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“To Be a Transforming Presence”

Level: Sophomore Year – 2nd grade High School

Miss Laurentina Oliva - EFL Teachers
English Department

Worksheet 04 – Unit 0
TEACHER: Miss Laurentina Oliva Leiva MONTH’S VALUE

Regular and irregular verbs

Regular verbs
1. Underline or highlight the ending –ED in each of the verb in their past and
past participle form.
2. Look up the words in your dictionary and the write their equivalent in

N° Infinitive Past Past Participle Spanish

01 Answer Answered Answered

02 Arrive Arrived Arrived

03 Ask Asked Asked

04 Book Booked Booked

05 Borrow Borrowed Borrowed

06 Change Changed Changed

07 Complain Complained Complained

08 Complete Completed Completed

09 Copy Copied Copied

10 Cry Cried Cried

11 Decide Decided Decided

12 Dislike Disliked Disliked

13 Discover Discovered Discovered

14 Dry Dried Dried

15 Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed

16 Escape Escaped Escaped

17 Hate Hated Hated

18 Hug Hugged Hugged

19 Hunt Hunted Hunted

20 Invite Invited Invited

21 Jog Jogged Jogged

22 Jump Jumped Jumped

23 Like Liked Liked

24 Laugh Laughed Laughed

25 Listen to Listened to Listened to

26 Look at Looked at Looked at

27 Love Loved Loved

28 Play Played Played

29 Rain Rained Rained

30 Sail Sailed Sailed

31 Save Saved Saved

32 Stop Stopped Stopped

33 Study Studied Studied

34 Talk Talked Talked

35 Wait for Waited for Waited for

36 Work Worked Worked

Irregular verbs
1. Look up the words in your dictionary and find the past participle form of each
verb. Then, write the equivalent in Spanish.

N° Infinitive Past Past Participle Spanish

01 Be (am-is-are) Was-were

02 Become Became

03 Begin Began

04 Break Broke

05 Bring Brought

06 Build Built

07 Buy Bought

08 Catch Caught

09 Choose Chose

10 Come Came

11 Cost Cost

12 Do Did

13 Drink Drank

14 Drive Drove

15 Eat Ate

16 Fall Fell

17 Feel Felt

18 Fight Fought

19 Find Found

20 Fly Flew

21 Forget Forgot

22 Get Got

23 Give Gave
24 Go Went

25 Grow Grew

26 Have Had

27 Hear Heard

28 Hit Hit

29 Keep Kept

30 Know Knew

31 Leave Left

32 Lose Lost

33 Make Made

34 Meet Met

35 Pay Paid

36 Put Put

37 Read /ri:d/ Read /red/

38 Ride Rode

39 Run Ran

40 Say Said

41 See Saw

42 Sell Sold

43 Send Sent

44 Sing Sang

45 Sit Sat

46 Sleep Slept

47 Speak Spoke

48 Spend Spent

49 Steal Stole

50 Swim Swam
51 Take Took

52 Tell Told

53 Think Thought

54 Throw Threw

55 Understand Understood

56 Wake Woke

57 Wear Wore

58 Win Won

59 Write Wrote

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