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My first reaction to Grace to Be Born was that it was such a small space I wouldn’t have expected
that it was actually the place, not that it was a bad thing. Other than that, I usually don’t have much
expectations when it comes to outreaches, so all that I knew about it was that it was a shelter for single
mothers who had no one to turn to when they were pregnant. I had also been informed that it also held
an orphanage. Again, I wasn’t really surprised as most of the other outreaches that I’ve participated in
have been in orphanages.

The experience was new, though. Usually we’d be met by orphans that are also in our age range but this
time, we were able to meet babies. It was really exciting seeing them as we entered there. It was fun
playing with them, like I said it was a new experience. Even if they don’t have parents, they still seemed to
be very happy nonetheless. I really enjoyed being there as well. When we met the moms there, we talked
to them for a bit but we didn’t really have a lot to say so it was a bit awkward. Still, we managed to speak
with them for a while and ask them questions about themselves and their daily lives.

We asked them what they usually did every day. One of the moms said that they usually were
assigned to do chores such as cooking and cleaning, and help take care of the babies. The said what they
mostly do around the place is work like that as a routine. They also have periods throughout the day
dedicated to prayer. It’s nice to know that even with a busy life they have taking care of their kids,
especially at a young age like that, they devote time in their busy day to pray to God. They also
sometimes go out to have a break once in a while, like in a Jolibee or something like that.

At the end of the day, they gave us advice as to how we should live our lives. The moms said that
we should focus our lives in being studious and following our parents because they know best. This whole
experience made me realize that I should focus on trying to improve on my future so that I would have a
better chance of opportunities that I can open up for myself and have a brighter future. I think that’s
what the moms at the shelter would have wanted for us. It also made me realize that God was so kind to
give the moms and the kids at the shelter some hope in their lives that they still may be happy no matter
what happens. With this, I now realize that God will help me achieve happiness and hope so that I would
have a bright future ahead.

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