conciliation.and their friendship! "patched up." Cas

instructor in water color and drawing, etc. She mi

The Sacramento Kings basketball team

in a play-off game I did not see the game on TV,

said that it was an excellent game. The Kings woul

and the Mavs would come roaring back, tying up the

great fourth quarter and they finally won the game-

Likely Michael Shaw is in Dali

to sell his house. Margo probably did not go with

be in school classes. Then, it would be difficult

Eva, as she is only about six months old. Not much

1 worked on the east lawn cutt

I still have t-
a lot of noxious weeds in the turf.
to complete^e lawn mowing. The weeds are growing -
I wonder
hill, in the northeast corner of the lot.
getting enough water from the sprinkler
Mother Day ca
I wrote out some Lou also s
not have Phyllis
colored cards to
attractive cards, I hope that me . I fe
better feelings towards leasant-
cards will promote The weather is P
with my sisters, at times.
, May 10, 200 2. dsUjj . /U&
(fr^pZ'zb j[a , >
i news today is that Cassady Aikman, the water-color and drawing in-

or-died today. Her husband called the Adult Education o ffice with
d news. I don't knoW many of the details but^the sickness was/

I heard the news about Cassady Aikman at the

surprised .
a Senior Center. I called Mary Lou. She was saddened and /

rough when a fellow instructor goes down so quickly. Mary Lou and

s is very concerned about Cassady. As I have said, Nada Greer is

it class also, Water-Color and Drawing. Mr. Fillner, the director

lit Education is interested in hiring Ted Allebes. I don 1t know

Bar Ted A. is to receiving his teaching credential. It is always

cult for me to communicate with Ted Allebes, wife and family. Per-

Ted Allebes could work in Adult Education on a temporary credential?

• •
Mary Lou’s payroll check came'from FCUSD. I

the check to Provident Credit Union. Lu Lu wants to save some money

this check. The certificate at Provident payjmore interest but

impossible to withdraw any funds from those accounts, if we have

Schools Credit Union has more short-terms savings accounts.

Karen Blakely called. She had received the card

ther’s Day. She really appreciated the gesture, on my part, of

g the card. The / seem to be doing all right. They will be

to St. George, UT in about two weeks to attend Beth Parker, when

3 the hip operation. Karen and Beth are very close. No wonder

ouses are just across the street from each other, in St. George,

We stopped by Blakely Chiropractic for some ad-

ts . Dr. Beth is always friendly and concerned about our health.

piano is still stored at the chiro office. We feel better after

stments. It just seems almost impossible that the Sacto Kings

both play-off games, in Dallas TX. The coaches of the opposing
ange around their offenses and defenses to try to beat the Kings,
success. The Mavericks and the Kings have the best offenses in the
year. For sure, I don't want to miss game four <?f the play-offs.
Saturday, May 11 , 2002.

Probably we will not hear much from Cassady Aikman's family, about her

death. I wonder if there will be an obituary, in the newspaper? Mary Lou

worked around the house today. I completed mowing the lawns—good on me!!

This was a pretty slow Saturday. Lou originally did

not want to go out of the house. But, then she realized that; it was the

"Day Before Mother*s Day" and she wanted to honor Holly and Eldon and thei

f amily. So, she loaded all of them (escept for Melissa) and took them to

see "E.T.", Extra Terrestrial. Lou took them for ice cream, after the fil

I didn’t choose to go. All concerreally liked the movie.

Melissa was out of town, for a Community College trac

meet. Melissa did not "place" in the track meet standings, in the state,

this year. Last year she placed in the long jump--good on Melissa.

I had a slow day. The basketball game came on at 12

p . m. from Dallas , TX. It was a thriller. The Kings were seriously behin<

almost to the end of the game. Mike -Bibby seemed to be the one to bring

along as V^lde Divacs andlchris Webber had fouled out, late in the games.
< \
It went into over-time but Bibby put up the shots, to win the games. I I'

could not believe my eyes and ears! Those Kings pour it on, when their

backs are against the wall. The next games will be in Sacramento, CA.

We have not been getting those early morning telepho

calls from Keith Shaw lately. He likes to call us from the newspaper de-

livery route. Keith sent copies of letter/from the "Missionary Club," oiz

graduates from Logan, UT High School. Those missionaries are all over tla

world. I noticed in the Church News that the number of converts is down

over the year. It must be difficult to preach the Gospel, in such counter

as Mongolia, etc. We will have to print the letters in the "Fearless Flyer

Mary Lou cleaned off the desk, in my "office." That

a real help as I threw away a lot of the accumulated paper work. The Roinz
Catholic/and the top clergy are in bad trouble over the sexual assaults
committed by priests and then "covered up," by the leaders, That's the
that they operate. They seem to be "a law unto themselves and won't ev
think of backing down on their crimes, until they are taken to court and
as has happened lately, I don't have any sympathy for those Roman Cathol
Church leaders. They seem to like "business as usual and are covering u___
_y 12 , 2002. MOTHER1S DAY.
Holly Miller gave a tribute to Mary
Michael Shaw
- First Ward "Gospel Doctrinenclass. / was supposed to

zlass presentation but he was out-of-sta*fcr*(^in Texas, I had a

was not feeling well tonight--Mary Lou and Holly attended me.

We were up at 3 a.m. or so, working on the rose

■r F.O. First, Third and Fifth Wards. They ordered 100 roses, each

at the flowers in water tubes, We had a pretty good system

I cut the / stems and filled the tubes. Lu Lu put the stems

ubes . She counted the orders. Sorry to say, we must have been

But, the different Wards paid in full and pronto!

some roses .
a very quick
have $322.50 to deposit this week--/ turn-over.

I bought some perfume for Lu Lu and Holly.

invited us over tonight for dinner. Sorry to say, but I did not

.1 and did not eat anything. The activities are a bit of a haze

I remember thatjthe Millers gave Lou cards, including Jareds tribute

:omputerTgenerated / Melissa seemed very nervous and jumpy.

. be graduated from American River College at the end of

I was surprised that there were not moureytelVe —

ills today. There was sad news that Elmo Smith fell down the stairs

e Smith’s home and suffered serious injuries. They moved him to the

enter at- the Dee Hospital in Ogden, Utah. His injuries were very

They have him on life support and a venelator. The medical

ve him drugged up so that he is unable to pull out the tubes. etc .

The Sterling Casualty Insurance Co. sent a couple

5 . One was the correct amount of $143.71, for payment of the Enter-

:o Rental. They are still short-paying the auto repair bill. Thev

: two drafts for $343.71. That is $37.29 short of the invoice sent

ng, made up by B & B Auto Repair. I’ll have to send the draft for

ack to them and hope that they send the correct amount, I don * t.
e they are getting that figure from and it doesn t match any-
t I have, That Sterling is a tough company to work with!
for $ IK for "pain and suffering" damage.
lat I will bill
I was really ill this evening. Lou and Holly
I like the attention, even if I am illj
ended me. Frankly, temperature was 102°, taken at the
piring profusely and^my feeling well this week—too bad/
iii* T won t be
. •

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Monday, May 13, 2002.

It is not good news about Elmo Smith’s condition, after the fall, down

the stairs. He had cuts and bruises and internal injuries. Keith sent
a Mother’s Day card with a bunch of low denomination stamps on the over­

night letter —so much like Dear Keith. He wants to remember his Mother!

Mary Lou called Sandy Shaw this morning. Elmo is really"

hurt and laid up.Jackie Smith is worried about Elmo’s retirement checks

being cut off, if he is not able to get out of the hospitaf/ Jackie has

her welfare income and Elmo’s $1,300 or so a month and that has become

an established amount that they live on together. I.estimate that they

have $30K income a year, father and daughter. Jackie’s daughters/saw

Elmo’s terrible accident, in falling down the stairs, being seriously

injured and carried off in an ambulance. Don, the ex-husband, likely

does not pay .anything to the family. I didn’t hear about Derrick’s/

Dear Keith sent a Mother’s Day card. Keith really

seemed to want "to make up for lost time." TherAwas a card from Scott

and Julia also. Michael Shaw and Brian Jenkins came by this morning to

give me a health blessing. They are both fine young men. Brian even
helped me take my insulin shots. What finer help/ a man receive?
Mike blessed me that I would attend my meetings and enjoy the Gospel.
Mary Lou called Dr. Craig Green for a 10 a.m. appoint-

ment. They took me right in. Sorry that I do not have their exam re-

suits but maybe I can find the info later. Dr. Green said that I have a

urinary infection. He prescribed a strong anti-biotic, Dr. Green even

called later to see how I wa£ doing with the new meds ood to

have "some care, thatjthere, before you call."

•Mffe* ff
I like thejservice.

I slept most of the day. I hope that Ifm not taking too

many pills. Holly came over in the evening and relieved Lou on my

results. Tne crowd was "HIGH" at ARCO ARENA. I did not wrflch the game#/
Now it will be the L.A. Lakers, with the game Saturday at.ARCO. Rick
Adelman was the coach of the year, runner-up, in the NBA voting. The
Kings surely surprised me again as I didn't give them muc °P* ....
ting past the Utah Jazz ani the^)allas Mavericks. t w play-offs..
* battle against the Lakers, ^heVL.a team "swept things in^ ,
^If pills will cure me, I’ll be a well (>man, up
mum i
Ill ill ill!) Ill mmo \ mith’s condition, at the Trauma Center in Ogden,

ceally banged up but he is from "the tough old school,” so he may make

nother day of bed rest. Lou stayed home from work to attend me.

Lou stayed home during the day to nurse me.

appreciated . She went to work at the Senior Center tonight, af the

Techniques class. Holly Miller drove her over there. Jared and Josh;

with me. I notice that Holly keeps the kid£ in line and they don11 sass

hey do what she asks and do it without any argument.

My "druthers" would be that Melissa plan to attend

Young University, after being graduated from American River College,

uld havAa good savings balance as she has worked at the California State

re in the Downtown Mall and at a health food store, etc . Being at BYU

ive her a chance to establish foundation in her life.

An I going to San Diego State Univ.

know the attraction there? She would lack the association of other

lay Saints and be at the mercy of the wiles and temptations of the

Melissa seems uncertain of what she should do with her life.

I trust all will work out or the best.Keith

-°8 °n /
hat Utah / University would be a good choice]/- Time will tell.

Lou stuck with me all of the day. I gave myself a

=sma as I sorely needed it. That made me feel better. Lou is a tough

er about the insulin shots and thrills. Holly was surprised that I

The Miller kids were hungry and they at^burritos and

soft drinks. They seem to really like the "fast food."

Lou called the lady in Davis, CA who knows Sue Miller,

on the streets but seems to have an apartment? She works for the

__ turdays so has some income. We hear that Sue is the^SL /*> T 1

jxg. Womanc Re-p
—Its Rep) in her ward. So^Sue seems to be making some progress'*

a terrible mistake to have Sue incarcerated in a Mental Health

—Lou wants to send a card to Sue and try to work on a better re-
^^with her. Sue does unpredictab 1(0. things^at times. In the main, she
and .personable woman. Do the Millers know of her whereabouts?
Wednesday, May 15, 2002. This month is half gone. Time surely moves
along. Keith Shaw called, on the way to say "good-byes” to Elmo j in

T Ogden, UT. Elmo is slip, slipping away, in death,

at the hospital, earlier in the day.

Sandy and Jackie w

They have made some funeral plans

Keith was very distraught at the lack of final care

for Elmo. He talked about the expenses and the futility of it all. I

tried to talk to him and calm him down. We didn't hear any more from

so Elmo must have died. I don'1 know the time or the circumstances?

Sandy and Jackie were^a^^tjie hospital earlier in the—

day, when the life support and ven taken off Elmo. They mad

arrangements at a funeral home in Ogden^take the body to Payson, UT, fo

funeral services. That will be early next week. Elmo had hospitalizat
1 !
insurance and seems to have burial insurance. So, the final bills shou_
not be a burden, for the family. It ^is all very sad, for all concerned-

Sandy said that she will probably work the rest of th

week. Keith works late each day and sometimes does not get home until

midnight, or so. There is an $800 charge or so for digging the grave, i

ayson. Sandy is planning to check with local city officials and see if

that fee cannot be reduced. Minta is hurried in Payson so Elmo will ver

likely be buried beside her. Mary Lou and I visited Elmo and Minta in

their home in Payson. It was somewhat of a dysfunctional family^years ago

I was very sentimental about Elmo's impending death.

Mary Lou talked to Sandy and both of us talked to Keith on the telephone

This will be a stressful time for them and for Jackie Smith and families

Elmo seemed to have his final plans in order. Elmo worked on highway coi

struction, at the Payson City Landfill-r-at the local school, as a cus-

todian, etc. He was retired for about 10 or 15 years,J with Jackie J

his daughter. He walked in the neighborhood and collected cans, etc.
He was not active at all in the Church, it seemed. He raised a good famil;
Mary Lou is still driving herself to work. I lost my
drivers license so I will have to get a duplicate license. She was back
at Folsom Conv. Hospital and at her Family History class. She likes
genealogy participants to "stay on the subject." Sal Arrigo came into AJP
class and bade the members farewell. We do not plan to go to Utah, for
Elmo's services. Lou has teaching commitments and has plans
6 That trip will be on
Missouri, to visit her ill brother, John Abbott. there vJLsitjs j

tfi (f
ay, May 16, 2002.
the exact details
>mith passed away Wednesday around 10:30 p.m. We didn't hear/from either
Payson, UT
or Sandy. We heard that the funeral will be around 10 a.m., in /
iday, May 20th. Farewell to a fine man who was a hard worker andf
y appreciated fam±ly> I felt better today and picked up a drivers license.

Elmo must' have passed away shortly after Keith arrived

e Dee Hospital on Wednesday night, 5/15/02. Keith and Sandy said that they'

better towards each other and that they were not fighting, They seemed

ng to take some bereavement leave off from their jobs so they can have a

to grieve. eel gi^i^t^re

They^n^e^ds^^^i^^^o t^ems^elvje^^^d^not^feel g^^ Elrno^,

■^he funeral will be in the Warcl Building near

n to the

mith home. That was where Minta lived before her death. The Dockstaders

give support in Payson ppetts, etc. The Tippetts now

in Las Vegas, NV, I be xieve./f1Holly Miller indicated some interest in

Holly Mille

ng to Utah for the funeral. She wanted to take her sons. Mary Lou and I
ust not able to make thejl, 500 Tnile trip.

I felt better today. I have lost or misplaced

liet. I remember having it at Kaiser Riverside on Monday, when I had the

al appointment, I lose that wallet too often. Also, I lost my black key

several months ago. I think that the shallow pockets in these "flight
"* lend themsleves to lost items. ^[AfrDept. of Motor Veh. gave me a copy

license and charged me $12. Lou waiteid with me/at the Motor Veh^office in
■ We called several of the credit cards^ and asked them to send new cards.

We are to go with John and Susan Dennis tomorrow to

notarized form
^on to witness a / for Charlotte White. We will leave after Lou1s work.

inis/' will drive us to Stockton. Charlotte has been incarcerated at the

s • J
facility/for three or four years.
3 She was in Mental Health on Stockton

— or some monthf after being hospitalized. It is a sad situation.

I am doing better. My legs are able to support
_er from the urinary tact infection is down, I have to take a ten-
gram ofjknti-biotic pills, I sleep okay and can get around with
bsks in the house and yard. I have the laundry back on track as i
if I am not able to do it. Mary Lou works hard. She also went for
lessons with Janie Erickson. She nearly has finished the painting
ll roses, as a gift for Holly Miller. Janie worked on a portrait of
|an, as a commissioned painting. Those are( two ta


Dear Family and Friends of Gamer and Jane Harston, ^OOX-,

U Hi! My name is Wendy (Yeates) Harston. I am married to Gamer and Jane’s youngest
son, Evan. I have a favor to ask of you. June 6, 2002 will be Gamer and Jane’s 50th wedding
anniversary. They are such wonderful people that I wish we could throw them a big party or
open house. Unfortunately, they would prefer not. They are sweet, humble people and would
) rather not have all the big fuss. So I have come up with another idea to let all of us show them
our love and appreciation. They have done so much for so many. This is where I need your
I am putting together a book celebrating their 50 years of marriage. I would like each of
you to write a letter (handwritten in ink or typed) that could include something like the
■ -

• At least one story or experience that you’ve had with one or both of them that is a special
4 u t memory
« Your feelings about them
• *Pictures of your family today
• ^Pictures with the Harstons from past or present
• Anything else that you think would be appropriate

*Please send original photos or copies that I can keep as I will not be able to return them.

_ * Please write the letter to Gamer & Jane but do not send it to them! Send them
to me, Wendy. I will compile these letters and pictures into a large binder, which I will then
cover in cloth to make it nice.
I feel so blessed to have married into this family. My in-laws are the most giving people
that I have ever met. They have touched many, many lives. If you know of anyone else who
knows them and would like to add something to this special book, please have them send their
i . letters to me. I don’t want to miss anyone. Do so discretely though, because we hope to
make this a surprise! Please send your letters and pictures to me by March 1st.
This will give me sufficient time to put the book together properly. Send them to me at:

Wendy Harston
7520 Lone Oak Dr.
Citrus Heights, CA 956104422

Thank you so very much for your help in this special project. If you have any questions or
suggestions, please call me at (916) 722-9694 or email me at
Thanks again!
Wendy Harston

Remember: Write the letters as if talking to them, but send them to me by March

~~ i

Reagan Shaw
\'V Av
English 5th hour
Depression interview er (®
Elmo Burton Smith grew up in the depression on a six-room farmhouse in Salem, Utah.
He was the oldest of two girls and a boy. If you lived in Salem at that time and you were between
first and ninth grade, you went to Salem Elementary.
You might get to school on a good day with a horse and buggy with your sisters and
brother. In the bad day your might take you in the bobsled with the horses. In the winter, the
school would be warmed with a coal and wood stove. You would play with your friends after
school games like basketball, baseball, and football..
Christmas was good and you would at least have one. On Christmas morning, you would
go into the living room where stockings would be hanged on the couch stuffed with candy and
other goodies.
My grandpa had a model-T ford. One day, when my grandpa was working on it, his hand
was stuck in the crank and it messed up his hand bad. He would break his arm six times after
that. You can tell the abuse he took if you see his hand now. The doctors at that time could not
do much about a wound that bad at the time.
Salem had a good school for the time. It had a few hundred kids at the time. Some of the
kids who went there did not really have a home, but they still went to school. The school had a
library where my grandpa liked to read often.
To pass the time in the depression, you probably would occupy yourself with activities
outside of the television. (There was not television was not out yet.) You could read, listen to the
radio, or go to the movies, or just be lazy with your friends and go to the Salem Pond. Elmo also
passed the time by learning to play the trumpet, but had to stop because of his arm. He later
learned how to play the drums. My grandpa’s favorite movie characters were Charlie Chapman
and John Wayne. You could get your money to watch these silent movies by selling magazines.
Elmo would deliver various magazines such as the Saturday Evening Post. You could also spend
your money on chocolate and soda water.
If the circus came by, you could go to that and get cotton candy and see the clowns and
the animals and the shows they put on. Going to the fair did not really hurt them financially.
There were not many railroad hobos that came to Salem, but there was an electric train
that went from Payson to Salt Lake. His family would go to Salt Lake to visit his grandpa. Just
because there was no close railroad to the town it did not mean that they did not get any hobos.
Elmo said that they would get one to come to there door every now and then. His folks took care
of it by giving them a little food and nicely sending them a long there way.
His family always had plenty and never had any truly rough times. He had a one-speed
bike, took his girlfriends to the dances at the schools, and had a wagon when he was a kid.
When Elmo was older, he worked for Mr. Reed in the “dream mine”. Mr. Reed thought
that there was gold behind the hill and Elmo worked for him by keeping the place clean. He did
not do much serious mining, and did not necessarily depend on the job. There was never much
gold there, but at least they tried. Elmo also worked on other farms when he was older and did
His parents suffered a death of a son that died at birth before Elmo was bom. Speaking of
babies being bom, Elmo’s grandfather was the first whit baby to be bom in Salem.
In down town Salem there were two grocery stores and a telephone or two. He'
remembers gas being about fifteen cents a gallon, or less.

My grandfather, and just about every one else at that time learned the meaning of money.
Elmo did not really have it bad, but he could see around him the hardships others had. Many kids
without Homes went to his school and he listened to the radio. He said that he heard his parents
talk about Roosevelt, but he never really paid close attention. I learned a lot when I did this
interview. I did not know any of this until now. My Mom did not really understand a lot of it
either. I am glad I got this opportunity to talk to him.

-i_ a 77
ill I •i

■ Reagan Shaw
English 5th hour.
Writing portfolio paragraphs

My favorite writing assignment was the Literature study packet where I got to read the
i story Enders Game, by Orson Scott card. I just had fun the whole way through it. Throughout
this assignment I was supposed to read the story and do plot entry papers about what happaned in
that chapter and do character sheets. We also had to do vocabulary and a descriptive language
passage and at on part of the packet, we were supposed to draw one of our favorite scenes from
the book.. I selected this packet for my favorite writing assignment because I had a lot of fiin
; with it and the book was just great. You got to talk about the book with the people in your group
i to see what they thought of the book.

I ;: I think that the assignment I learned the most from was the depression interview paper.
3! In this assignment, you were supposed to find a person who lived during the great depression and
interview them to see how life was, what they learned and other facts. I chose to interview my
[i : Grandpa Smith. I almost knew nothing of his life before this, and that’s a good thing I found this
stuff out because if I didn’t, the rest of my life I would never know because he passed away
yesterday. I selected this assignment for this category because I truly did learn the most out of
this, but it might not have been so much English related.

I feel that the assignment with the greatest potential that I didn’t really go all out on was

I ? the Anne Frank test essay. In this paper, you were supposed to answer one of the test questions in
essay form. I think the question asked something about if you think that Anne was fulfilled her
dream or not by becoming a great and famous writer. It was a good essay, and I got full credit,
but I think I could have went longer and had explained myself better.
1 ■


I would have to say that my least favorite paper I can remember was the mystery story
that we had to write, I had a fun partner, but the story we wrote was not fun. In this story, you
■8i were supposed to write a story with a certain number of clues false and true. I got an A on the

I II!W paper, but writing it just wasn’t fun. The story wasn’t going anywhere from the beginning and we
IE didn’t know what we were doing.


i r

Bf —
Let everyone who would be interested in this reunion know about
it. The following list are folks among the missing..If you have
phone numbers or addresses let me know! Remember to let your
children know and if you are the children, let your parents know!

Richard & Janet Allen, Marge & Dennis Bailey, Patty & Doug
Beadle, Joann & Bill Berry, Erma Bird. Roland & Marsha Bowns,
Jim & Luzann Cloud, Mei & Kay Davidson, Bob & Dorothy
Dillon Karral & Lorna Draper, Sterling & Jeannie Emfield, Cleone
& Ben Heaps, Dean & Nancy Hoch, Ida HuberJack & Melita
Jukes, Reid & Jan Larson, Gordon Larsen, Barbara or Dale Lish,
Al Littlefield, Jean Lowen, Bob & Patty Moses, Bill & Peggy
Nicolls, Gary & Kay Ochs, John & Lola Owen, Ralph & Marilyn
Page, Bill & Lilly Phelps, Bryce & Merlene Rappleye, Paul &
Martha Rugg, Dan & Bess Russ, Gary & Dian Stokes, Dave &
Nancy Smith, Paul & Gayle Smith, Bill Walton, Patty Wilson.



1< u FRIDAY. MAY 17, 2002.

We didn't hear anything about Elmo Smith, his death and funeral today. I

guess that "no news is good news." We went with John and Susan Dennis
to Crestwood Manor in Stockton, CA. Charlo11e Vfrhite would not sign/paperp
i We left for San Joaquin County at 1:30 p.m. John
1 drove in his GMC extra cab truck and it was comfortable. The space in
the extra cab was more than in a conventional automobile rear seat. We

- drove via Sunrise Blvd., Grantline Pvoad and Hammer Lane, to get to down-

' •
town Stockton. Stockton is an expanding city. They have their problems
with crime and minorities plus the expanding population, etc
Charlotte White has been at the lock-down »

place for about

3W years. Her room is shared with two other ladies.

They share a television^ Charlotte is attending "activities" about

twice a day in a kind of bargain with the nursing staff.She looked good
pleased and John
and smiled and was/to see Susan/and Mary Lou an She did not appear to

be greatly ad^itated ab6ut being there. She must feel that it is "home."

IQLO IT) Susan and John presented the "Power of Attorney" and

"Quit Claim Deed" to her. The forms concern the house and lot in the

8300 block of Madison Avenue, Grace White's home before her death. Char­

lotte would not sign either f0c|h. Susan had to pay the Notary Public off.

John and Susan accepted the decision quite gracefully, as a "50-50 chance."
We returned ^)y way of Lindon, where Susan grew up. It

it beautiful farming country with orchards. The cherries are in production

We stopped for some cherries and strawberries—good quality. John drives

over this country, in his job with Bureau of Land Management, wild horse

program. It was a treat, to be driven to such out-of-way places. Susan

told stories of growing up in the area. She recently attended a pri mary

school reunion, out that way. It reminded me a lot of the^Modesto areajf,

Not much mail today. Lou worked at her Oil Painting

class. Her attendance was down but the enthusiasm of the oil painters
was there. I went for a chiropractic adjustment at Dr. Beth Blakely s
office Can we publish an edition of the "Shaw Family Flyer soonj
Keith sent some missionary letter material. Maybe others wiUseg£>^22gh«j
not any word from Keith and Sandy Shaw, in Utah, about Elmo Smith's ser —
Mary Lou worked around the house, cleaning and / up . "A ’

Touch Means So Much." Lou talked to her sisters a^out the MO trip*

Lou planned to stay home today but heard of a Relief

leeting at the F.O. Stake Center. Mary Bair, wife of Ron Bair, is the

Society president for the Stake. The speaker had some thoughts about

ips to take in a divorce. The meeting took up Lou's morning.

I worked a bit with some of my tools. I tried to ad-

ie pruning shears, with the wooden handles. The shears are old and not

.e to repair. I put some window-washer fluid in the Toyota. That car

have the upholstery cleaned the the sheepskin seat covers installed.

The tomato plants are not looking so perky. The "bugs"

the garden
:o be chewing on many plants. I watered the plants with/.; hose .

aato plants placed under that redwood tree, where it is so wet, did not

:. I could plant some more plants between the redwood trees and the

1 fence. Some plants are growing, some are starting to decline.

Mary Lou was on the phone with her sisters in the

City, MO area. Fay is not feeling well. She has osteoporosis and

is in her arms. She cannot raise her arms above her head. Fay is going

limited in her travel ability. She does plan a picnis in the park, on

There is a possibility that Neal Abbott and Bebe will drive to Missouri

"bama. So, the trip to Missouri looks to be "on" for Mary Lou & Chris P.

Monday >y
I wonder about getting some flowQfsfor the graves of'

:tam Shaw, John Riley Shaw and Riley Shaw and Marjorie Shaw, in the

‘•s of the Ogden, Utah area? Then, Lou should get flowers for the graves

__ ther and family members. We do not have any way to get flowers to the
tN LeGrande.
ily graves in Le Grande, Oregon. Austin Neal Abbott is buried/ '
Mary Lou was working on her computerized records
---- ight. She was trying to get into the British Census records .
^GENEALOGY .COM. She pays about $130 a year for GENEAALOGY,COM but I
it is worth it? Lou said that the Family History Center has many
their library, A vast amount of materials for family history r e-
Why aren't I set up
f ■ vailable now. of materials research more information on
■ I have a lot to catalog and put into notebooks, etc .
4 b ^/2-^/v-
I i Robert K. Shaw
(916) 961-5271
i! C‘'
5370 Nugget Road
Fair Oaks, CA 95628



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Hi ;
. :-:^M

1 fe/- !
»■ E S & 5 i q " 'iicccuiiiYii; Ud ddbflfidii” ;

Sunday, M^y 19 , 200 2./, p
Would you believe, that iit rained hard today! That storm was totally
unexpected by me. Mary Lou spent a lot of the day on the telephone. She
mostly called her family^'about the planned trip to Missouri on May 24th.
j It was overcast this morning but I didn’t expect any

rain. The moisture started to fall this afternoon and it was quite a wet
one . I don’t know what the weather forecast is for the rest of the week?

The Sacramento Kings lost their first final play-off

game to 'the Lakers, 99 to 106. The Lakers were ahead the entire game.

The Lakers started off with a "bang" and didn’t let up. Will the L.A. team

sweep them in four games? The Sacramento guys were out-classed in both

offense and defense. Peja, the forward, was not able to play. Hedo Tork-

ulu was totally ineffective and didn’t score a point.Peja is out with an

injury but I forgot the nature of the stopper for him.

Mary Lou went to services at First Ward. I was un­

willing to attend. Granted, I did not feel tip-top but I could have gone

with her. Michael Shaw called for addresses for Elderj*Riley Shaw and

Jaron Soren. He also told us of a lady who moved into the retirement

apartments at Madison and Hazel. Mike helped her move down this way. Mike

told of the problem of the stairs for older people at the apartments.

The Miller kids came by for lunch. Holly came from

First Ward later. We had left-over pizza. The kids gobbled it down. They

said that they are hungry, when they return, from CJiurcl^. W& ha d carrots
(Afaro ,J
and' apples, to go with the pizza. I Melissa is thorough at ARC txi is week as

she has to take final exams. I mentioned to her that I’d like to see her

attend BYU or USU, for a better spiritual environment.

at the home of
do her v
Mary Lou went oung. Katy is thinking

of retiring from Deseret Industries and moving back to the Carolinay. She
has a son back there. Neal Abbott and Bebe are definitely coming to
Missouri to visit with family members. Lou made some calls and helped set
up the itinerary. This will be a good chance for her to visit with her
brothers and sisters. Kelly, Neal’s daughter, has cancer symptoms, She
also has a new boat and that is a family attraction. I should make it just
fine here at home, when LuLu is in Missouri. What to do this
„„t to pot op *38:.?
family room or on
, May 20, 2002.
Jfrh JjKU > n>
7\£*pf’ tjL*Tt> *a
ou taught at 4r Arts and Crafts group this morningT The Adul

;ion people advised her not to go to work this afternoon because

Lo warnings. The hail fell heavily and it rained all day.

citing this edition of the "Shaw Family Fearless Flyer." Satisfying.

This would have been the day for Elmo Smith1s

al. We did not receive an obituary or any printed notice of his

. We put in a "memoriam" about his death in the Fearless Flyer.

of the information might not have been accurate. I hope that we

ve an obituary and a printed program of the funeral from Sandy Shaw.

The attendance was small in the Arts and Crafts

but Lou did the ceramic egg project with Joyce Scott. Lou did not

Folsom Conv. Hospital this afternoon. It rained and hailed hard but

ornado must have been in Sutter County to the north and the lone

to the south. This is extreme weather for this time of year.

I mailed that check or draft for $343.51 back

erling Insurance Co. I don’t know where they get that amount from?

urned another draft to them about a month ago —this seems like a

t-myself claim." I spend all of my tim e sending them forms and then

=ig happens. This claim will soon/the fourth month! Preposterous!

We stayed in the house this afternoon, with the

^.ing tornados. It was a cold rain and I had to wear my warm vest.

Brted to work on the family paper, I wrote out some of the "edi-

page" and Lou kindly keyboarded it. We j&«ntioned Elmo’s death,

iff House gathering of the Abbott sisters^missionary news, e t c .

to print Holly’s letter, Melissa’s photos and Keithjmissionary

5 from Elder Riley Shaw and his friends. There is Jaron’s letter

I hope to get the paper mailed tomorrow.

We heard that Peggy_ , at the
Conv. Hospital died. She was a perky lady of some means. She had
rate room at the hospital-unheard of! I always spoke to her. and
Bred her a friend. There was an e-mail photo of Elder Riley Shaw,
^:e. He was with a companion and a young lady, unknown identities,
■-mails are fabulous technologies. I have a coupon from STAPLES
Iry that I hope to use of on the printing, to bring the tost down
?. i

« r ■-
EDITION 77 MAY 28, 2002

Elmo Smith, age 82 years, husband of Minta Smith, (deceased), hither of Sandy Smith
Shaw, and Jackie Smith Plouffe. Elmo also leaves many grandchildren and family members.
"Grandpa Butch" was a family favorite. He died May 15,2002.

Elmo was a highway worker, a land-fill operator, and a school custodian. We extend
i our sympathies. We will miss him.
Melissa Miller will be graduated from American River College, at the end of May.
i (See Holly Miller’s family letter)

? Scott returned from a business trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He visited the "Christ
of the Andes " statue, Ipanema Beach, etc.
April 13,2002, A very pleasant day. "in the city by the bay" when the five Abbott
sisters, (Fay Callahan, Lou Shaw, Janet Dutton, Venetta Abbott and Chris Prentice, plus
i Bob Shaw, Holly and Joshua Miller, Michele Allen, Destiny, Chrystol, and Merissa) got
together. It was an event in remembrance of 1944 when the Abbott family first visited San ■
Francisco. We had a picnic in the Sutro Park, enjoying baked salmon and homemade bread. ;
iM Songs and writings of the children were presented. Some of Fay’s prize winning poetry was :
read. Chrissie shared some of her poems, Janet shared the honorary writing that her children
presented to her for her birthday and Holly told of an E-mail, "Seize the Moment" that I
I prompted her to attend. The kids, Holly and Michele ran and played in the spectacular i

iI Pacific Ocean surf

The main reason we were all there was because Fay was participating in THE
CONVENTION. Fay won a $100 Prize with her poem, "Maternal Or Paternal"! ( See
: . enclosures)
? 'S
: Thanks, Holly, for the sweet news letter and Thanks, Melissa, for the photos of the
) good times we’ve enjoyed. Need we say the Miller kids are finishing up the school year in
good order. Thanks for the tender loving care given to us by the Millers during Bob’s recent
a bout with a serious urinary infection. We also appreciate the administered blessing given by
i Michael Shaw and Brian Jenkins and the splendid medical attention received from Dr. Craig
Keith and Sandy sent a group of letters from Elder Riley Shaw’s Missionary friends.
; What a excellent force for good, are these young men and women in the Lord’s service.
■ 1! The letters from Elder Riley Shaw and Elder Jaron Soren are great.
« Chloe Shaw wrote an essay about Abraham Lincoln and won the prize.
i* Michael Shaw, 12 June; Scott Shaw, 10 June; Randon Shaw, 9 June; Shebie Shaw, 6
i May; Jeremy Woodland, 1 May; Mary Lou Shaw, 25 April; Holly Miller, 22 ApriL
Gayle and Ron Soren, 9th of June 1971; Alyson and Jeremy Woodland, 1 May 1999;
Bob and Lou Shaw, 5 April 1950.

-i»- ' • - —‘ ^ -- \
Tuesday, May 21, 2002.

The rain and hail storm blew over . It was most unusual weather for this
time of year. We had a delay in writing the family paper. We are wait- .
ing for some more material to print. Chris Prentice gave us some photos.

It turned out to be a fine day today. These storms

ih drop some rain and the ground dries up fast. There was some damage to the

cherry crop with the hail and the rain.

The big^n^ws is that the Cooleys , Bob and Gail, are

going to the temple for their endowments. Holly Miller plans to take the

day off tomorrow and go with them. Myrna Anderson is the attending mat-
ron. That is some real progress for the Cooleys.
The Cooleys have their home up for sale. I hear that
: ; they need money to finance their new "strawberries and bananas" business.
r a: The location is still in the shopping center at Kenneth and Madison Avenues
from what I hear. Holly is their friend. Millie, the mother of Gail,

still lives with them.

Bob was a^grocery manager. Then, he worked for

the party goods store at Madison and Kenneth. What is he doing now?
. ,

I installed the pencil sharpener in Lou's "office."
I just putter around the house and don't get a lot accomplished. I am
starting to snack and eat a lot. For awhile, I was losing weight and

fj that was a goal for me. Now, I seem to be eating a lot and probably put-
•• ting the weight back on. I was down to under 215 pounds, at Kaiser lately.

Chris Prentice had some photos for us. We picked her

up at Judah School and took her hornet Her Toyota is not running. She
, :i,1
purchased some parts for the car an aw^nts/ul Expo Auto Repair to get the
car running for her.
Those cars will break vour heart with repairs.

il We picked up flowers at COSTCO in North Sacramento.

Lou has an order from Dr. Chang, for delivery to Sutter Hospital in Rose­
ville. She made up the arrangement in class last night.Lou said that
Shelby was upset that Lou would take the time off yesterday because of the
hail and tornado warnings. The Adult Education people advised'her not to
* go to work because of the severe storm. Barbara Acklin called and sai ■■

that Mattie Sirmans is in the hospital with illness. I don't know any
other details. Lou called Sandy Shaw. The funeral and buria*
for her father, Elmo Smith. Sandy will send some obituary not
my diary and scrapbook. We haven't heard from Keith for a ew

y. 1 Iis
mini. 2002.

.s the day for Sal Arrigo's farewell dinner at the Cordova Senior

Mary Lou attended the event, in between her morning and afternoon

Sal expressed thanks to the folks who helped him, over the years.

Josie Bryant set up the farewell dinner and presented

'old watch. I guess that Sal did not own a watch, up to that time. Lou n
i that Sal's thanks to Josie was sparse. Lou didn't know how to explain

reaction except that she noted that he does have difficulties with

I admire Sal for expressing

working under him, such as Joan Lynch, etc.

to the Center associates, over the fourteen years or so, of his work.
Lou says that Josie Bryant expects to be appointed as ■

ector of the Senior Center. She seems like a capable lady and this will

omotion from within the organization. One thing that ITd like to see

ished is more access to the new computer. It was installed with Senior

nd would be helpful to Lou and her family history projects, e t c .

I took Mary Lou to Folsom Conv. Hospital and

her up and took her to the Senior Center. She had a good class. I took

3ne Daughters of the American Revolution books, for the reference of the

■ambers . I sat in the class for the final so . I admire Lou

teaching techniques and discussion^ finesse.

We started working on the "Shaw Family Fearless Flyer."

out details of the "editorial page." Lu Lu started to keyboard the

ion, using the computer. That computer is a good word processor and

Ve fonts and make corrections with ease. Joe Shackfelford gave us

gs . We took one to Michael Shaw at his home. Margo was not around,

frg of the visit • Sophie showed us herJ e. nv elope of school work. Chloe
l essay that she had written, on the life of Abraham Lincoln. The
\ to be doing okay. Mike's oak trees are growing on the hillside
We also dropped off a flag at the Miller's home.
Je a family letter for the "Fearless Flyer" and Melissa made up
__ n sheets, using scrapbook techniques. The photo sheets were very
\ I have some coupons for printing the paper. I hope that they are
—s might be able to save something ($$$$) on the color photo printing,
cubic foot concrete mixgfv at Harbor Freight Tools for $190. I
The Grapevine Independent, May 1, 2002. |'c

Senior Center director

leaving after 14 years
Sal Arrigo Jr., who has served for
14 years as the first and only direc­
tor of the Cordova Senior Center,
has announced he will be leaving
his post on May 31 to become a
university instructor.
Arrigo, who has served as the
director of the center since it
opened it doors in 1988, is leaving
to become an instructor at Califor­
nia State University, Sacramento in
the Department of Recreation and
Leisure Studies.
During his years at the senior
center, classes and services offer­
ings expanded greatly, making the
Cordova Senior Center a busy place
which has almost outgrown its cli­ Sal Arrigo Jr.
entele. own experiences and happenings at
Arrigo said he considers his the senior center.
proudest achievement the develop­ He said the relationships built
ment of a respite care program for with local business owners and the
caregivers for the elderly. always supportive Rancho Cordova
The program was launched nine Kiwanis Qlub will be what he
years ago at Cordova Neighbor­ misses most, along with the many
hood Church with the help of com­ senior citizens he has befriended
munity contributions. Today, it is over the years.
funded with state and federal ‘These people were here when
grants, still meeting at the church. my kids were bom,” he said, refer-
“The nark district aavc. me a rinp to Joev and Carlv now nop<?
pretty free hand to try a lot of 11 and 12. “It’s a good history.”
things, an we did,” Arrigo said. At Sac State, Arrigo will teach a
In the early-90s, Arrigo also full load of classes pertaining to
wrote a regular column in The leisure activities, and hopes one day
Grapevine which touched on his to pen a book on men as caregivers.

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Moiq A1!S suopisui


Thursday, May 23 , 2002. jfa

Mary Lou is excited aboutVgoing to Missouri with Chris Prentice and

. Michelle Allen tomorrow.

c dinners, picnics, etc.
Mary Lou went to Penney’s Department store and pur­

chased two print skirts, for the trip to Missouri, She made the sel-
: ection fairly eas^y and seemed pleased with her purchase. Scott and
] Julia sent her ^y$20^so tjnat helped with the purchase. Our credit card

i had expired at Penney's so Lou paid with a check.

Lu Lu worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital this morning.

: We had some flowers to deliver to Rocklin. I thought it was a remote

i ;1
n i
location as I looked at the old Thomas map. Actually, the house was near

to the Sunset^Whitney Golf Course. We went by Bob Green's erstwhile

law office in Rocklin. From what Keith says, Bob is now a Lutheran
cleric, working in the Mid-west, location unknown, to me.
} We printed the "Flyer" and have it ready to mail. The

; paper ha<J“ 14-pages with five pages of color p|rints. Holly wrote a

f family letter and Melissa made up two color pages with scrapbook dec-

orations. There were four pages of the letters from missionaries, in

I Logan, UT--friends of Elder Riley Shaw. Sorry to say, but I could not
! i
;» find the e-mail letters from Elders Jaron Soren and Riley Shaw*
Janet is planning a dinner at her home in Kansas. On Saturday, the
sisters are going to Columbia, MO to see John Abbott and possibly Neal

Abbott and Bebe and possibly Kathleen, their daughter. Lou wants to go
: to Church on Sunday. That will likely be in Independence, Missouri.

«• /;
1 Fay Callahan is having her home torn up, due to re-

i modeling work. Fay may be able to have a picnic on Monday. Another

^ i thing, Fay is not feeling well, due to the osteoporous (sp) and she can-

not raise her arms above her head. Lou, Chris and Michelle will return

on Monday evening. 1 don't know If I'll be able to call Lu Lu, on the

telephone. I'll miss her, for sure.Holly said that Gail Cooley almost
did not make it to the Oakland Temple today because of family problems,

Holly went with Gail and Bob Cooley to the Temple, along with Clare and
Myrna Anderson. Good on the Cooleys!
^ \ -7- _v
That is a GIANT step for them.

, May 24, 2002.

'aA/j )6 3 - y 01 > O^y XM</v /jjp* ‘ I

ou left for Missouri this morning, We picked up Chris Prentice and

le Allen and took them to the Sacto Metro Airport. They went via

rest Airlines, a three-hour direct flight. I hope all goes well.

We were up around 4 a.m., getting Lou ready for the

She took a mid-size luggage bag and a smaller tote bag so here’s hoping

she’ll be able to carry the bags around, on her trip. I don’t expect

elephone calls from Lu Lu, as she will be so busy.

I came home and slept this morning. I also caught up

tries in this diary. Frankly, I didn’t mail those "Shaw Family Fearless

s, ** as I didn’t get over to the post office. It was a quiet day.

The Sacramento Kings beat the L.A. Lakers in the third

rn Regional NBA Play-off game. Surprisingly enough, the Kings were ahead
ntire game. Bibby was the star. What a lot of energy in a smaller man.

Divac (sp) bumped up against Shaquille O’Neal and hit the floor for his

t. The referees did not call a foul on this maneuver. The Lakers

a run of it in the final quarter with a full-court press. But ,

mento came roaring back and fi nished on/the Kings\ I

1 The lawns need c and the

y to get out and cut the lawns tomorrow? There are also some pots and

In the sink that require my attention. The work never ceases around the

homestead," if I’ll just do the tasks. Otherwise, Lou washed some of

Ishes before she left. That was very thoughtful of her.

I must call Keith and Sandy Shaw. They haven’t been

ommunicative since Elmo’s death. That was a very difficult time for

I can’t imagine Elmo Smith leaving much of an estate. He was living at

,be of Jackie Smith (Plouffe) when he di^d^^I^hear that he had medical

'iice that applied to his final illness,j['\ the fall down the stairs. !
"ie might have had burial insurance. All that helps irt final

les . I haven’t heard any of £he details of his death, funeral and
I imagine that his death was tough on Jackie, Derrick and the
The daughters probably saw hi#*)fall down the stairs and the
rinfll iniuries. All that is very traumatic. It was lonely around
g * "a Woman’s Touch Means So Much. I admire Lu Lu for going to see
e. Missouri__ John and Neal Abbott and her sisters, except Venetta A.
1 ..___TV

Mary Lou called me today while she was enpoute to Columbia WO, All

seems to be going well for her. She doesn’t know if Weal Abbott will
come to Missouri for the visit. I had a slow day, little accomplished.

That was a surprise to get the telephone call from Mary

Lou . She was using Janet Dutton's cell phone. They had a dinner at

Janet's house in Overland Park, KS last night. Janet's daughters, Jill

and Lynn^were there, Lou said that she slept on the cou. . as the house
^ —v ch
was pretty full with out-of-town guests.
There was a check returned from the Sacto Bee news-

paper . It had a "STOP PAYMENT" notation on the check. I guess that

means that Provident put a restriction on the checking account(s)

& we called in with the report of the loss of my wallet and the credit

cards. I can't see how the loss of the credit cards, as reported,

would affect the checking accounts? I expect more /checks,^ be returned.

JuMUm S’
I will have to call Provident Credit Union ony^Jp^-d-tty" and see7 what "gives."

I received a UNOCAL replacement card, a VISA card from

Schools Credit Union, plus I have already received some cards to replace

the ones that went through the washing machine, and were not lost.

I have retrieved my wallet, after it went through the

automatic washing machine. I put some"AR|«pfc Alt PROTECTANT "on the wallet

and that seemed to soften up the leather. The wallet was sent to me

from Morocco by Scott Shaw, so I want to keep using the wallet.

I didn't get out and mow the lawns. I watched the

final part of the New Jersey Nets and Boston Celtics^ ganfe^ It ha^ an

amazing ending. The Celtics were behind l\ or so points, going into the

fourth quarter. Somehow, they caught fire and tied up the game. At the

endjthey won by two or three points. The commentator said that it was an

amazing game, going into the history of the National Basketball Ass'n.
The Celtics are now one and one, in the play-offs, in the East. Jason
Kidd played for the N.J. Nets. He played for the University of California
in his undergraduate days. I also watched the stupid v5es^i^8TSv°^ °n
Channel 13. It seems to be a lot of ^ffj^j^good thing that we
shows that they have every month or so. Mayb t s about g channels>
don’t have cable television. Our y
—i-T-vyr TT
. 26, 2002, 7^ ' O. l^r '
<-7Tv WT^OfflSiCivif <^k^/ "
du called me again fi^^tj^, Kansas City, MO area. Good news in that Nea^ ^
Kathleen (child)
nd / visited from Alabama. John was up-beat in talking to the _

ng Abbott family members. I had some other phone calls--all right!

Mary Lou said tl^at^ they had a good visit in Columbia,

ir i. John was optimistic so mayhe^is improving in health. Neal drove

Alabama, as he promised. What an amazing recovery he has made from the

as illness that he had, in the Philippines. He was on a respirator (or

lator) for several weeks over there with just a 60% chance of living.

Neal drove to Independence, MO to see Fay Callahan,

aid that Fay was seriously "off the subject," especially around Linda,

s daughter. But, Fay showed them around Independence, MO, the old mans-

historic places, Truman Home and Library, etc. Lou said that Fay was

t on" in her time showing the family her hometown. I don’t know what

Fay off" but it is scary to me, when it happens, most uncomfoj^tjib^le^

Mary Lou did not say if she went to Church of /

t of Latte^4^y Saints services today. She did say ey were

to visit jf erstwhile Reorganized Church sites. They^have changed their

and I don’t know what they call themselves now, There is also a major

loot of that church in and around Independence. Do those Churches still

ie in Joseph Smith as a prophet and in the Book of Mormon, D. and C., etc?

Holly Miller called and checked up on me, Gayle So£en

:alled from Keith’s home in Logan, UT. The Sorens had been to visit Leon >

brother and Lottie Burnett. Lottie is in a care home now, in Ogden/ iJ?‘
^s^tJi^t^he Sorens are staying,/ov^night in Logan, returning to Bpise, ID *

ake also callied' from Brookings, /South. Dakota by tinging the incorrect

. The Flak'es are retiring next year. All seems well with the Flakes,

I didn’t get much accomplished today, I did sort out

v }

2d it cards and papers for my wallet, I hope that I have my credit ,

md Lou’s card^’s traight." I think that all of the replacement cards

• en sent to us now. I sprinkled the tomato plants with insect dust,
rln not seem to be making it, sorry to say. Perhaps I was too lat^
anCS ° a,i«t for the insects, etc. The Sacto Kings lost by one point
e tomato ausu w
i-Aii t*v»*

\re You Teaching Summer School?

New law could affect your earnings limit
urting July 1, 2002, a new state law allows extra service to count toward CalSTRS retirement,
lembers retiring in the future, this will mean that summer school and intersession earnings
ount toward calculating CalSTRS retirement benefits. For retired members, this affects the
etirement earnings limit. Previously, the earnings limit was applied to public school
>yment, but did not include extra service such as summer school and intersession,
loyment outside public schools still does not count toward the limit.)
i July 1, the earnings limit will include pay for summer school California

itersession and be increased to $23,540. Your CalSTRS monthly

ance will continue to be reduced dollar-for-dollar by any earnings
ding the limit.
(See backfor a list ofexemptions.) 1

i u ,i
Monday, May 27, 2002 . MEMORIAL DAY..

JXmMlsUJ' '4^ J

I :
Sorry to say, but I did nx>t fly the flag today,

great opportunity to do so.

Michelle Allen from Kansas City, MO.

It would have been a
Mary Lou returned with Chris Prentice and

I picked them up at 8:30 p.m.

Mary Lou looked good. I think that she has been very
J busy on this trip but I think that she rested today at Janet’s house.

She had good reports of her visit with John Abbott and also Neal Abbott,

She sees t|^e trip as sort of a spiritual mission so that sj\e and the
others could.lend spiritual-suppoirt t;o / / brothers. uFVXA/J. * I
H' mAh/ -pc^uAlt
I /]/ ' M#ry Lou ^talked with. John on Saturday. He .has hopes of
getting into an anartmeftt/-type of living androut ot the care home.
Mw. He

^still takes thej -feedin d all night long from a mediccal

. stand, with a tube arrangement . I John likes to look at the food dis-

plays on the "food channels" of television. There is also something

( about building up the white corpuscles, perhaps lost when he under^

went the chemo-therapy treatments for the throat cancer, etc.

Neal, Bebe and Kathleen were there to visit John. Neal

seems to be "hale and hearty," driving from Alabama. Neal was glad to

see his brother and sisters. Bebe is working so they have to be back to

their home by Tuesday. None of Neal’s children saw him on this visit.

Kelly was at the lakes so did not see Lou and sisters either.
Lou did see Linda and Patty--Neal’s daughters. They are close to Kay
1 ^ Janet could not do enough to make Lou, Chris and

Michelle feel at home. She was a great host. Fay was very wrapped- up

in herself. She was suspicious and told disjointed stories. Linda (the

daughter of Neal) questioned Fay and Fay didn’t like that. Linda said

"that Fay is crazy." Fay took the comment pretty well. Kay Poore also

visited at Fay’s house. She works with Linda at the Unity Center in K,C.

It was good that I washed the dishes and cleaned up the

house a bit. I also had clean linen on the bed. Frankly, I have been a
"shut-in" for the last four days. I only went out of the house, to pick
up the newspaper. Mary Lou was "a sight for sore eyes,** Chris and
Michelle said that Lou had.a lot of energy, on the trip. Being with her
family mp.mbers
members truly "motivates"
’motivates Mary Lou! Lou had kind words for
David Abbott and his family, They invited the Abbott si sters over
their '____ ««a v-iv-i <?i tedwitn
sited with them. David visits John Abb ott every ^9ay >
o ♦* f fta Him mini I
M J I JUV WJIP mimj v\M9
eat to have Mary Lou back home again. I know that it is "true love"

us ! Lou was back at work at the Folsom Conv. Hospital and the

echniques class. I went to Provident to straighten out my account.

Mary Lou did not seem overly tired. She has a lot of

nd stamina. She still exercises on the carpet each morning. She is

luch of a vegetarian so that will help her in the dietary sector. The

hildren came and sang at the Conv. Hospital and that is always enjoyable.

Provident Credit Union has returned two checks that I

it. One was to AT & T Wirel ess. They called and I transferred the bal —

he Master Card credit account. The Sacto Bee newspaper returned another

I will have to write a replacement.

I found out why they returned the checks. I put a stop —

n the account in 1999, covering the same check numbers. The stop-pay-

still in effect and the computer rejected the checks and a "stop pay-

issued . I went to the local Provident office and signed a state-

I wanted the stop-payment removed. All should be "normal" now.

The Sacramento Kings are now 3-2 games in the Western

play-offs . They beat the L.A. Lakers 90-91. Mike Bibby made the last

the final seconds. -I.watched the Kings game at the Cordova Senior
f/'s/d TyW J
"that is an unlikely "teamjbut they keep winning the "BIG" ones!

Some bills and offers (advertising) came in the mail

word from Sterling Casualty Insurance Company. I'm thinking of pay-
Blakely and dealing with the insurance/ as if they are not plan-

y any more on my claim. That way, I can file a Small Claims suit
-j* lady involved in the collision. I haven’t had any luck with Small
1 the
Hons before but, I feel that I have to do something to speed up/claim.

jo write a letter of complaint to the Calif, Dept of Insurance,

Mary Lou kept up with the housework today, I
t to argue with her when she asks me to do something around the
etc. IN JUNE.
=» my medicines,____________ Can I keep the promise? Janet
=ed to be sure that Lou, Chris and Michelle arrived home safely,
^rely thoughtful of Janet. Lou didn't spend much money on the trip,
ome gasoline and that was about it. , Scott sent a color photo via
in Salt Lake City, Utah. Tn
ystem of him at the Winter Olympics
htful of him to send the photo. Will the Shaws come West in August??
KS*5' Wednesday, May 29, 2002.

r-ds / :he circulatingf ■

4*v on in our bedroom,

.ce. Hotter days ahead. We went to

: at American River College—in track


i the lawns looms larger and larger

ir-. .eeps me indoors. I guess that I’ll

he evenings—when it is cooler.
‘ i /?

the Folsom Conv. Hospital and at her

. as on duty, at the Cordova Senior

! oommending her for the director’s job
! dl ^
___ ^*X—T'T"^-*—/ tions around in her classes and then
j —o reation and Park District. As I said,

1 ■ _ _ , . motes from within.

iu d class on "Germans In Russia." The

more land and greater economic op-

. ^
P : id not want to serve in the German

Lgning in Russia, at the time. Many

other Russian leaders, during

is were deported to Siberia and not

: records. It is all very sad.

l was from a program on Public T,V

Ne/(l Brown had the video. Lou had not seen it before. She admires members

of the class for working together. Lou thinks that she has an ideal job,

at age 77-years—nice working conditions and a decent salary—good on her!

It was Sports Dinner night and Recognition at American

River College. Th^ men and women track people have some "wide awake"

coaches. We went to the Awards Dinner last year. Melissa had many awards,

in spite of injuring her leg seriously, early in the track season, Melissa
says that she wants to attend San Diego State University after being
graduated from ARC, this year. Those young people have a lot of life!
We were gone this evening from abouV 6 p.m. to 9 p.m*

“ls * *i,£**sj1:::1n;rj£«0.K':*iS.%r23,ta“5|;.
alien to me.
cin= or .port,, .tc. Could J '"Sloo.hlp " S father
attended with Melissa.
s; JKSSsSSaf^1
May 28 2002 . 7^? ^ \ ^
JAfUk -
eat to have Mary Lou back V,

us ! Lou was back at work

techniques class. I went

Mary Lou
~jmd stamina. She still ex

much of a vegetarian so th 1
children came and sang at u-6Z mvsd

ut . One was to AT & T Wir

the Master Card credit acc

d I will have to write a r

I found o

on the account in 1999, co

! still in effect and the c

; issued. I went to the lc

it I wanted the stop-paymer

The Sacr< m/y*

. play-offs. They beat th< SKU 841695

the final seconds. MADE IN U.S.A. ■■•I
A1 • w»a 0 8198311
j[Aw) j
That is an uniikely^tearn

Some bills and offers (advertising) came in the mail

No word from Sterling Casualty Insurance Company. I?m thinking of pay-

r. Blakely and dealing with the insurance/ as if they are not plan ----

pay any more on my claim. That way, I can file a Small Claims suit

the lady involved in the collision. I haven't had any luck with Small
:tions before but.I feel that I have to do something to speed up/claim.

,is„ „*«.. i.««

not to argue with her when she asks me to do somethin? 1
ke my medicines, etc. IN JUNE. C?n I keen the promisff**°“?d. the
lied to be sure that Lou, Chris and Michelle arrived ho anet
surely thoughtful of Janet. Lou didn't spend much Mney^n^h3-7'
t some gasoline and that was about: it. Scott sent a , he tr±P>
1 system of him at the Winter Olympics, in Salt Lake City^ fjta£°
I r 1 nf him f° send the photo- Will the Shaws * 1 3
come West iu August -7
! Wednesday, May 29, 2002.

The days are getting warmer. I had the circulating^ • on in our bedroom,
m $ I have a smaller box fan in this office. Hotter days ahead. We went to

the Sports Banquet for Melissa Miller at American River College—in track.

That mowing job on the lawns looms larger and larger

now. I can do the job but the heat keeps me indoors. I guess that I’ll

have to work in the mornings and in the evenings—when it is cooler.

Mary Lou worked at the Folsom Conv. Hospital and at her

Family History class. Josie Bryant was on duty, at the Cordova Senior

Center. She thanked Mary Lou for recoommending her for the director’s job.
‘'if Lou took the initiative to start petitions around in her classes and then
I sent the petitions to the Cordova Recreation and Park District. As I said,
it is good that the Park District promotes from within.

Mary Lou had a good class on "Germans In Russia." The

Germans went to Russia ^Jikraine) for more land and greater economic op-
'1 portunity in the 1700’s. They also did not want to serve in the German

military. Catherine The Great was reigning in Russia, at the time. Many

promises were broken under Stalin and other Russian leaders, during

World War II. Thousands of the Germans were deported to Siberia and not

accounted for, in the census and other records. It is all very sad.

The video presented was from a program on Public T,V

Ne^l Brown had the video. Lou had not seen it before. She admires member
of the class for working together, Lou thinks that she has an ideal job,

at age 77-years—nice working conditions and a decent salary—good on her!

It was Sports Dinner night and Recognition at American

m &
River College. Th^ men and women track people have some "wide awake"

coaches. We went to the Awards Dinner last year. Melissa had many awards,

in spite of injuring her leg seriously, early in the track season. Melissi
X says that she wants to attend San Diego State University after being
(I graduated from ARC, this year. Those young people have a lot of life!
We were gone this evening from aboup 6p.m. to 9 p.m-
It is a different environment to go on to a college campus. That life is
alien to me. Melissa said that she’d like to work in sports, sports medi-
cine or sports administration, etc. Could she be a coach? Eldon Miller
attended with Melissa. The two seem to have a good relationship, as fathe.

— , ..jmiHI■■■
. Util
May 30 2002 .
W ft /
0 list some of the specific accomplishments of Melissa Miller, at the

1 River College Track Program. This was another slow day for me.

i taught at her Folsom Conv. Program, picked up a new temple dress.

The Sacramento Kings are sitting on a one game lead in

tern National Basketball finals. It seems that the / is taking

of the Kings, especially, Shaq 0?Neal does not seem to be a dirty play^
Dne / their "lumps," in going up against him. Then, Kobe Bryant is
there, on offense and defense. The/ players do not produce much in

of points but it is wearing on the Kings players to go against them.

seems to me that the final two games are in jeoprady for the Kings.

I took Mary Lou to the Folsom Conv. Hospital. Peggy

3 now gone, after suffering for many years. Lou said that the funeral

3 for Peggy were sparsely attended, for obvious reasons, Peggy had
ans so wasjable to have a private room at the hospital. Earlier, in her

eggy was a dancer. She seemed to be a positive lady and always

mile. I did not see any death notice, in the Sacramento Bee.

should try and find a copy of the Folsom paper, in the library,

The New Jersey Nets basketball team is charging ahead

"lay-off s againstthe Boston Celtics. The Nets are ahead in the games.

ics are a proud team, with victories and titles going back for many

The Nets have Jason Kidd. He is an aggressive player and he goes after

and the points. The Nets do not have such a famous history as the

But, they seem destined to win the Eastern NBA Conference finals.

Bush has been in Europe andI Asia, wh*irle the FBI and CIA

have been going on. The FBI now vows toj with the other agencies,

^ting our national security??? Where w^Co^idoleeza Rice, the National

Advisor, while the 9/11/01 terroristfeywere going on? The Book of Mor-

messatge for our day. If you want peace and security, follow

esus Christ, in word and deed! The Americas are choice lands!
Melissa: (1) in 100 meter dash; (1) in 200 meter dash;

3.5; (1) in 4x100 relay, 54.29 with Maddox, Baker and
j ump— 161
represents a lot of effort and training. (13.08 in 100 meter dash;
in the 4 x 100 relayA Good on Melissa!
0 meter dash; an 4 54.29
H .DW.Cutm.U.M^u^______ :____ __________ gaa^

This was the day for Melissa Hiller’s graduation

j College. Sh^ graduated with "HIGH HONORS," as she had two

her name, on the printed program of graduates. Morgan Poll 7’

Mary Lou always goes to work with a pleasant atti­
tude . The oil painting students were talking about Ted Allebes and of
how he "WOWED" the members of the drawing and water color class |$J/Some

of the Adult Education administration wanted to know if "fed were a Mor-

mon. Mary Lou told them that Ted was a Mormon Bishop! Impressed them!
Ted has had to take a GED test as he lost his high

school graduation papers in the war years--World War II--in Holljtyjd. He

is applying for his Adult Education credential, based on his experience

i as a commercial artist. I think it quite remarkable that Mary Lou would
i. ; know and recommend such a talented man—he should] do fine in the work.
Lou went to a meeting of the FCUSD administration at

the new Folsom Lake Community College. This was her first time at that

college. They had a lunch and she told them of the work that she does

for FCUSD Adult Education. LuLu was impressed with the moderd facilities

of the college. Lu Bakken said that ARC does not have such an up-to-
date computer room and electronic conveniences. Folsom Communllity Colleg

is just starting out, with many temporary buildings. I think it remark-

able that such a college was finally built. It was planned for years on
(j*ven a motel is being built out in eastern Folsom--much progress.)
the hillside in eastern Folsom—such a lot of development out that way./

We went to Melissa’s graduation ceremonies. We sat by the Millers, the

Polls and by Miller’s friends ^ The ceremonies

were snappy. Melissa and Morgan were graduated——CONGRATULATIONS! We

went to The Olive Garden for a meal—with the Millers, the Pollfand some
others of Melissa’s friends. I tried to "eat responsibly--—small portions*

i Michael Shaw called, asking about Melissa’s graduation. He said that he

was out-of-town, likely in Southern California. He was sojrry that he

missed Mel’s graduation festivities. Melissa was so gracious to include
her grandparents and family. The Sacramento Kings lost the sixth game
against the L.A. Lakers. There will be a seventh and final game in s
Sacramento on Sunday evening. Bibby and Devacs (sp) were roughed up.

:s: s :«£is Sacto

: Saturday, June 1, 20,02. n 4-- '. aF7H^>
^lajU I
A beautiful new month is our there, be What will it hold for us?

A I For sure, school

activities will begin.

will be out for a lot of our family members. Summer*,
Jared Miller told of going to a Seminary svimj '

I think that I have my checkbook straightened out.

Checks from COSTCO and SMUD have not been returned. I expect another fee

from COSTCO as they are very strict about the account. The "stop payment"

order that I put on the account in 1999 has been erased—better times ahead-

Mary Lou went to the Oakland Temple today. Dee and

Doug WillLams are getting their endowments and the Cooleys, Gail and Bob,
back, after their endowment date. Sue and Larry Field drove
! the folks to the Oakland Temple. It was an all-day affair.
Mary Lou was excited about attending the Oakland
i; Temple. Lu Lu has a new temple dress but it needs to be hemmed. She wore

N her older dress today. We have attended the Oakland Temple since about
1 the 1960 ? s . The temple area will be cut down, with the new Reno Temple,

the Southern Oregon Temple and the Fresno Temple. We attended the Los

Angeles Temple in the 1950Ts--when we lived in Willows, California.
There were photos and stories about the new Nauvoo,

I Illinois Temple, in the Church News. It is remarkable that that Temple

could be re-built after about 160 years when it was in operation. It was

burned and the walls knocked down. But, the Church retained ownership of

i i the Nauvoo Temple Lot and the glorious re-built Temple is the result today.

ij I didn’t get much accomplished today. I did mow the

west lawn. The grass and weeds were tall. Jared came over in the evening

. ‘
and mowed most of the east lawn. Jared is a big help and he has such a
good attitude about helping his grandparents. Jared stayed for dinner. He

liked the macaroni and cheese that we served him. Jared had been to a
seminary swimming party at the home of Dr. Ruggles, of piird Ward.
Some BIG news is that Susanne Nye is p.g. I
Nyes . ' Wef . ^ heard from Keith and Sandy since Elmo Smith's death.
We talked* to Keith on the phone late tonight. He said that Elmo's burial
' and hospital expenses were paid from Elmo's insurance. Keith s cell phone
has been out of order so he hasn't been able to call. Actually, he had an
"over-run" on his phone bill and the service might have been . interrupted?
Keith and Reagan plan their bicycling trip in the first °f

~-T T 1 I
me 2, 2002.

Dine telephone calls from Keith, Gayle, and Scott today. Gayle

drive out to California in a week. Does Ron have some job

out this way? Scott is in Atlanta, GA, on business with Lucent.

I read in the newspaper lately that Lucent Co.

another division of their company. Sorry, I did not jot down

or location of the company that was sold. I consider Scott

:ky to still have a job with Lucent. They are in a business/spin.

Also, today there was a notice in the business

that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints purchased

business building in Roseville. What could be the purpose of

¥*> s;s.uch a building? It could not have a connection with the new

)ing ttu ilt (planned) in Rancho Cordova. I notice that there is

lapel of the Church in historic Folsom, CA. There is "Mormon

and a lot of Mormon Island artifacts in the Fo,lsom Museum*, It

hat the Church might have given priority to building a Church

I did not choose to attend Church meetings. The

ard continues to grow and the members go to the Oakland Temple for

tidowments .• That is true with the Cooleys and the Doug Williams

Mary Lou also talks about the faithfulness of Larry and Sue

Larry still is a business promoter for COSTCQ ^promoting the

with use of credit cards that gives a customer 1% or 2% back.

iness arrangement is not for us. Shawfs Florist is just too small.

Joshua and Jared Miller stopped by for lunch to-

had cooked up hamburger and veggies in an electric fry pan. Holly

ell but she attended the Church meetings. The same seems true

issa. Keith called again today. Gayle wants to drive out this

her family. Scott seems a bit lonely in Atlanta, GA on his

trip. No word again from Michael Shaw.
Mary Lou has two more meetings in her Adult Edu-
* asses before Summer Term, of six weeks. She has August off from
jdon * t know of her plans for that month? We are wondering if
II give us a roll-around dishwasher? can't easily get the old
Ir out of the under-counter space. 1 don llke to wash dishes by
III have to check with the appliance department at Sears store.
Made in

'0&- S/iafo>


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Wishes by
Monday, June 3, 2002. 1
I started another week of "tsxi driving,'* taking Mary Lou to work and

p 6 picking her up. We are putting more miles on the 1998 Toyota Corolla.

We stopped at Sears to see about getting a roll-around dishwasher.


I should make up a list of mileages to Lou's work

! places so that I would have a more precise idea of how many miles I
' drive in a week. She presently has classes at the Senior Canter on Mon-
il day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. She works at the Folsom Convalescent
Hospital on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. She also drives to
the Adult Education office for administrative meetings. Non#of the mile-
) age is tax deductible but I'd like infomration for expense control. ‘

. We have our bills ready to pay. The VISA bill is in

the amount of $1,233.56. Sorry to say, I have misplaced the statement.

I ;
COSTCO added $25 to their bill for the returned check. That means that I

have paid $25 to Sacto County Utilities and to COSTCQuaking $50 in all.
/ ;
I want to get the bills paid> early in this week. I wonder if Lou haas

enough in her checking account to pay the bills? I only have enough to

pay the id%y/

(r» ^ two
l models of roll-around dishwashers that can be converted to under-counter

use later. Frankly, I am missing the convenience of a dishwasher. I do

not like to do the dishes by hand. One model is about the price of the

dishwasher that was delivered out here on May 6th or so. I hope that we

can get an appliance that will work and soon!

Melissa and Holly are ill today. They think that the

illness may be due to something that they ate. Holly went to work today

but Melissa was houfi'with bed rest. Lou is concerned and took some drinks
and food items over to the Miller home.

I note that Mr. Smith is putting drain pipe in the!

behind his garage. That will hamper my efforts to put in a row ^ _

-; it
We do not
posts and build a fence along that right-of-way. ' •

t—. tt
lay, June 6, 2002.

"lv,dA3t■funeral service. Keith also

Reagan’s L .1 was surprised that Elmo had so many children, grand-^g

1 great
ren , great grand children and greatygrand children. I was surprised
Minta was not mentioned in the wr^I^en program as predeceasing Elmo?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elmo
Reagan Shaw told about how / injured his hand so

He was cranking a Model T Ford car and the crank caught Elmo’s hand

njured it badly. His hand was mangled badly but he neverisee^ed to com—

Minta said that Elmo’s heav^ drinking affected the of the h^nd
tfjl'YM) r-'r71/1
Sandy and Jackie were his children from Minta. / '

uried side-by-sid^ in the Payson, UT Cemetery. Then, there were Ila

, Duane and Max^(deceased.) He had 28 grand children, 26 great great

children .and 2 great great great grandchildren, total of 56 grand kids.

Burton was age 82 when he died. He was born 6/3/1919, Crescent, Utah,
16/02 , ift 'tills diary, for the fumeral^seryice program listing information.
AA /Us/,
It was good to hear from Keith again. He is

■ig to come down this way in either'July or August. We told him by phone
QjfVQ-UU/ '
□ gust would likely be a betterj < as Lou has vacation time from the

— Folsom School District during that month, Keith and Sandy want to

to France and meet Elder Riley Shaw when he a.s/ released from his mission.

They would like to meetJ • Riley in Paris, France.

know if they plan to travel down to Toulouse to see something of/his

labor. flv^Lth and Sandy even might get over to his other areas also./

a problem for them. Then, they are not experienced foreign travelers.

»n mentioned that Sandy would go by herself to save money. I do not

t will ever happen. I don’t know Riley’s formal release date?

Melissa Miller was feeling better today. I do not

le went to work today? This was the last day of school for Jared

. Jared will be a Junior at. PeJ£aA v/if*S High next

Friday, June 7. 2002 .

Mary Lou and/oil painting

group had their art show today. Lou was very

t pleased with the outcome.

man, attended.
Even the Adult Education principal, Bob Fill__

Lu Lu stayed on in the p.m • > to attend the computer cla

^ ^ou wanted to be over to the Cordova Senior Center

early so that she could prepare for the art show. She took over some d
ing material and the class members brought some also. Janie Erickson was

there are a critic (constructive.) The room looked good with art work.

The folks also brought some food items. Lou took a

special strawberry dish from Gail Cooley. Another lady brought some

strawberries. Michiko Elliott displayed her painting about the World

Trade Center disaster. Someone had written an explanation about what is

depicted in the KM"106 that MiChik° 18 n0t V6ry communi-

The reason ifs that she does not speak good English and is shy

about that. Mr. Elliotp/attended the Japanese language class in the

Florin Buddhist Center^/jo we could learn abo d Japanese language and cu

ture . That was in the early 1980’s, before we went on the Far East trip

to meet Elder Scott Shaw, in Korea. We met some of Michiko's relatives

took us to an on-sen
in Southern Japan. They treated us very nicejff
Patty, the retired employee of FCUSD, took some photo

I was supposed to do the photography but I didn't get back to the Senior

Center in time. Lou wanted to attend Mr. Rader's Computers and Genealogy

class . Her legs were swollen because of not being able to rest today.

I bought some license frames at Folsom Lake Toyota fo

our 1998 Toyota. Actually, they gave the frames to me for free—advertisir

I attached them to the Toyota. The frames identify us with the local are

Mary Lou received her payroll check from FCUSD for $2,355.07 gross and

$2,099.84 net. I mailed the check to Provident. I hope that they have n<

bounced" any checks as I was late in mailing the deposit. We went to Dr

Beth’s chiropractic office and the substitute did a good job of adjusting
Karen Thomas called. She is attending Beth Parker in St. George, Utah.
Beth had an but seems to be doing all right.
Would Erma
•day, June 8. 2002. ^ y,U;
was a change-of-pac/e day. Mary Lou did not go out o’f the house. She Work

iter color cards and did an excellent job. She also cleaned up the

P- We mailed a birthday card to Scott Shaw plus a pound of Sees candy.

We hardly ever think about an "outside" activity on

rdays. We don’t hear much from the Millers or Mike and Margo Shaw. I'll

that they have special Saturday activities. The kids are out of school now

they must like to be "out and about." Eldon likes to bicycle, especially.

Here’s hoping that the deposit of Lou’s check gets to

ident Credit Union before the outstanding checks arrive. I s en<l? the de-

ts to the Sacramento office, hoping that the funds will be deposited quicker-

ve heard that any deposits at the Sacramento office of Provident are just

arded to Redwood Cifey, CA and depyosit o f f i,c e.2 ? ?

<?- /
<? &

ry Lou worked on her greeting cards. There are many

sions to remember, at this time of year. Lou does such a good job with the

r coloring. But, it all takes time. I did a lot of resting again (m

y• I did rouse and mow the east lawn. The mower seems to work well and

aps we need the Sears service on Wednesday of next week? The weeds

grass)/. : growing in the garden area on the hill. That horse fertilizer

not seem to retard the weeds at all. The weed/ are winning the war!

Keith wants to check out the "Shaw Family Trust" papers.

as really moved by Elmo Smith’s death. I get the feeling that Elmo had his

irs in pretty good order, It will be up to us to check with Jack Everett

ferian McClay—financial advisor and attorney—to see what needs to be done

k the trust that has been set up. I’d like to get Jack’s books on trusts.

i and family likely will come here sometime in August--good on them!

yfe will have to pay the financial advisor and

Ittorney for their time and work. Keith did not seem to know if he had
of the original trust papers. New copies will have to be made up and
to family members. I have paper/in a mailing tube from Mr. McClay ^
will have to open it and find out what it is. yThe papers were
company preliminary reports and t. plot map^, All these will be helpful,)
lav checked the maps and found some discrepancies, when he was working witl*
ivil engineer, Mr. Bob Grant. I want to talk to the County Engineering
J)lanningyabout developing the lots or getting the home & lots ready to Sel> ~

.0* • • * .

v4r- ■

; P
adult education
% / 10850 Gadsten Way • Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-5199 -
Phone (916) 635-6810 • Fax (916)635-0905
1*1 %
June 10, 2002
Mary Lou Shaw:
. ■
fl In our preliminary planning of course offerings fork
handbook for dates of term) you have been tentativelyeSummer Term 2002, Isee your teacher
scheduled tn tench:—s

Course_______ Da Time Location Fee

Floral Techniques '
T 6:45-8-45 n m *spn inr C*prtfor
I ! ; $10
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Wednesday New director
* Josie Bryant has taken the
June 12,2002 helm as director of the
Cordova Senior Center.
Bryant, who has served as
Volume 34 assistant director at the cen­
Number 9 ter since 1997, succeeds Sal
Arrigo jn the post. Arrigo left
last month to become a full
SN SACRAMENTO'S A\N time instructor at California
-/INNING NEWSPAPER, State University, Sacramento
Bryant attended California
State University, Long Beach |
and the MTI Business Schoc
ordova in Sacramento. She has held
positions with West Coast

Bass, Inc., was chief financial

officer for a Sacramento sub­
contractor and was'president
and coordinator for the
Shriners and Rio Vista dance
Bryant became program
coordinator and assistant di­
rector at the senior center,
operated by the Cordova Rec­
reation and Park District, five
years ago. She said that as \
director, she hopes to up­
grade program offerings and 1
the facility, which serves local
! seniors.
The Sacramento Bee • Thursday, June 13,2CQ2

Josie Bryant 4
.v- •
cious vehicle in the White Rock Road and Prairie
City Road area when he saw something thrown
from the vehicle that started a grass fire.
. The motorist called 911.
Metro Fire investigators stopped the vehicle and
arrested Tristan Jones, 18; Frederick Porras, 19;
and a 17-year-old girl on suspicion of committing
arson in a wildland.
The two adults are in the Sacramento County
jail, and the girl was booked into Juvenile Hall.
\ investigators have not linked anyone to a recent
rash of arsons in the Bradshaw-Florin area.
- Silvina Martinez

Han, 78, questioned in wife's slaying

CITRUS HEIGHTS - A 78-year-old man is
being questioned by police after his wife was
found shot to death in their Citrus Heights home
Wednesday night, authorities said.
The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department
said the couple’s son arrived at the house inthe
6700 block of Vivienda Court and saw his mother
lying on the kitchen floor, dead from a gunshot
wound to the upper torso.
His father, Ralph Caruthers, was standing in the
living room holding a shotgun, according to sher­
iff’s spokesman Sgt. James Lewis.
The son took the gun away from his father and
held him until officers arrived, Lewis said.
rwtivrtl hfUl Pnt arra<?toH ranithm late
■ -' J*\**1* P*P0T Cutoutj. Made in China. ______; ^PHhbBHI

ff Sunday , June 9, 2002 .

Xfi sUr^ Xa^uVfyuZk {& -
1 o
This was another quiet Sabbatlr Day for me. 'We

phone calls from our family members.

entry for Scott Shaw.

id not receive any tele-

Lou worked on a "Temple Ready"

She was not able to print out the temple/

"The north wind did blow" and it cooled things off

for us. It also blew down some leaves, limbs and baby birds, from nests.

The north wind seems to dry things out quickly. The temp was in the 70fs.

Mary Lou worked on the talk that she was assigned in

Relief Society. She talked about "mortal angels" who helped her along in

her family history work. David Gardner who wrote the book several years
'i I ago on "English Research" was one. He helped us on our research tour in
England by correspondence in 1976. Barbara Smith who told of finding
some Nephewsons (Nevinsons) five years after we visited in England^was

another. Duane Tourtilott, Alton Sissell are local brethren who helped
. with computer use, along with Sunny Skiles, etc. All have been helpful.
IT lllton Sissell is one devoted helper who still helps Mary Lou with computers.

Lou tried to work on the "Temple Ready" information,

*i sent by Scott Shaw. The computers would not work at the Fair Oaks Stake

Center. Mary Bair invited Lou over to her house to work on the data but

the computer would not print out the final form necessary. Lou is still
working on the "Temple Ready" project.

Mary Bair lives with Beverly, her daughter. Beverly

substitutes in the Folsom Cordova School District. She was graduated

from BYU but has never been able to teach here without complications, it

seems. They have about 1 3/4f s acre, not developed. Thefland (10 acres)

I on Martsmith Avenue, is now being developed. It was sold by Bill Astle,

before his death. 8o,the Bairs do not own as much land as I thought.
There is a nine page "Preliminary Title Report" from
First American Title, dated 1/30/90. There are five pages of the parcel
„.Lpf. dated 1/30/90.
ma I want to get the papers in some kind of usable form.
Perhaps I can laminate them, put them in a large manila envelope, post
i them on the wall in my office, etc. I want to have the map and trust
L information ready for Keith Shaw when he comes here in August, 2002. Also,
I “to F»ilrTr».t papers re.Py for
McClay, the attorney who drew up the trust. WOrk, in practice.
up on trust talk to the Copy Center at Office Max on how to xu
Jand of what they accomplish and how tney
presevepapers. J
11d like to
r> June 10, 2002.

Is Scott Shaw’s 41st birthday. We called him at home in New Hyde

N|Y this morning. Z*H« h ad run 41 laps on hi^birthday--10% miles,

about his talk given as a high council member, in Brentwood, NY.

Happy Birthday to Scott. He seems busy and con-

with his life. He told us about his High Council visit to Brentwood
ranch . That is the hometown of the Guastella family.
I took Mary Lou to her Arts and Crafts group. ;

class members showed up. They completed their ceramic eggiand hold-

rojects and worked on some of their personal projects. Mary Lou is i

B praised for holding that- clas^t^ether. Mary Lou thinks that the

s will not continue through thej -week Summer Session.

I ran some errands. I went to Kinkos Copy for

nating those parcel maps. I must have really been mixed up. I

ght that I had five maps--really I only had one parcel map and one

lemental sheet^ showing the owner’s signatures, along with the

atures of Bob Grant, engineer, and also the Sacto County staff,

I had to pay almost $40 for the laminating

Four copies on cardboard, two duplicates. I can’t figure out what

ened to the 5th copy, if I had one. I didn’t copy the preliminary

fe report from First American Title Co. There must be other parcel

Copies around here. Perhaps the copies are stored on the patio?
a hang the parcel map copies on the cork board display area.

I picked up some floral supplies for Mary Lou.

?ok some/ negatives to COSTCO for copies. That was the photo of

Lou with her four sisters, irjsan Francisco, CA.

I am wondering when the Writer’s Conference

be held for Fay Callahan, in Coos Bay, Oregon? I’ll have to look on

ap and find the location of Coos Bay, OR. Lou worked at Folsom
leseent Hospital, in the afternoon. I reconciled the bank state-
1, My account was complicated by the fact that some checks were
ned makked ’’STOPPED PAYMENT” in May. 7
Lcent bank deposits, Lou’s payroll check, in particular. I hope
Le don’t ’’bounce” any checks. We received a dump of woo d ZfafUs p lus
I _ 1 _ - -P CZ3 TJ dust fro.m the neig,hjjpry who_ had^ trees cy t, down; ^
• l'-_ CWn**e riper Cutouts. Made in Chine. m LU

Tuesday, J/une U

' I wrote a demand letter to Sterling Insurance Company about that auto

collision on February 19, 2002. Here’s hoping that it will result in

: an offer of settlement from the insurance company. Mary Lou finished up
of the class members
i I with the Floral Techniques class. Many/will "sign over" for the summer.

: letter °f demand, I listed the damage to the rear-

:: end of my car yj has never been paid, $381. "Pain and suffering" was
shown as being $500. Medical expenses, injuries to my neck, back and

shoulders was $1,000—total $1,881. I plan to follow up this letter with

1i (ins. co.)
a note of complaint to the State Department of Insurance, if they/do not
I respond favorably, i,4q oo’ ?nn? We’ll see what we shall see.
I’d like to check out the Small Claims Court and the suing procedure.
I mailed in the rebate to Sears for the delivery of
: the dishwasher, amount, $50. They say that it takes 9 to 12 weeks for the

i rebate to be received. That could be until the weeks of either August

j 12th or September 2nd. They’re not in a hurry to send the rebates!
s* We have that box of Sees candy to deliver to Michael

Shaw for his birthday on Wednesday

i service calls for the riding mower ani anotner problem.f The garden trac
is unnecessary.
to seems to be working quite well again so maybe the service call/

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital. In the

evening, she had her last Floral Techniques class of the quarter. Lou

has an interested group. Many of the people want to sign up for the

summer quarter, starting next week. We hear that Jim Rader will be teach­

ing Lu Bakken’s beginning computer classes, in the future. Maybe Lu is

: (C")
taking the summer off?/ Ted Allebes will likely teach the drawing and
I water color class this summer. His credential /are in process.

I looked at the steel posts at Home Depot. They have

eight-foot p o s t s^ o^Jiand^^u^ nc^t^ni)^ the/h^rd^-

ware to put up the stringers to the to the posts, etc^f Both the/
ifJSB posts and hardware plus the redwood 1x6 pieces and the redwood string­
ers are expensive. How much would a fencing company charge to put in the
steel posts? There is 244 feet of fencing @ approximately $20 a foot,
equals approximately $4*884. Would any of the cost be shared, as a"good
neighbor fence."? Mary Lou has her kitchen remodel job as a priority,
before any consideration is given to the wooden fence. Such is life.
sday, June 12 , 2002. Sepha (Jjosepha)j Abbott /^bercs, was the daughter of Laura
Josephine Allenr”” / Abbott, Loufs great-4fand- parents.

r was Michael’s 33rd birthday. What a kind son, very talented in his work.

Id not see Mike or any of his family today, maybe tomorrow? I had

luck, collecting the invoices to send to Sterling Casualty Ins. Co.

We have a box of Sees candy and a birthday card for

. He was busy today but we may be able to get the gift and card to him to-

ow. Happy Birthday, Michael! Many happy returns of the day!

We heard some terrible news on the evening news show.

i what we heard, Marilyn Carruthers, Lou’s distant fousin, was killed by her

>and . The son found her bo^y^it Crosswoodsjin Citrus Heights and Mr. Car-

lers in another room, with a|gun in his hand. Marilyn was a military nurse

was an activist in promoting some recognition of military nurses, mostly

se who served in World War II. Mr. Carruthers was an ex-military man and

connected with the Center for Study of Antarctica, out of Christchurch,

Zealand. The Carruthers came to our 50th wedding anniversary party.

ilyn also served as a school district nurse, in Placerville, Calif *

Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital and at the family

tory class. The Truax’ did not show up at the class today. Could they be

ended because of what they call "non-genealogical discussion," in the class?

Crabtree had a video that he made on site of southern mountain music and

cing. Lou said that the video was excellent. Good on Bob Crabtree! I was

e to go to the' Grapevine and pick up weekly newspapers for Josie Bryant,

e’s picture was in the Grapevine as the new director of the Cordova Senior Center.

Dr. Beth Blakely gave us a copy of the bill for the

irance company. The amount to date was $1,046.03. Lucky enough, B & B Auto

lir gave u ?> a copy of the bill dated 3/31/02 in the amount of $381. Mike,

mechanic, is not with B and B anymore? Lou advised me to get the state-

s/' . . , I sent the "demand letter" to Stealing Insurance, That was very
y as I was anxious to mail the letter this morning. Dr. Blakely
us chiropractic adjustments. She was most helpful on the insurance
m for the collision on February 19 , 2002. Lou went to First Ward with
y and gave a flower arranging demonstration for the Young Women’s program,
a Ramey helped out and made an arrangement. Lou said that the younj ladies
verv well on the center pieces. I must write a letter to Sterling fly
YCJ- 7 V*.* - _ . U4+. 4-a/1 a TT an A -it- t.ti 1 1 K<=» n r» r» 1 a t- 6/lV
Thursday, June 13, 2002.

There was a short article in the Sacto Bee about the death of Marilyn
Carruthers. Per the article, Mr. Carruthers was not arrested yet.
I went to the Fair Oaks Library and found some details of small claims/

The brief article about the Carruthers said that Mr.

Carruthers was not immediately arrested. There must be additional de-

tails of the tragedy that are not known to the public. There will likely

be a story in the newspaper on Friday giving more of the sad facts.We

J'ZctA/- Afau/j i*0 O&cr'—
found out facts about the death of Gussie/in the Reno, NV and Salt Lake

City, UT newspapers in research, a few years ago. That was sad also.

I drove Mary Lou to Folsom Conv. Hospital for her two-

hour shift. It seems that those care hospitals are always tough places
to work. For example, Shelby Venable lost her credit Card and purse
eventuallvfound '*
jj,gain, The purse was/.. , - /but the credit .card was used frauduently.
Mary Christian (neg^woj^. s at
.u wen Ihfoh8!?ifitihl!.dacfelSi'lUgSfiggW-as she had
tooth ache. The tooth was misaligned and caused p#ain. Dr. Chang ground

on the tooth and it fit together better^ It was good that the tooth

problem was not any worse, I went to the Fair Oaks Library while Lou

was at the dentist's office. They gave me print-outs of details about

small claims courts in Sacramento and Placer Counties, I also L^Qfced at

their reference books on trusts and the administration of trusts. I

wonder if they have any books to check out on the subject of trusts and
small claims court^J The reference book on small claims gave an outline

of how to be ready to present your case and even how to collect, etc.

Mr. Allen of Sterling Insurance called. I was very
; "short" with him as I am frustrated about, the delay in getting my claim
going with them. Mar.y Lou reminds me that being frustrated can only
diminish my chances of getting a:/*settlement with the insurance company^
Lou went to Janie Erickson's house for her oil paint-
ing lesson. Afterwards, we went up to Michael's house in E} . Dorado
Hills to deliver his birthday Rift and card. We had peach shortcake
and that was tasty. There haWbeen cut-backs at Mike's technology
! w company but Mike does not think that his job is in danger now, We saw
QArlP\ Chloe and Sophie but Margo did not come out of the

__ -_:___-.iMi
, June 14, 2002. FLAG DAY. I did not think to fly our United
s of America flag ^oday. I did not find any obituary or mention of the
Sterling Insurance.
of Marilyn Carruthers, in the Sacto Bee. I wrote a letter to/.
I could not find any mention of the death of

yn Carruthers, in the newspaper. Mary Lou said that she would like

= et the son. Lou has some family records that sheTd like to give to that

live. I wonder if any of the Carruthers family would know Mary Lou?

I wrote to Sterling Insurance Co. about that claim with

rear-end collision, 2/19/02. That collision was nearly four months ago.

=ced for the $381 for damage to the rear-end of my car and $1,000 for "pain

suf f er ing .11 I enclosed the invoice copy from B & B Auto Repair and the

Ice from Dr. Beth Blakely, $1,046.03, to date. It is a continuing claim.

I called Maxine Owen §,bout coming down tomorrow for a

t to her new home. She was a little flustered and called back later and

a message. There is to be a shower for Nathan Podesta's wedding and

.ly members are comine from pu etc . Maxine said that it would

tetter if we came downj at a later/ date. That way, we might be able

:ee Karen and Bruce Blakely.I donTt know when the Blakelys are coming back

l St. George, UT. 7 I sent a "get well card" to Beth Parker.

Mary Lou had her/ class in oil painting today, for

quarter. There will be a six-week summer session and the class can paint

heir own during August. Lou said that the Adult Education people will

the Monday Arts and Crafts class continue through the summer session, even
ou does not get the required number. That w^s cons iderate of the/

called some of the summer prospective students | *3nd invited them to attend.

I didnlt get much accomplished today. The

^sa^^rrowed our car to pick up Holly and Michelle!s kids. Michellej and

s ^plus Tom Allen are in Georgia for Mark’s Army graduation from boot camp*

expects to be stationed in Hawaii, after graduation. That is

Br than being stationed in Afghanistan or Pakistan, etc.

(I/Xfljb) We are still receiving the Wall Street Journal as a
LWmi subscrintion. It is a good paper and haf* oodles of f inancial news.
OfKh* and figures I don't understand. I have been following the
of the facts, and^g ^ Co., connected to the ENRON busxness mess-
rnr i
A _________________ _________

A L*




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15, 2Qp9llrif’ Tom and Michelle made connections with
graduate with t_ • , . Mark Allen, at the Army base. They saw Mark
around the "olde homestead," if we would only do it.
The dishwasher
is not cleaning the dishes
properly. We must read the instructions.

Chris Prentice called from Mobile, Alabama. The party

are visiting Judy and Bill,
Tim's sister and brother-in-law. They have a
commodious house and/ the travelers. Mark is planning to come
West by plane, leaving from New Orleans to Salt Lake City^UT. Then,

lanning to go to Salt Lake

to a mix-up, Mark did not know that Chris, Tom and
Michelle were con^ing^^ol'i^^. basic training graduation. But,/ finally
found Mark on b ase^and Here able to attend the ceremonies. They are

traveling over the South. They want to go from New Orleans, LA to see
Neal and Bebe Abbott, injAlabama, They have a large rental car so can

get around, over long distances, quite well. Good on them! Bill and

Judy live in or near Mobile, Alabama. Long travel distances are involved.
That was thoughtful of Chris Prentice to call Mary Lou with the details.

We reviewed the directions for the dishwasher, It is

now working better. If all / . fails, read the directions! The control

panel does not have dials but rather, push-buttons. I think that the

new roll-around dishwasher is going to work just fine. It is good to have

a machine to do the dishes. Using a dish pan is not the best plan.
The push buttons work electronically. We're into a modern age!
Keith sent a tribute to Keith from daughter, Shelsie,

to be printed in the family paper. That is very timely for Father's Day,

Shelsie also sent another writing, to be published. Lou says that the

Sorens plan to come to visit around the first of duly. She wants to send

them $100 travel money. Only $100? It would be a gift from Mary Lou.

I ran some errands. The letter to Sterling Auto In-

mailed. I hope that the "demand" format wakes them up. I'd
surance w tbe $381 for the auto repairs made after the collision,
like to P will do about the demand for "pain and suffering, $1>0
X ponder w , bins from Dr, Beth Blakely? I imagine that I'll have to{
and the claims court, to try to get any satisfaction from Sterling,
file in Sm , out my closet for too small clothing. X took two
Lou helped P hlng t0 Deseret Industries. Perhaps some of the clothe
boxes of good 1 | Mike will nQt take any 0f ay o“£vlngs.Will 1
would have from 9 a.m. to noon -tomorrow? It s Father s Day!
attend Cnurcn
, June 16, 2002. FATHERfS DAY.

as a pleasant Sabbath Day. I went to Church services, the first time in

five months. It was enjoyable. We had Holly and her kids over for

zher's Day1' meal--along with Michelle Allen's kids. All well-behaved.

It was unique for me to attend Church services.

and Dee Williams greeted me. I thanked 'fehem for helping

me, when I was
Fenton Williams taught both the Sunday School Gospel Doctrine class and

riesthood class. The First Ward leadership is working the older members!

Fenton seemed tired, teaching both groups. J

ams ^ave a talk on "Fathers," in the sacrament meeting. David Bitnoff

Will (?) Ramey played a piano duet. The music is always extra nice, in

"irst Ward. The Millers did not attend.

Keith called this morning. He is doing well with

AfP)£Vica-*Corps . Ryan even went with the group to Zion's National Park.

is ting another interview with the local Bishop, in Logan, to get going

Ls mission papers. Shelsie had been in Cedar City, UT, to a sports

Sandy and Randon were in Payson, UT visiting Duane and Barbara

3tader. The Dockstaders just had their marriage sealed in the Temple.
Dockstaders are makin^rggj ggogrgss^^ thej^li^e^&^n ghurgh^ ot, for

Lou cooked some potatoes and baked a cake. The kids liked the food.

7 had taken the kids to Sierra College for a walk, over the cross-country

Ls . The kids jumped on the trampoline. Destiny drove the garden tractor .

Gayle Soren called with Father's Day greetings. She

up to Council

Jfor a visit,

: and a c

Lou will be starting her sUfomfer Quarter cxass^s this

Jared should be going to Scout camp but I don't kn^Dw^h^^dj^Jr^^ He had.

arts cut off his hands and that has been painful. Jared/helped
he weeds near the front door. The lawn and weeds grow rapidly!
t get out and water the tfmato plants as the ground is dry. Sears will
t for a service call on Tuesday. I'd like to get started on a personal
:y writing project.. Perhaps, I could write about my school teaching
drawer full of school records from the 50's to the 90 * s -
Tnfifs? I have a ii i ■ 1 aoninft11 and do some familv h-fstorv work
•<■11-11_______ :__ ________________ _

Monday, June 17, 2002.

' !
There will be final services for Marilyn Caruthers tomoorow, in Auburn,

CA. The obituary said that the directions to the services
: T&V
listed on the Inter-net. I purchased some graduation flowers/,Adult Educ.

I misplaced the clipping from the Sacto Bee about the

! services for Marilyn Caruthers. Hopefully, we can find the obit^j$ry

i page. I have not read any follow-up stories on the shooting. Maybe,

the Roseville, CA newspaper would have more details. Mary Lou bought

a plant to take to the services tomorrow.

I took Mary Lou to her Arts & Crafts group. About

ten people showed up. That is pretty miraculous. I went down to .
Greenleaf Florists to pick up flowers and plants. We delivered 48

: I earn atA^p^s in water tubes for the Adult Education graduation services

at the/junior high school in Rancho Cordova, Lou worked at the Folsom

Conv. Hospital this afternoon.

There was a letter from Sterling Casualty Insurance

1 about the collision claim. They do not want to pay any medical bene-

fits until my condition has "stabilized.11 At least, I am in communi­

cation with them. They haven’t had time to receive my "demand letter."

Mrs. Kohler, the family history^as^jgeiate of Mary Lou,

called about wedding flowers, Mary Lou called herewith a bid. The

wpdding ^is in the first part of August. Jim Rader goes to Mrs. Kohler’s

|c1bss on family records, Lou is even thinking of attending on Thursdays

just once a month. Mrs. Kohler is about the same age as Mary Lou.

An auditor for Arthur Anderse®,Accountants, was found

guilty in the trial, Andersen is also the auditor for ENRON Co. I

note that Martha Stewart is being probed for selling stock on "insiders’"
information. I hope that they prosecute some of thfcse high profile
"white collar criminals."
The Sears repair man changed the "deck belt," on the
riding mower. The mower seems to cut the lawn and weeds better now.
I found the garden hose and small sprinkler that Jared had moved from
the west lawn. It was pulled over to the east lawn and partly hidden
dwarf trees^^The11 squirrels o^o^peaches as
they ripen. I am having problems with thjgfruit trees—not much fruit.
day, June 18, 2002. We went to the memorial service for Marilyn Laird
Caruthers, born 1922, died 2002. It was at the Aubur^
eation Club Building. We met her two sons and her sister--great people!
s Prentice and Michelle Allen returned from their trip to the Southern

es. They seemed to have an enjoyable time. They were able to see JudyJ

Bill in Mobile, AL. Mark Allen is in Utah, will go for duty in Hawaii.

Chris Prentice returned safely and soundly from the

h. They did not like "The Big Easy," (New Orleans) so well. I guess that

.s "Sin City." They drove to Alabaster, Alabama to see Neal and Bebe Abbott.

. still has hard feelings towards Kay (Abbott) his ex-wife. Neal seems to

Lk that Kay caused a lot of the problems, in the family, She seems like a

ltly woman to me, ready to visit with Neal’s side of the family, etc.

Tom Allen was with Chris and Michelle. I didn’t hear

i of his reactions to the trip. Tom is quiet but he would be helpful, in case

i break-down, flat tire, etc. Chris Prentice came back to the divorce diffi-

:ies . Some of Ed Prentice’s creditors have evidently slapped liens on Chris*

se and assets. She still seems to be hanging on to the insurance policy on

3 life. My advice, cash in the policy and get away from Ed Prentice.

Ls even proposed that the Allen children and Mandy, Ed’s daughter, be

beneficiaries of the policy. Ed rejected that—good on Ed Prentice.

[ had anything to say, I’d protect Chris’ house and property, protect her
2hing income and pension prospects and get out of Ed Prentice’s life, NOW!
Ls has already wasted two or three years, trying to be her ovm divorce attorney!
Chris P. has mixed feelings about driving to Utah. How

Ld they travel? That 1989 Toyota is not a long distance car. They may have
military leave. I
rent a car. Mark has a 20-day/ don’t hea^ much about Tim and Sandy?
seems to like the military life. I don’t know his specialty in schooling or assignment?
Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital. She also started

Floral Techniques class for the summer quarter. She had ten or twelve in
indance so that class is a sure cinch. We met Laird and Robert Caruthers and
r wives. The wife of Laird, from Tennessee, conducted the service, The
s told of the Caruthers family and Marilyn, growing up ip, tb^ Loomis Basip,
was a beautiful and talented person and went into the milifcJty nursipgs
Caruthers were married in Atlaptic City, NJ in or about 1946, 1 heard that
Caruthers was drunk on the night of the shootipg. Robert Carrufheps and
aps others had to wrestle the shot gun away from Mr, Caruthers,
Caruthers is now in jail for the shooting death. He broke his hipp­
ie struggles. Lou spoke in a loving way of her association with
Lyn. Lou hopes to share some family records with the immediate
■y. The a cappella music was good, sung by a man who is a family
id. We had refreshments and had some conversations with the gr°uSOItlolTlhprJ
•i«formal service but well-attended. Many people remembered
srs . It was an informal service^s pleasant going to Auburn tor service,
1 | ■ ■

•• i...









i I

' Celebrating the Life of

Marilynn Laird Caruthers
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Wednesday, June 19, 2002.. '

That is so/sad about the sho6tingAdeath of Marilyn Caruthers. Mary Lou

discussed the tragedy with her Family History class members today. I

note that Marilyn is the oldest licensed nurse in State of California!

The family made up an attractive writtten program of

the life of Marilyn. Marilyn was an achiever. Too bad that the bless­

ings of the Gospel did not mean more to her family. I notice that the
1 daughter-in-law who conducted the service, used a printed prayer book.
Hopefully, Lou will be able to share/ information with the family

members. Lou has the biogrjjj&hy book of the "California Abbotts. " y/Jhd'
\ will become of Mr. Caruthers? His future is bleak, indeed.
Keith Shaw called and said that Roger Sandry visited

him in Logan. Roger wanted to use some of Keithls landscaping equipment^

Roger is willing to come here this fall to put in our kitchen cabinets.

Keith and Roger are good friends. Their friendship goes back to Colo-
(in the 1970’s and 1980’s)
i rado/when Keith, had landscaping and sprinkler jobs in that state. I read

about tnej terrible forest fires, to the south of Denver —set by humans!

This morning, Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital.

I did not feel well. I called the Kaiser advice nurse and she said to

have the pressure and pain checked out at the emergency room. I felt

better in the afternoon and did not go to the Kaiser Hospital.

Lou discussed Marilyn Caruther’s life with the class

members. What a bright and shining citizen that Marilynwas* with all of

her accomplishments. Lou signed up her class members for the summer

quarter. I was able to drive Lou an. from the Cordova Senior Center.

Chris and Michelle^' to drive to Utah in Michelle’s

car . The car has been worked on lately so.iLt/ is probably in pretty gooc

shape . They will take Michelle’s daughters sojshould have a good trip.

I am glad that Ibetter this evening. I worry about my

heart and stroke consequencesjjti^I have those pains in my left side,
Gayle Soren called. Alyson Woo<jjand is scheduled to make delivery of he
baby tomorrow, June 20th. Gayle is thinking of enrolling in college
classes, to perhaps become a teacher. Going to college for a couple of
Gayle Soren called with the news that Alyson
rsday, June 20, 2002 .
Woodland gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Bo tli
her and son seem to be doing well. This is our 2nd great-grandson!
rling Insurance sent the $343.51 draft back to me, dated 4/10/02. They

im that they only have to pay their "adjuster’s" estimate in fthat amount
OX), J
like to send the draft back to them. Lou says not to fight! anymore.

I was surprised to get the draft back again. When ^

led them in March, 2002, they said that they would pay for the damages.

e now broken that promise. It is insulting to have to pay part of my owti

tim. I’d like to write to the State Department of Insurance in Los Angel^^

i bill that I paid for the rear-end damage to the Toyota was $381.00.

I took Mary Lou to Folsom Conv. Hospital this morning *

i "Elvis Presley Impersonator" was there, entertaining the patients. I am

ining out of those gout pills. I’ll have to stop at Rancho Cordova Kaiser

1 get a new supply of the pills. The M.D. has to authorize the extension.

Chris Prentice came out this afternoon. She had some

MISSOURI. Neal looked quite good ut
>tos from the trip to/Georgia and the South.

an Abbott did not. That must be a big worry to John, to have to use

e stomach-feeder. Neal ventured the guess that John won't live an-

her year. Chris has more photos in the lab, showing their trip to the South .

Chris had some difficulty with the rental car. The

pply of cars was low so they could only get a car about the same size as

chelle’s car. They decided to take Michelle’s car, on the trip to Utah,

re s hoping that the car will make the trip without mishap.

That was good news about the birth of Alyson’s and ,

~remy’s second son. He weighed about eight pounds and the birth was compar’d- —
“vely easy. We now have two great-grand->ch,ildren. Janel a£s<y cabled. She
« a l to ....

*ed about her

good luck and chance to do some drawings for payment.

Brian Jenkins came by for home teaching. He seems so

^eloD hi f ls doing well in his chiropractic business. He wants to
■ brof-h S . urniture-making abilities. Brian is a very talented man.
a rpt- 6r j0 interested in the youfliest Wood daughter. Brian’s brother
an atl missionary- The family of Brian lives in this area. Lou ^
theaseoQoff°n f^°m Janie Erickson. Lou is working on the rose painting
en to Hnn -. ■>Pet6r Ma may make a frame for her, for the seascape, to b ^
to Holly MillerM Janie c a fr^ndly lady and also very talented.

holds her
f children - hands V


for a, while...
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Friday, June 21, 2002 . A GLORJr^S SUMMER BEGINS. 1/



I_had_neck,_sh°ulder, chest and back pain. Kaiser_admitted me to hospital.

Qr That pain came back that I had been experiencing for

a few days. I picked up Lou at her oil painting class. Lucky enough,
i i I was able to finish tho^8 entKtjance sheets that Lou needed today. We

stopped at the Adult Education office and turned in the sheets and the

! enrollment money. I rested on the couch, in the teachers1 room. The

pains became worse so we drove directly to Kaiser, in Roseville, CA.


The medical personnel did a pretty thorough job of

examining me " because of my age, past
heart problems,fthe high
They gave me two small

doses of morphine. Lucky enough, the morphine did not have much of an
; effect on me.» They sent me by ambulance to Morse^venue iser .
\ did' yUi-t ; Cbt *
Holly and Eldon came ^er to check me out. Holly is
a very persistent lady and wants to find out the details from the medi-
. i Gooley
xJb folks, Holly also called Gail and Bob/' and they were willing to con

TO'THE Emergency and do what they could do for me. Lou also called
the family members and told them that I was down with heart problems.

Kaiser-Morse took down the same information by hand.

Lou suggested that they use lap-top computers to prevent duplication.

H<?Hy and Mary Lou came to my room. Lou is not permittted to drive now,

her eye condition. The Morse Avenue people did not do any

but. th£y. did give me my regular, meds and I slept quite soundly.
. »<•
It was a surprise to be in the hospital. They talked

about giving me a tread-mill stress test tomorrow. I have to admire the

medical efficiency of the Kaiser personnel,. What a terrific expense this

hospital would be without health insurance^ The fees/must be around $300

to $400 month, but it is worth it to have the "care there before youc
Lou really keeps bus.y.^ in her oil painting classes.
I was pleased to complete the 75 or so- enrollment sheets for the Folsom
Convalescent Hospital folks. That helped Lou a lot on the "^dult Educ.
busy work." I’m glad that she turned in the enrollment money, as it is
not a good idea to keep the cash and checks around our house. Thanks to
Holly, Eldon and Mary Lou for "sticking with me," at the hospital. Holl----
said that she’d do "anything for mjj Dad." (And Mother too, for sure.)
One of the alternatives could be heart surgery—I really don t want that

lay, June 22, 2002 . This was my release date for my stay at Kaiser Hos-

m Horse Avenue. They gave me a stress test and I made the target score of

Passing the endurance test was my ticket again, out of Kaiser HospitalJJ

I had a pretty good night, at Kaiser Morse Ave.

ZL was immediately lonely, early in the morning. I didnT t call Mary Lou

8 a. m. I knew she was busy. She tried to call me but the hospital would

t any calls to the rooms until 8 a.m. The phone was handy, to use.

Lou was excited about a bill from Master card and Provi-

Credit Union, It was for $44.77, the payment on the AE&T cell phone bill

re will have to pay. that amount soon, Actually, Lou and Holly did not show

itil about noon. The Kaiser nurse schedul^ my stress test at 1 p.m.

I talked to Mr, Kromer, an older man in the bed next

i . He is 84- ars-old and has chronic illness. For one thing, he ha^-' lost

t of the day and date--so typical of older and ill patients. He worked for

Southern Pacific Railroad out of Roseville for nearly 40-years. He knew

name of Ed Schott, the man in Mary Lou’s Family History class. If I

rstand the situation, Mr, Kromer knew Ed Schott, when he worked for the

road. Mr. Kromer said that he was discouraged about coming to the hospital

mch. He said that he may just stay at home, during his next illness and
die , Mr, Kromer lost his wife about a/^ ago and is very discouraged.
Elders Bob Cooley and Williams came to the room,

;ive me a health blessing. Bro, Bob Cooleyjspoke fearlessly and promised me

.th and strength, if: I live for the blessings. The blessings were short and

:he point.
• 1 appreciate the efforts of the Church brethren very much,
took time from their busy Saturday, to serve me — one of the weakest of weak*
.s great to see the growth of Bro, Bob Codiley in the Church. Bob was born on 3/16 t

is my birthday also. The Cooleys hope tq have their "strawberries and bananas" business

next week, They are fighting their way through rcounty building regulation
The Kaiser people released me fp.tfpally? around 3 p.m.

e was some delay as the medical doctor, left her post early* It
good to breathe the fresh air and see the out-of-doors. ' I was glad
rrive home! Lou had worked on cleaning the house and it looked good,
arted the laundry through the washer and dryer. I also swept
kitchen. Sferlipg Insurance offered me $750, to finalize my claim
net t hem. that it will be difficult to budge them upward,
.... _ c QvQ *- Q i ^ f t-hp. family members
i a

Sunday, June 23, 2002.

\Us 1 ypj > /
I did not feel tip-top this morning so I did not attend Church services

Lou went with Holly and her children. walked around the new B el la
home teaching /IrUiAAS /
Vistaa High School track and enjoyed the exercise. Carry^Nixon here for/

I didn’t have pain in my shoulder and neck, etc . I

rested a lot and felt better. Now, if I can just keep improving, in my
health. Keith saTd that he weighs about 220 pounds. I weigh 215 pounds.

»« .gr„, to ood in-take and exercise so thaJ: we can get below

200 pounds, inf -V ''' Keith has the weight room andjresources of U.S.U.

available to him at* a very low cost. He might lose a lot of weight.

We had calls from Gayle Soren also. The Sorens plan

to drive down this way next week-end aiyi stay for a week or so. Lou

wants to send them at least $100expenses. Both Janel and

Owen are working so. they probably^not come with the rest of the family.

- Scott also called. Julia is out of the college for

nurses, for the Julia wants to take an English course, over the

summer months. / must be a tough grind, driving from Long Island to

New Jersey, to Lucent’s headquarters and factory. But, Scott does not

cpj^plain and he i^eems to appreciationtill having a job with Lucent Co.

Michael, Margo^-Les F/gke dropped by last evening. Les

picked some greenish peaches off the dwarf trees. He also picked some

tomatoes, off t'fa- vines. Les has one more year of work at the college in

Brookings, SD, Marcia wants to retire and move West. They talk of moving

X Provo, UT as there may be some work for them, after retirement,The

daughters jumped on the trampoline and Ava enjoyed herself here at our /

That $750 offer to settle was a surprise from Ster-

ling Insurance. They are tough homibres with which to deal and negotiate.

I think that I’ll just wait them out and hope that I can negotiate a

better offer. I don’t feel physically strong enough to ’’fight with them.”
The Miller kids stopped for a quick lunch with Holly, Jared is going
Carryn Nixon plans to move in two
/' Tuesday, June 25, 2002. Six months until Christmas Day! Time mo

along. Joshua Miller came over today. He helped Lou with the co

Gayle Soren called. Camille had to go for a medical appointment

her mood swings. I don’t know any details but Camille is only 17

It was shocking to hear of Camille Soren. She i___

a bright and optimistic young woman. It is a good thing that such

ness is treated early. Thanks to the Sorens for being so "open," CZ

telling about Camille’s situation. Ron sent an e-mail of Alyson an

Jeremy’s new baby. The screen photo was okay but the print was blu

Holly is having some problems with her goiter. Sff

took some time off work to have it checked out and take tests. Josh:

came over today and helped Lou. He wanted to mow the lawns but I di_

i change the oil in the mower, in time. Josh even started to

names on the back of photos. Josh didn’t keep his interest^

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital and at th
Floral Teahniques class. She tried to interest: th*e patients in the

Their response was that they did^have any room for c
ceramic egggs.

roomThose floral students really ’’move and groo

,r°lecM<rhW She is a neat la
Maudean|signed up for the class again this summer.

I hear that Melissa Miller is going to New Jersey

friends to see Cammy Ellsworth. Cammy is back there, working with

crew, •iim*
daughters.^ M gan and Melissa'expect to be gone for about a week.

checked some low-cost fares, on the internet. This should be a goo<

The Allen families in Utah are concerned about Til

Sandy Allen. They are living in a small trailer house, moving arouni

different Wal-mart lots. Tim is not well. The family would like to
chase a burial and funeral plan for him. Even Larry Allen, from Pro^

Utah, is involved. Tim is holding out to have a home with some land
has some ‘kind* of offer from Utah County housing to help him get a su:
able but he is holding out for a house with land,
might move back to Sacramento, CA, to b^ \ | 1! ill
« uilC ^<3 , 2002. Holly Miller had her goiter test for possible

cancer complications today. She will have to wait a week or ten days for the

results. Melissa Miller is still going to New Jersey but I don any o £

her travel plans. Camille Soren has been under medical care, n^t^details. %

We saw Holly at Dr. Beth B^&kely s off ice. She

was with Connie Nakahara. Holly was not feeling chipper because of the tests.

The medical people stuck three needles into her neck region and were able to

get some tissue specimens. Dr. Beth said that Holly probably has cancer. The

growth is small, per the x-ray s Ilbhear that it is good that the cancer was

found in it1s early stages. It is easier to treat that way.

Melissa has been in touch with Scott Shaw. She will

stay at the Shaw’s home, when she is on Long Island, N,Y, I don’t know any of

Melissa’s travel plans. She is traveling with her friend, Morgan. They will

visit Cammy Ellsworth, who works in New Jersey. No other details on trip.

Mary Lou called Ron Soren about Camille. She was

displaying bizaree behavior again tonight and they had to take her to the

hospital. It was something about her smearing paint around, in the bath-

*oom. A counselor tried to place her in the car, for the hospital trip.

bought that they may have to call the police to get her calmed down. All this

s very sad as Camille is usually such a calm and collected young lady*

Keith told us some time ago that all is not well in

^ Soren home. I know that there are maior s,t»essors among tlhe family members.

s must be tough on the parents^ Camille seems to be ’’the apple of Gayle'

' Probably the Sorens will not be traveling to California this week-end.

I took Lou to -^h ea classes at Folsom Conv. f1

j£t the Family History class. Lou said that the genealogy folksJ 1much

leir own motivation. Bob Crabtree brought an autobiography. Mrs. Gloria

rgave an assigned report on "handwriting.” The class members are interest-

*td helpful. Lou is blest to be able to work with such capable folks.
A We showed Dr. Beth Blakely- the letters from r-"r- ’
°jig Insurance Co. about the progress of my claim with them. She made
for her files. We had adjustments and felt better for our efforts,
'^s that I must take the time to write Sterling again and reject the
f $750. That figure will have to be up-graded, Bob Rollins brought
erts to be mailed to Eva Evans and the other home teaching family*
X told Bob about Carryn Nixon’
The company president’s packet includes on pag
sample Transfer of Membership Form. Copies of thi
must be provided by the president to each camp capi
anticipation of transfer, member should obtain the foi
camp secretary, fill it out with MEMBER’S DUP REGlI

c \
asks for all of that) and return the form to her captain-----
-< The form should then be sent by camp secretes
Membership at DUP International. Member informal
be updated on computer membership record (this ei
! *o non-interruption of receipt of LEGACY and trackii----
c whereabouts of member).
SAIT lX*E > Upon request, information regarding camp/campn
|Z vicinity of member’s new address will be provided,
moved and having become involved with a new c^
member will be added to that camp’s membership rost<

secretary of that camp.
COUNTIES OF UTAH 1850, 1860 NOW - what to do with inactive members on caa
roll? It is NOT a secretary’s prerogative to male
membership status decision for a member. Secretary ML-
keep members (even though INACTIVE) on I
EIDE roll forever - until member either dies, requests a trans
(earthly), or requests to become MEMBER-AT-LARGE,
UT.\ WASATCH member requests to become MEMBER-AT-LARGE, the sar
ment to be used.
So long as an inactive member’s name continues on
PIUTE c.\r.
^ 1880
1B90 camp membership record, that name will be a reminder
opportunity to friendship that member in so many wa
which will tell her that she is important and wanted. Do i
TAH weary of inviting her to socials and other community ever
: i
If the name is removed, she will be “out-of-sight” e
ultimately will “fall through the cracks” - and become lost
INACTIVE MEMBERS will, obviously, not be paying d
to a camp. MEMBERS-AT-LARGE should be paying anr
$5.00 dues to DUP International. It becomes incumb
upon the MEMBER-AT-LARGE to send $5.00 amount an
TOOEIE *wa3duch. UIN-
ally to DUP International. Payment of this amount betw
June 1st and July 1st annually will ensure continued re©

\p.TKCAaB0Nii of each issue of LEGACY during the fiscal year which c<
mences June 1st each year - and will prevent a bill being s
to members from DUP International. /




Spring 2002 ; *
- — • -o v-'j iiimu f

e tour specifics for details): All prices are quoted in INSURANCE: While limited medical and accident insurance is in- shall have no responsibility, beyond the refund of omission whatsoever by the air carrier or by any hotel
rs. They are based on tariffs, airfares, accommodation eluded with this program. Brigham Young University is not an deposits and monies paid to BYU Travel Study by the guesthouse, car supplier, or any of their employees
I rates of exchange quoted to BYU Travel Study at the insuring agent and is not responsible for any injury to your person, participants. A refund will then be made to partici­ agents, or any of the services and accommodations to
jblication. These prices are expected to be in effect at Further detailed information on health insurance coverage will pants, within 30 days, by means of a bank check. participants, including any results thereof, such as a
of departure: however, prices are subject to change be provided in a separate mailing, RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY: This program is change in services or accommodations necessitated
ofice. BYU Travel Study will ™keevery effort ,° Participants will receive information on coverage available for under the management of Brigham Young University, by the same. BYU Travel Study shall not be liable f0r
^fS^i?',Vever' ^ C^19eLn S2S! JSLT protection against many unforeseen circumstances which may Department of Travel Study, Provo, Utah 84602. They any death, nor for any damages or claims arising toy
have made all arrangements for accommodations and negligence of any person not its employee nor
necessiB,e in,ern,p,io" °r rance“o"' services furnished in connection with this program. its exclusive control. Eg!
tes change prior to departure, BYU Travel Study is not BYU Travel Study is not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage While on this program, BYU Travel Study, as the prin­
I obligation to pay extra expenses arising from unfore- to your belongings. Information on baggage insurance will be LDS STANDARDS: All participants are required to
cipal, shall be responsible to the participant for sup­ maintain ideals and standards in harmony with those of
jmstances, such as a change of itinerary or means of sent to participants. Baggage and cancellation insurance is rec­ plying the services and accommodations offered to
ation. etc. Extra charges are at the client’s expense and ommended and is available at nominal rates through private The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. High
the participant as set forth in the program brochure, standards of honor, integrity and morality: gracious­
re immediate settlement insurance companies. except to the extent such services or accommodations ness in personal behavior, application of Christian ideals
University credit may be earned upon completion of TRAVEL DOCUMENTS: Participants must carry a valid pass- cannot be supplied, due to delays or other such causes in everyday living; and abstinence from narcotics,
;nts for each course offered. If you do not indicate an port, except where proof of citizenship is acceptable, such as a beyond the control of BYU Travel Study. In such event, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, etc., are mandatory.
i receiving university credit you will automatically be registered birth certificate or voter’s registration card. Partici- BYU Travel Study will use its best efforts to supply
in an audit basis (no tests or assignments required). pants will be provided with information concerning passports comparable services and accommodations, but pro­ BYU CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS do not
and/or tourist cards, and immunizations where needed, but vide no refund. BYU Travel Study, in the absence of discriminate on the basis of race, creed, gender, color,
ATION, DEPOSIT, PAYMENT, AND CANCELLATION: obtaining them is the responsibility of the applicant. Travel negligence on their part, shall not be responsible for or ethnic or national origin, but all registrants must main­
srvations are strongly recommended, and a deposit of Study will obtain visas for the group. any delay, substitution of equipment, or any act of tain the ideals and standards of The Church of Jesus
person is required at the time of booking, with the Christ of Latter-day Saints.
j balance due 45 days prior to departure. Applications ACCOMMODATIONS: We seek to provide well-located accom-
after this date should include full payment Any pay- modations (not always in the center of the city) representative
ade 30 days prior to departure must be in the form of of the area, which provide typical cuisine: clean, pleasant rooms
’s check or money order. Final documents (including . with private bathrooms; friendly service; and efficient manage-
kets) cannot be sent until final payment is received. ment. The class of hotel, etc., is consistent v/ith the price cate-
rline tickets are nonrefundable. This expense and all
ir cancellation penalties are the responsibility of the
it Checks should be made payable to BYU TRAVEL
gory of the program; i.e., deluxe and first-class programs stay
in first-class accommodations and economy programs stay in
lower-class accommodations,
payment may also be made by VISA, MasterCard, or BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVER PERMIT NO.49
ROOMMATES: Single people may sign up for accommodations
). Group airline tickets are nonrefundable. This on a share basis and will be assigned roommates if circum- Department of Travel Study
wd all other tour cancellation penalties are the respon- stances permit. If a roommate is unavailable, the participant will 310 Harman Continuing Education
the participant All applications are subject to approval ;!nS
be notified of the adjusted price (single supplement) prior to Provo, Utah 84602
'ravel Study and the director. departure.
LEARNING NEEDS: The Division of Continuing
i at Brigham Young University is committed to providing
ITEMS NOT INCLUDED: Items of a personal nature, such as l
excess baggage or porterage charges; personal, trip, or baggage
g atmosphere which reasonably accommodates per-
i disabilities who are otherwise qualified. Applicants v/ith
insurance; room service; laundry; phone calls; bottled drinking
water; food or beverages not part of the group menu; gratuities
s considering participation in this program are invited
s both program requirements and available facilities
for special services; passports; immunization fees; etc. 5370 NUGGET RD
lepartment director prior to registration. NOTICE: BYU Travel Study reserves the right to make changes FAIR OAKS CA :W-28-3924 -
or substitutions in the interest of the program, in order to meet
We advise each participant to have a physical checkup unexpected situations, such as increases in fares and accom-
jistering for the program. BYU Travel Study cannot be modation rates, airline failures, changes in currency rates, etc.,
)le for illnesses that may occur while traveling. Since prior to departure. Additional charges or refunds v/ill be made
htseeing can be physically taxing, we recommend that to participants where applicable. However, no refund will be made
•/ho suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, or for accommodations or services, included in the price, which
ical impairment which could hinder them from normal are not utilized during the program by the participant. We reserve
ion contact BYU Travel Study prior to submitting an ap- the right to cancel the program, if deemed necessary for reasons
nd have their doctor mail us a letter stating that they have including insufficient program participation and circumstances
i recent checkup and are able to travel on this program. beyond BYU Travel Study's control, such as strikes, lockouts,
riots, wars, or Acts of God. In such an event, BYU Travel Study
Thursday, June 27, 2002.

When it rains, it Holly has the problem with her goiter. Ca

is in the hospital with major problems. Bob Shaw is slowly trying t

cover from the aches and pains of his heart condition. It *s all ver—

It is rough when family members are suffering.

is in the hospital with major problems. I understand that she had t

placed there to avail herself of a proper medical doctor. She does

like to be in the hospital and that adds to her frustration. Gayle

good about keeping us informed about Camille. I'm glad that they ar
ing to talk about her situation. The Sorens have come through tough/

Holly is back at work. Jared is at Scput Capap thi

week. He wants to pass merit badge tests, to qualify for his Eagle S-

award. Melissa is working and has travel plans to New Jersey and to E
Yorkj^Toshua came over ag8in today. He is going to Sports Fitness Schoc

Bella Vista High School. They seem to do a lot of running exercises.I

is a good father. He tries to do whatever he can for his family.

I was slowing down again with my chest pains. I a

the advice nurse and was told that they can not do much else for me.

pain is in my left side, particularly in my lungs and heart area.

feel the pain when I arise and go down to rest, on the bed. I am lis

and lack for energy, I don’t want to go back into Kaiser Hospital ag
(At least, not soon. I have things to do and assignments to fill, ke

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv, Hospital this morn

She started in on cleaning her flower work room, later in the day. A

of supplies had been left on the floor and she cleaned up that area.

has a plarjand she keeps working at it. She is having some wedding cu

tomers come over and she has been able to sell two jobs. She wants t

keep going as long as she can. One customer was Elizabeth Kohler, Lo

professional associate, in family history work. Another is the Hedri

from First Ward. I notice that Cleone Hedrick, the elderly and blind
sister, in First Ward, paid for the flowers. Cleone now lives at the
assisted living place at cottier •('Greenback and Hazel Avenues. I note
Mary Lou has not received any "accounts receivable” checks for floral
in June, (Just the innocent remark of Lou’s personal boo££eeP®r!
that Fay Callahan was to arrive at Coos Bay, OR, to atter
was the day
writers and P9ets convention. I don’t think that she made
m inn i
Saturday, June 29, 2002. We found out more about Camille Soren's

dition in phon nd e-mails from Gayle Soren. Mary Lou and

just cried and f ^

, when we knew more about Camille's condition.

Keith also called. Gayle has let the family know by e-mail re Cami___

This wjljnot an entire surprise, to the Soren famil

Lou said that she knew that Camille was taking pills, when she visit-

down this way this year. It seems to have to do with manic depress^

andbeing bi-polar. Lou said that we could find out more about thos

illnesses by searching the internet. Gayle sent e-mails to the famC


Maybe Lou has been tr

to "shield me" from the sad news because today wa s the first time th
: MMJy
- I knew many details. Holly said that sheJell- Camille but she coul«

not get past the nurse's station-/ Keith said that we should keep tl

medical reports as confidential., .in ^th e family. Gayle and Ron Soren
going to the Boise, ID Temple/ Alison has a kidney infection^r^ f e^

Mary Lou was on the telephone, for a lot Uof/time^*

today. I was up and around but I took naps during the day. I !am|xfc

a lot better so I should be walking more, for exercise. Several of

Lou's students called with message|of a "get well" nature, That was

very thoughtful of them to call. I still have some chest pressure,

I hel
f d Mary Lou make up the statements, for Shaw'

Statements have not been sent out since February. We only

i four envelopes but it was a lot of work.

ordered what and on what date

We had to decide just who

hope we get some payments in soon.

Lou has her yearly sales tax return to send in with payment in July.

Jared Miller came home from Boy Scout Camp. He loo

tanned and healthy. Holly and Mary Lou went to the stage play in Da

CA. Chris Prentice had free tickets for them. Chris is in Dallas,
at a National Education Association convention. Lou says that she i
pretty sure that Fay Callahan went to the Writejr^ Convention in Coo
Bay, OR. Karen and Bruce Blakely may be back or rfitllTTlITlfl III I

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