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Engineering: In&Ct

c ARISER Vol. 4 No. 3 (2008) 119-128

Microcontroller Based Fractal Order Systems Digital Implementation

Using the Singularity Function Approximation Method


Electronics Department, Mentouri University, Constantine, Algeria;;

Received 05 June 2008; Accepted 18 June 2008

This paper deals with the modeling and realization in the discrete time domain of the irrational transfer
function representing fractional order systems. Based on the singularity function method, these irrational
functions are approximated by rational ones in the s-plane then mapped into the z-plane using Tustin’s
method. Examples demonstrating the use of the approximation are given. The simple fractal power pole
or zero elements constituting the basic building blocks of fractal systems are implemented using a very
efficient microcontroller of Microchip company the PIC 16f877A. A development board baptized PIC-
FOS-BOARD has been designed and fabricated in the Laboratory. The PIC16F877A is interfaced to a PC
through USART communication to send the real time data to the PC for analysis and comparison with
Matlab simulation results. The goal of this work is to design and implement these systems in a Microchip
PIC16F877A microcontroller using embedded technology and obtain their time responses. All computa-
tions are performed in real time, but plots of the output signals are made after a certain number of sampling
periods. Finally, the experimental results are discussed and a general conclusion is drawn.

Keywords: FOS, singularity function method, FPP, FPZ, microcontroller, impulse response, step response.

Contents 2.2 PIC FOS Development Board . . . . . 121

2.3 Developing the PIC code . . . . . . . 123
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 3 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
2 Presentation of the Microcontroller 3.1 Example 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
(PIC16F877A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 3.2 Example 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

1 Introduction

A fractional order system is a dynamical system whose time domain behavior can be described by non integer
order differential equations. These kind of systems have been known since the 18th century by mathematicians
and scientists and have become the focus of interest for many researchers in different disciplines of science and
technology in the last few decades. This type of systems are found to describe adequately the majority of the
physical and natural phenomena which have the property of recursivity and self similarity at all scales {Mandelbrot
[6]; Tsao et al. [9]} and obeying to fractal geometry laws.
The basic element in the study, analysis and synthesis of such systems in the frequency domain is the fractal
power pole (FPP) given by {Davidson et al. [2]} :

H (s) =  m for 0 < m < 1 (1)
1 + psT

where K, m are real numbers, s = jω the complex frequency and pT is the corner frequency.
Intensive works have been undertaken to model this elemental FPP system in the analog domain by networks
of resistances and capacitors {Wang [10]} arranged in a given manner and based on different methods of approx-

Arab Research Institute in Sciences & Engineering
Online Publishing Group ISSN 1994-3253
120 Z. Santouh et al.

imation of this irrational transfer function by a combination of linear system models {Charef et al. [1]} given in
Eq. (2).
N ∏ 1 + zsi
H (s) ∼
= Ha (s) = ∑  =
i=0 1 + p

i ∏ 1+ pi
where 0 < m < 1, pi ’s are poles, zi ’s are zeros and N is the number of poles determined by Charef’s method in
which a prescribed error in dB is specified prior to the approximation.
The significant progress in theoretical works which has been made recently has laid the foundation for an
increasing number of applications in various fields {Goldberger et al. [3]; Ichise et al. [4]; Manabe [5]; Oustaloup
Another variety of fractional order system encountered very often in automatic control is the basic fractional
order power zero (FPZ) which can be derived from the latter and is represented by Eq. (3) as :
s m
H (s) = 1 + for 0 < m < 1 (3)
Similarly, this (FPZ) transfer functions approximated by rational functions given in Eq. (4):
∏ 1 + zi N
Ki s
H (s) ∼
= Ha (s) = N 
= 1 + ∑ s (4)
i=0 1 + p

∏ 1 + psi i

This paper deals with the practical digital implementation of these irrational functions on an embedded system
PIC16f877A of the Microchip family. First, these irrational functions are approximated by rational ones, using the
singularity function method {Charef et al. [1]} which consists of replacing the ±20mdB/decade slope of the Bode
plot of these transfer functions by zigzag lines of 0 and ±20dB/decade alternatively. The s−plane resulting rational
functions whose poles and zeros follow a geometric progression distribution on the complex frequency axis are
then mapped onto the z−plane with the use of the famous Bilinear method. Numerical examples demonstrating
the use of the approximation in the discrete time domain are given, and then practically implemented in the PIC
Microcontroller and tested to prove that they really model these fractional order systems.
This paper is organized as follows. First, we describe the hardware environment used during the development
stages of microcontroller-based fractal system model.
Next, we describe the software environment and code development steps used in this paper. After that, we
present two examples where data resulting from communication between PIC-FOS Board and the PC are exploited.
Finally, we end up with some concluding remarks and conclusions.

2 Presentation of the Microcontroller (PIC16F877A)

2.1 Introduction
In order to run the real-time computations algorithm and send resulting sampled signals via ports, a PIC16F877A
(Microchip 8-bit microcontrollers) is used. It consists of fixed-point and floating-point capability. This microcon-
troller combines this real-time processing capability with controller peripherals to create a suitable solution for a
vast majority of control system applications {Mishra et al. [7]}. The following characteristics make the PIC family
a suitable choice for a wide range of processing applications:
– Flexible instruction set,
– Inherent operational flexibility,
– Comparative high-speed performance,
– Cost effectiveness.
Core key Features:
Microcontroller Based Fractal Order Systems Digital Implementation Using. . . 121

The PIC16F877 whose pin configurations are depicted in Fig. 1 has the following key features {webref [11]}:
– High performance RISC CPU
– Only 35 single word instructions to learn
– All single cycle instructions except for program branches which are two cycles
– Clock speed: DC - 20 MHz clock input, DC - 200 ns instruction cycle
– Up to 8K x 14 words of FLASH Program code Memory
– Up to 368 x 8 bytes of Data Memory (RAM)
– Up to 256 x 8 bytes of EEPROM Data Memory
– 10-bit A/D converters:8 input channels, 33 I/O pins : ports(A,B,C,D,E)
– Interrupt capability (up to 14 sources)
– Serial communication and parallel communications (USART, PSP )
– •Eight
Eightlevel deep
level hardware
deep stackstack
– Direct, indirect and relative
• Direct, indirect and relative addressing modesmodes
– Power-on Reset (POR)
• Power-on Reset (POR)
– •Power-up
Power-up Timer
(PWRT)and and
Oscillator Start-up
Oscillator TimerTimer
Start-up (OST) (OST)
– Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC
• Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator oscillator for reliable operation
for reliable operation
– 03 timers
• 03 timers
– •0202
Capture/Compare/PWM modules
– Programmable code protection
• Programmable code protection
– •Power
Power saving SLEEP
saving SLEEPmode
– Selectable oscillator options:
•Selectable oscillator options: RC, XT,
– Low power, high speed CMOS FLASH/EEPROM
• Low power, high speed CMOS FLASH/EEPROM technology
– In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) via
• In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) via two pinstwo pins
– •Single
In-CircuitSerial Programming
Serial Programming capability
– Processor read/write access to program
• Processor read/write access to program memorymemory

F IG1. 1:Pin configuration
Pin configuration of theof the PIC16F877A

B. PIC FOS Development Board

2.2 The
PICPIC-FOS BOARD experimental
FOS Development Board platform is designed around the PIC 16f877A 40- pin chip and uses
a PC unit (serial RS232 cable link and HyperTerminal software).
The The
complete experimental
circuit diagramplatform
of the is
20designed aroundoperated
MHz crystal the PIC 16f877A 40- pin chip
microcontroller and uses a PC
development unit as
(serial RS232 cable link and HyperTerminal software).
shown in Fig. 2 can be divided in 5 different sections:
1. Regulated 5V power supply
2. PIC16F877A to LED’s and a seven segment display circuits.
3. PIC16F877A to R2R network with the low pass RC filter and Op-Amp circuit
4. PIC16F877A to MAX232 IC circuit for serial communication with the PC.
5. Select buttons and switches for program control and inputs
122 Z. Santouh et al.

The complete circuit diagram of the 20 MHz crystal operated microcontroller development board as shown in
Fig. 2 can be divided in 5 different sections:

1. Regulated 5V power supply

2. PIC16F877A to LED’s and a seven segment display circuits.
3. PIC16F877A to R2R network with the low pass RC filter and Op-Amp circuit
4. PIC16F877A to MAX232 IC circuit for serial communication with the PC.
5. Select buttons and switches for program control and inputs

The analog input signal x(t) is first sampled at 500 times per second, and a 10-bit A/D conversion is performed
by the microcontroller PIC16F877A. Next the PIC16F877A computes the output sample y(n) by executing the
real time system difference equation programmed code. These calculations typically involve multiplying the input
values by constants and accumulating the product terms together.
followed by an RC filter circuit used to smoothen the output stair-case signal by attenuating harmonic
As the PIC code is executed for each input data sample, the output of the MAC operations which represents the
frequencies of the sampling frequency fs.
output sample y(n) are output through a DAC (digital to analog converter) to convert the signal back to analog
form. The R2R ladder network is used for this purpose here and it is followed by an RC filter circuit used to
Fig. 2 alsotheshows
smoothen outputthe connection
stair-case diagram
signal by from
attenuating the PIC16F877A
harmonic to the
frequencies of thesampling
chip interfacing
fs. the
microcontroller to the PC. Here, the Max232 chip is connected from pin 11 and 12 to
Fig. 2 also shows the connection diagram from the PIC16F877A to the Max232 chip interfacing the microcon-the PIC16F877
troller to(pin
the 25
the Max232 chip is connected from pin 11 and 12 to the PIC16F877 PORTC (pin 25 and
The The
sample raterate
sample is is
500 Hz, so
500Hz, so every
every 22 msmsthe
outputdatadata sample
sample is converted
is converted conveniently
conveniently as bytesas of bytes
data compatible with the RS 232 communication protocol and sent to PC computer
with the RS 232 communication protocol and sent to PC computer with the speed of 1200 bits with the speed
1200and bitsrecorded
per second and
in a text filerecorded
to be read in
text file
and to be read
plotted by Matlabwith
for comparison andsimulation
plotted for comparison
RC filterresults.
output signal is fed to the TL082 operational amplifier input for more amplification.

The RC filter output signal is fed to the TL082 operational amplifier input for more amplification.

F IG .22:The
Fig. The PIC-FOS

C. Developing the PIC code

Software development flow for the pic 16f877A consists of the following steps:
-Simulation under Matlab of the time responses,
- PIC source-code generation, and
Microcontroller Based Fractal Order Systems Digital Implementation Using. . . 123

2.3 Developing the PIC code

Software development flow for the pic 16f877A consists of the following steps:
– Simulation under Matlab of the time responses,
– PIC source-code generation, and
– Hardware implementation.
Before implementing the system algorithm in actual hardware, we can simulate the system model time re-
sponses in MATLAB to have an idea of the output signal level so as to scale appropriately the PIC computed
sample to be output via ports C and D and, hence avoid saturation or overflow problems. After that we implement
the discrete time model approximating the fpp or fpz using the corresponding difference equation which will be
coded in software to run the hardware.
To implement the actual algorithm it must be first turned into code that runs on the PIC16f877A. We used a
C-compiler to write the program which after compiling generates the PIC source code called the executable file
which can be downloaded to the PIC-FOS board. Implementations in C high level language allows us to quickly
produce PIC source codes that are not fully optimized but efficient enough for the intended implementation where
the order of the equivalent system model and the sampling frequency are low.
The overall algorithm of this project may be divided into 4 main parts as shown in Fig.3 The initialization
module defines and initializes the software variables, constants and specific registers and I/O ports. The next stage
is reading the analog signal at the PORTA, channel 2. This task is performed by the programmable on-chip ADC
which samples the input signal at a rate of f s = 500Hz and produces a 10-bit signal x(n). The next stage is the
main part of the program which computes the output sample y(n) according to the system’s difference equation.
It involves floating point multiplication and signed numbers addition taking many clock cycles, hence making a
constraint in the choice of the microcontroller’s speed. A simple program has been made to check for the math
computations time so as not to affect the sampling period Ts otherwise it would be accounted for. The step that
follows outputs the computation result y(n) via PORTS C and D to be converted back to the analog form or via
PORTC: pin6 and pin7 for serial communication with the computer for recording and later use. Right then, the
final stage consists of updating variables with a return to start of the program.

3 Experimental Results
To illustrate the topic we have chosen two experimental examples, one concerns the fractal power pole and the
other he fractal power zero basic elements.

3.1 Example 1:
The transfer function of a fractional power pole with m = 0.1 and a corner frequency wc = 200rad/s is given by :
H (s) = 0.1 (5)
1 + 200
With an error y = 1dB, a bandwidth ω max = 104 rad/s, and making use of the approximation given in Eq. (2), we
1.16e − 007s2 + 0.001319s + 1
Ha (s) = (6)
1.835e − 0.12s3 + 2.097e − 007s2 + 0.001713s + 1
Knowing that the sampling frequency f s = 500Hz and applying the Bilinear transform, we get the Z-transform of
Ha (s) as follows :
s= T2s 1−z−1 ∑ ai z−i
1+z i=0
Ha (s) −→ Ha (z) = N
∑ bi z−i
where, M = N = 3 and the ai’s and bi’s are given in Tab. 1.
by the programmable on-chip ADC which samples the input signal at a rate of fs=500Hz and produces
a 10-bit signal x(n). The next stage is the main part of the program which computes the output
sample y(n) according to the system’s difference equation. It involves floating point multiplication and
signed numbers addition taking many clock cycles, hence making a constraint in the choice of the
microcontroller’s speed. A simple program has been made to check for the math computations time so
as not to affect the sampling period Ts otherwise it would be accounted for. The step that follows
outputs the computation result y(n) via PORTS C and D to be converted back to the analog form or
124 PORTC:pin6 and pin7 for serial communication with the computer for recording and later
Z. Santouh et al.use.
Right then, the final stage consists of updating variables with a return to start of the program.


configuration and initialization

Porta=0xff, Portc=0x00, Portd=0x00
i=0:M ;x(n-i)=0, j=0:N;y(n-j)=0

Get input sample:

x(n)= ADC read on Porta,Pin.2

Compute the output sample:

y(n) = ∑ ai .x(n − i) − ∑bi . y(n − i)
i =0 i =1

Output computed sample y(n) on Port c and

Port d

update variables :


IG . 3: PIC
programcode flowchart.
code flowchart

TAB . 1: Ha(z) coefficients for the FPP system.

i ai bi
0 0.8356 1
1 1.4371 1.5379
2 0.5351 0.3702
3 −0.0694 −0.1727

Thus, the difference equation to be coded into the PIC16f877A program memory is the following :
y (n) = ∑ ai x (n − i) − ∑ bi y (n − i) (8)
i=0 i=1

Since a system can be completely characterized by its impulse response, we hardcode

Microcontroller Based Fractal Order Systems Digital Implementation Using. . . 125

x(n) = 1 for n = 0 in the microcontroller’s program memory and record the h(n) data sent to the PC via the
RS232 communication cable.
Fig. 4 shows the plot of the PIC obtained impulse response corresponding to these data and the plot of the
Matlab simulated impulse response of the FPP system under approximation. We can see that they are quite over-
lapping and we can not distinguish between the two curves unless we make a zoom many times. This result is
not astonishing if we know the computational power of the microcontroller which can be thought of as a small
We can apply all the canonical forms of signals to the PIC based fractal system and look for the response at
the output, in our case we limited ourselves to checking for the step response which is gotten simply by setting
x(n) = 1 for n > 0 in the program.
As we may see in Fig.5, the curves corresponding to the step responses of both experimental and simulation
results lie on top of each other and the difference is unnoticeable.

FPP: m=0.1, w=200rd/s,wmax=104 rd/s, y=1dB and Ts=2ms

0.7 h(n):Simulation
Impulse reponse amplitude



0.4 h(n):PIC 16f877A




10 20 30 40 50 60
time steps im terms of Ts

Fig. 4F IGDiscrete timetime

. 4: Discrete impulse responses:
impulse theoretical
responses: theoretical andand experimental
experimental resultsresults for the
for the FPP FPP system

FPP: m=0.1, w=200rd/s,wmax=104 rd/s, y=1dB and Ts=2ms

3.2 Example 2:
Let’s have a fractional power zero system represented by the following transfer function:
0.98 PIC
h(n): PIC 16f877
 s 0.2
H (s) = 1 + Matlab (9)
step reponse amplitude

0.96 100
With m = 0.2 and 0.94
a corner frequency wc = 100rad/s where the prescribed error is y = 1dB, a bandwidth ω max =
104 rad/s. Making use of the approximation given in Eq. (4), we get
h(n): Simulation
2.371 10−009 s3 + 9.699 10−006 s2 + 0.007273s + 1
Ha (s) ≈
0.9 (10)
5.623 10−014 s4 + 1.307 10−009 s3 + 5.761 10−006 s2 + 0.00551s + 1
Choosing the same0.88sampling frequency as before f s = 500Hz and applying the Bilinear transform as given in Eq.
(7), we get the Z-transform
0.86 of Ha (s) which is Ha (z) with M = N = 4 and the following coefficients of Tab. 2.


10 20 30 40 50 60
time steps im terms of Ts

Fig. 5 Discrete time step responses: theoretical and experimental results for the FPP system


10 20 30 40 50 60
time steps im terms of Ts
126 Fig. 4 Discrete time impulse responses: theoretical and experimental results for the FPPZ.system
Santouh et al.

FPP: m=0.1, w=200rd/s,wmax=104 rd/s, y=1dB and Ts=2ms

0.98 PIC
h(n): PIC 16f877
step reponse amplitude


h(n): Simulation





10 20 30 40 50 60
time steps im terms of Ts

F IG . 5: Discrete time step responses: theoretical and experimental results for the FPP system.
Fig. 5 Discrete time step responses: theoretical and experimental results for the FPP system
TAB . 2: Ha(z) coefficients for the FPZ system.
B. Example #2:
i ai bi
Let’s have a fractional power zero system represented
0 1.4921 1 by the following transfer function:
1 1.0124 ⎛ 0.8935 0 .2
s ⎞
Η ( s
2 −0.9827) = 1 +
⎜ −0.3802⎟
3 −0.4257 100 ⎠
⎝ −0.3398
With m=0.2 and a corner frequency4wc=1000.0773 rad/s where
0.0000the prescribed error is y=1dB , a bandwidth

Thus, the difference equation to be coded into the PIC16f877A program memory is is similar to that of Eq. (8)
except for the order and the constants.
Following the same procedure as in the fpp case, we plot on the same graph both the PIC-FOS Board obtained
impulse response and Matlab simulated one.
Fig. 6 shows the plot of the experimental and theoretical impulse responses of the FPZ system in question.
Again, we can see that they are quite overlapping and we can not distinguish between the two curves unless we
make a zoom many times. This excellent result was expected since the PIC math routines involve floating point
As in example 1, and for the sake of comparison, the set up of the PIC based experiment is altered a little bit to
get the step response which is displayed in Fig. 7 with that of simulation.
At first glance, one sees only one curve in Fig.7, it is only after zooming many times that on can see distinctly
both curves. In fact, the experimental and simulation results coincide very closely due to excellent precision with
which the input and output samples are represented in the pic code. A clue to separate the two curves in Matlab a
bit is just to add a constant to one of them to shift it up.

4 Conclusion

The goal of this article was to digitally implement fractional order systems such as the fractional power pole
(FPP) , and the fractional power zero (FPZ) on the PIC 16f877A microcontroller of the Microchip family based on
the improved singularity function method in the approximation of such systems, by rational functions, in a given
frequency band of practical interest. In the discretization scheme, use is made of the famous bilinear transform
method. The PIC based development platform as well as the software algorithm steps for source-code generation
are described.
Fig. 6 shows the plot of the experimental and theoretical impulse responses of the FPZ system in
question. Again, we can see that they are quite overlapping and we can not distinguish between the
two curves unless we make a zoom many times. This excellent result was expected since the PIC
math routines involve floating point multiplication.

As in example # 1, and for the sake of comparison, the set up of the PIC based experiment is altered
a little bit to get the step response which is displayed in Fig. 7 with that of simulation.
At first glance, one sees only one curve in Fig.7, it is only after zooming many times that on can see
distinctly bothBased
Microcontroller curves. In Order
Fractal fact, Systems
the experimental and simulation
Digital Implementation Using. . .results coincide very closely due to 127
excellent precision with which the input and output samples are represented in the pic code.
FPZ: m=0.2, w=100rd/s,wmax=104 rd/s, y=1dB and Ts=2ms

h(n):Simulation Matlab
Impulse reponse amplitude


h(n): PIC 16f877A



10 20 30 40 50 60
time steps im terms of Ts
Fig. 6 Discrete impulse responses: theoretical and experimental results for the FPZ system
F IG . 6: Discrete impulse responses: theoretical and experimental results for the FPZ system.

FPZ: m=0.2, w=100rd/s,wmax=104 rd/s, y=1dB and Ts=2ms

1.4 PIC
h(n): Simulation
1.35 Matlab
Step reponse amplitude

h(n): PIC 16f877A


10 20 30 40 50 60
time steps im terms of Ts

IG .77: Discrete
Discrete time
time step responses:theoretical
step responses: theoreticaland
thethe FPZ
FPZ system

A clue to separate the two curves in Matlab a bit is just to add a constant to one of them to shift it up.
Experimental results have been given to demonstrate the usefulness of the approximation method both in the
analog and4inConclusion
the digital domains.
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