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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-3, Issue-7, 2017

ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

Effect of Non-Monetary Rewards on Employee

Retention with a Mediating Role of Motivation
in the Banking Sector of Pakistan
Imran Khan1, Syed Kashif2, Dr Ashfaq Ahamd3, Dr Anwar ul haque4
Department of Management Science, Lecturer at Superior College Sialkot, Pakistan
Department of Management Sciences Lecturer at Superior College Sialkot, Pakistan
Department of Management Sciences University of Gujrat Pakistan
Department of Management Sciences University of Gujrat Pakistan
Abstract-This study was conducted in the Private 1. INTRODUCTION
corporate Banking sectors of Pakistan to highlight
importance of the non-monetary rewards in terms 1.1Background of the Study
of their effectiveness as well as efficiency. The Awareness regarding rights and duties among
purpose of this study was to find out the effects of employees is enhancing very rapidly day by day
various non monetary rewards on the employee’s with the flourishment of the concept of HR in
retention along with the mediating role of Pakistan. In Pakistan’s economy the service sector
motivation as well as to what extent the banks are has started to nurture recently therefore among the
taking care of this source of employee motivation. financial market banking sector is one of the most
The various independent dimensions included growing service sector in Pakistan. Services sector
opportunity for career advancement, development is trying to provide quality service to the customer
opportunity and recognition. Questionnaire which is the ultimate and definitive goal of
contents were adopted from Paul E. Spector banking. Due to exhaustive inflow of multinational
employee recognition program handbook. 253 banks in Pakistan, introduction of an innovative
respondents filled the questionnaire out of 325 culture in the banking sector regarding
respondents from banking employees and the performance based rewards system is being
response rate was 77 percent. Non probability launched. This also has brought higher, increases in
sampling was applied and Spss version 16.0 income level, employment opportunities, and
software was used to analyze the data for changes in consumption pattern and consequently
descriptive and inferential statistics. The results there emerges a competitive environment in the
showed that all the variables were significantly service sector industry.
correlated to each other and have positive Taken as a whole the triumph for any organization
correlations with very high r values. The is implied in achieving its strategic objective and
regression analysis showed that there was a goal, this can be achieved while relying and
significant relationship among the Independent, focusing on motivation level of its employees,
Mediating and Dependent Variable.(Baron and motivation which is considered as an energetic
Kenny, 1986) method was applied for mediating intrinsic force and drives through our action and
testing and the results of regression showed that no conduct. So, most people join those organizations
mediation was taking place in the relationship of which provide non-monetary rewards which keep
independent and dependent variables. This them motivated to perform more than their ability
research can be supportive and fruitful for HR to perform. For this purpose incentive programs,
managers in banking corporate sector by designing while considering them the most attractive schemes
an effective compensation package to retain their to motivate and retain the workforce, are being
competent employees. Management can improve launched by many organizations. It has been found
the use of effective non-rewards compensation out through research that many organizations are
system during the process of their performance investing billion of rupees on employees, retention
management to motivate their employees. through incentive schemes. To assemble a long
lasting alliance and association with an
Index Terms- Opportunity for Career organization, the necessary thing for an employee
Advancement, Development Opportunity, is that they must be committed with it and [1]
Recognition, Motivation, Employees Retention generate new thoughts and ideas regarding
organizational service. A “McKinsey Quarterly”
study established that motivation program must be

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-7, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

launched to motivate employee, therefore almost effective and efficient workforce capital. It’s all
70% organizations plane for motivation due to employees are considered to be a significant
programmed to motivate their employee [2]. asset towards the attainment of organizational goals
in both the public and the private sector. De-
1.2 Non-Monetary Reward motivated or less motivated employees are
probably will insert little bit or no effort in their
[3] “Total reward” which includes not only jobs and show less interest in their performance,
monetary incentives and rewards but also employee and produce low quality work, number of
training and development scheme, career absenteeism will be increased , turnover intention
enhancement opportunities, and non financial will be increased also. On the other hand,
recognition. Whereas non-monetary gains are employees who are highly motivated and loyal will
concerned, these create influence on employees of perform their work with great zest and zeal, which
organization and in the form of giving more would likely to be determinant, innovative and
responsibilities, promotion, praise and recognition competent enough. Bettencourt and Brown [11]
in front of public [4]. [5]Non-monetary rewards or observed that for furtherance of employee’s
recognition proves to be a better motivator than motivation and productivity an effective non
money. In this study it was observed that money financial reward system is necessary which
alone is not the only way to motivate high contributes for enhancing commitment and
performance [6] bur also preferred by those ultimately these employees play an important role
employees who are well establish and have some in ensuring for delivering service quality.
sound position [7] and are highly qualified in the Ondimu [12] conducted a study at OXFAM
organization. (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief )
Dzurnain & Stuart [8] recommended that the level international , to check the effect of carrier
of organizational performance in employees can be development on employee commitment and
raised by giving them both monetary and non retention, they observed that implementation of
monetary rewards. Although level of motivation carrier development program, enhanced employees,
due to rewards is different for different employees, willing to work with and retention at OXFAM.
some of them prefer financial rewards over Danish & Usman [13] are of the view that on
nonmonetary rewards while other prefers non implementation of effective rewards and
monetary rewards over financial rewards. So if recognition system within an organization, a
organizations want to retain its employees these favorable working environment is created which
must enhance the motivation level of its employees motivates employees to get excel form others in
by offering them both types of rewards although their performance. Shujaat & Alam [14] have
some one prefer one type of rewards over other. found and supported in their study that Non-
But in our study, it was also focused and monetary rewards and effective recognition has a
recommended that by using effective and decisive significant positive impact on job related
non financial reward system in organization, it can motivation level of employees of banks. Before
achieve its utmost objectives to the great extent than that, a study conducted by Lock & Latham
which will also persuade employees, behavior [15] found that motivation can also be achieved not
together with his association with his organization only by non-financial rewards but also recognition
[9] to enhance the employee commitment and like personal growth, achievement, praise,
performance the role of non-financial rewards is responsibility etc. In this study it was found that
very high, he is follower of the notion that “ total non-financial reward will depict overall fairness in
reward says that there is more to rewarding people process of reward distribution and will also create
than throwing money at them”. perception in mind about reward, which will lead
1.3 Research Problem towards employee motivation to carry on work.
In the present era it is noteworthy that due to such Many studies have been conducted on the
existing good economic conditions retention may employee retention and rewards while this under
be lower due to heavy competition and more taken study specifies various dimensions of
employment opportunities are available in the rewards in order to find out the extent to which it
market. Although (Kumar and Arora[10] focused influences commitment. It therefore aimed to
that the basic point of issue which is being realized answer the question: What effect of Non Monetary
and also dilemma for most of the organization’s rewards on employee’s retention in banking sector
administrators and managers is that, the shortage of of Pakistan.
talented employees and brain drain from their
organization. Having efficient and competent staff 1.4 Research Objectives
become the competitive advantage for any This research has the following objectives
organization now. Utmost thing is that existence of  To examine the effect on non monetary
organization is possible due to availability of rewards on employees retention

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-7, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

 To examine the effect of opportunity for  To test the mediating effect of motivation
career advancement on employees on the relation between non monetary
retention reward and employees retention
 To examine the effect of Development  To analyze effect of motivation on the
opportunities on employees retention relation between opportunity for career
 To examine the effect of recognition on advancement and employees retention
employees retention  To evaluate the mediating effect of
 To examine the mediating effect of motivation on the relation between
motivation on the relation between non recognition and employees retention
monetary reward and employees retention  To determine the mediating effect of
 To examine the mediating effect of motivation on the relation between
motivation on the relation between development opportunities and employees
opportunity for career advancement and retention
employees retention
 To examine the mediating effect of
motivation on the relation between 2: LITERATURE REVIEW
development opportunities and employees
retention 2.1Theoretical Foundation
 To examine the mediating effect of Kilbourn [16] posits that the in the perspective of
motivation on the relation between theoretical research, the theoretical interpretation is
recognition and employees retention crucial.
1.5 Significance of the Study
The findings of this study would be advantageous 2.1.1Expectancy Theory of Motivation
to promote management of banking sector of
According to vroom’s expectancy theory of
Pakistan which will also enhance the ability to gain
motivation, there is a strong link between
insight about their concerned organization, that,
performance and reward, so employees are more
how the policy makers will come up with well-
likely to be motivated when they perceive and
versed policies and decision making on rewards
expect that their performance will follow reward
for keeping and retaining workforce motivating, in
[17] which is the strength and attractiveness of
their concerned institutions. The longer employee’s
individual’s expectation and determines one’s
retention within an organization, the more valuable
motivational soundness[18]. According to
they will be in terms of seniority, knowledge and
Expectancy Theory performance depends upon
high motivation, possession of necessary skills,
This study will ponder over the importance of
ability to understand and perform appropriate role
maintaining an effective reward system that will
[19] and motivation depends on attractiveness and
bequeath and endow with the preferred results and
probability of obtaining those rewards [20].
competitive advantage in the present era of
upbringing competitive business environment. 2.1.2 Equity Theory
More significantly, the finding of this research will Equity theory dealt with perspective of
also contribute to the literature on the very organizational justice, where the individuals realize
interesting and attractive topic on non financial that whether they are being treated fairly at work or
rewards in developing countries. Moreover the not and that influence on level of effort of
findings of this study will be valuable to employees at a given working environment.
academicians, who may be able to find a useful Marshall et al.,[21] posits that employee not only
research gaps that may stimulate interest in further evaluates the fringe benefit they acquired from
research in future. their employer but also compare and measures it
1.6 Research questions with employees within organization and outside
organization. If he observes imbalance in the input-
 To determine the effect of non monetary
outcomes ratio he becomes de motivated.
rewards on employees retention
2.2 Non-Monetary Rewards
 To analyze the effect of opportunity for
Farooq and Khan [22] conducted a study on impact
career advancement on employees
of rewards on employee motivation, according to
which it was found that there is positive significant
 To examine the effect of Development
relationship between rewards and employee
opportunities on employees retention
motivation. According to their findings, motivated
 To find out the effect of recognition on
employees are more enthusiastic and productive in
employees retention
their performance. Not only this, they will perform
more than their ability to perform. In contrast to

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-7, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

this study [23] with the linkage of other literature in his study that motivation, retention of employee
of human resource practices, he has been able to and recognition is influential and commanding tool
find out that for better performance of employee for any organization. Recognizing the efforts of
money is not only a best motivator. This point of highly qualified and talented employees is very
confliction has consistency with Maria Paviour on convenient and economical tool strategy, so
her discussion on very critic topic of employee organizations must adopt recognizing policy. [36]
management. She forced and put stress on the way Relationship between rewards, recognition and
of rewarding and paying people because it is motivation at an insurance company in the Western
proved through previous research that larger and Cape, indicated towards a study conducted by the
better bonuses do not motivate employee. Bonus US Department of Labor; in which main causes of
instead of creating innovation in organization these turnover was highly enlighten. Their Study
brings low performance level in employee [24]. proposed that almost 47% of employees left their
jobs because appreciation was not given to them.
2.3 Opportunity for Career Advancement 2.6 Motivation
Since employees ought to have appreciation and Motivation is the intrinsic force and a
recognition for the goal achievable effort he has psychological phenomenon that drives from the
done. Indeed, even the most experienced and stimulation, direction, and persistence of behavior
knowledgeable employee desires that he should be [37]. Savaneviciene and Stankeviciute [38] find out
notified that he is doing well [25]. Absence of job in his study the basic and utmost factor, which
having no real future opportunity for advancement determine intention of employee (both level of
and promotion chances through pre-eminence or manager and non manager) whether he should stay
otherwise may bring about disappointment which or leave his organization, is motivation. According
results in dissatisfaction that simmers in an to Cristescu et al., [39] employee of the
employee’s mind until he finally leaves [26][27] organization can be motivated either intrinsically or
and that if there are ample opportunities for extrinsically; to the extent of intrinsic factors of
personal as well as professional growth for him motivation are concerned these exhibit relation
satisfaction level will be increased [28][29] among different factors of individual behavior and
because satisfaction with promotion provides work with his perception, feelings and expectation
opportunities for personal growth, more where as Extrinsic motivations are concerned, these
responsibilities and increased social status also that are based on relation among individual with his
Promotional chances reduce turnover intention organization. Any organization can achieve
[30]. extraordinary performance if their employees are
2.4 Development Opportunities well committed and motivated.[40][41] highlighted
Training and development to employees cause that to meet particular objectives organization
widen their abilities and knowledge to perform implements merit pay system to reward employees,
more efficiently at individual and team level than which create high influence on motivational level
those employees who do not get self-development of an employee.
training [31]. Career development is a workforce
development and well thought out approach which 2.7 Employee Retention
is used to attain individual goals in compliance According to Cran [42] keeping in view the
with organizational needs [32]. Employee apparent randomly changing economic situation
development in any establishment cause enhance and employee’s attitude the biggest and prevalent
employee’s morale, confidence, motivation, challenge for an organization is to continuously
lowering cost of production by better and keeping up focus on retention policies and
economical using organizational resources and procedures [43] for top talented and valued
decreasing waste Cole et al., [33] in addition he employees [44] for meeting organizational goal
observed that training and development of successfully and without whom organization’s
employees reduce turnover. strategic mission becomes impossible to achieve
2.5 Recognition and whose replacement is very difficult [45].
Recognition is the exhibition and revelation by Employees are not satisfied they will not retain in
appraisal of performance, in the contribution and that organization rather quit, because retention is
achievement of an objective which is influential combination of mutual harmony among employee
and commanding tool for any organization for and employer which arises without any threat or
motivation and retention of employee [34] such coercion [46]. Mullins [47] scrutinizes employee
recognition can be formal or informal, expressed or retention succinctly by giving self respect to
implied. Individuals want to enlighten and employees while at work. It was stated by Cran
celebrate their achievements with others and when [48] that people do not leave their jobs they leave
this need is satisfied, it works as a tremendous their leaders, so leaders must improve their
motivator. In the same stream, Mason [35] find out leadership skill.

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-7, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

2.8 Non-Monetary Rewards and Employee 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

Organization must focus on those strategies of 3.1 Sampling technique
rewards and recognition due to which motivational About 325 sets of questionnaires were distributed
level of employee raises, with high rate of among the banking employees of different cities
employee retention [49]. Correspondingly, and in total 253 responses were obtained. The
Employee retention problem can be solved by response rate was 77%. Non-probability sampling
adopting various proactive retention policies and techniques have been used for this research through
procedure [50]. Parry [51] stated in his study that survey samples which is important tool in
those organizations, who invest money on their analyzing data from selected individuals and are
employees, save much more and can enhance both widely accepted as a key tool [52] [53]. Five point
employee motivation and employee retention. Likert scale is used ranging from Strongly
2.8 Theoretical Model Dissatisfied to Strongly Satisfied. Questionnaire
contents were adopted from [54] and “Employee
recognition program handbook” developed by
department of human resource management of
MONETARY (Virginia, 2000). To test mediation hypotheses
REWARADS Baron and Kenny, 1986 [55] analysis was used,
which was used and cited frequently in the modern
Opportunity for EMPLOYEE psychological literature, according to the Science
advancement MOTIVATION Citation Index [56].

Development 4: DATA ANALYSIS

4.1 Descriptive Statistics
This part proposed to cover insights with respect to
descriptive analysis of the demographic properties
of the sample of this study, comprised of 253
2.9 Hypotheses
respondents among of which 183 male and 70
H1: There is significant relationship between female respondents. Descriptive analysis
Opportunity for career advancement and incorporates data with regards to gender, age,
Motivation designation and experience status of the
H2: There is significant relationship between respondents with their Mean value.
Development Opportunity and Motivation The various parts of descriptive statistics for this
H3: There is significant relationship between study are discussed in detail below.
Recognition and Motivation The following table provides the Demographic
H4: There is significant relationship between profiles of Respondents
Opportunity for Career Advancement and Table 4.1
Respondent’s Demographic Mean
Employees Retention
Frequency Percentage
H5: There is significant relationship between
Development Opportunity and Employees Gender
Retention Male 183 72.3

H6: There is significant relationship between Female 70 27.7

Total 253 100 1.28
Recognition and Retention Age Under 30 68 26.9
H7: There is significant relationship between years

Motivation and Employees Retention

H8: There is mediating impact between, 30-39 85 33.6
Opportunity for Career Advancement, Motivation 40-49 100 39.5
Total 253 100 2.13
and Employees retention Designation 9 3.6
H9: There is mediating impact between General
Development Opportunity, Motivation and Manager

Employees retention Manager 46 18.2

H10: There is mediating impact between Deputy 64 25.3
Recognition Motivation and Employees retention Assistant 134 53.0
Total 253 100 2.95
Experience 10 years 44 17.4

Less than 10 135 53.4


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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-7, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

More than 10 74 29.2

The outcomes from the analysis demonstrate that
Total 253 100 2.12 every one of the variables is positively related with
one another. There is a positive correlation among
4.2 Inferential Statistics different variables and this is in accordance with
For this study inferential statistics was applied the hypothesis of this study. Case in point there is
which covered many different following areas such that there is a moderate positive correlation among
as. opportunity for career advancement and Motivation
The reliability analysis of the variables was with a value of 0.629 which falls in between - 1
performed in SPSS and the outcome was as per the and +1. This demonstrates when Opportunity for
following. The table portrays the under research career advancement increases Motivation will also
Cronbach Alpha values for the variables increase because the significance value for this
Table 4.2 situation is 0.00 which is under 0.05. There is
No. Dimension No of Cronbach likewise an exceedingly positive correlation
items alpha between the relationship of Development
1 Opportunity for Career 5 0.898
Advancement (OCA) opportunity and motivation with a value of 0.949.
2 Development 6 0.911 Likewise a profoundly significant relationship
Opportunities(DO) exists among Recognition and Motivation with a
3 Recognition (REC) 5 0.945 value of 0.969. In the same way Motivation and
4 Motivation (MOT) 6 0.972 Employees Retention has a high positive
significant connection with one another with a
5 Employees Retention 5 0.933
(ER) value of 0.985. It negates that as motivation
increases; Retention additionally tends to increase
The results of the reliability analysis demonstrate in a positive course. The correlation among the
that every one of the variables for this study have a independent variables and the dependent variables
value of cronbach alpha higher than 0.7 which is were additionally measured and the outcomes
essential for any instrument to be a valid for a demonstrate that there is a moderate correlation
specific study. Fundamentally cronbach alpha is a among opportunity for career advancement and
measure of internal consistency in a given study. Employees Retention with a value of
4.3 Correlation Matrix 0.624.Similarly there is likewise a positive
The table 4.3 demonstrates the results of correlation among Development Opportunity and
correlations and is examined in point of interest Employees Retention with a value of 0.948, there is
underneath. profoundly correlation among Recognition and
Table 4.3 Employees Retention with a value of 0.970.
4.4 Regression Analysis
Opport The underneath table demonstrates the results of
unity regression for dependent and independent
Empl for Develo
oyees career pment
Motiv Reten advanc opport Recog Table4.4
ation tion ement unity nition Model Summary
Motiva 1
tion No. Items Values
1 R 0.978
Emplo .985** 1
2 R SquareR2 0.965
3 Adjusted R Square 0.97
Opport .629** .624** 1
unity 4 F-Value 181.024
Career 5 Sig ( p-value) Anova 0.000
Develo .949** .948** .637** 1
pment The outcomes above demonstrate the values of R,
Opport R squareR2 , Adjusted R Square, F- value and the
unity Sig Value which has been derived carefully from
Recogn .969** .970** .608** .969** 1 the analysis of Variance table (Anova Table). In the
ition model R Value speaks to the basic correlation and
for this situation it is 0.978 which is high and it
speaks to a high level of correlation. The R2value

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 616

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-7, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

or the R Square Value demonstrates the aggregate hypothesis and acknowledge H: 1 which expresses
sum of variation in the dependent variable that can that there exist significant relationships among
be observed due to the independent variables. By these two variables of Opportunity for Career
results the change is 0.965 which means that 96.5 Advancement (OCD) and Motivation (MOTV).
percent variation in the dependent variable can be Development opportunity and motivation had a p
explained by the independent variables. The Value under 0.05 i.e. p < 0.05 which
adjusted R square Value is acquired subsequently The p Value for Recognition (REC) and Motivation
by expelling certain variances from the (MOTV) was found out to be less than 0.05 p <
independent variables. The F- value or the F- 0.05 which permitted to acknowledge the substitute
statistics has a value of 181.04 and the sig (p- hypothesis H: 3 which expressed that “there is a
Value) acquired from the Anova yield is 0.000 significant relation among Recognition (REC) and
which expresses to be good fit of the model. Motivation (MOTV)”. Regression was run again to
Table 4.5 then again explains the standard Error, test for H: 4 and p value was again less than 0.05 p
the t values, the beta values of regression, and the < 0.05 which proved the hypothesis 4i.e “there is
sig (p-values) for testing the hypothesis of our significant relationship between Opportunity for
study. The coefficients table is appeared below career advancement and Retention”. Whose R
with examining the detailed of results in point of square value was 0.489 which depicted that 48.9
interest. percent change in dependent variable can be
interpreted by Employees Retention(ER). Finally it
Table 4.5 can be found out that there exist a significant
Coefficientsa relationship between independent variables and
mediator. Once again Regression was applied for
testing H:5 i.e, “there is a significant relationship
between Motivation and Employees Retention”.
Unstandardized Standardized The outcomes demonstrated that p < 0.05 which
Coefficients Coefficients
proved H: 5 and rejected the null hypothesis.
Std. Regression was again applied to find out the
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) - .929 -.679 .489
significance level among two variables these are
.641 Independent and Dependent variable however this
time Mediating Variables was not included. The
DO .236 .059 .369 3.851 .000 outcomes demonstrated a significant relation
among all Independent and Dependent variables
MOTV .180 .070 .279 2.710 .000
because Independent variables had p < 0.05. So all
OCA .340 .080 .371 4.711 .000 the hypothesis arranged from H: 6 to H: 9 were
accepted, while rejecting Null hypothesis. Finally
REC - .089 -.294 - .000
.390 4.245
the outcomes demonstrated that there was a
significant relationship between the independent
variables and the dependent variable.
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Retention Baron and Kenny analysis (1986)
Table 4.6 shows the results of regression for testing
The unstandardized coefficient elaborates the level the first (H1) assumption.
of difference in dependent variable with an
independent variable, while keeping all other Table 4.6
independent variable constant. For instance it can Coefficientsa
be elaborated that by increase in Development
Opportunity there is an increase of 0.236 in the Unstandardized Standardized
level of Employees Retention. Likewise it can be Coefficients Coefficients
translated that for a comparative increment in the Model B Error Beta t Sig.
levels of Recognition there is 0.390 level of 1 (Constant) -4.429 1.223 -3.622 .000
reduction in employee's retention. Beside from one
Independent variable recognition which has a OCA 1.201 .066 .831 18.174 .000
negative B Value all other independent variables
have a positive B Value. It can be seen that for all a. Dependent Variable: Motivation
the independent variables (p < 0.05). It
demonstrates that there is a significant impact of In the above table 4.6 Motivations (Mediator) has
these independent variables on the dependent been kept as the dependent variable while on the
variable. other hand opportunity for career advancement as
The regression results demonstrated that p Value < the independent variable. Results from the above
0.05 which permits us to dismiss the null table demonstrate that value of p < 0.05, which

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-7, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

demonstrates that there is a significant and positive 1 (Constant) .187 .421 .451 .659
relation among Opportunities for Career
MOTV .580 .029 .899 25.171 .000
Advancement (OCA) and Motivation (MOTV). In
a. Dependent Variable: Employees Retention
this way first assumption is fully satisfied.
Table 4.8 shows results of Regression for the First
(H2) assumption. For proving the second presumption Mediating
Table 4.7 variable Motivation is considered as independent in
Coefficientsa the box of regression whereas Employee’s
Retention is considered as dependent variable. The
findings demonstrate that there is a positive and
Unstandardized Standardized significant relationship among two above said
Coefficients Coefficients
variables Motivation and Employees Retention as p
Model B Error Beta t Sig. < 0.05. Hence the second assumption of Baron and
1 (Constant) - 2.612 -4.016 .000 Kenny is also proved.
Findings of the test are summarized in the table
DO 1.351 .127 .671 10.731 .000 4.10 which shows the regression for the third
a. Dependent Variable: Motivation assumption of Baron and Kenny test.
Table 4.10
In the above table Motivation stays as the Coefficientsa
dependent variable and Opportunities for Career
Advancement is supplanted by Development
Opportunity. Results demonstrate that value of p <
0.05 which demonstrates that relationship is highly Unstandardized
significant and positive in this way first part of Std.
hypothesis is acknowledged. Model B Error Beta t Sig.

Findings of the test are summarized in the table 4.8 1 (Constant) -.384 .949 -.412 .691
which shows results of regression for the First (H3) OCA .370 .041 .591 10.899 .000
assumption. DO .417 .067 .452 6.145 .000
Table 4.8
Coefficientsa REC -.478 .086 -.368 -5.499 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Employees Retention

The dependent variable Employee’s Retention has

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients a significant impact with all the Independent
Std. variables as p < 0.05 in every one of the cases.
1 (Constant)
Beta t
Hence, the third assumption that “there is a
significant relationship between Independent and
REC .930 .031 .939 33.471 .000
Dependent variable” of Baron and Kenny test is
also proved after applying its test.
a. Dependent Variable: Motivation After fulfillment of all the assumption of Baron and
Kenny now, Mediation Model will be tried to apply
As per the table indicated, it can be concluded that with the help of Regression Analysis. After
Motivation has significant impact on Recognition applying Regression analysis, in case any
because p < 0.05 which depict significant relation insignificant results appear by running regression
between variables, so part of assumption is also then it would be a complete Mediation otherwise
satisfied. this Mediation Model would be strongly rejected
The Regression Analysis shows that the first which mean to rejection of hypothesis from H:8 to
assumption is entirely satisfied, proposed by H:10 and accepting of Null hypothesis. Now after
(Baron and Kenny, 1986). applying Regression analysis we came to this
Findings of the test are summarized in the table 4.9 conclusion there is a mediation effect of Motivation
which shows the results of Regression for the (Mediator) on both OCA, DO, REC (Dependent
second assumption. Variable) and Employee Retention (Independent
Table4.9 Variable).
Coefficientsa Table Findings of the test are summarized in the
4.11 which demonstrates the findings for the first
Unstandardized Standardized Regression analysis.
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-7, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

Table 4.11 4.13


Unstandardized Standardized Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients
Std. Std.
Model B Error Beta t Sig. Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) - .591 -3.333 .001 1 (Constant) -1.639 1.004 -1.654 .103
MOTV .422 .040 .676 11.018 .000 MOTV .523 .029 .829 18.754 .000

OCA .270 .057 .290 4.799 .000 REC .127 .070 .092 2.012 .051

a. Dependent Variable: Employees Retention

a. Dependent Variable: Employee Retention
As per the findings of the table 4.11 which
demonstrates that both variables Motivation Table 4.13 demonstrates the consequences of
(Moderating) and Opportunity for Career Regression which depicts the mediating impact of
Advancement (Independent variable) mutually Motivation between Recognition and Employees
have significant affect on dependent variable Retention. In spite of revealing higher significance
Employee’s Retention and no change can be seen value even then it less than 0.05 this means p <
in significance level as p < 0.05 which remains as it 0.05. As compared to previous value of 0.00 it is
is. Therefore the hypothesis H:8 will be dismisses 0.51 even then mediation is not found out.
and its null hypothesis will be acknowledged, Therefore the hypothesis H: 10 that “there is
which states that there is no mediating effect of significant relationship exist between Motivation,
Motivation on the relationship of Opportunity for Recognition and Employees Retention” will be
Career Advancement and Employees Retention. dismiss for this situation and its null hypothesis
Table 4.12 shows the results of regression for the will be acknowledged that is “there is no mediating
mediating analysis. impact of motivation on the relationship of
Table 4.12 recognition and employees retention”.


5.1 Conclusion
Coefficientsa The study comes to this conclusion that Career
Development, Development Opportunities offered
Unstandardized Standardized and Employee Recognition are the devices that
Coefficients Coefficients
administration of any organization can use to
Model B Error Beta t Sig. motivate and inspire employees in order to achieve
1 (Constant) .045 .408 .104 .898 organizational goal in a well efficient way. From
this study it can be effectively derived that Non
MOTV .388 .070 .616 5.600 .000 Monetary Rewards matters a great deal and ought
DO .193 .068 .317 3.017 .004 to be considered by both employers and employees
as well.
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Retention
The findings of this study also concluded that
The results of table 4.12 demonstrates that employees who received Non-monetary Rewards
Motivation and Development Opportunity were retained at bank while others who did not
significantly affect Employees Retention and in receive non monitory rewards were not retained on
spite of this fact that there is a little bit difference their duties in the institution.
in the level of significance which is 0.04 so there is These findings also concentrated that employees of
no mediating impact of Motivation in the banking sector provide incredible quality services
relationship of Development Opportunity and on the basis of rewards honored to them which
Employees Retention, thus hypothesis H:9 will be enhance their level of motivation and Retention. It
rejected, which says “there is a significant relation is therefore presumed that employees give
between Development Opportunity, Motivation extraordinary worth to the distinctive non-monetary
and Employees retention” and its null hypothesis rewards given to them by their managers. Thus,
will be acknowledged which expresses that there is when these rewards are not given, employees tend
no mediating impact of Motivation on the to express disappointment through non-retention to
relationship of Development Opportunity and their jobs.
Employees Retention. The discoveries of this study concentrate in these
Table 4.13 shows consequences of Regression for words that “employees who got Non-Monetary
testing the mediating between Motivation, Rewards from their Banks on their well
Recognition and Employees Retention. performance do not leave their organization as
compared to employees who do not get non

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 619

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-7, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

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