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11/11/2018 Strategy: RBI Grade "B" Officer-2016 by RBI Topper Manojkumar E.


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[RBI] Strategy for Grade B O cer exam phase-1 & phase-2 by RBI-Topper
Manojkumar with his marksheet & cuto
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2 years Ago


1. About the author

2. My clamour for RBI Grade B o cer:
3. General thoughts:
4. Ice breaker and general approach:
5. Newspaper and how to read it:
6.’s role in preparation:
7. Topic wise approach:
8. Phase I
9. Phase II
10.  Economic and Social Issues:
11. English(Writing skills):
12. Finance and Management: 1/17
13. Other sources to be read:Strategy: RBI Grade "B" Officer-2016 by RBI Topper Manojkumar E.

14. Interview:
15. My Marksheet for RBI Grade “B” exam
16. Conclusion:

About the author

Name Manojkumar.E

Age 24 years

Hometown Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu

% in 10th: 91.45%
Education % in 12th: 95.75% (200/200 in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology)
% in U.G: 85.6%

Quali cation: Electronics & Communication engineering

College College: College of Engineering Guindy(CEG), Chennai (Anna university’s main

Senior Business analyst in Mu Sigma Business Solutions Bangalore (Oct 2012-

May 2014)
Assistant in RBI Chennai (Jan 2016-Present)

This was my rst attempt in RBI  o cer’s exam.

Tamil Movies Cricket, cooking and watching tamil movies

My clamour for RBI Grade B o cer:

Friends, RBI has released noti cation for Grade “B” O cers exam Batch 2016. Click me to apply
( In this regard, I wish to share some
insights from my experience. 2/17
11/11/2018 Strategy: RBI Grade "B" Officer-2016 by RBI Topper Manojkumar E.

Myself Manojkumar- like many of you, I’m a small town boy  aspiring for bigger things in life. Like most of
the aspirants do, I entered into the fray of competitive examinations by starting preparation for UPSC civil
services examination. Economics as an important and contemporary subject was very new to me as I did
not have even a little of exposure about the subject in school/college. Everything was new and interesting
and more importantly it made me think more as the subject is more dynamic and mathematical. Two
months into the preparation and I came to know about RBI’s Grade B o cer examination. One of my
friend told me at that point of time that his sister had appeared for the exam an year back and was
awarded a very low score in the interview (probably single digit mark). From there on, I made up my mind
that this post is something that is almost unreachable and might not even suit me as I am a minnow in
this subject. Very limited number of seats(around 100 every year) added assault to injury. I continued with
my preparation for CSE but there was still a great craving about this exam and post. I used to take a look
at previous year question papers of Grade B post which did no good to me but only aggravated my fears. I
could not even get the simplest of doubts cleared and this exam seemed to be a nightmare. That is where
I came across which is almost a game changer for economics and its basics. A friend of mine
gave several PDFs from which explained things in a very simple manner that I not only got
clarity of basics but also developed a liking and love towards the subject. The fear that crept into my mind
had also subsided. After knowing the role of RBI in nation building, I got a feeling that it can give me
strength, satisfaction and respect that a civil servant gets. The scope of service is also very high as the
central bank has become a major player in a world of volatile economy. That is when I decided that I
would jump into Grade B exam preparation

General thoughts: 3/17
11/11/2018 Strategy: RBI Grade "B" Officer-2016 by RBI Topper Manojkumar E.
Preparation has to be two pronged: one for phase 1 and other one for phase 2. It is wise to approach the
exam topic by topic rather than going book by book. Reading precise and staying up to the point is
essential as the exam is objective. At the same time, it is also required to get the conceptual clarity (if not
in depth, at least a basic clarity) as some questions did test the concept clarity. Moreover, English writing
skills and interview requires a fair understanding of concepts. Books suggested and reference books given
by RBI board are too big to cover. It is only by sticking to the syllabus that we can try conquering it to the
best of our satisfaction. It is better to start the preparation with phase 2 and then move on to phase 1
with one or 1.5 months before the exam.

Ice breaker and general approach:

As this exam is a blend of banking, nance and economics, it is better to build the base before jumping
into the syllabus. Complex issues like those in the economic survey can be easier with a good
understanding of concepts. To start with, “Indian economy key concepts by Shankar Ganesh” is a very
good book as it explains things in a simple (simpler than NCERT) and lucid manner that anyone can
understand. 10 chapters and a very small book, so it always keeps you in the groove so that you feel
con dent once you complete the book. Chapters involving capital markets might look slightly complex but
repeated readings can make it look easy. Crux here is to get a feel of what economics is and how it is very
much important in the current context of nation building. And moreover, it covers basics of many topics in
our syllabus such as WTO, Banking, National income, Budget, etc. It is better to institutionalise the terms
by taking up discussions or taking mock vivas among friends. NCERT reading from 9th to 12th is advisable
depending upon the availability of time. One can ignore theorotical economic sections like money
multiplier and all the complex graphs which would automatically fall under Economics optional in Paper-
III. Glancing enough can do a world of good. Our base can be further strengthened by reading PDFs in which is in a dialogue format (funny as well as understandable). Doing all this will make you a
person who is no longer a beginner in economics. It would provide oil for your mind engine when you
jump on to contemporary issues

Newspaper and how to read it:

As this exam is a test of banking/economic knowledge, there is a common misperception that one needs
to study newspapers like Mint, Financial express, Economic Times, etc. But this is not the case here. I am
not discouraging you to follow the above mentioned newspapers. But it is always better to channelize the
resources available to get the best utility out of it. It is more than enough to stick with “THE HINDU”. The
rst paper of the syllabus reads Economic and Social issues. Issues is the key word here signaling that
the contemporary part needs to be given more importance than the static basic parts. Also hardcore
nancial and economic dailies cover topic in a way that might not connect the dots between economic
issues and the underlying socio economic factors for the same. Questions were even asked from Polity in
Paper-I of phase 2. Further General awareness section in Paper-1 requires a general newspaper to be 4/17
11/11/2018 Strategy: RBI Grade "B" Officer-2016 by RBI Topper Manojkumar E.
read rather than an economic newspaper. So, be choosy in reading newspapers that you can a ord to as
time is not a luxury. You could be a regular newspaper reader or a new comer. But make sure that you
follow newspaper regularly as it would provide you the following things:

Good understanding and correlation of topics in the current socio economic scenario
Fodder for essay in Paper-1 of phase 2
The con dence to face the interview
General awareness section of phase 1
English section of phase 1
Current a airs in paper 1 of phase 1

It is good to keep the syllabus by heart while reading the newspaper. That will tell us what is to be covered
and what is to be ignored. I am providing you here with examples of what to read and what not to

To be read:
1) GDP growth accelerates to 7.9% in the nal quarter
2) World Bank announces a new criteria for calculating poverty line
3) 1.44 lakh crores of Education cess collected remains unutilized
4) 25% of children below 5 years of year underweight
5) Jats demand reservation

Not to be read:
1)L&T plans to invest Rs. 6000 crore in the coming quarter
2)Modi govt. not pro poor: Rahul
3)Egypt ight shot down’s role in preparation:

I am not writing this to praise but truth has to be said. IF there could be any resource that in
this world can help you for preparing RBI Grade B, it could be none other than’s videos on
“how to approach economics for UPSC”. It perfectly suits for Grade B preparation also and in fact looks
tailor made for the same. In 2015, there were about 70 videos under 7 topics. I saw all the videos once
and institutionalized them by utilizing the PPTs provided. I almost read it around 5 to 6 times and made
sure that nothing is missed from Economic Survey/Budget. The videos are a nice craftwork of Economic
survey, Budget and current a airs intertwined for the current socio economic scenario. Best thing is that
it is available for free to everyone. People who are from non-hindi states might face slight issues in
following the lecture but the pictures and graphics in PPTs would make it easier. Completing this and
repeated revisions of the same will de nitely provide an edge in paper 1 and paper 3 of phase 2

Topic wise approach: 5/17
11/11/2018 Strategy: RBI Grade "B" Officer-2016 by RBI Topper Manojkumar E.
Phase I:

Section Source

General awareness The Hindu, monthly PDFs ,

English The Hindu

Quants TIME CAT materials

Logical reasoning TIME CAT materials

Test series: (  I also got good reviews about oliveboard
test series. Decide the section wise order even while taking up mocks and stick on to this. My order is as
follows: General awareness, English, Quants, Logical reasoning. First two sections would take only 30-40
minutes and you would have covered 110 questions. Scoring high in General awareness is very important
as Quants and Logical reasoning sections are really tough to get through where clearing the sectional cut
o s should be the aim.

Phase II

I am mentioning here the static areas to be covered under these topics. It is very essential to
update the same with contemporary areas in these topics from newspapers, Budget, Economic
Survey, Yojana, Vision IAS current a airs etc

 Economic and Social Issues:

Topic Source

Growth and Development, Measurement of

12th NCERT, Shankar Ganesh, Sanjeev Verma

Poverty alleviation and employment

Ramesh singh, Sanjeev verma, 11th NCERT
generation in India

Economic reforms, Industrial and labour

Sanjeev Verma, Wikipedia
policy, Privitization, Globalization

BoP, Exim policy, IMF, WB, Regional Most of them are dynamic. Wikipedia would help
economic cooperation getting how these institutions were formed

Multicultarism, Demographic trends, 11th Geography old NCERT Land and people, Latest
Urbanization and migration census data

Positive discrimination, Indian political Articles and special provisions in favor of backward and
system scheduled classes

English(Writing skills): 6/17
11/11/2018 Strategy: RBI Grade "B" Officer-2016 by RBI Topper Manojkumar E.
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away
An essay a week keeps the mark intact”

Essay and Precise writing were the two questions asked in this paper with 50 marks each in both the
questions. The name is self-explanatory where in writing skills play a major role for scoring high in this
paper. This is something that comes with practice in writing. In order to improve writing in subsequent
iterations, it is always important to read quality content. And Essay topics would be mostly from current
socio economic issues. So there need not be a separate content that has to be read for this paper. It is all
about putting the content in the right format and structure. Practicing essays and getting it reviewed from
a peer who is really good at content pertaining to the topic and English language should be the key.
Editorials in The Hindu which are very relevant to current economic scenario can be agged, noted and
revised for some good fodder and key stats. Economic survey, Budget, Yojana articles can spice up your
essay when mixed in right proportion. It is also important not to take precise writing lightly. Taking help
from online resources and practicing is a must. All these small things will de nitely pave way for a bigger
thing-i.e. success

Finance and Management:

Topic Source

Financial system Mrunal, Shankar Ganesh

Financial Markets,
NCFM materials(by Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE))

Recent developments in
Banking,Public sector Economic survey, Current a airs from Vision IAS

FRBMA Ramesh Singh

Finance commission
recommendations, In ation, Rbi o cial site, Shankar Ganesh

Questions were very basic and hence a basic understanding of all

Management management terms in the syllabus is more than enough. Online
resources and Wikipedia would help

Other sources to be read:

Yojana- This would provide an analytical understanding of current schemes and hence facts would
become a matter of simplicity once analytical thoughts are developed
Vision IAS current a airs- Contemporary a airs are the most sought in any competitive exam. This would
provide a monthly break up of current a airs and hence note making need not be done by us which 7/17
11/11/2018 Strategy: RBI Grade "B" Officer-2016 by RBI Topper Manojkumar E.
would save a lot of time Monthly PDFs of current a airs (factual). This is mainly useful for General awareness
section of phase 1


Not getting shortlisted in the nal stage after crossing phase 2 doesn’t mean that you have solely lost it
because of a poor show in the interview. Most of them fall behind in phase 2 and even a better score in
interview won’t help. So it is always better that phase 2 marks are su ciently above the cut o marks so
that it would provide the cushion even if something drastic happens in the interview. However it is best to
approach the interview with an open mind without speculating what we would get for the interview. The
panel would be very friendly and tries to bring the best in you. So it is very important not to panic to
express what you try to convey. One has to really make sure that one is 100% sure about the things
mentioned in the bio data which was sought by RBI services board before the interview. It is even ok to
have a simple resume but overstating and not able to justify your stand will bring curtains. It is even ok to
say “Don’t know” but making sure that the previous question’s poor impact doesn’t get re ected in the
next one is very essential. This would put a test on your resilience and ability to perform under adverse
conditions. Mock interviews are a matter of discretion and even self-talks are enough if you are con dent.
Create own questions and answer it as many times as you can. Throw up all the weird questions with
respect to your resume and get it answered before you step into the interview hall

My Marksheet for RBI Grade “B” exam

Phase 1:

Section Marks/Total marks Cut o pertaining to my category

General awareness 54.75/80 16

English 20.75/30 6

Quants 13/30 6

Logical Reasoning 15.75/60 12

Total 104/200 78.5

Phase 2 and Interview:

Paper Marks/Total marks Cut o pertaining to my category

Economic and Social issues 78/100 –

English 73/100 –

Finance and Management 71.25/100 – 8/17
11/11/2018 Strategy: RBI Grade "B" Officer-2016 by RBI Topper Manojkumar E.
Phase 2 total 222.25/300 182

Interview 40/50 –

Total 262.25/350 234.50


At the end of the day, even after so much preparation there would be questions that looks unanswerable.
What we are doing here is to equip ourselves with all the weapons in our armory to make sure we win the
battle even if we lose some soldiers. Presence of mind and application on the exam day are also going to
be vital as this is an objective exam and hence elimination is the best way to go. Customize yourself by
taking a good understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. You could be a Civil Service aspirant or a
Banking aspirant or solely a RBI aspirant. Adjust accordingly and launch your preparation. All the Best!


 Mrunal recommends

 Books for UPSC IAS/IPS

 SBI/IBPS Bank Exams

 SSC CGL: Sta selection

 CDS: Defense Services

 CAT/IIM MBA Entrance

 ACIO Intel O cer

 More from this Category 9/17
11/11/2018 Strategy: RBI Grade "B" Officer-2016 by RBI Topper Manojkumar E.
[IBPS CWE] Written Exam result out (
2014-question-paper-cuto s-marks-interview.html)
[United India AO] Share your Mains exam experience for bene t of future
aspirants (
trend-analysis-cuto s.html)
[Result] IBPS PO 2014 result out for written exam + call letters for clerks,
Marksheets for RRB (
exam-cuto s-marksheet.html)
[SBI Associate PO] Request to share online exam question list, bcoz RTI can’t
get it & future aspirants need it (
2014-question-paper-cuto s-interview.html)
[SBI Asso. PO] Halltickets, Centre address doubts, Car-Pooling, Travel &
Lodging help (

 Get noti ed whenever I post new article!


246 Comments on “[RBI] Strategy for Grade B O cer exam phase-1

& phase-2 by RBI-Topper Manojkumar with his marksheet &
cuto ”


Customized Online Study Material For RBI Gr B Ph 1 & 2 Exam With Regular
Updates till the date of Exam at Reasonable fees. Mail ( for Details
and Samples.

saikrishna REPLY

how to get previous year question paper of rbi grade b phase 1 and phase

REPLY 10/17
Sreejith (
11/11/2018 Strategy: RBI Grade "B" Officer-2016 by RBI Topper Manojkumar E.

Nice post ..Thank u sir


I dnt get any statics phase 2 RBI grade b exam past paper can anyone


If you have any material for preparation please forward it me at (
Thank you

purushottam REPLY

from where to get the videos of ?

Rimi ( REPLY

sir i want previous year question paper


Sir I need study material for Group B post Cooperative O cer under Central
Government can u please forward me to my email Id

Riya ( REPLY

Sir Is there any latest noti caton for new recruitment? 11/17
11/11/2018 Strategy: RBI Grade "B" Officer-2016 by RBI Topper Manojkumar E.

Kiran Sinha REPLY

Firstly i want to thank you to share your each an every preparation steps.
While reading this i stuck with a genuinely question.You mentioned there
that you was a civil service aspirant too. Have you any regret about leaving
civil service option.

Aditi Gupta REPLY

ir I need study material for Group B post Cooperative O cer under Central
Government can u please forward me to my email Id (

Aditi Gupta REPLY

Sir, can you please forward me the study material for RBI Group B Phase I
to my email Id (


Sir, can you please provide the detailed study materials and books in pdf
format if any for RBI grade b o cers phase II exam @ (

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