CP 59 - 1998 Construction, Installation, Operation - Maintenance of Intruder Alarm Sys

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“3 SINGAPORE STANDARD CP 59 : 1998 {ICS 13.310) CODE oF PRACTICE FOR Construction, installation, operation and maintenance of intruder alarm systems All rights roserved. Uniess otherwise specified, no part of this Singapore ‘Standard may be reproduced or utlised in any form or by any means, ‘electronie or mechantoal, including photocopying and microftiming, without permission in writing from PSB at the address below: ‘Singapore Productivity and Standards Board 4 Soience Park Drive a ROGER PRESTON (VIETNAM) CO. LTD 5 Nguyen Gia Thieu Steet (UNIT 103A) ISBN 9971467-6523 District 3, HCMC, Vietnam. TEL: 84-8-9306597 FAX: 84-8-9306598 E-mail: admin - jrp@ jrpvietnam.com.vn CP 5g; 1998 ‘This Singapore Standard having been approved by the Electrical Industry Practice Commities was ‘endorsed by the Stendards Council on 30 November 1998. First published, 1992 First revision, 1998 The Electrical Induetry Practice Committee appointed by the Standards Council consists of the following members: Name Organisation Chairman: Mr Soh Siew Cheong ‘Standards Counc Secretary = MeDennis Chew ‘Snigapore Productivity end Stenderds Board Members: Assoc Prof Cherig Che Sau National University of Singapore Me Foo Kong Deen ‘Shgapore Bieciica! Tredes Association | MeGoh Eng Kee [Ngee Ann Polytechnic MrHo Fui Chan Housing & Development Board Mc Ho Sou Weng Singepare Polytechnic Mr Bemard Koh Institute of Technizal Education Mr Leong Kok Yeong ‘Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore Er. NP. Karthigayar Insttution of Engineers Siegapore Mr Samwel Ong ‘Singepare Electrica! Contractors Association MrPeng Teh Kang Public Works Department MrTan Sing Ong Jaron Town Corporation ‘Assoc Prof Tes Cheng Yu Nanyang Technological University Me Wan Fook Sing ‘Singapore Contractors Association Limited fie Wu Ching Chan Temasek Polytechnic: Mr Yeo Yek Seng Public tities Board ‘The Technical Committze aopointed by the Electrical Industry ® actice Committee and responsible for the preparation ofthis standard consists of representatives trom: the following organisations: Narne Organisation Chairman: Mr Leong Kok Yeong ectrical industry Practice Commates Secretary Ms Jessie Chow Po Shim Singapore Productivity and Stenderds Dosrd Members: Mr Anthony Goh Roa! Eotata Developers’ Asvociotion of ‘Singapore ASP Raymond Han Singapore Pofice Force Er. Thomas Lee Kian Chew Inettuton of Engineers Singepore {Me Jarnes Ler Chin Yeow ‘Securtty Systenrs AsaDoiation of Singapore 1M Lim Hing Leong ‘Singepore Productivity and Standards Board Mr Pang Yeow Hust Housing & Development Board Er. Tan Heng Wee Associaton of Consulting Engineers, Singapore Mr Tan Kheng Swe Public Werks Department Mr Teng Kin Yew Temasek Poiytechnic Mr Wong Yau Liong Telecommunication Authority of Singapore Mr Pedy Yep ‘Singapore Electrical Contractors Association ‘Assac Prof Yeo Tat Soon ‘Notional University of Singapore Foreword | CP 50-1998 ian i Contents CODE OF PRACTICE 4 Scope and definitions, 6 : 2 Classification of detection capabiity of intruder alarm syetems " i . 3 ‘System requirements 42 ! i 4 Control equipment B ! i 5 Detector 16 i 6 Power supply equipment 20 4 7 Sigmaling systems 24 | 3 8 Wiking a1 ¢ 9 Operating procedures and maintenance: 3 1 i 40 Regamens racer! lam nontbirg ean % a { ANNEXES a , i B Transient voltage disturbance test 2 rl Tests for rechargeable sealed batteries ” Equipment attached to lines provided by telecarmmunication authority BD E Guide tothe apprication and installation of detection devices 83 F Maintenance and records 54 @ Central alarm monitoring station - monitoring report and incide-t report 59 TABLE 81 Groups of croult examples “4 FIGURES { At Matha¢ofmessurement er sound ve " j Bt ak inpusewinine tet a ' B2 Coupling creuit for high-frequency disturbance test — longitusinsl mode 48 | 83 Coupling ci-cuit for high-trequency disturbance test ~ transverse mode 48 i 1 i 3 Foreword This Code of Practice (CP) was prepared by the Technical Committee on Review of Singapore ‘Standard Code of Practice for the Consiruction, Instataton, Operation and Maintenence of Intruder ‘Alarm Systems under the direction of the Electrical Industry Practice Committee. It is @ revision of SS OP 59: 1992. The code sets out the general specification and requirements for the construction, installation, ccporation and maintenance of intruder alarm systems. it doas not specify the extent or degree of protection to be provided, and it does not nevessariy cover all the requirements tor @ particular installation, for example the intruder alarm systems requirements tor banks and standalone Automated Teller Machines (ATMs). This code is technically equivalent to ASINZS 2201 : 1986 except forthe folowing: - {Clause § which is extracted from IEC 80836-2-2:1987. It sta:es the requirement and the method of installation for detector, (2) Subslause which is incorporated as kt suggests tre duretion for triggered auelible alarm system for both residental and non-residentia! area; (@) —Subelause 7.2.3 which is incorporated as it suggests fo include a strobe ligh: to all external alarm and ts colour and duration of lashing: (W) —Subciause 7.2.4, Subctause and Subclause which are incorporated as they ‘suggest the “equirements of rernate signaling devices, wirsiess nsmission end videc: alarm ‘eriication system, rospoctvely, () Clause 10 which is replaced with the Fire Safely Bureau (FSB) checiist for central alarm ‘monitoring station (¥) Annex B which is replaced with the requizements of the telecommunication authority; (i) Annex F which is extracted from 8S 4737 : Part 4 : Section 42 : 1986. It provides recormendalions for the preventative and corrective maintanance of, and keeping of recor’s for, intruder alarm systems in buiings, (vi) Annex G which is incorporated 26 It provides reference for monitoring report and incident report for central atarm monitoring station. Items (i) to Gv) ere major additions introduced in this revision. Acknowledgement is made for the use of the following references: 1. ASINZS.2201:- Inder alarm systems Parl 1; 1986 Systeme installed in cients premises Part2: 1992 Central stations and sionaling Hinks Part 9: 1991 Detection devices “o:intemal use 2, ASINZS 3100: 1997 Approval snd tast specification - Goneral requirements for electrical equipment | iat ees RAR ANTOINETTE: eee ican 3. 88 4797;- lntrider slate systems Part 4: Codes of practice ‘Section 4.1; “987 Code of practice for planning and Installation. Section 4.2: 1986 Code of practice for maintenance and records ‘Section 4.3 : 1888 Code of practice for exterior alaim system Part ofthis code is based an BS 4737 and is reproduced by permission of British Standards institution, 389 Chiswick High Road, London WH 4AL, England. = q ‘Singapore Standards are subjoct fo perodic roview to keop abreast of technological changes and new {echolcel developmonts. The revisions of Singapore Standards ore announced through the issue of ‘either arnandment sips or revised edifore. 2 Compliance with a Singapore Standard does not exermp! users fram lega! obligations. | | Code of practice for construction, installation, operation and maintenance of intruder alarm systems 1 ‘Scope and definitions 44 Scope ‘This code sets out requirements for the construction, installation, operation and maintenance of intruder alarm systems, up to and including alarm equipment end outgoing signaling facies. ‘Operating and maintenance procedures inclding administration of records are also included. NOTE ~ For a guide tothe selection and application of intruder alon systems, see S344, 1.2 Application Intruder alam: systems shall comply with the requirements of the folowing clauses, as epproprale. Clause 2 Classification of detection capability of intruder alarm systems Clause 3 System requirements Clause 4 Control equipment Clause §=——Detevtor Clause 6 Powar supply equipment Clause 7 Signalling systems Cause $= Wiring Clause @ Operating procedures and maintenance Clause 10 Reruitements for = central alarm menitoring station 4.3. Definitions For the purpose of this code, the following definitions shall apply: 12.4 Access route ‘The snectied route between the enity/exit door of the elarmed area end the control equipment, NOTE ~ Access route fe sometimas referred to as entryxit rove 4.3.2. Alarm company Person or organisacion prepared to provide. install operate, service ane maintain an intruder arm, system, ct se tc SERIA PND Sih Dh et RED nS OE ERED Sia nent 2084s C

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