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Practical visit report

Organized by- iimr, indore

On- 20-dec-2016
To-doordashan, indore
By- satyam dangi

Bajmc 1 year st


Today on 20-dec-2016, we students of BAJMC visited Doordarshan, Indore under our

curriculum as designed by DAVV. This is a practical visit for understanding the
workflow, management, and production procedure of Doordarshan office, Indore. The
visit inside the Doordarshan building consists of various phase of Generation, Storage
and Production as explained by Mr. Piyush Mantri (assistant engineer). The
understanding about the studio and working of the various technical means used inside
the studio and its working process and usage of technical instruments used in filming,
editing, and broadcasting is explained by Mr. Rajesh Kulkarni(engineer assistance of
studio). The brief understanding about the running and working of the Doordarshan
office is further explained below.



1. Departure from college completing every essential regularity by mini college bus
at 12:05 p.m.
2. Enjoying across the way and lots of photography

3. Reaching at Doordarshan
at 12:35 p.m.
4. Completing all require
essentials stared the brief understanding about the parabolic dish antenna and
how they receive signals and their setup, their history and all other scientific
information by Mr. Piyush Mantri(ass-engineer).
5. Information related to the 150 m high T.V tower by Mr. Piyush Mantri (ass-
6. Information related to co-axial cables (flexible) connected to tower by Mr. Piyush
Mantri (ass-engineer).
7. Information about how signals receive and transmitted through standard set-up-
box and various technical means regulated in the control room and also how they
operate various channels by Mr. Piyush Mantri (ass-engineer).
8. Stand-by -arrangement and working of transmitters of DD News and DD National
by Mr. Piyush Mantri in Transmission Mr. Piyush Mantri Area (ass-engineer).
9. Information related to rigid (fixed) Cooper Co-axial (signal carrying transmission
line) within the unit.
10. Information regarding Liquid cooling arrangement and air cool arrangements for
keeping the transmitter cool as they omits high amount of heat.
11. Digital transmission of 5 channels.
12. Meeting up with Mr. Rajesh Kulkarni (ass-engineer of studio).
13. Visiting to Doordarshan studio and brief understanding gave about the setup of
cameras, their types, lights setups upwards at different places and then seeing
ourselves in the T.V where Camera projecting us lively.

14. Information related to

generation and broadcasting of shows from

studio and outdoors.

15. Then visiting

to control room and
understanding about how the online
editor or producer control cameras,
inserts of visual effects, voice modulation
,work of production control manager and
CG operator .
16. Then understanding of the storage process of various programs that produced
their by various technical means which changes time to time and modification of
17. Then seeing the Camera and its features plus handling.

18. Returning to college from Doordarshan and arrived at 2:45 p.m.


An media organization is defines as the entity who has three elements-

3. DISTRIBUTION of information like news or shows. Since Doordarshan is also a
media organization which is run by Government of India hence it GENRATE,
STORE, and DISRIBUTR the certain information to viewers that we learned in
the whole visit which is standardly described below.

 The generation of information takes places within the studio under media
professionals using HD Cameras and makes it attractive by further editing like
adding visual effects, using light at different angles in studio for elimination of
shadow on face and other part for making it more natural as like as the show is
shorted under sunlight, adding 3D effects for making the viewer to feel like the show
is happening in front of him rather than within the studio the shows are also shorted
outside the studio at different places in Indore like the programs based on
agricultural are shorted in the fields of villages. The Doordarshan specially send a
team for its shooting.
 Rather than creating the material for broadcasting the Doordarshan also receives
shows which are filmed at Delhi which is received by the parabolic dish antennas
through satellite and aired through the tower. The procedure of generation is quite
difficult which required lots of technical instruments which are available at
Doordarshan, Indore.
When it comes to storage part the material or the recording that created in the studio or
outdoor is stored in 23 GB disk which has 45 min duration storage capacity and 50 GB
disk for 95 min duration storage capacity before magnetic tapes are used which are not
less shelf life but with advancement in technology now they have modified devices which
are long and more shelf life. Before the archives are stored in VCR’S which are not
converted into VRD’S these disks are sent to Delhi using satellite or by physical means.

The work of broadcasting of signals done by transmission of information of 5 channels
through transmission panel by co-axial cable to the sky-high mars tower by it spreads
around the area of 60-70 km to the local crowd of Indore where their the signal spread by
the high tower is received by antenna that is settled up in the houses of people.


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