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DATE: /1/2020 DURATION: 3 Hours
PART – A (2*10 = 20 MARKS)
1. State Fourier law of heat conduction.
2. Will thermal resistance be greater for rough or smooth surfaces? Why?
3. Distinguish between fin efficiency and effectiveness
4. What is lumped system analysis? When it is used?
5. A 3mm wire of thermal conductivity 19W/m K at a steady heat generation of 500MW/m 3.
Determine the center temperature if the outside temperature is maintained at 25oC.
6. What is heat generation in solids? Give some examples
7. What do you understand by critical thickness of insulation?
8. Define fins, state its application?
9. Define the three modes of heat transfer?
10. Define Biot number, mention its significance?
PART – B (13*5+15*1 = 80 MARKS)
11. (a)Derive
(a) the three dimensional heat conduction Equation for Cartesian coordinates.
(b) Derive the three dimensional heat conduction Equation for Polar coordinates.
12. (a) A composite wall is made of 12 mm and 18 mm layers of materials of thermal
conductivity 12.5 and 22.5 W/mK. The contact resistance between surfaces is 5 × 10–4 m 2
°C/W. The hot side is exposed to fluid at 400°C with h = 75 W/m2K and the cold side is exposed
to fluids at 60°C with h = 400 W/m 2K. Determine the heat flow, temperature drop at various
resistances and overall heat transfer coefficient. Comment on the contribution of contact
(b) A composite slab is made of three layers 15 cm, 10 cm and 12 cm thickness. The first
layer is of material with thermal conductivity 1.45 for 60% of the area and the rest is of material
with conductivity of 2.5 W/mK. The second layer is made of material with conductivity of 12.5
W/mK for 50% area and of material with conductivity 18.5 W/mK is used for the other 50%.
The third layer is of single material of thermal conductivity 0.76 W/mK. The slab is exposed on
one side to warm air at 26°C and to cold air at – 20°C on the other side. The convection
coefficients are 15 and 20 W/m2K on the inside and outside respectively. Determine the heat
flow and interface temperatures.
13. (a) A 240 mm steam main, 210 metres long is covered with 50 mm of high temperature
insulation (k = 0.092 W/m0C) and 40 mm of low temperature insulation(k = 0.062 W/m0C). The
inner and outer surface temperatures as measured are 390 0C and 400C respectively, Calculate: (i)
Total heat loss per hour, (ii) Heat loss per m 2 of pipe surface, (iii) Heat loss per m 2 of outer
surface, and (iv) temperature between two layers of insulation.
(b) (i) An approximately spherical shaped orange (k = 0.23 W/m 0C), 90 mm in diameter,
undergoes riping process and generates 5100 W/m3 of energy. If external surface of the orange is
at 80C, determine: (i) Temperature at the centre of the orange, and (ii) Heat flow from the outer
surface of the orange. (5)
(ii) A current of 300A passes through a stainless steel wire of 2.5mm diameter and
k=20W/moC. The resistivity of the wire is 70x10-8Ωm and the length of the wire is 2m. If the
wire is submerged in a fluid maintained at 50 oC and convective heat transfer coefficient at the
wire surface is 4000W/m2 oC, calculate the steady state temperature at the centre and at the
surface of wire. (8)
14. (a) A cylinder 1m long and 5cm in diameter is placed in an atmosphere at 4 oC. It is
provided with 10 longitudinal straight fins of material having k=120W/mK. The height of
0.76mm thick fins is 1.27 cm from the cylinder surface. The heat transfer coefficient between
cylinder and atmospheric air is 17W/m 2K. Calculate the rate of heat transfer and the temperature
at the end of fins if surface temperature of the cylinder is 150 oC. Also determine fin efficiency
and effectiveness
(b)(i) A motor body is 360mm in diameter and 240mm long. Its surface temperature should
not exceed 55 0C when dissipating 340W. Longitudinal fins of 15mm thickness and 40mm
height are proposed. The convection coefficient is 40W/m2 0C. Determine the number of fins
required. Atmospheric temperature is 30 0C. Thermal conductivity is 40W/m0C. (10)
(ii) State the assumptions and applications of fins. (3)
15. (a) (i) A 15 mm diameter mild steel sphere (k = 42 W/m C) is exposed to cooling airflow at
200C resulting in the convective coefficient of 120 W/m 2 0C. Determine the following: (i) Time
required to cool the sphere from 5500C to 900C, (ii) Instantaneous heat transfer rate 2 minutes
after the start of cooling, (iii) Total energy transferred from the sphere during the first 2 minutes.
For Mild steel take: ρ = 7850 kg/m3, C = 475 kJ/kg0C and α = 0.045 m2/h.
(b) A 60 mm thick mild steel plate (α = 1.22*10-5 m2/s) is initially at a uniform temperature
of 300C. It is suddenly exposed on one side to a fluid which causes the surface temperature to
increase to and remain at 1100C. Determine: (i) the maximum time, and the temperature at the
centre of the slab 1.5 minutes after the change in surface temperature.
16. (a) The rate of heat generation in a slab of thickness 160mm (k=180W/moC) is
1.2x106W/m3. The temperature of each surface is 120oC determine (i) Temperature at the mid
plane (ii) Temperature at the quarter plate (iii) Heat flow rate at mid plane (iv) Temperature
gradient at mid plate.
(b) A plane wall made of material of density 7800 kg/m 3, thermal conductivity 45 W/mK and
specific heat 465 J/kgK is 0.12 m thick. After it was heated to a uniform temperature of 310 0C,
the wall is exposed to convection on both sides to surroundings at 30 0C with a convective heat
transfer coefficient of 450 W/m2K. Determine the temperature after 8 minutes at (i) mid plane
(ii) 0.03 m from centre plane and (iii) 0.054 m from centre plane and (iv) at the surface. Also
calculate (i) the heat flow out during this period for 1 m2 area on one side and (ii) The
instantaneous flow rate at the surface.

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