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Ductility of bitumen

Standards: (ASTM D-113), (AASHTO T-51)

Purpose of Measurement: To determine the ductility of bitumen sample.

Definition and Theory: Ductility is a measure of the elasticity or adhesiveness of bitumen. It is

expressed as the distance in centimeters to which a standard briquette of bitumen can be stretched before
the thread breaks. The test should be conducted
at 270C and the pull should be applied at the rate of 50 mm per minute. The minimum width of cross
section should be 10*10 mm.

Equipment and Materials:

 Briquette of standard dimensions.

 Pulling device with distance measuring dial
 Water bath arrangement.


 The bitumen sample is heated to bring it in fluid state and poured in the briquette assemble
and placed on a brass plate.
 The whole assembly including bitumen briquette along with the brass plate is allowed to
cool in air.
 The excess bitumen is cut and surface is leveled with the help of a hot knife.
 The whole assembly is now kept in a water bath maintained at 27°C for about 85 to 95
 The sides of the mold removed, the clips hooked on the machine and the pointer adjusted to
zero value or initial reading noted.
 Now the clips are pulled apart horizontally at the rate of 50 mm per minute and the distance
up to the point of breaking of the thread is noted. The distance in centimeters gives the value
of the ductility of bitumen.
 The ductility of bitumen may vary from 5 to over 100 for different bitumen grades, but for
satisfactory performance it should not be less than 50 cm.
 Ductility of bitumen is influenced by the dimensions of briquette, test temperature and rate
of pulling.

Grade Of Bitumen 60/70
Test Temperature 27°C

Ductility Value 116cm


 Use hand gloves while removing containers from oven after switching off the oven.
 Carefully fill the mould avoid air pocket with right arrangement.
 Use glycerin for easily remove bitumen from the container.
 Use safety shoes & Apron at the time of test.
 Equipment should be cleaned thoroughly before testing & after testing.

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