2.data - Representation - UNIT 2-2

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Data Representation

 The basic nature of a Computer is as an information transformer. Thus, a computer must

be able to take input, process it and produce output.
 It is in the form of Binary Digit popularly called Bit. In Computers information is
represented in digital form, therefore, to represent characters in computer we need
codes. Some common character codes are ASCII, EBCDIC, ISCII etc. We need to represent
numbers in binary and should be able to perform operations on these numbers.
Number Systems:
 Number system is used to represent information in quantitative form. Some of the
common number systems are binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal.
 A number system of base (also called radix) r is a system, which has r distinct symbols
for r digits. A string of these symbolic digits represents a number. To determine the value
that a number represents, we multiply the number by its place value that is an integer
power of r depending on the place it is located and then find the sum of weighted digits.
 Decimal Numbers: Decimal number system has ten digits represented by
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. Any decimal number can be represented as a string of these digits
and since there are ten decimal digits, therefore, the base or radix of this system is 10.
Thus, a string of number 234.5 can be represented as:
2 × 102 + 3 × 101 + 4 × 100 + 5 × 10-1
 Binary Numbers: In binary numbers we have two digits 0 and 1 and they can also be
represented, as a string of these two-digits called bits. The base of binary number system
is 2. For example, 101010 is a valid binary number. Decimal equivalent of a binary
number: For converting the value of binary numbers to decimal equivalent we have to
find its value, which is found by multiplying a digit by its place value. For example, binary
number 101010 is equivalent to:
1×25+0×24+1×23+ 0×22+1×21+0×20 = 1×32 + 0×16 + 1×8 + 0×4 + 1×2 + 0×1 = 32 + 8 +
2 = 42 in decimal.
Octal Numbers: An octal system has eight digits represented as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7. For
finding equivalent decimal number of an octal number one has to find the quantity of the
octal number which is again calculated as: Octal number (23.4)8.
Decimal equivalent of Octal Number:

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 Hexadecimal Numbers: The hexadecimal system has 16 digits, which are represented
as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F. A number (F2)H is equivalent to

Conversion of Decimal Number to Binary Number:

 For converting a decimal number to binary number, the integer and fractional part are
handled separately. Let us explain it with the help of an example:
Example 1: Convert the decimal number 43.125 to binary number.

Please note in the figure above that:

 The equivalent binary to the Integer part of the number is (101011)2

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 You will get the Integer part of the number, if you READ the remainder in the direction of
the Arrow.

 The equivalent binary to the Fractional part of the number is 001.

 You will get the fractional part of the number, if you READ the Integer part of the
number in the direction of the Arrow. Thus, the number (101011.001)2 is equivalent to
You can cross check it as follows:

One easy direct method in Decimal to binary conversion for integer part is to first write the
place values as:

Step 1: Take the integer part e.g. 43, find the next lower or equal binary place value number, in
this example it is 32. Place 1 at 32.
Step 2: Subtract the place value from the number, in this case subtract 32 from 43, which is 11.
Step 3: Repeat the two steps above till you get 0 at step 2.
Step 4: On getting a 0 put 0 at all other place values.

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The binary equivalents of octal and hexadecimal numbers:


 The binary number system is most natural for computer because of the two stable states
of its components. But, this is not a very natural system for us as we work with decimal
number system. So the computers is to convert all input values to binary. Then the
computer performs arithmetic operations and finally converts the results back to the
decimal number so that we can interpret it easily. To represent decimal digits into binary
form we require 10 combinations, but we need to have a 4-digit code. One such simple
representation may be to use first ten binary combinations to represent the ten decimal
digits. These are popularly known as Binary Coded Decimals (BCD).

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Let us represent 43.125 in BCD.

 A set containing alphabets (in both cases), the decimal digits (10 in number) and special
characters (roughly 10-15 in numbers) consist of at least 70-80 elements. ASCII One
such standard code that allows the language encoding that is popularly used is ASCII
(American Standard Code for Information Interchange).
 This code uses 7 bits to represent 128 characters, which include 32 non-printing control
characters, alphabets in lower and upper case, decimal digits, and other printable
characters that are available on your keyboard. ASCII was extended to 8 bits to represent
256 characters (called Extended ASCII codes).
 The major strength of ASCII is that it is quite elegant in the way it represents characters.
It is easy to write a code to manipulate upper/lowercase ASCII characters and check for
valid data ranges because of the way of representation of characters. In the original ASCII
the 8th bit (the most significant bit) was used for the purpose of error checking as a
check bit.
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 EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) is a character-
encoding format used by IBM mainframes. It is an 8-bit code and is NOT Compatible to
ASCII. It had been designed primarily for ease of use of punched cards. This was
primarily used on IBM mainframes and midrange systems such as the AS/400.

Comparison of ASCII and EBCDIC

 EBCDIC is an easier to use code on punched cards because of BCD compatibility.
However, ASCII has some of the major advantages on EBCDIC.
 These are: While writing a code, since EDCDIC is not contiguous on alphabets, data
comparison to continuous character blocks is not easy.
 For example, if you want to check whether a character is an uppercase alphabet, you
need to test it in range A to Z for ASCII as they are contiguous, whereas, since they are not
contiguous range in EDCDIC these may have to be compared in the ranges A to I, J to R,
and S to Z which are the contiguous blocks in EDCDIC.
 Some of the characters such as [] \{}^~| are missing in EBCDIC. In addition, missing
control characters may cause some incompatibility problems.
 UNICODE This is a newer International standard for character representation. Unicode
provides a unique code for every character, irrespective of the platform, Program and
 In India the suitability of Unicode to implement Indian languages is still being worked
out. Indian Standard Code for information interchange (ISCII) The ISCII is an eight-
bit code that contains the standard ASCII values till 127 from 128-225 it contains the
characters required in the ten Brahmi-based Indian scripts.
 Binary codes can be formulated for any set of discrete elements e.g. colours, the
spectrum, the musical notes, chessboard positions etc. In addition these binary codes are
also used to formulate instructions, which are advanced form of data representation.

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 The computer is a discrete digital device and stores information in flip-flops, which are
two state devices, in binary form. Basic requirements of the computational data
representation in binary form are:
o Representation of sign
o Representation of Magnitude
o If the number is fractional then binary or decimal point, and
o Exponent The solution to sign representation is easy, because sign can be either
positive or negative, therefore, one bit can be used to represent sign. By default it
should be the left most bit (in most of the machines it is the Most Significant Bit).
Thus, a number of n bits can be represented as n+l bit number, where n+lth bit is
the sign bit and rest n bits represent its magnitude.
 The decimal position can be represented by a position between the flip-flops (storage
cells in computer).
 The representation aspect two methods were suggested:
(1) Fixed point representation where the binary decimal position is assumed at the
beginning of a number; and
(2) Floating point representation where a second register is used to keep the value of
exponent that determines the position of the binary or decimal point in the number. But
before discussing these two representations let us first discuss the term “complement” of
a number. These complements may be used to represent negative numbers in digital
 There are two types of complements for a number of base (also called radix) r. These are
called r’s complement and (r- 1)’s complement.
9’s complement: The 9’s complement is obtained by subtracting each digit of the number from
9 (the highest digit value). Let us assume that we want to represent a maximum of four decimal
digit number range. 9’s complement can be used for BCD numbers.

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Similarly, for obtaining 1’s complement for a binary number we have to subtract each binary
digit of the number from the digit 1.
10’s complement: Adding 1 in the 9’s complement produces the 10’s complement. 10’s
complement of 0256 = 9743+1 = 9744 Please note on adding the number and its 9’s
complement we get 9999 (the maximum possible number that can be represented in the four
decimal digit number range) while on adding the number and its 10’s complement we get
10000 (The number just higher than the range. This number cannot be represented in four digit
1’s complement: The ones' complement of a binary number is defined as the value obtained by
inverting all the bits in the binary representation of the number (swapping 0s for 1s and vice
versa). The ones' complement of the number then behaves like the negative of the original
number in some arithmetic operations.
We have a digit 1 in number the complement contains 0 for that digit and vice versa. In other

words to obtain 1’s complement of a binary number, we only have to change all the 1’s of the
number to 0 and all the zeros to 1’s. This can be done by complementing each bit of the binary
The 1’s complement of 1010 is

2’s complement: 2's complement of a binary number is 1 added to the 1's complement of the
binary number. Examples: 2's complement of "0111" is "1001" 2's complement of "1100" is
Adding 1 in 1’s complement will generate the 2’s complement

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The 2’s complement can also be obtained by not complementing the least significant zeros till
the first 1 is encountered. This 1 is also not complemented. After this 1 the rest of all the bits
are complemented on the left. Therefore, 2’s complement of the following number (using this
method) should be (you can check it by finding 2’s complement as we have done in the

Fixed Point Representation

 The fixed-point numbers in binary uses a sign bit. A positive number has a sign bit 0,
while the negative number has a sign bit 1.
 In the fixed-point numbers we assume that the position of the binary point is at the end,
that is, after the least significant bit. It implies that all the represented numbers will be
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 A negative number can be represented in one of the following ways: • Signed magnitude
Signed Magnitude Representation
(Assumption: size of register = 8 bits including the sign bit)

Signed 2’s Complement Representation

Arithmetic addition:
 The complexity of arithmetic addition is dependent on the representation, which has
been followed. Let us discuss this with the help of following example.
Add 25 and -30 in binary using 8 bit registers, using:
• Signed magnitude representation
• Signed 1’s complement
• Signed 2’s complement

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 To do the arithmetic addition with one negative number only, we have to check the
magnitude of the numbers.
 The number having smaller magnitude is then subtracted from the bigger number and
the sign of bigger number is selected.
 The implementation of such a scheme in digital hardware will require a long sequence of
control decisions as well as circuits that will add, compare and subtract numbers.

Now let us perform addition using signed 2’s complement notation:

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This procedure requires only one control decision and only one circuit for adding the two
numbers. But it puts on additional condition that the negative numbers should be stored in
signed 2’s complement notation in the registers. This can be achieved by complementing the
positive number bit by bit and then incrementing the resultant by 1 to get signed 2’s
Signed 1’s complement representation
 Signed 1’s complement has a rule. Add the two numbers, including the sign bit. If carry of
the most significant bit or sign bit is one, then increment the result by 1 and discard the
carry over. Let us repeat all the operations with 1’s complement.

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Another interesting feature about these representations is the representation of 0. In signed
magnitude and 1’s complement there are two representations for zero as:
Representation +0 -0
Signed magnitude 0 000 0000 1 000 0000
Signed 1’s complement 0 000 0000 1 111 1111

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Data Representation
 In signed 2’s complement there is just one zero and there is no positive or negative zero.
 +0 in 2’s Complement Notation: 0 000 0000
 -0 in 1’s complement notation: 1 111 1111
 Add 1 for 2’s complement: 1 Discard the Carry Out 1 0 000 0000
 Thus, -0 in 2’s complement notation is same as +0 and is equal to 0 000 0000. Thus, both
+0 and -0 are same in 2’s complement notation.
 This is an added advantage in favor of 2’s complement notation. The highest number that
can be accommodated in a register, also depends on the type of representation.
 In general in an 8 bit register 1 bit is used as sign, therefore, the rest 7 bits can be used
for representing the value.
 The highest and the lowest numbers that can be represented are: For signed magnitude
representation (27 – 1) to – (27 – 1) = (128–1) to – (128– 1) = 127 to –127 For signed 1’s
complement 127 to –127 But, for signed 2’s complement we can represent +127 to –128.
The – 128 is represented in signed 2’s complement notation as 10000000.
Arithmetic Subtraction:
 The subtraction can be easily done using the 2’s complement by taking the 2’s
complement of the value that is to be subtracted (inclusive of sign bit) and then adding
the two numbers.
 Signed 2’s complement provides a very simple way for adding and subtracting two
numbers. Thus, many computers (including IBM PC) adopt signed 2’s complement
notation. The reason why signed 2’s complement is preferred over signed 1’s
complement is because it has only one representation for zero.
 An overflow is said to have occurred when the sum of two n digits number occupies n+ 1
digits. This definition is valid for both binary as well as decimal digits.
 The overflow results in errors during binary arithmetic as the numbers are represented
using a fixed number of digits also called the size of the number.
 Any value that results from computation must be less than the maximum of the allowed
value as per the size of the number.

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 In case, a result of computation exceeds the maximum size, the computer will not be able
to represent the number correctly, or in other words the number has overflowed.
 Every computer employs a limit for representing numbers e.g. in our examples we are
using 8 bit registers for calculating the sum.
 Add the numbers 65 and 75 in 8 bit register in signed 2’s complement notation.
65 0 100 0001
75 0 100 1011
140 1 000 1100
The expected result is +140 but the binary sum is a negative number and is equal to –
116, which obviously is a wrong result. This has occurred because of overflow.
 If the carry into the sign bit is not equal to the carry out of the sign bit then overflow
must have occurred.
 Another simple test of overflow is: if the sign of both the operands is same during
addition, then overflow must have occurred if the sign of resultant is different than that
of sign of any operand.
For example

An adder is a kind of calculator that is used to add two binary numbers. When I say, calculator, I
don’t mean one with buttons, this one is a circuit that can be integrated with many other
circuits for a wide range of applications. There are two kinds of adders;
1. Half adder
2. Full adder
Half Adder
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With the help of half adder, we can design circuits that are capable of performing simple
addition with the help of logic gates.
Let us first take a look at the addition of single bits.
0+0 = 0
0+1 = 1
1+0 = 1
1+1 = 10
These are the least possible single-bit combinations. But the result for 1+1 is 10. Though this
problem can be solved with the help of an EXOR Gate, if you do care about the output, the sum
result must be re-written as a 2-bit output.
Thus the above equations can be written as
0+0 = 00
0+1 = 01
1+0 = 01
1+1 = 10
Here the output ‘1’of ‘10’ becomes the carry-out. The result is shown in a truth-table below.
‘SUM’ is the normal output and ‘CARRY’ is the carry-out.
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
From the equation, it is clear that this 1-bit adder can be easily implemented with the help of
EXOR Gate for the output ‘SUM’ and an AND Gate for the carry. Take a look at the
implementation below.

Half Adder Circuit

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For complex addition, there may be cases when you have to add two 8-bit bytes together. This
can be done only with the help of full-adder logic.

Full Adder
This type of adder is a little more difficult to implement than a half-adder. The main difference
between a half-adder and a full-adder is that the full-adder has three inputs and two outputs.
The first two inputs are A and B and the third input is an input carry designated as CIN. When a
full adder logic is designed we will be able to string eight of them together to create a byte-wide
adder and cascade the carry bit from one adder to the next.
The output carry is designated as COUT and the normal output is designated as S. Take a look at
the truth-table.
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1
From the above truth-table, the full adder logic can be implemented. We can see that the output
S is an EXOR between the input A and the half-adder SUM output with B and CIN inputs. We
must also note that the COUT will only be true if any of the two inputs out of the three are HIGH.
Thus, we can implement a full adder circuit with the help of two half adder circuits. The first
will half adder will be used to add A and B to produce a partial Sum. The second half adder logic
can be used to add CIN to the Sum produced by the first half adder to get the final S output. If
any of the half adder logic produces a carry, there will be an output carry. Thus, COUT will be an

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OR function of the half-adder Carry outputs. Take a look at the implementation of the full adder
circuit shown below.

Full Adder Circuit

Though the implementation of larger logic diagrams is possible with the above full adder logic a
simpler symbol is mostly used to represent the operation. Given below is a simpler schematic
representation of a one-bit full adder.

Single-bit Full Adder

With this type of symbol, we can add two bits together taking a carry from the next lower order
of magnitude, and sending a carry to the next higher order of magnitude. In a computer, for a
multi-bit operation, each bit must be represented by a full adder and must be added
simultaneously. Thus, to add two 8-bit numbers, you will need 8 full adders which can be
formed by cascading two of the 4-bit blocks. The addition of two 4-bit numbers is shown below.

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Ripple Carry Adder
 A ripple carry adder also known as “n-bit parallel adder” is a combinational logic circuit
used for the purpose of adding two n-bit binary numbers and requires ‘n’ full adders in
the circuit.
 In Ripple Carry Adder, the carry out produced by each full adder as output serves as the
carry in input for its next most significant full adder.
 Since in ripple carry adder, each carry bit ripples or waves into the next stage, that’s why
it is called by the name “Ripple Carry Adder”.
4-bit Ripple Carry Adder-
 4-bit ripple carry adder is used for the purpose of adding two 4-bit binary numbers.
 Any two 4-bit binary numbers A3A2A1A0 and B3B2B1B0 will be added as-

Using ripple carry adder, this addition will be carried out as shown by the following logic

Logic Diagram for 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder

As shown, Ripple Carry Adder works in different stages where the carry out produced by each
full adder as output serves as the carry in input for its adjacent most significant full adder.

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When the carry in becomes available to the full adder, it activates that full adder and it comes
into operation.
Working of a 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder-
Suppose we want to add two 4 bit binary numbers 0101 (A3A2A1A0) and 1010 (B3B2B1B0).
Using ripple carry adder, this addition will be carried out as explained below-
When Cin will be fed as input to full Adder A, it will activate full adder A.
Then, At Full Adder A,
• A0 = 1, B0 = 0, Cin = 0
The sum bit and carry bit produced as output by full adder A will be calculated by full adder A
Calculating S0–
S0 = A0 ⊕ B0 ⊕ Cin
∴ S0 = 1
Calculating C0–
C0 = A0B0 ⊕ B0Cin ⊕ CinA0
= 1.0 ⊕ 0.0 ⊕ 0.1 = 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 = 0
∴ C0 = 0
Now, when Co will be fed as input to full adder B by full adder A, it will activate full adder B.
Then, At Full Adder B,
• A1 = 0, B1 = 1, C0 = 0
The sum bit and carry bit produced as output by full adder B will be calculated by full adder B
Calculating S1–
S1 = A1 ⊕ B1 ⊕ C0
∴ S1 = 1
Calculating C1–
C1 = A1B1 ⊕ B1C0 ⊕ C0A1
= 0.1 ⊕ 1.0 ⊕ 0.0 = 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 = 0
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∴ C1 = 0
Now, when C1 will be fed as input to full adder C by full adder B, it will activate full adder C.
Then, At Full Adder C,
• A2 = 1, B2 = 0, C1 = 0
The sum bit and carry bit produced as output by full adder C will be calculated by full adder C
Calculating S2–
S2 = A2 ⊕ B2 ⊕ C1
∴ S2 = 1
Calculating C2–
C2 = A2B2 ⊕ B2C1 ⊕ C1A2
= 1.0 ⊕ 0.0 ⊕ 0.1 = 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 = 0
∴ C2 = 0
Now, when C2 will be fed as input to full adder D by full adder C, it will activate full adder D.
Then, At Full Adder D,
• A3 = 0, B3 = 1, C2 = 0
The sum bit and carry bit produced as output by full adder D will be calculated by full adder D
Calculating S3–
S3 = A3 ⊕ B3 ⊕ C2
∴ S3 = 1
Calculating C3–
C3 = A3B3 ⊕ B3C2 ⊕ C2A3
= 0.1 ⊕ 1.0 ⊕ 0.0 = 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ 0 = 0
∴ C3 = 0
Thus finally,
• Output Sum = S3S2S1S0 = 1111
• Output Carry = C3 = 0
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Carry Look Ahead Adder
 In Ripple Carry Adder, each full adder has to wait for its carry-in from its previous stage
full adder to start its operation which causes an unnecessary delay.
 Carry Look Ahead Adder is an improved version of the ripple carry adder which
generates the carry-in of each full adder simultaneously without causing any delay.
Logic Diagram for Carry Look Ahead Adder-

Working of Carry Look Ahead Adder-

 The working of carry look ahead adder is based on the principle that the carry-in of any
stage full adder is independent of the carry bits generated during intermediate stages
and is only dependent of the following two parameters-
o Bits being added in the previous stages
o Carry provided in the beginning
 Since, the above two parameters are always known, the carry-in of any stage full adder
can be evaluated at any instant of time. Thus, a full adder need not wait until its carry-in
is generated by its previous stage full adder.
Suppose we want to add two 4-bit binary numbers A3A2A1A0 and B3B2B1B0
They will be added as-

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From here, we have-
C1 = C0 (A0 ⊕ B0) + A0B0
C2 = C1 (A1 ⊕ B1) + A1B1
C3 = C2 (A2 ⊕ B2) + A2B2
C4 = C3 (A3 ⊕ B3) + A3B3
For simplicity, Let-
• Gi = AiBi where G is called carry generator ( A generator is a function that can stop
midway and then continue from where it stopped.)
• Pi = Ai ⊕ Bi where P is called carry propagator
• Propagator is a function that specifies the probability amplitude for a particle to
travel from one place to another in a given time.
Then, re-writing the equations, we have-
C1 = C0P0 + G0 ………….. (1)
C2 = C1P1 + G1 ………….. (2)
C3 = C2P2 + G2 ………….. (3)
C4 = C3P3 + G3 ………….. (4)
Now, let us remove C1, C2 and C3 from every equation as these are intermediate carry bits.
Substituting (1) in (2), we will get C2 in terms of C0 and then substituting (2) in (3), we will get
C3 in terms of C0 and so on.
Finally, we will have the following equations showing that the carry in of any stage depends
only on the bits being added in previous stages and the carry bit which was provided in the
• C1 = C0P0 + G0
• C2 = C0P0P1 + G0P1 + G1
• C3 = C0P0P1P2 + G0P1P2 + G1P2 + G2
• C4 =C0P0P1P2P3 + G0P1P2P3 + G1P2P3 + G2P3 + G3
Implementation of the carry generator circuits-
The above carry generator circuits are usually implemented as two level combinational circuits
using AND and OR gates where gates are assumed to have any number of inputs.
Implementation of C1–
C1 = C0P0 + G0

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Implementation of C1 requires 1 AND gate and 1 OR gate.
Implementation of C2–
C2 = C0P0P1 + G0P1 + G1

Implementation of C2 requires 2 AND gates and 1 OR gate.

Implementation of C3 and C4–
Similarly, we can implement C3 and C4.
 Implementation of C3 will require 3 AND gates and 1 OR gate.
 Implementation of C4 will require 4 AND gates and 1 OR gate.
Need of Carry Look Ahead Adder-
 In ripple carry adder, we have a cascade of n full adders and each full adder has to wait
for its carry-in from its previous stage full adder to continue its operation.
 Thus, nth full adder has to wait until all (n-1) full adders have completed their operations
which causes a delay and makes ripple carry adder extremely slow.
 The situation becomes worst when the value of n becomes very large.
 To overcome this delay, we use carry look ahead adder in which carry for each full adder
is generated simultaneously without any delay.
Advantage of Carry Look Ahead Adder-
 The advantage of carry look ahead adder is that it reduces propagation delay.
Disadvantage of Carry Look Ahead Adder-
 The disadvantage of carry look ahead adder is that it involves complex hardware.
 Because it involves complex hardware, it is costlier and it gets complicated as the
number of bits increases.

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Using Paper and Pen Method:

Unsigned number multiplication (Add and Shift Algorithm):

 The multiplier and multiplicand bits are loaded into two registers Q and M.
 A third register A is initially set to zero.
 C is the 1-bit register which holds the carry bit resulting from addition.
 Now, the control logic reads the bits of the multiplier one at a time. If Q 0 is 1, the
multiplicand is added to the register A and is stored back in register A with C bit used for
 Then all the bits of CAQ are shifted to the right 1 bit so that C bit goes to An-1, A0 goes to
Qn-1 and Q0 is lost. If Q0 is 0, no addition is performed just do the shift.
 The process is repeated for each bit of the original multiplier. The resulting 2n bit
product is contained in the QA register.

There are three types of operation for multiplication.

 It should be determined whether a multiplier bit is 1 or 0 so that it can designate the
partial product. If the multiplier bit is 0, the partial product is zero; if the multiplier bit is
1, the multiplicand is partial product.
 It should shift partial product.
 It should add partial product.

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Booth’s Algorithm - Signed Multiplication:

 Multiplier and multiplicand are placed in Q and M register respectively. There is also one
bit register placed logically to the right of the least significant bit Q 0 of the Q register and
designated as Q-1.
 The result of multiplication will appear in A and Q resister.
 A and Q-1 are initialized to zero if two bits (Q0 and Q-1) are the same (11 or 00) then all
the bits of A, Q and Q-1 registers are shifted to the right 1 bit.
 If the two bits differ then the multiplicand is added to or subtracted from the A register
depending on weather the two bits are 01 or 10.
 Following the addition or subtraction the arithmetic right shift occurs. When count
reaches to zero, result resides into AQ in the form of signed integer [-2n-1*an-1 + 2n-2*an-2 +
…………… + 21*a1 + 20*a0].

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Division Algorithm

 Division is somewhat more than multiplication but is based on the same general
principles. The operation involves repetitive shifting and addition or subtraction.
 The bits of the dividend are examined from left to right, until the set of bits examined
represents a number greater than or equal to the divisor; this is referred to as the divisor
being able to divide the number.
 Until this event occurs, 0s are placed in the quotient from left to right. When the event
occurs, a 1 is placed in the quotient and the divisor is subtracted from the partial
dividend. The result is referred to as a partial remainder.
 The division follows a cyclic pattern. At each cycle, additional bits from the dividend are
appended to the partial remainder until the result is greater than or equal to the divisor.
 The divisor is subtracted from this number to produce a new partial remainder. The
process continues until all the bits of the dividend are exhausted.

Paper and Pen Method:

Restoring Division (Unsigned Binary Division):

Step 1: Initialize A, Q and M registers to zero, dividend and divisor respectively and counter to n
where n is the number of bits in the dividend.
Step 2: Shift A, Q left one binary position.
Step 3: Subtract M from A placing answer back in A. If sign of A is 1, set Q 0 to zero and add M
back to A (restore A). If sign of A is 0, set Q0 to 1.
Step 4: Decrease counter; if counter > 0, repeat process from step 2 else stop the process. The
final remainder will be in A and quotient will be in Q.

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Quotient in Q = 0011 = 3
Remainder in A = 00011 = 3

Non – Restoring Division (Signed Binary Division) Algorithm

Step 1: Initialize A, Q and M registers to zero, dividend and divisor respectively and count to
number of bits in dividend.
Step 2: Check sign of A;
If A < 0 i.e. bn-1 is 1

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a. Shift A, Q left one binary position.
b. Add content of M to A and store back in A.
If A ≥ 0 i.e. bn-1 is 0
a. Shift A, Q left one binary position.
b. Subtract content of M to A and store back in A.

Step 3: If sign of A is 0, set Q0 to 1 else set Q0 to 0.

Step 4: Decrease counter. If counter > 0, repeat process from step 2 else go to step 5.
Step 5: If A ≥ 0 i.e. positive, content of A is remainder else add content of M to A to get the
remainder. The quotient will be in Q.

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Floating Point Representation
 A floating-point number (or real number) can represent a very large (1.23×10^88) or a
very small (1.23×10^-88) value.
 It could also represent very large negative number (-1.23×10^88) and very small
negative number (-1.23×10^88), as well as zero, as illustrated:

 A floating-point number is typically expressed in the scientific notation, with a fraction

(F), and an exponent (E) of a certain radix (r), in the form of F×r^E.
 Decimal numbers use radix of 10 (F×10^E); while binary numbers use radix of 2
 Representation of floating point number is not unique.
Example, the number 55.66 can be represented as 5.566×10^1, 0.5566×10^2,
0.05566×10^3, and so on.
 The fractional part can be normalized. In the normalized form, there is only a single non-
zero digit before the radix point.
 Example, decimal number 123.4567 can be normalized as 1.234567×10^2; binary
number 1010.1011B can be normalized as 1.0101011B×2^3.
 Floating-point numbers suffer from loss of precision when represented with a fixed
number of bits (e.g., 32-bit or 64-bit). This is because there are infinite number of real
numbers (even within a small range of says 0.0 to 0.1). On the other hand, a n-bit binary
pattern can represent a finite 2^n distinct numbers. Hence, not all the real numbers can
be represented. The nearest approximation will be used instead, resulted in loss of
 The Floating number arithmetic is very much less efficient than integer arithmetic.
Hence, use integers if your application does not require floating-point numbers.

In computers, floating-point numbers are represented in scientific notation of fraction (F) and
exponent (E) with a radix of 2, in the form of F×2^E. Both E and F can be positive as well as
negative. Modern computers adopt IEEE 754 standard for representing floating-point numbers.
There are two representation schemes: 32-bit single-precision and 64-bit double-precision.
There are three parts in the floating-point representation:
 The sign bit (S) is self-explanatory (0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers).
 For the exponent (E), a so-called bias (or excess) is applied so as to represent both
positive and negative exponent. The bias is set at half of the range. For single precision

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with an 8-bit exponent, the bias is 127 (or excess-127). For double precision with a 11-
bit exponent, the bias is 1023 (or excess-1023).
 The fraction (F) (also called the mantissa or significand) is composed of an implicit
leading bit (before the radix point) and the fractional bits (after the radix point). The
leading bit for normalized numbers is 1; while the leading bit for denormalized numbers
is 0.

IEEE-754 32-bit Single-Precision Floating-Point Numbers

In 32-bit single-precision floating-point representation:
 The most significant bit is the sign bit (S), with 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative
 The following 8 bits represent exponent (E).
 The remaining 23 bits represents fraction (F).

Normalized Form
 In normalized form, the radix point is placed after the first non-zero digit, e,g.,
9.8765D×10^-23D, 1.001011B×2^11B. For binary number, the leading bit is always 1,
and need not be represented explicitly - this saves 1 bit of storage.
In IEEE 754's normalized form:
 For single-precision, 1 ≤ E ≤ 254 with excess of 127. Hence, the actual exponent is from -
126 to +127. Negative exponents are used to represent small numbers (< 1.0); while
positive exponents are used to represent large numbers (> 1.0).
N = (-1)^S × 1.F × 2^(E-127)
 For double-precision, 1 ≤ E ≤ 2046 with excess of 1023. The actual exponent is from -
1022 to +1023, and
N = (-1)^S × 1.F × 2^(E-1023)
Suppose that the 32-bit pattern is 1 10000001 01100000000000000000000, with:
 S=1
 E = 10000001
 F = 011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
In the normalized form, the actual fraction is normalized with an implicit leading 1 in the form
of 1.F.
 Fraction Value: 1.011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 1 + 1×2^-2 + 1×2^-3 = 1.375
 Sign bit S=1

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 The fraction value after sign: -1.375

In normalized form, the actual exponent is E-127 (so-called excess-127 or bias-127). This is
because we need to represent both positive and negative exponent. With an 8-bit E, ranging
from 0 to 255, the excess-127 scheme could provide actual exponent of -127 to 128.

In this example, E-127=129-127=2

Hence, the number represented is -1.375×2^2= -5.5

De-Normalized Form
Normalized form has a serious problem, with an implicit leading 1 for the fraction, it cannot
represent the number zero! De-normalized form was devised to represent zero and other
For E=0, the numbers are in the de-normalized form. An implicit leading 0 (instead of 1) is used
for the fraction; and the actual exponent is always -126. Hence, the number zero can be
represented with E=0 and F=0 (because 0.0×2^-126=0).
We can also represent very small positive and negative numbers in de-normalized form with
For example, if S=1, E=0, and F=011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000. The actual fraction is
0.011=1×2^-2+1×2^-3=0.375D. Since S=1, it is a negative number. With E=0, the actual
exponent is -126. Hence the number is -0.375×2^-126 = -4.4×10^-39, which is an extremely
small negative number (close to zero).

What is the decimal value of this single precision float?

Sign =1 (Negative)
Exponent = (0111 1100)2 = 124
=E-Bias = 124 – 127 =-3
Significant = (1.01000…0000)2 = 1 + 2-2 = 1.25 (i.e., 1. is implicit)
Value in decimal = -1.25 x 2-3 = -0.15625
Convert -0.8125 to binary single precision floating point representation?
Fraction bits can be obtained using multiplication by 2

Developed by: Thilak Reddy, CSE Dept, RGUKT Page 33

Stop when fraction part is 0
0.8125 = (0.1101)2
Fraction = (0.1101)2 = (1.101)2 x 2-1 (Normalized)
Exponent = -1 + Bias = -1+127
Sign = 1 (Negative)
Single precision floating point representation:
1 0111 1110 1010000000……….000
Suppose that IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point representation pattern is 0 10000000 110
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000?
Sign bit S = 0 ⇒ positive number
E = 1000 0000B = 128D (in normalized form)
Fraction is 1.11B (with an implicit leading 1) = 1 + 1×2^-1 + 1×2^-2 = 1.75D
The number is +1.75 × 2^(128-127) = +3.5
Suppose that IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point representation pattern is 1 01111110 100
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.
Sign bit S = 1 ⇒ negative number
E = 0111 1110B = 126 (in normalized form)
Fraction is 1.1B (with an implicit leading 1) = 1 + 2^-1 = 1.5
The number is -1.5 × 2^(126-127) = -0.75
Suppose that IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point representation pattern is 1 01111110 000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0001.
Sign bit S = 1 ⇒ negative number
E = 0111 1110B = 126 (in normalized form)
Fraction is 1.000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001B (with an implicit leading 1) = 1 + 2^-23
The number is -(1 + 2^-23) × 2^(126-127) = -0.500000059604644775390625 (may not
be exact in decimal!)

IEEE-754 64-bit Double-Precision Floating-Point Numbers

The representation scheme for 64-bit double-precision is similar to the 32-bit single-precision:
 The most significant bit is the sign bit (S), with 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative
 The following 11 bits represent exponent (E).
 The remaining 52 bits represents fraction (F).

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The value (N) is calculated as follows:
 Normalized form: For 1 ≤ E ≤ 2046, N = (-1)^S × 1.F × 2^(E-1023).
 Denormalized form: For E = 0, N = (-1)^S × 0.F × 2^(-1022). These are in the
denormalized form.
 For E = 2047, N represents special values, such as ±INF (infinity), NaN (not a number).

What is the decimal value of this Double Precision float?

Sign = 0 (positive)
Value of exponent = (1000 0000 101)2-Bias
Value of double float = (1.00101010…..0)2x26 (i.e., 1. is implicit)

What is the decimal value of Double precision float?

Sign = 1 (negative)
Value of exponent = (0111 1111 000)2-Bias
= 1016-1023=-7
Value for double float = (1.10000……000)x2-7 (i.e 1. is implicit)
= - 0.01171875

Convert -0.8125 to binary in double precision floating point representation?
Fraction bits can be obtained using multiplication by 2

Developed by: Thilak Reddy, CSE Dept, RGUKT Page 35

Stop when fraction part is 0
0.8125 = (0.1101)2
Fraction = (0.1101)2 = (1.101)2 x 2-1 (Normalized)
Exponent = -1 + Bias = -1 + 1023 = 1022
Sign = 1

Binary representation in Double precision:

1 0111 1111 110 10100000000………000000

Special Values
 Zero: Zero cannot be represented in the normalized form, and must be represented in
denormalized form with E=0 and F=0. There are two representations for zero: +0 with
S=0 and -0 with S=1.
 Infinity: The value of +infinity (e.g., 1/0) and -infinity (e.g., -1/0) are represented with an
exponent of all 1's (E = 255 for single-precision and E = 2047 for double-precision), F=0,
and S=0 (for +INF) and S=1 (for -INF).
 When the exponent bits are all ones and the fraction bits are all 0 then the resulting value
represents infinity.

 Not a Number (NaN): NaN denotes a value that cannot be represented as real number
(e.g. 0/0). NaN is represented with Exponent of all 1's (E = 255 for single-precision and E
= 2047 for double-precision) and any non-zero fraction.
 When exponent bits are all ones but the fraction value is non zero then the resulting
value is said to be NaN which is short for Not a Number. You get this value when you
perform invalid operations like dividing zero by zero, subtracting infinity from infinity

Floating point arithmetic (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division) :
For addition and subtraction, it is necessary to ensure that both operands have the same
exponent value. This may require shifting the radix point on one of the operands to achieve
alignment. Multiplication and division are more straightforward. A floating-point operation
may produce one of these conditions:
 Exponent overflow: A positive exponent exceeds the maximum possible exponent value.
In some systems, this may be designated as +infinity or –infinity
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 Exponent underflow: A negative exponent is less than the minimum possible exponent
value (e.g., is less than). This means that the number is too small to be represented, and it
may be reported as 0.
 Significand underflow: In the process of aligning significands, digits may flow off the
right end of the significand. As we shall discuss, some form of rounding is required.
 Significand overflow: The addition of two significands of the same sign may result in a
carry out of the most significant bit. This can be fixed by realignment, as we shall explain.

Addition and Subtraction

In floating-point arithmetic, addition and subtraction are more complex than multiplication and
division. This is because of the need for alignment. There are four basic phases of the algorithm
for addition and subtraction:
 Check for zeros.
 Align the significands.
 Add or subtract the significands.
 Normalize the result.

Floating-Point Numbers and Arithmetic Operations

Phase 1: Zero check:

 Addition and subtraction are identical except for a sign change
o Begin by changing the sign of the subtrahend if it is a subtract operation.
 If either operand is 0, the other is reported as the result
Phase 2: Significand alignment:
 Manipulate numbers so that the two exponents are equal,e.g.:
o (123×100) + (456×10−2)
o Digits must first be set into equivalent positions, i.e.:
 4 of the second number must be aligned with the 3 of the first;
 The two exponents need to be equal
 Thus:
o (123×100) + (456×10−2) = (123×100) + (4.56×100) =127.56×10

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 Alignment may be achieved by:
o Shifting either the smaller number to the right (increasing its exponent)
o Shifting the larger number to the left
o Either operation may result in the loss of digits
o Smaller number is usually shifted:
 Since any digits lost are of small significance.
 In general terms:
o Repeatedly shift the significand right 1 digit
o and increment the exponent until the two exponents are equal.
Phase 3: Addition
 Significands are added together;
 Because the signs may differ: result may be 0;
 There is also the possibility of significand overflow, if so:
o Significand of the result is shifted right and the exponent is incremented;
o Exponent overflow could occur as a result;
 Operation is halted.
Phase 4: Normalization
 Shift significand digits left until most significant digit is nonzero;
 Each shift causes:
o a decrement of the exponent and...
o ...thus could cause an exponent underflow.

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Find the addition of given two floating values (Single Precision Floating Point)?
+1.1110 0100 0000 0000 0000 010 x 24
+1.1000 0000 0000 0011 0000 101 x 22
o Check the exponents. The exponents are not equal.
o Difference between the two exponents = 4 -2 = 2
o Shift the significand of the lesser exponent right by 2 bits and increment exponent
+1.1000 0000 0000 0011 0000 101 x 22
= 0. 01 1000 0000 0000 0011 0000 101 x 24
Add the significands:
+1.1110 0100 0000 0000 0000 010 x 24
+0. 0110 0000 0000 0000 1100 001 01 x 24
+10.0100 0100 0000 0000 1100 011 01 x 24
Addition produces a carry bit, result is NOT normalized.
Step 3:
Normalize the result (Shift right and increment exponent);
+10.0100 0100 0000 0000 1100 011 01 x 24

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= +1.0 0100 0100 0000 0000 1100 011 01 x 25
Single precision requires only 23 fraction bits. The above result is in normalized
but contained additional bits.
+1.0010 0010 0000 0000 0110 001 1 01 x 25
Two extra bits are needed for rounding:
Round bit: appears just after the normalized result
Sticky bit: appears after the round bit (OR all addition bits)

Increment fraction to round to nearest:

+1.0010 0010 0000 0000 0110 001 x 25
=1.0010 0010 0000 0000 0110 010 x 25

Practice Problems:
Find the substraction of given two floating values (Single Precision Floating Point)?
+1.0000 0000 1011 0001 0001 101 x 2-6
-1.0000 0000 0000 0001 0011 010 x 2-1


o 1 If either operand is 0: 0 is reported as the result;

o 2 Add the exponents;
o 3 Multiply the significands:
o Similarly to twos complement multiplication.
o 4 Result is normalized.

Developed by: Thilak Reddy, CSE Dept, RGUKT Page 40

Find the multiplication of given two floating point values?
- 1.110 1000 0100 0000 1010 0001 x 2-4
+ 1.100 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 x 2-2

1. Add the exponents of the operands
 Exponent = -4-2 = -6
2. The biased representation:
 B.E = -6+127 (Single precision)
 Biased Exponent = 121
3. Sign bit of the product can be computed independently.
 Sign bit of product = 1 XOR 0 = 1 (Negative)
4. Multiply the significands:
(Multiplicand) 1.110 1000 0100 0000 1010 0001
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(Multiplier) 1.100 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000
5. Normalize the product:
-10.1011100011111011111100110010100001000000000000 x 2-6
Shift right and increment exponent because of carry bit
= -1. 0101110001111101111110011001010000100000000000 x2-5
6. Round to the nearest Even: (Keep only 23 fraction bits)
1. 0101 1100 0111 1101 1111 100 | 1 100…… x 2-5
Round bit = 1, Sticky bit = 1
Final result = -1. 0101 1100 0111 1101 1111 101 x 2-5

IEEE 754 representation:

1 01111010 0101 1100 0111 1101 1111 101

o 1 Test for 0:
• If the divisor is 0: report error;
• Dividend is 0: results in 0.
o 2 Divisor exponent is subtracted from the dividend exponent;
o 3 Divide the significands;
o 4 Result is normalized;

Developed by: Thilak Reddy, CSE Dept, RGUKT Page 42

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