Rave I Ching Keynotes (Printable)

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2: The Receptive 3: Difficulty at the 4: Youthful Folly

1: The Creative Receptivity as the primal base The energy to beguile and succeed
Creation as a primal force. The through which any response is
Beginning despite ignorance. Freedom from
energy potential to manifest The fundamental challenge of
determined. The root of action. retribution.
inspiration without limitation. initiation is to transcend confusion
1: Intuition 1: Pleasure
1: Creation is independent of will and establish order.
2: Genius 2: Acceptance
2: Love is light 1: Synthesis
3: Patience 3: Irresponsibility
3: The Energy to sustain 2: Immaturity
4: Secretiveness 4: The Liar
creative work 3: Survival
5: Intelligent application 5: Seduction
4: Aloneness as the medium 4: Charisma
6: Fixation 6: Excess
of creativity 5: Victimization
5: Attracting society with 6: Surrender
6: Objectivity

5: Waiting 6: Conflict 7: The Army 8: Holding Together

The fundamental attunement to The fundamental design The point of convergence. By The basic worth realized in
natural rhythms. Waiting as an component of progress. The law design, the need for leader-ship to contributing individual efforts to
active state of awareness. that growth cannot exist without guide and order society. group goals.
1: Perseverance friction. 1: The Authoritarian 1: Honesty
2: Inner Peace 1: Retreat 2: The Democrat 2: Service
3: Compulsiveness 2: The Guerilla 3: The Anarchist 3: The Phony
4: The Hunter 3: Allegiance 4: The Abdicator 4: Respect
5: Joy 4: Triumph 5: The General 5: Dharma
6: Yielding 5: Arbitration 6: The Administrator 6: Communion
6: The Peacemaker

9: The Taming Power 10: Treading 11: Peace 12: Standstill

of the Small The underlying code of behavior A harmonic condition in the The quality of restraint and the
which ensures successful individual or society that permits importance of meditation and
Potential can be fulfilled through
interaction despite circumstances. assessment before renewed action. inaction in confronting temptation.
detailed attention to all pertinent
1: Modesty 1: Attunement 1: The Monk
2: The Hermit 2: Rigor 2: Purification
1: Sensibility
3: The Martyr 3: The Realist 3: Confession
2: Misery loves company
4: The Opportunist 4: The Teacher 4: Prophet
3: Straw that breaks camel’s
5: The Heretic 5: The Philanthropist 5: The Pragmatist
6: The Role Model 6: Adaptability 6: Metamorphosis
4: Dedication
5: Faith
6: Gratitude

13: The Fellowship of 14: Possession in 15: Modesty 16: Enthusiasm

Man Great Measure The quality of behavior which The great art of enriching life by
expresses the proper balance the harmonic channeling of
Universal ideas and values in an The accumulation and retention of
between extremes. energy.
ordered framework that inspires power through skilled interaction,
1: Duty 1: Delusion
humanistic cooperation. coupling grace with control.
2: Influence 2: The Cynic
1: Empathy 1: Money isn’t everything
3: Ego inflation 3: Independence
2: Bigotry 2: Management
4: The Wallflower 4: The Leader
3: Pessimism 3: Service
5: Sensitivity 5: The Grinch
4: Fatigue 4: Security
6: Self-defense 6: Gullibility
5: The Savior 5: Arrogance
6: The Optimist 6: Humility

17: Following 18: Work on What 19: Approach 20: Contemplation

The ancient law that those who Has Been Spoilt That all things are inter-related is Recognition and awareness in the
wish to rule must know how to apparent and manifested through now which transforms
The vigilance and determination to
serve. the action of approach. understanding into right actions.
uphold and defend basic and
1: Openness 1: Interdependence 1: Superficiality
fundamental human rights.
2: Discrimination 2: Service 2: The Dogmatist
1: Conservation
3: Understanding 3: Dedication 3: Self-awareness
2: Terminal disease
4: The Personal manager 4: The Team Player 4: Application
3: The Zealot
5: No man is an island 5: Sacrifice 5: Realism
4: The Incompetent
6: The bodhisattva 6: The Recluse 6: Wisdom
5: Therapy
6: Buddhahood
21: Biting Through 22: Grace 23: Splitting Apart 24: Returning
The justified and necessary use of A quality in behavior best suited in Amorality. The awareness and The natural and spontaneous
power in overcoming deliberate handling mundane and trivial understanding which leads to the process of transformation and
and persistent interference. situations. acceptance of diversity. renewal.
1: Warning 1: Second class ticket 1: Proselytization 1: The Sin of Omission
2: Might is right 2: Charm school 2: Self-defense 2: Recognition
3: Powerlessness 3: The Enchanter 3: Individuality 3: The Addict
4: Strategy 4: Sensitivity 4: Fragmentation 4: The Hermit
5: Objectivity 5: Directness 5: Assimilation 5: Confession
6: Chaos 6: Maturity 6: Fusion 6: The Gift horse

25: Innocence 26: The Taming 27: Nourishment 28: Preponderance of

The perfection of action through Power of the Great The enchantment of the quality the Great
an uncontrived and spontaneous and the substance of all activities
The maximization of the power of The transitoriness of power and
nature. through caring.
memory applied to the nurturing of influence.
1: Selflessness 1: Selfishness
continuity. 1: Preparation
2: The Existentialist 2: Self-sufficiency
1: A Bird in the hand 2: Shaking hands w/the devil
3: Sensibility 3: Greed
2: The Lessons of history 3: Adventurism
4: Survival 4: Generosity
3: Influence 4: Holding on
5: Recuperation 5: The Executor
4: Censorship 5: Treachery
6: Ignorance 6: Wariness
5: Adaptability 6: Blaze of glory
6: Authority

29: The Abysmal 30: Clinging Fire 31: Influence 32: Duration
The deep within the deep. Freedom recognized as an illusion The law of friction, whether active The only thing which endures is
Persistence despite difficulties has and limitation accepted as a fate. or passive, that engenders change.
its inevitable rewards. 1: Composure transference and thus influence. 1: Conservation
1: The Draftee 2: Pragmatism 1: Manifestation 2: Restraint
2: Assessment 3: Resignation 2: Arrogance 3: Lack of continuity
3: Evaluation 4: Burnout 3: Selectivity 4: Right is might
4: Directness 5: Irony 4: Intent 5: Flexibility
5: Overreach 6: Enforcement 5: Self-righteousness 6: Tranquility
6: Confusion 6: Application

33: Retreat 34: The Power of the 35: Progress 36: The Darkening of
Active withdrawal and the Great By design, progress cannot exist in the Light
transformation of a weak position a vacuum and is dependent on
Power is only great when its The rule of cycles in which decline
into a strength. interaction.
display or use serves the common is a natural but not enduring stage.
1: Avoidance 1: Humility
good. 1: Resistance
2: Surrender 2: Creative block
1: The Bully 2: Support
3: Spirit 3: Collaboration
2: Momentum 3: Transition
4: Dignity 4: Hunger
3: Machismo 4: Espionage
5: Timing 5: Altruism
4: Triumph 5: The Underground
6: Disassociation 6: Rectification
5: Annihilation 6: Justice
6: Common sense

37: The Family 38: Opposition 39: Obstruction 40: Deliverance

The manifestation macro- and The ability to preserve individual The value of obstruction in The point of transition between
micro-cosmically of the organic integrity through opposition to providing analysis, assessment, and struggle and liberation.
nature of communities. detrimental forces. reevaluation. 1: Recuperation
1: The Mother/Father 1: Qualification 1: Disengagement 2: Resoluteness
2: Responsibility 2: Politeness 2: Confrontation 3: Humility
3: Evenhandedness 3: Alliance 3: Responsibility 4: Organization
4: Leadership by example 4: Investigation 4: Temperance 5: Rigidity
5: Love 5: Alienation 5: Single-mindedness 6: Decapitation
6: Purpose 6: Misunderstanding 6: The Troubleshooter
42: Increase 43: Breakthrough 44: Coming to Meet
41: Decrease The expansion of resources which In order for achievement to be The success of any interaction is
The limitation of resources which maximizes development of full maintained a new order must be based on the absence of any
maximize development of potential. potential. fairly established. preconditions.
1: Reasonableness 1: Diversification 1: Patience 1: Conditions
2: Caution 2: Identification 2: Dedication 2: Management
3: Efficiency 3: Trial and error 3: Expediency 3: Interference
4: Correction 4: The Middle man 4: The One-track mind 4: Honesty
5: Authorization 5: Self-actualization 5: Progression 5: Manipulation
6: Contagion 6: Nurturing 6: Breakthrough 6: Aloofness

45: Gathering Together 46: Pushing Upward 47: Oppression 48: The Well
The natural and generally beneficial Good fortune that may be perceived A restrictive and adverse state as a The necessary and qualitative
attraction of like forces. as the result of serendipity but result of internal weakness or foundation that’s a prerequisite to
1: Canvassing derives from effort and dedication. external strength or both. establish the common good.
2: Consensus 1: Being discovered 1: Taking stock 1: Insignificance
3: Exclusion 2: The Prima Donna 2: Ambition 2: Degeneracy
4: Direction 3: Projection 3: Self-oppression 3: Incommunicado
5: Leadership 4: Impact 4: Repression 4: Restructuring
6: Reconsideration 5: Pacing 5: The Saint 5: Action
6: Integrity 6: Futility 6: Self-fulfillment

49: Revolution 50: The Cauldron 51:The Arousing 52: Keeping Still
Ideally the transformation of forms The value of historical continuity The ability to respond to disorder Temporary and self-imposed
based on highest principles and not whose traditional values serves and and shock through recognition inaction for the benefit of
simply for power. enriches the present and the future. and adaptation. assessment.
1: The Law of necessity 1: The Immigrant 1: Reference 1: Think before you speak
2: The Last resort 2: Determination 2: Withdrawal 2: Concern
3: Popular discontent 3: Adaptability 3: Adaptation 3: Controls
4: Platform 4: Corruption 4: Limitation 4: Self-discipline
5: Organization 5: Consistency 5: Symmetry 5: Explanation
6: Attraction 6: Leadership 6: Separation 6: Peacefulness

53: Development 54: The Marrying 55: Abundance 56: The Wanderer
Development as a structured Maiden Abundance is strictly a question Stability thru movement. The
progression that is both steadfast and of spirit. perpetuation of continuity thru
Interaction in its mundane social
enduring. 1: Cooperation linking of short term activity.
context but also one’s mystical and
1: Accumulation 2: Distrust 1: Quality
cosmic relationships.
2: Momentum 3: Innocence 2: Linkage
1: Influence
3: Practicality 4: Assimilation 3: Alienation
2: Discretion
4: Assuredness 5: Growth 4: Expediency
3: Covert interaction
5: Assertion 6: Selfishness 5: Attracting attention
4: Enlightenmt/Endarkenmt
6: Phasing 6: Caution
5: Magnanimity
6: Selectivity

57: The Gentle 58: The Joyous 59: Dispersion 60: Limitation
The extraordinary power of clarity. Stimulation is the key to joy. The ability to break down barriers The acceptance of limitation is the
1: Confusion 1: Love of life to achieve union. first step in transcendence.
2: Cleansing 2: Perversion 1: The Preemptive strike 1: Acceptance
3: Acuteness 3: Electricity 2: Shyness 2: Decisiveness
4: The Director 4: Focusing 3: Openness 3: Conservatism
5: Progression 5: Defense 4: Brotherhood/Sisterhood 4: Resourcefulness
6: Utilization 6: Carried away 5: The Femme Fatale or 5: Leadership
Casanova 6: Rigidity
6: The One-night stand

61: Inner Truth 62: Preponderance of 63: After Completion 64: Before
The awareness of universal the Small In the spiral of life, all ends are Completion
underlying principles. beginnings.
Caution, patience and detail produce Transition, like birth, requires a
1: Occult knowledge 1: Composure
excellence out of limitation. determined strength for the
2: Natural brilliance 2: Structuring
1: Routine passage through.
3: Interdependence 3: Continuance
2: Restraint 1: Conditions
4: Research 4: Memory
3: Discovery 2: Qualification
5: Influence 5: Affirmation
4: Asceticism 3: Over-extension
6: Appeal 6: Nostalgia
5: Metamorphosis 4: Conviction
6: Self-discipline 5: Promise
6: Victory

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