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Case 4:19-cv-00938-ALM Document 1 Filed 12/26/19 Page 1 of 7 PageID #: 1



Think Tank Innovations, LLC, §
Plaintiff, §
v. § Civil Action No. _________
Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc. § JURY TRIAL DEMANDED
Defendant. §

Plaintiff’s Original Complaint

Plaintiff Think Tank Innovations, LLC files this Complaint against Defendant

Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc. for patent infringement under 35 U.S.C. § 271(a). In support

thereof, Plaintiff alleges as follows:


1. Plaintiff Think Tank Innovations, LLC (“Think Tank”) is a Michigan

company with a principal place of business at 278 E. Haslett Road, Haslett, Michigan


2. Upon information and belief, Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc. (“BWW”) is a

Minnesota corporation with a principal place of business at 5500 Wayzata Blvd., Suite

1600, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416. BWW does not have a registered agent in Texas

and may be served by serving its President, Lyle Tick.

Jurisdiction and Venue

3. This action arises under the patent laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. §

100, et seq., for infringement of one or more claims of U.S. Patent No. 9,139,413 (“the ’413

patent”), issued on September 22, 2015, to David J. Fedewa, titled “Foam Reducing
Case 4:19-cv-00938-ALM Document 1 Filed 12/26/19 Page 2 of 7 PageID #: 2

Container.” See Exhibit A.

4. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action under 28 U.S.C.

§§ 1331 and 1338(a).

5. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant BWW because BWW

conducts business throughout the United States, including in this district. Upon

information and belief, BWW has committed acts of patent infringement in this district.

6. Venue is proper in this district under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b), 1391(c), and

1400(b) because, among other reasons, BWW is subject to personal jurisdiction in this

district and has a regular and established place of business in this district, including but

not limited to its location at 2035 N. Central Expressway, McKinney, Texas 75070.

Factual Background

7. Mr. Fedewa invented the beverage pitcher described and claimed in the ’413

patent in response to a need to reduce foam production in carbonated beverages and to

increase the productivity of anyone dispensing beverages. The foam reducing container

disclosed in the ’413 patent uses angled interior sections to reduce the level of foam

created when pouring a carbonated liquid into the container and claims the added benefit

of doing so while resting flat on a surface below without intervention or tilting by the user.

8. An embodiment of the claimed pitcher can be found at Figure 4 of the ’413


’413 Patent Fig. 4

Case 4:19-cv-00938-ALM Document 1 Filed 12/26/19 Page 3 of 7 PageID #: 3

9. Mr. Fedewa conceived of and reduced his invention to practice no later than

April 3, 2012, when he filed the provisional application which ultimately became the ’413


10. Mr. Fedewa assigned all his rights, title, and interest to the ’413 patent to

Plaintiff Think Tank.

11. Think Tank offers beverage pitchers for sale, through its non-exclusive

licensee, San Jamar, Inc., that read on the claims of the ’413 patent. The Think Tank

proprietary pitcher appears as follows:

12. In addition to their foam reducing properties resulting from the claimed

interior curvature, the Think Tank pitchers have the added benefit of including flat

surfaces amenable to branding and/or advertising.

13. Beginning at least as early as February 2019, Defendant BWW has begun

using a foam reducing beverage container that also reads upon the claims of the ’413


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14. The pitchers are available in BWW locations across the country and

typically contain advertisements or branding for major beer brands such as Bud Light.

15. The infringing pitchers featured prominently in BWW’s advertisements for

the 2019 National Football League season, including in BWW’s television commercials

and print media:

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16. Upon information and belief, the pitchers used by BWW are manufactured

by or for Kurve Products, Inc.

17. Neither BWW nor Kurve Products, Inc. are licensed or otherwise

authorized in any way by Think Tank or Mr. Fedewa.

Patent Infringement Under 35 U.S.C. § 271

18. The facts and allegations as stated in paragraphs 1 to 17 are incorporated

herein by reference as if restated in their entirety.

19. Think Tank is the sole owner of the ’413 patent.

20. BWW has infringed directly or under the doctrine of equivalents one or

more claims of the ’413 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, having made, using,

selling, importing, or offering for sale the accused products in the United States without

a license to the ’413 patent.

21. Think Tank has been damaged by BWW’s infringement and is entitled to

all relief available under the Patent Act, including but not limited to disgorgement of

BWW’s profits under 35 U.S.C. § 289 and/or Think Tank’s lost profits. In any event,

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Think Tank is entitled to no less than a reasonable royalty for BWW’s unlicensed use of

the ’413 patent.

Prayer for Relief

WHEREFORE, Think Tank respectfully requests that this Court enter judgment

in its favor against BWW and grant the following relief:

A. judgment that BWW has infringed directly or under the doctrine of

equivalents the ’413 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(a);

B. judgment awarding damages, including disgorgement of BWW’s profits

but not less than a reasonable royalty, as well as prejudgment and post-judgment

interest, costs, and supplemental damages for any continuing post-verdict infringement

through the entry of a final judgment;

C. an order requiring BWW to account for all past, present, and future

infringement and for periodic accountings of BWW’s future manufacturing, use, sale,

offering for sale, or importing of infringing pitchers through the life of the ’413 patent;

D. judgment awarding costs under 28 U.S.C. § 1920; and

E. all such other actual and equitable relief to which Think Tank is entitled or

this Court deems just and proper.

Jury Trial Demanded

Think Tank demands a trial by jury on all claims and issues so triable.

Dated: December 26, 2019 Respectfully submitted,

_/s/ Holly H. Barnes_______

Edward W. Goldstein
State Bar No. 08099500

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710 N. Post Oak, Suite 350
Houston, Texas 77024
Phone: (713) 877-1515

Holly H. Barnes
State Bar No. 24045451
2118 Smith Street
Houston, Texas 77396
Phone: (214) 497-4567

Counsel for Plaintiff

Think Tank Innovations, LLC

Case 4:19-cv-00938-ALM Document 1-1 Filed 12/26/19 Page 1 of 13 PageID #: 8

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,139,413 B2

Fedewa (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 22, 2015
(54) FOAM REDUCING CONTAINER (56) References Cited
(71) Applicant: David J. Fedewa, Haslett, MI (US) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
2,170,311 A * 8, 1939 Smith ........................... 220/575
(72) Inventor: David J. Fedewa, Haslett, MI (US) 2,189,136 A * 2/1940 Shin ... 215.382
2,215,691 A * 9, 1940 East ............ ... 220,501
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 3: A :
wW -
13: Sisters al. ea.
2: .
patent 1S extended O adjusted under 35 2.921,706 A ck 1, 1960 Johnson . . . . . . . . 215/12.1
U.S.C. 154(b) by 260 days. 3,205,678 A * 9/1965 Stoner ... ... 62,457.4
3,589,542 A * 6/1971 Dillon ............ ... 215.382
(21) Appl. No.: 13/838,167 3,861,565 A * 1/1975 Rickmeier, Jr. ... ... 222,131
4,655,373 A * 4, 1987 Essen ................. 222,465.1
4,718,565 A 1, 1988 Zimmermann ............... 215.382
(22) Filed: Mar 15, 2013 4,957,224. A 9/1990 Kessler et al.
5,086,817 A * 2/1992 Murphy ........................ 141,271
(65) Prior Publication Data 5,267,669 A * 12/1993 Dixon et al. .................. 222 173
5,289.953 A 3/1994 McMillan, III et al.
US 2013/O255825A1 Oct. 3, 2013 5,335,705 A * 8/1994 Morishita et al. ............. 141,275
5.487,486 A * 1/1996 Meneo .......................... 220,504
5,845,807 A 12/1998 De Villiers
O O 6,065,603 A * 5/2000 Filice et al. ... ... 206,519
Related U.S. Application Data D444,987 S * 7/2001 McGrath et al. D7,319
6,295,831 B1 * 10/2001 Watson ........................ 62.f457.3
(60) Provisional application No. 61/619,750, filed on Apr. 6,755,328 B1 6/2004 Franco
3, 2012. D501,354 S * 2/2005 Graves et al. .................. D7,316
7,748,417 B2* 7/2010 Arcuri ............ ... 141,198
(51) Int. Cl 8,678,215 B2 * 3/2014 Steiger et al. ................. 215/398
i.7) i/08 (2006.01) 2012fO2481 17 A1* 10/2012 Corbett et al. ........... 220/495.06
A47G 9/00 (2006.01) * cited by examiner
A47G (9/12 (2006.01) Primary Examiner — Timothy L. Maust
A47G (9/22 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Endurance Law Group,
(52) U.S. Cl. PLC
CPC .............. B67D I/0804 (2013.01); A47G 19/00
(2013.01); A47G 19/12 (2013.01); A47G (S7) ABSTRACT
19/2233 (2013.01); B67D 2210/00065 A foam reducing container for reducing the level of foam
(2013.O1 ) created when pouring a carbonated liquid
C into the container.
(58) Field of Classification Search The foam reduction container generally includes the con
CPC ............ B67D 2210,00065, B67D 2210,00081 tainer body having sidewalls extending from a base and the
USPC ............. 141/2, 250, 266, 271-278,369,373, sidewalls defining at least one impact sloped wall for receiv
141/377; 220/608, 623; 215/382 ing a beverage poured from a delivery system.
See application file for complete search history. 13 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets



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FIG. 1
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FIG. 3
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FIG. 4
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FIG. 6
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FIG. 7
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US 9,139,413 B2
1. 2
FOAM REDUCING CONTAINER vessel and sized and shaped to allow manual maneuvering of
the vessel for lifting and pouring. The angled section can be
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED defined on the rear side or a front side of the vessel.
APPLICATIONS In even yet another example, a target indicia is defined on
the angled section, wherein target indicia is located at a posi
This application claims priority benefit to provisional tion Such that the carbonated beverage upon entering the
patent application No. 61/619,750 filed Apr. 3, 2012, the vessel contacting the indicia first allows for reduced foam
subject matter of which is incorporated by reference in its production as the vessel is filled with the carbonated bever
entirety. age. The vessel can be a beer pitcher adapted to reduce foam
production as beer is poured into the pitcher.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present disclosure further provides for a method of
reducing foam production created in pouring a carbonated
The invention is directed towards relates generally to con beverage into a container, the method comprising the steps of
tainers and more specifically carbonated beverage containers (a) placing a beverage container below a carbonated beverage
or vessels, particularly a foam reducing container for reduc 15
delivery system, the beverage container having a vessel defin
ing the level of foam created when pouring a carbonated ing a front and rear side and sidewalls Surrounding an interior
liquid into the container. space of the vessel and at least one angled section of the
BACKGROUND sidewalls sized and shaped to form a curved intersection with
a bottom floor of the beverage container, the beverage deliv
It is well known that carbonated beverages create foam ery system having a beverage tap that releases carbonated
when being poured from a pressurized system into a glass, beverage when engaged; and (b) contacting the carbonated
pitcher, or other container prior to consumption. This foam beverage with the angled section of the sidewalls of the con
generates waste of the beverage and ultimately wasted cost of tainer until while partially or fully filling the beverage con
the product. If poured directly into a pitcher for example, 25 tainer with the carbonated beverage.
beer, will create a highly undesirable quantity of foam. One The present disclosure provides for an insert device
way to somewhat reduce foam generation is to manually adapted to cooperate with a standard beverage pitcher com
angle a pitcher such that the beer will enter the pitcher hitting prising: (a) an curved and angled unitary portion having at
a sidewall will filling. This requires attending by a bartender least one angled section relative to a vertical axis, the angled
or the like and restricts his or her ability to perform other 30
section extending from the top portion to a lower section
tasks. Moreover, foam is still created even if reduced com corresponding to a top and lower section of a corresponding
pared to a pitcher sitting flat below an exit spout of the beer beverage pitcher, the angle extending inward towards an inte
tap. rior space of the beverage pitcher; and a hanging feature
Systems exist that deliver the beverage directly to the bot extending above the curved and angled unitary portion sized
tom of the container without the impact of a traditional pour. 35
and shaped to mount onto a rim of the beverage pitcher. The
However, these systems are highly expensive and require an
overhaul of a bar beverage delivery system. Accordingly, a angled section is formed to be suitable to reduce foam pro
need exists for a container adapted to reduce foam when duction from a carbonated beverage when entering the inte
pouring a beverage into the container. rior space of the vessel.
40 An object of the present disclosure is to provide a foam
SUMMARY reduction container for reducing the level of foam created
when pouring a carbonated liquid into the container.
The present disclosure relates to a beverage container Another object is to provide a foam reduction container
including: (a) a vessel defining an interior space having a that speed up the process of pouring carbonated liquid into a
front and rear side, the vessel having a base and sidewalls 45 container.
Surrounding the interior space, the sidewalls extending Another objective of the foam reduction container is to
upward from the base and sized and shaped to retain a liquid have a slope in the side wall of the container that is not
beverage; and (b) an opening defined at a top portion of the perpendicular to the base of the container.
vessel to allow for the liquid beverage to enter and exit the Another objective of the foam reduction container is to
interior space. The sidewalls define at least one angled section 50 pour the carbonated liquid down the slope of the side wall into
relative to a vertical axis, the angled section extending from the container where it settles, with a lower level of foam
the top portion to the base of the vessel inward towards the production relative to a conventional pitcher or beverage con
interior space and forming a curved intersection with an inte tainer.
rior floor formed on top of the base. The angled section Another object of the foam reduction container is to pour
intersection with the interior floor is formed to be suitable to 55 the carbonated liquid absent a user holding the container
reduce foam production from a carbonated beverage when while the container rests on a surface below a spout from
entering the interior space of the vessel. which the liquid is delivered thereby freeing the hands of the
In an example, the sidewalls are formed to reduce foam user to attend to other tasks such as pouring additional drinks,
production when a carbonated beverage enters the vessel collecting money, retrieving additional orders, or delivering
when the container rests flat on a surface below a carbonated 60 additional orders.
beverage delivery system. The carbonated beverage delivery Other objects and advantages of the present disclosure will
system can be a keg and tap System. In a further example, the become obvious to the reader and it is intended that these
foam produced when filling the beverage container resting objects and advantages are within the scope of the present
flat under the carbonated beverage delivery system is one inch disclosure. To the accomplishment of the above and related
or less. In yet another example, a handle is formed on an 65 objects, this present disclosure may be embodied in the form
exterior surface of the vessel on the rear side of the vessel, and illustrated in the accompanying drawings, attention being
wherein the handle is formed along the vertical axis of the called to the fact, however, that the drawings are illustrative
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US 9,139,413 B2
3 4
only, and that changes may be made in the specific construc In the examples of FIGS. 1-4, angled section 40 is formed
tion illustrated and described within the scope of this appli along a rear side 15. Front side 14 is formed substantially
cation. vertically extending from base 30. Curved floor 41 is defined
on top of base 30. In an alternative embodiment of a container
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 100 of FIG. 6, the angled section 40 is formed onfront side 14.
Like reference numerals are used to define like features of
Various other objects, features and attendant advantages of container 100 as compared to container 10.
the present disclosure will become fully appreciated as the Referring to an example of FIG. 5, a target indicia 70 is
same becomes better understood when considered in con provided and defined on angled section 40. In this example,
junction with the accompanying drawings, in which like ref 10 the target indicia is defined near a top section of angled
erence characters designate the same or similar parts through section 40 near rim 12. Target indicia is located in a position
out the several views, and wherein: Such that when a carbonated beverage contacts the target
FIG. 1 is a perspective rear side view of an exemplary indicia area first, foam production is reduced as container 10
beverage container of the present disclosure. is filled with a carbonated beverage. In a further example,
FIG. 2 is a side view of the exemplary beverage container 15 target indicia 70 defines a desired image or promotional mate
of FIG. 1. rial Such as a logo or design for a particular business or
FIG.3 is a rear/handle side view of the exemplary beverage establishment.
container of FIG. 1. The container can be any beverage container including a
FIG. 4 is cross section view across plane A-A of FIG. 2 of pitcher Suitable for holding any beverage Such as beer, Soda
the of the exemplary beverage container of FIG. 1. pop, or the like. The container typically defines a cavity or
FIG. 5 illustrates a side view of an example beverage con interior space formed within an opening at an opposite end of
tainer according to the present disclosure having a target the container from the base. The container can be filled by
indicia defined on a rear side wall. direct pouring in one example and in another example placed
FIG. 6: illustrates a side view of an alternative embodiment directly under a spout of a beverage tap adapted to deliver a
according to the present disclosure wherein the front spout 25 beverage by engaging the tap. In FIG. 7, an example bar 80
side face is angled. defines a Substantially flat Surface for placing a container 10.
FIG. 7 illustrates an schematic example of the container of In this illustration of a container in use, container 10 is placed
FIG. 1 in use with a beverage delivery system. below a carbonated beverage delivery system 90 that is con
FIG. 8A-8C illustrates an example insert device according nected to a beverage storage unit 92 for storing beverage 91.
to the present disclosure. 30 An example storage unit is a keg for storing beer or other
carbonated beverages. System 90 includes a dispensing unit
DETAILED DESCRIPTION 93. An example dispensing unit 93 includes a tap for releasing
the beverage 91. In this illustration, beverage 91 dispenses
Referring to FIGS. 1-4, the present disclosure generally into container 10 flowing with gravity in a downward direc
relates to a beverage container 10 that includes a vessel 11 for 35 tion. Beverage 91 enters container 10 by contacting the
receiving and pouring a beverage. Vessel 11 includes side angled portion 40 of the sidewalls 20. In this example, angled
walls 20 that surround an interior space 13 sized to be filled section 40 is defined on the rear side 15. As beverage 91
with a liquid beverage. Sidewalls 20 extend upwardly from a contacts angled section 40 of container 10, the beverage flow
base 30. Base 30 is provided to securely support and balance is slowed in velocity as it fills vessel 11. This slowing of the
container 10 when resting on a relatively horizontal surface. 40 beverage reduces liquid disruption that causes unwanted
Base 30 can be weighted to provide sturdy balancing of foam production. The flow continues to be slowed as the slope
container 10 when resting on a surface Such as a table or bar. angle changes to a more shallow position towards floor 41.
Vessel 11 defines an upper rim 12 at a top section of the Container 10 can be any structure that you can receive,
vessel. Rim 12 forms an opening to the interior space 13. hold, and/or pour a liquid, particularly a consumable bever
Vessel 11 further defines a front side 14 and a rear side 15. In 45 age, and more particularly a carbonated beverage Such as beer
these examples, container 10 further includes a handle 50. or soda. The function of the container 10 can be for users to
Handle 50 is formed on an exterior surface of vessel 11 on rear hold liquid to either consume or distribute. For example con
side 15. The handle is sized and shaped to allow for manual tainer 10 can be a glass, mug, pitcher, cup, or anything that
handling of container 10. This includes lifting, carrying, holds liquid. Sidewalls 20 of container 10 holds the liquid
pouring and other maneuvering of container 10. Handle 50 50 from escaping the container 10 and in general extend upward
can include any standard handle of known beverage pitchers from the base 30 and can be composed of any material and be
and the like. in any shape. In an example, container 10 is formed as an
In this example, vessel 11 further includes a pouring spout integral unit from a suitable plastic material. This can be
60 defined on the front side 14 along the rim 12. The pouring achieved through any means such as injection molding or the
spout 60 extends partially further outward from rim 12 to 55 like.
allow for liquid to pour effectively out from vessel 11. Sidewalls 20 typically are vertical or semi vertical off the
The sidewalls 20 include at least one angled section 40. base 30. In an example, sidewall 20 is integrally formed with
Angled section 40 extends from rim 12 to an interior curved base 30. Base 30 of container 10 is the structure that holds the
floor 41 defined on an interior surface of vessel 11. Interior liquid from escaping from a bottom of container 10. The
floor 41 defines a further shallower curvature extending in a 60 sloped angled section 40 defines a degree of projection of a
curvilinear fashion from angled section 40 towards. Accord portion ofsidewall 20 and is to be from the upper region of the
ingly, as angled section 40 defines an angle relative to a container 10 down to the lower region of the interior space 13
vertical axis defined by the vessel 11, the slope decreases of vessel 11. The angled section 40 is formed along an interior
relative to a horizontal axis defined be the base 30. Angled surface of the vessel 11 leading down towards base 30. The
section 40 and curved floor 41 intersect at an intersection 65 slope can be composed in Some embodiments of radiuses and
portion 42 in a smooth fashion adapted to allow liquid to angles. In an example embodiment of radiuses and angles to
gently fill the interior space 13 of vessel 11. create the angled section 40, the slope can be defined by a 70
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US 9,139,413 B2
5 6
degree angle at atop portion of the pitcher leading downto the In yet a further example, the shape of the container forms a
slope following a radius of 734 inches and the radius that leads lower center of gravity as compared to existing containers and
into a flat surface at the bottom base of 6% inches. thus is less likely to tip over.
There are many different variations of the angled section The following example illustrates pouring data associated
40. The slope 40 does not have to be a constantangle but it can with the present disclosure:
be gradually curving as it approaches base 30. Angled section Pitcher Test Data
40 includes an angled area that starts in the upper region of Test containers are 60 oz pitchers:
sidewalls 20 and leads down towards the base 30. Conventional Pitcher set flat and filled after 20 seconds
In a further example, an insert 180 that fits into existing generated about 4.5 inches of foam.
containers and can be removed for use on other containers to 10 Conventional pitcher held by a person and tilted at about a
reduce foaming (shown in FIGS. 8A-8C. The variation of the 45 degree angle after 20 seconds forms about 3 inches of
device would typically be made out of plastic or metal and foam.
would have the sloping shape similar to that of angled section Foam Reduction Pitcher example of the present disclosure
40 of container 10. Insert 180 includes a sloped angled section set flat and filled after 20 seconds with about 1 inch of foam or
140 and a hanging feature 181. The sloped angle of angled 15 less.
section 140 slows the velocity of a carbonated beverage when Many modifications and variations of the present invention
contacting the insert 180 first before entering the beverage are possible in light of the above teachings and may be prac
container. Hanging feature 181 is sized and shaped to secure ticed otherwise than as specifically described while within the
to a rim of a standard beverage container Such as a beverage Scope of the invention.
pitcher or beer pitcher. This device would then be inserted
into a container and a carbonated liquid would be poured in What is claimed:
and down the slop of the device and then the device removed 1. A beverage container comprising:
after pouring the liquid. The device would then be used on (a). a vessel defining an interior space, the vessel having a
other containers to reduce their foam levels when a liquid is base and sidewalls Surrounding the interior space, the
poured into said container. A target indicia can also be pro 25 sidewalls extending upward from the base and sized and
vided in an example insert 180. shaped to retain a carbonated liquid beverage, the inte
Typically, foam results when pouring a carbonated bever rior space of the vessel having a vertical centerline;
age into a container. The present disclosure creates a region of (b). an opening defined at a top portion of the sidewalls to
the container that the beverage can be poured down that allow for the liquid beverage to enter and exit the interior
lowers the level of foam that is created in the container. The 30 Space;
way the present disclosure creates a lower level of foam in the wherein the sidewalls include a filling side passing through
container is by lowering the impact of the carbonated bever the vertical centerline of the interior space, the filling
age with the container and lowering the impact of the carbon side being configured to gradually decelerate a down
ated beverage on itself that has already settled into the con ward stream of carbonated beverage from a tap dis
tainer. A container according to an example of the present 35 penser prior to colliding with an opposite portion of the
disclosure includes a slope down the side wall of the con sidewalls, the filling side including an angled section
tainer. When the containeris sitting flat on a Surface, a portion extending from adjacent the top portion of the sidewalls
of the side wall defines a non-perpendicular slope relative to diagonally toward the base of the vessel, the angled
the base that extends from a position closer to an opening of section being slanted to directly receive the downward
the container and angling towards the base Such that the 40 stream of carbonated beverage from the tap dispenser,
radius or area of a cross section near the opening is larger than the filling side further including a curved intersection
an area of a cross section of the base. This can lower the disposed between the angled section and an interior floor
impact of the liquid into the bottom of the container. formed on top of the base;
Multiple slopes along the interior sidewall of an example wherein the angled section directs the carbonated beverage
container can be defined extending from the base to the open 45 flow into the curved intersection where the in-flow of
ing. The slope can allow for reduced foam pouring into a carbonated beverage is progressively slowed by travel
container absent the presence of a user and by merely resting ing over an elongated arcuate surface while passing
on a surface below the source of the beverage delivery, such as through the vertical centerline thereby reducing foam
a spout of a beverage tap. production from the carbonated beverage when entering
In an example, a bartender can use one or more of an 50 the interior space of the vessel.
example container described herein above to fill with a car 2. The beverage container of claim 1 further comprising a
bonated beverage Such as beer which typically forms signifi spout formed in the top portion, and a handle formed on an
cant amounts of foam when poured into a standard container. exterior Surface of the vessel opposite the spout, and wherein
The bartender can rest the container below a beer tap typically the handle is formed on a rear side of the vessel for lifting and
used in taverns and bars for delivering beer from a keg that is 55 pouring, and the spout is formed on a front side of the vessel
pressurized. The positioning the container is such that the for directing a controlled outpouring of carbonated beverage
beer is delivered from the tap in a downward direction into the through the opening.
container and by contacting the sloped portion of the interior 3. The beverage container of claim 2 wherein the filling
wall surface prior to contacting the base of the container. The side is defined on the rear side of the vessel.
bartender is free from holding the container to reduce foam 60 4. The beverage container of claim 2 wherein the filling
formation and can attend to other tasks while the beer is filling side is defined on the front side of the vessel.
the container. The foam produced in the container is signifi 5. The beverage container of claim 1 further comprising a
cantly reduced as compared to that of filling a standard con target indicia defined on the angled section, wherein target
tainer. This results in significant beverage savings and thus indicia is located at a position Such that the carbonated bev
cost savings since foamed beer is wasted beer. Moreover, time 65 erage upon entering the vessel contacting the indicia first
savings are included resulting in freeing the bartender from allows for reduced foam production as the vessel is filled with
the task of monitoring the container filling. the carbonated beverage.
Case 4:19-cv-00938-ALM Document 1-1 Filed 12/26/19 Page 13 of 13 PageID #: 20

US 9,139,413 B2
7 8
6. A method of reducing foam production created in pour 11. The method of claim 6 further comprising a target
ing a carbonated beverage into a container, the method com indicia defined on the angled section, wherein target indicia is
prising the steps of: located at a position such that the carbonated beverage upon
(a). placing a beverage container below a tap dispenser of a entering the vessel contacting the indicia first allows for
carbonated beverage delivery system, the tap dispenser 5 reduced foam production as the vessel is filled with the car
configured to selectively emit a stream of carbonated bonated beverage.
beverage with a downward Velocity, said placing step 12. A combination standard beverage pitcher and insert
including supporting a base of the beverage container in device adapted to convert the standard beverage pitcher into a
a generally horizontal position, the beverage container foam-reducing beverage pitcher, the combination compris
having a vessel defining a front and rear side and side 10 1ng:
walls surrounding an interior space of the vessel and at a beverage pitcher having an interior space defined by a
least one angled section of the sidewalls sized and base and sidewalls, a rim formed at the upper edges of
shaped to form a curved intersection with a bottom floor
of the beverage container, the interior space of the vessel the sidewalls, the interior space having a vertical center
having a vertical centerline: 15
(b). positioning the beverage container below the tap dis an insert device, the insert device including a curved and
penser so that the stream of carbonated beverage initially angled unitary portion configured to be placed generally
strikes the angled surface; and diagonally within the interior space of the pitcher so as to
(c). Without tipping the beverage container below the tap traverse the vertical centerline above the base;
dispenser, minimizing foam production by gradually a hanging feature extending above the curved and angled
slowing the velocity stream of the carbonated beverage unitary portion sized and shaped to mount onto the rim
along a flow path established by the angled section and of the beverage pitcher;
the curved intersection that passes through the vertical wherein the curved and angled unitary portion first receives
centerline. a downward stream of carbonated beverage from a tap
7. The method of claim 6 wherein the carbonated beverage 25
dispenser and then decelerates the beverage flow as the
delivery system includes a keg and tap system. flow travels an elongated path through the vertical center
8. The method of claim 6 wherein foam produced when line thereby reducing foam production as the carbonated
filling the beverage container resting flat under the carbonated beverage fills the interior space.
beverage delivery system is one inch or less. 13. The combination of claim 12 further comprising a
9. The method of claim 6 further comprising removing the 30
target indicia defined on the angled section, wherein target
beverage container from the horizontal support surface by indicia is located at a position such that the carbonated bev
manually grasping a handle formed on an exterior surface of erage upon entering the vessel contacting the indicia first
the vessel on the rear side of the vessel. allows for reduced foam production as the vessel is filled with
10. The method of claim 6 wherein the angled section is the carbonated beverage.
defined on one of the front and rear side of the vessel.
Case 4:19-cv-00938-ALM Document 1-2 Filed 12/26/19 Page 1 of 1 PageID #: 21



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